/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- coreAddr
- gcAddr
- envAddr
- toplevelAddr
- debuggerAddr
- scriptAddr
- arrayAddr
- vectorIntAddr
- vectorUIntAddr
- vectorDoubleAddr
- vectorObjAddr
- efAddr
- classClosureAddr
- i2f
- u2f
- fneg
- fadd
- fsub
- fmul
- fdiv
- feq
- flt
- fgt
- fle
- fge
- leaIns
- callIns
- localCopy
- localGet
- localGetq
- localGetp
- localSet
- atomToNativeRep
- ptrToNativeRep
- isPointer
- loadAtomRep
- nativeToAtom
- storeAtomArgs
- storeAtomArgs
- initCodeMgr
- set_cache_builder
- cleanup
- setjmpDummy
- setjmpInit
- atomToNativeRep
- atomToNative
- isCondOrConst
- ins0
- insParam
- insImm
- insImmq
- ins1
- ins2
- ins3
- insLoad
- insStore
- insBranch
- insJtbl
- insGuard
- insAlloc
- insCall
- hasExceptions
- init
- saveState
- clearState
- trackStore
- trackMerge
- insLoad
- insStore
- ins0
- insBranch
- insJtbl
- insCall
- emitStart
- isPromote
- imm2Int
- insCall
- nvar
- init
- trackStore
- clearState
- isValid
- checkState
- insCall
- insStore
- prologue
- copyParam
- emitCopy
- emitGetscope
- emitSwap
- emitKill
- writeBlockStart
- emitBlockEnd
- writePrologue
- writeOpcodeVerified
- fixExceptionsAndLabels
- write
- emitGetGlobalScope
- writeOp1
- coerceToString
- coerceToNumber
- convertToString
- writeNip
- writeInterfaceCall
- writeOp2
- emitIntConst
- emitPtrConst
- emitDoubleConst
- writeCoerce
- writeCheckNull
- emitPrep
- liveAlloc
- emitCall
- loadFromSlot
- emitGetslot
- emitSetslot
- emitConstruct
- emit
- emitIf
- cmpOptimization
- cmpLt
- cmpLe
- cmpEq
- writeEpilogue
- copyMultiname
- initMultiname
- loadToplevel
- sumFitsInInt32
- mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp
- loadEnvScope
- loadEnvVTable
- loadEnvAbcEnv
- loadVTable
- promoteNumberIns
- formatOperand
- formatOperand
- setLabelPos
- emitSampleCheck
- verbose
- branchIns
- branchIns
- patchLater
- patchLater
- patchLater
- patchLater
- InsAlloc
- bindingCaches
- flushBindingCaches
- read
- analyze_edge
- deadvars_analyze
- deadvars_kill
- deadvars
- emitMD
- jitCurrentInfo
- jitPushInfo
- jitAddRecord
- jitFilenameUpdate
- jitLineNumUpdate
- jitCodePosUpdate
- next
- call_handler
- get_handler
- set_handler
- findCacheSlot
- allocateCacheSlot
- lir_alloc
- cleanup
- getTops
- formatGuard
- allocChunk
- freeChunk
- postReset
- allocCodeChunk
- freeCodeChunk
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- */
/* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: (add to ~/.vimrc: set modeline modelines=5) */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Adobe System Incorporated.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Adobe AS3 Team
* leon.sha@sun.com
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "avmplus.h"
#include "FrameState.h"
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_ARM)
#include <cmnintrin.h>
#if defined AVMPLUS_IA32 || defined AVMPLUS_AMD64
# define SSE2_ONLY(...) __VA_ARGS__
# define SSE2_ONLY(...)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if !defined (AVMPLUS_ARM)
extern "C"
int __cdecl _setjmp3(jmp_buf jmpbuf, int arg);
#include <setjmp.h>
#undef setjmp
extern "C"
int __cdecl setjmp(jmp_buf jmpbuf);
#endif // AVMPLUS_ARM
#endif // _MSC_VER
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
return *((int*)&_method);
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
union { \
int (_class::*bar)(); \
int foo[2]; \
}; \
bar = _method; \
return foo[0];
#elif defined AVMPLUS_MAC
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
union { \
int (_class::*bar)(); \
intptr_t foo; \
}; \
bar = _method; \
return foo;
#define RETURN_METHOD_PTR(_class, _method) \
return *((intptr_t*)&_method);
#ifdef PERFM
#define DOPROF
#endif /* PERFM */
//#define DOPROF
#include "../vprof/vprof.h"
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
#define AVMCORE_integer AvmCore::integer64
#define AVMCORE_integer_d AvmCore::integer64_d
#define AVMCORE_integer_d_sse2 AvmCore::integer64_d_sse2
#define PTR_SCALE 3
#define AVMCORE_integer AvmCore::integer
#define AVMCORE_integer_d AvmCore::integer_d
#define AVMCORE_integer_d_sse2 AvmCore::integer_d_sse2
#define PTR_SCALE 2
namespace avmplus
#define PROFADDR(f) profAddr((void (DynamicProfiler::*)())(&f))
#define COREADDR(f) coreAddr((int (AvmCore::*)())(&f))
#define GCADDR(f) gcAddr((int (MMgc::GC::*)())(&f))
#define ENVADDR(f) envAddr((int (MethodEnv::*)())(&f))
#define TOPLEVELADDR(f) toplevelAddr((int (Toplevel::*)())(&f))
#define SCRIPTADDR(f) scriptAddr((int (ScriptObject::*)())(&f))
#define ARRAYADDR(f) arrayAddr((int (ArrayObject::*)())(&f))
#define VECTORINTADDR(f) vectorIntAddr((int (IntVectorObject::*)())(&f))
#define VECTORUINTADDR(f) vectorUIntAddr((int (UIntVectorObject::*)())(&f))
#define VECTORDOUBLEADDR(f) vectorDoubleAddr((int (DoubleVectorObject::*)())(&f))
#define VECTOROBJADDR(f) vectorObjAddr((int (ObjectVectorObject::*)())(&f))
#define EFADDR(f) efAddr((int (ExceptionFrame::*)())(&f))
#define DEBUGGERADDR(f) debuggerAddr((int (Debugger::*)())(&f))
#define CLASSCLOSUREADDR(f) classClosureAddr((int (ClassClosure::*)())(&f))
#define FUNCADDR(addr) (uintptr)addr
#ifdef VTUNE
extern void VTune_RegisterMethod(AvmCore* core, JITCodeInfo* inf);
#endif // VTUNE
intptr_t coreAddr( int (AvmCore::*f)() )
intptr_t gcAddr( int (MMgc::GC::*f)() )
intptr_t envAddr( int (MethodEnv::*f)() )
intptr_t toplevelAddr( int (Toplevel::*f)() )
intptr_t debuggerAddr( int (Debugger::*f)() )
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
intptr_t scriptAddr(int (ScriptObject::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ScriptObject, f);
intptr_t arrayAddr(int (ArrayObject::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ArrayObject, f);
intptr_t vectorIntAddr(int (IntVectorObject::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(IntVectorObject, f);
intptr_t vectorUIntAddr(int (UIntVectorObject::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(UIntVectorObject, f);
intptr_t vectorDoubleAddr(int (DoubleVectorObject::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(DoubleVectorObject, f);
intptr_t vectorObjAddr(int (ObjectVectorObject::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ObjectVectorObject, f);
intptr_t efAddr( int (ExceptionFrame::*f)() )
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ExceptionFrame, f);
intptr_t classClosureAddr(int (ClassClosure::*f)())
RETURN_METHOD_PTR(ClassClosure, f);
using namespace MMgc;
using namespace nanojit;
#if defined _MSC_VER && !defined AVMPLUS_ARM
# define SETJMP ((uintptr)_setjmp3)
#elif defined AVMPLUS_MAC_CARBON
# define SETJMP setjmpAddress
# define SETJMP ((uintptr)::setjmp)
#endif // _MSC_VER
#include "../core/jit-calls.h"
struct MopsInfo
uint32_t size;
LOpcode op;
const CallInfo* call;
static const MopsInfo kMopsLoadInfo[7] = {
{ 1, LIR_ldsb },
{ 2, LIR_ldss },
{ 1, LIR_ldzb },
{ 2, LIR_ldzs },
{ 4, LIR_ld },
{ 4, LIR_ld32f },
{ 8, LIR_ldq }
{ 1, FUNCTIONID(mop_lix8) },
{ 2, FUNCTIONID(mop_lix16) },
{ 1, FUNCTIONID(mop_liz8) },
{ 2, FUNCTIONID(mop_liz16) },
{ 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_li32) },
{ 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_lf32) },
{ 8, FUNCTIONID(mop_lf64) }
static const MopsInfo kMopsStoreInfo[5] = {
{ 1, LIR_stb },
{ 2, LIR_sts },
{ 4, LIR_sti },
{ 4, LIR_st32f },
{ 8, LIR_stqi }
{ 1, FUNCTIONID(mop_si8) },
{ 2, FUNCTIONID(mop_si16) },
{ 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_si32) },
{ 4, FUNCTIONID(mop_sf32) },
{ 8, FUNCTIONID(mop_sf64) }
static double i2f(int32_t i) { return i; }
static double u2f(uint32_t u) { return u; }
static double fneg(double a) { return -a; }
static double fadd(double a, double b) { return a + b; }
static double fsub(double a, double b) { return a - b; }
static double fmul(double a, double b) { return a * b; }
static double fdiv(double a, double b) { return a / b; }
static int feq(double a, double b) { return a == b; }
static int flt(double a, double b) { return a < b; }
static int fgt(double a, double b) { return a > b; }
static int fle(double a, double b) { return a <= b; }
static int fge(double a, double b) { return a >= b; }
// replace fpu ops with function calls
class SoftFloatFilter: public LirWriter
SoftFloatFilter(LirWriter *out) : LirWriter(out)
LIns *hi(LIns *q) {
return ins1(LIR_qhi, q);
LIns *lo(LIns *q) {
return ins1(LIR_qlo, q);
LIns *split(LIns *a) {
if (a->isQuad() && !a->isop(LIR_qjoin)) {
// all quad-sized args must be qjoin's for soft-float
a = ins2(LIR_qjoin, lo(a), hi(a));
return a;
LIns *split(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
LIns *lo = out->insCall(call, args);
LIns *hi = out->ins1(LIR_callh, lo);
return out->ins2(LIR_qjoin, lo, hi);
LIns *fcall1(const CallInfo *call, LIns *a) {
LIns *args[] = { split(a) };
return split(call, args);
LIns *fcall2(const CallInfo *call, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
LIns *args[] = { split(b), split(a) };
return split(call, args);
LIns *fcmp(const CallInfo *call, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
LIns *args[] = { split(b), split(a) };
return out->ins2(LIR_eq, out->insCall(call, args), out->insImm(1));
LIns *ins1(LOpcode op, LIns *a) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_i2f:
return fcall1(&ci_i2f, a);
case LIR_u2f:
return fcall1(&ci_u2f, a);
case LIR_fneg:
return fcall1(&ci_fneg, a);
case LIR_fret:
return out->ins1(op, split(a));
return out->ins1(op, a);
LIns *ins2(LOpcode op, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_fadd:
return fcall2(&ci_fadd, a, b);
case LIR_fsub:
return fcall2(&ci_fsub, a, b);
case LIR_fmul:
return fcall2(&ci_fmul, a, b);
case LIR_fdiv:
return fcall2(&ci_fdiv, a, b);
case LIR_feq:
return fcmp(&ci_feq, a, b);
case LIR_flt:
return fcmp(&ci_flt, a, b);
case LIR_fgt:
return fcmp(&ci_fgt, a, b);
case LIR_fle:
return fcmp(&ci_fle, a, b);
case LIR_fge:
return fcmp(&ci_fge, a, b);
return out->ins2(op, a, b);
LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *ci, LInsp args[]) {
uint32_t argt = ci->_argtypes;
for (uint32_t i=0, argsizes = argt>>ARGSIZE_SHIFT; argsizes != 0; i++, argsizes >>= ARGSIZE_SHIFT) {
args[i] = split(args[i]);
if ((argt & ARGSIZE_MASK_ANY) == ARGSIZE_F) {
// this function returns a double as two 32bit values, so replace
// call with qjoin(qhi(call), call)
return split(ci, args);
} else {
return out->insCall(ci, args);
#endif // NJ_SOFTFLOAT
* ---------------------------------
* Instruction convenience functions
* ---------------------------------
// address calc instruction
LIns* CodegenLIR::leaIns(int32_t disp, LIns* base) {
return lirout->ins2(LIR_addp, base, InsConstPtr((void*)disp));
// call
LIns* LirHelper::callIns(const CallInfo *ci, uint32_t argc, ...)
AvmAssert(argc <= MAXARGS);
AvmAssert(argc == ci->count_args());
LInsp args[MAXARGS];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, argc);
for (uint32_t i=0; i < argc; i++)
args[argc-i-1] = va_arg(ap, LIns*);
return lirout->insCall(ci, args);
LIns *CodegenLIR::localCopy(int i) {
Value &v = state->value(i);
switch (bt(v.traits)) {
case BUILTIN_number:
return v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldq, vars, i*8);
case BUILTIN_boolean:
case BUILTIN_int:
case BUILTIN_uint:
return v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ld, vars, i*8);
return v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldp, vars, i*8);
LIns* CodegenLIR::localGet(int i) {
Value& v = state->value(i);
NanoAssert(v.traits == INT_TYPE || v.traits == UINT_TYPE || v.traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
LIns *r = v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ld, vars, i*8);
return r;
LIns* CodegenLIR::localGetq(int i) {
Value& v = state->value(i);
NanoAssert(v.traits == NUMBER_TYPE);
LIns *r = v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldq, vars, i*8);
return r;
// load a pointer-sized var
LIns* CodegenLIR::localGetp(int i) {
Value& v = state->value(i);
NanoAssert(v.traits != NUMBER_TYPE && v.traits != INT_TYPE &&
v.traits != UINT_TYPE && v.traits != UINT_TYPE);
LIns *r = v.ins = lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldp, vars, i*8);
return r;
void CodegenLIR::localSet(int i, LIns* o, Traits* type)
Value &v = state->value(i);
v.ins = o;
lirout->insStorei(o, vars, i*8);
// note that this now updates traits for values on the scopechain as well as locals
if (core->debugger() && i < (state->verifier->local_count + state->verifier->max_scope)) {
lirout->insStorei(InsConstPtr(type), varTraits, i*sizeof(Traits*));
LIns* CodegenLIR::atomToNativeRep(int i, LIns* atom)
return atomToNativeRep(state->value(i).traits, atom);
LIns* CodegenLIR::ptrToNativeRep(Traits*t, LIns* ptr)
return t->isMachineType() ? orp(ptr, kObjectType) : ptr;
#ifdef _DEBUG
bool CodegenLIR::isPointer(int i) {
return !state->value(i).traits->isMachineType();
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadAtomRep(int i)
return nativeToAtom(localCopy(i), state->value(i).traits);
LIns* LirHelper::nativeToAtom(LIns* native, Traits* t)
switch (bt(t)) {
case BUILTIN_number:
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(doubleToAtom), 2, coreAddr, native);
case BUILTIN_any:
case BUILTIN_object:
case BUILTIN_void:
return native; // value already represented as Atom
case BUILTIN_int:
if (native->isconst()) {
Atom a = core->intToAtom(native->imm32());
if (atomIsIntptr(a))
return InsConstAtom(a);
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(intToAtom), 2, coreAddr, native);
case BUILTIN_uint:
if (native->isconst()) {
Atom a = core->uintToAtom(native->imm32());
if (atomIsIntptr(a))
return InsConstAtom(a);
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(uintToAtom), 2, coreAddr, native);
case BUILTIN_boolean:
return u2p(ori(lshi(native, 3), kBooleanType));
case BUILTIN_string:
return orp(native, kStringType);
case BUILTIN_namespace:
return orp(native, kNamespaceType);
return orp(native, kObjectType);
LIns* CodegenLIR::storeAtomArgs(int count, int index)
LIns* ap = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom)*count);
for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
stp(loadAtomRep(index++), ap, i * sizeof(Atom));
return ap;
LIns* CodegenLIR::storeAtomArgs(LIns* receiver, int count, int index)
if (verbose())
core->console << " store args\n";
LIns* ap = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom)*(count+1));
stp(receiver, ap, 0);
for (int i=1; i <= count; i++)
LIns* v = loadAtomRep(index++);
stp(v, ap, sizeof(Atom)*i);
return ap;
// initialize the code manager the first time we jit any method for this PoolObject.
CodeMgr* initCodeMgr(PoolObject *pool) {
if (!pool->codeMgr) {
CodeMgr *mgr = mmfx_new( CodeMgr() );
pool->codeMgr = mgr;
if (pool->isVerbose(VB_jit)) {
mgr->log.lcbits = pool->verbose_vb>>16; // upper 16bits hold our jit flags
mgr->labels.add(pool->core, sizeof(AvmCore), 0, "core");
return pool->codeMgr;
CodegenLIR::CodegenLIR(MethodInfo* i) :
#ifdef VTUNE
call_cache_builder(*alloc1, *initCodeMgr(pool)),
get_cache_builder(*alloc1, *pool->codeMgr),
set_cache_builder(*alloc1, *pool->codeMgr)
state = NULL;
abcStart = NULL;
abcEnd = NULL;
overflow = false;
#ifdef VTUNE
hasDebugInfo = false;
#endif /* VTUNE */
CodegenLIR::~CodegenLIR() {
void CodegenLIR::cleanup()
int CodegenLIR::setjmpAddress = 0;
extern "C" int __setjmp();
asm int CodegenLIR::setjmpDummy(jmp_buf buf)
b __setjmp;
void CodegenLIR::setjmpInit()
// CodeWarrior defies all reasonable efforts to get
// the address of __vec_setjmp. So, we resort to
// a crude hack: We'll search the actual code
// of setjmpDummy for the branch instruction.
if (setjmpAddress == 0)
setjmpAddress = *((int*)&setjmpDummy);
LIns* CodegenLIR::atomToNativeRep(Traits* t, LIns* atom)
return atomToNative(bt(t), atom);
LIns* LirHelper::atomToNative(BuiltinType bt, LIns* atom)
switch (bt)
case BUILTIN_any:
case BUILTIN_object:
case BUILTIN_void:
return atom;
case BUILTIN_number:
if (atom->isconstp())
return lirout->insImmf(AvmCore::number_d((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(number_d), 1, atom);
case BUILTIN_int:
if (atom->isconstp())
return InsConst(AvmCore::integer_i((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_i), 1, atom);
case BUILTIN_uint:
if (atom->isconstp())
return InsConst(AvmCore::integer_u((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_u), 1, atom);
case BUILTIN_boolean:
if (atom->isconst())
return InsConst((int32_t)atomGetBoolean((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
return p2i(ushp(atom, 3));
// pointer type
if (atom->isconstp())
return InsConstPtr(atomPtr((Atom)atom->constvalp()));
return andp(atom, ~7);
#ifdef __GNUC__
return 0;// satisfy GCC, although we should never get here
#ifdef _DEBUG
class ValidateWriter: public LirWriter
bool isCondOrConst(LIns *i) {
return i->isCond() || i->isconst();
ValidateWriter(LirWriter *out) : LirWriter(out)
LIns *ins0(LOpcode op) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_skip: AvmAssert(false); break;
case LIR_label: break;
case LIR_start: break;
case LIR_regfence: break;
return out->ins0(op);
LIns *insParam(int32_t i, int32_t kind) {
return out->insParam(i, kind);
LIns *insImm(int32_t i) {
return out->insImm(i);
LIns *insImmq(uint64_t i) {
return out->insImmq(i);
LIns *ins1(LOpcode op, LIns *a) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_fneg:
case LIR_fret:
case LIR_qlo:
case LIR_qhi:
case LIR_not:
case LIR_neg:
case LIR_i2f: case LIR_u2f:
case LIR_i2q: case LIR_u2q:
case LIR_ret:
case LIR_live:
case LIR_callh:
return out->ins1(op, a);
LIns *ins2(LOpcode op, LIns *a, LIns *b) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_fadd:
case LIR_fsub:
case LIR_fmul:
case LIR_fdiv:
case LIR_feq:
case LIR_flt:
case LIR_fgt:
case LIR_fle:
case LIR_fge:
case LIR_qaddp:
case LIR_qior:
case LIR_qxor:
case LIR_qiand:
case LIR_qiadd:
case LIR_qeq:
case LIR_qlt: case LIR_qult:
case LIR_qgt: case LIR_qugt:
case LIR_qle: case LIR_qule:
case LIR_qge: case LIR_quge:
AvmAssert(a->isQuad() && b->isQuad());
case LIR_qjoin:
case LIR_add:
case LIR_iaddp:
case LIR_sub:
case LIR_mul:
case LIR_and:
case LIR_or:
case LIR_xor:
case LIR_lsh:
case LIR_rsh:
case LIR_ush:
case LIR_eq:
case LIR_lt: case LIR_ult:
case LIR_gt: case LIR_ugt:
case LIR_le: case LIR_ule:
case LIR_ge: case LIR_uge:
AvmAssert(!a->isQuad() && !b->isQuad());
case LIR_qilsh:
case LIR_qirsh:
case LIR_qursh:
AvmAssert(a->isQuad() && !b->isQuad());
return out->ins2(op, a, b);
LIns *ins3(LOpcode op, LIns* a, LIns* b, LIns* c) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_cmov:
AvmAssert(isCondOrConst(a) && !b->isQuad() && !c->isQuad());
case LIR_qcmov:
AvmAssert(isCondOrConst(a) && b->isQuad() && c->isQuad());
return out->ins3(op, a, b, c);
LIns *insLoad(LOpcode op, LIns *base, int32_t disp) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_ld:
case LIR_ldq:
case LIR_ldc:
case LIR_ldqc:
case LIR_ldzb:
case LIR_ldzs:
case LIR_ldsb:
case LIR_ldss:
case LIR_ld32f:
case LIR_ldcb:
case LIR_ldcs:
case LIR_ldcsb:
case LIR_ldcss:
case LIR_ldc32f:
// all loads require base to be a pointer, regardless of the value size
return out->insLoad(op, base, disp);
LIns *insStore(LOpcode op, LIns *value, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
AvmAssert(base && value && base->isPtr());
return out->insStore(op, value, base, d);
LIns *insBranch(LOpcode op, LIns *cond, LIns *to) {
switch (op) {
case LIR_jt: AvmAssert(cond->isCond() && (!to || to->isop(LIR_label))); break;
case LIR_jf: AvmAssert(cond->isCond() && (!to || to->isop(LIR_label))); break;
case LIR_j: AvmAssert(!cond && (!to || to->isop(LIR_label))); break;
default: AvmAssert(false);
return out->insBranch(op, cond, to);
LIns* insJtbl(LIns* index, uint32_t size) {
return out->insJtbl(index, size);
LIns *insGuard(LOpcode v, LIns *cond, GuardRecord *gr) {
return out->insGuard(v, cond, gr);
LIns *insAlloc(int32_t size) {
AvmAssert(size >= 4 && isU16((size+3)>>2));
return out->insAlloc(size);
LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
uint32_t argt = call->_argtypes;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAXARGS; i++) {
ArgSize sz = ArgSize(argt & ARGSIZE_MASK_ANY);
if (sz == ARGSIZE_NONE)
AvmAssert((sz == ARGSIZE_I || sz == ARGSIZE_U || sz == ARGSIZE_Q || sz == ARGSIZE_F) &&
((sz == ARGSIZE_I || sz == ARGSIZE_U) == !args[i]->isQuad()));
return out->insCall(call, args);
#endif // _DEBUG
// if DEFER_STORES is defined, we defer local variable stores to the
// ends of basic blocks, then only emit the ones that are live
// #define DEFER_STORES(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define DEFER_STORES(...)
class CopyPropagation: public LirWriter
AvmCore* core;
LInsp *tracker;
LIns *vars;
int nvar;
nanojit::BitSet dirty;
bool hasExceptions;
CopyPropagation(AvmCore* core, Allocator& alloc, LirWriter *out, int nvar, bool ex)
: LirWriter(out), core(core), vars(NULL), nvar(nvar), dirty(alloc, nvar), hasExceptions(ex)
tracker = new (alloc) LInsp[nvar];
void init(LIns *vars) {
this->vars = vars;
void saveState() {
LIns *vars = this->vars;
for (int i=0, n=nvar; i < n; i++) {
LIns *v = tracker[i];
if (!v)
if (dirty.get(i)) {
if (v->isLoad() && v->oprnd1() == vars && v->disp() == int32_t(i*sizeof(double))) {
// not modified
out->insStorei(v, vars, i*sizeof(double));
void clearState() {
VMPI_memset(tracker, 0, nvar*sizeof(LInsp));
void trackStore(LIns *value, int d) {
AvmAssert((d&7) == 0);
int i = d >> 3;
tracker[i] = value;
void trackMerge(int i, LIns *cur, LIns *target) {
(void) i; (void) cur; (void) target;
/*if (cur != target) {
tracker[i] = 0;
LIns *insLoad(LOpcode op, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
if (base == vars) {
AvmAssert((d&7) == 0);
int i = d >> 3;
LIns *val = tracker[i];
if (!val) {
val = out->insLoad(op, base, d);
tracker[i] = val;
return val;
return out->insLoad(op, base, d);
LIns *insStore(LOpcode op, LIns *value, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
if (base == vars) {
trackStore(value, d);
DEFER_STORES(return 0;)
return out->insStore(op, value, base, d);
LIns *ins0(LOpcode op) {
if (op == LIR_label) {
return out->ins0(op);
LIns *insBranch(LOpcode v, LInsp cond, LInsp to) {
return out->insBranch(v, cond, to);
LIns *insJtbl(LIns* index, uint32_t size) {
return out->insJtbl(index, size);
LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
if (core->debugger())
if (!call->_cse)
LIns *i = out->insCall(call, args);
// debugger might have modified locals, so make sure we reload after call.
if (!call->_cse)
return i;
if (hasExceptions && !call->_cse)
return out->insCall(call, args);
// * reset when vars passed as arg to a function that could modify vars (debugenter/exit)
// * handle load/store size mismatches -- loading high word of quad, etc
// * suppress stores until ends of blocks
void emitStart(Allocator& alloc, LirBuffer *lirbuf, LirWriter* &lirout) {
// catch problems before they hit the buffer
lirout = new (alloc) ValidateWriter(lirout);
// create params for saved regs -- processor specific
for (int i=0; i < NumSavedRegs; i++) {
LIns *p = lirout->insParam(i, 1); (void) p;
verbose_only(if (lirbuf->names)
lirbuf->names->addName(p, regNames[Assembler::savedRegs[i]]);)
* Specializer holds specializations of certian calls into inline code sequences.
* this could just as easily be a standalone filter instead of subclassing
* ExprFilter, however having one less pipeline stage saves 5% of verify
* time for esc (2000 methods). when/if this subclassing becomes painful
* then a separate stage is waranted.
class Specializer: public ExprFilter
Config &config;
Specializer(LirWriter *out, Config &config) : ExprFilter(out), config(config)
bool isPromote(LOpcode op) {
return (op & ~1) == LIR_i2f;
LIns *imm2Int(LIns* imm) {
// return LIns* if we can fit the constant into a i32
if (imm->isconst())
; // just use imm
else if (imm->isconstq()) {
double val = imm->imm64f();
double cvt = (int)val;
if (val == 0 || val == cvt)
imm = out->insImm((int32_t)cvt);
imm = 0; // can't convert
} else {
imm = 0; // non-imm
return imm;
LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
if (call == FUNCTIONID(integer_d)) {
LIns *v = args[0];
LOpcode op = v->opcode();
if (isPromote(op))
return v->oprnd1();
if (op == LIR_fadd || op == LIR_fsub || op == LIR_fmul) {
LIns *a = v->oprnd1();
LIns *b = v->oprnd2();
a = isPromote(a->opcode()) ? a->oprnd1() : imm2Int(a);
b = isPromote(b->opcode()) ? b->oprnd1() : imm2Int(b);
if (a && b)
return out->ins2(f64arith_to_i32arith(op), a, b);
else if (op == LIR_quad) {
// const fold
return insImm(AvmCore::integer_d(v->imm64f()));
SSE2_ONLY(if(config.sse2) {
if (call == FUNCTIONID(integer_d))
call = FUNCTIONID(integer_d_sse2);
else if (call == FUNCTIONID(doubleToAtom))
call = FUNCTIONID(doubleToAtom_sse2);
return out->insCall(call, args);
#if defined(DEBUGGER) && defined(_DEBUG)
// The AS debugger requires type information for variables contained
// in the AS frame regions (i.e. 'vars'). In the interpreter this
// is not an issues, since the region contains box values (i.e. Atoms)
// and so the type information is self-contained. With the jit, this is
// not the case, and thus 'varTraits' is used to track the type of each
// variable in 'vars'.
// This filter watches stores to 'vars' and 'varTraits' and upon encountering
// debugline (i.e. place where debugger can halt), it ensures that the
// varTraits entry is consistent with the value stored in 'vars'
class DebuggerCheck : public LirWriter
AvmCore* core;
LInsp *tracker;
LInsp *traitsTracker;
LIns *vars;
LIns *traits;
int nvar;
DebuggerCheck(AvmCore* core, Allocator& alloc, LirWriter *out, int nvar)
: LirWriter(out), core(core), vars(NULL), traits(NULL), nvar(nvar)
tracker = new (alloc) LInsp[nvar];
traitsTracker = new (alloc) LInsp[nvar];
void init(LIns *vars, LIns *traits) {
this->vars = vars;
this->traits = traits;
void trackStore(LIns *value, int d, bool traits) {
AvmAssert( (!traits && (d&7) == 0) || (traits && (d&3)==0));
int i = (traits) ? d / sizeof(Traits*) : d >> 3;
if (i>=nvar) return;
if (traits) {
traitsTracker[i] = value;
value = !isValid(i) ? value : (LIns*)((intptr_t)value|1); // lower bit => validated
traitsTracker[i] = value;
else {
tracker[i] = value;
void clearState() {
VMPI_memset(tracker, 0, nvar*sizeof(LInsp));
VMPI_memset(traitsTracker, 0, nvar*sizeof(LInsp));
bool isValid(int i) {
// @pre tracker[i] has been previously filled
LIns* val = tracker[i];
LIns* tra = traitsTracker[i];
NanoAssert(val && tra);
Traits *t = (Traits*) tra->constvalp();
bool is = false;
if (t == NUMBER_TYPE)
is = val->isFloat() || val->isQuad();
else if (t == INT_TYPE)
is = !val->isQuad() && !val->isFloat();
else if (t == UINT_TYPE)
is = !val->isQuad() && !val->isFloat();
else if (t == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
is = !val->isQuad() && !val->isFloat();
is = val->isPtr();
return is;
void checkState() {
for(int i=0; i<this->nvar; i++) {
LIns* val = tracker[i];
LIns* tra = traitsTracker[i];
AvmAssert(val && tra);
// isValid should have already been called on everything
AvmAssert(((intptr_t)tra&0x1) == 1);
LIns *insCall(const CallInfo *call, LInsp args[]) {
if (call == FUNCTIONID(debugLine))
return out->insCall(call,args);
LIns *insStore(LOpcode op, LIns *value, LIns *base, int32_t d) {
if (base == vars)
trackStore(value, d,false);
else if (base == traits)
trackStore(value, d,true);
return out->insStore(op, value, base, d);
// Generate the prolog for a function with this C++ signature:
// <return-type> f(MethodEnv* env, int argc, void* args)
// argc is the number of arguments, not counting the receiver
// (aka "this"). args points to the arguments in memory:
// [receiver] [arg1, arg2, ... ]
// the arguments in memory are typed according to the AS3 method
// signature. types * and Object are represented as Atom, and all
// other types are native pointers or values. return-type is whatever
// the native type is for the AS3 return type; one of double, int32_t,
// uint32_t, ScriptObject*, String*, Namespace*, Atom, or void.
// The stack frame layout of a jit-compiled function is determined by
// the jit backend. Stack-allocated structs are declared in LIR with
// a LIR_alloc instruction. Incoming parameters are declared with LIR_param
// instructions, and any other local variables with function-body scope
// and lifetime are declared with the expressions that compute them.
// The backend will also allocate additional stack space for spilled values
// and callee-saved registers. The VM and LIR do not currently depend on how
// the backend organizes the stack frame.
// Incoming parameters:
// env_param (LIR_param, MethodEnv*) is the incoming MethodEnv* parameter
// that provides access to the environment for this function and all vm services.
// argc_param (LIR_param, int32_t) the # of arguments that follow. Ignored
// when the # of args is fixed, but otherwise used for optional arg processing
// and/or creating the rest[] or arguments[] arrays for undeclared varargs.
// ap_param (LIR_param, uint32_t*) pointer to (argc+1) incoming arguments.
// arguments are packed. doubles are sizeof(double), everything else is sizeof(Atom).
// Distinguished locals:
// methodFrame (LIR_alloc, MethodFrame*) is the current MethodFrame. in the prolog
// we push this onto the call stack pointed to by AvmCore::currentMethodFrame, and
// in the epilog we pop it back off.
// coreAddr (LIR_int|LIR_quad) constant address of AvmCore*. used in lots of places.
// undefConst (LIR_int|LIR_quad) constant value = undefinedAtom. used all over.
// vars (LIR_alloc) storage for ABC stack frame variables. 8 bytes per variable,
// always, laid out according to ABC param/local var numbering. The total number
// is local_count + scope_depth + stack_depth, i.e. enough for the whole ABC frame.
// values at any given point in the jit code are are represented according to the
// statically known type of the variable at that point in the code. (the type and
// representation may change at different points. verifier->frameState maintains
// the known static types of variables.
// The contents of vars are up-to-date at all labels and all debugging safe points.
// Inbetween those points, the contents are stale; the JIT optimizes away
// stores and loads in straightline code. Additional dead stores at ends-of-blocks
// are elided by deadvars_analyze() and deadvars_kill().
// Locals for Debugger use, only present when Debugger is in use:
// varTraits (LIR_alloc, Traits**). Array of Traits*, with the same ordering as
// vars. Used by the debugger to enable decoding local variables in vars[].
// csn (LIR_alloc, CallStackNode). extra information about this call frame
// used by the debugger and also used for constructing human-readable stack traces.
// Locals for Exception-handling, only present when method has try/catch blocks:
// _save_eip (LIR_alloc, int32_t) storage for the current ABC-based "pc", used by exception
// handling to determine which catch blocks are in scope. The value is an ABC
// instruction offset, which is how catch handler records are indexed.
// _ef (LIR_alloc, ExceptionFrame) an instance of struct ExceptionFrame, including
// a jmp_buf holding our setjmp() state, a pointer to the next outer ExceptionFrame,
// and other junk.
// setjmpResult (LIR_call, int) result from calling setjmp; feeds a conditional branch
// that surrounds the whole function body; logic to pick a catch handler and jump to it
// is compiled after the function body. if setjmp returns a nonzero result then we
// jump forward, pick a catch block, then jump backwards to the catch block.
bool CodegenLIR::prologue(FrameState* state)
this->state = state;
abcStart = state->verifier->code_pos;
abcEnd = abcStart + state->verifier->code_length;
framesize = state->verifier->frameSize;
frag = new (*lir_alloc) Fragment(abcStart verbose_only(, 0));
LirBuffer *lirbuf = frag->lirbuf = new (*lir_alloc) LirBuffer(*lir_alloc);
lirbuf->abi = ABI_CDECL;
lirout = new (*alloc1) LirBufWriter(lirbuf);
lirout = new (*alloc1) ValidateWriter(lirout);
vbWriter = 0;
if (verbose() && !core->quiet_opt()) {
lirbuf->names = new (*lir_alloc) LirNameMap(*lir_alloc, &pool->codeMgr->labels);
lirout = vbWriter = new (*alloc1) VerboseWriter(*alloc1, lirout, lirbuf->names, &log);
LoadFilter *loadfilter = 0;
if (core->config.cseopt) {
loadfilter = new (*alloc1) LoadFilter(lirout, *alloc1);
lirout = new (*alloc1) CseFilter(loadfilter, *alloc1);
lirout = new (*alloc1) SoftFloatFilter(lirout);
lirout = new (*alloc1) Specializer(lirout, core->config);
CopyPropagation *copier = new (*alloc1) CopyPropagation(core, *alloc1, lirout,
framesize, info->hasExceptions() != 0);
lirout = this->copier = copier;
#if defined(DEBUGGER) && defined(_DEBUG)
DebuggerCheck *checker = NULL;
if (core->debugger()) {
checker = new (*alloc1) DebuggerCheck(core, *alloc1, lirout, state->verifier->local_count + state->verifier->max_scope);
lirout = checker;
emitStart(*alloc1, lirbuf, lirout);
if (overflow)
return false;
// last pc value that we generated a store for
lastPcSave = 0;
// generate lir to define incoming method arguments. Stack
// frame allocations follow.
env_param = lirout->insParam(0, 0);
argc_param = lirout->insParam(1, 0);
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
argc_param = qlo(argc_param);
ap_param = lirout->insParam(2, 0);
// allocate room for a MethodFrame structure
methodFrame = InsAlloc(sizeof(MethodFrame));
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
lirbuf->names->addName(methodFrame, "methodFrame");
coreAddr = InsConstPtr(core);
// replicate MethodFrame ctor inline
LIns* currentMethodFrame = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(AvmCore,currentMethodFrame), coreAddr);
// save env in MethodFrame.envOrCodeContext
// explicitly leave IS_EXPLICIT_CODECONTEXT clear
// explicitly leave DXNS_NOT_NULL clear, dxns is effectively null without doing the store here.
stp(env_param, methodFrame, offsetof(MethodFrame,envOrCodeContext));
stp(currentMethodFrame, methodFrame, offsetof(MethodFrame,next));
stp(methodFrame, coreAddr, offsetof(AvmCore,currentMethodFrame));
#ifdef _DEBUG
// poison MethodFrame.dxns since it's uninitialized by default
stp(InsConstPtr((void*)(uintptr_t)0xdeadbeef), methodFrame, offsetof(MethodFrame,dxns));
// allocate room for our local variables
vars = InsAlloc(framesize * 8);
lirbuf->sp = vars;
if (loadfilter)
loadfilter->sp = vars;
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
lirbuf->names->addName(env_param, "env");
lirbuf->names->addName(argc_param, "argc");
lirbuf->names->addName(ap_param, "ap");
lirbuf->names->addName(vars, "vars");
// stack overflow check - use methodFrame address as comparison
LIns *d = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(AvmCore, minstack), coreAddr);
LIns *c = binaryIns(LIR_pult, methodFrame, d);
LIns *b = branchIns(LIR_jf, c);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(handleStackOverflowMethodEnv), 1, env_param);
LIns *begin_label = label();
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) { lirbuf->names->addName(begin_label, "begin"); })
// we emit the undefined constant here since we use it so often and
// to ensure it dominates all uses.
undefConst = InsConstAtom(undefinedAtom);
if (core->debugger())
// pointers to traits so that the debugger can decode the locals
// IMPORTANT don't move this around unless you change MethodInfo::boxLocals()
// note that this now updates traits for values on the scopechain as well as locals
varTraits = InsAlloc((state->verifier->local_count + state->verifier->max_scope) * sizeof(Traits*));
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
lirbuf->names->addName(varTraits, "varTraits");
debug_only( checker->init(vars,varTraits); )
// whether this sequence is interruptable or not.
interruptable = ! info->isNonInterruptible();
// then space for the exception frame, be safe if its an init stub
if (info->hasExceptions())
// [_save_eip][ExceptionFrame]
// offsets of local vars, rel to current ESP
_save_eip = InsAlloc(sizeof(intptr_t));
_ef = InsAlloc(sizeof(ExceptionFrame));
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
lirbuf->names->addName(_save_eip, "_save_eip");
lirbuf->names->addName(_ef, "_ef");
if (core->debugger())
// Allocate space for the call stack
csn = InsAlloc(sizeof(CallStackNode));
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
lirbuf->names->addName(csn, "csn");
for (int i=0, n = state->verifier->stackBase+state->stackDepth; i < n; i++)
Value& v = state->value(i);
v.ins = 0;
// copy args to local frame
// copy required args, and initialize optional args.
// this whole section only applies to functions that actually
// have arguments.
const int param_count = ms->param_count();
const int optional_count = ms->optional_count();
const int required_count = param_count - optional_count;
LIns* apArg = ap_param;
if (info->hasOptional())
// compute offset of first optional arg
int offset = 0;
for (int i=0, n=required_count; i <= n; i++) {
offset += ms->paramTraitsBT(i) == BUILTIN_number ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(Atom);
// now copy the default optional values
LIns* argcarg = argc_param;
for (int i=0, n=optional_count; i < n; i++)
// first set the local[p+1] = defaultvalue
int param = i + required_count; // 0..N
int loc = param+1;
LIns* defaultVal = InsConstAtom(ms->getDefaultValue(i));
defaultVal = atomToNativeRep(loc, defaultVal);
localSet(loc, defaultVal, state->value(loc).traits);
// then generate: if (argc > p) local[p+1] = arg[p+1]
LIns* cmp = binaryIns(LIR_le, argcarg, InsConst(param));
LIns* br = branchIns(LIR_jt, cmp); // will patch
copyParam(loc, offset);
LIns *optional_label = label();
verbose_only( if (lirbuf->names) {
char str[64];
AvmAssert(optional_count == 0);
// now set up the required args (we can ignore argc)
// for (int i=0, n=param_count; i <= n; i++)
// framep[i] = argv[i];
int offset = 0;
for (int i=0, n=required_count; i <= n; i++)
copyParam(i, offset);
if (info->unboxThis())
localSet(0, atomToNativeRep(0, localGet(0)), state->value(0).traits);
int firstLocal = 1+param_count;
// capture remaining args
if (info->needRest())
//framep[info->param_count+1] = createRest(env, argv, argc);
// use csop so if rest value never used, we don't bother creating array
LIns* rest = callIns(FUNCTIONID(createRestHelper), 3,
env_param, argc_param, apArg);
localSet(firstLocal, rest, ARRAY_TYPE);
else if (info->needArguments())
//framep[info->param_count+1] = createArguments(env, argv, argc);
// use csop so if arguments never used, we don't create it
LIns* arguments = callIns(FUNCTIONID(createArgumentsHelper), 3,
env_param, argc_param, apArg);
localSet(firstLocal, arguments, ARRAY_TYPE);
if (firstLocal < state->verifier->local_count)
// set remaining locals to undefined
for (int i=firstLocal, n=state->verifier->local_count; i < n; i++)
if(!(state->value(i).traits == NULL)){ // expecting *
AvmAssertMsg(0,"(state->value(i).traits != NULL)");
return false; // fail verify
localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);
if (core->debugger())
for (int i=state->verifier->scopeBase; i<state->verifier->scopeBase+state->verifier->max_scope; ++i)
localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugEnter), 5,
info->hasExceptions() ? _save_eip : InsConstPtr(0)
#endif // DEBUGGER
if (info->hasExceptions()) {
// _ef.beginTry(core);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(beginTry), 2, _ef, coreAddr);
// Exception* setjmpResult = setjmp(_ef.jmpBuf);
// ISSUE this needs to be a cdecl call
LIns* jmpbuf = leaIns(offsetof(ExceptionFrame, jmpbuf), _ef);
setjmpResult = callIns(FUNCTIONID(fsetjmp), 2,
jmpbuf, InsConst(0));
// if (setjmp() != 0) goto catch dispatcher, which we generate in the epilog.
exBranch = branchIns(LIR_jf, eq0(setjmpResult));
else {
exBranch = 0;
verbose_only( if (vbWriter) { vbWriter->flush();} )
return true;
void CodegenLIR::copyParam(int i, int& offset) {
LIns* apArg = ap_param;
Traits* type = ms->paramTraits(i);
switch (bt(type)) {
case BUILTIN_number:
localSet(i, loadIns(LIR_ldqc, offset, apArg),type);
offset += sizeof(double);
case BUILTIN_int:
case BUILTIN_uint:
case BUILTIN_boolean:
// in the args these are widened to intptr_t or uintptr_t, so truncate here.
localSet(i, p2i(loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offset, apArg)),type);
offset += sizeof(Atom);
localSet(i, loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offset, apArg),type);
offset += sizeof(Atom);
void CodegenLIR::emitCopy(FrameState* state, int src, int dest) {
this->state = state;
localSet(dest, localCopy(src), state->value(src).traits);
void CodegenLIR::emitGetscope(FrameState* state, int scope_index, int dest)
this->state = state;
Traits* t = info->declaringScope()->getScopeTraitsAt(scope_index);
LIns* scope = loadEnvScope();
LIns* scopeobj = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_scopes) + scope_index*sizeof(Atom), scope);
localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(t, scopeobj), t);
void CodegenLIR::emitSwap(FrameState* state, int i, int j) {
this->state = state;
LIns* t = localCopy(i);
localSet(i, localCopy(j), state->value(j).traits);
localSet(j, t, state->value(i).traits);
void CodegenLIR::emitKill(FrameState* state, int i)
this->state = state;
localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);
void CodegenLIR::writeBlockStart(FrameState* state)
// our new extended BB now starts here, this means that any branch targets
// should hit the next instruction our bb start instruction
LIns* bb = label(); // mark start of block
verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) {
char str[64];
frag->lirbuf->names->addName(bb, str);
// get a label for our block start and tie it to this location
CodegenLabel& label = state->verifier->getFrameState(state->pc)->label;
setLabelPos(label, bb);
if (label.jtbl_forward_target) {
// A jtbl (switch) jumps forward to here, creating a situation our
// register allocator cannot handle; force regs to be loaded at the
// start of this block.
// If this is a backwards branch, generate an interrupt check.
// current verifier state, includes tack pointer.
if (interruptable && core->config.interrupts && state->targetOfBackwardsBranch)
if (state->insideTryBlock)
stp(InsConstPtr((void*)state->pc), _save_eip, 0);
LIns* interrupted = loadIns(LIR_ld, offsetof(AvmCore,interrupted), coreAddr);
LIns* br = branchIns(LIR_jf, binaryIns(LIR_eq, interrupted, InsConst(AvmCore::NotInterrupted)));
patchLater(br, interrupt_label);
// load undefined into any killed locals
int stackBase = state->verifier->stackBase;
for (int i=0, n=stackBase+state->stackDepth; i < n; i++)
int scopeTop = state->verifier->scopeBase+state->scopeDepth;
if (i >= scopeTop && i < stackBase)
continue; // not live
Value &v = state->value(i);
if (v.killed)
localSet(i, undefConst, VOID_TYPE);
void CodegenLIR::emitBlockEnd(FrameState* state)
this->state = state;
// our eBB now terminates. For all branch instructions we are
// able to detect this situation and have already generated the
// correct spill code prior to the jump, only for the case where
// the pc is a target of a jump do we not know enough during emit()
// to do this. The Verifier tracks this information and merges
// the states across the various blocks generating this op prior
// to the merge. After this emit, we should receive a writeBlockStart()
// from the Verifier.
void CodegenLIR::writePrologue(FrameState* state, const byte *pc)
if( !prologue(state) )
if (!overflow)
void CodegenLIR::writeOpcodeVerified(FrameState* state, const byte* pc, AbcOpcode opcode)
verbose_only( if (vbWriter) { vbWriter->flush();} )
void CodegenLIR::fixExceptionsAndLabels(FrameState* state, const byte* pc)
void CodegenLIR::write(FrameState* state, const byte* pc, AbcOpcode opcode, Traits *type)
//AvmLog("CodegenLIR::write %x\n", opcode);
const byte* nextpc = pc;
unsigned int imm30=0, imm30b=0;
int imm8=0, imm24=0;
AvmCore::readOperands(nextpc, imm30, imm24, imm30b, imm8);
int sp = state->sp();
switch (opcode) {
case OP_nop:
case OP_pop:
case OP_label:
// do nothing
case OP_getlocal0:
case OP_getlocal1:
case OP_getlocal2:
case OP_getlocal3:
imm30 = opcode-OP_getlocal0;
// hack imm30 and fall through
case OP_getlocal:
emitCopy(state, imm30, sp+1);
case OP_setlocal0:
case OP_setlocal1:
case OP_setlocal2:
case OP_setlocal3:
imm30 = opcode-OP_setlocal0;
// hack imm30 and fall through
case OP_setlocal:
emitCopy(state, sp, imm30);
case OP_pushtrue:
emitIntConst(state, sp+1, 1);
case OP_pushfalse:
emitIntConst(state, sp+1, 0);
case OP_pushnull:
emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, 0, NULL_TYPE);
case OP_pushundefined:
emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, (void*)undefinedAtom, VOID_TYPE);
case OP_pushshort:
emitIntConst(state, sp+1, (signed short)imm30);
case OP_pushbyte:
emitIntConst(state, sp+1, (signed char)imm8);
case OP_pushstring:
emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, pool->getString(imm30), STRING_TYPE);
case OP_pushnamespace:
emitPtrConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_ns[imm30], NAMESPACE_TYPE);
case OP_pushint:
emitIntConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_int[imm30]);
case OP_pushuint:
emitIntConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_uint[imm30]);
case OP_pushdouble:
emitDoubleConst(state, sp+1, pool->cpool_double[imm30]);
case OP_pushnan:
emitDoubleConst(state, sp+1, (double*)atomPtr(core->kNaN));
case OP_lookupswitch:
emit(state, opcode, state->pc+imm24, imm30b /*count*/);
case OP_throw:
case OP_returnvalue:
case OP_returnvoid:
emit(state, opcode, sp);
case OP_debugfile:
#if defined(DEBUGGER) || defined(VTUNE)
#ifdef VTUNE
const bool do_emit = true;
const bool do_emit = core->debugger() != NULL;
Stringp str = pool->getString(imm30); // assume been checked already
if(do_emit) emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)str);
case OP_dxns:
Stringp str = pool->getString(imm30); // assume been checked already
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)str);
case OP_dxnslate:
// codgen will call intern on the input atom.
emit(state, opcode, sp);
case OP_kill:
emitKill(state, imm30);
case OP_inclocal:
case OP_declocal:
emit(state, opcode, imm30, opcode==OP_inclocal ? 1 : -1, NUMBER_TYPE);
case OP_inclocal_i:
case OP_declocal_i:
emit(state, opcode, imm30, opcode==OP_inclocal_i ? 1 : -1, INT_TYPE);
case OP_lessthan:
case OP_greaterthan:
case OP_lessequals:
case OP_greaterequals:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
case OP_getdescendants:
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, NULL);
case OP_checkfilter:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, NULL);
case OP_deleteproperty:
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
case OP_astype:
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
Traits *t = pool->getTraits(*name, state->verifier->getToplevel(this));
emit(state, OP_astype, (uintptr)t, sp, t && t->isMachineType() ? OBJECT_TYPE : t);
case OP_astypelate:
Value& classValue = state->peek(1); // rhs - class
Traits* ct = classValue.traits;
Traits* t = NULL;
if (ct && (t=ct->itraits) != 0)
if (t->isMachineType())
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, t);
case OP_coerce:
AvmAssert (type!=NULL);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(type, state->sp());
case OP_coerce_b:
case OP_convert_b:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==BOOLEAN_TYPE);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(BOOLEAN_TYPE, state->sp());
case OP_coerce_o:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==OBJECT_TYPE);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(OBJECT_TYPE, state->sp());
case OP_coerce_a:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : false);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(NULL, state->sp());
case OP_convert_i:
case OP_coerce_i:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==INT_TYPE);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(INT_TYPE, state->sp());
case OP_convert_u:
case OP_coerce_u:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==UINT_TYPE);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(UINT_TYPE, state->sp());
case OP_convert_d:
case OP_coerce_d:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==NUMBER_TYPE);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(NUMBER_TYPE, state->sp());
case OP_coerce_s:
AvmAssert (type==NULL ? true : type==STRING_TYPE);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(STRING_TYPE, state->sp());
case OP_istype:
// expects a CONSTANT_Multiname cpool index
// used when operator "is" RHS is a compile-time type constant
//sp[0] = istype(sp[0], itraits);
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(imm30);
Traits* itraits = pool->getTraits(*name, state->verifier->getToplevel(this));
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(istype), 2, obj, InsConstPtr(itraits));
localSet(sp, out, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
case OP_istypelate:
// null check for the type value T in (x is T). This also preserves
// any side effects from loading T, even if we end up inlining T.itraits() as a const.
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
Traits* class_type = state->value(sp).traits;
LIns* istype_result;
if (class_type && class_type->base == CLASS_TYPE) {
// (x is T) where T is a class object: get T.itraits as constant.
istype_result = callIns(FUNCTIONID(istype), 2, obj, InsConstPtr(class_type->itraits));
} else {
// RHS is unknown, call general istype
istype_result = callIns(FUNCTIONID(istypelate), 3, env_param, obj, loadAtomRep(sp));
localSet(sp-1, istype_result, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
case OP_convert_o:
// NOTE check null has already been done
case OP_applytype:
// * is ok for the type, as Vector classes have no statics
// when we implement type parameters fully, we should do something here.
emit(state, opcode, imm30/*argc*/, 0, NULL);
case OP_newobject:
emit(state, opcode, imm30, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);
case OP_newarray:
emit(state, opcode, imm30, 0, ARRAY_TYPE);
case OP_newactivation:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, info->activationTraits());
case OP_newcatch:
ExceptionHandler* handler = &info->abc_exceptions()->exceptions[imm30];
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, handler->scopeTraits);
case OP_popscope:
if (core->debugger()) emitKill(state, ms->local_count()/*scopeBase*/ + state->scopeDepth);
case OP_getslot:
Value& obj = state->peek();
int index = imm30-1;
Traits* slotTraits = obj.traits ? obj.traits->getTraitsBindings()->getSlotTraits(index) : NULL;
emitGetslot(state, index, sp, slotTraits);
case OP_setslot:
emitSetslot(state, OP_setslot, imm30-1, sp-1);
case OP_dup:
emitCopy(state, sp, sp+1);
case OP_swap:
emitSwap(state, sp, sp-1);
case OP_equals:
case OP_strictequals:
case OP_instanceof:
case OP_in:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
case OP_not:
emit(state, opcode, sp);
case OP_modulo:
case OP_subtract:
case OP_divide:
case OP_multiply:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, NUMBER_TYPE);
case OP_increment:
case OP_decrement:
emit(state, opcode, sp, opcode == OP_increment ? 1 : -1, NUMBER_TYPE);
case OP_increment_i:
case OP_decrement_i:
emit(state, opcode, sp, opcode == OP_increment_i ? 1 : -1, INT_TYPE);
case OP_add_i:
case OP_subtract_i:
case OP_multiply_i:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_negate:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, NUMBER_TYPE);
case OP_negate_i:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_bitand:
case OP_bitor:
case OP_bitxor:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_lshift:
case OP_rshift:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_urshift:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_bitnot:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_typeof:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, STRING_TYPE);
case OP_debugline:
#if defined(DEBUGGER) || defined(VTUNE)
#ifdef VTUNE
const bool do_emit = true;
const bool do_emit = core->debugger() != NULL;
// we actually do generate code for these, in debugger mode
if (do_emit) emit(state, opcode, imm30);
case OP_nextvalue:
case OP_nextname:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, NULL);
case OP_hasnext:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, INT_TYPE);
case OP_hasnext2:
emit(state, opcode, imm30, imm30b, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
// sign extends
case OP_sxi1:
case OP_sxi8:
case OP_sxi16:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, INT_TYPE);
// loads
case OP_lix8:
case OP_lix16:
case OP_li8:
case OP_li16:
case OP_li32:
case OP_lf32:
case OP_lf64:
Traits* result = (opcode == OP_lf32 || opcode == OP_lf64) ? NUMBER_TYPE : INT_TYPE;
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, result);
// stores
case OP_si8:
case OP_si16:
case OP_si32:
case OP_sf32:
case OP_sf64:
emit(state, opcode, 0, 0, VOID_TYPE);
case OP_getglobalscope:
case OP_add:
Value& val1 = state->value(sp-1);
Value& val2 = state->value(sp);
if ((val1.traits == STRING_TYPE && val1.notNull) || (val2.traits == STRING_TYPE && val2.notNull)) {
// string add
AvmAssert(type == STRING_TYPE);
LIns* lhs = convertToString(sp-1);
LIns* rhs = convertToString(sp);
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(concatStrings), 3, coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
localSet(sp-1, out, type);
} else if (val1.traits && val2.traits && val1.traits->isNumeric() && val2.traits->isNumeric()) {
// numeric add
AvmAssert(type == NUMBER_TYPE);
LIns* num1 = coerceToNumber(sp-1);
LIns* num2 = coerceToNumber(sp);
localSet(sp-1, binaryIns(LIR_fadd, num1, num2), type);
} else {
// any other add
AvmAssert(type == OBJECT_TYPE);
LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_add), 3, coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
localSet(sp-1, atomToNativeRep(type, out), type);
case OP_convert_s:
localSet(sp, convertToString(sp), STRING_TYPE);
case OP_esc_xelem:
case OP_esc_xattr:
emit(state, opcode, sp, 0, STRING_TYPE);
case OP_debug:
// ignored
// FIXME need error handler here
void CodegenLIR::emitGetGlobalScope()
const ScopeTypeChain* scope = info->declaringScope();
int captured_depth = scope->size;
if (captured_depth > 0)
// enclosing scope
emitGetscope(state, 0, state->sp()+1);
// local scope
if (state->scopeDepth > 0)
emitCopy(state, state->verifier->scopeBase, state->sp()+1);
// this will copy type and all attributes too
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (pool->isBuiltin)
core->console << "getglobalscope >= depth (0) "<< state->scopeDepth << "\n";
void CodegenLIR::writeOp1(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uint32_t opd1, Traits *type)
switch (opcode) {
case OP_iflt:
case OP_ifle:
case OP_ifnlt:
case OP_ifnle:
case OP_ifgt:
case OP_ifge:
case OP_ifngt:
case OP_ifnge:
case OP_ifeq:
case OP_ifstricteq:
case OP_ifne:
case OP_ifstrictne:
int32_t offset = (int32_t) opd1;
int lhs = state->sp()-1;
emitIf(state, opcode, state->pc+4/*size*/+offset, lhs, lhs+1);
case OP_iftrue:
case OP_iffalse:
int32_t offset = (int32_t) opd1;
int sp = state->sp();
emitIf(state, opcode, state->pc+4/*size*/+offset, sp, 0);
case OP_jump:
int32_t offset = (int32_t) opd1;
emit(state, opcode, state->pc+4/*size*/+offset);
case OP_getslot:
emitGetslot(state, opd1, state->sp(), type);
case OP_getglobalslot:
emitGetslot(state, opd1, state->sp(), type);
case OP_setglobalslot:
emitSetslot(state, OP_setglobalslot, opd1, 0 /* computed or ignored */);
case OP_call:
emit(state, opcode, opd1 /*argc*/, 0, NULL);
case OP_construct:
const uint32_t argc = opd1;
int ctor_index = state->sp() - argc;
Traits* ctraits = state->value(ctor_index).traits;
emitConstruct(state, argc, ctor_index, ctraits);
case OP_getouterscope:
emitGetscope(state, opd1, state->sp()+1);
case OP_getscopeobject:
emitCopy(state, opd1+state->verifier->scopeBase, state->sp()+1);
case OP_newfunction:
AvmAssert(pool->getMethodInfo(opd1)->declaringTraits() == type);
emit(state, opcode, opd1, state->sp()+1, type);
case OP_pushscope:
case OP_pushwith:
emitCopy(state, state->sp(), opd1);
case OP_findpropstrict:
case OP_findproperty:
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);
case OP_findpropglobalstrict:
// NOTE opcode not supported, deoptimizing
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
emit(state, OP_findpropstrict, (uintptr)name, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);
case OP_findpropglobal:
// NOTE opcode not supported, deoptimizing
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
emit(state, OP_findproperty, (uintptr)name, 0, OBJECT_TYPE);
case OP_newclass:
Traits* ctraits = pool->getClassTraits(opd1);
AvmAssert(ctraits == type);
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)(void*)ctraits, state->sp(), type);
case OP_finddef:
// opd1=name index
// type=script->declaringTraits
const Multiname *multiname = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
int32_t dest_index = state->sp() + 1;
// This allocates a cache slot even if the finddef ultimately becomes dead.
// As long as caches tend to be small compared to size of pool data and code,
// filtering out dead cache lines isn't worth the complexity.
LIns* slot = InsConst(finddef_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(opd1));
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(finddef_cache), 3, env_param, InsConstPtr(multiname), slot);
localSet(dest_index, ptrToNativeRep(type, out), type);
// verifier has called writeOp1 improperly
LIns* CodegenLIR::coerceToString(int index)
Value& value = state->value(index);
Traits* in = value.traits;
switch (bt(in)) {
case BUILTIN_null:
case BUILTIN_string:
// fine to just load the pointer
return localGetp(index);
case BUILTIN_int:
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(intToString), 2, coreAddr, localGet(index));
case BUILTIN_uint:
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(uintToString), 2, coreAddr, localGet(index));
case BUILTIN_number:
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(doubleToString), 2, coreAddr, localGetq(index));
case BUILTIN_boolean: {
// load "true" or "false" string constant from AvmCore.booleanStrings[]
LIns *offset = binaryIns(LIR_pilsh, i2p(localGet(index)), InsConst(PTR_SCALE));
LIns *arr = InsConstPtr(&core->booleanStrings);
return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, 0, binaryIns(LIR_addp, arr, offset));
if (value.notNull) {
// not eligible for CSE, and we know it's not null/undefined
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(string), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerce_s), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));
/** emit code for * -> Number conversion */
LIns* CodegenLIR::coerceToNumber(int index)
// assume emitPrep() already called
Value& value = state->value(index);
Traits* in = value.traits;
if (in && (in->isNumeric() || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
return promoteNumberIns(in, index);
} else {
// * -> Number
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(number), 1, loadAtomRep(index));
LIns* CodegenLIR::convertToString(int index)
// assume emitPrep() already called
Value& value = state->value(index);
Traits* in = value.traits;
Traits* stringType = STRING_TYPE;
if (in != stringType || !value.notNull) {
if (in && (value.notNull || in->isNumeric() || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)) {
// convert is the same as coerce
return coerceToString(index);
} else {
// explicitly convert to string
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(string), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));
} else {
// already String*
return localGetp(index);
void CodegenLIR::writeNip(FrameState* state, const byte *pc)
emitCopy(state, state->sp(), state->sp()-1);
void CodegenLIR::writeInterfaceCall(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uintptr opd1, uint32_t opd2, Traits *type)
switch (opcode) {
case OP_callproperty:
case OP_callproplex:
case OP_callpropvoid:
emitCall(state, OP_callinterface, opd1, opd2, type);
void CodegenLIR::writeOp2(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uint32_t opd1, uint32_t opd2, Traits *type)
switch (opcode) {
case OP_constructsuper:
// opd1=unused, opd2=argc
emitCall(state, opcode, 0, opd2, VOID_TYPE);
case OP_setsuper:
const uint32_t index = opd1;
const uint32_t n = opd2;
Traits* base = type;
int32_t ptrIndex = state->sp()-(n-1);
const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(index);
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(base, name);
Traits* propType = state->verifier->readBinding(base, b);
const TraitsBindingsp basetd = base->getTraitsBindings();
if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b))
if (AvmCore::isVarBinding(b))
int slot_id = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b);
state->verifier->emitCoerce(propType, state->sp());
emitSetslot(state, OP_setslot, slot_id, ptrIndex);
// else, ignore write to readonly accessor
if (AvmCore::isAccessorBinding(b))
if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(b))
// Invoke the setter
int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(b);
MethodInfo *f = basetd->getMethod(disp_id);
AvmAssert(f != NULL);
MethodSignaturep fms = f->getMethodSignature();
state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(f, 1);
emitCall(state, OP_callsuperid, disp_id, 1, fms->returnTraits());
// else, ignore write to readonly accessor
else {
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name);
case OP_getsuper:
const uint32_t index = opd1;
const uint32_t n = opd2;
Traits* base = type;
const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(index);
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(base, name);
Traits* propType = state->verifier->readBinding(base, b);
if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b))
int slot_id = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b);
emitGetslot(state, slot_id, state->sp()-(n-1), propType);
if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(b))
// Invoke the getter
int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(b);
const TraitsBindingsp basetd = base->getTraitsBindings();
MethodInfo *f = basetd->getMethod(disp_id);
AvmAssert(f != NULL);
state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(f, 0);
MethodSignaturep fms = f->getMethodSignature();
Traits* resultType = fms->returnTraits();
emitCall(state, OP_callsuperid, disp_id, 0, resultType);
else {
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, 0, propType);
case OP_callsuper:
case OP_callsupervoid:
const uint32_t index = opd1;
const uint32_t argc = opd2;
Traits* base = type;
const TraitsBindingsp basetd = base->getTraitsBindings();
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(index);
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(base, name);
if (AvmCore::isMethodBinding(b))
int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToMethodId(b);
MethodInfo* m = basetd->getMethod(disp_id);
state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(m, argc);
MethodSignaturep mms = m->getMethodSignature();
Traits* resultType = mms->returnTraits();
emitCall(state, OP_callsuperid, disp_id, argc, resultType);
else {
// TODO optimize other cases
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, argc, NULL);
case OP_constructprop:
const uint32_t argc = opd2;
const uint32_t n = argc+1;
const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
Value& obj = state->peek(n); // object
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(obj.traits, name);
if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b))
int slot_id = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b);
int ctor_index = state->sp()-(n-1);
emitGetslot(state, slot_id, ctor_index, type);
obj.notNull = false;
obj.traits = type;
emitConstruct(state, argc, ctor_index, type);
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name, argc, NULL);
case OP_getproperty:
// NOTE opd2 is the stack offset to the reciever
const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
Value& obj = state->peek(opd2); // object
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(obj.traits, name);
// early bind accessor
if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(b))
// Invoke the getter
int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(b);
const TraitsBindingsp objtd = obj.traits->getTraitsBindings();
MethodInfo *f = objtd->getMethod(disp_id);
AvmAssert(f != NULL);
if (!obj.traits->isInterface()) {
emitCall(state, OP_callmethod, disp_id, 0, type);
else {
// FIXME f->iid() is a 64 bit value, being passed through a 32 bit
// location. need to understand why this works.
emitCall(state, OP_callinterface, f->iid(), 0, type);
AvmAssert(type == f->getMethodSignature()->returnTraits());
else {
emit(state, OP_getproperty, opd1, 0, type);
case OP_setproperty:
case OP_initproperty:
// opd2=n the stack offset to the reciever
const Multiname *name = pool->precomputedMultiname(opd1);
Value& obj = state->peek(opd2); // object
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
Binding b = toplevel->getBinding(obj.traits, name);
// early bind accessor
if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(b))
// invoke the setter
int disp_id = AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(b);
const TraitsBindingsp objtd = obj.traits->getTraitsBindings();
MethodInfo *f = objtd->getMethod(disp_id);
AvmAssert(f != NULL);
if (!obj.traits->isInterface()) {
emitCall(state, OP_callmethod, disp_id, 1, type);
else {
// FIXME f->iid() is a 64 bit value, being passed through a 32 bit
// location. need to understand why this works.
emitCall(state, OP_callinterface, f->iid(), 1, type);
else {
emit(state, opcode, (uintptr)name);
case OP_setslot:
emitSetslot(state, OP_setslot, opd1, opd2);
case OP_abs_jump:
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
const byte* nextpc = pc;
unsigned int imm30=0, imm30b=0;
int imm8=0, imm24=0;
AvmCore::readOperands(nextpc, imm30, imm24, imm30b, imm8);
const byte* new_pc = (const byte *) (uintptr(opd1) | (((uintptr) opd2) << 32));
const byte* new_code_end = new_pc + AvmCore::readU30 (nextpc);
const byte* new_pc = (const byte*) opd1;
const byte* new_code_end = new_pc + opd2;
this->abcStart = new_pc;
this->abcEnd = new_code_end;
case OP_callmethod:
emitCall(state, opcode, opd1, opd2, type);
case OP_callproperty:
case OP_callproplex:
case OP_callpropvoid:
emit(state, opcode, opd1, opd2, NULL);
case OP_callstatic:
// opd1=method_id, opd2=argc
emitCall(state, OP_callstatic, opd1, opd2, type);
void CodegenLIR::emitIntConst(FrameState* state, int index, int32_t c)
this->state = state;
localSet(index, lirout->insImm(c), INT_TYPE);
void CodegenLIR::emitPtrConst(FrameState* state, int index, void* c, Traits* type)
this->state = state;
localSet(index, lirout->insImmPtr(c), type);
void CodegenLIR::emitDoubleConst(FrameState* state, int index, double* pd)
this->state = state;
uint64_t *pquad = (uint64_t*) pd;
localSet(index, lirout->insImmq(*pquad), NUMBER_TYPE);
void CodegenLIR::writeCoerce(FrameState* state, uint32_t loc, Traits* result)
Value& value = state->value(loc);
Traits* in = value.traits;
if (result == NULL)
// coerce to * is simple, we just save the atom rep.
localSet(loc, loadAtomRep(loc), result);
else if (result == OBJECT_TYPE)
if (in == NULL || in == VOID_TYPE)
// value already boxed but we need to coerce undefined->null
if (!value.notNull) {
// v == undefinedAtom ? nullObjectAtom : v;
LIns *v = localGetp(loc);
v = lirout->ins_choose(binaryIns(LIR_peq, v, undefConst),
InsConstAtom(nullObjectAtom), v, true /* use_cmov */);
localSet(loc, v, result);
// value cannot be undefined so just box it
localSet(loc, loadAtomRep(loc), result);
else if (!result->isMachineType() && in == NULL_TYPE)
// do nothing, it's fine to coerce null to a pointer type
else if (result == NUMBER_TYPE)
localSet(loc, coerceToNumber(loc), result);
else if (result == INT_TYPE)
if (in == UINT_TYPE || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
//do nothing
else if (in == NUMBER_TYPE)
// narrowing conversion number->int
LIns* ins = localGetq(loc);
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_d), 1, ins), result);
// * -> int
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer), 1,
loadAtomRep(loc)), result);
else if (result == UINT_TYPE)
if (in == INT_TYPE || in == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
//do nothing
else if (in == NUMBER_TYPE)
LIns* ins = localGetq(loc);
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(integer_d), 1, ins), result);
// * -> uint
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(toUInt32), 1,
loadAtomRep(loc)), result);
else if (result == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
if (in == NUMBER_TYPE)
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(doubleToBool), 1, localGetq(loc)), result);
else if (in == INT_TYPE || in == UINT_TYPE)
// int to bool: b = (i==0) == 0
localSet(loc, eq0(eq0(localGet(loc))), result);
else if (in && !in->notDerivedObjectOrXML())
// ptr to bool: b = (p==0) == 0
localSet(loc, eq0(peq0(localGetp(loc))), result);
// * -> Boolean
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(boolean), 1,
loadAtomRep(loc)), result);
else if (result == STRING_TYPE)
localSet(loc, coerceToString(loc), result);
else if (in && !in->isMachineType() && !result->isMachineType()
// coerceobj is void, but we mustn't optimize it out; verifier only calls it when required
callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerceobj), 3,
env_param, localGetp(loc), InsConstPtr(result));
// the input pointer has now been checked but it's still the same value.
// verifier remembers this fact by updating the verify time type.
else if (!result->isMachineType() && result != NAMESPACE_TYPE)
// result is a ScriptObject based type.
localSet(loc, callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerceAtom2SO), 3,
env_param, loadAtomRep(loc), InsConstPtr(result)), result);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(loc);
// sp[0] = coerce(caller_env, sp[0], traits)
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerce), 3,
env_param, value, InsConstPtr(result));
// store the result
localSet(loc, atomToNativeRep(result, out), result);
void CodegenLIR::writeCheckNull(FrameState* state, uint32_t index)
// The result is either unchanged or an exception is thrown, so
// we don't save the result. This is the null pointer check.
Traits* t = state->value(index).traits;
switch (bt(t)) {
case BUILTIN_any:
case BUILTIN_object:
case BUILTIN_void: {
// Atom
// checking atom for null or undefined (AvmCore::isNullOrUndefined())
LIns *value = localGetp(index);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(nullcheck), 2, env_param, value);
case BUILTIN_int:
case BUILTIN_uint:
case BUILTIN_boolean:
case BUILTIN_number:
// never null
default: {
// checking pointer for null
LIns *value = localGetp(index);
LIns* br = branchIns(LIR_jt, peq0(value)); // will be patched
patchLater(br, npe_label);
// else: number, int, uint, and boolean, are never null
void CodegenLIR::emitPrep(FrameState* state)
this->state = state;
// update bytecode ip if necessary
if (state->insideTryBlock && lastPcSave != state->pc)
stp(InsConstPtr((void*)state->pc), _save_eip, 0);
lastPcSave = state->pc;
void LirHelper::liveAlloc(LIns* alloc)
if (alloc->isop(LIR_alloc))
void CodegenLIR::emitCall(FrameState *state, AbcOpcode opcode, intptr_t method_id, int argc, Traits* result)
int sp = state->sp();
int dest = sp-argc;
int objDisp = dest;
// make sure null check happened.
LIns *method = NULL;
LIns *iid = NULL;
switch (opcode)
case OP_constructsuper:
// env->vtable->base->init->enter32v(argc, ...);
LIns* vtable = loadEnvVTable();
LIns* base = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,base), vtable);
method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,init), base);
case OP_callmethod:
// stack in: obj arg1..N
// stack out: result
// sp[-argc] = callmethod(disp_id, argc, ...);
// method_id is disp_id of virtual method
LIns* vtable = loadVTable(objDisp);
method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, int32_t(offsetof(VTable,methods)+sizeof(MethodEnv*)*method_id), vtable);
case OP_callsuperid:
// stack in: obj arg1..N
// stack out: result
// method_id is disp_id of super method
LIns* declvtable = loadEnvVTable();
LIns* basevtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, base), declvtable);
method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, int32_t(offsetof(VTable,methods)+sizeof(MethodEnv*)*method_id), basevtable);
case OP_callstatic:
// stack in: obj arg1..N
// stack out: result
LIns* abcenv = loadEnvAbcEnv();
method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, int32_t(offsetof(AbcEnv,m_methods)+sizeof(MethodEnv*)*method_id), abcenv);
case OP_callinterface:
// method_id is pointer to interface method name (multiname)
int index = int(method_id % VTable::IMT_SIZE);
LIns* vtable = loadVTable(objDisp);
// note, could be MethodEnv* or ImtThunkEnv*
method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,imt)+sizeof(ImtThunkEnv*)*index, vtable);
iid = InsConstPtr((void*)method_id);
case OP_construct:
// stack in: ctor arg1..N
// stack out: newinstance
LIns* vtable = loadVTable(objDisp);
LIns* ivtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, ivtable), vtable);
method = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, init), ivtable);
LIns* inst = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newInstance),1, localGetp(objDisp));
localSet(dest, inst, result);
// store args for the call
int index = objDisp;
LIns* ap = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom)); // we will update this size, below
int disp = 0;
int pad = 0;
// LIR_alloc of any size >= 8 is always 8-aligned.
// if the first double arg would be unaligned, add padding to align it.
#if !defined AVMPLUS_64BIT
for (int i=0; i <= argc; i++) {
if (state->value(index+i).traits == NUMBER_TYPE) {
if ((disp&7) != 0) {
// this double would be unaligned, so add some padding
pad = 8-(disp&7); // should be 4
else {
disp += sizeof(Atom);
disp = pad;
for (int i=0; i <= argc; i++)
// load and widen the argument
LIns *v;
switch (bt(state->value(index).traits)) {
case BUILTIN_number:
v = localGetq(index);
stq(v, ap, disp);
case BUILTIN_int:
v = i2p(localGet(index));
stp(v, ap, disp);
case BUILTIN_uint:
case BUILTIN_boolean:
v = u2p(localGet(index));
stp(v, ap, disp);
v = localGetp(index);
stp(v, ap, disp);
disp += v->isQuad() ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(Atom);
// patch the size to what we actually need
LIns* target = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodEnvProcHolder,_implGPR), method);
LIns* meth = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodEnvProcHolder, method), method);
LIns* target = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodInfoProcHolder, _implGPR), meth);
LIns* apAddr = leaIns(pad, ap);
LIns *out;
BuiltinType rbt = bt(result);
if (!iid) {
const CallInfo *fid;
switch (rbt) {
case BUILTIN_number:
fid = FUNCTIONID(fcalli);
case BUILTIN_int: case BUILTIN_uint: case BUILTIN_boolean:
fid = FUNCTIONID(icalli);
fid = FUNCTIONID(acalli);
out = callIns(fid, 4, target, method, InsConst(argc), apAddr);
} else {
const CallInfo *fid;
switch (rbt) {
case BUILTIN_number:
fid = FUNCTIONID(fcallimt);
case BUILTIN_int: case BUILTIN_uint: case BUILTIN_boolean:
fid = FUNCTIONID(icallimt);
fid = FUNCTIONID(acallimt);
out = callIns(fid, 5, target, method, InsConst(argc), apAddr, iid);
// ensure the stack-allocated args are live until after the call
if (opcode != OP_constructsuper && opcode != OP_construct)
localSet(dest, out, result);
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadFromSlot(int ptr_index, int slot, Traits* slotType)
// assumes emitPrep already called and state already saved
Traits *t = state->value(ptr_index).traits;
LIns *ptr = localGetp(ptr_index);
AvmAssert(isPointer((int)ptr_index)); // obj
const TraitsBindingsp tb = t->getTraitsBindings();
int offset = tb->getSlotOffset(slot);
// get
LOpcode op;
switch (bt(slotType)) {
case BUILTIN_number: op = LIR_ldq; break;
case BUILTIN_int:
case BUILTIN_uint:
case BUILTIN_boolean: op = LIR_ld; break;
default: op = LIR_ldp; break;
return loadIns(op, offset, ptr);
void CodegenLIR::emitGetslot(FrameState *state, int slot, int ptr_index, Traits *slotType)
localSet(ptr_index, loadFromSlot(ptr_index, slot, slotType), slotType);
void CodegenLIR::emitSetslot(FrameState *state, AbcOpcode opcode, int slot, int ptr_index)
int sp = state->sp();
Traits* t;
LIns* ptr;
if (opcode == OP_setslot)
t = state->value(ptr_index).traits;
ptr = localGetp(ptr_index);
AvmAssert(isPointer((int)ptr_index)); // obj
// setglobalslot
const ScopeTypeChain* scopeTypes = info->declaringScope();
if (scopeTypes->size == 0)
// no captured scopes, so global is local scope 0
ptr_index = state->verifier->scopeBase;
t = state->value(ptr_index).traits;
ptr = localGetp(ptr_index);
AvmAssert(isPointer((int)ptr_index)); // obj
// global is outer scope 0
t = scopeTypes->getScopeTraitsAt(0);
LIns* scope = loadEnvScope();
LIns* scopeobj = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_scopes) + 0*sizeof(Atom), scope);
ptr = atomToNativeRep(t, scopeobj);
const TraitsBindingsp tb = t->getTraitsBindings();
int offset = tb->getSlotOffset(slot);
LIns *unoffsetPtr = ptr;
// set
// use localCopy() to sniff the type and use ldq if it's Number
LIns* value = localCopy(sp);
// if storing to a pointer-typed slot, inline a WB
Traits* slotType = tb->getSlotTraits(slot);
if (!slotType || !slotType->isMachineType() || slotType == OBJECT_TYPE)
// slot type is Atom (for *, Object) or RCObject* (String, Namespace, or other user types)
const CallInfo *wbAddr = FUNCTIONID(privateWriteBarrierRC);
if (slotType == NULL || slotType == OBJECT_TYPE) {
// use fast atom wb
wbAddr = FUNCTIONID(atomWriteBarrier);
callIns(wbAddr, 4,
leaIns(offset, ptr),
else if (slotType == NUMBER_TYPE) {
// slot type is double or int
stq(value, ptr, offset);
} else {
AvmAssert(slotType == INT_TYPE || slotType == UINT_TYPE || slotType == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
sti(value, ptr, offset);
* emit a constructor call, or a late bound constructor call.
* early binding is possible when we know the constructor (class) being
* used, and we know that it doesn't use custom native instance initializer
* code, as indicated by the itraits->hasCustomConstruct flag.
void CodegenLIR::emitConstruct(FrameState* state, int argc, int ctor_index, Traits* ctraits)
// attempt to early bind to constructor method.
Traits* itraits = NULL;
if (ctraits) {
itraits = ctraits->itraits;
if (itraits && !itraits->hasCustomConstruct) {
Toplevel* toplevel = state->verifier->getToplevel(this);
if (itraits->init->getMethodSignature()->argcOk(argc)) {
state->verifier->emitCoerceArgs(itraits->init, argc, true);
emitCall(state, OP_construct, 0, argc, itraits);
// generic path, could not early bind to a constructor method
// stack in: ctor-object arg1..N
// sp[-argc] = construct(env, sp[-argc], argc, null, arg1..N)
LIns* func = loadAtomRep(ctor_index);
LIns* args = storeAtomArgs(InsConstAtom(nullObjectAtom), argc, ctor_index+1);
LIns* newobj = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_construct), 4, env_param, func, InsConst(argc), args);
localSet(ctor_index, atomToNativeRep(itraits, newobj), itraits);
typedef const CallInfo *CallInfop;
void CodegenLIR::emit(FrameState* state, AbcOpcode opcode, uintptr op1, uintptr op2, Traits* result)
int sp = state->sp();
switch (opcode)
// sign extends
case OP_sxi1:
case OP_sxi8:
case OP_sxi16:
// straightforward shift based sign extension
static const uint8_t kShiftAmt[3] = { 31, 24, 16 };
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
LIns* val = localGet(index);
if ((opcode == OP_sxi8 && val->opcode() == LIR_ldsb) ||
(opcode == OP_sxi16 && val->opcode() == LIR_ldss))
// if we are sign-extending the result of a load-and-sign-extend
// instruction, no need to do anything.
LIns* sh = InsConst(kShiftAmt[opcode - OP_sxi1]);
LIns* shl = binaryIns(LIR_lsh, val, sh);
LIns* res = binaryIns(LIR_rsh, shl, sh);
localSet(index, res, result);
// loads
case OP_lix8:
case OP_lix16:
case OP_li8:
case OP_li16:
case OP_li32:
case OP_lf32:
case OP_lf64:
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
LIns* mopAddr = localGet(index);
const MopsInfo& mi = kMopsLoadInfo[opcode-OP_lix8];
int32_t disp = 0;
LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, &disp);
LIns* i2 = loadIns(mi.op, disp, realAddr);
LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, NULL);
LIns* i2 = callIns(mi.call, 1, realAddr);
localSet(index, i2, result);
// stores
case OP_si8:
case OP_si16:
case OP_si32:
case OP_sf32:
case OP_sf64:
LIns* svalue = (opcode == OP_sf32 || opcode == OP_sf64) ? localGetq(sp-1) : localGet(sp-1);
LIns* mopAddr = localGet(sp);
const MopsInfo& mi = kMopsStoreInfo[opcode-OP_si8];
int32_t disp = 0;
LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, &disp);
lirout->insStore(mi.op, svalue, realAddr, disp);
LIns* realAddr = mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(mopAddr, mi.size, NULL);
callIns(mi.call, 2, realAddr, svalue);
case OP_jump:
// spill everything first
int targetpc_off = (int)op1;
Sampler* s = core->get_sampler();
if (s && s->sampling() && targetpc_off < state->pc)
// relative branch
branchIns(LIR_j, 0, targetpc_off); // will be patched
case OP_lookupswitch:
//int index = integer(*(sp--));
//pc += readS24(index < readU16(pc+4) ?
// (pc+6+3*index) : // matched case
// (pc+1)); // default
int count = int(1 + op2);
int targetpc_off = (int)op1;
AvmAssert(state->value(sp).traits == INT_TYPE);
AvmAssert(count >= 0);
// Compute address of jump table
const byte* pc = 4 + abcStart + state->pc;
AvmCore::readU30(pc); // skip count
// Delete any trailing table entries that == default case (effective for asc output)
while (count > 0 && targetpc_off == (state->pc + AvmCore::readS24(pc+3*(count-1))))
if (count > 0) {
LIns* index = localGet(sp);
LIns* cmp = binaryIns(LIR_ult, index, InsConst(count));
branchIns(LIR_jf, cmp, targetpc_off); // will be patched
// Backend supports LIR_jtbl for jump tables
LIns* jtbl = lirout->insJtbl(index, count);
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
int target = state->pc + AvmCore::readS24(pc+3*i);
patchLater(jtbl, target, i);
} else {
// Backend doesn't support jump tables, use cascading if's
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
int target = state->pc + AvmCore::readS24(pc+3*i);
branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_eq, index, InsConst(i)), target);
else {
// switch collapses into a single target
branchIns(LIR_j, 0, targetpc_off);
case OP_returnvoid:
case OP_returnvalue:
// ISSUE if a method has multiple returns this causes some bloat
if (core->debugger())
callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugExit), 2,
env_param, csn);
// now we toast the cse and restore contents in order to
// ensure that any variable modifications made by the debugger
// will be pulled in.
//firstCse = ip;
#endif // DEBUGGER
if (info->abc_exceptions())
// _ef.endTry();
callIns(FUNCTIONID(endTry), 1, _ef);
// replicate MethodFrame dtor inline -- must come after endTry call (if any)
LIns* nextMethodFrame = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(MethodFrame,next), methodFrame);
stp(nextMethodFrame, coreAddr, offsetof(AvmCore,currentMethodFrame));
Traits* t = ms->returnTraits();
LIns* retvalue;
if (opcode == OP_returnvalue)
// already coerced to required native type
// use localCopy to sniff type and use appropriate load instruction
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
retvalue = localCopy(index);
retvalue = undefConst;
if (t && t != VOID_TYPE)
// implicitly coerce undefined to the return type
retvalue = callIns(FUNCTIONID(coerce), 3,
env_param, retvalue, InsConstPtr(t));
retvalue = atomToNativeRep(t, retvalue);
switch (bt(t)) {
case BUILTIN_number:
Ins(LIR_fret, retvalue);
case BUILTIN_int:
case BUILTIN_uint:
case BUILTIN_boolean:
case OP_typeof:
//sp[0] = typeof(sp[0]);
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(index);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(typeof), 2,
coreAddr, value);
AvmAssert(result == STRING_TYPE);
localSet(index, i3, result);
case OP_not:
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
LIns* value = localGet(index);
LIns* i3 = binaryIns(LIR_xor, value, InsConst(1));
localSet(index, i3, result);
case OP_negate: {
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
localSet(index, Ins(LIR_fneg, localGetq(index)),result);
case OP_negate_i: {
//framep[op1] = -framep[op1]
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == INT_TYPE);
localSet(index, Ins(LIR_neg, localGet(index)), result);
case OP_increment:
case OP_decrement:
case OP_inclocal:
case OP_declocal: {
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
int32_t incr = (int32_t) op2; // 1 or -1
localSet(index, binaryIns(LIR_fadd, localGetq(index), i2dIns(InsConst(incr))), result);
case OP_inclocal_i:
case OP_declocal_i:
case OP_increment_i:
case OP_decrement_i: {
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
int32_t incr = (int32_t) op2;
AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == INT_TYPE);
localSet(index, binaryIns(LIR_add, localGet(index), InsConst(incr)), result);
case OP_bitnot: {
// *sp = core->intToAtom(~integer(*sp));
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
AvmAssert(state->value(index).traits == INT_TYPE);
localSet(index, lirout->ins1(LIR_not, localGet(index)), result);
case OP_modulo: {
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(mod), 2,
localGetq(sp-1), localGetq(sp));
localSet(sp-1, out, result);
case OP_divide:
case OP_multiply:
case OP_subtract: {
LOpcode op;
switch (opcode) {
case OP_divide: op = LIR_fdiv; break;
case OP_multiply: op = LIR_fmul; break;
case OP_subtract: op = LIR_fsub; break;
localSet(sp-1, binaryIns(op, localGetq(sp-1), localGetq(sp)), result);
case OP_subtract_i:
case OP_add_i:
case OP_multiply_i:
case OP_lshift:
case OP_rshift:
case OP_urshift:
case OP_bitand:
case OP_bitor:
case OP_bitxor:
LOpcode op;
switch (opcode) {
case OP_bitxor: op = LIR_xor; break;
case OP_bitor: op = LIR_or; break;
case OP_bitand: op = LIR_and; break;
case OP_urshift: op = LIR_ush; break;
case OP_rshift: op = LIR_rsh; break;
case OP_lshift: op = LIR_lsh; break;
case OP_multiply_i: op = LIR_mul; break;
case OP_add_i: op = LIR_add; break;
case OP_subtract_i: op = LIR_sub; break;
LIns* lhs = localGet(sp-1);
LIns* rhs = localGet(sp);
LIns* out = binaryIns(op, lhs, rhs);
localSet(sp-1, out, result);
case OP_throw:
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
callIns(FUNCTIONID(throwAtom), 2, coreAddr, loadAtomRep(index));
case OP_getsuper:
// stack in: obj [ns [name]]
// stack out: value
// sp[0] = env->getsuper(sp[0], multiname)
int objDisp = sp;
LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getsuper), 3,
env_param, obj, multi);
i3 = atomToNativeRep(result, i3);
localSet(objDisp, i3, result);
case OP_setsuper:
// stack in: obj [ns [name]] value
// stack out: nothing
// core->setsuper(sp[-1], multiname, sp[0], env->vtable->base)
int objDisp = sp-1;
LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(setsuper), 4,
env_param, obj, multi, value);
case OP_nextname:
case OP_nextvalue:
// sp[-1] = next[name|value](sp[-1], sp[0]);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
AvmAssert(state->value(sp).traits == INT_TYPE);
LIns* index = localGet(sp);
LIns* i1 = callIns((opcode == OP_nextname) ? FUNCTIONID(nextname) : FUNCTIONID(nextvalue), 3,
env_param, obj, index);
localSet(sp-1, atomToNativeRep(result, i1), result);
case OP_hasnext:
// sp[-1] = hasnext(sp[-1], sp[0]);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
AvmAssert(state->value(sp).traits == INT_TYPE);
LIns* index = localGet(sp);
LIns* i1 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(hasnext), 3,
env_param, obj, index);
AvmAssert(result == INT_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, i1, result);
case OP_hasnext2:
// fixme - if obj is already Atom, or index is already int,
// easier to directly reference space in vars.
int32_t obj_index = (int32_t) op1;
int32_t index_index = (int32_t) op2;
LIns* obj = InsAlloc(sizeof(Atom));
LIns* index = InsAlloc(sizeof(int32_t));
stp(loadAtomRep(obj_index), obj, 0); // Atom obj
sti(localGet(index_index), index, 0); // int32 index
LIns* i1 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(hasnextproto), 3,
env_param, obj, index);
localSet(obj_index, loadIns(LIR_ldp, 0, obj), OBJECT_TYPE); // Atom obj
localSet(index_index, loadIns(LIR_ld, 0, index), INT_TYPE); // int32 index
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp+1, i1, result);
case OP_newfunction:
uint32_t function_id = (uint32_t) op1;
int32_t index = (int32_t) op2;
//sp[0] = core->newfunction(env, body, _scopeBase, scopeDepth);
MethodInfo* func = pool->getMethodInfo(function_id);
int extraScopes = state->scopeDepth;
// prepare scopechain args for call
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(extraScopes, state->verifier->scopeBase);
LIns* outer = loadEnvScope();
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newfunction), 4,
env_param, InsConstPtr(func), outer, ap);
localSet(index, i3, result);
case OP_call:
// stack in: method obj arg1..N
// sp[-argc-1] = op_call(env, sp[-argc], argc, ...)
int argc = int(op1);
int funcDisp = sp - argc - 1;
int dest = funcDisp;
// convert args to Atom[] for the call
LIns* func = loadAtomRep(funcDisp);
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(loadAtomRep(funcDisp+1), argc, funcDisp+2);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_call), 4, env_param, func, InsConst(argc), ap);
localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
case OP_callproperty:
case OP_callproplex:
case OP_callpropvoid:
// stack in: obj [ns [name]] arg1..N
// stack out: result
// obj = sp[-argc]
//tempAtom = callproperty(env, name, toVTable(obj), argc, ...);
// *(sp -= argc) = tempAtom;
int argc = int(op2);
int argv = sp-argc+1;
int baseDisp = sp-argc;
const Multiname* name = pool->precomputedMultiname((int)op1);
LIns* multi = initMultiname(name, baseDisp);
// convert args to Atom[] for the call
LIns* base = loadAtomRep(baseDisp);
LIns* receiver = opcode == OP_callproplex ? InsConstAtom(nullObjectAtom) : base;
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(receiver, argc, argv);
Traits* baseTraits = state->value(baseDisp).traits;
Binding b = state->verifier->getToplevel(this)->getBinding(baseTraits, name);
LIns* out;
if (AvmCore::isSlotBinding(b)) {
// can early bind call to closure in slot
Traits* slotType = state->verifier->readBinding(baseTraits, b);
// todo if funcValue is already a ScriptObject then don't box it, use a different helper.
LIns* funcValue = loadFromSlot(baseDisp, AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(b), slotType);
LIns* funcAtom = nativeToAtom(funcValue, slotType);
out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_call), 4, env_param, funcAtom, InsConst(argc), ap);
else if (!name->isRuntime()) {
// use inline cache for late bound call
// cache contains: [handler, vtable, [data], Multiname*]
// and we call (*cache->handler)(cache, obj, argc, args*, MethodEnv*)
CallCache* cache = call_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(name);
LIns* cacheAddr = InsConstPtr(cache);
LIns* handler = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(CallCache, call_handler), cacheAddr);
out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(call_cache_handler), 6,
handler, cacheAddr, base, InsConst(argc), ap, env_param);
else {
// generic late bound call to anything
out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(callprop_late), 5, env_param, base, multi, InsConst(argc), ap);
localSet(baseDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, out), result);
case OP_constructprop:
// stack in: obj [ns [name]] arg1..N
// stack out: result
int argc = int(op2);
// obj = sp[-argc]
//tempAtom = callproperty(env, name, toVTable(obj), argc, ...);
// *(sp -= argc) = tempAtom;
int argv = sp-argc+1;
int objDisp = sp-argc;
LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);
// convert args to Atom[] for the call
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(loadAtomRep(objDisp), argc, argv);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(construct_late), 4,
env_param, multi, InsConst(argc), ap);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
case OP_callsuper:
case OP_callsupervoid:
// stack in: obj [ns [name]] arg1..N
// stack out: result
// null check must have already happened.
// tempAtom = callsuper(multiname, obj, sp-argc+1, argc, vtable->base);
int argc = int(op2);
int argv = sp - argc + 1;
int objDisp = sp - argc;
LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, objDisp);
// convert args to Atom[] for the call
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(obj, argc, argv);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(callsuper), 4,
env_param, multi, InsConst(argc), ap);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
case OP_applytype:
// stack in: method arg1..N
// sp[-argc] = applytype(env, sp[-argc], argc, null, arg1..N)
int argc = int(op1);
int funcDisp = sp - argc;
int dest = funcDisp;
int arg0 = sp - argc + 1;
LIns* func = loadAtomRep(funcDisp);
// convert args to Atom[] for the call
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(argc, arg0);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_applytype), 4,
env_param, func, InsConst(argc), ap);
localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
case OP_newobject:
// result = env->op_newobject(sp, argc)
int argc = int(op1);
int dest = sp - (2*argc-1);
int arg0 = dest;
// convert args to Atom for the call[]
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(2*argc, arg0);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_newobject), 3,
env_param, leaIns(sizeof(Atom)*(2*argc-1), ap), InsConst(argc));
localSet(dest, ptrToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
case OP_newactivation:
// result = env->newActivation()
LIns* activation = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newActivation), 1, env_param);
localSet(sp+1, ptrToNativeRep(result, activation), result);
case OP_newcatch:
// result = core->newObject(env->activation, NULL);
int dest = sp+1;
LIns* activation = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newcatch), 2,
env_param, InsConstPtr(result));
localSet(dest, ptrToNativeRep(result, activation), result);
case OP_newarray:
// sp[-argc+1] = env->toplevel()->arrayClass->newarray(sp-argc+1, argc)
int argc = int(op1);
int arg0 = sp - 1*argc+1;
// convert array elements to Atom[]
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(argc, arg0);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newarray), 3, env_param, InsConst(argc), ap);
localSet(arg0, i3, result);
case OP_newclass:
// sp[0] = core->newclass(env, ctraits, scopeBase, scopeDepth, base)
Traits* ctraits = (Traits*) op1;
int localindex = int(op2);
int extraScopes = state->scopeDepth;
LIns* outer = loadEnvScope();
LIns* base = localGetp(localindex);
// prepare scopechain args for call
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(extraScopes, state->verifier->scopeBase);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(newclass), 5,
env_param, InsConstPtr(ctraits), base, outer, ap);
localSet(localindex, i3, result);
case OP_getdescendants:
// stack in: obj [ns [name]]
// stack out: value
//sp[0] = core->getdescendants(sp[0], name);
int objDisp = sp;
Multiname* multiname = (Multiname*) op1;
LIns* envArg = env_param;
LIns* out;
LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getdescendants), 3,
envArg, obj, multi);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, out), result);
case OP_checkfilter: {
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
callIns(FUNCTIONID(checkfilter), 2, env_param, loadAtomRep(index));
case OP_findpropstrict:
case OP_findproperty:
// stack in: [ns [name]]
// stack out: obj
// sp[1] = env->findproperty(scopeBase, scopedepth, name, strict)
int dest = sp;
LIns* multi = initMultiname((Multiname*)op1, dest);
int extraScopes = state->scopeDepth;
// prepare scopechain args for call
LIns* ap = storeAtomArgs(extraScopes, state->verifier->scopeBase);
LIns* outer = loadEnvScope();
LIns* withBase;
if (state->withBase == -1)
withBase = InsConstPtr(0);
withBase = leaIns(state->withBase*sizeof(Atom), ap);
// return env->findproperty(outer, argv, extraScopes, name, strict);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(findproperty), 7,
env_param, outer, ap, InsConst(extraScopes), multi,
InsConst((int32_t)(opcode == OP_findpropstrict)),
localSet(dest, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
case OP_getproperty:
// stack in: obj [ns] [name]
// stack out: value
// obj=sp[0]
//sp[0] = env->getproperty(obj, multiname);
const Multiname* multiname = pool->precomputedMultiname((int)op1);
bool attr = multiname->isAttr();
Traits* indexType = state->value(sp).traits;
int objDisp = sp;
bool maybeIntegerIndex = !attr && multiname->isRtname() && multiname->containsAnyPublicNamespace();
if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == INT_TYPE)
bool valIsAtom = true;
LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);
if (multiname->isRtns())
// Discard runtime namespace
Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;
LIns *value;
if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)) )
value = callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_getIntProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_getIntProperty)), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
else if( objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE)
if( result == INT_TYPE || result == UINT_TYPE)
value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getNativeIntProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getNativeIntProperty)), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
valIsAtom = false;
value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getIntProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getIntProperty)), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
else if( objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE )
if( result == NUMBER_TYPE )
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getNativeIntProperty), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
valIsAtom = false;
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getIntProperty), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getpropertylate_i), 3,
env_param, loadAtomRep(sp-1), index);
localSet(sp-1, valIsAtom?atomToNativeRep(result, value):value, result);
else if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == UINT_TYPE)
bool valIsAtom = true;
LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);
if (multiname->isRtns())
// Discard runtime namespace
Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;
LIns *value;
if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)))
value = callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_getUintProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_getUintProperty)), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
else if( objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE )
if( result == INT_TYPE || result == UINT_TYPE )
value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getNativeUintProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getNativeUintProperty)), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
valIsAtom = false;
value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_getUintProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(UIntVectorObject_getUintProperty)), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
else if( objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE )
if( result == NUMBER_TYPE )//|| result == UINT_TYPE)
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getNativeUintProperty), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
valIsAtom = false;
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_getUintProperty), 2,
localGetp(sp-1), index);
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getpropertylate_u), 3,
env_param, loadAtomRep(sp-1), index);
localSet(sp-1, valIsAtom?atomToNativeRep(result, value):value, result);
else if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType != STRING_TYPE)
LIns* multi = InsConstPtr(multiname); // inline ptr to precomputed name
LIns* index = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
LIns* value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getprop_index), 4,
env_param, obj, multi, index);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, value), result);
LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp);
LIns* value;
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
if (multiname->isRuntime()) {
//return getprop_late(obj, name);
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(getprop_late), 3, env_param, obj, multi);
} else {
// static name, use property cache
GetCache* cache = get_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(multiname);
LIns* cacheAddr = InsConstPtr(cache);
LIns* handler = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(GetCache, get_handler), cacheAddr);
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(get_cache_handler), 4, handler, cacheAddr, env_param, obj);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, value), result);
case OP_initproperty:
case OP_setproperty:
// stack in: obj [ns] [name] value
// stack out:
// obj = sp[-1]
//env->setproperty(obj, multiname, sp[0], toVTable(obj));
//LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
const Multiname* multiname = (const Multiname*)op1;
bool attr = multiname->isAttr();
Traits* indexType = state->value(sp-1).traits;
Traits* valueType = state->value(sp).traits;
int objDisp = sp-1;
bool maybeIntegerIndex = !attr && multiname->isRtname() && multiname->containsAnyPublicNamespace();
if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == INT_TYPE)
LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);
if (multiname->isRtns())
// Discard runtime namespace
Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;
if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)))
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_setIntProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_setIntProperty)), 3,
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
else if(objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE )
if( valueType == INT_TYPE )
LIns* value = localGet(sp);
callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeIntProperty) :
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
else if( valueType == UINT_TYPE )
LIns* value = localGet(sp);
callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeIntProperty) :
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setIntProperty) :
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
else if(objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE)
if( valueType == NUMBER_TYPE )
LIns* value = localGetq(sp);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setNativeIntProperty), 3,
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setIntProperty), 3,
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(setpropertylate_i), 4,
env_param, loadAtomRep(objDisp), index, value);
else if (maybeIntegerIndex && indexType == UINT_TYPE)
LIns* index = localGet(objDisp--);
if (multiname->isRtns())
// Discard runtime namespace
Traits* objType = state->value(objDisp).traits;
if (objType == ARRAY_TYPE || (objType!= NULL && objType->subtypeof(VECTOROBJ_TYPE)))
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
callIns((objType==ARRAY_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(ArrayObject_setUintProperty) :
FUNCTIONID(ObjectVectorObject_setUintProperty)), 3,
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
else if(objType == VECTORINT_TYPE || objType == VECTORUINT_TYPE )
if( valueType == INT_TYPE )
LIns* value = localGet(sp);
callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeUintProperty) :
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
else if( valueType == UINT_TYPE )
LIns* value = localGet(sp);
callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setNativeUintProperty) :
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
value = callIns((objType==VECTORINT_TYPE ?
FUNCTIONID(IntVectorObject_setUintProperty) :
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
else if(objType == VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE)
if( valueType == NUMBER_TYPE )
LIns* value = localGetq(sp);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setNativeUintProperty), 3,
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(DoubleVectorObject_setUintProperty), 3,
localGetp(objDisp), index, value);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(setpropertylate_u), 4,
env_param, loadAtomRep(objDisp), index, value);
else if (maybeIntegerIndex)
LIns* name = InsConstPtr(multiname); // precomputed multiname
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* index = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
const CallInfo *func = opcode==OP_setproperty ? FUNCTIONID(setprop_index) :
callIns(func, 5, env_param, obj, name, value, index);
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
if (opcode == OP_setproperty) {
if (!multiname->isRuntime()) {
// use inline cache for dynamic setproperty access
SetCache* cache = set_cache_builder.allocateCacheSlot(multiname);
LIns* cacheAddr = InsConstPtr(cache);
LIns* handler = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(SetCache, set_handler), cacheAddr);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(set_cache_handler), 5, handler, cacheAddr, obj, value, env_param);
} else {
// last resort slow path for OP_setproperty
callIns(FUNCTIONID(setprop_late), 4, env_param, obj, multi, value);
// initproplate is rare in jit code because we typically interpret static
// initializers, and constructor initializers tend to early-bind successfully.
callIns(FUNCTIONID(initprop_late), 4, env_param, obj, multi, value);
case OP_deleteproperty:
// stack in: obj [ns] [name]
// stack out: Boolean
//sp[0] = delproperty(sp[0], multiname);
int objDisp = sp;
Multiname *multiname = (Multiname*)op1;
if(!multiname->isRtname()) {
LIns* multi = initMultiname(multiname, objDisp, true);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(delproperty), 3,
env_param, obj, multi);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, i3), result);
} else {
LIns* _tempname = copyMultiname(multiname);
LIns* index = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
if( !multiname->isRtns() )
// copy the compile-time namespace to the temp multiname
LIns* mSpace = InsConstPtr(multiname->ns);
stp(mSpace, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname, ns));
// intern the runtime namespace and copy to the temp multiname
LIns* nsAtom = loadAtomRep(objDisp--);
LIns* internNs = callIns(FUNCTIONID(internRtns), 2,
env_param, nsAtom);
stp(internNs, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname,ns));
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(objDisp);
LIns* value = callIns(FUNCTIONID(delpropertyHelper), 4,
env_param, obj, _tempname, index);
localSet(objDisp, atomToNativeRep(result, value), result);
case OP_esc_xelem: // ToXMLString will call EscapeElementValue
//sp[0] = core->ToXMLString(sp[0]);
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(index);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(ToXMLString), 2,
coreAddr, value);
AvmAssert(result == STRING_TYPE);
localSet(index, i3, result);
case OP_esc_xattr:
//sp[0] = core->EscapeAttributeValue(sp[0]);
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
LIns* value = loadAtomRep(index);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(EscapeAttributeValue), 2,
coreAddr, value);
AvmAssert(result == STRING_TYPE);
localSet(index, i3, result);
case OP_astype:
// sp[0] = AvmCore::astype(sp[0], traits)
Traits *type = (Traits*) op1;
int32_t index = (int32_t) op2;
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(index);
LIns* i1 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(astype), 2, obj, InsConstPtr(type));
i1 = atomToNativeRep(result, i1);
localSet(index, i1, result);
case OP_astypelate:
//sp[-1] = astype_late(env, sp[-1], sp[0]);
LIns* type = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
LIns* i3 = callIns(FUNCTIONID(astype_late), 3, env_param, obj, type);
i3 = atomToNativeRep(result, i3);
localSet(sp-1, i3, result);
case OP_strictequals:
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(stricteq), sp-1, sp), result);
case OP_equals:
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(equals), sp-1, sp), result);
case OP_lessthan:
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, cmpLt(sp-1, sp), result);
case OP_lessequals:
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, cmpLe(sp-1, sp), result);
case OP_greaterthan:
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, cmpLt(sp, sp-1), result);
case OP_greaterequals:
AvmAssert(result == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
localSet(sp-1, cmpLe(sp, sp-1), result);
case OP_instanceof:
LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(instanceof), 3, env_param, lhs, rhs);
out = atomToNativeRep(result, out);
localSet(sp-1, out, result);
case OP_in:
LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(sp-1);
LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(sp);
LIns* out = callIns(FUNCTIONID(op_in), 3, env_param, lhs, rhs);
out = atomToNativeRep(result, out);
localSet(sp-1, out, result);
case OP_dxns:
LIns* uri = InsConstPtr((String*)op1); // namespace uri from string pool
callIns(FUNCTIONID(setDxns), 3, coreAddr, methodFrame, uri);
case OP_dxnslate:
int32_t index = (int32_t) op1;
LIns* atom = loadAtomRep(index);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(setDxnsLate), 3, coreAddr, methodFrame, atom);
* debugger instructions
case OP_debugfile:
if (core->debugger())
// todo refactor api's so we don't have to pass argv/argc
LIns* debugger = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(AvmCore, _debugger),
callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugFile), 2,
#endif // DEBUGGER
#ifdef VTUNE
Ins(LIR_file, InsConstPtr((String*)op1));
#endif /* VTUNE */
case OP_debugline:
if (core->debugger())
// todo refactor api's so we don't have to pass argv/argc
LIns* debugger = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(AvmCore, _debugger),
callIns(FUNCTIONID(debugLine), 2,
#endif // DEBUGGER
#ifdef VTUNE
Ins(LIR_line, InsConst((int32_t)op1));
hasDebugInfo = true;
#endif /* VTUNE */
AvmAssert(false); // unsupported
} // emit()
void CodegenLIR::emitIf(FrameState *state, AbcOpcode opcode, int target_off, int a, int b)
this->state = state;
Sampler* s = core->get_sampler();
if (s && s->sampling() && target_off < state->pc)
// compile instructions that cannot throw exceptions before we add exception handling logic
// op1 = abc opcode target
// op2 = what local var contains condition
LIns* cond;
LOpcode br;
switch (opcode)
case OP_iftrue:
NanoAssert(state->value(a).traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
br = LIR_jf;
cond = eq0(localGet(a));
case OP_iffalse:
NanoAssert(state->value(a).traits == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
br = LIR_jt;
cond = eq0(localGet(a));
case OP_iflt:
br = LIR_jt;
cond = cmpLt(a, b);
case OP_ifnlt:
br = LIR_jf;
cond = cmpLt(a, b);
case OP_ifle:
br = LIR_jt;
cond = cmpLe(a, b);
case OP_ifnle:
br = LIR_jf;
cond = cmpLe(a, b);
case OP_ifgt: // a>b === b<a
br = LIR_jt;
cond = cmpLt(b, a);
case OP_ifngt: // !(a>b) === !(b<a)
br = LIR_jf;
cond = cmpLt(b, a);
case OP_ifge: // a>=b === b<=a
br = LIR_jt;
cond = cmpLe(b, a);
case OP_ifnge: // !(a>=b) === !(a<=b)
br = LIR_jf;
cond = cmpLe(b, a);
case OP_ifeq:
br = LIR_jt;
cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(equals), a, b);
case OP_ifne:
br = LIR_jf;
cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(equals), a, b);
case OP_ifstricteq:
br = LIR_jt;
cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(stricteq), a, b);
case OP_ifstrictne:
br = LIR_jf;
cond = cmpEq(FUNCTIONID(stricteq), a, b);
if (cond->isconst()) {
if ((br == LIR_jt && cond->imm32()) || (br == LIR_jf && !cond->imm32())) {
// taken
br = LIR_j;
cond = 0;
else {
// not taken = no-op
branchIns(br, cond, target_off);
} // emitIf()
// Faster compares for ints, uint, doubles
LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpOptimization(int lhsi, int rhsi, LOpcode icmp, LOpcode ucmp, LOpcode fcmp)
Traits* lht = state->value(lhsi).traits;
Traits* rht = state->value(rhsi).traits;
if (lht == rht && lht == INT_TYPE)
LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
return binaryIns(icmp, lhs, rhs);
else if (lht == rht && lht == UINT_TYPE)
LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
return binaryIns(ucmp, lhs, rhs);
else if (lht && lht->isNumeric() && rht && rht->isNumeric())
// If we're comparing a uint to an int and the int is a non-negative
// integer constant, don't promote to doubles for the compare
if ((lht == UINT_TYPE) && (rht == INT_TYPE))
LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
// 32-bit signed and unsigned values fit in 64-bit registers
// so we can promote and simply do a signed 64bit compare
LOpcode qcmp = i32cmp_to_i64cmp(icmp);
NanoAssert((icmp == LIR_eq && qcmp == LIR_qeq) ||
(icmp == LIR_lt && qcmp == LIR_qlt) ||
(icmp == LIR_le && qcmp == LIR_qle));
return binaryIns(qcmp, u2p(lhs), i2p(rhs));
if (rhs->isconst() && rhs->imm32() >= 0)
return binaryIns(ucmp, lhs, rhs);
else if ((lht == INT_TYPE) && (rht == UINT_TYPE))
LIns* lhs = localGet(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = localGet(rhsi);
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
// 32-bit signed and unsigned values fit in 64-bit registers
// so we can promote and simply do a signed 64bit compare
LOpcode qcmp = i32cmp_to_i64cmp(icmp);
NanoAssert((icmp == LIR_eq && qcmp == LIR_qeq) ||
(icmp == LIR_lt && qcmp == LIR_qlt) ||
(icmp == LIR_le && qcmp == LIR_qle));
return binaryIns(qcmp, i2p(lhs), u2p(rhs));
if (lhs->isconst() && lhs->imm32() >= 0)
return binaryIns(ucmp, lhs, rhs);
LIns* lhs = promoteNumberIns(lht, lhsi);
LIns* rhs = promoteNumberIns(rht, rhsi);
return binaryIns(fcmp, lhs, rhs);
return NULL;
// set cc's for < operator
LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpLt(int lhsi, int rhsi)
LIns *result = cmpOptimization (lhsi, rhsi, LIR_lt, LIR_ult, LIR_flt);
if (result)
return result;
AvmAssert(trueAtom == 13);
AvmAssert(falseAtom == 5);
AvmAssert(undefinedAtom == 4);
LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(rhsi);
LIns* atom = callIns(FUNCTIONID(compare), 3,
coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
// caller will use jt for (a<b) and jf for !(a<b)
// compare ^8 <8
// true 1101 0101 y
// false 0101 1101 n
// undefined 0100 1100 n
LIns* c = InsConst(8);
return binaryIns(LIR_lt, binaryIns(LIR_xor, p2i(atom), c), c);
LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpLe(int lhsi, int rhsi)
LIns *result = cmpOptimization (lhsi, rhsi, LIR_le, LIR_ule, LIR_fle);
if (result)
return result;
LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(rhsi);
LIns* atom = callIns(FUNCTIONID(compare), 3,
coreAddr, rhs, lhs);
// assume caller will use jt for (a<=b) and jf for !(a<=b)
// compare ^1 <=4
// true 1101 1100 n
// false 0101 0100 y
// undefined 0100 0101 n
LIns* c2 = InsConst(1);
LIns* c4 = InsConst(4);
return binaryIns(LIR_le, binaryIns(LIR_xor, p2i(atom), c2), c4);
LIns* CodegenLIR::cmpEq(const CallInfo *fid, int lhsi, int rhsi)
LIns *result = cmpOptimization (lhsi, rhsi, LIR_eq, LIR_eq, LIR_feq);
if (result) {
return result;
Traits* lht = state->value(lhsi).traits;
Traits* rht = state->value(rhsi).traits;
// If we have null and a type that is derived from an Object (but not Object or XML)
// we can optimize our equal comparison down to a simple ptr comparison. This also
// works when both types are derived Object types.
if (((lht == NULL_TYPE) && (rht && !rht->notDerivedObjectOrXML())) ||
((rht == NULL_TYPE) && (lht && !lht->notDerivedObjectOrXML())) ||
((rht && !rht->notDerivedObjectOrXML()) && (lht && !lht->notDerivedObjectOrXML())))
LIns* lhs = localGetp(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = localGetp(rhsi);
result = binaryIns(LIR_peq, lhs, rhs);
LIns* lhs = loadAtomRep(lhsi);
LIns* rhs = loadAtomRep(rhsi);
LIns* out = callIns(fid, 3, coreAddr, lhs, rhs);
result = binaryIns(LIR_peq, out, InsConstAtom(trueAtom));
return result;
void CodegenLIR::writeEpilogue(FrameState *state)
this->state = state;
this->labelCount = state->verifier->labelCount;
if (mop_rangeCheckFailed_label.has_preds) {
LIns* range_label = label();
verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(range_label, "mop_rangeCheckFailed"); })
setLabelPos(mop_rangeCheckFailed_label, range_label);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(mop_rangeCheckFailed), 1, env_param);
if (npe_label.has_preds) {
LIns *npelabel = label();
verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(npelabel, "npe"); })
setLabelPos(npe_label, npelabel);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(npe), 1, env_param);
if (interrupt_label.has_preds) {
LIns *intlabel = label();
verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(intlabel, "interrupt"); })
setLabelPos(interrupt_label, intlabel);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(handleInterruptMethodEnv), 1, env_param);
if (info->hasExceptions()) {
LIns *catchlabel = label();
verbose_only( if (frag->lirbuf->names) { frag->lirbuf->names->addName(catchlabel, "catch"); })
// exception case
LIns *exptr = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(AvmCore, exceptionAddr), coreAddr);
LIns *exAtom = loadIns(LIR_ldp, offsetof(Exception, atom), exptr);
localSet(state->verifier->stackBase, exAtom, NULL_TYPE);
// need to convert exception from atom to native rep, at top of
// catch handler. can't do it here because it could be any type.
// _ef.beginCatch()
LIns* pc = loadIns(LIR_ldp, 0, _save_eip);
LIns* handler = callIns(FUNCTIONID(beginCatch), 5,
coreAddr, _ef, InsConstPtr(info), pc, exptr);
int handler_count = info->abc_exceptions()->exception_count;
// Jump to catch handler
LIns *handler_target = loadIns(LIR_ld, offsetof(ExceptionHandler, target), handler);
// Do a compare & branch to each possible target.
for (int i=0; i < handler_count; i++)
ExceptionHandler* h = &info->abc_exceptions()->exceptions[i];
int handler_pc_off = h->target;
if (i+1 < handler_count) {
branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_eq, handler_target, InsConst(handler_pc_off)), handler_pc_off);
} else {
branchIns(LIR_j, 0, handler_pc_off);
// extend live range of critical stuff
// fixme -- this should be automatic based on live analysis
Ins(LIR_live, methodFrame);
Ins(LIR_live, env_param);
Ins(LIR_live, coreAddr);
Ins(LIR_live, undefConst);
if (info->hasExceptions()) {
Ins(LIR_live, _ef);
Ins(LIR_live, _save_eip);
LIns* last = Ins(LIR_live, vars);
if (core->debugger())
Ins(LIR_live, csn);
last = Ins(LIR_live, varTraits);
for (Seq<Patch>* p = patches.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail) {
Patch& patch = p->head;
AvmAssert(patch.label->bb != NULL);
if (patch.br->isop(LIR_jtbl)) {
patch.br->setTarget(patch.index, patch.label->bb);
} else {
AvmAssert(patch.br->isBranch() && patch.index == 0);
frag->lastIns = last;
// emit code to create a stack-allocated copy of the given multiname.
// this helper only initializes Multiname.flags and Multiname.next_index
LIns* CodegenLIR::copyMultiname(const Multiname* multiname)
LIns* name = InsAlloc(sizeof(Multiname));
sti(InsConst(multiname->ctFlags()), name, offsetof(Multiname, flags));
sti(InsConst(multiname->next_index), name, offsetof(Multiname, next_index));
return name;
LIns* CodegenLIR::initMultiname(const Multiname* multiname, int& csp, bool isDelete /*=false*/)
if (!multiname->isRuntime()) {
// use the precomputed multiname
return InsConstPtr(multiname);
// create an initialize a copy of the given multiname
LIns* _tempname = copyMultiname(multiname);
// then initialize its name and ns|nsset fields.
LIns* nameAtom = NULL;
if (multiname->isRtname())
nameAtom = loadAtomRep(csp--);
// copy the compile-time name to the temp name
LIns* mName = InsConstPtr(multiname->name);
stp(mName, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname,name));
if (multiname->isRtns())
// intern the runtime namespace and copy to the temp multiname
LIns* nsAtom = loadAtomRep(csp--);
LIns* internNs = callIns(FUNCTIONID(internRtns), 2,
env_param, nsAtom);
stp(internNs, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname,ns));
// copy the compile-time namespace to the temp multiname
LIns* mSpace = InsConstPtr(multiname->ns);
stp(mSpace, _tempname, offsetof(Multiname, ns));
// Call initMultinameLate as the last step, since if a runtime
// namespace is present, initMultinameLate may clobber it if a
// QName is provided as index.
if (nameAtom)
if (isDelete)
callIns(FUNCTIONID(initMultinameLateForDelete), 3,
env_param, _tempname, nameAtom);
callIns(FUNCTIONID(initMultinameLate), 3,
coreAddr, _tempname, nameAtom);
return _tempname;
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadToplevel()
LIns* vtable = loadEnvVTable();
return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable,_toplevel), vtable);
static bool sumFitsInInt32(int32_t a, int32_t b)
return int64_t(a) + int64_t(b) == int64_t(a + b);
LIns* CodegenLIR::mopAddrToRangeCheckedRealAddrAndDisp(LIns* mopAddr, int32_t const size, int32_t* disp)
AvmAssert(size > 0); // it's signed to help make the int promotion correct
if (!globalMemoryInfo)
globalMemoryInfo = (GlobalMemoryInfo*)pool->codeMgr->allocator.alloc(sizeof(GlobalMemoryInfo));
globalMemoryInfo->base = pool->domain->globalMemoryBase();
globalMemoryInfo->size = pool->domain->globalMemorySize();
if (disp != NULL)
*disp = 0;
// mopAddr is an int (an offset from globalMemoryBase) on all archs.
// if mopAddr is an expression of the form
// expr+const
// const+expr
// expr-const
// (but not const-expr)
// then try to pull the constant out and return it as a displacement to
// be used in the instruction as an addressing-mode offset.
// (but only if caller requests it that way.)
for (;;)
LOpcode const op = mopAddr->opcode();
if (op != LIR_add && op != LIR_sub)
int32_t imm;
LInsp nonImm;
if (mopAddr->oprnd2()->isconst())
imm = mopAddr->oprnd2()->imm32();
nonImm = mopAddr->oprnd1();
if (op == LIR_sub)
imm = -imm;
else if (mopAddr->oprnd1()->isconst())
// don't try to optimize const-expr
if (op == LIR_sub)
imm = mopAddr->oprnd1()->imm32();
nonImm = mopAddr->oprnd2();
if (!sumFitsInInt32(*disp, imm))
*disp += imm;
mopAddr = nonImm;
LInsp mopsMemoryBase = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, 0, InsConstPtr(&globalMemoryInfo->base));
LInsp mopsMemorySize = loadIns(LIR_ldc, 0, InsConstPtr(&globalMemoryInfo->size));
LInsp lhs, rhs, br;
if (!disp || *disp == 0)
// note that the mops "addr" (offset from globalMemoryBase) is in fact a signed int, so we have to check
// for it being < 0 ... but we can get by with a single unsigned compare since all values < 0 will be > size
lhs = mopAddr;
rhs = binaryIns(LIR_sub, mopsMemorySize, InsConst(size));
br = branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_ugt, lhs, rhs));
patchLater(br, mop_rangeCheckFailed_label);
// @todo, can we get by with a simpler test here?
lhs = binaryIns(LIR_add, mopAddr, InsConst(*disp));
rhs = InsConst(0);
br = branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_lt, lhs, rhs));
patchLater(br, mop_rangeCheckFailed_label);
lhs = binaryIns(LIR_add, mopAddr, InsConst(*disp+size));
rhs = mopsMemorySize;
br = branchIns(LIR_jt, binaryIns(LIR_gt, lhs, rhs));
patchLater(br, mop_rangeCheckFailed_label);
// if mopAddr is a compiletime constant, we still have to do the range-check above
// (since globalMemorySize can vary at runtime), but we might be able to encode
// the address into the displacement (if any)...
if (mopAddr->isconst() && disp != NULL && sumFitsInInt32(*disp, mopAddr->imm32()))
*disp += mopAddr->imm32();
return mopsMemoryBase;
// note: we can use piadd here only because we know this is never a GCObject.
// (if it was, we'd have to use LIR_addp, which is restricted from certain
// optimizations that can leave dangling interior pointers)
// (yes, i2p, not u2p... it might legitimately be negative due to the
// displacement optimization loop above.)
return binaryIns(LIR_piadd, mopsMemoryBase, i2p(mopAddr));
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadEnvScope()
LIns* scope = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(MethodEnv,_scope), env_param);
return scope;
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadEnvVTable()
LIns* scope = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(MethodEnv,_scope), env_param);
LIns* vtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_vtable), scope);
return vtable;
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadEnvAbcEnv()
LIns* scope = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(MethodEnv,_scope), env_param);
LIns* abcenv = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScopeChain,_abcEnv), scope);
return abcenv;
LIns* CodegenLIR::loadVTable(int i)
Traits* t = state->value(i).traits;
if (t && !t->isMachineType() && t != STRING_TYPE && t != NAMESPACE_TYPE && t != NULL_TYPE)
// must be a pointer to a scriptobject, and we've done the n
// all other types are ScriptObject, and we've done the null check
return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ScriptObject, vtable), localGetp(i));
LIns* toplevel = loadToplevel();
int offset;
if (t == NAMESPACE_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, namespaceClass);
else if (t == STRING_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, stringClass);
else if (t == BOOLEAN_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, booleanClass);
else if (t == NUMBER_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, numberClass);
else if (t == INT_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, intClass);
else if (t == UINT_TYPE) offset = offsetof(Toplevel, uintClass);
// *, Object or Void
LIns* obj = loadAtomRep(i);
return callIns(FUNCTIONID(toVTable), 2, toplevel, obj);
// now offset != -1 and we are returning a primitive vtable
LIns* cc = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offset, toplevel);
LIns* cvtable = loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(ClassClosure, vtable), cc);
return loadIns(LIR_ldcp, offsetof(VTable, ivtable), cvtable);
LIns* CodegenLIR::promoteNumberIns(Traits* t, int i)
if (t == NUMBER_TYPE)
return localGetq(i);
if (t == INT_TYPE || t == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
return i2dIns(localGet(i));
AvmAssert(t == UINT_TYPE);
return u2dIns(localGet(i));
void CodegenLIR::formatOperand(PrintWriter& buffer, Value& v)
if (v.ins) formatOperand(buffer, v.ins);
void CodegenLIR::formatOperand(PrintWriter& buffer, LIns* opr)
if (opr) {
buffer.format("@%s", frag->lirbuf->names->formatRef(opr));
else {
buffer << "0";
#endif /* NJ_VERBOSE */
/* set position of label */
void CodegenLIR::setLabelPos(CodegenLabel& l, LIns* bb) {
AvmAssert(l.bb == 0);
l.bb = bb;
void CodegenLIR::emitSampleCheck()
/* @todo inline the sample check code, help! */
callIns(FUNCTIONID(sampleCheck), 1, coreAddr);
bool CodegenLIR::verbose()
return (state && state->verifier->verbose) || pool->isVerbose(VB_jit);
LIns *CodegenLIR::branchIns(LOpcode op, LIns *cond) {
if (cond) {
if (!cond->isCmp()) {
// branching on a non-condition expression, so test (v==0)
// and invert the sense of the branch.
cond = eq0(cond);
op = LOpcode(op ^ 1);
if (cond->isconst()) {
if ((op == LIR_jt && cond->imm32()) || (op == LIR_jf && !cond->imm32())) {
// taken
op = LIR_j;
cond = 0;
else {
// not taken - no code to emit.
return 0;
return lirout->insBranch(op, cond, 0);
LIns *CodegenLIR::branchIns(LOpcode op, LIns *cond, int pc_off) {
LIns *br = branchIns(op, cond);
patchLater(br, pc_off);
return br;
/* patch the location 'where' with the value of the label */
void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns* br, int pc_off) {
patchLater(br, state->verifier->getFrameState(pc_off)->label);
void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns* jtbl, int pc_off, uint32_t index) {
patchLater(jtbl, state->verifier->getFrameState(pc_off)->label, index);
void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns *br, CodegenLabel &l) {
if (!br) return; // occurs if branch was unconditional and thus never emitted.
l.has_preds = 1;
if (l.bb != 0) {
} else {
patches.add(Patch(br, l));
void CodegenLIR::patchLater(LIns *jtbl, CodegenLabel &l, uint32_t index) {
l.has_preds = 1;
if (l.bb != 0) {
jtbl->setTarget(index, l.bb); // backward edge
} else {
l.jtbl_forward_target = 1; // target of jtbl forward edge
patches.add(Patch(jtbl, l, index));
LIns* CodegenLIR::InsAlloc(int32_t size) {
//fixme - why InsAlloc(0)?
return lirout->insAlloc(size >= 4 ? size : 4);
CodeMgr::CodeMgr() : codeAlloc()
, labels(allocator, &log)
, bindingCaches(NULL)
verbose_only( log.lcbits = 0; )
void CodeMgr::flushBindingCaches()
// this clears vtable so all kObjectType receivers are invalidated.
// of course, this field is also "tag" for primitive receivers,
// but 0 is never a legal value there (and this is asserted when the tag is set)
// so this should safely invalidate those as well (though we don't really need to invalidate them)
for (BindingCache* b = bindingCaches; b != NULL; b = b->next)
b->vtable = NULL;
#ifdef _DEBUG
class ValidateReader: public LirFilter {
ValidateReader(LirFilter *in) : LirFilter(in)
LIns* read() {
LIns *i = in->read();
switch (i->opcode()) {
case LIR_jt:
case LIR_jf:
case LIR_j:
AvmAssert(i->getTarget() != NULL && i->getTarget() == i->oprnd2() && i->oprnd2()->isop(LIR_label));
case LIR_jtbl:
AvmAssert(i->getTableSize() > 0);
for (uint32_t j=0, n=i->getTableSize(); j < n; j++)
AvmAssert(i->getTarget(j) != NULL && i->getTarget(j)->isop(LIR_label));
return i;
void analyze_edge(LIns* label, nanojit::BitSet &livein,
HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels,
InsList* looplabels)
nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(label);
if (lset) {
} else {
void CodegenLIR::deadvars_analyze(Allocator& alloc, nanojit::BitSet& livein,
HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels)
LirBuffer *lirbuf = frag->lirbuf;
LIns *catcher = exBranch ? exBranch->getTarget() : 0;
LIns *vars = lirbuf->sp;
InsList looplabels(alloc);
verbose_only(int iter = 0;)
bool again;
do {
again = false;
LirReader in(frag->lastIns);
for (LIns *i = in.read(); !i->isop(LIR_start); i = in.read()) {
LOpcode op = i->opcode();
switch (op) {
case LIR_ret:
case LIR_fret:
case LIR_sti:
case LIR_stqi:
if (i->oprnd2() == vars) {
int d = i->disp() >> 3;
case LIR_ld:
case LIR_ldc:
case LIR_ldq:
case LIR_ldqc:
if (i->oprnd1() == vars) {
int d = i->disp() >> 3;
case LIR_label: {
// we're at the top of a block, save livein for this block
// so it can be propagated to predecessors
nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(i);
if (!lset) {
lset = new (alloc) nanojit::BitSet(alloc, framesize);
labels.put(i, lset);
if (lset->setFrom(livein) && !again) {
for (Seq<LIns*>* p = looplabels.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail) {
if (p->head == i) {
again = true;
case LIR_j:
// the fallthrough path is unreachable, clear it.
// fall through to other branch cases
case LIR_jt:
case LIR_jf:
// merge the LiveIn sets from each successor: the fall
// through case (livein) and the branch case (lset).
analyze_edge(i->getTarget(), livein, labels, &looplabels);
case LIR_jtbl:
livein.reset(); // fallthrough path is unreachable, clear it.
for (uint32_t j=0, n=i->getTableSize(); j < n; j++)
analyze_edge(i->getTarget(j), livein, labels, &looplabels);
case LIR_qcall:
case LIR_icall:
case LIR_fcall:
if (catcher && !i->isCse()) {
// non-cse call is like a conditional forward branch to the catcher label.
// this could be made more precise by checking whether this call
// can really throw, and only processing edges to the subset of
// reachable catch blocks. If we haven't seen the catch label yet then
// the call is to an exception handling helper (eg beginCatch())
// that won't throw.
nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(catcher);
if (lset)
while (again);
// now make a final pass, modifying LIR to delete dead stores (make them LIR_neartramps)
verbose_only( if (pool->isVerbose(VB_jit))
AvmLog("killing dead stores after %d LA iterations.\n",iter);
void CodegenLIR::deadvars_kill(nanojit::BitSet& livein, HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> &labels)
// table of LIR instruction sizes (private to this file)
// TODO this can go away if we turn this kill pass into a LirReader
// and do the work inline with the assembly pass.
static const uint8_t lirSizes[] = {
#define OPDEF(op, number, repkind, retType) sizeof(LIns##repkind),
#include "../nanojit/LIRopcode.tbl"
#undef OPDEF
verbose_only(LirNameMap *names = frag->lirbuf->names;)
verbose_only(bool verbose = names && pool->isVerbose(VB_jit); )
LIns *catcher = exBranch ? exBranch->getTarget() : 0;
LirBuffer *lirbuf = frag->lirbuf;
LIns *vars = lirbuf->sp;
LirReader in(frag->lastIns);
for (LIns *i = in.read(); !i->isop(LIR_start); i = in.read()) {
LOpcode op = i->opcode();
switch (op) {
case LIR_ret:
case LIR_fret:
case LIR_sti:
case LIR_stqi:
if (i->oprnd2() == vars) {
int d = i->disp() >> 3;
if (!livein.get(d)) {
verbose_only(if (verbose)
AvmLog("- %s\n", names->formatIns(i));)
// erase the store by rewriting it as a skip
LIns* prevIns = (LIns*) (uintptr_t(i) - lirSizes[op]);
} else {
case LIR_ld:
case LIR_ldc:
case LIR_ldq:
case LIR_ldqc:
if (i->oprnd1() == vars) {
int d = i->disp() >> 3;
case LIR_label: {
// we're at the top of a block, save livein for this block
// so it can be propagated to predecessors
nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(i);
AvmAssert(lset != 0); // all labels have been seen by deadvars_analyze()
case LIR_j:
// the fallthrough path is unreachable, clear it.
// fall through to other branch cases
case LIR_jt:
case LIR_jf:
// merge the LiveIn sets from each successor: the fall
// through case (live) and the branch case (lset).
analyze_edge(i->getTarget(), livein, labels, 0);
case LIR_jtbl:
for (uint32_t j = 0, n = i->getTableSize(); j < n; j++)
analyze_edge(i->getTarget(j), livein, labels, 0);
case LIR_qcall:
case LIR_icall:
case LIR_fcall:
if (catcher && !i->isCse()) {
// non-cse call is like a conditional branch to the catcher label.
// this could be made more precise by checking whether this call
// can really throw, and only processing edges to the subset of
// reachable catch blocks.
nanojit::BitSet *lset = labels.get(catcher);
AvmAssert(lset != 0); // this is a forward branch, we have seen the label.
// the target LiveIn set (lset) is non-empty,
// union it with fall-through set (live).
verbose_only(if (verbose) {
AvmLog(" %s\n", names->formatIns(i));
* this is iterative live variable analysis. We walk backwards through
* the code. when we see a load, we mark the variable live, and when
* we see a store, we mark it dead. Dead stores are dropped, not returned
* by read().
* at labels, we save the liveIn set associated with that label.
* at branches, we merge the liveIn sets from the fall through case (which
* is the current set) and the branch case (which was saved with the label).
* this filter can be run multiple times, which is required to pick up
* loop-carried live variables.
* once the live sets are stable, the DeadVars.kill flag is set to cause the filter
* to not only drop dead stores, but overwrite them as tramps so they'll be
* ignored by any later passes even without using this filter.
void CodegenLIR::deadvars()
// if debugging, don't eliminate vars. this way the debugger sees the true
// variable state at each safe point.
DEBUGGER_ONLY(if (core->debugger()) return; )
// allocator used only for duration of this phase. no exceptions are
// thrown while this phase runs, hence no try/catch is necessary.
Allocator dv_alloc;
// map of label -> bitset, tracking what is livein at each label.
// populated by deadvars_analyze, then used by deadvars_kill
// estimate number of required buckets based on the verifier's labelCount,
// which is slightly below the actual # of labels in LIR. being slightly low
// is okay for a bucket hashtable. note: labelCount is 0 for simple 1-block
// methods, so use labelCount+1 as the estimate to ensure we have >0 buckets.
HashMap<LIns*, nanojit::BitSet*> labels(dv_alloc, labelCount + 1);
// scratch bitset used by both dv_analyze and dv_kill. Each resets
// the bitset before using it. creating it here saves one allocation.
nanojit::BitSet livein(dv_alloc, framesize);
deadvars_analyze(dv_alloc, livein, labels);
deadvars_kill(livein, labels);
int jitcount = 0;
int jitmin = 1;
int jitmax = 0x7fffffff;
void CodegenLIR::emitMD()
mmfx_delete( alloc1 );
alloc1 = NULL;
LirReader reader(frag->lastIns);
ValidateReader validator(&reader);
for (LIns* i = validator.read(); !i->isop(LIR_start); i = validator.read())
{ }
CodeMgr *mgr = pool->codeMgr;
verbose_only(if (pool->isVerbose(VB_jit)) {
Allocator live_alloc;
nanojit::live(live_alloc, frag, &mgr->log);
Assembler *assm = new (*lir_alloc) Assembler(mgr->codeAlloc, mgr->allocator, *lir_alloc, core, &mgr->log);
#ifdef VTUNE
assm->cgen = this;
LirReader bufreader(frag->lastIns);
verbose_only( StringList asmOutput(*lir_alloc); )
verbose_only( assm->_outputCache = &asmOutput; )
assm->assemble(frag, &bufreader);
assm->_outputCache = 0;
for (Seq<char*>* p = asmOutput.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail) {
assm->outputf("%s", p->head);
PERFM_NVPROF("IR-bytes", frag->lirbuf->byteCount());
PERFM_NVPROF("IR", frag->lirbuf->insCount());
bool keep = //!info->hasExceptions() &&
keep = keep && (jitcount >= jitmin && jitcount <= jitmax);
//AvmLog(stderr, "jitcount %d keep %d\n", jitcount, (int)keep);
if (keep) {
// save pointer to generated code
union {
GprMethodProc fp;
void *vp;
} u;
u.vp = frag->code();
// mark method as been JIT'd
info->_flags |= MethodInfo::JIT_IMPL;
#if defined AVMPLUS_JITMAX && defined NJ_VERBOSE
if (verbose())
AvmLog("keeping %d, loop=%d\n", jitcount, assm->hasLoop);
} else {
// assm puked, or we did something untested, so interpret.
overflow = true;
#if defined AVMPLUS_JITMAX && defined NJ_VERBOSE
if (verbose())
AvmLog("reverting to interpreter %d assm->error %d \n", jitcount, assm->error());
#ifdef VTUNE
if (keep) x{
AvmAssert(!jitPendingRecords.size()); // all should be resolved by now
int32_t count = jitInfoList.size();
uint32_t id = 0;
for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
JITCodeInfo* jitInfo = jitInfoList.get(i);
if (jitInfo->lineNumTable.size()) {
jitInfo->sid = id++;
VTune_RegisterMethod(core, jitInfo);
#endif /* VTUNE */
#ifdef VTUNE
JITCodeInfo* CodegenLIR::jitCurrentInfo()
if (jitInfoList.size()<1)
return jitInfoList[jitInfoList.size()-1];
void CodegenLIR::jitPushInfo()
JITCodeInfo* inf = new (gc) JITCodeInfo(gc);
inf->method = info;
LineNumberRecord* CodegenLIR::jitAddRecord(uint32_t pos, uint32_t filename, uint32_t line, bool pending)
// create a new record in the table; possibly overwriting an existing one.
// for pending (i.e. reverse code gen) we want to keep the first line entry we, see
// for forwards generation we'll take the last one then we encounter
AvmAssert(pending || (filename && line));
if (pending && jitCurrentInfo()->lineNumTable.containsKey(pos)) return 0;
LineNumberRecord* rec = new (gc) LineNumberRecord((Stringp)filename, line);
if (pending) jitPendingRecords.add(rec);
return rec;
void CodegenLIR::jitFilenameUpdate(uint32_t filename)
int32_t size = jitPendingRecords.size();
for(int32_t i=size-1; i>=0; i--) {
LineNumberRecord* rec = jitPendingRecords.get(i);
if (!rec->filename) {
rec->filename = (Stringp)filename;
if (rec->lineno && rec->filename) jitPendingRecords.removeAt(i); // has both fields set?
void CodegenLIR::jitLineNumUpdate(uint32_t num)
int32_t size = jitPendingRecords.size();
for(int32_t i=size-1; i>=0; i--) {
LineNumberRecord* rec = jitPendingRecords.get(i);
if (!rec->lineno) {
rec->lineno = num;
if (rec->lineno && rec->filename) jitPendingRecords.removeAt(i); // has both fields set?
void CodegenLIR::jitCodePosUpdate(uint32_t pos)
JITCodeInfo* inf = jitCurrentInfo();
if (!inf->endAddr) inf->endAddr = pos;
inf->startAddr = pos;
REALLY_INLINE BindingCache::BindingCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
: name(name), next(next)
REALLY_INLINE CallCache::CallCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
: BindingCache(name, next), call_handler(callprop_miss)
REALLY_INLINE GetCache::GetCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
: BindingCache(name, next), get_handler(getprop_miss)
REALLY_INLINE SetCache::SetCache(const Multiname* name, BindingCache* next)
: BindingCache(name, next), set_handler(setprop_miss)
template <class C>
C* CacheBuilder<C>::findCacheSlot(const Multiname* name)
for (Seq<C*> *p = caches.get(); p != NULL; p = p->tail)
if (p->head->name == name)
return p->head;
return NULL;
// The cache structure is expected to be small in the normal case, so use a
// linear list. For some programs, notably classical JS programs, it may however
// be larger, and we may need a more sophisticated structure.
template <class C>
C* CacheBuilder<C>::allocateCacheSlot(const Multiname* name)
C* c = findCacheSlot(name);
if (!c) {
_nvprof("binding cache bytes", sizeof(C));
c = new (codeMgr.allocator) C(name, codeMgr.bindingCaches);
codeMgr.bindingCaches = c;
return c;
LirHelper::LirHelper(AvmCore* core) :
{ }
void LirHelper::cleanup()
mmfx_delete( alloc1 );
alloc1 = NULL;
mmfx_delete( lir_alloc );
lir_alloc = NULL;
namespace nanojit
void StackFilter::getTops(LInsp /*br*/, int& /*spTop*/, int& /*rpTop*/) {
void LirNameMap::formatGuard(LIns*, char*) {
void* Allocator::allocChunk(size_t size) {
return mmfx_alloc(size);
void Allocator::freeChunk(void* p) {
return mmfx_free(p);
void Allocator::postReset() {
// static
void* CodeAlloc::allocCodeChunk(size_t nbytes) {
size_t npages = (nbytes + GCHeap::kBlockSize - 1) / GCHeap::kBlockSize;
return GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->AllocCodeMemory(npages);
// static
void CodeAlloc::freeCodeChunk(void* addr, size_t) {
return GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->FreeCodeMemory(addr);