
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// FoFiType1C.h
// Copyright 1999-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC

#ifndef FOFITYPE1C_H
#define FOFITYPE1C_H

#include <aconf.h>

#pragma interface

#include "gtypes.h"
#include "FoFiBase.h"

class GString;


struct Type1CIndex {
  int pos;                      // absolute position in file
  int len;                      // length (number of entries)
  int offSize;                  // offset size
  int startPos;                 // position of start of index data - 1
  int endPos;                   // position one byte past end of the index

struct Type1CIndexVal {
  int pos;                      // absolute position in file
  int len;                      // length, in bytes

struct Type1CTopDict {
  int firstOp;

  int versionSID;
  int noticeSID;
  int copyrightSID;
  int fullNameSID;
  int familyNameSID;
  int weightSID;
  int isFixedPitch;
  double italicAngle;
  double underlinePosition;
  double underlineThickness;
  int paintType;
  int charstringType;
  double fontMatrix[6];
  GBool hasFontMatrix;          // CID fonts are allowed to put their
                                //   FontMatrix in the FD instead of the
                                //   top dict
  int uniqueID;
  double fontBBox[4];
  double strokeWidth;
  int charsetOffset;
  int encodingOffset;
  int charStringsOffset;
  int privateSize;
  int privateOffset;

  // CIDFont entries
  int registrySID;
  int orderingSID;
  int supplement;
  int fdArrayOffset;
  int fdSelectOffset;

#define type1CMaxBlueValues 14
#define type1CMaxOtherBlues 10
#define type1CMaxStemSnap   12

struct Type1CPrivateDict {
  double fontMatrix[6];
  GBool hasFontMatrix;
  int blueValues[type1CMaxBlueValues];
  int nBlueValues;
  int otherBlues[type1CMaxOtherBlues];
  int nOtherBlues;
  int familyBlues[type1CMaxBlueValues];
  int nFamilyBlues;
  int familyOtherBlues[type1CMaxOtherBlues];
  int nFamilyOtherBlues;
  double blueScale;
  int blueShift;
  int blueFuzz;
  double stdHW;
  GBool hasStdHW;
  double stdVW;
  GBool hasStdVW;
  double stemSnapH[type1CMaxStemSnap];
  int nStemSnapH;
  double stemSnapV[type1CMaxStemSnap];
  int nStemSnapV;
  GBool forceBold;
  GBool hasForceBold;
  double forceBoldThreshold;
  int languageGroup;
  double expansionFactor;
  int initialRandomSeed;
  int subrsOffset;
  double defaultWidthX;
  GBool defaultWidthXFP;
  double nominalWidthX;
  GBool nominalWidthXFP;

struct Type1COp {
  GBool isNum;                  // true -> number, false -> operator
  GBool isFP;                   // true -> floating point number, false -> int
  union {
    double num;                 // if num is true
    int op;                     // if num is false

struct Type1CEexecBuf {
  FoFiOutputFunc outputFunc;
  void *outputStream;
  GBool ascii;                  // ASCII encoding?
  Gushort r1;                   // eexec encryption key
  int line;                     // number of eexec chars left on current line

// FoFiType1C

class FoFiType1C: public FoFiBase {

  // Create a FoFiType1C object from a memory buffer.
  static FoFiType1C *make(char *fileA, int lenA);

  // Create a FoFiType1C object from a file on disk.
  static FoFiType1C *load(char *fileName);

  virtual ~FoFiType1C();

  // Return the font name.
  char *getName();

  // Return the encoding, as an array of 256 names (any of which may
  // be NULL).  This is only useful with 8-bit fonts.
  char **getEncoding();

  // Return the mapping from CIDs to GIDs, and return the number of
  // CIDs in *<nCIDs>.  This is only useful for CID fonts.
  Gushort *getCIDToGIDMap(int *nCIDs);

  // Convert to a Type 1 font, suitable for embedding in a PostScript
  // file.  This is only useful with 8-bit fonts.  If <newEncoding> is
  // not NULL, it will be used in place of the encoding in the Type 1C
  // font.  If <ascii> is true the eexec section will be hex-encoded,
  // otherwise it will be left as binary data.  If <psName> is non-NULL,
  // it will be used as the PostScript font name.
  void convertToType1(char *psName, char **newEncoding, GBool ascii,
                      FoFiOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);

  // Convert to a Type 0 CIDFont, suitable for embedding in a
  // PostScript file.  <psName> will be used as the PostScript font
  // name.
  void convertToCIDType0(char *psName,
                         FoFiOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);

  // Convert to a Type 0 (but non-CID) composite font, suitable for
  // embedding in a PostScript file.  <psName> will be used as the
  // PostScript font name.
  void convertToType0(char *psName,
                      FoFiOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);


  FoFiType1C(char *fileA, int lenA, GBool freeFileDataA);
  void eexecCvtGlyph(Type1CEexecBuf *eb, char *glyphName,
                     int offset, int nBytes,
                     Type1CIndex *subrIdx,
                     Type1CPrivateDict *pDict);
  void cvtGlyph(int offset, int nBytes, GString *charBuf,
                Type1CIndex *subrIdx, Type1CPrivateDict *pDict,
                GBool top);
  void cvtGlyphWidth(GBool useOp, GString *charBuf,
                     Type1CPrivateDict *pDict);
  void cvtNum(double x, GBool isFP, GString *charBuf);
  void eexecWrite(Type1CEexecBuf *eb, char *s);
  void eexecWriteCharstring(Type1CEexecBuf *eb, Guchar *s, int n);
  GBool parse();
  void readTopDict();
  void readFD(int offset, int length, Type1CPrivateDict *pDict);
  void readPrivateDict(int offset, int length, Type1CPrivateDict *pDict);
  void readFDSelect();
  void buildEncoding();
  GBool readCharset();
  int getOp(int pos, GBool charstring, GBool *ok);
  int getDeltaIntArray(int *arr, int maxLen);
  int getDeltaFPArray(double *arr, int maxLen);
  void getIndex(int pos, Type1CIndex *idx, GBool *ok);
  void getIndexVal(Type1CIndex *idx, int i, Type1CIndexVal *val, GBool *ok);
  char *getString(int sid, char *buf, GBool *ok);

  GString *name;
  char **encoding;

  Type1CIndex nameIdx;
  Type1CIndex topDictIdx;
  Type1CIndex stringIdx;
  Type1CIndex gsubrIdx;
  Type1CIndex charStringsIdx;

  Type1CTopDict topDict;
  Type1CPrivateDict *privateDicts;

  int nGlyphs;
  int nFDs;
  Guchar *fdSelect;
  Gushort *charset;
  int gsubrBias;

  GBool parsedOk;

  Type1COp ops[49];             // operands and operator
  int nOps;                     // number of operands
  int nHints;                   // number of hints for the current glyph
  GBool firstOp;                // true if we haven't hit the first op yet
  GBool openPath;               // true if there is an unclosed path


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */