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 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#include "avmplus.h"

namespace avmplus

        class TranslatedCode : public MMgc::GCObject
                uintptr_t data[1];  // more follows

        class WordcodeEmitter : public WordcodeTranslator {
                WordcodeEmitter(MethodInfo* info, Toplevel* toplevel);
                WordcodeEmitter(AvmCore* core, uint8_t* code_start);
#    endif
                virtual ~WordcodeEmitter();
                // In all cases below, pc points to the opcode.
                virtual void computeExceptionFixups();

                // Call before every instruction to handle exception range translation and
                // fix up branches to this address
                virtual void fixExceptionsAndLabels(const uint8_t *pc);
                // Paste up the translated code and install it in info.  Return the number
                // of words and install a pointer to the first word in 'code' if not NULL
                virtual uint32 epilogue(uintptr_t** code_result = NULL);
                // Handle specific instructions or instruction classes
                virtual void emitOp0(const uint8_t *pc, WordOpcode opcode);
                virtual void emitOp1(const uint8_t *pc, WordOpcode opcode);
                virtual void emitOp1(WordOpcode opcode, uint32_t operand);
                virtual void emitOp2(const uint8_t *pc, WordOpcode opcode);
                virtual void emitOp2(WordOpcode opcode, uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2);
                virtual void emitDebug(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitRelativeJump(const uint8_t *pc, WordOpcode opcode);
                virtual void emitLookupswitch(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitLabel(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitPushbyte(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitPushshort(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitPushint(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitPushuint(const uint8_t *pc);
                virtual void emitGetscopeobject(const uint8_t *pc);

                // In this case, new_pc is the pc being jumped to
                virtual void emitAbsJump(const uint8_t *new_pc);

                // CodeWriter
                void write(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, Traits *type = NULL);
                void writeOp1 (FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uint32_t opd1, Traits *type = NULL);
                void writeOp2 (FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uint32_t opd1, uint32_t opd2, Traits* type = NULL);
                void writeInterfaceCall(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, uintptr opd1, uint32_t opd2, Traits* type = NULL);
                void writeNip(FrameState* state, const byte *pc);
                void writeCheckNull(FrameState* state, uint32_t index);
                void writeCoerce(FrameState* state, uint32_t index, Traits *type);
                void writePrologue(FrameState* state, const byte *pc);
                void writeEpilogue(FrameState* state);
                void writeBlockStart(FrameState* state);
                void writeOpcodeVerified(FrameState* state, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode);
                void writeFixExceptionsAndLabels(FrameState* state, const byte *pc);
                void formatOperand(PrintWriter& buffer, Value& v);
                void cleanup();

                // 'backpatches' represent target addresses of forward jumps in the original code,
                // along with locations in the translated code that must be patched when the target
                // address in the new code is known.  There can be multiple backpatch structures
                // per target, one for each location that must be patched.  The backpatches are
                // sorted in address order: lowest address first.  Once a backpatch has been
                // consumed it can be deleted; when we're done, the list of backpatches should
                // be empty or there's an error.  Backpatch objects are managed by new/delete.
                // 'labels' are sorted in address order: highest address first.  The list of
                // labels can be freed only at the end.  The labels are searched for every
                // backward branch, but the assumption is that most targets sought are
                // close by and that few probes are needed on the average.  That needs to be
                // verified.  Label objects are managed by new/delete.
                // 'exception_fixes' represent addresses in the original code, along with locations
                // to be updated with corresponding offsets in the translated code.
                // The exception fixes are sorted in address order: lowest address first.  Once an
                // exception fix has been consumed it can be deleted; when we're done, the list of
                // exception fixes should be empty.  Exception fix objects are managed by new/delete.
                // 'buffers' are sorted in reverse creation order: current buffer segment first.
                // The list of buffers is merged into a collectable object at the end of
                // translation, at which point buffers can be freed.  Buffer objects are managed
                // by new/delete.
                struct backpatch_info 
                        const uint8_t* target_pc;               // the instruction in the old code that is the target of a forward control transfer
                        uintptr_t* patch_loc;           // location in the new code into which to write the new offset
                        uintptr_t patch_offset;         // value to subtract from offset of translated pc
                        backpatch_info* next;
                struct label_info 
                        uintptr_t old_offset;
                        uintptr_t new_offset;
                        label_info* next;
                struct catch_info
                        const uint8_t* pc;                      // address in ABC code to trigger use of this structure
                        int32_t *fixup_loc;                     // points to a location to update in an ExceptionHandler
                        catch_info* next;
                struct buffer_info
                        uintptr_t data[100];
                        int entries_used;
                        buffer_info* next;
                MethodInfo* info;
                AvmCore* core;
                Toplevel* avm_toplevel;                         // for error classes; may be NULL
                backpatch_info* backpatches;    // in address order
                label_info* labels;                             // in reverse offset order
                catch_info* exception_fixes;    // in address order
                buffer_info* buffers;                   // newest buffer first
                uint32_t buffer_offset;                 // offset of first word of current buffer
                buffer_info* spare_buffer;              // may be populated during peephole optimization; reused by refill
                void** opcode_labels;
                PoolObject *pool;
                const uint8_t* code_start;
                bool exceptions_consumed;
                uintptr_t *dest;
                uintptr_t *dest_limit;

                void refill();
                void emitRelativeOffset(uintptr_t base_offset, const uint8_t *pc, intptr_t offset);
                void makeAndInsertBackpatch(const uint8_t* target_pc, uintptr_t patch_offset);
                void boot();

                // The structures are laid out so as to improve packing and conserve space.  The
                // included initialization code below knows the order of fields.
                struct peep_state_t
                        uint8_t  numTransitions;                        // Number of consecutive in the transitions[] array starting at transitionPtr
                        uint8_t  failShift;                                     // Initial tokens to discard on a failure transition
                        uint16_t transitionPtr;                         // Location in transitions[] for our transitions, sorted in increasing token order
                        uint16_t guardAndAction;                        // 0 if this is not a final state, otherwise an identifier for a case in 'commit()'
                        uint16_t fail;                                          // 0 if there is no failure transition, otherwise a state number
                struct peep_transition_t
                        uint16_t opcode;                                        // on this opcode
                        uint16_t next_state;                            //   move to this state (never 0)
                static const uint16_t toplevel[];             // Transition table for initial state
                static const peep_state_t states[];           // State 0 is not used
                static const peep_transition_t transitions[]; // Compact transition representation
                uint32_t  state;                                                // current state in the matcher, or 0
                uint32_t  backtrack_stack[10];                  // commit candidates (state numbers)
                uint32_t  backtrack_idx;                                // next slot in backtrack_state
                uintptr_t* I[10];                                               // longest window 10 instructions, not a problem now, generator can generate constant later
                uintptr_t  O[10];                                               // symbolic opcodes for each I entry
                uintptr_t  nextI;                                               // next slot in I and O
                uintptr_t  R[30];                                               // replacement data
                uintptr_t  S[30];                                               // symbolic opcode for some R entries
                void peepInit();
                void peep(uint32_t opcode, uintptr_t* loc);
                void peepFlush();
                bool commit(uint32_t action);
                bool replace(uint32_t old_instr, uint32_t new_words, bool jump_has_been_translated=false);
                void undoRelativeOffsetInJump();
                void shiftBuffers(uint32_t shift);
                bool isJumpInstruction(uintptr_t opcode) {
                        return wopAttrs[opcode].jumps;
                uint32_t calculateInstructionWidth(uintptr_t opcode) {
                        return wopAttrs[opcode].width;

                LookupCacheBuilder cache_builder;

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