Allocator        5529 core/CodegenLIR.cpp         Allocator dv_alloc;
Allocator        5570 core/CodegenLIR.cpp             Allocator live_alloc;
Allocator        5784 core/CodegenLIR.cpp     void* Allocator::allocChunk(size_t size) {
Allocator        5788 core/CodegenLIR.cpp     void Allocator::freeChunk(void* p) {
Allocator        5792 core/CodegenLIR.cpp     void Allocator::postReset() {
Allocator         115 core/CodegenLIR.h         Allocator   allocator;  // data with same lifetime of this CodeMgr
Allocator         296 core/CodegenLIR.h         CacheBuilder(Allocator& builder_alloc, CodeMgr& codeMgr)
Allocator         351 core/CodegenLIR.h         Allocator* alloc1;    // allocator used in first pass, while writing LIR
Allocator         352 core/CodegenLIR.h         Allocator* lir_alloc; // allocator with LIR buffer lifetime
Allocator         452 core/CodegenLIR.h         void deadvars_analyze(Allocator& alloc, nanojit::BitSet& livein, HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels);
Allocator         103 eval/eval-abc.h 	Allocator* const allocator;
Allocator         427 eval/eval-cogen-expr.cpp 				Allocator* allocator = cogen->allocator;
Allocator         421 eval/eval-cogen-stmt.cpp 			Allocator* allocator = cogen->allocator;
Allocator         332 eval/eval-cogen.cpp 			Allocator* allocator = compiler->allocator;
Allocator         229 eval/eval-cogen.h 	Allocator * const allocator;
Allocator          63 eval/eval-compile.h 	Allocator* const allocator;		// Compiler-private bump-a-pointer never-free heap
Allocator          70 eval/eval-parse-xml.cpp 			Allocator * const allocator;
Allocator         828 eval/eval-parse.h 	Allocator * const allocator;
Allocator         983 eval/eval-parse.h 		BindingRib(Allocator* allocator, BindingRib* next, RibType tag);
Allocator          41 eval/eval-util-inlines.h inline void* Allocator::alloc(size_t nbytes)
Allocator          49 eval/eval-util.cpp 		Allocator::Allocator(Compiler* compiler)
Allocator          62 eval/eval-util.cpp 		Allocator::~Allocator()
Allocator          72 eval/eval-util.cpp 		void Allocator::refill(size_t nbytes)
Allocator          85 eval/eval-util.cpp 		void* Allocator::allocSlow(size_t nbytes)
Allocator         112 eval/eval-util.h 	Allocator* const allocator;
Allocator         132 eval/eval-util.h class Allocator {
Allocator         134 eval/eval-util.h 	Allocator(Compiler* compiler);
Allocator         135 eval/eval-util.h 	~Allocator();
Allocator         174 eval/eval-util.h 	ByteBuffer(Allocator* allocator, uint32_t increment=100);
Allocator         197 eval/eval-util.h 	Allocator * const allocator;
Allocator         222 eval/eval-util.h 	SeqBuilder(Allocator* allocator) : allocator(allocator), items(NULL), last(NULL) {}
Allocator         228 eval/eval-util.h 	Allocator* allocator;
Allocator         131 eval/eval.h    		class Allocator;
Allocator          46 nanojit/Allocator.cpp     Allocator::Allocator()
Allocator          52 nanojit/Allocator.cpp     Allocator::~Allocator()
Allocator          57 nanojit/Allocator.cpp     void Allocator::reset()
Allocator          71 nanojit/Allocator.cpp     void* Allocator::allocSlow(size_t nbytes)
Allocator          81 nanojit/Allocator.cpp     void Allocator::fill(size_t nbytes)
Allocator          53 nanojit/Allocator.h     class Allocator {
Allocator          55 nanojit/Allocator.h         Allocator();
Allocator          56 nanojit/Allocator.h         ~Allocator();
Allocator         108 nanojit/Allocator.h inline void* operator new[](size_t size, nanojit::Allocator& a) {
Allocator         113 nanojit/Allocator.h inline void* operator new[](size_t size, nanojit::Allocator* a) {
Allocator         163 nanojit/Assembler.h         Allocator& alloc;
Allocator         166 nanojit/Assembler.h         LabelStateMap(Allocator& alloc) : alloc(alloc), labels(alloc)
Allocator         228 nanojit/Assembler.h             Assembler(CodeAlloc& codeAlloc, Allocator& dataAlloc, Allocator& alloc, AvmCore* core, LogControl* logc);
Allocator         295 nanojit/Assembler.h             Allocator&          alloc;              // for items with same lifetime as this Assembler
Allocator         297 nanojit/Assembler.h             Allocator&          _dataAlloc;         // for data used by generated code
Allocator          50 nanojit/Containers.h         Allocator &allocator;
Allocator          67 nanojit/Containers.h         BitSet(Allocator& allocator, int nbits=128);
Allocator         117 nanojit/Containers.h         SeqBuilder(Allocator& allocator)
Allocator         157 nanojit/Containers.h         Allocator& allocator;
Allocator         257 nanojit/Containers.h         Allocator& allocator;
Allocator         277 nanojit/Containers.h         HashMap(Allocator& a, size_t nbuckets = 16)
Allocator         386 nanojit/Containers.h         Allocator& alloc;
Allocator         430 nanojit/Containers.h         TreeMap(Allocator& alloc) : alloc(alloc), root(NULL)
Allocator          85 nanojit/LIR.cpp         Allocator&   _alloc;
Allocator        1409 nanojit/LIR.cpp         Allocator& alloc;
Allocator        1054 nanojit/LIR.h          Allocator& allocator;
Allocator        1068 nanojit/LIR.h          LabelMap(Allocator& allocator, LogControl* logc);
Allocator        1076 nanojit/LIR.h          Allocator& alloc;
Allocator        1081 nanojit/LIR.h              CountMap(Allocator& alloc) : HashMap<Key, int>(alloc) {}
Allocator        1106 nanojit/LIR.h          LirNameMap(Allocator& alloc, LabelMap *lm)
Allocator        1128 nanojit/LIR.h          VerboseWriter(Allocator& alloc, LirWriter *out,
Allocator        1262 nanojit/LIR.h          Allocator& alloc;
Allocator        1288 nanojit/LIR.h          LInsHashSet(Allocator&, uint32_t kInitialCaps[]);
Allocator        1312 nanojit/LIR.h          CseFilter(LirWriter *out, Allocator&);
Allocator        1329 nanojit/LIR.h              LirBuffer(Allocator& alloc);
Allocator        1361 nanojit/LIR.h              Allocator&  _allocator;
Allocator        1440 nanojit/LIR.h      void compile(Assembler *assm, Fragment *frag, Allocator& alloc verbose_only(, LabelMap*));
Allocator        1441 nanojit/LIR.h      verbose_only(void live(Allocator& alloc, Fragment* frag, LogControl*);)
Allocator        1455 nanojit/LIR.h          StackFilter(LirFilter *in, Allocator& alloc, LirBuffer *lirbuf, LInsp sp, LInsp rp);
Allocator        1470 nanojit/LIR.h          LoadFilter(LirWriter *out, Allocator& alloc)