not_              799 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h   void not_(Register dst);
not_              992 src/ia32/   __ not_(eax);
not_             1091 src/ia32/   __ not_(ecx);
not_             1122 src/ia32/     __ not_(ecx);
not_             4329 src/ia32/     __ not_(edx);  // Correct sign in case of overflow. edx is never 0 here.
not_             6615 src/ia32/     __ not_(edx);
not_             1069 src/ia32/       __ not_(dividend);
not_             1467 src/ia32/   __ not_(ToRegister(input));
not_             1059 src/ia32/   not_(r0);
not_              121 src/x64/   __ not_(rax);
not_              957 src/x64/assembler-x64.h   void not_(Register dst);
not_              958 src/x64/assembler-x64.h   void not_(const Operand& dst);
not_             3395 src/x64/     __ not_(rdx);  // Correct sign in case of overflow. rdx cannot be 0 here.
not_             1361 src/x64/   __ not_(ToRegister(input));
not_             1867 src/x64/   not_(dst);
not_              177 test/cctest/   __ not_(edx);
not_              166 test/cctest/   __ not_(rdx);