
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. coreAddr
  2. gcAddr
  3. envAddr
  4. toplevelAddr
  5. debuggerAddr
  6. scriptAddr
  7. arrayAddr
  8. vectorIntAddr
  9. vectorUIntAddr
  10. vectorDoubleAddr
  11. vectorObjAddr
  12. efAddr
  13. classClosureAddr
  14. i2f
  15. u2f
  16. fneg
  17. fadd
  18. fsub
  19. fmul
  20. fdiv
  21. feq
  22. flt
  23. fgt
  24. fle
  25. fge
  27. leaIns
  28. callIns
  29. localCopy
  30. localGet
  31. localGetq
  32. localGetp
  33. localSet
  34. atomToNativeRep
  35. ptrToNativeRep
  36. isPointer
  37. loadAtomRep
  38. nativeToAtom
  39. storeAtomArgs
  40. storeAtomArgs
  41. initCodeMgr
  42. set_cache_builder
  43. cleanup
  44. setjmpDummy
  45. setjmpInit
  46. atomToNativeRep
  47. atomToNative
  48. isCondOrConst
  49. ins0
  50. insParam
  51. insImm
  52. insImmq
  53. ins1
  54. ins2
  55. ins3
  56. insLoad
  57. insStore
  58. insBranch
  59. insJtbl
  60. insGuard
  61. insAlloc
  62. insCall
  63. hasExceptions
  64. init
  65. saveState
  66. clearState
  67. trackStore
  68. trackMerge
  69. insLoad
  70. insStore
  71. ins0
  72. insBranch
  73. insJtbl
  74. insCall
  75. emitStart
  76. isPromote
  77. imm2Int
  78. insCall
  79. nvar
  80. init
  81. trackStore
  82. clearState
  83. isValid
  84. checkState
  85. insCall
  86. insStore
  87. prologue
  88. copyParam
  89. emitCopy
  90. emitGetscope
  91. emitSwap
  92. emitKill
  93. writeBlockStart
  94. emitBlockEnd
  95. writePrologue
  96. writeOpcodeVerified
  97. fixExceptionsAndLabels
  98. write
  99. emitGetGlobalScope
  100. writeOp1
  101. coerceToString
  102. coerceToNumber
  103. convertToString
  104. writeNip
  105. writeInterfaceCall
  106. writeOp2
  107. emitIntConst
  108. emitPtrConst
  109. emitDoubleConst
  110. writeCoerce
  111. writeCheckNull
  112. emitPrep
  113. liveAlloc
  114. emitCall
  115. loadFromSlot
  116. emitGetslot
  117. emitSetslot
  118. emitConstruct
  119. emit
  120. emitIf
  121. cmpOptimization
  122. cmpLt
  123. cmpLe
  124. cmpEq
  125. writeEpilogue
  126. copyMultiname
  127. initMultiname
  128. loadToplevel
  129. sumFitsInInt32
  130. mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp
  131. loadEnvScope
  132. loadEnvVTable
  133. loadEnvAbcEnv
  134. loadVTable
  135. promoteNumberIns
  136. formatOperand
  137. formatOperand
  138. setLabelPos
  139. emitSampleCheck
  140. verbose
  141. branchIns
  142. branchIns
  143. patchLater
  144. patchLater
  145. patchLater
  146. patchLater
  147. InsAlloc
  148. bindingCaches
  149. flushBindingCaches
  150. read
  151. analyze_edge
  152. deadvars_analyze
  153. deadvars_kill
  154. deadvars
  155. emitMD
  156. jitCurrentInfo
  157. jitPushInfo
  158. jitAddRecord
  159. jitFilenameUpdate
  160. jitLineNumUpdate
  161. jitCodePosUpdate
  162. next
  163. call_handler
  164. get_handler
  165. set_handler
  166. findCacheSlot
  167. allocateCacheSlot
  168. lir_alloc
  169. cleanup
  170. getTops
  171. formatGuard
  172. allocChunk
  173. freeChunk
  174. postReset
  175. allocCodeChunk
  176. freeCodeChunk

/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- */
/* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: (add to ~/.vimrc: set modeline modelines=5) */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
 * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
 * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
 * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
 * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#include "avmplus.h"


#include "FrameState.h"

#if defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_ARM)
#include <cmnintrin.h>

#if defined AVMPLUS_IA32 || defined AVMPLUS_AMD64
# define SSE2_ONLY(...) __VA_ARGS__
# define SSE2_ONLY(...)

#ifdef _MSC_VER
    #if !defined (AVMPLUS_ARM)
    extern "C"
        int __cdecl _setjmp3(jmp_buf jmpbuf, int arg);
    #include <setjmp.h>
    #undef setjmp
    extern "C"
        int __cdecl setjmp(jmp_buf jmpbuf);
    #endif // AVMPLUS_ARM
#endif // _MSC_VER

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
return *((int*)&_method);
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
union { \
    int (_class::*bar)(); \
    int foo[2]; \
}; \
bar = _method; \
return foo[0];

#elif defined AVMPLUS_MAC
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
union { \
    int (_class::*bar)(); \
    intptr_t foo; \
}; \
bar = _method; \
return foo;
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
return *((intptr_t*)&_method);

#ifdef PERFM
#define DOPROF
#endif /* PERFM */

//#define DOPROF
#include "../vprof/vprof.h"

#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
#define AVMCORE_integer         AvmCore::integer64
#define AVMCORE_integer_d       AvmCore::integer64_d
#define AVMCORE_integer_d_sse2  AvmCore::integer64_d_sse2
#define PTR_SCALE 3
#define AVMCORE_integer         AvmCore::integer
#define AVMCORE_integer_d       AvmCore::integer_d
#define AVMCORE_integer_d_sse2  AvmCore::integer_d_sse2
#define PTR_SCALE 2

namespace avmplus
        #define PROFADDR(f) profAddr((void (DynamicProfiler::*)())(&f))
        #define COREADDR(f) coreAddr((int (AvmCore::*)())(&f))
        #define GCADDR(f) gcAddr((int (MMgc::GC::*)())(&f))
        #define ENVADDR(f) envAddr((int (MethodEnv::*)())(&f))
        #define TOPLEVELADDR(f) toplevelAddr((int (Toplevel::*)())(&f))
        #define SCRIPTADDR(f) scriptAddr((int (ScriptObject::*)())(&f))
        #define ARRAYADDR(f) arrayAddr((int (ArrayObject::*)())(&f))
        #define VECTORINTADDR(f) vectorIntAddr((int (IntVectorObject::*)())(&f))
        #define VECTORUINTADDR(f) vectorUIntAddr((int (UIntVectorObject::*)())(&f))
        #define VECTORDOUBLEADDR(f) vectorDoubleAddr((int (DoubleVectorObject::*)())(&f))
        #define VECTOROBJADDR(f) vectorObjAddr((int (ObjectVectorObject::*)())(&f))
        #define EFADDR(f)   efAddr((int (ExceptionFrame::*)())(&f))
        #define DEBUGGERADDR(f)   debuggerAddr((int (Debugger::*)())(&f))
        #define CLASSCLOSUREADDR(f)   classClosureAddr((int (ClassClosure::*)())(&f))
        #define FUNCADDR(addr) (uintptr)addr

   #ifdef VTUNE
       extern void VTune_RegisterMethod(AvmCore* core, JITCodeInfo* inf);
   #endif  // VTUNE

        intptr_t coreAddr( int (AvmCore::*f)() )
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(AvmCore, f);

        intptr_t  gcAddr( int (MMgc::GC::*f)() )
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(MMgc::GC, f);

        intptr_t  envAddr( int (MethodEnv::*f)() )
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(MethodEnv, f);

        intptr_t  toplevelAddr( int (Toplevel::*f)() )
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(Toplevel, f);

    #ifdef DEBUGGER
        intptr_t  debuggerAddr( int (Debugger::*f)() )
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(Debugger, f);
    #endif /* DEBUGGER */

        intptr_t scriptAddr(int (ScriptObject::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ScriptObject, f);

        intptr_t  arrayAddr(int (ArrayObject::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ArrayObject, f);

        intptr_t vectorIntAddr(int (IntVectorObject::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(IntVectorObject, f);

        intptr_t vectorUIntAddr(int (UIntVectorObject::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(UIntVectorObject, f);

        intptr_t vectorDoubleAddr(int (DoubleVectorObject::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(DoubleVectorObject, f);

        intptr_t vectorObjAddr(int (ObjectVectorObject::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ObjectVectorObject, f);
        intptr_t efAddr( int (ExceptionFrame::*f)() )
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ExceptionFrame, f);
        intptr_t classClosureAddr(int (ClassClosure::*f)())
            RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ClassClosure, f);

    using namespace MMgc;
    using namespace nanojit;

    #if defined _MSC_VER && !defined AVMPLUS_ARM
    #  define SETJMP ((uintptr)_setjmp3)
    #elif defined AVMPLUS_MAC_CARBON
    #  define SETJMP setjmpAddress
    #  define SETJMP ((uintptr)::setjmp)
    #endif // _MSC_VER

    #include "../core/jit-calls.h"


    struct MopsInfo
        uint32_t size;
        LOpcode op;
        const CallInfo* call;

    static const MopsInfo kMopsLoadInfo[7] = {
        { 1, LIR_ldsb },
        { 2, LIR_ldss },
        { 1, LIR_ldzb },
        { 2, LIR_ldzs },
        { 4, LIR_ld },
        { 4, LIR_ld32f }, 
        { 8, LIR_ldq }
        { 1, FUNCTIONID(mop_lix8) },
        { 2, FUNCTIONID(mop_lix16) },
        { 1, FUNCTIONID(mop_liz8) },
        { 2, FUNCTIONID(mop_liz16) },
        { 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_li32) },
        { 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_lf32) },
        { 8, FUNCTIONID(mop_lf64) }

    static const MopsInfo kMopsStoreInfo[5] = {
        { 1, LIR_stb },
        { 2, LIR_sts },
        { 4, LIR_sti },
        { 4, LIR_st32f }, 
        { 8, LIR_stqi }
        { 1, FUNCTIONID(mop_si8) },
        { 2, FUNCTIONID(mop_si16) },
        { 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_si32) },
        { 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_sf32) },
        { 8, FUNCTIONID(mop_sf64) }


    static double i2f(int32_t i) { return i; }
    static double u2f(uint32_t u) { return u; }
    static double fneg(double a) { return -a; }
    static double fadd(double a, double b) { return a + b; }
    static double fsub(double a, double b) { return a - b; }
    static double fmul(double a, double b) { return a * b; }
    static double fdiv(double a, double b) { return a / b; }
    static int feq(double a, double b) { return a == b; }
    static int flt(double a, double b) { return a <  b; }
    static int fgt(double a, double b) { return a >  b; }
    static int fle(double a, double b) { return a <= b; }
    static int fge(double a, double b) { return a >= b; }

    CSEFUNCTION(FUNCADDR(fneg), SIG1(F,F), fneg)
    CSEFUNCTION(FUNCADDR(fadd), SIG2(F,F,F), fadd)
    CSEFUNCTION(FUNCADDR(fsub), SIG2(F,F,F), fsub)
    CSEFUNCTION(FUNCADDR(fmul), SIG2(F,F,F), fmul)
    CSEFUNCTION(FUNCADDR(fdiv), SIG2(F,F,F), fdiv)

    // replace fpu ops with function calls
    class SoftFloatFilter: public LirWriter
        SoftFloatFilter(LirWriter *out) : LirWriter(out)

        LIns *hi(LIns *q) {
            return ins1(LIR_qhi, q);
        LIns *lo(LIns *q) {
            return ins1(LIR_qlo, q);

        LIns *split(LIns *a) {
            if (a->isQuad() && !a->isop(LIR_qjoin)) {
                // all quad-sized args must be qjoin's for soft-float
                a = ins2(LIR_qjoin, lo(a), hi(a));
            return a;

        LIns *split(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
            LIns *lo = out->insCall(call, args);
            LIns *hi = out->ins1(LIR_callh, lo);
            return out->ins2(LIR_qjoin, lo, hi);

        LIns *fcall1(const CallInfo *call, LIns *a) {
            LIns *args[] = { split(a) };
            return split(call, args);

        LIns *fcall2(const CallInfo *call, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
            LIns *args[] = { split(b), split(a) };
            return split(call, args);

        LIns *fcmp(const CallInfo *call, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
            LIns *args[] = { split(b), split(a) };
            return out->ins2(LIR_eq, out->insCall(call, args), out->insImm(1));

        LIns *ins1(LOpcode op, LIns *a) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_i2f:
                    return fcall1(&ci_i2f, a);
                case LIR_u2f:
                    return fcall1(&ci_u2f, a);
                case LIR_fneg:
                    return fcall1(&ci_fneg, a);
                case LIR_fret:
                    return out->ins1(op, split(a));
                    return out->ins1(op, a);

        LIns *ins2(LOpcode op, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_fadd:
                    return fcall2(&ci_fadd, a, b);
                case LIR_fsub:
                    return fcall2(&ci_fsub, a, b);
                case LIR_fmul:
                    return fcall2(&ci_fmul, a, b);
                case LIR_fdiv:
                    return fcall2(&ci_fdiv, a, b);
                case LIR_feq:
                    return fcmp(&ci_feq, a, b);
                case LIR_flt:
                    return fcmp(&ci_flt, a, b);
                case LIR_fgt:
                    return fcmp(&ci_fgt, a, b);
                case LIR_fle:
                    return fcmp(&ci_fle, a, b);
                case LIR_fge:
                    return fcmp(&ci_fge, a, b);
            return out->ins2(op, a, b);

        LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *ci, LInsp args[]) {
            uint32_t argt = ci->_argtypes;

            for (uint32_t i=0, argsizes = argt>>ARGSIZE_SHIFT; argsizes != 0; i++, argsizes >>= ARGSIZE_SHIFT) {
                args[i] = split(args[i]);

            if ((argt & ARGSIZE_MASK_ANY) == ARGSIZE_F) {
                // this function returns a double as two 32bit values, so replace
                // call with qjoin(qhi(call), call)
                return split(ci, args);
            } else {
                return out->insCall(ci, args);
#endif // NJ_SOFTFLOAT

     * ---------------------------------
     * Instruction convenience functions
     * ---------------------------------

    // address calc instruction
    LIns* CodegenLIR::leaIns(int32_t disp, LIns* base) {
        return lirout->ins2(LIR_addp, base, InsConstPtr((void*)disp));

    // call
    LIns* LirHelper::callIns(const CallInfo *ci, uint32_t argc, ...)
        AvmAssert(argc <= MAXARGS);
        AvmAssert(argc == ci->count_args());

        LInsp args[MAXARGS];
        va_list ap;
        va_start(ap, argc);
        for (uint32_t i=0; i < argc; i++)
            args[argc-i-1] = va_arg(ap, LIns*);

        return lirout->insCall(ci, args);

    LIns *CodegenLIR::localCopy(int i) {
        Value &v = state->value(i);
        switch (bt(v.traits)) {
        case BUILTIN_number:
            return v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldq, vars, i*8);
        case BUILTIN_boolean:
        case BUILTIN_int:
        case BUILTIN_uint:
            return v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ld, vars, i*8);
            return v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldp, vars, i*8);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::localGet(int i) {
        Value& v = state->value(i);
        NanoAssert(v.traits == INT_TYPE || v.traits == UINT_TYPE || v.traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
        LIns *r = v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ld, vars, i*8);
        return r;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::localGetq(int i) {
        Value& v = state->value(i);
        NanoAssert(v.traits == NUMBER_TYPE);
        LIns *r = v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldq, vars, i*8);
        return r;

    // load a pointer-sized var
    LIns* CodegenLIR::localGetp(int i) {
        Value& v = state->value(i);
        NanoAssert(v.traits != NUMBER_TYPE && v.traits != INT_TYPE &&
                   v.traits != UINT_TYPE && v.traits != UINT_TYPE);
        LIns *r = v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldp, vars, i*8);
        return r;

    void CodegenLIR::localSet(int i, LIns* o, Traits* type)
        Value &v = state->value(i);
        v.ins = o;
        lirout->insStorei(o, vars, i*8);
        // note that this now updates traits for values on the scopechain as well as locals
            if (core->debugger() && i < (state->verifier->local_count + state->verifier->max_scope)) {
                lirout->insStorei(InsConstPtr(type), varTraits, i*sizeof(Traits*));

    LIns* CodegenLIR::atomToNativeRep(int i, LIns* atom)
        return atomToNativeRep(state->value(i).traits, atom);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::ptrToNativeRep(Traits*t, LIns* ptr)
        return t->isMachineType() ? orp(ptr, kObjectType) : ptr;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    bool CodegenLIR::isPointer(int i)   {
        return !state->value(i).traits->isMachineType();

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadAtomRep(int i)
        return nativeToAtom(localCopy(i), state->value(i).traits);

    LIns* LirHelper::nativeToAtom(LIns* native, Traits* t)
        switch (bt(t)) {
        case BUILTIN_number:
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(doubleToAtom), 2, coreAddr, native);

        case BUILTIN_any:
        case BUILTIN_object:
        case BUILTIN_void:
            return native;  // value already represented as Atom

        case BUILTIN_int:
            if (native->isconst()) {
                Atom a = core->intToAtom(native->imm32());
                if (atomIsIntptr(a))
                    return InsConstAtom(a);
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(intToAtom), 2, coreAddr, native);

        case BUILTIN_uint:
            if (native->isconst()) {
                Atom a = core->uintToAtom(native->imm32());
                if (atomIsIntptr(a))
                    return InsConstAtom(a);
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(uintToAtom), 2, coreAddr, native);

        case BUILTIN_boolean:
            return u2p(ori(lshi(native, 3), kBooleanType));

        case BUILTIN_string:
            return orp(native, kStringType);

        case BUILTIN_namespace:
            return orp(native, kNamespaceType);

            return orp(native, kObjectType);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::storeAtomArgs(int count, int index)
        LIns* ap = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom)*count);
        for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
            stp(loadAtomRep(index++), ap, i * sizeof(Atom));
        return ap;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::storeAtomArgs(LIns* receiver, int count, int index)
        #ifdef NJ_VERBOSE
        if (verbose())
            core->console << "          store args\n";
        LIns* ap = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom)*(count+1));
        stp(receiver, ap, 0);
        for (int i=1; i <= count; i++)
            LIns* v = loadAtomRep(index++);
            stp(v, ap, sizeof(Atom)*i);
        return ap;

    // initialize the code manager the first time we jit any method for this PoolObject.
    CodeMgr* initCodeMgr(PoolObject *pool) {
        if (!pool->codeMgr) {
            CodeMgr *mgr = mmfx_new( CodeMgr() );
            pool->codeMgr = mgr;
            if (pool->isVerbose(VB_jit)) {
                mgr->log.lcbits = pool->verbose_vb>>16; // upper 16bits hold our jit flags
                mgr->labels.add(pool->core, sizeof(AvmCore), 0, "core");
        return pool->codeMgr;

    CodegenLIR::CodegenLIR(MethodInfo* i) :
#ifdef VTUNE
        call_cache_builder(*alloc1, *initCodeMgr(pool)),
        get_cache_builder(*alloc1, *pool->codeMgr),
        set_cache_builder(*alloc1, *pool->codeMgr)
        state = NULL;

        #ifdef AVMPLUS_MAC_CARBON

        abcStart = NULL;
        abcEnd   = NULL;

        overflow = false;

        #ifdef VTUNE
        hasDebugInfo = false;
       #endif /* VTUNE */

    CodegenLIR::~CodegenLIR() {

    void CodegenLIR::cleanup()

    int CodegenLIR::setjmpAddress = 0;

    extern "C" int __setjmp();

    asm int CodegenLIR::setjmpDummy(jmp_buf buf)
        b __setjmp;

    void CodegenLIR::setjmpInit()
        // CodeWarrior defies all reasonable efforts to get
        // the address of __vec_setjmp.  So, we resort to
        // a crude hack: We'll search the actual code
        // of setjmpDummy for the branch instruction.
        if (setjmpAddress == 0)
            setjmpAddress = *((int*)&setjmpDummy);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::atomToNativeRep(Traits* t, LIns* atom)
        return atomToNative(bt(t), atom);

    LIns* LirHelper::atomToNative(BuiltinType bt, LIns* atom)
        switch (bt)
        case BUILTIN_any:
        case BUILTIN_object:
        case BUILTIN_void:
            return atom;

        case BUILTIN_number:
            if (atom->isconstp())
                return lirout->insImmf(AvmCore::number_d((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
                return callIns(FUNCTIONID(number_d), 1, atom);

        case BUILTIN_int:
            if (atom->isconstp())
                return InsConst(AvmCore::integer_i((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
                return callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_i), 1, atom);

        case BUILTIN_uint:
            if (atom->isconstp())
                return InsConst(AvmCore::integer_u((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
                return callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_u), 1, atom);

        case BUILTIN_boolean:
            if (atom->isconst())
                return InsConst((int32_t)atomGetBoolean((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
                return p2i(ushp(atom, 3));

            // pointer type
            if (atom->isconstp())
                return InsConstPtr(atomPtr((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
                return andp(atom, ~7);

#ifdef __GNUC__
        return 0;// satisfy GCC, although we should never get here

#ifdef _DEBUG
    class ValidateWriter: public LirWriter
        bool isCondOrConst(LIns *i) {
            return i->isCond() || i->isconst();
        ValidateWriter(LirWriter *out) : LirWriter(out)
        LIns *ins0(LOpcode op) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_skip: AvmAssert(false); break;
                case LIR_label: break;
                case LIR_start: break;
                case LIR_regfence: break;
            return out->ins0(op);

        LIns *insParam(int32_t i, int32_t kind) {
            return out->insParam(i, kind);

        LIns *insImm(int32_t i) {
            return out->insImm(i);

        LIns *insImmq(uint64_t i) {
            return out->insImmq(i);

        LIns *ins1(LOpcode op, LIns *a) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_fneg:
                case LIR_fret:
                case LIR_qlo:
                case LIR_qhi:
                case LIR_not:
                case LIR_neg:
                case LIR_i2f: case LIR_u2f:
                case LIR_i2q: case LIR_u2q:
                case LIR_ret:
                case LIR_live:
                case LIR_callh:
            return out->ins1(op, a);

        LIns *ins2(LOpcode op, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_fadd:
                case LIR_fsub:
                case LIR_fmul:
                case LIR_fdiv:
                case LIR_feq:
                case LIR_flt:
                case LIR_fgt:
                case LIR_fle:
                case LIR_fge:
                case LIR_qaddp:
                case LIR_qior:
                case LIR_qxor:
                case LIR_qiand:
                case LIR_qiadd:
                case LIR_qeq:
                case LIR_qlt:   case LIR_qult:
                case LIR_qgt:   case LIR_qugt:
                case LIR_qle:   case LIR_qule:
                case LIR_qge:   case LIR_quge:
                    AvmAssert(a->isQuad() && b->isQuad());
                case LIR_qjoin:
                case LIR_add:
                case LIR_iaddp:
                case LIR_sub:
                case LIR_mul:
                case LIR_and:
                case LIR_or:
                case LIR_xor:
                case LIR_lsh:
                case LIR_rsh:
                case LIR_ush:
                case LIR_eq:
                case LIR_lt:    case LIR_ult:
                case LIR_gt:    case LIR_ugt:
                case LIR_le:    case LIR_ule:
                case LIR_ge:    case LIR_uge:
                    AvmAssert(!a->isQuad() && !b->isQuad());
                case LIR_qilsh:
                case LIR_qirsh:
                case LIR_qursh:
                    AvmAssert(a->isQuad() && !b->isQuad());
            return out->ins2(op, a, b);

        LIns *ins3(LOpcode op, LIns* a, LIns* b, LIns* c) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_cmov:
                    AvmAssert(isCondOrConst(a) && !b->isQuad() && !c->isQuad());
                case LIR_qcmov:
                    AvmAssert(isCondOrConst(a) && b->isQuad() && c->isQuad());
            return out->ins3(op, a, b, c);

        LIns *insLoad(LOpcode op, LIns *base, int32_t disp) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_ld:
                case LIR_ldq:
                case LIR_ldc:
                case LIR_ldqc:
                case LIR_ldzb:
                case LIR_ldzs:
                case LIR_ldsb:
                case LIR_ldss:
                case LIR_ld32f:
                case LIR_ldcb:
                case LIR_ldcs:
                case LIR_ldcsb:
                case LIR_ldcss:
                case LIR_ldc32f:
                    // all loads require base to be a pointer, regardless of the value size
            return out->insLoad(op, base, disp);

        LIns *insStore(LOpcode op, LIns *value, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
            AvmAssert(base && value && base->isPtr());
            return out->insStore(op, value, base, d);

        LIns *insBranch(LOpcode op, LIns *cond, LIns *to) {
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_jt: AvmAssert(cond->isCond() && (!to || to->isop(LIR_label))); break;
                case LIR_jf: AvmAssert(cond->isCond() && (!to || to->isop(LIR_label))); break;
                case LIR_j:  AvmAssert(!cond && (!to || to->isop(LIR_label))); break;
                default: AvmAssert(false);
            return out->insBranch(op, cond, to);

        LIns* insJtbl(LIns* index, uint32_t size) {
            return out->insJtbl(index, size);

        LIns *insGuard(LOpcode v, LIns *cond, GuardRecord *gr) {
            return out->insGuard(v, cond, gr);

        LIns *insAlloc(int32_t size) {
            AvmAssert(size >= 4 && isU16((size+3)>>2));
            return out->insAlloc(size);

        LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
            uint32_t argt = call->_argtypes;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAXARGS; i++) {
                argt >>= ARGSIZE_SHIFT;
                ArgSize sz = ArgSize(argt & ARGSIZE_MASK_ANY);
                if (sz == ARGSIZE_NONE)
                AvmAssert((sz == ARGSIZE_I || sz == ARGSIZE_U || sz == ARGSIZE_Q || sz == ARGSIZE_F) &&
                          ((sz == ARGSIZE_I || sz == ARGSIZE_U) == !args[i]->isQuad()));
            return out->insCall(call, args);
#endif //  _DEBUG

// if DEFER_STORES is defined, we defer local variable stores to the
// ends of basic blocks, then only emit the ones that are live
// #define DEFER_STORES(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define DEFER_STORES(...)

    class CopyPropagation: public LirWriter
        AvmCore* core;
        LInsp *tracker;
        LIns *vars;
        int nvar;
        nanojit::BitSet dirty;
        bool hasExceptions;
        CopyPropagation(AvmCore* core, Allocator& alloc, LirWriter *out, int nvar, bool ex)
            : LirWriter(out), core(core), vars(NULL), nvar(nvar), dirty(alloc, nvar), hasExceptions(ex)
            tracker = new (alloc) LInsp[nvar];

        void init(LIns *vars) {
            this->vars = vars;

        void saveState() {
            LIns *vars = this->vars;
            for (int i=0, n=nvar; i < n; i++) {
                LIns *v = tracker[i];
                if (!v)
                if (dirty.get(i)) {
                    if (v->isLoad() && v->oprnd1() == vars && v->disp() == int32_t(i*sizeof(double))) {
                        // not modified
                    out->insStorei(v, vars, i*sizeof(double));

        void clearState() {
            VMPI_memset(tracker, 0, nvar*sizeof(LInsp));

        void trackStore(LIns *value, int d) {
            AvmAssert((d&7) == 0);
            int i = d >> 3;
            tracker[i] = value;

        void trackMerge(int i, LIns *cur, LIns *target) {
            (void) i; (void) cur; (void) target;
            /*if (cur != target) {
                tracker[i] = 0;

        LIns *insLoad(LOpcode op, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
            if (base == vars) {
                AvmAssert((d&7) == 0);
                int i = d >> 3;
                LIns *val = tracker[i];
                if (!val) {
                    val = out->insLoad(op, base, d);
                    tracker[i] = val;
                return val;
            return out->insLoad(op, base, d);

        LIns *insStore(LOpcode op, LIns *value, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
            if (base == vars) {
                trackStore(value, d);
                DEFER_STORES(return 0;)
            return out->insStore(op, value, base, d);

        LIns *ins0(LOpcode op) {
            if (op == LIR_label) {
            return out->ins0(op);

        LIns *insBranch(LOpcode v, LInsp cond, LInsp to) {
            return out->insBranch(v, cond, to);

        LIns *insJtbl(LIns* index, uint32_t size) {
            return out->insJtbl(index, size);

        LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
            #ifdef DEBUGGER
            if (core->debugger())
                    if (!call->_cse)
                LIns *i = out->insCall(call, args);
                // debugger might have modified locals, so make sure we reload after call.
                if (!call->_cse)
                return i;

                if (hasExceptions && !call->_cse)
            return out->insCall(call, args);

        // TODO
        // * reset when vars passed as arg to a function that could modify vars (debugenter/exit)
        // * handle load/store size mismatches -- loading high word of quad, etc
        // * suppress stores until ends of blocks

    void emitStart(Allocator& alloc, LirBuffer *lirbuf, LirWriter* &lirout) {
            // catch problems before they hit the buffer
            lirout = new (alloc) ValidateWriter(lirout);

        // create params for saved regs -- processor specific
        for (int i=0; i < NumSavedRegs; i++) {
            LIns *p = lirout->insParam(i, 1); (void) p;
            verbose_only(if (lirbuf->names)
                lirbuf->names->addName(p, regNames[Assembler::savedRegs[i]]);)

     * Specializer holds specializations of certian calls into inline code sequences.
     * this could just as easily be a standalone filter instead of subclassing
     * ExprFilter, however having one less pipeline stage saves 5% of verify
     * time for esc (2000 methods).  when/if this subclassing becomes painful
     * then a separate stage is waranted.
    class Specializer: public ExprFilter
        Config &config;
        Specializer(LirWriter *out, Config &config) : ExprFilter(out), config(config)

        bool isPromote(LOpcode op) {
            return (op & ~1) == LIR_i2f;

        LIns *imm2Int(LIns* imm) {
            // return LIns* if we can fit the constant into a i32
            if (imm->isconst())
                ; // just use imm
            else if (imm->isconstq()) {
                double val = imm->imm64f();
                double cvt = (int)val;
                if (val == 0 || val == cvt)
                    imm = out->insImm((int32_t)cvt);
                    imm = 0; // can't convert
            } else {
                imm = 0; // non-imm
            return imm;

        LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
            if (call == FUNCTIONID(integer_d)) {
                LIns *v = args[0];
                LOpcode op = v->opcode();
                if (isPromote(op))
                    return v->oprnd1();
                if (op == LIR_fadd || op == LIR_fsub || op == LIR_fmul) {
                    LIns *a = v->oprnd1();
                    LIns *b = v->oprnd2();
                    a = isPromote(a->opcode()) ? a->oprnd1() : imm2Int(a);
                    b = isPromote(b->opcode()) ? b->oprnd1() : imm2Int(b);
                    if (a && b)
                        return out->ins2(f64arith_to_i32arith(op), a, b);
                else if (op == LIR_quad) {
                    // const fold
                    return insImm(AvmCore::integer_d(v->imm64f()));

            SSE2_ONLY(if(config.sse2) {
                if (call == FUNCTIONID(integer_d))
                    call = FUNCTIONID(integer_d_sse2);
                else if (call == FUNCTIONID(doubleToAtom))
                    call = FUNCTIONID(doubleToAtom_sse2);

            return out->insCall(call, args);

#if defined(DEBUGGER) && defined(_DEBUG)
    // The AS debugger requires type information for variables contained
    // in the AS frame regions (i.e. 'vars').  In the interpreter this
    // is not an issues, since the region contains box values (i.e. Atoms)
    // and so the type information is self-contained.  With the jit, this is
    // not the case, and thus 'varTraits' is used to track the type of each
    // variable in 'vars'.
    // This filter watches stores to 'vars' and 'varTraits' and upon encountering
    // debugline (i.e. place where debugger can halt), it ensures that the
    // varTraits entry is consistent with the value stored in 'vars'
    class DebuggerCheck : public LirWriter
        AvmCore* core;
        LInsp *tracker;
        LInsp *traitsTracker;
        LIns *vars;
        LIns *traits;
        int nvar;
        DebuggerCheck(AvmCore* core, Allocator& alloc, LirWriter *out, int nvar)
            : LirWriter(out), core(core), vars(NULL), traits(NULL), nvar(nvar)
            tracker = new (alloc) LInsp[nvar];
            traitsTracker = new (alloc) LInsp[nvar];

        void init(LIns *vars, LIns *traits) {
            this->vars = vars;
            this->traits = traits;

        void trackStore(LIns *value, int d, bool traits) {
            AvmAssert( (!traits && (d&7) == 0) || (traits && (d&3)==0));
            int i = (traits) ? d / sizeof(Traits*) : d >> 3;
            if (i>=nvar) return;
            if (traits)  {
                traitsTracker[i] = value;
                value = !isValid(i) ? value : (LIns*)((intptr_t)value|1); // lower bit => validated
                traitsTracker[i] = value;
            else {
                tracker[i] = value;

        void clearState() {
            VMPI_memset(tracker, 0, nvar*sizeof(LInsp));
            VMPI_memset(traitsTracker, 0, nvar*sizeof(LInsp));

        bool isValid(int i) {
            // @pre tracker[i] has been previously filled
            LIns* val = tracker[i];
            LIns* tra = traitsTracker[i];
            NanoAssert(val && tra);

            Traits *t = (Traits*) tra->constvalp();
            bool is = false;
            if (t == NUMBER_TYPE)
                is = val->isFloat() || val->isQuad();
            else if (t == INT_TYPE)
                is = !val->isQuad() && !val->isFloat();
            else if (t == UINT_TYPE)
                is = !val->isQuad() && !val->isFloat();
            else if (t == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
                is = !val->isQuad() && !val->isFloat();
                is = val->isPtr();
            return is;

        void checkState() {
            for(int i=0; i<this->nvar; i++) {
                LIns* val = tracker[i];
                LIns* tra = traitsTracker[i];
                AvmAssert(val && tra);

                // isValid should have already been called on everything
                AvmAssert(((intptr_t)tra&0x1) == 1);

        LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
            if (call == FUNCTIONID(debugLine))
            return out->insCall(call,args);

        LIns *insStore(LOpcode op, LIns *value, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
            if (base == vars)
                trackStore(value, d,false);
            else if (base == traits)
                trackStore(value, d,true);
            return out->insStore(op, value, base, d);


    // Generate the prolog for a function with this C++ signature:
    //    <return-type> f(MethodEnv* env, int argc, void* args)
    // argc is the number of arguments, not counting the receiver
    // (aka "this"). args points to the arguments in memory:
    //    [receiver] [arg1, arg2, ... ]
    // the arguments in memory are typed according to the AS3 method
    // signature.  types * and Object are represented as Atom, and all
    // other types are native pointers or values.  return-type is whatever
    // the native type is for the AS3 return type; one of double, int32_t,
    // uint32_t, ScriptObject*, String*, Namespace*, Atom, or void.
    // The stack frame layout of a jit-compiled function is determined by
    // the jit backend.  Stack-allocated structs are declared in LIR with
    // a LIR_alloc instruction.  Incoming parameters are declared with LIR_param
    // instructions, and any other local variables with function-body scope
    // and lifetime are declared with the expressions that compute them.
    // The backend will also allocate additional stack space for spilled values
    // and callee-saved registers.  The VM and LIR do not currently depend on how
    // the backend organizes the stack frame.
    // Incoming parameters:
    // env_param (LIR_param, MethodEnv*) is the incoming MethodEnv* parameter
    // that provides access to the environment for this function and all vm services.
    // argc_param (LIR_param, int32_t) the # of arguments that follow.  Ignored
    // when the # of args is fixed, but otherwise used for optional arg processing
    // and/or creating the rest[] or arguments[] arrays for undeclared varargs.
    // ap_param (LIR_param, uint32_t*) pointer to (argc+1) incoming arguments.
    // arguments are packed.  doubles are sizeof(double), everything else is sizeof(Atom).
    // Distinguished locals:
    // methodFrame (LIR_alloc, MethodFrame*) is the current MethodFrame.  in the prolog
    // we push this onto the call stack pointed to by AvmCore::currentMethodFrame, and
    // in the epilog we pop it back off.
    // coreAddr (LIR_int|LIR_quad) constant address of AvmCore*.  used in lots of places.
    // undefConst (LIR_int|LIR_quad) constant value = undefinedAtom. used all over.
    // vars (LIR_alloc) storage for ABC stack frame variables.  8 bytes per variable,
    // always, laid out according to ABC param/local var numbering.  The total number
    // is local_count + scope_depth + stack_depth, i.e. enough for the whole ABC frame.
    // values at any given point in the jit code are are represented according to the
    // statically known type of the variable at that point in the code.  (the type and
    // representation may change at different points.  verifier->frameState maintains
    // the known static types of variables.
    // The contents of vars are up-to-date at all labels and all debugging safe points.
    // Inbetween those points, the contents are stale; the JIT optimizes away
    // stores and loads in straightline code.  Additional dead stores at ends-of-blocks
    // are elided by deadvars_analyze() and deadvars_kill().
    // Locals for Debugger use, only present when Debugger is in use:
    // varTraits (LIR_alloc, Traits**).  Array of Traits*, with the same ordering as
    // vars.  Used by the debugger to enable decoding local variables in vars[].
    // csn (LIR_alloc, CallStackNode).  extra information about this call frame
    // used by the debugger and also used for constructing human-readable stack traces.
    // Locals for Exception-handling, only present when method has try/catch blocks:
    // _save_eip (LIR_alloc, int32_t) storage for the current ABC-based "pc", used by exception
    // handling to determine which catch blocks are in scope.  The value is an ABC
    // instruction offset, which is how catch handler records are indexed.
    // _ef (LIR_alloc, ExceptionFrame) an instance of struct ExceptionFrame, including
    // a jmp_buf holding our setjmp() state, a pointer to the next outer ExceptionFrame,
    // and other junk.
    // setjmpResult (LIR_call, int) result from calling setjmp; feeds a conditional branch
    // that surrounds the whole function body; logic to pick a catch handler and jump to it
    // is compiled after the function body.  if setjmp returns a nonzero result then we
    // jump forward, pick a catch block, then jump backwards to the catch block.

    bool CodegenLIR::prologue(FrameState* state)
        this->state = state;
        abcStart = state->verifier->code_pos;
        abcEnd   = abcStart + state->verifier->code_length;
        framesize = state->verifier->frameSize;

        frag = new (*lir_alloc) Fragment(abcStart verbose_only(, 0));
        LirBuffer *lirbuf = frag->lirbuf = new (*lir_alloc) LirBuffer(*lir_alloc);
        lirbuf->abi = ABI_CDECL;
        lirout = new (*alloc1) LirBufWriter(lirbuf);
            lirout = new (*alloc1) ValidateWriter(lirout);
            vbWriter = 0;
            if (verbose() && !core->quiet_opt()) {
                lirbuf->names = new (*lir_alloc) LirNameMap(*lir_alloc, &pool->codeMgr->labels);
                lirout = vbWriter = new (*alloc1) VerboseWriter(*alloc1, lirout, lirbuf->names, &log);
        LoadFilter *loadfilter = 0;
        if (core->config.cseopt) {
            loadfilter = new (*alloc1) LoadFilter(lirout, *alloc1);
            lirout = new (*alloc1) CseFilter(loadfilter, *alloc1);
        #if NJ_SOFTFLOAT
        lirout = new (*alloc1) SoftFloatFilter(lirout);
        lirout = new (*alloc1) Specializer(lirout, core->config);
        CopyPropagation *copier = new (*alloc1) CopyPropagation(core, *alloc1, lirout,
            framesize, info->hasExceptions() != 0);
        lirout = this->copier = copier;

        #if defined(DEBUGGER) && defined(_DEBUG)
        DebuggerCheck *checker = NULL;
        if (core->debugger()) {
            checker = new (*alloc1) DebuggerCheck(core, *alloc1, lirout, state->verifier->local_count + state->verifier->max_scope);
            lirout = checker;

        emitStart(*alloc1, lirbuf, lirout);

        if (overflow)
            return false;

        // last pc value that we generated a store for
        lastPcSave = 0;

        // generate lir to define incoming method arguments.  Stack
        // frame allocations follow.

        env_param = lirout->insParam(0, 0);
        argc_param = lirout->insParam(1, 0);
    #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
        argc_param = qlo(argc_param);
        ap_param = lirout->insParam(2, 0);

        // allocate room for a MethodFrame structure
        methodFrame = InsAlloc(sizeof(MethodFrame));
        verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
            lirbuf->names->addName(methodFrame, "methodFrame");

        coreAddr = InsConstPtr(core);

        // replicate MethodFrame ctor inline
        LIns* currentMethodFrame = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(AvmCore,currentMethodFrame), coreAddr);
        // save env in MethodFrame.envOrCodeContext
        //     explicitly leave IS_EXPLICIT_CODECONTEXT clear
        //     explicitly leave DXNS_NOT_NULL clear, dxns is effectively null without doing the store here.
        stp(env_param, methodFrame, offsetof(MethodFrame,envOrCodeContext));
        stp(currentMethodFrame, methodFrame, offsetof(MethodFrame,next));
        stp(methodFrame, coreAddr, offsetof(AvmCore,currentMethodFrame));
        #ifdef _DEBUG
        // poison MethodFrame.dxns since it's uninitialized by default
        stp(InsConstPtr((void*)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeef), methodFrame, offsetof(MethodFrame,dxns));

        // allocate room for our local variables
        vars = InsAlloc(framesize * 8);
        lirbuf->sp = vars;
        if (loadfilter)
            loadfilter->sp = vars;

        verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
            lirbuf->names->addName(env_param, "env");
            lirbuf->names->addName(argc_param, "argc");
            lirbuf->names->addName(ap_param, "ap");
            lirbuf->names->addName(vars, "vars");

        // stack overflow check - use methodFrame address as comparison
        LIns *d = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(AvmCore, minstack), coreAddr);
        LIns *c = binaryIns(LIR_pult, methodFrame, d);
        LIns *b = branchIns(LIR_jf, c);
        callIns(FUNCTIONID(handleStackOverflowMethodEnv), 1, env_param);
        LIns *begin_label = label();
        verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) { lirbuf->names->addName(begin_label, "begin");  })

        // we emit the undefined constant here since we use it so often and
        // to ensure it dominates all uses.
        undefConst = InsConstAtom(undefinedAtom);

        #ifdef DEBUGGER
        if (core->debugger())
            // pointers to traits so that the debugger can decode the locals
            // IMPORTANT don't move this around unless you change MethodInfo::boxLocals()
            // note that this now updates traits for values on the scopechain as well as locals
            varTraits = InsAlloc((state->verifier->local_count + state->verifier->max_scope) * sizeof(Traits*));
            verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
                lirbuf->names->addName(varTraits, "varTraits");
            debug_only( checker->init(vars,varTraits); )

        // whether this sequence is interruptable or not.
        interruptable = ! info->isNonInterruptible();

        // then space for the exception frame, be safe if its an init stub
        if (info->hasExceptions())
            // [_save_eip][ExceptionFrame]
            // offsets of local vars, rel to current ESP
            _save_eip = InsAlloc(sizeof(intptr_t));
            _ef       = InsAlloc(sizeof(ExceptionFrame));
            verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
                lirbuf->names->addName(_save_eip, "_save_eip");
                lirbuf->names->addName(_ef, "_ef");

        #ifdef DEBUGGER
        if (core->debugger())
            // Allocate space for the call stack
            csn = InsAlloc(sizeof(CallStackNode));
            verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
                lirbuf->names->addName(csn, "csn");

        for (int i=0, n = state->verifier->stackBase+state->stackDepth; i < n; i++)
            Value& v = state->value(i);
            v.ins = 0;

        // copy args to local frame

        // copy required args, and initialize optional args.
        // this whole section only applies to functions that actually
        // have arguments.

        const int param_count = ms->param_count();
        const int optional_count = ms->optional_count();
        const int required_count = param_count - optional_count;

        LIns* apArg = ap_param;
        if (info->hasOptional())
            // compute offset of first optional arg
            int offset = 0;
            for (int i=0, n=required_count; i <= n; i++) {
                offset += ms->paramTraitsBT(i) == BUILTIN_number ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(Atom);

            // now copy the default optional values
            LIns* argcarg = argc_param;
            for (int i=0, n=optional_count; i < n; i++)
                // first set the local[p+1] = defaultvalue
                int param = i + required_count; // 0..N
                int loc = param+1;

                LIns* defaultVal = InsConstAtom(ms->getDefaultValue(i));
                defaultVal = atomToNativeRep(loc, defaultVal);
                localSet(loc, defaultVal, state->value(loc).traits);

                // then generate: if (argc > p) local[p+1] = arg[p+1]
                LIns* cmp = binaryIns(LIR_le, argcarg, InsConst(param));
                LIns* br = branchIns(LIR_jt, cmp); // will patch
                copyParam(loc, offset);

                LIns *optional_label = label();
                verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
                    char str[64];
            // !HAS_OPTIONAL
            AvmAssert(optional_count == 0);

        // now set up the required args (we can ignore argc)
        // for (int i=0, n=param_count; i <= n; i++)
        //     framep[i] = argv[i];
        int offset = 0;
        for (int i=0, n=required_count; i <= n; i++)
            copyParam(i, offset);

        if (info->unboxThis())
            localSet(0, atomToNativeRep(0, localGet(0)), state->value(0).traits);

        int firstLocal = 1+param_count;

        // capture remaining args
        if (info->needRest())
            //framep[info->param_count+1] = createRest(env, argv, argc);
            // use csop so if rest value never used, we don't bother creating array
            LIns* rest = callIns(FUNCTIONID(createRestHelper), 3,
                env_param, argc_param, apArg);

            localSet(firstLocal, rest, ARRAY_TYPE);
        else if (info->needArguments())
            //framep[info->param_count+1] = createArguments(env, argv, argc);
            // use csop so if arguments never used, we don't create it
            LIns* arguments = callIns(FUNCTIONID(createArgumentsHelper), 3,
                env_param, argc_param, apArg);

            localSet(firstLocal, arguments, ARRAY_TYPE);

        if (firstLocal < state->verifier->local_count)
            // set remaining locals to undefined
            for (int i=firstLocal, n=state->verifier->local_count; i < n; i++)
                if(!(state->value(i).traits == NULL)){ // expecting *
                    AvmAssertMsg(0,"(state->value(i).traits != NULL)");
                    return false; // fail verify
                localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);

        #ifdef DEBUGGER
        if (core->debugger())
            for (int i=state->verifier->scopeBase; i<state->verifier->scopeBase+state->verifier->max_scope; ++i)
                localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);

            callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugEnter), 5,
                info->hasExceptions() ? _save_eip : InsConstPtr(0)
        #endif // DEBUGGER

        if (info->hasExceptions()) {
            // _ef.beginTry(core);
            callIns(FUNCTIONID(beginTry), 2, _ef, coreAddr);

            // Exception* setjmpResult = setjmp(_ef.jmpBuf);
            // ISSUE this needs to be a cdecl call
            LIns* jmpbuf = leaIns(offsetof(ExceptionFrame, jmpbuf), _ef);
            setjmpResult = callIns(FUNCTIONID(fsetjmp), 2,
                jmpbuf, InsConst(0));

            // if (setjmp() != 0) goto catch dispatcher, which we generate in the epilog.
            exBranch = branchIns(LIR_jf, eq0(setjmpResult));
        else {
            exBranch = 0;
        verbose_only( if (vbWriter) { vbWriter->flush();} )
        return true;

    void CodegenLIR::copyParam(int i, int& offset) {
        LIns* apArg = ap_param;
        Traits* type = ms->paramTraits(i);
        switch (bt(type)) {
        case BUILTIN_number:
            localSet(i, loadIns(LIR_ldqc, offset, apArg),type);
            offset += sizeof(double);
        case BUILTIN_int:
        case BUILTIN_uint:
        case BUILTIN_boolean:
            // in the args these are widened to intptr_t or uintptr_t, so truncate here.
            localSet(i, p2i(loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offset, apArg)),type);
            offset += sizeof(Atom);
            localSet(i, loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offset, apArg),type);
            offset += sizeof(Atom);

    void CodegenLIR::emitCopy(FrameState* state, int src, int dest) {
        this->state = state;
        localSet(dest, localCopy(src), state->value(src).traits);

    void CodegenLIR::emitGetscope(FrameState* state, int scope_index, int dest)
        this->state = state;
        Traits* t = info->declaringScope()->getScopeTraitsAt(scope_index);
        LIns* scope = loadEnvScope();
        LIns* scopeobj = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_scopes) + scope_index*sizeof(Atom), scope);
        localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(t, scopeobj), t);

    void CodegenLIR::emitSwap(FrameState* state, int i, int j) {
        this->state = state;
        LIns* t = localCopy(i);
        localSet(i, localCopy(j), state->value(j).traits);
        localSet(j, t, state->value(i).traits);

    void CodegenLIR::emitKill(FrameState* state, int i)
        this->state = state;
        localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);

    void CodegenLIR::writeBlockStart(FrameState* state)
        // our new extended BB now starts here, this means that any branch targets
        // should hit the next instruction our bb start instruction
        LIns* bb = label();  // mark start of block
        verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) {
            char str[64];
            frag->lirbuf->names->addName(bb, str);

        // get a label for our block start and tie it to this location
        CodegenLabel& label = state->verifier->getFrameState(state->pc)->label;
        setLabelPos(label, bb);
        if (label.jtbl_forward_target) {
            // A jtbl (switch) jumps forward to here, creating a situation our
            // register allocator cannot handle; force regs to be loaded at the
            // start of this block.

        // If this is a backwards branch, generate an interrupt check.
        // current verifier state, includes tack pointer.
        if (interruptable && core->config.interrupts && state->targetOfBackwardsBranch)
            if (state->insideTryBlock)
                stp(InsConstPtr((void*)state->pc), _save_eip, 0);

            LIns* interrupted = loadIns(LIR_ld, offsetof(AvmCore,interrupted), coreAddr);
            LIns* br = branchIns(LIR_jf, binaryIns(LIR_eq, interrupted, InsConst(AvmCore::NotInterrupted)));
            patchLater(br, interrupt_label);

        // load undefined into any killed locals
        int stackBase = state->verifier->stackBase;
        for (int i=0, n=stackBase+state->stackDepth; i < n; i++)
            int scopeTop = state->verifier->scopeBase+state->scopeDepth;
            if (i >= scopeTop && i < stackBase)
                continue; // not live
            Value &v = state->value(i);
            if (v.killed)
                localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);

    void CodegenLIR::emitBlockEnd(FrameState* state)
        this->state = state;
        // our eBB now terminates.  For all branch instructions we are
        // able to detect this situation and have already generated the
        // correct spill code prior to the jump, only for the case where
        // the pc is a target of a jump do we not know enough during emit()
        // to do this.  The Verifier tracks this information and merges
        // the states across the various blocks generating this op prior
        // to the merge.  After this emit, we should receive a writeBlockStart()
        // from the Verifier.

    void CodegenLIR::writePrologue(FrameState* state, const byte *pc)
        if( !prologue(state) )
            if (!overflow)

    void CodegenLIR::writeOpcodeVerified(FrameState* state, const byte* pc, AbcOpcode opcode)
        verbose_only( if (vbWriter) { vbWriter->flush();} )

    void CodegenLIR::fixExceptionsAndLabels(FrameState* state, const byte* pc)

    void CodegenLIR::write(FrameState* state, const byte* pc, AbcOpcode opcode, Traits *type)
      //AvmLog("CodegenLIR::write %x\n", opcode);

        const byte* nextpc = pc;
        unsigned int imm30=0, imm30b=0;
        int imm8=0, imm24=0;
        AvmCore::readOperands(nextpc, imm30, imm24, imm30b, imm8);
        int sp = state->sp();

        switch (opcode) {
        case OP_nop:
        case OP_pop:
        case OP_label:
            // do nothing
        case OP_getlocal0:
        case OP_getlocal1:
        case OP_getlocal2:
        case OP_getlocal3:
            imm30 = opcode-OP_getlocal0;
            // hack imm30 and fall through
        case OP_getlocal:
            emitCopy(state, imm30, sp+1);
        case OP_setlocal0:
        case OP_setlocal1:
        case OP_setlocal2:
        case OP_setlocal3:
            imm30 = opcode-OP_setlocal0;
            // hack imm30 and fall through
        case OP_setlocal:
            emitCopy(state, sp, imm30);
        case OP_pushtrue:
            emitIntConst(state, sp+1, 1);
        case OP_pushfalse:
            emitIntConst(state, sp+1, 0);
        case OP_pushnull:
            emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, 0, NULL_TYPE);
        case OP_pushundefined:
            emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, (void*)undefinedAtom, VOID_TYPE);
        case OP_pushshort:
            emitIntConst(state, sp+1, (signed short)imm30);
        case OP_pushbyte:
            emitIntConst(state, sp+1, (signed char)imm8);
        case OP_pushstring:
            emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, pool->getString(imm30), STRING_TYPE);
        case OP_pushnamespace:
            emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_ns[imm30], NAMESPACE_TYPE);
        case OP_pushint:
            emitIntConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_int[imm30]);
        case OP_pushuint:
            emitIntConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_uint[imm30]);
        case OP_pushdouble:
            emitDoubleConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_double[imm30]);
        case OP_pushnan:
            emitDoubleConst(state, sp+1, (double*)atomPtr(core->kNaN));
        case OP_lookupswitch:
            emit(state, opcode, state->pc+imm24, imm30b /*count*/);
        case OP_throw:
        case OP_returnvalue:
        case OP_returnvoid:
            emit(state, opcode, sp);
        case OP_debugfile:
#if defined(DEBUGGER) || defined(VTUNE)
            #ifdef VTUNE
            const bool do_emit = true;
            const bool do_emit = core->debugger() != NULL;
            Stringp str = pool->getString(imm30);  // assume been checked already
            if(do_emit) emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)str);
        case OP_dxns:
            Stringp str = pool->getString(imm30);  // assume been checked already
            emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)str);
        case OP_dxnslate:
            // codgen will call intern on the input atom.
            emit(state, opcode, sp);
        case OP_kill:
            emitKill(state, imm30);
        case OP_inclocal:
        case OP_declocal:
            emit(state, opcode, imm30, opcode==OP_inclocal ? 1 : -1, NUMBER_TYPE);
        case OP_inclocal_i:
        case OP_declocal_i:
            emit(state, opcode, imm30, opcode==OP_inclocal_i ? 1 : -1, INT_TYPE);
        case OP_lessthan:
        case OP_greaterthan:
        case OP_lessequals:
        case OP_greaterequals:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPE);

        case OP_getdescendants:
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
            emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, NULL);

        case OP_checkfilter:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, NULL);

        case OP_deleteproperty:
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
            emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPE);

        case OP_astype:
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
            Traits *t = pool->getTraits(*name, state->verifier->getToplevel(this));
            emit(state, OP_astype, (uintptr)t, sp, t && t->isMachineType() ? OBJECT_TYPE : t);
        case OP_astypelate:
            Value& classValue = state->peek(1); // rhs - class
            Traits* ct = classValue.traits;
            Traits* t = NULL;
            if (ct && (t=ct->itraits) != 0)
                if (t->isMachineType())
                    t = OBJECT_TYPE;
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, t);

        case OP_coerce:
            AvmAssert (type!=NULL);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(type, state->sp());

        case OP_coerce_b:
        case OP_convert_b:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==BOOLEAN_TYPE);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(BOOLEAN_TYPE, state->sp());

        case OP_coerce_o:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==OBJECT_TYPE);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(OBJECT_TYPE, state->sp());

        case OP_coerce_a:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : false);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(NULL, state->sp());

        case OP_convert_i:
        case OP_coerce_i:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==INT_TYPE);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(INT_TYPE, state->sp());

        case OP_convert_u:
        case OP_coerce_u:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==UINT_TYPE);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(UINT_TYPE, state->sp());

        case OP_convert_d:
        case OP_coerce_d:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==NUMBER_TYPE);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(NUMBER_TYPE, state->sp());

        case OP_coerce_s:
            AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==STRING_TYPE);
            state->verifier->emitCoerce(STRING_TYPE, state->sp());

        case OP_istype:
            // expects a CONSTANT_Multiname cpool index
            // used when operator "is" RHS is a compile-time type constant
            //sp[0] = istype(sp[0], itraits);
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
            Traits* itraits = pool->getTraits(*name, state->verifier->getToplevel(this));
            LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp);
            LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(istype), 2, obj, InsConstPtr(itraits));
            localSet(sp, out, BOOLEAN_TYPE);

        case OP_istypelate:
            // null check for the type value T in (x is T).  This also preserves
            // any side effects from loading T, even if we end up inlining T.itraits() as a const.
            LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
            Traits* class_type = state->value(sp).traits;
            LIns* istype_result;
            if (class_type && class_type->base == CLASS_TYPE) {
                // (x is T) where T is a class object: get T.itraits as constant.
                istype_result = callIns(FUNCTIONID(istype), 2, obj, InsConstPtr(class_type->itraits));
            } else {
                // RHS is unknown, call general istype
                istype_result = callIns(FUNCTIONID(istypelate), 3, env_param, obj, loadAtomRep(sp));
            localSet(sp-1, istype_result, BOOLEAN_TYPE);

        case OP_convert_o:
            // NOTE check null has already been done

        case OP_applytype:
            // * is ok for the type, as Vector classes have no statics
            // when we implement type parameters fully, we should do something here.
            emit(state, opcode, imm30/*argc*/, 0, NULL);

        case OP_newobject:
            emit(state, opcode, imm30, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);

        case OP_newarray:
            emit(state, opcode, imm30, 0, ARRAY_TYPE);

        case OP_newactivation:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, info->activationTraits());

        case OP_newcatch:
            ExceptionHandler* handler = &info->abc_exceptions()->exceptions[imm30];
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, handler->scopeTraits);

        case OP_popscope:
            #ifdef DEBUGGER
            if (core->debugger()) emitKill(state, ms->local_count()/*scopeBase*/ + state->scopeDepth);

        case OP_getslot:
            Value& obj = state->peek();
            int index = imm30-1;
            Traits* slotTraits = obj.traits ? obj.traits->getTraitsBindings()->getSlotTraits(index) : NULL;
            emitGetslot(state, index, sp, slotTraits);

        case OP_setslot:
            emitSetslot(state, OP_setslot, imm30-1, sp-1);

        case OP_dup:
            emitCopy(state, sp, sp+1);

        case OP_swap:
            emitSwap(state, sp, sp-1);

        case OP_equals:
        case OP_strictequals:
        case OP_instanceof:
        case OP_in:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPE);

        case OP_not:
            emit(state, opcode, sp);

        case OP_modulo:
        case OP_subtract:
        case OP_divide:
        case OP_multiply:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, NUMBER_TYPE);

        case OP_increment:
        case OP_decrement:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, opcode == OP_increment ? 1 : -1, NUMBER_TYPE);

        case OP_increment_i:
        case OP_decrement_i:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, opcode == OP_increment_i ? 1 : -1, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_add_i:
        case OP_subtract_i:
        case OP_multiply_i:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_negate:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, NUMBER_TYPE);

        case OP_negate_i:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_bitand:
        case OP_bitor:
        case OP_bitxor:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_lshift:
        case OP_rshift:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_urshift:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_bitnot:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_typeof:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, STRING_TYPE);

        case OP_debugline:
            #if defined(DEBUGGER) || defined(VTUNE)
            #ifdef VTUNE
            const bool do_emit = true;
            const bool do_emit = core->debugger() != NULL;
            // we actually do generate code for these, in debugger mode
            if (do_emit) emit(state, opcode, imm30);
        case OP_nextvalue:
        case OP_nextname:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, NULL);

        case OP_hasnext:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);

        case OP_hasnext2:
            emit(state, opcode, imm30, imm30b, BOOLEAN_TYPE);

        // sign extends
        case OP_sxi1:
        case OP_sxi8:
        case OP_sxi16:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, INT_TYPE);

        // loads
        case OP_lix8:
        case OP_lix16:
        case OP_li8:
        case OP_li16:
        case OP_li32:
        case OP_lf32:
        case OP_lf64:
            Traits* result = (opcode == OP_lf32 || opcode == OP_lf64) ? NUMBER_TYPE : INT_TYPE;
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, result);

        // stores
        case OP_si8:
        case OP_si16:
        case OP_si32:
        case OP_sf32:
        case OP_sf64:
            emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, VOID_TYPE);

        case OP_getglobalscope:

        case OP_add:
            Value& val1 = state->value(sp-1);
            Value& val2 = state->value(sp);
            if ((val1.traits == STRING_TYPE && val1.notNull) || (val2.traits == STRING_TYPE && val2.notNull)) {
                // string add
                AvmAssert(type == STRING_TYPE);
                LIns* lhs = convertToString(sp-1);
                LIns* rhs = convertToString(sp);
                LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(concatStrings), 3, coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
                localSet(sp-1,  out, type);
            } else if (val1.traits && val2.traits && val1.traits->isNumeric() && val2.traits->isNumeric()) {
                // numeric add
                AvmAssert(type == NUMBER_TYPE);
                LIns* num1 = coerceToNumber(sp-1);
                LIns* num2 = coerceToNumber(sp);
                localSet(sp-1, binaryIns(LIR_fadd, num1, num2), type);
            } else {
                // any other add
                AvmAssert(type == OBJECT_TYPE);
                LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
                LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(sp);
                LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_add), 3, coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
                localSet(sp-1, atomToNativeRep(type, out), type);

        case OP_convert_s:
            localSet(sp, convertToString(sp), STRING_TYPE);

        case OP_esc_xelem:
        case OP_esc_xattr:
            emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, STRING_TYPE);

        case OP_debug:
            // ignored

            // FIXME need error handler here

    void CodegenLIR::emitGetGlobalScope()
        const ScopeTypeChain* scope = info->declaringScope();
        int captured_depth = scope->size;
        if (captured_depth > 0)
            // enclosing scope
            emitGetscope(state, 0, state->sp()+1);
            // local scope
            if (state->scopeDepth > 0)
                emitCopy(state, state->verifier->scopeBase, state->sp()+1);
                // this will copy type and all attributes too
                #ifdef _DEBUG
                if (pool->isBuiltin)
                    core->console << "getglobalscope >= depth (0) "<< state->scopeDepth << "\n";

    void CodegenLIR::writeOp1(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uint32_t opd1, Traits *type)
        switch (opcode) {
        case OP_iflt:
        case OP_ifle:
        case OP_ifnlt:
        case OP_ifnle:
        case OP_ifgt:
        case OP_ifge:
        case OP_ifngt:
        case OP_ifnge:
        case OP_ifeq:
        case OP_ifstricteq:
        case OP_ifne:
        case OP_ifstrictne:
            int32_t offset = (int32_t) opd1;
            int lhs = state->sp()-1;
            emitIf(state, opcode, state->pc+4/*size*/+offset, lhs, lhs+1);
        case OP_iftrue:
        case OP_iffalse:
            int32_t offset = (int32_t) opd1;
            int sp = state->sp();
            emitIf(state, opcode, state->pc+4/*size*/+offset, sp, 0);
        case OP_jump:
            int32_t offset = (int32_t) opd1;
            emit(state, opcode, state->pc+4/*size*/+offset);
        case OP_getslot:
            emitGetslot(state, opd1, state->sp(), type);
        case OP_getglobalslot:
            emitGetslot(state, opd1, state->sp(), type);
        case OP_setglobalslot:
            emitSetslot(state, OP_setglobalslot, opd1, 0 /* computed or ignored */);
        case OP_call:
            emit(state, opcode, opd1 /*argc*/, 0, NULL);

        case OP_construct:
            const uint32_t argc = opd1;
            int ctor_index = state->sp() - argc;
            Traits* ctraits = state->value(ctor_index).traits;
            emitConstruct(state, argc, ctor_index, ctraits);
        case OP_getouterscope:
            emitGetscope(state, opd1, state->sp()+1);
        case OP_getscopeobject:
            emitCopy(state, opd1+state->verifier->scopeBase, state->sp()+1);
        case OP_newfunction:
            AvmAssert(pool->getMethodInfo(opd1)->declaringTraits() == type);
            emit(state, opcode, opd1, state->sp()+1, type);
        case OP_pushscope:
        case OP_pushwith:
            emitCopy(state, state->sp(), opd1);
        case OP_findpropstrict:
        case OP_findproperty:
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
            emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);
        case OP_findpropglobalstrict:
            // NOTE opcode not supported, deoptimizing
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
            emit(state, OP_findpropstrict, (uintptr)name, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);
        case OP_findpropglobal:
            // NOTE opcode not supported, deoptimizing
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
            emit(state, OP_findproperty, (uintptr)name, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);

        case OP_newclass:
            Traits* ctraits = pool->getClassTraits(opd1);
            AvmAssert(ctraits == type);
            emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)(void*)ctraits, state->sp(), type);

        case OP_finddef:
            // opd1=name index
            // type=script->declaringTraits
            const Multiname *multiname = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
            int32_t dest_index = state->sp() + 1;
            // This allocates a cache slot even if the finddef ultimately becomes dead.
            // As long as caches tend to be small compared to size of pool data and code,
            // filtering out dead cache lines isn't worth the complexity.
            LIns* slot = InsConst(finddef_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(opd1));
            LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(finddef_cache), 3, env_param, InsConstPtr(multiname), slot);
            localSet(dest_index, ptrToNativeRep(type, out), type);

            // verifier has called writeOp1 improperly

    LIns* CodegenLIR::coerceToString(int index)
        Value& value = state->value(index);
        Traits* in = value.traits;

        switch (bt(in)) {
        case BUILTIN_null:
        case BUILTIN_string:
            // fine to just load the pointer
            return localGetp(index);
        case BUILTIN_int:
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(intToString), 2, coreAddr, localGet(index));
        case BUILTIN_uint:
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(uintToString), 2, coreAddr, localGet(index));
        case BUILTIN_number:
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(doubleToString), 2, coreAddr, localGetq(index));
        case BUILTIN_boolean: {
            // load "true" or "false" string constant from AvmCore.booleanStrings[]
            LIns *offset = binaryIns(LIR_pilsh, i2p(localGet(index)), InsConst(PTR_SCALE));
            LIns *arr = InsConstPtr(&core->booleanStrings);
            return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, 0, binaryIns(LIR_addp, arr, offset));
            if (value.notNull) {
                // not eligible for CSE, and we know it's not null/undefined
                return callIns(FUNCTIONID(string), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerce_s), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));

    /** emit code for * -> Number conversion */
    LIns* CodegenLIR::coerceToNumber(int index)
        // assume emitPrep() already called
        Value& value = state->value(index);
        Traits* in = value.traits;

        if (in && (in->isNumeric() || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
            return promoteNumberIns(in, index);
        } else {
            // * -> Number
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(number), 1, loadAtomRep(index));

    LIns* CodegenLIR::convertToString(int index)
        // assume emitPrep() already called
        Value& value = state->value(index);
        Traits* in = value.traits;
        Traits* stringType = STRING_TYPE;

        if (in != stringType || !value.notNull) {
            if (in && (value.notNull || in->isNumeric() || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
                // convert is the same as coerce
                return coerceToString(index);
            } else {
                // explicitly convert to string
                return callIns(FUNCTIONID(string), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));
        } else {
            // already String*
            return localGetp(index);

    void CodegenLIR::writeNip(FrameState* state, const byte *pc)
        emitCopy(state, state->sp(), state->sp()-1);

    void CodegenLIR::writeInterfaceCall(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uintptr opd1, uint32_t opd2, Traits *type)
        switch (opcode) {
        case OP_callproperty:
        case OP_callproplex:
        case OP_callpropvoid:
            emitCall(state, OP_callinterface, opd1, opd2, type);

    void CodegenLIR::writeOp2(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uint32_t opd1, uint32_t opd2, Traits *type)
        switch (opcode) {

        case OP_constructsuper:
            // opd1=unused, opd2=argc
            emitCall(state, opcode, 0, opd2, VOID_TYPE);

        case OP_setsuper:
            const uint32_t index = opd1;
            const uint32_t n = opd2;
            Traits* base = type;
            int32_t ptrIndex = state->sp()-(n-1);

            const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(index);

            Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
            Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(base, name);
            Traits* propType = state->verifier->readBinding(base, b);
            const TraitsBindingsp basetd = base->getTraitsBindings();

            if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b))
                if (AvmCore::isVarBinding(b))
                    int slot_id = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b);
                    state->verifier->emitCoerce(propType, state->sp());
                    emitSetslot(state, OP_setslot, slot_id, ptrIndex);
                // else, ignore write to readonly accessor
            if (AvmCore::isAccessorBinding(b))
                if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(b))
                    // Invoke the setter
                    int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(b);
                    MethodInfo *f = basetd->getMethod(disp_id);
                    AvmAssert(f != NULL);
                    MethodSignaturep fms = f->getMethodSignature();
                    state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(f, 1);
                    emitCall(state, OP_callsuperid, disp_id, 1, fms->returnTraits());
                // else, ignore write to readonly accessor
            else {
                emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name);
        case OP_getsuper:
            const uint32_t index = opd1;
            const uint32_t n = opd2;
            Traits* base = type;

            const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(index);

            Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
            Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(base, name);
            Traits* propType = state->verifier->readBinding(base, b);

            if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b))
                int slot_id = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b);
                emitGetslot(state, slot_id, state->sp()-(n-1), propType);
            if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(b))
                // Invoke the getter
                int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(b);
                const TraitsBindingsp basetd = base->getTraitsBindings();
                MethodInfo *f = basetd->getMethod(disp_id);
                AvmAssert(f != NULL);
                state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(f, 0);
                MethodSignaturep fms = f->getMethodSignature();
                Traits* resultType = fms->returnTraits();
                emitCall(state, OP_callsuperid, disp_id, 0, resultType);
            else {
                emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, propType);
        case OP_callsuper:
        case OP_callsupervoid:
            const uint32_t index = opd1;
            const uint32_t argc = opd2;
            Traits* base = type;
            const TraitsBindingsp basetd = base->getTraitsBindings();

            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(index);

            Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
            Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(base, name);

            if (AvmCore::isMethodBinding(b))
                int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToMethodId(b);
                MethodInfo* m = basetd->getMethod(disp_id);
                state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(m, argc);

                MethodSignaturep mms = m->getMethodSignature();
                Traits* resultType = mms->returnTraits();
                emitCall(state, OP_callsuperid, disp_id, argc, resultType);
            else {

                // TODO optimize other cases
                emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, argc, NULL);


        case OP_constructprop:
            const uint32_t argc = opd2;
            const uint32_t n = argc+1;
            const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);

            Value& obj = state->peek(n); // object
            Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
            Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(obj.traits, name);

            if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b))
                int slot_id = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b);
                int ctor_index = state->sp()-(n-1);
                emitGetslot(state, slot_id, ctor_index, type);
                obj.notNull = false;
                obj.traits = type;
                emitConstruct(state, argc, ctor_index, type);
                emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, argc, NULL);

        case OP_getproperty:
            // NOTE opd2 is the stack offset to the reciever
            const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
            Value& obj = state->peek(opd2); // object
            Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
            Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(obj.traits, name);

            // early bind accessor
            if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(b))
                // Invoke the getter
                int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(b);
                const TraitsBindingsp objtd = obj.traits->getTraitsBindings();
                MethodInfo *f = objtd->getMethod(disp_id);
                AvmAssert(f != NULL);

                if (!obj.traits->isInterface()) {
                    emitCall(state, OP_callmethod, disp_id, 0, type);
                else {
                    // FIXME f->iid() is a 64 bit value, being passed through a 32 bit
                    // location. need to understand why this works.
                    emitCall(state, OP_callinterface, f->iid(), 0, type);
                AvmAssert(type == f->getMethodSignature()->returnTraits());
            else {
                emit(state, OP_getproperty, opd1, 0, type);

        case OP_setproperty:
        case OP_initproperty:
            // opd2=n the stack offset to the reciever
            const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
            Value& obj = state->peek(opd2); // object
            Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
            Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(obj.traits, name);

            // early bind accessor
            if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(b))
                // invoke the setter
                int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(b);
                const TraitsBindingsp objtd = obj.traits->getTraitsBindings();
                MethodInfo *f = objtd->getMethod(disp_id);
                AvmAssert(f != NULL);

                if (!obj.traits->isInterface()) {
                    emitCall(state, OP_callmethod, disp_id, 1, type);
                else {
                    // FIXME f->iid() is a 64 bit value, being passed through a 32 bit
                    // location. need to understand why this works.
                    emitCall(state, OP_callinterface, f->iid(), 1, type);
            else {
                emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name);

        case OP_setslot:
            emitSetslot(state, OP_setslot, opd1, opd2);

        case OP_abs_jump:
            #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
            const byte* nextpc = pc;
            unsigned int imm30=0, imm30b=0;
            int imm8=0, imm24=0;
            AvmCore::readOperands(nextpc, imm30, imm24, imm30b, imm8);
            const byte* new_pc = (const byte *) (uintptr(opd1) | (((uintptr) opd2) << 32));
            const byte* new_code_end = new_pc + AvmCore::readU30 (nextpc);
            const byte* new_pc = (const byte*) opd1;
            const byte* new_code_end = new_pc + opd2;
            this->abcStart = new_pc;
            this->abcEnd = new_code_end;

        case OP_callmethod:
            emitCall(state, opcode, opd1, opd2, type);

        case OP_callproperty:
        case OP_callproplex:
        case OP_callpropvoid:
            emit(state, opcode, opd1, opd2, NULL);

        case OP_callstatic:
            // opd1=method_id, opd2=argc
            emitCall(state, OP_callstatic, opd1, opd2, type);


    void CodegenLIR::emitIntConst(FrameState* state, int index, int32_t c)
        this->state = state;
        localSet(index, lirout->insImm(c), INT_TYPE);

    void CodegenLIR::emitPtrConst(FrameState* state, int index, void* c, Traits* type)
        this->state = state;
        localSet(index, lirout->insImmPtr(c), type);

    void CodegenLIR::emitDoubleConst(FrameState* state, int index, double* pd)
        this->state = state;
        uint64_t *pquad = (uint64_t*) pd;
        localSet(index, lirout->insImmq(*pquad), NUMBER_TYPE);

    void CodegenLIR::writeCoerce(FrameState* state, uint32_t loc, Traits* result)

        Value& value = state->value(loc);
        Traits* in = value.traits;

        if (result == NULL)
            // coerce to * is simple, we just save the atom rep.
            localSet(loc, loadAtomRep(loc), result);
        else if (result == OBJECT_TYPE)
            if (in == NULL || in == VOID_TYPE)
                // value already boxed but we need to coerce undefined->null
                if (!value.notNull) {
                    // v == undefinedAtom ? nullObjectAtom : v;
                    LIns *v = localGetp(loc);
                    v = lirout->ins_choose(binaryIns(LIR_peq, v, undefConst),
                        InsConstAtom(nullObjectAtom), v, true /* use_cmov */);
                    localSet(loc, v, result);
                // value cannot be undefined so just box it
                localSet(loc, loadAtomRep(loc), result);
        else if (!result->isMachineType() && in == NULL_TYPE)
            // do nothing, it's fine to coerce null to a pointer type
        else if (result == NUMBER_TYPE)
            localSet(loc, coerceToNumber(loc), result);
        else if (result == INT_TYPE)
            if (in == UINT_TYPE || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
                //do nothing
            else if (in == NUMBER_TYPE)
                // narrowing conversion number->int
                LIns* ins = localGetq(loc);
                localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_d), 1, ins), result);
                // * -> int
                localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer), 1,
                    loadAtomRep(loc)), result);
        else if (result == UINT_TYPE)
            if (in == INT_TYPE || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
                //do nothing
            else if (in == NUMBER_TYPE)
                LIns* ins = localGetq(loc);
                localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_d), 1, ins), result);
                // * -> uint
                localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(toUInt32), 1,
                    loadAtomRep(loc)), result);
        else if (result == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
            if (in == NUMBER_TYPE)
                localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(doubleToBool), 1, localGetq(loc)), result);
            else if (in == INT_TYPE || in == UINT_TYPE)
                // int to bool: b = (i==0) == 0
                localSet(loc, eq0(eq0(localGet(loc))), result);
            else if (in && !in->notDerivedObjectOrXML())
                // ptr to bool: b = (p==0) == 0
                localSet(loc, eq0(peq0(localGetp(loc))), result);
                // * -> Boolean
                localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(boolean), 1,
                    loadAtomRep(loc)), result);
        else if (result == STRING_TYPE)
            localSet(loc, coerceToString(loc), result);
        else if (in && !in->isMachineType() && !result->isMachineType()
               && in != STRING_TYPE && in != NAMESPACE_TYPE)
            // coerceobj is void, but we mustn't optimize it out; verifier only calls it when required
            callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerceobj), 3,
                env_param, localGetp(loc), InsConstPtr(result));
            // the input pointer has now been checked but it's still the same value.
            // verifier remembers this fact by updating the verify time type.
        else if (!result->isMachineType() && result != NAMESPACE_TYPE)
            // result is a ScriptObject based type.
            localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerceAtom2SO), 3,
                env_param, loadAtomRep(loc), InsConstPtr(result)), result);
            LIns* value = loadAtomRep(loc);
            // sp[0] = coerce(caller_env, sp[0], traits)
            LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerce), 3,
                env_param, value, InsConstPtr(result));

            // store the result
            localSet(loc, atomToNativeRep(result, out), result);

    void CodegenLIR::writeCheckNull(FrameState* state, uint32_t index)

        // The result is either unchanged or an exception is thrown, so
        // we don't save the result.  This is the null pointer check.
        Traits* t = state->value(index).traits;
        switch (bt(t)) {
            case BUILTIN_any:
            case BUILTIN_object:
            case BUILTIN_void: {
                // Atom
                // checking atom for null or undefined (AvmCore::isNullOrUndefined())
                LIns *value = localGetp(index);
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(nullcheck), 2, env_param, value);
            case BUILTIN_int:
            case BUILTIN_uint:
            case BUILTIN_boolean:
            case BUILTIN_number:
                // never null
            default: {
                // checking pointer for null
                LIns *value = localGetp(index);
                LIns* br = branchIns(LIR_jt, peq0(value)); // will be patched
                patchLater(br, npe_label);
        // else: number, int, uint, and boolean, are never null

    void CodegenLIR::emitPrep(FrameState* state)
        this->state = state;

        // update bytecode ip if necessary
        if (state->insideTryBlock && lastPcSave != state->pc)
            stp(InsConstPtr((void*)state->pc), _save_eip, 0);
            lastPcSave = state->pc;

    void LirHelper::liveAlloc(LIns* alloc)
        if (alloc->isop(LIR_alloc))

    void CodegenLIR::emitCall(FrameState *state, AbcOpcode opcode, intptr_t method_id, int argc, Traits* result)

        int sp = state->sp();

        int dest = sp-argc;
        int objDisp = dest;

        // make sure null check happened.

        LIns *method = NULL;
        LIns *iid = NULL;
        switch (opcode)
        case OP_constructsuper:
            // env->vtable->base->init->enter32v(argc, ...);
            LIns* vtable = loadEnvVTable();
            LIns* base = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,base), vtable);
            method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,init), base);
        case OP_callmethod:
            // stack in:  obj arg1..N
            // stack out: result
            // sp[-argc] = callmethod(disp_id, argc, ...);
            // method_id is disp_id of virtual method
            LIns* vtable = loadVTable(objDisp);
            method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, int32_t(offsetof(VTable,methods)+sizeof(MethodEnv*)*method_id), vtable);
        case OP_callsuperid:
            // stack in: obj arg1..N
            // stack out: result
            // method_id is disp_id of super method
            LIns* declvtable = loadEnvVTable();
            LIns* basevtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, base), declvtable);
            method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, int32_t(offsetof(VTable,methods)+sizeof(MethodEnv*)*method_id), basevtable);
        case OP_callstatic:
            // stack in: obj arg1..N
            // stack out: result
            LIns* abcenv = loadEnvAbcEnv();
            method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, int32_t(offsetof(AbcEnv,m_methods)+sizeof(MethodEnv*)*method_id), abcenv);
        case OP_callinterface:
            // method_id is pointer to interface method name (multiname)
            int index = int(method_id % VTable::IMT_SIZE);
            LIns* vtable = loadVTable(objDisp);
            // note, could be MethodEnv* or ImtThunkEnv*
            method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,imt)+sizeof(ImtThunkEnv*)*index, vtable);
            iid = InsConstPtr((void*)method_id);
        case OP_construct:
            // stack in: ctor arg1..N
            // stack out: newinstance
            LIns* vtable = loadVTable(objDisp);
            LIns* ivtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, ivtable), vtable);
            method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, init), ivtable);
            LIns* inst = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newInstance),1, localGetp(objDisp));
            localSet(dest, inst, result);

        // store args for the call
        int index = objDisp;
        LIns* ap = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom)); // we will update this size, below
        int disp = 0;
        int pad = 0;

        // LIR_alloc of any size >= 8 is always 8-aligned.
        // if the first double arg would be unaligned, add padding to align it.
    #if !defined AVMPLUS_64BIT
        for (int i=0; i <= argc; i++) {
            if (state->value(index+i).traits == NUMBER_TYPE) {
                if ((disp&7) != 0) {
                    // this double would be unaligned, so add some padding
                    pad = 8-(disp&7); // should be 4
            else {
                disp += sizeof(Atom);

        disp = pad;
        for (int i=0; i <= argc; i++)
            // load and widen the argument
            LIns *v;
            switch (bt(state->value(index).traits)) {
            case BUILTIN_number:
                v = localGetq(index);
                stq(v, ap, disp);
            case BUILTIN_int:
                v = i2p(localGet(index));
                stp(v, ap, disp);
            case BUILTIN_uint:
            case BUILTIN_boolean:
                v = u2p(localGet(index));
                stp(v, ap, disp);
                v = localGetp(index);
                stp(v, ap, disp);
            disp += v->isQuad() ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(Atom);

        // patch the size to what we actually need

        LIns* target = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodEnvProcHolder,_implGPR), method);
        LIns* meth = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodEnvProcHolder, method), method);
        LIns* target = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodInfoProcHolder, _implGPR), meth);
        LIns* apAddr = leaIns(pad, ap);

        LIns *out;
        BuiltinType rbt = bt(result);
        if (!iid) {
            const CallInfo *fid;
            switch (rbt) {
            case BUILTIN_number:
                fid = FUNCTIONID(fcalli);
            case BUILTIN_int: case BUILTIN_uint: case BUILTIN_boolean:
                fid = FUNCTIONID(icalli);
                fid = FUNCTIONID(acalli);
            out = callIns(fid, 4, target, method, InsConst(argc), apAddr);
        } else {
            const CallInfo *fid;
            switch (rbt) {
            case BUILTIN_number:
                fid = FUNCTIONID(fcallimt);
            case BUILTIN_int: case BUILTIN_uint: case BUILTIN_boolean:
                fid = FUNCTIONID(icallimt);
                fid = FUNCTIONID(acallimt);
            out = callIns(fid, 5, target, method, InsConst(argc), apAddr, iid);

        // ensure the stack-allocated args are live until after the call

        if (opcode != OP_constructsuper && opcode != OP_construct)
            localSet(dest, out, result);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadFromSlot(int ptr_index, int slot, Traits* slotType)
        // assumes emitPrep already called and state already saved

        Traits *t = state->value(ptr_index).traits;
        LIns *ptr = localGetp(ptr_index);
        AvmAssert(isPointer((int)ptr_index)); // obj

        const TraitsBindingsp tb = t->getTraitsBindings();
        int offset = tb->getSlotOffset(slot);

        // get
        LOpcode op;
        switch (bt(slotType)) {
        case BUILTIN_number:    op = LIR_ldq;   break;
        case BUILTIN_int:
        case BUILTIN_uint:
        case BUILTIN_boolean:   op = LIR_ld;    break;
        default:                op = LIR_ldp;   break;
        return loadIns(op, offset, ptr);

    void CodegenLIR::emitGetslot(FrameState *state, int slot, int ptr_index, Traits *slotType)
        localSet(ptr_index, loadFromSlot(ptr_index, slot, slotType), slotType);

    void CodegenLIR::emitSetslot(FrameState *state, AbcOpcode opcode, int slot, int ptr_index)
        int sp = state->sp();

        Traits* t;
        LIns* ptr;

        if (opcode == OP_setslot)
            t = state->value(ptr_index).traits;
            ptr = localGetp(ptr_index);
            AvmAssert(isPointer((int)ptr_index)); // obj
            // setglobalslot
            const ScopeTypeChain* scopeTypes = info->declaringScope();
            if (scopeTypes->size == 0)
                // no captured scopes, so global is local scope 0
                ptr_index = state->verifier->scopeBase;
                t = state->value(ptr_index).traits;
                ptr = localGetp(ptr_index);
                AvmAssert(isPointer((int)ptr_index)); // obj
                // global is outer scope 0
                t = scopeTypes->getScopeTraitsAt(0);
                LIns* scope = loadEnvScope();
                LIns* scopeobj = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_scopes) + 0*sizeof(Atom), scope);
                ptr = atomToNativeRep(t, scopeobj);

        const TraitsBindingsp tb = t->getTraitsBindings();
        int offset = tb->getSlotOffset(slot);

        LIns *unoffsetPtr = ptr;

        // set
        // use localCopy() to sniff the type and use ldq if it's Number
        LIns* value = localCopy(sp);

        // if storing to a pointer-typed slot, inline a WB
        Traits* slotType = tb->getSlotTraits(slot);

        if (!slotType || !slotType->isMachineType() || slotType == OBJECT_TYPE)
            // slot type is Atom (for *, Object) or RCObject* (String, Namespace, or other user types)
            const CallInfo *wbAddr = FUNCTIONID(privateWriteBarrierRC);
            if (slotType == NULL || slotType == OBJECT_TYPE) {
                // use fast atom wb
                wbAddr = FUNCTIONID(atomWriteBarrier);
            callIns(wbAddr, 4,
                    leaIns(offset, ptr),
        else if (slotType == NUMBER_TYPE) {
            // slot type is double or int
            stq(value, ptr, offset);
        } else {
            AvmAssert(slotType == INT_TYPE || slotType == UINT_TYPE || slotType == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
            sti(value, ptr, offset);

     * emit a constructor call, or a late bound constructor call.
     * early binding is possible when we know the constructor (class) being
     * used, and we know that it doesn't use custom native instance initializer
     * code, as indicated by the itraits->hasCustomConstruct flag.
    void CodegenLIR::emitConstruct(FrameState* state, int argc, int ctor_index, Traits* ctraits)

        // attempt to early bind to constructor method.
        Traits* itraits = NULL;
        if (ctraits) {
            itraits = ctraits->itraits;
            if (itraits && !itraits->hasCustomConstruct) {
                Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
                if (itraits->init->getMethodSignature()->argcOk(argc)) {
                    state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(itraits->init, argc, true);
                    emitCall(state, OP_construct, 0, argc, itraits);

        // generic path, could not early bind to a constructor method
        // stack in: ctor-object arg1..N
        // sp[-argc] = construct(env, sp[-argc], argc, null, arg1..N)
        LIns* func = loadAtomRep(ctor_index);
        LIns* args = storeAtomArgs(InsConstAtom(nullObjectAtom), argc, ctor_index+1);
        LIns* newobj = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_construct), 4, env_param, func, InsConst(argc), args);
        localSet(ctor_index, atomToNativeRep(itraits, newobj), itraits);

    typedef const CallInfo *CallInfop;

    void CodegenLIR::emit(FrameState* state, AbcOpcode opcode, uintptr op1, uintptr op2, Traits* result)

        int sp = state->sp();

        switch (opcode)
            // sign extends
            case OP_sxi1:
            case OP_sxi8:
            case OP_sxi16:
                // straightforward shift based sign extension
                static const uint8_t kShiftAmt[3] = { 31, 24, 16 };
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                LIns* val = localGet(index);
                if ((opcode == OP_sxi8 && val->opcode() == LIR_ldsb) ||
                    (opcode == OP_sxi16 && val->opcode() == LIR_ldss))
                    // if we are sign-extending the result of a load-and-sign-extend
                    // instruction, no need to do anything. 
                LIns* sh = InsConst(kShiftAmt[opcode - OP_sxi1]);
                LIns* shl = binaryIns(LIR_lsh, val, sh);
                LIns* res = binaryIns(LIR_rsh, shl, sh);
                localSet(index, res, result);

            // loads
            case OP_lix8:
            case OP_lix16:
            case OP_li8:
            case OP_li16:
            case OP_li32:
            case OP_lf32:
            case OP_lf64:
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                LIns* mopAddr = localGet(index);
                const MopsInfo& mi = kMopsLoadInfo[opcode-OP_lix8];
                int32_t disp = 0;
                LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, &disp);
                LIns* i2 = loadIns(mi.op, disp, realAddr);
                LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, NULL);
                LIns* i2 = callIns(, 1, realAddr);
                localSet(index, i2, result);

            // stores
            case OP_si8:
            case OP_si16:
            case OP_si32:
            case OP_sf32:
            case OP_sf64:
                LIns* svalue = (opcode == OP_sf32 || opcode == OP_sf64) ? localGetq(sp-1) : localGet(sp-1);
                LIns* mopAddr = localGet(sp);
                const MopsInfo& mi = kMopsStoreInfo[opcode-OP_si8];
                int32_t disp = 0;
                LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, &disp);
                lirout->insStore(mi.op, svalue, realAddr, disp);
                LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, NULL);
                callIns(, 2, realAddr, svalue);

            case OP_jump:
                // spill everything first
                int targetpc_off = (int)op1;

                Sampler* s = core->get_sampler();
                if (s && s->sampling() && targetpc_off < state->pc)

                // relative branch
                branchIns(LIR_j, 0, targetpc_off); // will be patched

            case OP_lookupswitch:
                //int index = integer(*(sp--));
                //pc += readS24(index < readU16(pc+4) ?
                //  (pc+6+3*index) :    // matched case
                //  (pc+1));            // default
                int count = int(1 + op2);
                int targetpc_off = (int)op1;

                AvmAssert(state->value(sp).traits == INT_TYPE);
                AvmAssert(count >= 0);

                // Compute address of jump table
                const byte* pc = 4 + abcStart + state->pc;
                AvmCore::readU30(pc);  // skip count

                // Delete any trailing table entries that == default case (effective for asc output)
                while (count > 0 && targetpc_off == (state->pc + AvmCore::readS24(pc+3*(count-1))))

                if (count > 0) {
                    LIns* index = localGet(sp);
                    LIns* cmp = binaryIns(LIR_ult, index, InsConst(count));
                    branchIns(LIR_jf, cmp, targetpc_off); // will be patched

                    if (NJ_JTBL_SUPPORTED) {
                        // Backend supports LIR_jtbl for jump tables
                        LIns* jtbl = lirout->insJtbl(index, count);
                        for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
                            int target = state->pc + AvmCore::readS24(pc+3*i);
                            patchLater(jtbl, target, i);
                    } else {
                        // Backend doesn't support jump tables, use cascading if's
                        for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
                            int target = state->pc + AvmCore::readS24(pc+3*i);
                            branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_eq, index, InsConst(i)), target);
                else {
                    // switch collapses into a single target
                    branchIns(LIR_j, 0, targetpc_off);

            case OP_returnvoid:
            case OP_returnvalue:
                // ISSUE if a method has multiple returns this causes some bloat

                #ifdef DEBUGGER
                if (core->debugger())
                    callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugExit), 2,
                        env_param, csn);
                    // now we toast the cse and restore contents in order to
                    // ensure that any variable modifications made by the debugger
                    // will be pulled in.
                    //firstCse = ip;
                #endif // DEBUGGER

                if (info->abc_exceptions())
                    // _ef.endTry();
                    callIns(FUNCTIONID(endTry), 1, _ef);

                // replicate MethodFrame dtor inline -- must come after endTry call (if any)
                LIns* nextMethodFrame = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodFrame,next), methodFrame);
                stp(nextMethodFrame, coreAddr, offsetof(AvmCore,currentMethodFrame));

                Traits* t = ms->returnTraits();
                LIns* retvalue;
                if (opcode == OP_returnvalue)
                    // already coerced to required native type
                    // use localCopy to sniff type and use appropriate load instruction
                    int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                    retvalue = localCopy(index);
                    retvalue = undefConst;
                    if (t && t != VOID_TYPE)
                        // implicitly coerce undefined to the return type
                        retvalue = callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerce), 3,
                            env_param, retvalue, InsConstPtr(t));
                        retvalue = atomToNativeRep(t, retvalue);
                switch (bt(t)) {
                case BUILTIN_number:
                    Ins(LIR_fret, retvalue);
                case BUILTIN_int:
                case BUILTIN_uint:
                case BUILTIN_boolean:

            case OP_typeof:
                //sp[0] = typeof(sp[0]);
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                LIns* value = loadAtomRep(index);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(typeof), 2,
                    coreAddr, value);
                AvmAssert(result == STRING_TYPE);
                localSet(index, i3, result);

            case OP_not:
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                LIns* value = localGet(index);
                LIns* i3 = binaryIns(LIR_xor, value, InsConst(1));
                localSet(index, i3, result);

            case OP_negate: {
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                localSet(index, Ins(LIR_fneg, localGetq(index)),result);

            case OP_negate_i: {
                //framep[op1] = -framep[op1]
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == INT_TYPE);
                localSet(index, Ins(LIR_neg, localGet(index)), result);

            case OP_increment:
            case OP_decrement:
            case OP_inclocal:
            case OP_declocal: {
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                int32_t incr = (int32_t) op2; // 1 or -1
                localSet(index, binaryIns(LIR_fadd, localGetq(index), i2dIns(InsConst(incr))), result);

            case OP_inclocal_i:
            case OP_declocal_i:
            case OP_increment_i:
            case OP_decrement_i: {
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                int32_t incr = (int32_t) op2;
                AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == INT_TYPE);
                localSet(index, binaryIns(LIR_add, localGet(index), InsConst(incr)), result);

            case OP_bitnot: {
                // *sp = core->intToAtom(~integer(*sp));
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == INT_TYPE);
                localSet(index, lirout->ins1(LIR_not, localGet(index)), result);

            case OP_modulo: {
                LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(mod), 2,
                    localGetq(sp-1), localGetq(sp));
                localSet(sp-1,  out, result);

            case OP_divide:
            case OP_multiply:
            case OP_subtract: {
                LOpcode op;
                switch (opcode) {
                    case OP_divide:     op = LIR_fdiv; break;
                    case OP_multiply:   op = LIR_fmul; break;
                    case OP_subtract:   op = LIR_fsub; break;
                localSet(sp-1, binaryIns(op, localGetq(sp-1), localGetq(sp)), result);

            case OP_subtract_i:
            case OP_add_i:
            case OP_multiply_i:
            case OP_lshift:
            case OP_rshift:
            case OP_urshift:
            case OP_bitand:
            case OP_bitor:
            case OP_bitxor:
                LOpcode op;
                switch (opcode) {
                    case OP_bitxor:     op = LIR_xor;  break;
                    case OP_bitor:      op = LIR_or;   break;
                    case OP_bitand:     op = LIR_and;  break;
                    case OP_urshift:    op = LIR_ush;  break;
                    case OP_rshift:     op = LIR_rsh;  break;
                    case OP_lshift:     op = LIR_lsh;  break;
                    case OP_multiply_i: op = LIR_mul; break;
                    case OP_add_i:      op = LIR_add;  break;
                    case OP_subtract_i: op = LIR_sub;  break;
                LIns* lhs = localGet(sp-1);
                LIns* rhs = localGet(sp);
                LIns* out = binaryIns(op, lhs, rhs);
                localSet(sp-1, out, result);

            case OP_throw:
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(throwAtom), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));

            case OP_getsuper:
                // stack in: obj [ns [name]]
                // stack out: value
                // sp[0] = env->getsuper(sp[0], multiname)
                int objDisp = sp;
                LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);

                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getsuper), 3,
                    env_param, obj, multi);

                i3 = atomToNativeRep(result, i3);
                localSet(objDisp, i3, result);

            case OP_setsuper:
                // stack in: obj [ns [name]] value
                // stack out: nothing
                // core->setsuper(sp[-1], multiname, sp[0], env->vtable->base)
                int objDisp = sp-1;
                LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);

                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
                LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);

                callIns(FUNCTIONID(setsuper), 4,
                    env_param, obj, multi, value);

            case OP_nextname:
            case OP_nextvalue:
                // sp[-1] = next[name|value](sp[-1], sp[0]);
                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
                AvmAssert(state->value(sp).traits == INT_TYPE);
                LIns* index = localGet(sp);
                LIns* i1 = callIns((opcode == OP_nextname) ? FUNCTIONID(nextname) : FUNCTIONID(nextvalue), 3,
                                   env_param, obj, index);
                localSet(sp-1, atomToNativeRep(result, i1), result);

            case OP_hasnext:
                // sp[-1] = hasnext(sp[-1], sp[0]);
                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
                AvmAssert(state->value(sp).traits == INT_TYPE);
                LIns* index = localGet(sp);
                LIns* i1 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(hasnext), 3,
                    env_param, obj, index);
                AvmAssert(result == INT_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, i1, result);

            case OP_hasnext2:
                // fixme - if obj is already Atom, or index is already int,
                // easier to directly reference space in vars.
                int32_t obj_index = (int32_t) op1;
                int32_t index_index = (int32_t) op2;
                LIns* obj = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom));
                LIns* index = InsAlloc(sizeof(int32_t));
                stp(loadAtomRep(obj_index), obj, 0);       // Atom obj
                sti(localGet(index_index), index, 0);      // int32 index
                LIns* i1 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(hasnextproto), 3,
                                     env_param, obj, index);
                localSet(obj_index, loadIns(LIR_ldp, 0, obj), OBJECT_TYPE);  // Atom obj
                localSet(index_index, loadIns(LIR_ld, 0, index), INT_TYPE); // int32 index
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp+1, i1, result);

            case OP_newfunction:
                uint32_t function_id = (uint32_t) op1;
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op2;
                //sp[0] = core->newfunction(env, body, _scopeBase, scopeDepth);
                MethodInfo* func = pool->getMethodInfo(function_id);
                int extraScopes = state->scopeDepth;

                // prepare scopechain args for call
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(extraScopes, state->verifier->scopeBase);

                LIns* outer = loadEnvScope();

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newfunction), 4,
                    env_param, InsConstPtr(func), outer, ap);

                localSet(index, i3, result);

            case OP_call:
                // stack in: method obj arg1..N
                // sp[-argc-1] = op_call(env, sp[-argc], argc, ...)
                int argc = int(op1);
                int funcDisp = sp - argc - 1;
                int dest = funcDisp;

                // convert args to Atom[] for the call
                LIns* func = loadAtomRep(funcDisp);
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(loadAtomRep(funcDisp+1), argc, funcDisp+2);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_call), 4, env_param, func, InsConst(argc), ap);
                localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);

            case OP_callproperty:
            case OP_callproplex:
            case OP_callpropvoid:
                // stack in: obj [ns [name]] arg1..N
                // stack out: result

                // obj = sp[-argc]
                //tempAtom = callproperty(env, name, toVTable(obj), argc, ...);
                //  *(sp -= argc) = tempAtom;
                int argc = int(op2);
                int argv = sp-argc+1;
                int baseDisp = sp-argc;
                const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname((int)op1);
                LIns* multi = initMultiname(name, baseDisp);

                // convert args to Atom[] for the call
                LIns* base = loadAtomRep(baseDisp);
                LIns* receiver = opcode == OP_callproplex ? InsConstAtom(nullObjectAtom) : base;
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(receiver, argc, argv);

                Traits* baseTraits = state->value(baseDisp).traits;
                Binding b = state->verifier->getToplevel(this)->getBinding(baseTraits, name);

                LIns* out;
                if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b)) {
                    // can early bind call to closure in slot
                    Traits* slotType = state->verifier->readBinding(baseTraits, b);
                    // todo if funcValue is already a ScriptObject then don't box it, use a different helper.
                    LIns* funcValue = loadFromSlot(baseDisp, AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b), slotType);
                    LIns* funcAtom = nativeToAtom(funcValue, slotType);
                    out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_call), 4, env_param, funcAtom, InsConst(argc), ap);
                else if (!name->isRuntime()) {
                    // use inline cache for late bound call
                    // cache contains: [handler, vtable, [data], Multiname*]
                    // and we call (*cache->handler)(cache, obj, argc, args*, MethodEnv*)
                    CallCache* cache = call_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(name);
                    LIns* cacheAddr = InsConstPtr(cache);
                    LIns* handler = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(CallCache, call_handler), cacheAddr);
                    out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(call_cache_handler), 6,
                        handler, cacheAddr, base, InsConst(argc), ap, env_param);
                else {
                    // generic late bound call to anything
                    out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(callprop_late), 5, env_param, base, multi, InsConst(argc), ap);
                localSet(baseDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, out), result);

            case OP_constructprop:
                // stack in: obj [ns [name]] arg1..N
                // stack out: result

                int argc = int(op2);
                // obj = sp[-argc]
                //tempAtom = callproperty(env, name, toVTable(obj), argc, ...);
                //  *(sp -= argc) = tempAtom;
                int argv = sp-argc+1;

                int objDisp = sp-argc;
                LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);

                // convert args to Atom[] for the call
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(loadAtomRep(objDisp), argc, argv);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(construct_late), 4,
                    env_param, multi, InsConst(argc), ap);

                localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);

            case OP_callsuper:
            case OP_callsupervoid:
                // stack in: obj [ns [name]] arg1..N
                // stack out: result
                // null check must have already happened.
                //  tempAtom = callsuper(multiname, obj, sp-argc+1, argc, vtable->base);
                int argc = int(op2);
                int argv = sp - argc + 1;
                int objDisp = sp - argc;
                LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);

                // convert args to Atom[] for the call
                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);

                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(obj, argc, argv);

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(callsuper), 4,
                    env_param, multi, InsConst(argc), ap);

                localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);

            case OP_applytype:
                // stack in: method arg1..N
                // sp[-argc] = applytype(env, sp[-argc], argc, null, arg1..N)
                int argc = int(op1);
                int funcDisp = sp - argc;
                int dest = funcDisp;
                int arg0 = sp - argc + 1;

                LIns* func = loadAtomRep(funcDisp);

                // convert args to Atom[] for the call
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(argc, arg0);

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_applytype), 4,
                    env_param, func, InsConst(argc), ap);

                localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);

            case OP_newobject:
                // result = env->op_newobject(sp, argc)
                int argc = int(op1);
                int dest = sp - (2*argc-1);
                int arg0 = dest;

                // convert args to Atom for the call[]
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(2*argc, arg0);

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_newobject), 3,
                    env_param, leaIns(sizeof(Atom)*(2*argc-1), ap), InsConst(argc));

                localSet(dest, ptrToNativeRep(result, i3), result);

            case OP_newactivation:
                // result = env->newActivation()
                LIns* activation = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newActivation), 1, env_param);
                localSet(sp+1, ptrToNativeRep(result, activation), result);

            case OP_newcatch:
                // result = core->newObject(env->activation, NULL);
                int dest = sp+1;

                LIns* activation = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newcatch), 2,
                                         env_param, InsConstPtr(result));

                localSet(dest, ptrToNativeRep(result, activation), result);

            case OP_newarray:
                // sp[-argc+1] = env->toplevel()->arrayClass->newarray(sp-argc+1, argc)
                int argc = int(op1);
                int arg0 = sp - 1*argc+1;

                // convert array elements to Atom[]
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(argc, arg0);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newarray), 3, env_param, InsConst(argc), ap);

                localSet(arg0, i3, result);

            case OP_newclass:
                // sp[0] = core->newclass(env, ctraits, scopeBase, scopeDepth, base)
                Traits* ctraits = (Traits*) op1;
                int localindex = int(op2);
                int extraScopes = state->scopeDepth;

                LIns* outer = loadEnvScope();
                LIns* base = localGetp(localindex);

                // prepare scopechain args for call
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(extraScopes, state->verifier->scopeBase);

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newclass), 5,
                    env_param, InsConstPtr(ctraits), base, outer, ap);

                localSet(localindex, i3, result);

            case OP_getdescendants:
                // stack in: obj [ns [name]]
                // stack out: value
                //sp[0] = core->getdescendants(sp[0], name);
                int objDisp = sp;
                Multiname* multiname = (Multiname*) op1;

                LIns* envArg = env_param;
                LIns* out;
                LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp);
                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);

                out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getdescendants), 3,
                    envArg, obj, multi);

                localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, out), result);

            case OP_checkfilter: {
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(checkfilter), 2, env_param, loadAtomRep(index));

            case OP_findpropstrict:
            case OP_findproperty:
                // stack in: [ns [name]]
                // stack out: obj
                // sp[1] = env->findproperty(scopeBase, scopedepth, name, strict)
                int dest = sp;
                LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, dest);
                int extraScopes = state->scopeDepth;

                // prepare scopechain args for call
                LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(extraScopes, state->verifier->scopeBase);

                LIns* outer = loadEnvScope();

                LIns* withBase;
                if (state->withBase == -1)
                    withBase = InsConstPtr(0);
                    withBase = leaIns(state->withBase*sizeof(Atom), ap);

                //      return env->findproperty(outer, argv, extraScopes, name, strict);

                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(findproperty), 7,
                    env_param, outer, ap, InsConst(extraScopes), multi,
                    InsConst((int32_t)(opcode == OP_findpropstrict)),

                localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);

            case OP_getproperty:
                // stack in: obj [ns] [name]
                // stack out: value
                // obj=sp[0]
                //sp[0] = env->getproperty(obj, multiname);

                const Multiname* multiname = pool->precomputedMultiname((int)op1);
                bool attr = multiname->isAttr();
                Traits* indexType = state->value(sp).traits;
                int objDisp = sp;

                bool maybeIntegerIndex = !attr && multiname->isRtname() && multiname->containsAnyPublicNamespace();
                if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == INT_TYPE)
                    bool valIsAtom = true;
                    LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);

                    if (multiname->isRtns())
                        // Discard runtime namespace

                    Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;

                    LIns *value;
                    if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)) )
                        value = callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
                                        FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_getIntProperty) :
                                        FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_getIntProperty)), 2,
                            localGetp(sp-1), index);
                    else if( objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE)
                        if( result == INT_TYPE || result == UINT_TYPE)
                            value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                                    FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getNativeIntProperty) :
                                                    FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getNativeIntProperty)), 2,
                            localGetp(sp-1), index);
                            valIsAtom = false;
                            value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                                    FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getIntProperty) :
                                                    FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getIntProperty)), 2,
                            localGetp(sp-1), index);
                    else if( objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE )
                        if( result == NUMBER_TYPE )
                            value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getNativeIntProperty), 2,
                                localGetp(sp-1), index);
                            valIsAtom = false;
                            value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getIntProperty), 2,
                                localGetp(sp-1), index);
                        value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getpropertylate_i), 3,
                            env_param, loadAtomRep(sp-1), index);

                    localSet(sp-1, valIsAtom?atomToNativeRep(result, value):value, result);
                else if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == UINT_TYPE)
                    bool valIsAtom = true;

                    LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);

                    if (multiname->isRtns())
                        // Discard runtime namespace

                    Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;

                    LIns *value;
                    if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)))
                        value = callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
                                                FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_getUintProperty) :
                                                FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_getUintProperty)), 2,
                            localGetp(sp-1), index);
                    else if( objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE )
                        if( result == INT_TYPE || result == UINT_TYPE )
                            value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                                    FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getNativeUintProperty) :
                                                    FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getNativeUintProperty)), 2,
                            localGetp(sp-1), index);
                            valIsAtom = false;
                            value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                                    FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getUintProperty) :
                                                    FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getUintProperty)), 2,
                            localGetp(sp-1), index);
                    else if( objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE )
                        if( result == NUMBER_TYPE )//|| result == UINT_TYPE)
                            value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getNativeUintProperty), 2,
                                localGetp(sp-1), index);
                            valIsAtom = false;
                            value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getUintProperty), 2,
                                localGetp(sp-1), index);
                        value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getpropertylate_u), 3,
                            env_param, loadAtomRep(sp-1), index);

                    localSet(sp-1, valIsAtom?atomToNativeRep(result, value):value, result);
                else if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType != STRING_TYPE)
                    LIns* multi = InsConstPtr(multiname); // inline ptr to precomputed name
                    LIns* index = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
                    LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
                    LIns* value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getprop_index), 4,
                                        env_param, obj, multi, index);

                    localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, value), result);
                    LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp);

                    LIns* value;
                    LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
                    if (multiname->isRuntime()) {
                        //return getprop_late(obj, name);
                        value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getprop_late), 3, env_param, obj, multi);
                    } else {
                        // static name, use property cache
                        GetCache* cache = get_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(multiname);
                        LIns* cacheAddr = InsConstPtr(cache);
                        LIns* handler = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(GetCache, get_handler), cacheAddr);
                        value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(get_cache_handler), 4, handler, cacheAddr, env_param, obj);

                    localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, value), result);
            case OP_initproperty:
            case OP_setproperty:
                // stack in: obj [ns] [name] value
                // stack out:
                // obj = sp[-1]
                //env->setproperty(obj, multiname, sp[0], toVTable(obj));
                //LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);

                const Multiname* multiname = (const Multiname*)op1;
                bool attr = multiname->isAttr();
                Traits* indexType = state->value(sp-1).traits;
                Traits* valueType = state->value(sp).traits;
                int objDisp = sp-1;

                bool maybeIntegerIndex = !attr && multiname->isRtname() && multiname->containsAnyPublicNamespace();

                if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == INT_TYPE)
                    LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);

                    if (multiname->isRtns())
                        // Discard runtime namespace

                    Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;

                    if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)))
                        LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                        callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
                                        FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_setIntProperty) :
                                        FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_setIntProperty)), 3,
                            localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                    else if(objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE )
                        if( valueType == INT_TYPE )
                            LIns* value = localGet(sp);
                            callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                            FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeIntProperty) :
                                            localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                        else if( valueType == UINT_TYPE )
                            LIns* value = localGet(sp);
                            callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                            FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeIntProperty) :
                                            localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                            LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                            value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                                    FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setIntProperty) :
                                                    localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                    else if(objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE)
                        if( valueType == NUMBER_TYPE )
                            LIns* value = localGetq(sp);
                            callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setNativeIntProperty), 3,
                                localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                            LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                            value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setIntProperty), 3,
                                localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                        LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                        callIns(FUNCTIONID(setpropertylate_i), 4,
                            env_param, loadAtomRep(objDisp), index, value);
                else if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == UINT_TYPE)
                    LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);

                    if (multiname->isRtns())
                        // Discard runtime namespace

                    Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;

                    if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)))
                        LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                        callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
                                        FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_setUintProperty) :
                                        FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_setUintProperty)), 3,
                            localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                    else if(objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE )
                        if( valueType == INT_TYPE )
                            LIns* value = localGet(sp);
                            callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                            FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeUintProperty) :
                                            localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                        else if( valueType == UINT_TYPE )
                            LIns* value = localGet(sp);
                            callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                            FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeUintProperty) :
                                            localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                            LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                            value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
                                                    FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setUintProperty) :
                                                    localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                    else if(objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE)
                        if( valueType == NUMBER_TYPE )
                            LIns* value = localGetq(sp);
                            callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setNativeUintProperty), 3,
                                localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                            LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                            value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setUintProperty), 3,
                                localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
                        LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                        callIns(FUNCTIONID(setpropertylate_u), 4,
                            env_param, loadAtomRep(objDisp), index, value);
                else if (maybeIntegerIndex)
                    LIns* name = InsConstPtr(multiname); // precomputed multiname
                    LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                    LIns* index = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
                    LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
                    const CallInfo *func = opcode==OP_setproperty ? FUNCTIONID(setprop_index) :
                    callIns(func, 5, env_param, obj, name, value, index);
                    LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
                    LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp);

                    LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
                    if (opcode == OP_setproperty) {
                        if (!multiname->isRuntime()) {
                            // use inline cache for dynamic setproperty access
                            SetCache* cache = set_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(multiname);
                            LIns* cacheAddr = InsConstPtr(cache);
                            LIns* handler = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(SetCache, set_handler), cacheAddr);
                            callIns(FUNCTIONID(set_cache_handler), 5, handler, cacheAddr, obj, value, env_param);
                        } else {
                            // last resort slow path for OP_setproperty
                            callIns(FUNCTIONID(setprop_late), 4, env_param, obj, multi, value);
                        // initproplate is rare in jit code because we typically interpret static
                        // initializers, and constructor initializers tend to early-bind successfully.
                        callIns(FUNCTIONID(initprop_late), 4, env_param, obj, multi, value);

            case OP_deleteproperty:
                // stack in: obj [ns] [name]
                // stack out: Boolean
                //sp[0] = delproperty(sp[0], multiname);
                int objDisp = sp;
                Multiname *multiname = (Multiname*)op1;
                if(!multiname->isRtname()) {
                    LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp, true);

                    LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);

                    LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(delproperty), 3,
                        env_param, obj, multi);

                    localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
                } else {
                    LIns* _tempname = copyMultiname(multiname);
                    LIns* index = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);

                    if( !multiname->isRtns() )
                        // copy the compile-time namespace to the temp multiname
                        LIns* mSpace = InsConstPtr(multiname->ns);
                        stp(mSpace, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname, ns));
                        // intern the runtime namespace and copy to the temp multiname
                        LIns* nsAtom = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
                        LIns* internNs = callIns(FUNCTIONID(internRtns), 2,
                            env_param, nsAtom);

                        stp(internNs, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname,ns));

                    LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);

                    LIns* value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(delpropertyHelper), 4,
                                        env_param, obj, _tempname, index);

                    localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, value), result);

            case OP_esc_xelem: // ToXMLString will call EscapeElementValue
                //sp[0] = core->ToXMLString(sp[0]);
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                LIns* value = loadAtomRep(index);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(ToXMLString), 2,
                    coreAddr, value);
                AvmAssert(result == STRING_TYPE);
                localSet(index, i3, result);

            case OP_esc_xattr:
                //sp[0] = core->EscapeAttributeValue(sp[0]);
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                LIns* value = loadAtomRep(index);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(EscapeAttributeValue), 2,
                    coreAddr, value);
                AvmAssert(result == STRING_TYPE);
                localSet(index, i3, result);

            case OP_astype:
                // sp[0] = AvmCore::astype(sp[0], traits)
                Traits *type = (Traits*) op1;
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op2;
                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(index);
                LIns* i1 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(astype), 2, obj, InsConstPtr(type));
                i1 = atomToNativeRep(result, i1);
                localSet(index, i1, result);

            case OP_astypelate:
                //sp[-1] = astype_late(env, sp[-1], sp[0]);
                LIns* type = loadAtomRep(sp);
                LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
                LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(astype_late), 3, env_param, obj, type);
                i3 = atomToNativeRep(result, i3);
                localSet(sp-1, i3, result);

            case OP_strictequals:
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(stricteq), sp-1, sp), result);

            case OP_equals:
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(equals), sp-1, sp), result);

            case OP_lessthan:
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, cmpLt(sp-1, sp), result);

            case OP_lessequals:
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, cmpLe(sp-1, sp), result);

            case OP_greaterthan:
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, cmpLt(sp, sp-1), result);

            case OP_greaterequals:
                AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                localSet(sp-1, cmpLe(sp, sp-1), result);

            case OP_instanceof:
                LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
                LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(sp);
                LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(instanceof), 3, env_param, lhs, rhs);
                out = atomToNativeRep(result, out);
                localSet(sp-1,  out, result);

            case OP_in:
                LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
                LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(sp);
                LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_in), 3, env_param, lhs, rhs);
                out = atomToNativeRep(result, out);
                localSet(sp-1, out, result);

            case OP_dxns:
                LIns* uri = InsConstPtr((String*)op1); // namespace uri from string pool
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(setDxns), 3, coreAddr, methodFrame, uri);

            case OP_dxnslate:
                int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
                LIns* atom = loadAtomRep(index);
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(setDxnsLate), 3, coreAddr, methodFrame, atom);

             * debugger instructions
            case OP_debugfile:
            #ifdef DEBUGGER
            if (core->debugger())
                // todo refactor api's so we don't have to pass argv/argc
                LIns* debugger = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(AvmCore, _debugger),
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugFile), 2,
            #endif // DEBUGGER
           #ifdef VTUNE
                Ins(LIR_file, InsConstPtr((String*)op1));
           #endif /* VTUNE */

            case OP_debugline:
            #ifdef DEBUGGER
            if (core->debugger())
                // todo refactor api's so we don't have to pass argv/argc
                LIns* debugger = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(AvmCore, _debugger),
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugLine), 2,
            #endif // DEBUGGER
            #ifdef VTUNE
                Ins(LIR_line, InsConst((int32_t)op1));
                hasDebugInfo = true;
           #endif /* VTUNE */

                AvmAssert(false); // unsupported

    } // emit()

    void CodegenLIR::emitIf(FrameState *state, AbcOpcode opcode, int target_off, int a, int b)
        this->state = state;

        Sampler* s = core->get_sampler();
        if (s && s->sampling() && target_off < state->pc)

        // compile instructions that cannot throw exceptions before we add exception handling logic

        // op1 = abc opcode target
        // op2 = what local var contains condition

        LIns* cond;
        LOpcode br;

        switch (opcode)
        case OP_iftrue:
            NanoAssert(state->value(a).traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = eq0(localGet(a));
        case OP_iffalse:
            NanoAssert(state->value(a).traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = eq0(localGet(a));
        case OP_iflt:
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = cmpLt(a, b);
        case OP_ifnlt:
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = cmpLt(a, b);
        case OP_ifle:
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = cmpLe(a, b);
        case OP_ifnle:
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = cmpLe(a, b);
        case OP_ifgt:  // a>b === b<a
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = cmpLt(b, a);
        case OP_ifngt: // !(a>b) === !(b<a)
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = cmpLt(b, a);
        case OP_ifge:  // a>=b === b<=a
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = cmpLe(b, a);
        case OP_ifnge: // !(a>=b) === !(a<=b)
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = cmpLe(b, a);
        case OP_ifeq:
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(equals), a, b);
        case OP_ifne:
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(equals), a, b);
        case OP_ifstricteq:
            br = LIR_jt;
            cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(stricteq), a, b);
        case OP_ifstrictne:
            br = LIR_jf;
            cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(stricteq), a, b);

        if (cond->isconst()) {
            if ((br == LIR_jt && cond->imm32()) || (br == LIR_jf && !cond->imm32())) {
                // taken
                br = LIR_j;
                cond = 0;
            else {
                // not taken = no-op

        branchIns(br, cond, target_off);
    } // emitIf()

    // Faster compares for ints, uint, doubles
    LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpOptimization(int lhsi, int rhsi, LOpcode icmp, LOpcode ucmp, LOpcode fcmp)
        Traits* lht = state->value(lhsi).traits;
        Traits* rht = state->value(rhsi).traits;

        if (lht == rht && lht == INT_TYPE)
            LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
            LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
            return binaryIns(icmp, lhs, rhs);
        else if (lht == rht && lht == UINT_TYPE)
            LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
            LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
            return binaryIns(ucmp, lhs, rhs);
        else if (lht && lht->isNumeric() && rht && rht->isNumeric())
            // If we're comparing a uint to an int and the int is a non-negative
            // integer constant, don't promote to doubles for the compare
            if ((lht == UINT_TYPE) && (rht == INT_TYPE))
                LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
                LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
            #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                // 32-bit signed and unsigned values fit in 64-bit registers
                // so we can promote and simply do a signed 64bit compare
                LOpcode qcmp = i32cmp_to_i64cmp(icmp);
                NanoAssert((icmp == LIR_eq && qcmp == LIR_qeq) ||
                           (icmp == LIR_lt && qcmp == LIR_qlt) ||
                           (icmp == LIR_le && qcmp == LIR_qle));
                return binaryIns(qcmp, u2p(lhs), i2p(rhs));
                if (rhs->isconst() && rhs->imm32() >= 0)
                    return binaryIns(ucmp, lhs, rhs);
            else if ((lht == INT_TYPE) && (rht == UINT_TYPE))
                LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
                LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
            #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                // 32-bit signed and unsigned values fit in 64-bit registers
                // so we can promote and simply do a signed 64bit compare
                LOpcode qcmp = i32cmp_to_i64cmp(icmp);
                NanoAssert((icmp == LIR_eq && qcmp == LIR_qeq) ||
                           (icmp == LIR_lt && qcmp == LIR_qlt) ||
                           (icmp == LIR_le && qcmp == LIR_qle));
                return binaryIns(qcmp, i2p(lhs), u2p(rhs));
                if (lhs->isconst() && lhs->imm32() >= 0)
                    return binaryIns(ucmp, lhs, rhs);

            LIns* lhs = promoteNumberIns(lht, lhsi);
            LIns* rhs = promoteNumberIns(rht, rhsi);
            return binaryIns(fcmp, lhs, rhs);

        return NULL;

    // set cc's for < operator
    LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpLt(int lhsi, int rhsi)
        LIns *result = cmpOptimization (lhsi, rhsi, LIR_lt, LIR_ult, LIR_flt);
        if (result)
            return result;

        AvmAssert(trueAtom == 13);
        AvmAssert(falseAtom == 5);
        AvmAssert(undefinedAtom == 4);
        LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(lhsi);
        LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(rhsi);
        LIns* atom = callIns(FUNCTIONID(compare), 3,
            coreAddr, lhs, rhs);

        // caller will use jt for (a<b) and jf for !(a<b)
        // compare          ^8    <8
        // true       1101  0101   y
        // false      0101  1101   n
        // undefined  0100  1100   n

        LIns* c = InsConst(8);
        return binaryIns(LIR_lt, binaryIns(LIR_xor, p2i(atom), c), c);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpLe(int lhsi, int rhsi)
        LIns *result = cmpOptimization (lhsi, rhsi, LIR_le, LIR_ule, LIR_fle);
        if (result)
            return result;

        LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(lhsi);
        LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(rhsi);
        LIns* atom = callIns(FUNCTIONID(compare), 3,
            coreAddr, rhs, lhs);

        // assume caller will use jt for (a<=b) and jf for !(a<=b)
        // compare          ^1    <=4
        // true       1101  1100  n
        // false      0101  0100  y
        // undefined  0100  0101  n

        LIns* c2 = InsConst(1);
        LIns* c4 = InsConst(4);
        return binaryIns(LIR_le, binaryIns(LIR_xor, p2i(atom), c2), c4);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpEq(const CallInfo *fid, int lhsi, int rhsi)
        LIns *result = cmpOptimization (lhsi, rhsi, LIR_eq, LIR_eq, LIR_feq);
        if (result) {
            return result;

        Traits* lht = state->value(lhsi).traits;
        Traits* rht = state->value(rhsi).traits;

        // If we have null and a type that is derived from an Object (but not Object or XML)
        // we can optimize our equal comparison down to a simple ptr comparison. This also
        // works when both types are derived Object types.
        if (((lht == NULL_TYPE) && (rht && !rht->notDerivedObjectOrXML())) ||
            ((rht == NULL_TYPE) && (lht && !lht->notDerivedObjectOrXML())) ||
            ((rht && !rht->notDerivedObjectOrXML()) && (lht && !lht->notDerivedObjectOrXML())))
            LIns* lhs = localGetp(lhsi);
            LIns* rhs = localGetp(rhsi);
            result = binaryIns(LIR_peq, lhs, rhs);
            LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(lhsi);
            LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(rhsi);
            LIns* out = callIns(fid, 3, coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
            result = binaryIns(LIR_peq, out, InsConstAtom(trueAtom));
        return result;

    void CodegenLIR::writeEpilogue(FrameState *state)
        this->state = state;
        this->labelCount = state->verifier->labelCount;

        if (mop_rangeCheckFailed_label.has_preds) {
            LIns* range_label = label();
            verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(range_label, "mop_rangeCheckFailed"); })
            setLabelPos(mop_rangeCheckFailed_label, range_label);
            callIns(FUNCTIONID(mop_rangeCheckFailed), 1, env_param);

        if (npe_label.has_preds) {
            LIns *npelabel = label();
            verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(npelabel, "npe"); })
            setLabelPos(npe_label, npelabel);
            callIns(FUNCTIONID(npe), 1, env_param);

        if (interrupt_label.has_preds) {
            LIns *intlabel = label();
            verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(intlabel, "interrupt"); })
            setLabelPos(interrupt_label, intlabel);
            callIns(FUNCTIONID(handleInterruptMethodEnv), 1, env_param);

        if (info->hasExceptions()) {
            LIns *catchlabel = label();
            verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(catchlabel, "catch"); })

            // exception case
            LIns *exptr = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(AvmCore, exceptionAddr), coreAddr);
            LIns *exAtom = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(Exception, atom), exptr);
            localSet(state->verifier->stackBase, exAtom, NULL_TYPE);
            // need to convert exception from atom to native rep, at top of
            // catch handler.  can't do it here because it could be any type.

            // _ef.beginCatch()
            LIns* pc = loadIns(LIR_ldp, 0, _save_eip);
            LIns* handler = callIns(FUNCTIONID(beginCatch), 5,
                coreAddr, _ef, InsConstPtr(info), pc, exptr);

            int handler_count = info->abc_exceptions()->exception_count;
            // Jump to catch handler
            LIns *handler_target = loadIns(LIR_ld, offsetof(ExceptionHandler, target), handler);
            // Do a compare & branch to each possible target.
            for (int i=0; i < handler_count; i++)
                ExceptionHandler* h = &info->abc_exceptions()->exceptions[i];
                int handler_pc_off = h->target;
                if (i+1 < handler_count) {
                    branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_eq, handler_target, InsConst(handler_pc_off)), handler_pc_off);
                } else {
                    branchIns(LIR_j, 0, handler_pc_off);

        // extend live range of critical stuff
        // fixme -- this should be automatic based on live analysis
        Ins(LIR_live, methodFrame);
        Ins(LIR_live, env_param);
        Ins(LIR_live, coreAddr);
        Ins(LIR_live, undefConst);

        if (info->hasExceptions()) {
            Ins(LIR_live, _ef);
            Ins(LIR_live, _save_eip);

        LIns* last = Ins(LIR_live, vars);

        #ifdef DEBUGGER
        if (core->debugger())
            Ins(LIR_live, csn);
            last = Ins(LIR_live, varTraits);

        for (Seq<Patch>* p = patches.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail) {
            Patch& patch = p->head;
            AvmAssert(patch.label->bb != NULL);
            if (>isop(LIR_jtbl)) {
      >setTarget(patch.index, patch.label->bb);
            } else {
                AvmAssert(>isBranch() && patch.index == 0);

        frag->lastIns = last;


    // emit code to create a stack-allocated copy of the given multiname.
    // this helper only initializes Multiname.flags and Multiname.next_index
    LIns* CodegenLIR::copyMultiname(const Multiname* multiname)
        LIns* name = InsAlloc(sizeof(Multiname));
        sti(InsConst(multiname->ctFlags()), name, offsetof(Multiname, flags));
        sti(InsConst(multiname->next_index), name, offsetof(Multiname, next_index));
        return name;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::initMultiname(const Multiname* multiname, int& csp, bool isDelete /*=false*/)
        if (!multiname->isRuntime()) {
            // use the precomputed multiname
            return InsConstPtr(multiname);

        // create an initialize a copy of the given multiname
        LIns* _tempname = copyMultiname(multiname);

        // then initialize its name and ns|nsset fields.
        LIns* nameAtom = NULL;
        if (multiname->isRtname())
            nameAtom = loadAtomRep(csp--);
            // copy the compile-time name to the temp name
            LIns* mName = InsConstPtr(multiname->name);
            stp(mName, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname,name));

        if (multiname->isRtns())
            // intern the runtime namespace and copy to the temp multiname
            LIns* nsAtom = loadAtomRep(csp--);
            LIns* internNs = callIns(FUNCTIONID(internRtns), 2,
                env_param, nsAtom);

            stp(internNs, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname,ns));
            // copy the compile-time namespace to the temp multiname
            LIns* mSpace = InsConstPtr(multiname->ns);
            stp(mSpace, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname, ns));

        // Call initMultinameLate as the last step, since if a runtime
        // namespace is present, initMultinameLate may clobber it if a
        // QName is provided as index.
        if (nameAtom)
            if (isDelete)
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(initMultinameLateForDelete), 3,
                        env_param, _tempname, nameAtom);
                callIns(FUNCTIONID(initMultinameLate), 3,
                        coreAddr, _tempname, nameAtom);

        return _tempname;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadToplevel()
        LIns* vtable = loadEnvVTable();
        return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,_toplevel), vtable);

    static bool sumFitsInInt32(int32_t a, int32_t b)
        return int64_t(a) + int64_t(b) == int64_t(a + b);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(LIns* mopAddr, int32_t const size, int32_t* disp)
        AvmAssert(size > 0);    // it's signed to help make the int promotion correct

        if (!globalMemoryInfo)
            globalMemoryInfo = (GlobalMemoryInfo*)pool->codeMgr->allocator.alloc(sizeof(GlobalMemoryInfo));
            globalMemoryInfo->base = pool->domain->globalMemoryBase();
            globalMemoryInfo->size = pool->domain->globalMemorySize();

        if (disp != NULL)
            *disp = 0;

            // mopAddr is an int (an offset from globalMemoryBase) on all archs.
            // if mopAddr is an expression of the form
            //      expr+const
            //      const+expr
            //      expr-const
            //      (but not const-expr)
            // then try to pull the constant out and return it as a displacement to
            // be used in the instruction as an addressing-mode offset.
            // (but only if caller requests it that way.)
            for (;;)
                LOpcode const op = mopAddr->opcode();
                if (op != LIR_add && op != LIR_sub)

                int32_t imm;
                LInsp nonImm;
                if (mopAddr->oprnd2()->isconst())
                    imm = mopAddr->oprnd2()->imm32();
                    nonImm = mopAddr->oprnd1();

                    if (op == LIR_sub)
                        imm = -imm;
                else if (mopAddr->oprnd1()->isconst())
                    // don't try to optimize const-expr
                    if (op == LIR_sub)

                    imm = mopAddr->oprnd1()->imm32();
                    nonImm = mopAddr->oprnd2();

                if (!sumFitsInInt32(*disp, imm))

                *disp += imm;
                mopAddr = nonImm;

        LInsp mopsMemoryBase = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, 0, InsConstPtr(&globalMemoryInfo->base));
        LInsp mopsMemorySize = loadIns(LIR_ldc, 0, InsConstPtr(&globalMemoryInfo->size));

        LInsp lhs, rhs, br;
        if (!disp || *disp == 0)
            // note that the mops "addr" (offset from globalMemoryBase) is in fact a signed int, so we have to check
            // for it being < 0 ... but we can get by with a single unsigned compare since all values < 0 will be > size
            lhs = mopAddr;
            rhs = binaryIns(LIR_sub, mopsMemorySize, InsConst(size));
            br = branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_ugt, lhs, rhs));
            patchLater(br, mop_rangeCheckFailed_label);
            // @todo, can we get by with a simpler test here?
            lhs = binaryIns(LIR_add, mopAddr, InsConst(*disp));
            rhs = InsConst(0);
            br = branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_lt, lhs, rhs));
            patchLater(br, mop_rangeCheckFailed_label);

            lhs = binaryIns(LIR_add, mopAddr, InsConst(*disp+size));
            rhs = mopsMemorySize;
            br = branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_gt, lhs, rhs));
            patchLater(br, mop_rangeCheckFailed_label);

        // if mopAddr is a compiletime constant, we still have to do the range-check above
        // (since globalMemorySize can vary at runtime), but we might be able to encode
        // the address into the displacement (if any)...
        if (mopAddr->isconst() && disp != NULL && sumFitsInInt32(*disp, mopAddr->imm32()))
            *disp += mopAddr->imm32();
            return mopsMemoryBase;
        // note: we can use piadd here only because we know this is never a GCObject.
        // (if it was, we'd have to use LIR_addp, which is restricted from certain
        // optimizations that can leave dangling interior pointers)
        // (yes, i2p, not u2p... it might legitimately be negative due to the
        // displacement optimization loop above.)
        return binaryIns(LIR_piadd, mopsMemoryBase, i2p(mopAddr));

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadEnvScope()
        LIns* scope = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(MethodEnv,_scope), env_param);
        return scope;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadEnvVTable()
        LIns* scope = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(MethodEnv,_scope), env_param);
        LIns* vtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_vtable), scope);
        return vtable;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadEnvAbcEnv()
        LIns* scope = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(MethodEnv,_scope), env_param);
        LIns* abcenv = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_abcEnv), scope);
        return abcenv;

    LIns* CodegenLIR::loadVTable(int i)
        Traits* t = state->value(i).traits;

        if (t && !t->isMachineType() && t != STRING_TYPE && t != NAMESPACE_TYPE && t != NULL_TYPE)
            // must be a pointer to a scriptobject, and we've done the n
            // all other types are ScriptObject, and we've done the null check
            return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScriptObject, vtable), localGetp(i));

        LIns* toplevel = loadToplevel();

        int offset;
        if (t == NAMESPACE_TYPE)    offset = offsetof(Toplevel, namespaceClass);
        else if (t == STRING_TYPE)  offset = offsetof(Toplevel, stringClass);
        else if (t == BOOLEAN_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, booleanClass);
        else if (t == NUMBER_TYPE)  offset = offsetof(Toplevel, numberClass);
        else if (t == INT_TYPE)     offset = offsetof(Toplevel, intClass);
        else if (t == UINT_TYPE)    offset = offsetof(Toplevel, uintClass);
            // *, Object or Void
            LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(i);
            return callIns(FUNCTIONID(toVTable), 2, toplevel, obj);

        // now offset != -1 and we are returning a primitive vtable

        LIns* cc = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offset, toplevel);
        LIns* cvtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ClassClosure, vtable), cc);
        return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, ivtable), cvtable);

    LIns* CodegenLIR::promoteNumberIns(Traits* t, int i)
        if (t == NUMBER_TYPE)
            return localGetq(i);
        if (t == INT_TYPE || t == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
            return i2dIns(localGet(i));
        AvmAssert(t == UINT_TYPE);
        return u2dIns(localGet(i));

    void CodegenLIR::formatOperand(PrintWriter& buffer, Value& v)
        if (v.ins) formatOperand(buffer, v.ins);

    void CodegenLIR::formatOperand(PrintWriter& buffer, LIns* opr)
        if (opr) {
            buffer.format("@%s", frag->lirbuf->names->formatRef(opr));
        else {
            buffer << "0";
#endif /* NJ_VERBOSE */

    /* set position of label */
    void CodegenLIR::setLabelPos(CodegenLabel& l, LIns* bb) {
        AvmAssert( == 0); = bb;

    void CodegenLIR::emitSampleCheck()
        /* @todo inline the sample check code, help!  */
        callIns(FUNCTIONID(sampleCheck), 1, coreAddr);

    bool CodegenLIR::verbose()
        return (state && state->verifier->verbose) || pool->isVerbose(VB_jit);

    LIns *CodegenLIR::branchIns(LOpcode op, LIns *cond) {
        if (cond) {
            if (!cond->isCmp()) {
                // branching on a non-condition expression, so test (v==0)
                // and invert the sense of the branch.
                cond = eq0(cond);
                op = LOpcode(op ^ 1);
            if (cond->isconst()) {
                if ((op == LIR_jt && cond->imm32()) || (op == LIR_jf && !cond->imm32())) {
                    // taken
                    op = LIR_j;
                    cond = 0;
                else {
                    // not taken - no code to emit.
                    return 0;
        return lirout->insBranch(op, cond, 0);

    LIns *CodegenLIR::branchIns(LOpcode op, LIns *cond, int pc_off) {
        LIns *br = branchIns(op, cond);
        patchLater(br, pc_off);
        return br;

    /* patch the location 'where' with the value of the label */
    void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns* br, int pc_off)   {
        patchLater(br, state->verifier->getFrameState(pc_off)->label);

    void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns* jtbl, int pc_off, uint32_t index) {
        patchLater(jtbl, state->verifier->getFrameState(pc_off)->label, index);

    void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns *br, CodegenLabel &l) {
        if (!br) return; // occurs if branch was unconditional and thus never emitted.
        l.has_preds = 1;
        if ( != 0) {
        } else {
            patches.add(Patch(br, l));

    void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns *jtbl, CodegenLabel &l, uint32_t index) {
        l.has_preds = 1;
        if ( != 0) {
            jtbl->setTarget(index,;           // backward edge
        } else {
            l.jtbl_forward_target = 1;              // target of jtbl forward edge
            patches.add(Patch(jtbl, l, index));

    LIns* CodegenLIR::InsAlloc(int32_t size) {
        //fixme - why InsAlloc(0)?
        return lirout->insAlloc(size >= 4 ? size : 4);

    CodeMgr::CodeMgr() : codeAlloc()
        , labels(allocator, &log)
        , bindingCaches(NULL)
        verbose_only( log.lcbits = 0; )

    void CodeMgr::flushBindingCaches()
        // this clears vtable so all kObjectType receivers are invalidated.
        // of course, this field is also "tag" for primitive receivers,
        // but 0 is never a legal value there (and this is asserted when the tag is set)
        // so this should safely invalidate those as well (though we don't really need to invalidate them)
        for (BindingCache* b = bindingCaches; b != NULL; b = b->next)
            b->vtable = NULL;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    class ValidateReader: public LirFilter {
        ValidateReader(LirFilter *in) : LirFilter(in)

        LIns* read() {
            LIns *i = in->read();
            switch (i->opcode()) {
            case LIR_jt:
            case LIR_jf:
            case LIR_j:
                AvmAssert(i->getTarget() != NULL && i->getTarget() == i->oprnd2() && i->oprnd2()->isop(LIR_label));
            case LIR_jtbl:
                AvmAssert(i->getTableSize() > 0);
                for (uint32_t j=0, n=i->getTableSize(); j < n; j++)
                    AvmAssert(i->getTarget(j) != NULL && i->getTarget(j)->isop(LIR_label));
            return i;

    void analyze_edge(LIns* label, nanojit::BitSet &livein,
                      HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels,
                      InsList* looplabels)
        nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(label);
        if (lset) {
        } else {

    void CodegenLIR::deadvars_analyze(Allocator& alloc, nanojit::BitSet& livein,
        HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels)
        LirBuffer *lirbuf = frag->lirbuf;
        LIns *catcher = exBranch ? exBranch->getTarget() : 0;
        LIns *vars = lirbuf->sp;
        InsList looplabels(alloc);

        verbose_only(int iter = 0;)
        bool again;
        do {
            again = false;
            LirReader in(frag->lastIns);
            for (LIns *i =; !i->isop(LIR_start); i = {
                LOpcode op = i->opcode();
                switch (op) {
                case LIR_ret:
                case LIR_fret:
                case LIR_sti:
                case LIR_stqi:
                    if (i->oprnd2() == vars) {
                        int d = i->disp() >> 3;
                case LIR_ld:
                case LIR_ldc:
                case LIR_ldq:
                case LIR_ldqc:
                    if (i->oprnd1() == vars) {
                        int d = i->disp() >> 3;
                case LIR_label: {
                    // we're at the top of a block, save livein for this block
                    // so it can be propagated to predecessors
                    nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(i);
                    if (!lset) {
                        lset = new (alloc) nanojit::BitSet(alloc, framesize);
                        labels.put(i, lset);
                    if (lset->setFrom(livein) && !again) {
                        for (Seq<LIns*>* p = looplabels.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail) {
                            if (p->head == i) {
                                again = true;
                case LIR_j:
                    // the fallthrough path is unreachable, clear it.
                    // fall through to other branch cases
                case LIR_jt:
                case LIR_jf:
                    // merge the LiveIn sets from each successor:  the fall
                    // through case (livein) and the branch case (lset).
                    analyze_edge(i->getTarget(), livein, labels, &looplabels);
                case LIR_jtbl:
                    livein.reset(); // fallthrough path is unreachable, clear it.
                    for (uint32_t j=0, n=i->getTableSize(); j < n; j++)
                        analyze_edge(i->getTarget(j), livein, labels, &looplabels);
                case LIR_qcall:
                case LIR_icall:
                case LIR_fcall:
                    if (catcher && !i->isCse()) {
                        // non-cse call is like a conditional forward branch to the catcher label.
                        // this could be made more precise by checking whether this call
                        // can really throw, and only processing edges to the subset of
                        // reachable catch blocks.  If we haven't seen the catch label yet then
                        // the call is to an exception handling helper (eg beginCatch())
                        // that won't throw.
                        nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(catcher);
                        if (lset)
        while (again);

        // now make a final pass, modifying LIR to delete dead stores (make them LIR_neartramps)
        verbose_only( if (pool->isVerbose(VB_jit))
            AvmLog("killing dead stores after %d LA iterations.\n",iter);

    void CodegenLIR::deadvars_kill(nanojit::BitSet& livein, HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels)
        // table of LIR instruction sizes (private to this file)
        // TODO this can go away if we turn this kill pass into a LirReader
        // and do the work inline with the assembly pass.
        static const uint8_t lirSizes[] = {
        #define OPDEF(op, number, repkind, retType) sizeof(LIns##repkind),
        #include "../nanojit/LIRopcode.tbl"
        #undef OPDEF

        verbose_only(LirNameMap *names = frag->lirbuf->names;)
        verbose_only(bool verbose = names && pool->isVerbose(VB_jit); )
        LIns *catcher = exBranch ? exBranch->getTarget() : 0;
        LirBuffer *lirbuf = frag->lirbuf;
        LIns *vars = lirbuf->sp;
        LirReader in(frag->lastIns);
        for (LIns *i =; !i->isop(LIR_start); i = {
            LOpcode op = i->opcode();
            switch (op) {
                case LIR_ret:
                case LIR_fret:
                case LIR_sti:
                case LIR_stqi:
                    if (i->oprnd2() == vars) {
                        int d = i->disp() >> 3;
                        if (!livein.get(d)) {
                            verbose_only(if (verbose)
                                AvmLog("- %s\n", names->formatIns(i));)
                            // erase the store by rewriting it as a skip
                            LIns* prevIns = (LIns*) (uintptr_t(i) - lirSizes[op]);
                        } else {
                case LIR_ld:
                case LIR_ldc:
                case LIR_ldq:
                case LIR_ldqc:
                    if (i->oprnd1() == vars) {
                        int d = i->disp() >> 3;
                case LIR_label: {
                    // we're at the top of a block, save livein for this block
                    // so it can be propagated to predecessors
                    nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(i);
                    AvmAssert(lset != 0); // all labels have been seen by deadvars_analyze()
                case LIR_j:
                    // the fallthrough path is unreachable, clear it.
                    // fall through to other branch cases
                case LIR_jt:
                case LIR_jf:
                    // merge the LiveIn sets from each successor:  the fall
                    // through case (live) and the branch case (lset).
                    analyze_edge(i->getTarget(), livein, labels, 0);
                case LIR_jtbl:
                    for (uint32_t j = 0, n = i->getTableSize(); j < n; j++)
                        analyze_edge(i->getTarget(j), livein, labels, 0);
                case LIR_qcall:
                case LIR_icall:
                case LIR_fcall:
                    if (catcher && !i->isCse()) {
                        // non-cse call is like a conditional branch to the catcher label.
                        // this could be made more precise by checking whether this call
                        // can really throw, and only processing edges to the subset of
                        // reachable catch blocks.
                        nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(catcher);
                        AvmAssert(lset != 0); // this is a forward branch, we have seen the label.
                        // the target LiveIn set (lset) is non-empty,
                        // union it with fall-through set (live).
            verbose_only(if (verbose) {
                AvmLog("  %s\n", names->formatIns(i));

     * this is iterative live variable analysis.  We walk backwards through
     * the code.  when we see a load, we mark the variable live, and when
     * we see a store, we mark it dead.  Dead stores are dropped, not returned
     * by read().
     * at labels, we save the liveIn set associated with that label.
     * at branches, we merge the liveIn sets from the fall through case (which
     * is the current set) and the branch case (which was saved with the label).
     * this filter can be run multiple times, which is required to pick up
     * loop-carried live variables.
     * once the live sets are stable, the DeadVars.kill flag is set to cause the filter
     * to not only drop dead stores, but overwrite them as tramps so they'll be
     * ignored by any later passes even without using this filter.

    void CodegenLIR::deadvars()
        // if debugging, don't eliminate vars.  this way the debugger sees the true
        // variable state at each safe point.
        DEBUGGER_ONLY(if (core->debugger()) return; )

        // allocator used only for duration of this phase.  no exceptions are
        // thrown while this phase runs, hence no try/catch is necessary.
        Allocator dv_alloc;

        // map of label -> bitset, tracking what is livein at each label.
        // populated by deadvars_analyze, then used by deadvars_kill
        // estimate number of required buckets based on the verifier's labelCount,
        // which is slightly below the actual # of labels in LIR.  being slightly low
        // is okay for a bucket hashtable.  note: labelCount is 0 for simple 1-block
        // methods, so use labelCount+1 as the estimate to ensure we have >0 buckets.
        HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> labels(dv_alloc, labelCount + 1);

        // scratch bitset used by both dv_analyze and dv_kill.  Each resets
        // the bitset before using it.  creating it here saves one allocation.
        nanojit::BitSet livein(dv_alloc, framesize);

        deadvars_analyze(dv_alloc, livein, labels);
        deadvars_kill(livein, labels);

    int jitcount = 0;
    int jitmin = 1;
    int jitmax = 0x7fffffff;

    void CodegenLIR::emitMD()
        mmfx_delete( alloc1 );
        alloc1 = NULL;

            LirReader reader(frag->lastIns);
            ValidateReader validator(&reader);
            for (LIns* i =; !i->isop(LIR_start); i =
            { }


        CodeMgr *mgr = pool->codeMgr;
        verbose_only(if (pool->isVerbose(VB_jit)) {
            Allocator live_alloc;
            nanojit::live(live_alloc, frag, &mgr->log);

        Assembler *assm = new (*lir_alloc) Assembler(mgr->codeAlloc, mgr->allocator, *lir_alloc, core, &mgr->log);
        #ifdef VTUNE
        assm->cgen = this;

        LirReader bufreader(frag->lastIns);

        verbose_only( StringList asmOutput(*lir_alloc); )
        verbose_only( assm->_outputCache = &asmOutput; )

        assm->assemble(frag, &bufreader);

            assm->_outputCache = 0;
            for (Seq<char*>* p = asmOutput.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail) {
                assm->outputf("%s", p->head);

        PERFM_NVPROF("IR-bytes", frag->lirbuf->byteCount());
        PERFM_NVPROF("IR", frag->lirbuf->insCount());

        bool keep = //!info->hasExceptions() &&
        keep = keep && (jitcount >= jitmin && jitcount <= jitmax);
        //AvmLog(stderr, "jitcount %d keep %d\n", jitcount, (int)keep);
        if (keep) {
            // save pointer to generated code
            union {
                GprMethodProc fp;
                void *vp;
            } u;
            u.vp = frag->code();
            // mark method as been JIT'd
            info->_flags |= MethodInfo::JIT_IMPL;
            #if defined AVMPLUS_JITMAX && defined NJ_VERBOSE
            if (verbose())
                AvmLog("keeping %d, loop=%d\n", jitcount, assm->hasLoop);
        } else {
            // assm puked, or we did something untested, so interpret.
            overflow = true;
            #if defined AVMPLUS_JITMAX && defined NJ_VERBOSE
            if (verbose())
                AvmLog("reverting to interpreter %d assm->error %d \n", jitcount, assm->error());

        #ifdef VTUNE
        if (keep) x{
            AvmAssert(!jitPendingRecords.size());  // all should be resolved by now
            int32_t count = jitInfoList.size();
            uint32_t id = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
                JITCodeInfo* jitInfo = jitInfoList.get(i);
                if (jitInfo->lineNumTable.size()) {
                    jitInfo->sid = id++;
                    VTune_RegisterMethod(core, jitInfo);
        #endif /* VTUNE */

#ifdef VTUNE
   JITCodeInfo* CodegenLIR::jitCurrentInfo()
       if (jitInfoList.size()<1)
       return jitInfoList[jitInfoList.size()-1];

   void CodegenLIR::jitPushInfo()
       JITCodeInfo* inf = new (gc) JITCodeInfo(gc);
       inf->method = info;

   LineNumberRecord* CodegenLIR::jitAddRecord(uint32_t pos, uint32_t filename, uint32_t line, bool pending)
       // create a new record in the table; possibly overwriting an existing one.
       // for pending (i.e. reverse code gen) we want to keep the first line entry we, see
       // for forwards generation we'll take the last one then we encounter
       AvmAssert(pending || (filename && line));
       if (pending && jitCurrentInfo()->lineNumTable.containsKey(pos)) return 0;
       LineNumberRecord* rec = new (gc) LineNumberRecord((Stringp)filename, line);
       if (pending) jitPendingRecords.add(rec);
       return rec;

   void CodegenLIR::jitFilenameUpdate(uint32_t filename)
       int32_t size = jitPendingRecords.size();
       for(int32_t i=size-1; i>=0; i--)    {
           LineNumberRecord* rec = jitPendingRecords.get(i);
           if (!rec->filename) {
               rec->filename = (Stringp)filename;
               if (rec->lineno && rec->filename) jitPendingRecords.removeAt(i); // has both fields set?

   void CodegenLIR::jitLineNumUpdate(uint32_t num)
       int32_t size = jitPendingRecords.size();
       for(int32_t i=size-1; i>=0; i--)    {
           LineNumberRecord* rec = jitPendingRecords.get(i);
           if (!rec->lineno)   {
               rec->lineno = num;
               if (rec->lineno && rec->filename) jitPendingRecords.removeAt(i); // has both fields set?

   void CodegenLIR::jitCodePosUpdate(uint32_t pos)
       JITCodeInfo* inf = jitCurrentInfo();
       if (!inf->endAddr) inf->endAddr = pos;
       inf->startAddr = pos;

    REALLY_INLINE BindingCache::BindingCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
        : name(name), next(next)

    REALLY_INLINE CallCache::CallCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
        : BindingCache(name, next), call_handler(callprop_miss)

    REALLY_INLINE GetCache::GetCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
        : BindingCache(name, next), get_handler(getprop_miss)

    REALLY_INLINE SetCache::SetCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
        : BindingCache(name, next), set_handler(setprop_miss)

    template <class C>
    C* CacheBuilder<C>::findCacheSlot(const Multiname* name)
        for (Seq<C*> *p = caches.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail)
            if (p->head->name == name)
                return p->head;
        return NULL;

    // The cache structure is expected to be small in the normal case, so use a
    // linear list.  For some programs, notably classical JS programs, it may however
    // be larger, and we may need a more sophisticated structure.
    template <class C>
    C* CacheBuilder<C>::allocateCacheSlot(const Multiname* name)
        C* c = findCacheSlot(name);
        if (!c) {
            _nvprof("binding cache bytes", sizeof(C));
            c = new (codeMgr.allocator) C(name, codeMgr.bindingCaches);
            codeMgr.bindingCaches = c;
        return c;

    LirHelper::LirHelper(AvmCore* core) :
    { }


    void LirHelper::cleanup()
        mmfx_delete( alloc1 );
        alloc1 = NULL;
        mmfx_delete( lir_alloc );
        lir_alloc = NULL;

namespace nanojit
    void StackFilter::getTops(LInsp /*br*/, int& /*spTop*/, int& /*rpTop*/) {

    #ifdef NJ_VERBOSE
    void LirNameMap::formatGuard(LIns*, char*) {

    void* Allocator::allocChunk(size_t size) {
        return mmfx_alloc(size);

    void Allocator::freeChunk(void* p) {
        return mmfx_free(p);

    void Allocator::postReset() {

    // static
    void* CodeAlloc::allocCodeChunk(size_t nbytes) {
        size_t npages = (nbytes + GCHeap::kBlockSize - 1) / GCHeap::kBlockSize;
        return GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->AllocCodeMemory(npages);

    // static
    void CodeAlloc::freeCodeChunk(void* addr, size_t) {
        return GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->FreeCodeMemory(addr);


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