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namespace avmplus {
using namespace nanojit;
#ifdef VTUNE
REALLY_INLINE LineNumberRecord* JITCodeInfo::add(MMgc::GC* gc, uintptr_t loc, Stringp file, uint32_t line)
LineNumberRecord* record = new (gc) LineNumberRecord(file,line);
return record;
REALLY_INLINE void JITCodeInfo::clear()
method = 0;
vtune = 0;
startAddr = 0;
endAddr = 0;
#endif // VTUNE
REALLY_INLINE BuiltinType LirHelper::bt(Traits *t)
return Traits::getBuiltinType(t);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* CodegenLIR::loadIns(LOpcode op, int32_t disp, LIns *base)
return lirout->insLoad(op, base, (int32_t)disp);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* CodegenLIR::Ins(LOpcode op)
return lirout->ins0(op);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* CodegenLIR::Ins(LOpcode op, LIns *a)
return lirout->ins1(op, a);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* CodegenLIR::i2dIns(LIns* v)
return lirout->ins1(LIR_i2f, v);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* CodegenLIR::u2dIns(LIns* v)
return lirout->ins1(LIR_u2f, v);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* CodegenLIR::binaryIns(LOpcode op, LIns *a, LIns *b)
return lirout->ins2(op,a,b);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::InsConst(int32_t c)
return lirout->insImm(c);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::InsConstPtr(const void *p)
return lirout->insImmPtr(p);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::InsConstAtom(Atom c)
return lirout->insImmPtr((void*)c);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::i2p(LIns *i)
return lirout->ins_i2p(i);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::u2p(LIns *i)
return lirout->ins_u2p(i);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::p2i(LIns *i)
#ifdef NANOJIT_64BIT
return lirout->ins1(LIR_qlo, i);
return i;
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::qlo(LIns* q)
return lirout->ins1(LIR_qlo, q);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::peq0(LIns* ptr)
return lirout->ins_peq0(ptr);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::eq0(LIns* ptr)
return lirout->ins_eq0(ptr);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::peq(LIns* a, Atom b)
return lirout->ins2(LIR_peq, a, InsConstAtom(b));
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::choose(LIns* cond, Atom t, LIns* f)
return lirout->ins_choose(cond, InsConstAtom(t), f, true/*use_cmov*/);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::andp(LIns* a, Atom mask)
return lirout->ins2(LIR_piand, a, InsConstAtom(mask));
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::orp(LIns* a, Atom mask)
return lirout->ins2(LIR_pior, a, InsConstAtom(mask));
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::ori(LIns* a, int32_t mask)
return lirout->ins2(LIR_or, a, InsConst(mask));
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::ret(LIns* a)
return lirout->ins1(LIR_ret, a);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::label()
return lirout->ins0(LIR_label);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::jlt(LIns *a, int32_t b)
return lirout->insBranch(LIR_jt, lirout->ins2(LIR_lt, a, InsConst(b)), NULL);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::jgt(LIns *a, int32_t b)
return lirout->insBranch(LIR_jt, lirout->ins2(LIR_gt, a, InsConst(b)), NULL);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::jne(LIns *a, int32_t b)
return lirout->insBranch(LIR_jf, lirout->ins2(LIR_eq, a, InsConst(b)), NULL);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::stp(LIns* val, LIns* p, int32_t d)
return lirout->insStorei(val, p, d);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::sti(LIns* val, LIns* p, int32_t d)
return lirout->insStorei(val, p, d);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::stq(LIns* val, LIns* p, int32_t d)
return lirout->insStorei(val, p, d);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::ldp(LIns* p, int32_t d)
return lirout->insLoad(LIR_ldp, p, d);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::live(LIns* a)
return lirout->ins1(LIR_live, a);
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::param(int id, const char *name)
LIns* param = lirout->insParam(id, 0);
if (frag->lirbuf->names)
frag->lirbuf->names->addName(param, name);
return param;
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::lshi(LIns* a, int32_t b)
return lirout->ins2(LIR_lsh, a, InsConst(b));
REALLY_INLINE LIns* LirHelper::ushp(LIns* a, int32_t b)
return lirout->ins2(LIR_pursh, a, InsConst(b));
} // namespace
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