
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Generate
  2. Generate
  3. Generate
  4. Generate
  5. GenerateFastCloneShallowArrayCommon
  6. Generate
  7. Generate
  8. Generate
  9. Generate
  10. CheckOddball
  11. GenerateTypeTransition
  12. IntegerConvert
  13. Generate
  14. GenerateTypeTransition
  15. GenerateSmiStub
  16. GenerateSmiStubSub
  17. GenerateSmiStubBitNot
  18. GenerateSmiCodeSub
  19. GenerateSmiCodeBitNot
  20. GenerateHeapNumberStub
  21. GenerateHeapNumberStubSub
  22. GenerateHeapNumberStubBitNot
  23. GenerateHeapNumberCodeSub
  24. GenerateHeapNumberCodeBitNot
  25. GenerateGenericStub
  26. GenerateGenericStubSub
  27. GenerateGenericStubBitNot
  28. GenerateGenericCodeFallback
  29. PrintName
  30. GenerateTypeTransition
  31. Generate
  32. PrintName
  33. GenerateSmiCode
  34. GenerateFloatingPointCode
  35. GenerateStringAddCode
  36. GenerateCallRuntimeCode
  37. GenerateSmiStub
  38. GenerateStringStub
  39. GenerateBothStringStub
  40. GenerateOddballStub
  41. GenerateHeapNumberStub
  42. GenerateGeneric
  43. GenerateHeapResultAllocation
  44. GenerateRegisterArgsPush
  45. Generate
  46. RuntimeFunction
  47. GenerateOperation
  48. LoadNumbersAsIntegers
  49. LoadAsIntegers
  50. LoadSSE2SmiOperands
  51. LoadSSE2NumberOperands
  52. LoadSSE2UnknownOperands
  53. NumbersToSmis
  54. Generate
  55. GenerateReadElement
  56. GenerateNewNonStrictFast
  57. GenerateNewNonStrictSlow
  58. GenerateNewStrict
  59. Generate
  60. Generate
  61. GenerateLookupNumberStringCache
  62. GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex
  63. Generate
  64. NegativeComparisonResult
  65. Generate
  66. BranchIfNonSymbol
  67. Generate
  68. Generate
  69. GenerateRecordCallTarget
  70. Generate
  71. Generate
  72. NeedsImmovableCode
  73. IsPregenerated
  74. GenerateStubsAheadOfTime
  75. GenerateFPStubs
  76. GenerateAheadOfTime
  77. GenerateCore
  78. Generate
  79. GenerateBody
  80. Generate
  81. left
  82. right
  83. MinorKey
  84. PrintName
  85. GenerateFast
  86. GenerateSlow
  87. GenerateFast
  88. GenerateSlow
  89. GenerateFast
  90. GenerateSlow
  91. Generate
  92. GenerateConvertArgument
  93. GenerateCopyCharacters
  94. GenerateCopyCharactersREP
  95. GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe
  96. GenerateHashInit
  97. GenerateHashAddCharacter
  98. GenerateHashGetHash
  99. Generate
  100. GenerateFlatAsciiStringEquals
  101. GenerateCompareFlatAsciiStrings
  102. GenerateAsciiCharsCompareLoop
  103. Generate
  104. GenerateSmis
  105. GenerateHeapNumbers
  106. GenerateSymbols
  107. GenerateStrings
  108. GenerateObjects
  109. GenerateKnownObjects
  110. GenerateMiss
  111. GenerateNegativeLookup
  112. GeneratePositiveLookup
  113. Generate
  114. IsPregenerated
  115. GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime
  116. GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime
  117. Generate
  118. GenerateIncremental
  119. InformIncrementalMarker
  120. CheckNeedsToInformIncrementalMarker
  121. Generate
  122. MaybeCallEntryHook
  123. Generate

// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
//       with the distribution.
//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
//       from this software without specific prior written permission.

#include "v8.h"

#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64)

#include "bootstrapper.h"
#include "code-stubs.h"
#include "regexp-macro-assembler.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)

void ToNumberStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // The ToNumber stub takes one argument in eax.
  Label check_heap_number, call_builtin;
  __ SmiTest(rax);
  __ j(not_zero, &check_heap_number, Label::kNear);
  __ Ret();

  __ bind(&check_heap_number);
  __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
  __ j(not_equal, &call_builtin, Label::kNear);
  __ Ret();

  __ bind(&call_builtin);
  __ pop(rcx);  // Pop return address.
  __ push(rax);
  __ push(rcx);  // Push return address.
  __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::TO_NUMBER, JUMP_FUNCTION);

void FastNewClosureStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Create a new closure from the given function info in new
  // space. Set the context to the current context in rsi.
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();

  Label gc;
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(JSFunction::kSize, rax, rbx, rcx, &gc, TAG_OBJECT);

  __ IncrementCounter(counters->fast_new_closure_total(), 1);

  // Get the function info from the stack.
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));

  int map_index = (language_mode_ == CLASSIC_MODE)
      ? Context::FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX

  // Compute the function map in the current global context and set that
  // as the map of the allocated object.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_INDEX)));
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, GlobalObject::kGlobalContextOffset));
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rcx, Context::SlotOffset(map_index)));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kMapOffset), rbx);

  // Initialize the rest of the function. We don't have to update the
  // write barrier because the allocated object is in new space.
  __ LoadRoot(rbx, Heap::kEmptyFixedArrayRootIndex);
  __ LoadRoot(r8, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  __ LoadRoot(rdi, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset), rbx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rbx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset), r8);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset), rdx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kContextOffset), rsi);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kLiteralsOffset), rbx);

  // Initialize the code pointer in the function to be the one
  // found in the shared function info object.
  // But first check if there is an optimized version for our context.
  Label check_optimized;
  Label install_unoptimized;
  if (FLAG_cache_optimized_code) {
    __ movq(rbx,
            FieldOperand(rdx, SharedFunctionInfo::kOptimizedCodeMapOffset));
    __ testq(rbx, rbx);
    __ j(not_zero, &check_optimized, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&install_unoptimized);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset),
          rdi);  // Initialize with undefined.
  __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, SharedFunctionInfo::kCodeOffset));
  __ lea(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, Code::kHeaderSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset), rdx);

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameter.
  __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&check_optimized);

  __ IncrementCounter(counters->fast_new_closure_try_optimized(), 1);

  // rcx holds global context, ebx points to fixed array of 3-element entries
  // (global context, optimized code, literals).
  // The optimized code map must never be empty, so check the first elements.
  Label install_optimized;
  // Speculatively move code object into edx.
  __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rbx, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
  __ cmpq(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
  __ j(equal, &install_optimized);

  // Iterate through the rest of map backwards. rdx holds an index.
  Label loop;
  Label restore;
  __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rbx, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
  __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx);
  __ bind(&loop);
  // Do not double check first entry.
  __ cmpq(rdx, Immediate(SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength));
  __ j(equal, &restore);
  __ subq(rdx, Immediate(SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength));  // Skip an entry.
  __ cmpq(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx,
  __ j(not_equal, &loop, Label::kNear);
  // Hit: fetch the optimized code.
  __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rbx,
                            FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 1 * kPointerSize));

  __ bind(&install_optimized);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->fast_new_closure_install_optimized(), 1);

  // TODO(fschneider): Idea: store proper code pointers in the map and either
  // unmangle them on marking or do nothing as the whole map is discarded on
  // major GC anyway.
  __ lea(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, Code::kHeaderSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset), rdx);

  // Now link a function into a list of optimized functions.
  __ movq(rdx, ContextOperand(rcx, Context::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONS_LIST));

  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset), rdx);
  // No need for write barrier as JSFunction (rax) is in the new space.

  __ movq(ContextOperand(rcx, Context::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONS_LIST), rax);
  // Store JSFunction (rax) into rdx before issuing write barrier as
  // it clobbers all the registers passed.
  __ movq(rdx, rax);
  __ RecordWriteContextSlot(

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameter.
  __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&restore);
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
  __ jmp(&install_unoptimized);

  // Create a new closure through the slower runtime call.
  __ bind(&gc);
  __ pop(rcx);  // Temporarily remove return address.
  __ pop(rdx);
  __ push(rsi);
  __ push(rdx);
  __ PushRoot(Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex);
  __ push(rcx);  // Restore return address.
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewClosure, 3, 1);

void FastNewContextStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Try to allocate the context in new space.
  Label gc;
  int length = slots_ + Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS;
  __ AllocateInNewSpace((length * kPointerSize) + FixedArray::kHeaderSize,
                        rax, rbx, rcx, &gc, TAG_OBJECT);

  // Get the function from the stack.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));

  // Set up the object header.
  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kFunctionContextMapRootIndex);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister);
  __ Move(FieldOperand(rax, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), Smi::FromInt(length));

  // Set up the fixed slots.
  __ Set(rbx, 0);  // Set to NULL.
  __ movq(Operand(rax, Context::SlotOffset(Context::CLOSURE_INDEX)), rcx);
  __ movq(Operand(rax, Context::SlotOffset(Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX)), rsi);
  __ movq(Operand(rax, Context::SlotOffset(Context::EXTENSION_INDEX)), rbx);

  // Copy the global object from the previous context.
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_INDEX)));
  __ movq(Operand(rax, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_INDEX)), rbx);

  // Initialize the rest of the slots to undefined.
  __ LoadRoot(rbx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  for (int i = Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS; i < length; i++) {
    __ movq(Operand(rax, Context::SlotOffset(i)), rbx);

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameter.
  __ movq(rsi, rax);
  __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);

  // Need to collect. Call into runtime system.
  __ bind(&gc);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewFunctionContext, 1, 1);

void FastNewBlockContextStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Stack layout on entry:
  // [rsp + (1 * kPointerSize)]: function
  // [rsp + (2 * kPointerSize)]: serialized scope info

  // Try to allocate the context in new space.
  Label gc;
  int length = slots_ + Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS;
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(FixedArray::SizeFor(length),
                        rax, rbx, rcx, &gc, TAG_OBJECT);

  // Get the function from the stack.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));

  // Get the serialized scope info from the stack.
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));

  // Set up the object header.
  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kBlockContextMapRootIndex);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister);
  __ Move(FieldOperand(rax, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), Smi::FromInt(length));

  // If this block context is nested in the global context we get a smi
  // sentinel instead of a function. The block context should get the
  // canonical empty function of the global context as its closure which
  // we still have to look up.
  Label after_sentinel;
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rcx, &after_sentinel, Label::kNear);
  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    const char* message = "Expected 0 as a Smi sentinel";
    __ cmpq(rcx, Immediate(0));
    __ Assert(equal, message);
  __ movq(rcx, GlobalObjectOperand());
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, GlobalObject::kGlobalContextOffset));
  __ movq(rcx, ContextOperand(rcx, Context::CLOSURE_INDEX));
  __ bind(&after_sentinel);

  // Set up the fixed slots.
  __ movq(ContextOperand(rax, Context::CLOSURE_INDEX), rcx);
  __ movq(ContextOperand(rax, Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX), rsi);
  __ movq(ContextOperand(rax, Context::EXTENSION_INDEX), rbx);

  // Copy the global object from the previous context.
  __ movq(rbx, ContextOperand(rsi, Context::GLOBAL_INDEX));
  __ movq(ContextOperand(rax, Context::GLOBAL_INDEX), rbx);

  // Initialize the rest of the slots to the hole value.
  __ LoadRoot(rbx, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  for (int i = 0; i < slots_; i++) {
    __ movq(ContextOperand(rax, i + Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS), rbx);

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameter.
  __ movq(rsi, rax);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  // Need to collect. Call into runtime system.
  __ bind(&gc);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kPushBlockContext, 2, 1);

static void GenerateFastCloneShallowArrayCommon(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    int length,
    FastCloneShallowArrayStub::Mode mode,
    Label* fail) {
  // Registers on entry:
  // rcx: boilerplate literal array.
  ASSERT(mode != FastCloneShallowArrayStub::CLONE_ANY_ELEMENTS);

  // All sizes here are multiples of kPointerSize.
  int elements_size = 0;
  if (length > 0) {
    elements_size = mode == FastCloneShallowArrayStub::CLONE_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS
        ? FixedDoubleArray::SizeFor(length)
        : FixedArray::SizeFor(length);
  int size = JSArray::kSize + elements_size;

  // Allocate both the JS array and the elements array in one big
  // allocation. This avoids multiple limit checks.
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(size, rax, rbx, rdx, fail, TAG_OBJECT);

  // Copy the JS array part.
  for (int i = 0; i < JSArray::kSize; i += kPointerSize) {
    if ((i != JSArray::kElementsOffset) || (length == 0)) {
      __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rcx, i));
      __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, i), rbx);

  if (length > 0) {
    // Get hold of the elements array of the boilerplate and setup the
    // elements pointer in the resulting object.
    __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, JSArray::kElementsOffset));
    __ lea(rdx, Operand(rax, JSArray::kSize));
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSArray::kElementsOffset), rdx);

    // Copy the elements array.
    if (mode == FastCloneShallowArrayStub::CLONE_ELEMENTS) {
      for (int i = 0; i < elements_size; i += kPointerSize) {
        __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rcx, i));
        __ movq(FieldOperand(rdx, i), rbx);
    } else {
      ASSERT(mode == FastCloneShallowArrayStub::CLONE_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS);
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize; i += kPointerSize) {
        __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rcx, i));
        __ movq(FieldOperand(rdx, i), rbx);
      while (i < elements_size) {
        __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rcx, i));
        __ movsd(FieldOperand(rdx, i), xmm0);
        i += kDoubleSize;
      ASSERT(i == elements_size);

void FastCloneShallowArrayStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Stack layout on entry:
  // [rsp + kPointerSize]: constant elements.
  // [rsp + (2 * kPointerSize)]: literal index.
  // [rsp + (3 * kPointerSize)]: literals array.

  // Load boilerplate object into rcx and check if we need to create a
  // boilerplate.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, 3 * kPointerSize));
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
  SmiIndex index = masm->SmiToIndex(rax, rax, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ movq(rcx,
          FieldOperand(rcx, index.reg, index.scale, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
  __ CompareRoot(rcx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  Label slow_case;
  __ j(equal, &slow_case);

  FastCloneShallowArrayStub::Mode mode = mode_;
  // rcx is boilerplate object.
  Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
  if (mode == CLONE_ANY_ELEMENTS) {
    Label double_elements, check_fast_elements;
    __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rcx, JSArray::kElementsOffset));
    __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
    __ j(not_equal, &check_fast_elements);
    GenerateFastCloneShallowArrayCommon(masm, 0,
                                        COPY_ON_WRITE_ELEMENTS, &slow_case);
    __ ret(3 * kPointerSize);

    __ bind(&check_fast_elements);
    __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
    __ j(not_equal, &double_elements);
    GenerateFastCloneShallowArrayCommon(masm, length_,
                                        CLONE_ELEMENTS, &slow_case);
    __ ret(3 * kPointerSize);

    __ bind(&double_elements);
    // Fall through to generate the code to handle double elements.

  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    const char* message;
    Heap::RootListIndex expected_map_index;
    if (mode == CLONE_ELEMENTS) {
      message = "Expected (writable) fixed array";
      expected_map_index = Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex;
    } else if (mode == CLONE_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) {
      message = "Expected (writable) fixed double array";
      expected_map_index = Heap::kFixedDoubleArrayMapRootIndex;
    } else {
      message = "Expected copy-on-write fixed array";
      expected_map_index = Heap::kFixedCOWArrayMapRootIndex;
    __ push(rcx);
    __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, JSArray::kElementsOffset));
    __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rcx, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
    __ Assert(equal, message);
    __ pop(rcx);

  GenerateFastCloneShallowArrayCommon(masm, length_, mode, &slow_case);
  __ ret(3 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&slow_case);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kCreateArrayLiteralShallow, 3, 1);

void FastCloneShallowObjectStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Stack layout on entry:
  // [rsp + kPointerSize]: object literal flags.
  // [rsp + (2 * kPointerSize)]: constant properties.
  // [rsp + (3 * kPointerSize)]: literal index.
  // [rsp + (4 * kPointerSize)]: literals array.

  // Load boilerplate object into ecx and check if we need to create a
  // boilerplate.
  Label slow_case;
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, 4 * kPointerSize));
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 3 * kPointerSize));
  SmiIndex index = masm->SmiToIndex(rax, rax, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ movq(rcx,
          FieldOperand(rcx, index.reg, index.scale, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
  __ CompareRoot(rcx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ j(equal, &slow_case);

  // Check that the boilerplate contains only fast properties and we can
  // statically determine the instance size.
  int size = JSObject::kHeaderSize + length_ * kPointerSize;
  __ movq(rax, FieldOperand(rcx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbq(rax, FieldOperand(rax, Map::kInstanceSizeOffset));
  __ cmpq(rax, Immediate(size >> kPointerSizeLog2));
  __ j(not_equal, &slow_case);

  // Allocate the JS object and copy header together with all in-object
  // properties from the boilerplate.
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(size, rax, rbx, rdx, &slow_case, TAG_OBJECT);
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i += kPointerSize) {
    __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rcx, i));
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, i), rbx);

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameters.
  __ ret(4 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&slow_case);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kCreateObjectLiteralShallow, 4, 1);

// The stub expects its argument on the stack and returns its result in tos_:
// zero for false, and a non-zero value for true.
void ToBooleanStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // This stub overrides SometimesSetsUpAFrame() to return false.  That means
  // we cannot call anything that could cause a GC from this stub.
  Label patch;
  const Register argument = rax;
  const Register map = rdx;

  if (!types_.IsEmpty()) {
    __ movq(argument, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));

  // undefined -> false
  CheckOddball(masm, UNDEFINED, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex, false);

  // Boolean -> its value
  CheckOddball(masm, BOOLEAN, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex, false);
  CheckOddball(masm, BOOLEAN, Heap::kTrueValueRootIndex, true);

  // 'null' -> false.
  CheckOddball(masm, NULL_TYPE, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex, false);

  if (types_.Contains(SMI)) {
    // Smis: 0 -> false, all other -> true
    Label not_smi;
    __ JumpIfNotSmi(argument, &not_smi, Label::kNear);
    // argument contains the correct return value already
    if (! {
      __ movq(tos_, argument);
    __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
    __ bind(&not_smi);
  } else if (types_.NeedsMap()) {
    // If we need a map later and have a Smi -> patch.
    __ JumpIfSmi(argument, &patch, Label::kNear);

  if (types_.NeedsMap()) {
    __ movq(map, FieldOperand(argument, HeapObject::kMapOffset));

    if (types_.CanBeUndetectable()) {
      __ testb(FieldOperand(map, Map::kBitFieldOffset),
               Immediate(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
      // Undetectable -> false.
      Label not_undetectable;
      __ j(zero, &not_undetectable, Label::kNear);
      __ Set(tos_, 0);
      __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
      __ bind(&not_undetectable);

  if (types_.Contains(SPEC_OBJECT)) {
    // spec object -> true.
    Label not_js_object;
    __ CmpInstanceType(map, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE);
    __ j(below, &not_js_object, Label::kNear);
    // argument contains the correct return value already.
    if (! {
      __ Set(tos_, 1);
    __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
    __ bind(&not_js_object);

  if (types_.Contains(STRING)) {
    // String value -> false iff empty.
    Label not_string;
    __ CmpInstanceType(map, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE);
    __ j(above_equal, &not_string, Label::kNear);
    __ movq(tos_, FieldOperand(argument, String::kLengthOffset));
    __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);  // the string length is OK as the return value
    __ bind(&not_string);

  if (types_.Contains(HEAP_NUMBER)) {
    // heap number -> false iff +0, -0, or NaN.
    Label not_heap_number, false_result;
    __ CompareRoot(map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
    __ j(not_equal, &not_heap_number, Label::kNear);
    __ xorps(xmm0, xmm0);
    __ ucomisd(xmm0, FieldOperand(argument, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ j(zero, &false_result, Label::kNear);
    // argument contains the correct return value already.
    if (! {
      __ Set(tos_, 1);
    __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
    __ bind(&false_result);
    __ Set(tos_, 0);
    __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
    __ bind(&not_heap_number);

  __ bind(&patch);

void StoreBufferOverflowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ PushCallerSaved(save_doubles_);
  const int argument_count = 1;
  __ PrepareCallCFunction(argument_count);
#ifdef _WIN64
  __ LoadAddress(rcx, ExternalReference::isolate_address());
  __ LoadAddress(rdi, ExternalReference::isolate_address());

  AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
  __ CallCFunction(
  __ PopCallerSaved(save_doubles_);
  __ ret(0);

void ToBooleanStub::CheckOddball(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                 Type type,
                                 Heap::RootListIndex value,
                                 bool result) {
  const Register argument = rax;
  if (types_.Contains(type)) {
    // If we see an expected oddball, return its ToBoolean value tos_.
    Label different_value;
    __ CompareRoot(argument, value);
    __ j(not_equal, &different_value, Label::kNear);
    if (!result) {
      // If we have to return zero, there is no way around clearing tos_.
      __ Set(tos_, 0);
    } else if (! {
      // If we have to return non-zero, we can re-use the argument if it is the
      // same register as the result, because we never see Smi-zero here.
      __ Set(tos_, 1);
    __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);
    __ bind(&different_value);

void ToBooleanStub::GenerateTypeTransition(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ pop(rcx);  // Get return address, operand is now on top of stack.
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(tos_.code()));
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(types_.ToByte()));
  __ push(rcx);  // Push return address.
  // Patch the caller to an appropriate specialized stub and return the
  // operation result to the caller of the stub.
  __ TailCallExternalReference(
      ExternalReference(IC_Utility(IC::kToBoolean_Patch), masm->isolate()),

class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
  // Load the operands from rdx and rax into xmm0 and xmm1, as doubles.
  // If the operands are not both numbers, jump to not_numbers.
  // Leaves rdx and rax unchanged.  SmiOperands assumes both are smis.
  // NumberOperands assumes both are smis or heap numbers.
  static void LoadSSE2SmiOperands(MacroAssembler* masm);
  static void LoadSSE2NumberOperands(MacroAssembler* masm);
  static void LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                      Label* not_numbers);

  // Takes the operands in rdx and rax and loads them as integers in rax
  // and rcx.
  static void LoadAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
                             Label* operand_conversion_failure,
                             Register heap_number_map);
  // As above, but we know the operands to be numbers. In that case,
  // conversion can't fail.
  static void LoadNumbersAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm);

  // Tries to convert two values to smis losslessly.
  // This fails if either argument is not a Smi nor a HeapNumber,
  // or if it's a HeapNumber with a value that can't be converted
  // losslessly to a Smi. In that case, control transitions to the
  // on_not_smis label.
  // On success, either control goes to the on_success label (if one is
  // provided), or it falls through at the end of the code (if on_success
  // is NULL).
  // On success, both first and second holds Smi tagged values.
  // One of first or second must be non-Smi when entering.
  static void NumbersToSmis(MacroAssembler* masm,
                            Register first,
                            Register second,
                            Register scratch1,
                            Register scratch2,
                            Register scratch3,
                            Label* on_success,
                            Label* on_not_smis);

// Get the integer part of a heap number.
// Overwrites the contents of rdi, rbx and rcx. Result cannot be rdi or rbx.
void IntegerConvert(MacroAssembler* masm,
                    Register result,
                    Register source) {
  // Result may be rcx. If result and source are the same register, source will
  // be overwritten.
  ASSERT(! && !;
  // TODO(lrn): When type info reaches here, if value is a 32-bit integer, use
  // cvttsd2si (32-bit version) directly.
  Register double_exponent = rbx;
  Register double_value = rdi;
  Label done, exponent_63_plus;
  // Get double and extract exponent.
  __ movq(double_value, FieldOperand(source, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  // Clear result preemptively, in case we need to return zero.
  __ xorl(result, result);
  __ movq(xmm0, double_value);  // Save copy in xmm0 in case we need it there.
  // Double to remove sign bit, shift exponent down to least significant bits.
  // and subtract bias to get the unshifted, unbiased exponent.
  __ lea(double_exponent, Operand(double_value, double_value, times_1, 0));
  __ shr(double_exponent, Immediate(64 - HeapNumber::kExponentBits));
  __ subl(double_exponent, Immediate(HeapNumber::kExponentBias));
  // Check whether the exponent is too big for a 63 bit unsigned integer.
  __ cmpl(double_exponent, Immediate(63));
  __ j(above_equal, &exponent_63_plus, Label::kNear);
  // Handle exponent range 0..62.
  __ cvttsd2siq(result, xmm0);
  __ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&exponent_63_plus);
  // Exponent negative or 63+.
  __ cmpl(double_exponent, Immediate(83));
  // If exponent negative or above 83, number contains no significant bits in
  // the range 0..2^31, so result is zero, and rcx already holds zero.
  __ j(above, &done, Label::kNear);

  // Exponent in rage 63..83.
  // Mantissa * 2^exponent contains bits in the range 2^0..2^31, namely
  // the least significant exponent-52 bits.

  // Negate low bits of mantissa if value is negative.
  __ addq(double_value, double_value);  // Move sign bit to carry.
  __ sbbl(result, result);  // And convert carry to -1 in result register.
  // if scratch2 is negative, do (scratch2-1)^-1, otherwise (scratch2-0)^0.
  __ addl(double_value, result);
  // Do xor in opposite directions depending on where we want the result
  // (depending on whether result is rcx or not).

  if ( {
    __ xorl(double_value, result);
    // Left shift mantissa by (exponent - mantissabits - 1) to save the
    // bits that have positional values below 2^32 (the extra -1 comes from the
    // doubling done above to move the sign bit into the carry flag).
    __ leal(rcx, Operand(double_exponent, -HeapNumber::kMantissaBits - 1));
    __ shll_cl(double_value);
    __ movl(result, double_value);
  } else {
    // As the then-branch, but move double-value to result before shifting.
    __ xorl(result, double_value);
    __ leal(rcx, Operand(double_exponent, -HeapNumber::kMantissaBits - 1));
    __ shll_cl(result);

  __ bind(&done);

void UnaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  switch (operand_type_) {
    case UnaryOpIC::UNINITIALIZED:
    case UnaryOpIC::SMI:
    case UnaryOpIC::HEAP_NUMBER:
    case UnaryOpIC::GENERIC:

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateTypeTransition(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ pop(rcx);  // Save return address.

  __ push(rax);  // the operand
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(op_));
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(mode_));
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(operand_type_));

  __ push(rcx);  // Push return address.

  // Patch the caller to an appropriate specialized stub and return the
  // operation result to the caller of the stub.
  __ TailCallExternalReference(
      ExternalReference(IC_Utility(IC::kUnaryOp_Patch), masm->isolate()), 4, 1);

// TODO(svenpanne): Use virtual functions instead of switch.
void UnaryOpStub::GenerateSmiStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::SUB:
    case Token::BIT_NOT:

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateSmiStubSub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label slow;
  GenerateSmiCodeSub(masm, &slow, &slow, Label::kNear, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&slow);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateSmiStubBitNot(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label non_smi;
  GenerateSmiCodeBitNot(masm, &non_smi, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&non_smi);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCodeSub(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                     Label* non_smi,
                                     Label* slow,
                                     Label::Distance non_smi_near,
                                     Label::Distance slow_near) {
  Label done;
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, non_smi, non_smi_near);
  __ SmiNeg(rax, rax, &done, Label::kNear);
  __ jmp(slow, slow_near);
  __ bind(&done);
  __ ret(0);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCodeBitNot(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                        Label* non_smi,
                                        Label::Distance non_smi_near) {
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, non_smi, non_smi_near);
  __ SmiNot(rax, rax);
  __ ret(0);

// TODO(svenpanne): Use virtual functions instead of switch.
void UnaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::SUB:
    case Token::BIT_NOT:

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberStubSub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label non_smi, slow, call_builtin;
  GenerateSmiCodeSub(masm, &non_smi, &call_builtin, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&non_smi);
  GenerateHeapNumberCodeSub(masm, &slow);
  __ bind(&slow);
  __ bind(&call_builtin);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberStubBitNot(
    MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label non_smi, slow;
  GenerateSmiCodeBitNot(masm, &non_smi, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&non_smi);
  GenerateHeapNumberCodeBitNot(masm, &slow);
  __ bind(&slow);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberCodeSub(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                            Label* slow) {
  // Check if the operand is a heap number.
  __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
  __ j(not_equal, slow);

  // Operand is a float, negate its value by flipping the sign bit.
  if (mode_ == UNARY_OVERWRITE) {
    __ Set(kScratchRegister, 0x01);
    __ shl(kScratchRegister, Immediate(63));
    __ xor_(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), kScratchRegister);
  } else {
    // Allocate a heap number before calculating the answer,
    // so we don't have an untagged double around during GC.
    Label slow_allocate_heapnumber, heapnumber_allocated;
    __ AllocateHeapNumber(rcx, rbx, &slow_allocate_heapnumber);
    __ jmp(&heapnumber_allocated);

    __ bind(&slow_allocate_heapnumber);
      FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
      __ push(rax);
      __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberAlloc, 0);
      __ movq(rcx, rax);
      __ pop(rax);
    __ bind(&heapnumber_allocated);
    // rcx: allocated 'empty' number

    // Copy the double value to the new heap number, flipping the sign.
    __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ Set(kScratchRegister, 0x01);
    __ shl(kScratchRegister, Immediate(63));
    __ xor_(rdx, kScratchRegister);  // Flip sign.
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), rdx);
    __ movq(rax, rcx);
  __ ret(0);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberCodeBitNot(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                               Label* slow) {
  // Check if the operand is a heap number.
  __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
  __ j(not_equal, slow);

  // Convert the heap number in rax to an untagged integer in rcx.
  IntegerConvert(masm, rax, rax);

  // Do the bitwise operation and smi tag the result.
  __ notl(rax);
  __ Integer32ToSmi(rax, rax);
  __ ret(0);

// TODO(svenpanne): Use virtual functions instead of switch.
void UnaryOpStub::GenerateGenericStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::SUB:
    case Token::BIT_NOT:

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateGenericStubSub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label non_smi, slow;
  GenerateSmiCodeSub(masm, &non_smi, &slow, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&non_smi);
  GenerateHeapNumberCodeSub(masm, &slow);
  __ bind(&slow);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateGenericStubBitNot(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label non_smi, slow;
  GenerateSmiCodeBitNot(masm, &non_smi, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&non_smi);
  GenerateHeapNumberCodeBitNot(masm, &slow);
  __ bind(&slow);

void UnaryOpStub::GenerateGenericCodeFallback(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Handle the slow case by jumping to the JavaScript builtin.
  __ pop(rcx);  // pop return address
  __ push(rax);
  __ push(rcx);  // push return address
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::SUB:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::UNARY_MINUS, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::BIT_NOT:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_NOT, JUMP_FUNCTION);

void UnaryOpStub::PrintName(StringStream* stream) {
  const char* op_name = Token::Name(op_);
  const char* overwrite_name = NULL;  // Make g++ happy.
  switch (mode_) {
    case UNARY_NO_OVERWRITE: overwrite_name = "Alloc"; break;
    case UNARY_OVERWRITE: overwrite_name = "Overwrite"; break;

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateTypeTransition(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ pop(rcx);  // Save return address.
  __ push(rdx);
  __ push(rax);
  // Left and right arguments are now on top.
  // Push this stub's key. Although the operation and the type info are
  // encoded into the key, the encoding is opaque, so push them too.
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(MinorKey()));
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(op_));
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(operands_type_));

  __ push(rcx);  // Push return address.

  // Patch the caller to an appropriate specialized stub and return the
  // operation result to the caller of the stub.
  __ TailCallExternalReference(

void BinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Explicitly allow generation of nested stubs. It is safe here because
  // generation code does not use any raw pointers.
  AllowStubCallsScope allow_stub_calls(masm, true);

  switch (operands_type_) {
    case BinaryOpIC::UNINITIALIZED:
    case BinaryOpIC::SMI:
    case BinaryOpIC::INT32:
      // The int32 case is identical to the Smi case.  We avoid creating this
      // ic state on x64.
    case BinaryOpIC::HEAP_NUMBER:
    case BinaryOpIC::ODDBALL:
    case BinaryOpIC::BOTH_STRING:
    case BinaryOpIC::STRING:
    case BinaryOpIC::GENERIC:

void BinaryOpStub::PrintName(StringStream* stream) {
  const char* op_name = Token::Name(op_);
  const char* overwrite_name;
  switch (mode_) {
    case NO_OVERWRITE: overwrite_name = "Alloc"; break;
    case OVERWRITE_RIGHT: overwrite_name = "OverwriteRight"; break;
    case OVERWRITE_LEFT: overwrite_name = "OverwriteLeft"; break;
    default: overwrite_name = "UnknownOverwrite"; break;

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    Label* slow,
    SmiCodeGenerateHeapNumberResults allow_heapnumber_results) {

  // Arguments to BinaryOpStub are in rdx and rax.
  Register left = rdx;
  Register right = rax;

  // We only generate heapnumber answers for overflowing calculations
  // for the four basic arithmetic operations and logical right shift by 0.
  bool generate_inline_heapnumber_results =
      (allow_heapnumber_results == ALLOW_HEAPNUMBER_RESULTS) &&
      (op_ == Token::ADD || op_ == Token::SUB ||
       op_ == Token::MUL || op_ == Token::DIV || op_ == Token::SHR);

  // Smi check of both operands.  If op is BIT_OR, the check is delayed
  // until after the OR operation.
  Label not_smis;
  Label use_fp_on_smis;
  Label fail;

  if (op_ != Token::BIT_OR) {
    Comment smi_check_comment(masm, "-- Smi check arguments");
    __ JumpIfNotBothSmi(left, right, &not_smis);

  Label smi_values;
  __ bind(&smi_values);
  // Perform the operation.
  Comment perform_smi(masm, "-- Perform smi operation");
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::ADD:
      __ SmiAdd(right, right, left, &use_fp_on_smis);  // ADD is commutative.

    case Token::SUB:
      __ SmiSub(left, left, right, &use_fp_on_smis);
      __ movq(rax, left);

    case Token::MUL:
      __ SmiMul(right, right, left, &use_fp_on_smis);  // MUL is commutative.

    case Token::DIV:
      // SmiDiv will not accept left in rdx or right in rax.
      left = rcx;
      right = rbx;
      __ movq(rbx, rax);
      __ movq(rcx, rdx);
      __ SmiDiv(rax, left, right, &use_fp_on_smis);

    case Token::MOD:
      // SmiMod will not accept left in rdx or right in rax.
      left = rcx;
      right = rbx;
      __ movq(rbx, rax);
      __ movq(rcx, rdx);
      __ SmiMod(rax, left, right, &use_fp_on_smis);

    case Token::BIT_OR: {
      __ SmiOrIfSmis(right, right, left, &not_smis);  // BIT_OR is commutative.
    case Token::BIT_XOR:
      __ SmiXor(right, right, left);  // BIT_XOR is commutative.

    case Token::BIT_AND:
      __ SmiAnd(right, right, left);  // BIT_AND is commutative.

    case Token::SHL:
      __ SmiShiftLeft(left, left, right);
      __ movq(rax, left);

    case Token::SAR:
      __ SmiShiftArithmeticRight(left, left, right);
      __ movq(rax, left);

    case Token::SHR:
      __ SmiShiftLogicalRight(left, left, right, &use_fp_on_smis);
      __ movq(rax, left);


  // 5. Emit return of result in rax.  Some operations have registers pushed.
  __ ret(0);

  if (use_fp_on_smis.is_linked()) {
    // 6. For some operations emit inline code to perform floating point
    //    operations on known smis (e.g., if the result of the operation
    //    overflowed the smi range).
    __ bind(&use_fp_on_smis);
    if (op_ == Token::DIV || op_ == Token::MOD) {
      // Restore left and right to rdx and rax.
      __ movq(rdx, rcx);
      __ movq(rax, rbx);

    if (generate_inline_heapnumber_results) {
      __ AllocateHeapNumber(rcx, rbx, slow);
      Comment perform_float(masm, "-- Perform float operation on smis");
      if (op_ == Token::SHR) {
        __ SmiToInteger32(left, left);
        __ cvtqsi2sd(xmm0, left);
      } else {
        switch (op_) {
        case Token::ADD: __ addsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        case Token::SUB: __ subsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        case Token::MUL: __ mulsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        case Token::DIV: __ divsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        default: UNREACHABLE();
      __ movsd(FieldOperand(rcx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm0);
      __ movq(rax, rcx);
      __ ret(0);
    } else {
      __ jmp(&fail);

  // 7. Non-smi operands reach the end of the code generated by
  //    GenerateSmiCode, and fall through to subsequent code,
  //    with the operands in rdx and rax.
  //    But first we check if non-smi values are HeapNumbers holding
  //    values that could be smi.
  __ bind(&not_smis);
  Comment done_comment(masm, "-- Enter non-smi code");
  FloatingPointHelper::NumbersToSmis(masm, left, right, rbx, rdi, rcx,
                                     &smi_values, &fail);
  __ jmp(&smi_values);
  __ bind(&fail);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateFloatingPointCode(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                             Label* allocation_failure,
                                             Label* non_numeric_failure) {
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::ADD:
    case Token::SUB:
    case Token::MUL:
    case Token::DIV: {
      FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(masm, non_numeric_failure);

      switch (op_) {
        case Token::ADD: __ addsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        case Token::SUB: __ subsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        case Token::MUL: __ mulsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        case Token::DIV: __ divsd(xmm0, xmm1); break;
        default: UNREACHABLE();
      GenerateHeapResultAllocation(masm, allocation_failure);
      __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm0);
      __ ret(0);
    case Token::MOD: {
      // For MOD we jump to the allocation_failure label, to call runtime.
      __ jmp(allocation_failure);
    case Token::BIT_OR:
    case Token::BIT_AND:
    case Token::BIT_XOR:
    case Token::SAR:
    case Token::SHL:
    case Token::SHR: {
      Label non_smi_shr_result;
      Register heap_number_map = r9;
      __ LoadRoot(heap_number_map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
      FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(masm, non_numeric_failure,
      switch (op_) {
        case Token::BIT_OR:  __ orl(rax, rcx); break;
        case Token::BIT_AND: __ andl(rax, rcx); break;
        case Token::BIT_XOR: __ xorl(rax, rcx); break;
        case Token::SAR: __ sarl_cl(rax); break;
        case Token::SHL: __ shll_cl(rax); break;
        case Token::SHR: {
          __ shrl_cl(rax);
          // Check if result is negative. This can only happen for a shift
          // by zero.
          __ testl(rax, rax);
          __ j(negative, &non_smi_shr_result);
        default: UNREACHABLE();
      STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiValueSize == 32);
      // Tag smi result and return.
      __ Integer32ToSmi(rax, rax);
      __ Ret();

      // Logical shift right can produce an unsigned int32 that is not
      // an int32, and so is not in the smi range.  Allocate a heap number
      // in that case.
      if (op_ == Token::SHR) {
        __ bind(&non_smi_shr_result);
        Label allocation_failed;
        __ movl(rbx, rax);  // rbx holds result value (uint32 value as int64).
        // Allocate heap number in new space.
        // Not using AllocateHeapNumber macro in order to reuse
        // already loaded heap_number_map.
        __ AllocateInNewSpace(HeapNumber::kSize,
        // Set the map.
        if (FLAG_debug_code) {
          __ AbortIfNotRootValue(heap_number_map,
                                 "HeapNumberMap register clobbered.");
        __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
        __ cvtqsi2sd(xmm0, rbx);
        __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm0);
        __ Ret();

        __ bind(&allocation_failed);
        // We need tagged values in rdx and rax for the following code,
        // not int32 in rax and rcx.
        __ Integer32ToSmi(rax, rcx);
        __ Integer32ToSmi(rdx, rbx);
        __ jmp(allocation_failure);
    default: UNREACHABLE(); break;
  // No fall-through from this generated code.
  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    __ Abort("Unexpected fall-through in "

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateStringAddCode(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(op_ == Token::ADD);
  Label left_not_string, call_runtime;

  // Registers containing left and right operands respectively.
  Register left = rdx;
  Register right = rax;

  // Test if left operand is a string.
  __ JumpIfSmi(left, &left_not_string, Label::kNear);
  __ CmpObjectType(left, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(above_equal, &left_not_string, Label::kNear);
  StringAddStub string_add_left_stub(NO_STRING_CHECK_LEFT_IN_STUB);
  __ TailCallStub(&string_add_left_stub);

  // Left operand is not a string, test right.
  __ bind(&left_not_string);
  __ JumpIfSmi(right, &call_runtime, Label::kNear);
  __ CmpObjectType(right, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(above_equal, &call_runtime, Label::kNear);

  StringAddStub string_add_right_stub(NO_STRING_CHECK_RIGHT_IN_STUB);
  __ TailCallStub(&string_add_right_stub);

  // Neither argument is a string.
  __ bind(&call_runtime);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateCallRuntimeCode(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  switch (op_) {
    case Token::ADD:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::ADD, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::SUB:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SUB, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::MUL:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::MUL, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::DIV:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::DIV, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::MOD:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::MOD, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::BIT_OR:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_OR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::BIT_AND:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_AND, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::BIT_XOR:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_XOR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::SAR:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SAR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::SHL:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SHL, JUMP_FUNCTION);
    case Token::SHR:
      __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SHR, JUMP_FUNCTION);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label call_runtime;
  if (result_type_ == BinaryOpIC::UNINITIALIZED ||
      result_type_ == BinaryOpIC::SMI) {
    // Only allow smi results.
    GenerateSmiCode(masm, NULL, NO_HEAPNUMBER_RESULTS);
  } else {
    // Allow heap number result and don't make a transition if a heap number
    // cannot be allocated.
    GenerateSmiCode(masm, &call_runtime, ALLOW_HEAPNUMBER_RESULTS);

  // Code falls through if the result is not returned as either a smi or heap
  // number.

  if (call_runtime.is_linked()) {
    __ bind(&call_runtime);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateStringStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(operands_type_ == BinaryOpIC::STRING);
  ASSERT(op_ == Token::ADD);
  // Try to add arguments as strings, otherwise, transition to the generic
  // BinaryOpIC type.

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateBothStringStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label call_runtime;
  ASSERT(operands_type_ == BinaryOpIC::BOTH_STRING);
  ASSERT(op_ == Token::ADD);
  // If both arguments are strings, call the string add stub.
  // Otherwise, do a transition.

  // Registers containing left and right operands respectively.
  Register left = rdx;
  Register right = rax;

  // Test if left operand is a string.
  __ JumpIfSmi(left, &call_runtime);
  __ CmpObjectType(left, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(above_equal, &call_runtime);

  // Test if right operand is a string.
  __ JumpIfSmi(right, &call_runtime);
  __ CmpObjectType(right, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(above_equal, &call_runtime);

  StringAddStub string_add_stub(NO_STRING_CHECK_IN_STUB);
  __ TailCallStub(&string_add_stub);

  __ bind(&call_runtime);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateOddballStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label call_runtime;

  if (op_ == Token::ADD) {
    // Handle string addition here, because it is the only operation
    // that does not do a ToNumber conversion on the operands.

  // Convert oddball arguments to numbers.
  Label check, done;
  __ CompareRoot(rdx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ j(not_equal, &check, Label::kNear);
  if (Token::IsBitOp(op_)) {
    __ xor_(rdx, rdx);
  } else {
    __ LoadRoot(rdx, Heap::kNanValueRootIndex);
  __ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&check);
  __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ j(not_equal, &done, Label::kNear);
  if (Token::IsBitOp(op_)) {
    __ xor_(rax, rax);
  } else {
    __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kNanValueRootIndex);
  __ bind(&done);


void BinaryOpStub::GenerateHeapNumberStub(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label gc_required, not_number;
  GenerateFloatingPointCode(masm, &gc_required, &not_number);

  __ bind(&not_number);

  __ bind(&gc_required);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label call_runtime, call_string_add_or_runtime;

  GenerateSmiCode(masm, &call_runtime, ALLOW_HEAPNUMBER_RESULTS);

  GenerateFloatingPointCode(masm, &call_runtime, &call_string_add_or_runtime);

  __ bind(&call_string_add_or_runtime);
  if (op_ == Token::ADD) {

  __ bind(&call_runtime);

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateHeapResultAllocation(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                Label* alloc_failure) {
  Label skip_allocation;
  OverwriteMode mode = mode_;
  switch (mode) {
    case OVERWRITE_LEFT: {
      // If the argument in rdx is already an object, we skip the
      // allocation of a heap number.
      __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &skip_allocation);
      // Allocate a heap number for the result. Keep eax and edx intact
      // for the possible runtime call.
      __ AllocateHeapNumber(rbx, rcx, alloc_failure);
      // Now rdx can be overwritten losing one of the arguments as we are
      // now done and will not need it any more.
      __ movq(rdx, rbx);
      __ bind(&skip_allocation);
      // Use object in rdx as a result holder
      __ movq(rax, rdx);
      // If the argument in rax is already an object, we skip the
      // allocation of a heap number.
      __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &skip_allocation);
      // Fall through!
    case NO_OVERWRITE:
      // Allocate a heap number for the result. Keep rax and rdx intact
      // for the possible runtime call.
      __ AllocateHeapNumber(rbx, rcx, alloc_failure);
      // Now rax can be overwritten losing one of the arguments as we are
      // now done and will not need it any more.
      __ movq(rax, rbx);
      __ bind(&skip_allocation);
    default: UNREACHABLE();

void BinaryOpStub::GenerateRegisterArgsPush(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ pop(rcx);
  __ push(rdx);
  __ push(rax);
  __ push(rcx);

void TranscendentalCacheStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // TAGGED case:
  //   Input:
  //     rsp[8]: argument (should be number).
  //     rsp[0]: return address.
  //   Output:
  //     rax: tagged double result.
  // UNTAGGED case:
  //   Input::
  //     rsp[0]: return address.
  //     xmm1: untagged double input argument
  //   Output:
  //     xmm1: untagged double result.

  Label runtime_call;
  Label runtime_call_clear_stack;
  Label skip_cache;
  const bool tagged = (argument_type_ == TAGGED);
  if (tagged) {
    Label input_not_smi, loaded;
    // Test that rax is a number.
    __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kPointerSize));
    __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &input_not_smi, Label::kNear);
    // Input is a smi. Untag and load it onto the FPU stack.
    // Then load the bits of the double into rbx.
    __ SmiToInteger32(rax, rax);
    __ subq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, rax);
    __ movsd(Operand(rsp, 0), xmm1);
    __ movq(rbx, xmm1);
    __ movq(rdx, xmm1);
    __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0));
    __ addq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    __ jmp(&loaded, Label::kNear);

    __ bind(&input_not_smi);
    // Check if input is a HeapNumber.
    __ LoadRoot(rbx, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
    __ cmpq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
    __ j(not_equal, &runtime_call);
    // Input is a HeapNumber. Push it on the FPU stack and load its
    // bits into rbx.
    __ fld_d(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ movq(rdx, rbx);

    __ bind(&loaded);
  } else {  // UNTAGGED.
    __ movq(rbx, xmm1);
    __ movq(rdx, xmm1);

  // ST[0] == double value, if TAGGED.
  // rbx = bits of double value.
  // rdx = also bits of double value.
  // Compute hash (h is 32 bits, bits are 64 and the shifts are arithmetic):
  //   h = h0 = bits ^ (bits >> 32);
  //   h ^= h >> 16;
  //   h ^= h >> 8;
  //   h = h & (cacheSize - 1);
  // or h = (h0 ^ (h0 >> 8) ^ (h0 >> 16) ^ (h0 >> 24)) & (cacheSize - 1)
  __ sar(rdx, Immediate(32));
  __ xorl(rdx, rbx);
  __ movl(rcx, rdx);
  __ movl(rax, rdx);
  __ movl(rdi, rdx);
  __ sarl(rdx, Immediate(8));
  __ sarl(rcx, Immediate(16));
  __ sarl(rax, Immediate(24));
  __ xorl(rcx, rdx);
  __ xorl(rax, rdi);
  __ xorl(rcx, rax);
  __ andl(rcx, Immediate(TranscendentalCache::SubCache::kCacheSize - 1));

  // ST[0] == double value.
  // rbx = bits of double value.
  // rcx = TranscendentalCache::hash(double value).
  ExternalReference cache_array =
  __ movq(rax, cache_array);
  int cache_array_index =
      type_ * sizeof(Isolate::Current()->transcendental_cache()->caches_[0]);
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rax, cache_array_index));
  // rax points to the cache for the type type_.
  // If NULL, the cache hasn't been initialized yet, so go through runtime.
  __ testq(rax, rax);
  __ j(zero, &runtime_call_clear_stack);  // Only clears stack if TAGGED.
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Check that the layout of cache elements match expectations.
  {  // NOLINT - doesn't like a single brace on a line.
    TranscendentalCache::SubCache::Element test_elem[2];
    char* elem_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&test_elem[0]);
    char* elem2_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&test_elem[1]);
    char* elem_in0  = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(test_elem[0].in[0]));
    char* elem_in1  = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(test_elem[0].in[1]));
    char* elem_out = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(test_elem[0].output));
    // Two uint_32's and a pointer per element.
    CHECK_EQ(16, static_cast<int>(elem2_start - elem_start));
    CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(elem_in0 - elem_start));
    CHECK_EQ(kIntSize, static_cast<int>(elem_in1 - elem_start));
    CHECK_EQ(2 * kIntSize, static_cast<int>(elem_out - elem_start));
  // Find the address of the rcx'th entry in the cache, i.e., &rax[rcx*16].
  __ addl(rcx, rcx);
  __ lea(rcx, Operand(rax, rcx, times_8, 0));
  // Check if cache matches: Double value is stored in uint32_t[2] array.
  Label cache_miss;
  __ cmpq(rbx, Operand(rcx, 0));
  __ j(not_equal, &cache_miss, Label::kNear);
  // Cache hit!
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->transcendental_cache_hit(), 1);
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rcx, 2 * kIntSize));
  if (tagged) {
    __ fstp(0);  // Clear FPU stack.
    __ ret(kPointerSize);
  } else {  // UNTAGGED.
    __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ Ret();

  __ bind(&cache_miss);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->transcendental_cache_miss(), 1);
  // Update cache with new value.
  if (tagged) {
  __ AllocateHeapNumber(rax, rdi, &runtime_call_clear_stack);
  } else {  // UNTAGGED.
    __ AllocateHeapNumber(rax, rdi, &skip_cache);
    __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm1);
    __ fld_d(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  GenerateOperation(masm, type_);
  __ movq(Operand(rcx, 0), rbx);
  __ movq(Operand(rcx, 2 * kIntSize), rax);
  __ fstp_d(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  if (tagged) {
    __ ret(kPointerSize);
  } else {  // UNTAGGED.
    __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ Ret();

    // Skip cache and return answer directly, only in untagged case.
    __ bind(&skip_cache);
    __ subq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    __ movsd(Operand(rsp, 0), xmm1);
    __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0));
    GenerateOperation(masm, type_);
    __ fstp_d(Operand(rsp, 0));
    __ movsd(xmm1, Operand(rsp, 0));
    __ addq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    // We return the value in xmm1 without adding it to the cache, but
    // we cause a scavenging GC so that future allocations will succeed.
      FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
      // Allocate an unused object bigger than a HeapNumber.
      __ Push(Smi::FromInt(2 * kDoubleSize));
      __ CallRuntimeSaveDoubles(Runtime::kAllocateInNewSpace);
    __ Ret();

  // Call runtime, doing whatever allocation and cleanup is necessary.
  if (tagged) {
    __ bind(&runtime_call_clear_stack);
    __ fstp(0);
    __ bind(&runtime_call);
    __ TailCallExternalReference(
        ExternalReference(RuntimeFunction(), masm->isolate()), 1, 1);
  } else {  // UNTAGGED.
    __ bind(&runtime_call_clear_stack);
    __ bind(&runtime_call);
    __ AllocateHeapNumber(rax, rdi, &skip_cache);
    __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm1);
      FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
      __ push(rax);
      __ CallRuntime(RuntimeFunction(), 1);
    __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ Ret();

Runtime::FunctionId TranscendentalCacheStub::RuntimeFunction() {
  switch (type_) {
    // Add more cases when necessary.
    case TranscendentalCache::SIN: return Runtime::kMath_sin;
    case TranscendentalCache::COS: return Runtime::kMath_cos;
    case TranscendentalCache::TAN: return Runtime::kMath_tan;
    case TranscendentalCache::LOG: return Runtime::kMath_log;
      return Runtime::kAbort;

void TranscendentalCacheStub::GenerateOperation(
    MacroAssembler* masm, TranscendentalCache::Type type) {
  // Registers:
  // rax: Newly allocated HeapNumber, which must be preserved.
  // rbx: Bits of input double. Must be preserved.
  // rcx: Pointer to cache entry. Must be preserved.
  // st(0): Input double
  Label done;
  if (type == TranscendentalCache::SIN ||
      type == TranscendentalCache::COS ||
      type == TranscendentalCache::TAN) {
    // Both fsin and fcos require arguments in the range +/-2^63 and
    // return NaN for infinities and NaN. They can share all code except
    // the actual fsin/fcos operation.
    Label in_range;
    // If argument is outside the range -2^63..2^63, fsin/cos doesn't
    // work. We must reduce it to the appropriate range.
    __ movq(rdi, rbx);
    // Move exponent and sign bits to low bits.
    __ shr(rdi, Immediate(HeapNumber::kMantissaBits));
    // Remove sign bit.
    __ andl(rdi, Immediate((1 << HeapNumber::kExponentBits) - 1));
    int supported_exponent_limit = (63 + HeapNumber::kExponentBias);
    __ cmpl(rdi, Immediate(supported_exponent_limit));
    __ j(below, &in_range);
    // Check for infinity and NaN. Both return NaN for sin.
    __ cmpl(rdi, Immediate(0x7ff));
    Label non_nan_result;
    __ j(not_equal, &non_nan_result, Label::kNear);
    // Input is +/-Infinity or NaN. Result is NaN.
    __ fstp(0);
    // NaN is represented by 0x7ff8000000000000.
    __ subq(rsp, Immediate(kPointerSize));
    __ movl(Operand(rsp, 4), Immediate(0x7ff80000));
    __ movl(Operand(rsp, 0), Immediate(0x00000000));
    __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0));
    __ addq(rsp, Immediate(kPointerSize));
    __ jmp(&done);

    __ bind(&non_nan_result);

    // Use fpmod to restrict argument to the range +/-2*PI.
    __ movq(rdi, rax);  // Save rax before using fnstsw_ax.
    __ fldpi();
    __ fadd(0);
    __ fld(1);
    // FPU Stack: input, 2*pi, input.
      Label no_exceptions;
      __ fwait();
      __ fnstsw_ax();
      // Clear if Illegal Operand or Zero Division exceptions are set.
      __ testl(rax, Immediate(5));  // #IO and #ZD flags of FPU status word.
      __ j(zero, &no_exceptions);
      __ fnclex();
      __ bind(&no_exceptions);

    // Compute st(0) % st(1)
      Label partial_remainder_loop;
      __ bind(&partial_remainder_loop);
      __ fprem1();
      __ fwait();
      __ fnstsw_ax();
      __ testl(rax, Immediate(0x400));  // Check C2 bit of FPU status word.
      // If C2 is set, computation only has partial result. Loop to
      // continue computation.
      __ j(not_zero, &partial_remainder_loop);
    // FPU Stack: input, 2*pi, input % 2*pi
    __ fstp(2);
    // FPU Stack: input % 2*pi, 2*pi,
    __ fstp(0);
    // FPU Stack: input % 2*pi
    __ movq(rax, rdi);  // Restore rax, pointer to the new HeapNumber.
    __ bind(&in_range);
    switch (type) {
      case TranscendentalCache::SIN:
        __ fsin();
      case TranscendentalCache::COS:
        __ fcos();
      case TranscendentalCache::TAN:
        // FPTAN calculates tangent onto st(0) and pushes 1.0 onto the
        // FP register stack.
        __ fptan();
        __ fstp(0);  // Pop FP register stack.
    __ bind(&done);
  } else {
    ASSERT(type == TranscendentalCache::LOG);
    __ fldln2();
    __ fxch();
    __ fyl2x();

// Input: rdx, rax are the left and right objects of a bit op.
// Output: rax, rcx are left and right integers for a bit op.
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadNumbersAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Check float operands.
  Label done;
  Label rax_is_smi;
  Label rax_is_object;
  Label rdx_is_object;

  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &rdx_is_object);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx);
  __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &rax_is_smi);

  __ bind(&rax_is_object);
  IntegerConvert(masm, rcx, rax);  // Uses rdi, rcx and rbx.
  __ jmp(&done);

  __ bind(&rdx_is_object);
  IntegerConvert(masm, rdx, rdx);  // Uses rdi, rcx and rbx.
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &rax_is_object);
  __ bind(&rax_is_smi);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rax);

  __ bind(&done);
  __ movl(rax, rdx);

// Input: rdx, rax are the left and right objects of a bit op.
// Output: rax, rcx are left and right integers for a bit op.
// Jump to conversion_failure: rdx and rax are unchanged.
void FloatingPointHelper::LoadAsIntegers(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                         Label* conversion_failure,
                                         Register heap_number_map) {
  // Check float operands.
  Label arg1_is_object, check_undefined_arg1;
  Label arg2_is_object, check_undefined_arg2;
  Label load_arg2, done;

  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &arg1_is_object);
  __ SmiToInteger32(r8, rdx);
  __ jmp(&load_arg2);

  // If the argument is undefined it converts to zero (ECMA-262, section 9.5).
  __ bind(&check_undefined_arg1);
  __ CompareRoot(rdx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ j(not_equal, conversion_failure);
  __ Set(r8, 0);
  __ jmp(&load_arg2);

  __ bind(&arg1_is_object);
  __ cmpq(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), heap_number_map);
  __ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg1);
  // Get the untagged integer version of the rdx heap number in rcx.
  IntegerConvert(masm, r8, rdx);

  // Here r8 has the untagged integer, rax has a Smi or a heap number.
  __ bind(&load_arg2);
  // Test if arg2 is a Smi.
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &arg2_is_object);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rax);
  __ jmp(&done);

  // If the argument is undefined it converts to zero (ECMA-262, section 9.5).
  __ bind(&check_undefined_arg2);
  __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ j(not_equal, conversion_failure);
  __ Set(rcx, 0);
  __ jmp(&done);

  __ bind(&arg2_is_object);
  __ cmpq(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), heap_number_map);
  __ j(not_equal, &check_undefined_arg2);
  // Get the untagged integer version of the rax heap number in rcx.
  IntegerConvert(masm, rcx, rax);
  __ bind(&done);
  __ movl(rax, r8);

void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2SmiOperands(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rdx);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm0, kScratchRegister);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rax);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, kScratchRegister);

void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2NumberOperands(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label load_smi_rdx, load_nonsmi_rax, load_smi_rax, done;
  // Load operand in rdx into xmm0.
  __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &load_smi_rdx);
  __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  // Load operand in rax into xmm1.
  __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &load_smi_rax);
  __ bind(&load_nonsmi_rax);
  __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  __ jmp(&done);

  __ bind(&load_smi_rdx);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rdx);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm0, kScratchRegister);
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &load_nonsmi_rax);

  __ bind(&load_smi_rax);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rax);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, kScratchRegister);

  __ bind(&done);

void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                  Label* not_numbers) {
  Label load_smi_rdx, load_nonsmi_rax, load_smi_rax, load_float_rax, done;
  // Load operand in rdx into xmm0, or branch to not_numbers.
  __ LoadRoot(rcx, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);
  __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &load_smi_rdx);
  __ cmpq(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, not_numbers);  // Argument in rdx is not a number.
  __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  // Load operand in rax into xmm1, or branch to not_numbers.
  __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &load_smi_rax);

  __ bind(&load_nonsmi_rax);
  __ cmpq(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, not_numbers);
  __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  __ jmp(&done);

  __ bind(&load_smi_rdx);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rdx);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm0, kScratchRegister);
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &load_nonsmi_rax);

  __ bind(&load_smi_rax);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rax);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, kScratchRegister);
  __ bind(&done);

void FloatingPointHelper::NumbersToSmis(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                        Register first,
                                        Register second,
                                        Register scratch1,
                                        Register scratch2,
                                        Register scratch3,
                                        Label* on_success,
                                        Label* on_not_smis)   {
  Register heap_number_map = scratch3;
  Register smi_result = scratch1;
  Label done;

  __ LoadRoot(heap_number_map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex);

  Label first_smi;
  __ JumpIfSmi(first, &first_smi, Label::kNear);
  __ cmpq(FieldOperand(first, HeapObject::kMapOffset), heap_number_map);
  __ j(not_equal, on_not_smis);
  // Convert HeapNumber to smi if possible.
  __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(first, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  __ movq(scratch2, xmm0);
  __ cvttsd2siq(smi_result, xmm0);
  // Check if conversion was successful by converting back and
  // comparing to the original double's bits.
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, smi_result);
  __ movq(kScratchRegister, xmm1);
  __ cmpq(scratch2, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(not_equal, on_not_smis);
  __ Integer32ToSmi(first, smi_result);

  __ JumpIfSmi(second, (on_success != NULL) ? on_success : &done);
  __ bind(&first_smi);
  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    // Second should be non-smi if we get here.
    __ AbortIfSmi(second);
  __ cmpq(FieldOperand(second, HeapObject::kMapOffset), heap_number_map);
  __ j(not_equal, on_not_smis);
  // Convert second to smi, if possible.
  __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(second, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  __ movq(scratch2, xmm0);
  __ cvttsd2siq(smi_result, xmm0);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, smi_result);
  __ movq(kScratchRegister, xmm1);
  __ cmpq(scratch2, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(not_equal, on_not_smis);
  __ Integer32ToSmi(second, smi_result);
  if (on_success != NULL) {
    __ jmp(on_success);
  } else {
    __ bind(&done);

void MathPowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Choose register conforming to calling convention (when bailing out).
#ifdef _WIN64
  const Register exponent = rdx;
  const Register exponent = rdi;
  const Register base = rax;
  const Register scratch = rcx;
  const XMMRegister double_result = xmm3;
  const XMMRegister double_base = xmm2;
  const XMMRegister double_exponent = xmm1;
  const XMMRegister double_scratch = xmm4;

  Label call_runtime, done, exponent_not_smi, int_exponent;

  // Save 1 in double_result - we need this several times later on.
  __ movq(scratch, Immediate(1));
  __ cvtlsi2sd(double_result, scratch);

  if (exponent_type_ == ON_STACK) {
    Label base_is_smi, unpack_exponent;
    // The exponent and base are supplied as arguments on the stack.
    // This can only happen if the stub is called from non-optimized code.
    // Load input parameters from stack.
    __ movq(base, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
    __ movq(exponent, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
    __ JumpIfSmi(base, &base_is_smi, Label::kNear);
    __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(base, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
    __ j(not_equal, &call_runtime);

    __ movsd(double_base, FieldOperand(base, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ jmp(&unpack_exponent, Label::kNear);

    __ bind(&base_is_smi);
    __ SmiToInteger32(base, base);
    __ cvtlsi2sd(double_base, base);
    __ bind(&unpack_exponent);

    __ JumpIfNotSmi(exponent, &exponent_not_smi, Label::kNear);
    __ SmiToInteger32(exponent, exponent);
    __ jmp(&int_exponent);

    __ bind(&exponent_not_smi);
    __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(exponent, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
    __ j(not_equal, &call_runtime);
    __ movsd(double_exponent, FieldOperand(exponent, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  } else if (exponent_type_ == TAGGED) {
    __ JumpIfNotSmi(exponent, &exponent_not_smi, Label::kNear);
    __ SmiToInteger32(exponent, exponent);
    __ jmp(&int_exponent);

    __ bind(&exponent_not_smi);
    __ movsd(double_exponent, FieldOperand(exponent, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));

  if (exponent_type_ != INTEGER) {
    Label fast_power;
    // Detect integer exponents stored as double.
    __ cvttsd2si(exponent, double_exponent);
    // Skip to runtime if possibly NaN (indicated by the indefinite integer).
    __ cmpl(exponent, Immediate(0x80000000u));
    __ j(equal, &call_runtime);
    __ cvtlsi2sd(double_scratch, exponent);
    // Already ruled out NaNs for exponent.
    __ ucomisd(double_exponent, double_scratch);
    __ j(equal, &int_exponent);

    if (exponent_type_ == ON_STACK) {
      // Detect square root case.  Crankshaft detects constant +/-0.5 at
      // compile time and uses DoMathPowHalf instead.  We then skip this check
      // for non-constant cases of +/-0.5 as these hardly occur.
      Label continue_sqrt, continue_rsqrt, not_plus_half;
      // Test for 0.5.
      // Load double_scratch with 0.5.
      __ movq(scratch, V8_UINT64_C(0x3FE0000000000000), RelocInfo::NONE);
      __ movq(double_scratch, scratch);
      // Already ruled out NaNs for exponent.
      __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_exponent);
      __ j(not_equal, &not_plus_half, Label::kNear);

      // Calculates square root of base.  Check for the special case of
      // Math.pow(-Infinity, 0.5) == Infinity (ECMA spec,
      // According to IEEE-754, double-precision -Infinity has the highest
      // 12 bits set and the lowest 52 bits cleared.
      __ movq(scratch, V8_UINT64_C(0xFFF0000000000000), RelocInfo::NONE);
      __ movq(double_scratch, scratch);
      __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_base);
      // Comparing -Infinity with NaN results in "unordered", which sets the
      // zero flag as if both were equal.  However, it also sets the carry flag.
      __ j(not_equal, &continue_sqrt, Label::kNear);
      __ j(carry, &continue_sqrt, Label::kNear);

      // Set result to Infinity in the special case.
      __ xorps(double_result, double_result);
      __ subsd(double_result, double_scratch);
      __ jmp(&done);

      __ bind(&continue_sqrt);
      // sqrtsd returns -0 when input is -0.  ECMA spec requires +0.
      __ xorps(double_scratch, double_scratch);
      __ addsd(double_scratch, double_base);  // Convert -0 to 0.
      __ sqrtsd(double_result, double_scratch);
      __ jmp(&done);

      // Test for -0.5.
      __ bind(&not_plus_half);
      // Load double_scratch with -0.5 by substracting 1.
      __ subsd(double_scratch, double_result);
      // Already ruled out NaNs for exponent.
      __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_exponent);
      __ j(not_equal, &fast_power, Label::kNear);

      // Calculates reciprocal of square root of base.  Check for the special
      // case of Math.pow(-Infinity, -0.5) == 0 (ECMA spec,
      // According to IEEE-754, double-precision -Infinity has the highest
      // 12 bits set and the lowest 52 bits cleared.
      __ movq(scratch, V8_UINT64_C(0xFFF0000000000000), RelocInfo::NONE);
      __ movq(double_scratch, scratch);
      __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_base);
      // Comparing -Infinity with NaN results in "unordered", which sets the
      // zero flag as if both were equal.  However, it also sets the carry flag.
      __ j(not_equal, &continue_rsqrt, Label::kNear);
      __ j(carry, &continue_rsqrt, Label::kNear);

      // Set result to 0 in the special case.
      __ xorps(double_result, double_result);
      __ jmp(&done);

      __ bind(&continue_rsqrt);
      // sqrtsd returns -0 when input is -0.  ECMA spec requires +0.
      __ xorps(double_exponent, double_exponent);
      __ addsd(double_exponent, double_base);  // Convert -0 to +0.
      __ sqrtsd(double_exponent, double_exponent);
      __ divsd(double_result, double_exponent);
      __ jmp(&done);

    // Using FPU instructions to calculate power.
    Label fast_power_failed;
    __ bind(&fast_power);
    __ fnclex();  // Clear flags to catch exceptions later.
    // Transfer (B)ase and (E)xponent onto the FPU register stack.
    __ subq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    __ movsd(Operand(rsp, 0), double_exponent);
    __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0));  // E
    __ movsd(Operand(rsp, 0), double_base);
    __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0));  // B, E

    // Exponent is in st(1) and base is in st(0)
    // B ^ E = (2^(E * log2(B)) - 1) + 1 = (2^X - 1) + 1 for X = E * log2(B)
    // FYL2X calculates st(1) * log2(st(0))
    __ fyl2x();    // X
    __ fld(0);     // X, X
    __ frndint();  // rnd(X), X
    __ fsub(1);    // rnd(X), X-rnd(X)
    __ fxch(1);    // X - rnd(X), rnd(X)
    // F2XM1 calculates 2^st(0) - 1 for -1 < st(0) < 1
    __ f2xm1();    // 2^(X-rnd(X)) - 1, rnd(X)
    __ fld1();     // 1, 2^(X-rnd(X)) - 1, rnd(X)
    __ faddp(1);   // 1, 2^(X-rnd(X)), rnd(X)
    // FSCALE calculates st(0) * 2^st(1)
    __ fscale();   // 2^X, rnd(X)
    __ fstp(1);
    // Bail out to runtime in case of exceptions in the status word.
    __ fnstsw_ax();
    __ testb(rax, Immediate(0x5F));  // Check for all but precision exception.
    __ j(not_zero, &fast_power_failed, Label::kNear);
    __ fstp_d(Operand(rsp, 0));
    __ movsd(double_result, Operand(rsp, 0));
    __ addq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    __ jmp(&done);

    __ bind(&fast_power_failed);
    __ fninit();
    __ addq(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize));
    __ jmp(&call_runtime);

  // Calculate power with integer exponent.
  __ bind(&int_exponent);
  const XMMRegister double_scratch2 = double_exponent;
  // Back up exponent as we need to check if exponent is negative later.
  __ movq(scratch, exponent);  // Back up exponent.
  __ movsd(double_scratch, double_base);  // Back up base.
  __ movsd(double_scratch2, double_result);  // Load double_exponent with 1.

  // Get absolute value of exponent.
  Label no_neg, while_true, no_multiply;
  __ testl(scratch, scratch);
  __ j(positive, &no_neg, Label::kNear);
  __ negl(scratch);
  __ bind(&no_neg);

  __ bind(&while_true);
  __ shrl(scratch, Immediate(1));
  __ j(not_carry, &no_multiply, Label::kNear);
  __ mulsd(double_result, double_scratch);
  __ bind(&no_multiply);

  __ mulsd(double_scratch, double_scratch);
  __ j(not_zero, &while_true);

  // If the exponent is negative, return 1/result.
  __ testl(exponent, exponent);
  __ j(greater, &done);
  __ divsd(double_scratch2, double_result);
  __ movsd(double_result, double_scratch2);
  // Test whether result is zero.  Bail out to check for subnormal result.
  // Due to subnormals, x^-y == (1/x)^y does not hold in all cases.
  __ xorps(double_scratch2, double_scratch2);
  __ ucomisd(double_scratch2, double_result);
  // double_exponent aliased as double_scratch2 has already been overwritten
  // and may not have contained the exponent value in the first place when the
  // input was a smi.  We reset it with exponent value before bailing out.
  __ j(not_equal, &done);
  __ cvtlsi2sd(double_exponent, exponent);

  // Returning or bailing out.
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  if (exponent_type_ == ON_STACK) {
    // The arguments are still on the stack.
    __ bind(&call_runtime);
    __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kMath_pow_cfunction, 2, 1);

    // The stub is called from non-optimized code, which expects the result
    // as heap number in eax.
    __ bind(&done);
    __ AllocateHeapNumber(rax, rcx, &call_runtime);
    __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), double_result);
    __ IncrementCounter(counters->math_pow(), 1);
    __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
  } else {
    __ bind(&call_runtime);
    // Move base to the correct argument register.  Exponent is already in xmm1.
    __ movsd(xmm0, double_base);
      AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
      __ PrepareCallCFunction(2);
      __ CallCFunction(
          ExternalReference::power_double_double_function(masm->isolate()), 2);
    // Return value is in xmm0.
    __ movsd(double_result, xmm0);
    // Restore context register.
    __ movq(rsi, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));

    __ bind(&done);
    __ IncrementCounter(counters->math_pow(), 1);
    __ ret(0);

void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // The key is in rdx and the parameter count is in rax.

  // The displacement is used for skipping the frame pointer on the
  // stack. It is the offset of the last parameter (if any) relative
  // to the frame pointer.
  static const int kDisplacement = 1 * kPointerSize;

  // Check that the key is a smi.
  Label slow;
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &slow);

  // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame.  We look at the
  // context offset, and if the frame is not a regular one, then we find a
  // Smi instead of the context.  We can't use SmiCompare here, because that
  // only works for comparing two smis.
  Label adaptor;
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset));
  __ Cmp(Operand(rbx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset),
  __ j(equal, &adaptor);

  // Check index against formal parameters count limit passed in
  // through register rax. Use unsigned comparison to get negative
  // check for free.
  __ cmpq(rdx, rax);
  __ j(above_equal, &slow);

  // Read the argument from the stack and return it.
  SmiIndex index = masm->SmiToIndex(rax, rax, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ lea(rbx, Operand(rbp, index.reg, index.scale, 0));
  index = masm->SmiToNegativeIndex(rdx, rdx, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rbx, index.reg, index.scale, kDisplacement));
  __ Ret();

  // Arguments adaptor case: Check index against actual arguments
  // limit found in the arguments adaptor frame. Use unsigned
  // comparison to get negative check for free.
  __ bind(&adaptor);
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rbx, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset));
  __ cmpq(rdx, rcx);
  __ j(above_equal, &slow);

  // Read the argument from the stack and return it.
  index = masm->SmiToIndex(rax, rcx, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ lea(rbx, Operand(rbx, index.reg, index.scale, 0));
  index = masm->SmiToNegativeIndex(rdx, rdx, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rbx, index.reg, index.scale, kDisplacement));
  __ Ret();

  // Slow-case: Handle non-smi or out-of-bounds access to arguments
  // by calling the runtime system.
  __ bind(&slow);
  __ pop(rbx);  // Return address.
  __ push(rdx);
  __ push(rbx);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kGetArgumentsProperty, 1, 1);

void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewNonStrictFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Stack layout:
  //  rsp[0] : return address
  //  rsp[8] : number of parameters (tagged)
  //  rsp[16] : receiver displacement
  //  rsp[24] : function
  // Registers used over the whole function:
  //  rbx: the mapped parameter count (untagged)
  //  rax: the allocated object (tagged).

  Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();

  __ SmiToInteger64(rbx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
  // rbx = parameter count (untagged)

  // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame.
  Label runtime;
  Label adaptor_frame, try_allocate;
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset));
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rdx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
  __ Cmp(rcx, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR));
  __ j(equal, &adaptor_frame);

  // No adaptor, parameter count = argument count.
  __ movq(rcx, rbx);
  __ jmp(&try_allocate, Label::kNear);

  // We have an adaptor frame. Patch the parameters pointer.
  __ bind(&adaptor_frame);
  __ SmiToInteger64(rcx,
  __ lea(rdx, Operand(rdx, rcx, times_pointer_size,
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize), rdx);

  // rbx = parameter count (untagged)
  // rcx = argument count (untagged)
  // Compute the mapped parameter count = min(rbx, rcx) in rbx.
  __ cmpq(rbx, rcx);
  __ j(less_equal, &try_allocate, Label::kNear);
  __ movq(rbx, rcx);

  __ bind(&try_allocate);

  // Compute the sizes of backing store, parameter map, and arguments object.
  // 1. Parameter map, has 2 extra words containing context and backing store.
  const int kParameterMapHeaderSize =
      FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 2 * kPointerSize;
  Label no_parameter_map;
  __ xor_(r8, r8);
  __ testq(rbx, rbx);
  __ j(zero, &no_parameter_map, Label::kNear);
  __ lea(r8, Operand(rbx, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize));
  __ bind(&no_parameter_map);

  // 2. Backing store.
  __ lea(r8, Operand(r8, rcx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));

  // 3. Arguments object.
  __ addq(r8, Immediate(Heap::kArgumentsObjectSize));

  // Do the allocation of all three objects in one go.
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(r8, rax, rdx, rdi, &runtime, TAG_OBJECT);

  // rax = address of new object(s) (tagged)
  // rcx = argument count (untagged)
  // Get the arguments boilerplate from the current (global) context into rdi.
  Label has_mapped_parameters, copy;
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_INDEX)));
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, GlobalObject::kGlobalContextOffset));
  __ testq(rbx, rbx);
  __ j(not_zero, &has_mapped_parameters, Label::kNear);

  const int kIndex = Context::ARGUMENTS_BOILERPLATE_INDEX;
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rdi, Context::SlotOffset(kIndex)));
  __ jmp(&copy, Label::kNear);

  const int kAliasedIndex = Context::ALIASED_ARGUMENTS_BOILERPLATE_INDEX;
  __ bind(&has_mapped_parameters);
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rdi, Context::SlotOffset(kAliasedIndex)));
  __ bind(&copy);

  // rax = address of new object (tagged)
  // rbx = mapped parameter count (untagged)
  // rcx = argument count (untagged)
  // rdi = address of boilerplate object (tagged)
  // Copy the JS object part.
  for (int i = 0; i < JSObject::kHeaderSize; i += kPointerSize) {
    __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rdi, i));
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, i), rdx);

  // Set up the callee in-object property.
  STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kArgumentsCalleeIndex == 1);
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 3 * kPointerSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kHeaderSize +
                       Heap::kArgumentsCalleeIndex * kPointerSize),

  // Use the length (smi tagged) and set that as an in-object property too.
  // Note: rcx is tagged from here on.
  STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex == 0);
  __ Integer32ToSmi(rcx, rcx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kHeaderSize +
                       Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex * kPointerSize),

  // Set up the elements pointer in the allocated arguments object.
  // If we allocated a parameter map, edi will point there, otherwise to the
  // backing store.
  __ lea(rdi, Operand(rax, Heap::kArgumentsObjectSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rdi);

  // rax = address of new object (tagged)
  // rbx = mapped parameter count (untagged)
  // rcx = argument count (tagged)
  // rdi = address of parameter map or backing store (tagged)

  // Initialize parameter map. If there are no mapped arguments, we're done.
  Label skip_parameter_map;
  __ testq(rbx, rbx);
  __ j(zero, &skip_parameter_map);

  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kNonStrictArgumentsElementsMapRootIndex);
  // rbx contains the untagged argument count. Add 2 and tag to write.
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister);
  __ Integer64PlusConstantToSmi(r9, rbx, 2);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), r9);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 0 * kPointerSize), rsi);
  __ lea(r9, Operand(rdi, rbx, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 1 * kPointerSize), r9);

  // Copy the parameter slots and the holes in the arguments.
  // We need to fill in mapped_parameter_count slots. They index the context,
  // where parameters are stored in reverse order, at
  //   MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS .. MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS+parameter_count-1
  // The mapped parameter thus need to get indices
  //   MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS+parameter_count-1 ..
  //       MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS+parameter_count-mapped_parameter_count
  // We loop from right to left.
  Label parameters_loop, parameters_test;

  // Load tagged parameter count into r9.
  __ Integer32ToSmi(r9, rbx);
  __ Move(r8, Smi::FromInt(Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS));
  __ addq(r8, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
  __ subq(r8, r9);
  __ Move(r11, factory->the_hole_value());
  __ movq(rdx, rdi);
  __ lea(rdi, Operand(rdi, rbx, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize));
  // r9 = loop variable (tagged)
  // r8 = mapping index (tagged)
  // r11 = the hole value
  // rdx = address of parameter map (tagged)
  // rdi = address of backing store (tagged)
  __ jmp(&parameters_test, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&parameters_loop);
  __ SmiSubConstant(r9, r9, Smi::FromInt(1));
  __ SmiToInteger64(kScratchRegister, r9);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdx, kScratchRegister,
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, kScratchRegister,
  __ SmiAddConstant(r8, r8, Smi::FromInt(1));
  __ bind(&parameters_test);
  __ SmiTest(r9);
  __ j(not_zero, &parameters_loop, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&skip_parameter_map);

  // rcx = argument count (tagged)
  // rdi = address of backing store (tagged)
  // Copy arguments header and remaining slots (if there are any).
  __ Move(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kMapOffset),
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), rcx);

  Label arguments_loop, arguments_test;
  __ movq(r8, rbx);
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
  // Untag rcx for the loop below.
  __ SmiToInteger64(rcx, rcx);
  __ lea(kScratchRegister, Operand(r8, times_pointer_size, 0));
  __ subq(rdx, kScratchRegister);
  __ jmp(&arguments_test, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&arguments_loop);
  __ subq(rdx, Immediate(kPointerSize));
  __ movq(r9, Operand(rdx, 0));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, r8,
  __ addq(r8, Immediate(1));

  __ bind(&arguments_test);
  __ cmpq(r8, rcx);
  __ j(less, &arguments_loop, Label::kNear);

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameters.
  __ ret(3 * kPointerSize);

  // Do the runtime call to allocate the arguments object.
  // rcx = argument count (untagged)
  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ Integer32ToSmi(rcx, rcx);
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize), rcx);  // Patch argument count.
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewStrictArgumentsFast, 3, 1);

void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewNonStrictSlow(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // esp[0] : return address
  // esp[8] : number of parameters
  // esp[16] : receiver displacement
  // esp[24] : function

  // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame.
  Label runtime;
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset));
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rdx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
  __ Cmp(rcx, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR));
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);

  // Patch the arguments.length and the parameters pointer.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rdx, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset));
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize), rcx);
  __ SmiToInteger64(rcx, rcx);
  __ lea(rdx, Operand(rdx, rcx, times_pointer_size,
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize), rdx);

  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewArgumentsFast, 3, 1);

void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewStrict(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // rsp[0] : return address
  // rsp[8] : number of parameters
  // rsp[16] : receiver displacement
  // rsp[24] : function

  // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame.
  Label adaptor_frame, try_allocate, runtime;
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset));
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rdx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
  __ Cmp(rcx, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR));
  __ j(equal, &adaptor_frame);

  // Get the length from the frame.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
  __ SmiToInteger64(rcx, rcx);
  __ jmp(&try_allocate);

  // Patch the arguments.length and the parameters pointer.
  __ bind(&adaptor_frame);
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rdx, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset));
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize), rcx);
  __ SmiToInteger64(rcx, rcx);
  __ lea(rdx, Operand(rdx, rcx, times_pointer_size,
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize), rdx);

  // Try the new space allocation. Start out with computing the size of
  // the arguments object and the elements array.
  Label add_arguments_object;
  __ bind(&try_allocate);
  __ testq(rcx, rcx);
  __ j(zero, &add_arguments_object, Label::kNear);
  __ lea(rcx, Operand(rcx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
  __ bind(&add_arguments_object);
  __ addq(rcx, Immediate(Heap::kArgumentsObjectSizeStrict));

  // Do the allocation of both objects in one go.
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(rcx, rax, rdx, rbx, &runtime, TAG_OBJECT);

  // Get the arguments boilerplate from the current (global) context.
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_INDEX)));
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, GlobalObject::kGlobalContextOffset));
  const int offset =
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rdi, offset));

  // Copy the JS object part.
  for (int i = 0; i < JSObject::kHeaderSize; i += kPointerSize) {
    __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, i));
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, i), rbx);

  // Get the length (smi tagged) and set that as an in-object property too.
  STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex == 0);
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kHeaderSize +
                       Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex * kPointerSize),

  // If there are no actual arguments, we're done.
  Label done;
  __ testq(rcx, rcx);
  __ j(zero, &done);

  // Get the parameters pointer from the stack.
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));

  // Set up the elements pointer in the allocated arguments object and
  // initialize the header in the elements fixed array.
  __ lea(rdi, Operand(rax, Heap::kArgumentsObjectSizeStrict));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rdi);
  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister);

  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), rcx);
  // Untag the length for the loop below.
  __ SmiToInteger64(rcx, rcx);

  // Copy the fixed array slots.
  Label loop;
  __ bind(&loop);
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rdx, -1 * kPointerSize));  // Skip receiver.
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kHeaderSize), rbx);
  __ addq(rdi, Immediate(kPointerSize));
  __ subq(rdx, Immediate(kPointerSize));
  __ decq(rcx);
  __ j(not_zero, &loop);

  // Return and remove the on-stack parameters.
  __ bind(&done);
  __ ret(3 * kPointerSize);

  // Do the runtime call to allocate the arguments object.
  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewStrictArgumentsFast, 3, 1);

void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Just jump directly to runtime if native RegExp is not selected at compile
  // time or if regexp entry in generated code is turned off runtime switch or
  // at compilation.
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1);

  // Stack frame on entry.
  //  rsp[0]: return address
  //  rsp[8]: last_match_info (expected JSArray)
  //  rsp[16]: previous index
  //  rsp[24]: subject string
  //  rsp[32]: JSRegExp object

  static const int kLastMatchInfoOffset = 1 * kPointerSize;
  static const int kPreviousIndexOffset = 2 * kPointerSize;
  static const int kSubjectOffset = 3 * kPointerSize;
  static const int kJSRegExpOffset = 4 * kPointerSize;

  Label runtime;
  // Ensure that a RegExp stack is allocated.
  Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
  ExternalReference address_of_regexp_stack_memory_address =
  ExternalReference address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size =
  __ Load(kScratchRegister, address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size);
  __ testq(kScratchRegister, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(zero, &runtime);

  // Check that the first argument is a JSRegExp object.
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kJSRegExpOffset));
  __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &runtime);
  __ CmpObjectType(rax, JS_REGEXP_TYPE, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);
  // Check that the RegExp has been compiled (data contains a fixed array).
  __ movq(rax, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataOffset));
  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    Condition is_smi = masm->CheckSmi(rax);
    __ Check(NegateCondition(is_smi),
        "Unexpected type for RegExp data, FixedArray expected");
    __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, kScratchRegister);
    __ Check(equal, "Unexpected type for RegExp data, FixedArray expected");

  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  // Check the type of the RegExp. Only continue if type is JSRegExp::IRREGEXP.
  __ SmiToInteger32(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataTagOffset));
  __ cmpl(rbx, Immediate(JSRegExp::IRREGEXP));
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);

  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  // Check that the number of captures fit in the static offsets vector buffer.
  __ SmiToInteger32(rdx,
                    FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kIrregexpCaptureCountOffset));
  // Calculate number of capture registers (number_of_captures + 1) * 2.
  __ leal(rdx, Operand(rdx, rdx, times_1, 2));
  // Check that the static offsets vector buffer is large enough.
  __ cmpl(rdx, Immediate(OffsetsVector::kStaticOffsetsVectorSize));
  __ j(above, &runtime);

  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  // rdx: Number of capture registers
  // Check that the second argument is a string.
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rsp, kSubjectOffset));
  __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &runtime);
  Condition is_string = masm->IsObjectStringType(rdi, rbx, rbx);
  __ j(NegateCondition(is_string), &runtime);

  // rdi: Subject string.
  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray).
  // rdx: Number of capture registers.
  // Check that the third argument is a positive smi less than the string
  // length. A negative value will be greater (unsigned comparison).
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rsp, kPreviousIndexOffset));
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(rbx, &runtime);
  __ SmiCompare(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ j(above_equal, &runtime);

  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  // rdx: Number of capture registers
  // Check that the fourth object is a JSArray object.
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rsp, kLastMatchInfoOffset));
  __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &runtime);
  __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_ARRAY_TYPE, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);
  // Check that the JSArray is in fast case.
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSArray::kElementsOffset));
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);
  // Check that the last match info has space for the capture registers and the
  // additional information. Ensure no overflow in add.
  STATIC_ASSERT(FixedArray::kMaxLength < kMaxInt - FixedArray::kLengthOffset);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rdi, FieldOperand(rbx, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
  __ addl(rdx, Immediate(RegExpImpl::kLastMatchOverhead));
  __ cmpl(rdx, rdi);
  __ j(greater, &runtime);

  // Reset offset for possibly sliced string.
  __ Set(r14, 0);
  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  // Check the representation and encoding of the subject string.
  Label seq_ascii_string, seq_two_byte_string, check_code;
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rsp, kSubjectOffset));
  // Make a copy of the original subject string.
  __ movq(r15, rdi);
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  // First check for flat two byte string.
  __ andb(rbx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask |
                         kStringRepresentationMask |
                         kStringEncodingMask |
  STATIC_ASSERT((kStringTag | kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
  __ j(zero, &seq_two_byte_string, Label::kNear);
  // Any other flat string must be a flat ASCII string.  None of the following
  // string type tests will succeed if subject is not a string or a short
  // external string.
  __ andb(rbx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask |
                         kStringRepresentationMask |
  __ j(zero, &seq_ascii_string, Label::kNear);

  // rbx: whether subject is a string and if yes, its string representation
  // Check for flat cons string or sliced string.
  // A flat cons string is a cons string where the second part is the empty
  // string. In that case the subject string is just the first part of the cons
  // string. Also in this case the first part of the cons string is known to be
  // a sequential string or an external string.
  // In the case of a sliced string its offset has to be taken into account.
  Label cons_string, external_string, check_encoding;
  STATIC_ASSERT(kConsStringTag < kExternalStringTag);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSlicedStringTag > kExternalStringTag);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kIsNotStringMask > kExternalStringTag);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kShortExternalStringTag > kExternalStringTag);
  __ cmpq(rbx, Immediate(kExternalStringTag));
  __ j(less, &cons_string, Label::kNear);
  __ j(equal, &external_string);

  // Catch non-string subject or short external string.
  STATIC_ASSERT(kNotStringTag != 0 && kShortExternalStringTag !=0);
  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask | kShortExternalStringMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &runtime);

  // String is sliced.
  __ SmiToInteger32(r14, FieldOperand(rdi, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
  // r14: slice offset
  // r15: original subject string
  // rdi: parent string
  __ jmp(&check_encoding, Label::kNear);
  // String is a cons string, check whether it is flat.
  __ bind(&cons_string);
  __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rdi, ConsString::kSecondOffset),
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
  // rdi: first part of cons string or parent of sliced string.
  // rbx: map of first part of cons string or map of parent of sliced string.
  // Is first part of cons or parent of slice a flat two byte string?
  __ bind(&check_encoding);
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ testb(FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
           Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask | kStringEncodingMask));
  STATIC_ASSERT((kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
  __ j(zero, &seq_two_byte_string, Label::kNear);
  // Any other flat string must be sequential ASCII or external.
  __ testb(FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
  __ j(not_zero, &external_string);

  __ bind(&seq_ascii_string);
  // rdi: subject string (sequential ASCII)
  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  __ movq(r11, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataAsciiCodeOffset));
  __ Set(rcx, 1);  // Type is ASCII.
  __ jmp(&check_code, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&seq_two_byte_string);
  // rdi: subject string (flat two-byte)
  // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray)
  __ movq(r11, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataUC16CodeOffset));
  __ Set(rcx, 0);  // Type is two byte.

  __ bind(&check_code);
  // Check that the irregexp code has been generated for the actual string
  // encoding. If it has, the field contains a code object otherwise it contains
  // smi (code flushing support)
  __ JumpIfSmi(r11, &runtime);

  // rdi: subject string
  // rcx: encoding of subject string (1 if ASCII, 0 if two_byte);
  // r11: code
  // Load used arguments before starting to push arguments for call to native
  // RegExp code to avoid handling changing stack height.
  __ SmiToInteger64(rbx, Operand(rsp, kPreviousIndexOffset));

  // rdi: subject string
  // rbx: previous index
  // rcx: encoding of subject string (1 if ASCII 0 if two_byte);
  // r11: code
  // All checks done. Now push arguments for native regexp code.
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->regexp_entry_native(), 1);

  // Isolates: note we add an additional parameter here (isolate pointer).
  static const int kRegExpExecuteArguments = 9;
  int argument_slots_on_stack =
  __ EnterApiExitFrame(argument_slots_on_stack);

  // Argument 9: Pass current isolate address.
  // __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 1) * kPointerSize),
  //     Immediate(ExternalReference::isolate_address()));
  __ LoadAddress(kScratchRegister, ExternalReference::isolate_address());
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 1) * kPointerSize),

  // Argument 8: Indicate that this is a direct call from JavaScript.
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 2) * kPointerSize),

  // Argument 7: Start (high end) of backtracking stack memory area.
  __ movq(kScratchRegister, address_of_regexp_stack_memory_address);
  __ movq(r9, Operand(kScratchRegister, 0));
  __ movq(kScratchRegister, address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size);
  __ addq(r9, Operand(kScratchRegister, 0));
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 3) * kPointerSize), r9);

  // Argument 6: Set the number of capture registers to zero to force global
  // regexps to behave as non-global.  This does not affect non-global regexps.
  // Argument 6 is passed in r9 on Linux and on the stack on Windows.
#ifdef _WIN64
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 4) * kPointerSize),
  __ Set(r9, 0);

  // Argument 5: static offsets vector buffer.
  __ LoadAddress(r8,
  // Argument 5 passed in r8 on Linux and on the stack on Windows.
#ifdef _WIN64
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 5) * kPointerSize), r8);

  // First four arguments are passed in registers on both Linux and Windows.
#ifdef _WIN64
  Register arg4 = r9;
  Register arg3 = r8;
  Register arg2 = rdx;
  Register arg1 = rcx;
  Register arg4 = rcx;
  Register arg3 = rdx;
  Register arg2 = rsi;
  Register arg1 = rdi;

  // Keep track on aliasing between argX defined above and the registers used.
  // rdi: subject string
  // rbx: previous index
  // rcx: encoding of subject string (1 if ASCII 0 if two_byte);
  // r11: code
  // r14: slice offset
  // r15: original subject string

  // Argument 2: Previous index.
  __ movq(arg2, rbx);

  // Argument 4: End of string data
  // Argument 3: Start of string data
  Label setup_two_byte, setup_rest, got_length, length_not_from_slice;
  // Prepare start and end index of the input.
  // Load the length from the original sliced string if that is the case.
  __ addq(rbx, r14);
  __ SmiToInteger32(arg3, FieldOperand(r15, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ addq(r14, arg3);  // Using arg3 as scratch.

  // rbx: start index of the input
  // r14: end index of the input
  // r15: original subject string
  __ testb(rcx, rcx);  // Last use of rcx as encoding of subject string.
  __ j(zero, &setup_two_byte, Label::kNear);
  __ lea(arg4, FieldOperand(rdi, r14, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ lea(arg3, FieldOperand(rdi, rbx, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ jmp(&setup_rest, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&setup_two_byte);
  __ lea(arg4, FieldOperand(rdi, r14, times_2, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));
  __ lea(arg3, FieldOperand(rdi, rbx, times_2, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));
  __ bind(&setup_rest);

  // Argument 1: Original subject string.
  // The original subject is in the previous stack frame. Therefore we have to
  // use rbp, which points exactly to one pointer size below the previous rsp.
  // (Because creating a new stack frame pushes the previous rbp onto the stack
  // and thereby moves up rsp by one kPointerSize.)
  __ movq(arg1, r15);

  // Locate the code entry and call it.
  __ addq(r11, Immediate(Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
  __ call(r11);

  __ LeaveApiExitFrame();

  // Check the result.
  Label success;
  Label exception;
  __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(1));
  // We expect exactly one result since we force the called regexp to behave
  // as non-global.
  __ j(equal, &success, Label::kNear);
  __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::EXCEPTION));
  __ j(equal, &exception);
  __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::FAILURE));
  // If none of the above, it can only be retry.
  // Handle that in the runtime system.
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);

  // For failure return null.
  __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex);
  __ ret(4 * kPointerSize);

  // Load RegExp data.
  __ bind(&success);
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kJSRegExpOffset));
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataOffset));
  __ SmiToInteger32(rax,
                    FieldOperand(rcx, JSRegExp::kIrregexpCaptureCountOffset));
  // Calculate number of capture registers (number_of_captures + 1) * 2.
  __ leal(rdx, Operand(rax, rax, times_1, 2));

  // rdx: Number of capture registers
  // Load last_match_info which is still known to be a fast case JSArray.
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kLastMatchInfoOffset));
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, JSArray::kElementsOffset));

  // rbx: last_match_info backing store (FixedArray)
  // rdx: number of capture registers
  // Store the capture count.
  __ Integer32ToSmi(kScratchRegister, rdx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastCaptureCountOffset),
  // Store last subject and last input.
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kSubjectOffset));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastSubjectOffset), rax);
  __ RecordWriteField(rbx,
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kSubjectOffset));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastInputOffset), rax);
  __ RecordWriteField(rbx,

  // Get the static offsets vector filled by the native regexp code.
  __ LoadAddress(rcx,

  // rbx: last_match_info backing store (FixedArray)
  // rcx: offsets vector
  // rdx: number of capture registers
  Label next_capture, done;
  // Capture register counter starts from number of capture registers and
  // counts down until wraping after zero.
  __ bind(&next_capture);
  __ subq(rdx, Immediate(1));
  __ j(negative, &done, Label::kNear);
  // Read the value from the static offsets vector buffer and make it a smi.
  __ movl(rdi, Operand(rcx, rdx, times_int_size, 0));
  __ Integer32ToSmi(rdi, rdi);
  // Store the smi value in the last match info.
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rbx,
  __ jmp(&next_capture);
  __ bind(&done);

  // Return last match info.
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kLastMatchInfoOffset));
  __ ret(4 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&exception);
  // Result must now be exception. If there is no pending exception already a
  // stack overflow (on the backtrack stack) was detected in RegExp code but
  // haven't created the exception yet. Handle that in the runtime system.
  // TODO(592): Rerunning the RegExp to get the stack overflow exception.
  ExternalReference pending_exception_address(
      Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate);
  Operand pending_exception_operand =
      masm->ExternalOperand(pending_exception_address, rbx);
  __ movq(rax, pending_exception_operand);
  __ LoadRoot(rdx, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  __ cmpq(rax, rdx);
  __ j(equal, &runtime);
  __ movq(pending_exception_operand, rdx);

  __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kTerminationExceptionRootIndex);
  Label termination_exception;
  __ j(equal, &termination_exception, Label::kNear);
  __ Throw(rax);

  __ bind(&termination_exception);
  __ ThrowUncatchable(rax);

  // External string.  Short external strings have already been ruled out.
  // rdi: subject string (expected to be external)
  // rbx: scratch
  __ bind(&external_string);
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    // Assert that we do not have a cons or slice (indirect strings) here.
    // Sequential strings have already been ruled out.
    __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kIsIndirectStringMask));
    __ Assert(zero, "external string expected, but not found");
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset));
  // Move the pointer so that offset-wise, it looks like a sequential string.
  STATIC_ASSERT(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize == SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize);
  __ subq(rdi, Immediate(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
  STATIC_ASSERT(kTwoByteStringTag == 0);
  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &seq_ascii_string);
  __ jmp(&seq_two_byte_string);

  // Do the runtime call to execute the regexp.
  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1);

void RegExpConstructResultStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  const int kMaxInlineLength = 100;
  Label slowcase;
  Label done;
  __ movq(r8, Operand(rsp, kPointerSize * 3));
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(r8, &slowcase);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rbx, r8);
  __ cmpl(rbx, Immediate(kMaxInlineLength));
  __ j(above, &slowcase);
  // Smi-tagging is equivalent to multiplying by 2.
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
  // Allocate RegExpResult followed by FixedArray with size in rbx.
  // JSArray:   [Map][empty properties][Elements][Length-smi][index][input]
  // Elements:  [Map][Length][..elements..]
  __ AllocateInNewSpace(JSRegExpResult::kSize + FixedArray::kHeaderSize,
                        rbx,  // In: Number of elements.
                        rax,  // Out: Start of allocation (tagged).
                        rcx,  // Out: End of allocation.
                        rdx,  // Scratch register
  // rax: Start of allocated area, object-tagged.
  // rbx: Number of array elements as int32.
  // r8: Number of array elements as smi.

  // Set JSArray map to global.regexp_result_map().
  __ movq(rdx, ContextOperand(rsi, Context::GLOBAL_INDEX));
  __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, GlobalObject::kGlobalContextOffset));
  __ movq(rdx, ContextOperand(rdx, Context::REGEXP_RESULT_MAP_INDEX));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rdx);

  // Set empty properties FixedArray.
  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kEmptyFixedArrayRootIndex);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset), kScratchRegister);

  // Set elements to point to FixedArray allocated right after the JSArray.
  __ lea(rcx, Operand(rax, JSRegExpResult::kSize));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rcx);

  // Set input, index and length fields from arguments.
  __ movq(r8, Operand(rsp, kPointerSize * 1));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExpResult::kInputOffset), r8);
  __ movq(r8, Operand(rsp, kPointerSize * 2));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExpResult::kIndexOffset), r8);
  __ movq(r8, Operand(rsp, kPointerSize * 3));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, JSArray::kLengthOffset), r8);

  // Fill out the elements FixedArray.
  // rax: JSArray.
  // rcx: FixedArray.
  // rbx: Number of elements in array as int32.

  // Set map.
  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister);
  // Set length.
  __ Integer32ToSmi(rdx, rbx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), rdx);
  // Fill contents of fixed-array with the-hole.
  __ LoadRoot(rdx, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  __ lea(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
  // Fill fixed array elements with hole.
  // rax: JSArray.
  // rbx: Number of elements in array that remains to be filled, as int32.
  // rcx: Start of elements in FixedArray.
  // rdx: the hole.
  Label loop;
  __ testl(rbx, rbx);
  __ bind(&loop);
  __ j(less_equal, &done);  // Jump if rcx is negative or zero.
  __ subl(rbx, Immediate(1));
  __ movq(Operand(rcx, rbx, times_pointer_size, 0), rdx);
  __ jmp(&loop);

  __ bind(&done);
  __ ret(3 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&slowcase);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpConstructResult, 3, 1);

void NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                         Register object,
                                                         Register result,
                                                         Register scratch1,
                                                         Register scratch2,
                                                         bool object_is_smi,
                                                         Label* not_found) {
  // Use of registers. Register result is used as a temporary.
  Register number_string_cache = result;
  Register mask = scratch1;
  Register scratch = scratch2;

  // Load the number string cache.
  __ LoadRoot(number_string_cache, Heap::kNumberStringCacheRootIndex);

  // Make the hash mask from the length of the number string cache. It
  // contains two elements (number and string) for each cache entry.
  __ SmiToInteger32(
      mask, FieldOperand(number_string_cache, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
  __ shrl(mask, Immediate(1));
  __ subq(mask, Immediate(1));  // Make mask.

  // Calculate the entry in the number string cache. The hash value in the
  // number string cache for smis is just the smi value, and the hash for
  // doubles is the xor of the upper and lower words. See
  // Heap::GetNumberStringCache.
  Label is_smi;
  Label load_result_from_cache;
  Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
  if (!object_is_smi) {
    __ JumpIfSmi(object, &is_smi);
    __ CheckMap(object,

    STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDoubleSize);
    __ movl(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset + 4));
    __ xor_(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(masm, scratch, mask);

    Register index = scratch;
    Register probe = mask;
    __ movq(probe,
    __ JumpIfSmi(probe, not_found);
    __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(object, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(probe, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
    __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1);
    __ j(parity_even, not_found);  // Bail out if NaN is involved.
    __ j(not_equal, not_found);  // The cache did not contain this value.
    __ jmp(&load_result_from_cache);

  __ bind(&is_smi);
  __ SmiToInteger32(scratch, object);
  GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(masm, scratch, mask);

  Register index = scratch;
  // Check if the entry is the smi we are looking for.
  __ cmpq(object,
  __ j(not_equal, not_found);

  // Get the result from the cache.
  __ bind(&load_result_from_cache);
  __ movq(result,
                       FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize));
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->number_to_string_native(), 1);

void NumberToStringStub::GenerateConvertHashCodeToIndex(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                        Register hash,
                                                        Register mask) {
  __ and_(hash, mask);
  // Each entry in string cache consists of two pointer sized fields,
  // but times_twice_pointer_size (multiplication by 16) scale factor
  // is not supported by addrmode on x64 platform.
  // So we have to premultiply entry index before lookup.
  __ shl(hash, Immediate(kPointerSizeLog2 + 1));

void NumberToStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label runtime;

  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rsp, kPointerSize));

  // Generate code to lookup number in the number string cache.
  GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(masm, rbx, rax, r8, r9, false, &runtime);
  __ ret(1 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&runtime);
  // Handle number to string in the runtime system if not found in the cache.
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToStringSkipCache, 1, 1);

static int NegativeComparisonResult(Condition cc) {
  ASSERT(cc != equal);
  ASSERT((cc == less) || (cc == less_equal)
      || (cc == greater) || (cc == greater_equal));
  return (cc == greater || cc == greater_equal) ? LESS : GREATER;

void CompareStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT( &&;

  Label check_unequal_objects, done;
  Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();

  // Compare two smis if required.
  if (include_smi_compare_) {
    Label non_smi, smi_done;
    __ JumpIfNotBothSmi(rax, rdx, &non_smi);
    __ subq(rdx, rax);
    __ j(no_overflow, &smi_done);
    __ not_(rdx);  // Correct sign in case of overflow. rdx cannot be 0 here.
    __ bind(&smi_done);
    __ movq(rax, rdx);
    __ ret(0);
    __ bind(&non_smi);
  } else if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    Label ok;
    __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &ok);
    __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &ok);
    __ Abort("CompareStub: smi operands");
    __ bind(&ok);

  // The compare stub returns a positive, negative, or zero 64-bit integer
  // value in rax, corresponding to result of comparing the two inputs.
  // NOTICE! This code is only reached after a smi-fast-case check, so
  // it is certain that at least one operand isn't a smi.

  // Two identical objects are equal unless they are both NaN or undefined.
    Label not_identical;
    __ cmpq(rax, rdx);
    __ j(not_equal, &not_identical, Label::kNear);

    if (cc_ != equal) {
      // Check for undefined.  undefined OP undefined is false even though
      // undefined == undefined.
      Label check_for_nan;
      __ CompareRoot(rdx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
      __ j(not_equal, &check_for_nan, Label::kNear);
      __ Set(rax, NegativeComparisonResult(cc_));
      __ ret(0);
      __ bind(&check_for_nan);

    // Test for NaN. Sadly, we can't just compare to FACTORY->nan_value(),
    // so we do the second best thing - test it ourselves.
    // Note: if cc_ != equal, never_nan_nan_ is not used.
    // We cannot set rax to EQUAL until just before return because
    // rax must be unchanged on jump to not_identical.
    if (never_nan_nan_ && (cc_ == equal)) {
      __ Set(rax, EQUAL);
      __ ret(0);
    } else {
      Label heap_number;
      // If it's not a heap number, then return equal for (in)equality operator.
      __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
      __ j(equal, &heap_number, Label::kNear);
      if (cc_ != equal) {
        // Call runtime on identical objects.  Otherwise return equal.
        __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx);
        __ j(above_equal, &not_identical, Label::kNear);
      __ Set(rax, EQUAL);
      __ ret(0);

      __ bind(&heap_number);
      // It is a heap number, so return  equal if it's not NaN.
      // For NaN, return 1 for every condition except greater and
      // greater-equal.  Return -1 for them, so the comparison yields
      // false for all conditions except not-equal.
      __ Set(rax, EQUAL);
      __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
      __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm0);
      __ setcc(parity_even, rax);
      // rax is 0 for equal non-NaN heapnumbers, 1 for NaNs.
      if (cc_ == greater_equal || cc_ == greater) {
        __ neg(rax);
      __ ret(0);

    __ bind(&not_identical);

  if (cc_ == equal) {  // Both strict and non-strict.
    Label slow;  // Fallthrough label.

    // If we're doing a strict equality comparison, we don't have to do
    // type conversion, so we generate code to do fast comparison for objects
    // and oddballs. Non-smi numbers and strings still go through the usual
    // slow-case code.
    if (strict_) {
      // If either is a Smi (we know that not both are), then they can only
      // be equal if the other is a HeapNumber. If so, use the slow case.
        Label not_smis;
        __ SelectNonSmi(rbx, rax, rdx, &not_smis);

        // Check if the non-smi operand is a heap number.
        __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
        // If heap number, handle it in the slow case.
        __ j(equal, &slow);
        // Return non-equal.  ebx (the lower half of rbx) is not zero.
        __ movq(rax, rbx);
        __ ret(0);

        __ bind(&not_smis);

      // If either operand is a JSObject or an oddball value, then they are not
      // equal since their pointers are different
      // There is no test for undetectability in strict equality.

      // If the first object is a JS object, we have done pointer comparison.
      Label first_non_object;
      __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx);
      __ j(below, &first_non_object, Label::kNear);
      // Return non-zero (eax (not rax) is not zero)
      Label return_not_equal;
      STATIC_ASSERT(kHeapObjectTag != 0);
      __ bind(&return_not_equal);
      __ ret(0);

      __ bind(&first_non_object);
      // Check for oddballs: true, false, null, undefined.
      __ CmpInstanceType(rcx, ODDBALL_TYPE);
      __ j(equal, &return_not_equal);

      __ CmpObjectType(rdx, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx);
      __ j(above_equal, &return_not_equal);

      // Check for oddballs: true, false, null, undefined.
      __ CmpInstanceType(rcx, ODDBALL_TYPE);
      __ j(equal, &return_not_equal);

      // Fall through to the general case.
    __ bind(&slow);

  // Generate the number comparison code.
  if (include_number_compare_) {
    Label non_number_comparison;
    Label unordered;
    FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(masm, &non_number_comparison);
    __ xorl(rax, rax);
    __ xorl(rcx, rcx);
    __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1);

    // Don't base result on EFLAGS when a NaN is involved.
    __ j(parity_even, &unordered, Label::kNear);
    // Return a result of -1, 0, or 1, based on EFLAGS.
    __ setcc(above, rax);
    __ setcc(below, rcx);
    __ subq(rax, rcx);
    __ ret(0);

    // If one of the numbers was NaN, then the result is always false.
    // The cc is never not-equal.
    __ bind(&unordered);
    ASSERT(cc_ != not_equal);
    if (cc_ == less || cc_ == less_equal) {
      __ Set(rax, 1);
    } else {
      __ Set(rax, -1);
    __ ret(0);

    // The number comparison code did not provide a valid result.
    __ bind(&non_number_comparison);

  // Fast negative check for symbol-to-symbol equality.
  Label check_for_strings;
  if (cc_ == equal) {
    BranchIfNonSymbol(masm, &check_for_strings, rax, kScratchRegister);
    BranchIfNonSymbol(masm, &check_for_strings, rdx, kScratchRegister);

    // We've already checked for object identity, so if both operands
    // are symbols they aren't equal. Register eax (not rax) already holds a
    // non-zero value, which indicates not equal, so just return.
    __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&check_for_strings);

  __ JumpIfNotBothSequentialAsciiStrings(
      rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, &check_unequal_objects);

  // Inline comparison of ASCII strings.
  if (cc_ == equal) {
  } else {

#ifdef DEBUG
  __ Abort("Unexpected fall-through from string comparison");

  __ bind(&check_unequal_objects);
  if (cc_ == equal && !strict_) {
    // Not strict equality.  Objects are unequal if
    // they are both JSObjects and not undetectable,
    // and their pointers are different.
    Label not_both_objects, return_unequal;
    // At most one is a smi, so we can test for smi by adding the two.
    // A smi plus a heap object has the low bit set, a heap object plus
    // a heap object has the low bit clear.
    STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
    STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagMask == 1);
    __ lea(rcx, Operand(rax, rdx, times_1, 0));
    __ testb(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
    __ j(not_zero, &not_both_objects, Label::kNear);
    __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rbx);
    __ j(below, &not_both_objects, Label::kNear);
    __ CmpObjectType(rdx, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx);
    __ j(below, &not_both_objects, Label::kNear);
    __ testb(FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kBitFieldOffset),
             Immediate(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
    __ j(zero, &return_unequal, Label::kNear);
    __ testb(FieldOperand(rcx, Map::kBitFieldOffset),
             Immediate(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
    __ j(zero, &return_unequal, Label::kNear);
    // The objects are both undetectable, so they both compare as the value
    // undefined, and are equal.
    __ Set(rax, EQUAL);
    __ bind(&return_unequal);
    // Return non-equal by returning the non-zero object pointer in rax,
    // or return equal if we fell through to here.
    __ ret(0);
    __ bind(&not_both_objects);

  // Push arguments below the return address to prepare jump to builtin.
  __ pop(rcx);
  __ push(rdx);
  __ push(rax);

  // Figure out which native to call and setup the arguments.
  Builtins::JavaScript builtin;
  if (cc_ == equal) {
    builtin = strict_ ? Builtins::STRICT_EQUALS : Builtins::EQUALS;
  } else {
    builtin = Builtins::COMPARE;
    __ Push(Smi::FromInt(NegativeComparisonResult(cc_)));

  // Restore return address on the stack.
  __ push(rcx);

  // Call the native; it returns -1 (less), 0 (equal), or 1 (greater)
  // tagged as a small integer.
  __ InvokeBuiltin(builtin, JUMP_FUNCTION);

void CompareStub::BranchIfNonSymbol(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                    Label* label,
                                    Register object,
                                    Register scratch) {
  __ JumpIfSmi(object, label);
  __ movq(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbq(scratch,
             FieldOperand(scratch, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  // Ensure that no non-strings have the symbol bit set.
  STATIC_ASSERT(LAST_TYPE < kNotStringTag + kIsSymbolMask);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSymbolTag != 0);
  __ testb(scratch, Immediate(kIsSymbolMask));
  __ j(zero, label);

void StackCheckStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStackGuard, 0, 1);

void InterruptStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kInterrupt, 0, 1);

static void GenerateRecordCallTarget(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Cache the called function in a global property cell.  Cache states
  // are uninitialized, monomorphic (indicated by a JSFunction), and
  // megamorphic.
  // rbx : cache cell for call target
  // rdi : the function to call
  Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
  Label initialize, done;

  // Load the cache state into rcx.
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx, JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));

  // A monomorphic cache hit or an already megamorphic state: invoke the
  // function without changing the state.
  __ cmpq(rcx, rdi);
  __ j(equal, &done, Label::kNear);
  __ Cmp(rcx, TypeFeedbackCells::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate));
  __ j(equal, &done, Label::kNear);

  // A monomorphic miss (i.e, here the cache is not uninitialized) goes
  // megamorphic.
  __ Cmp(rcx, TypeFeedbackCells::UninitializedSentinel(isolate));
  __ j(equal, &initialize, Label::kNear);
  // MegamorphicSentinel is an immortal immovable object (undefined) so no
  // write-barrier is needed.
  __ Move(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset),
  __ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);

  // An uninitialized cache is patched with the function.
  __ bind(&initialize);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset), rdi);
  // No need for a write barrier here - cells are rescanned.

  __ bind(&done);

void CallFunctionStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // rbx : cache cell for call target
  // rdi : the function to call
  Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
  Label slow, non_function;

  // The receiver might implicitly be the global object. This is
  // indicated by passing the hole as the receiver to the call
  // function stub.
  if (ReceiverMightBeImplicit()) {
    Label call;
    // Get the receiver from the stack.
    // +1 ~ return address
    __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, (argc_ + 1) * kPointerSize));
    // Call as function is indicated with the hole.
    __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
    __ j(not_equal, &call, Label::kNear);
    // Patch the receiver on the stack with the global receiver object.
    __ movq(rcx, GlobalObjectOperand());
    __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, GlobalObject::kGlobalReceiverOffset));
    __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argc_ + 1) * kPointerSize), rcx);
    __ bind(&call);

  // Check that the function really is a JavaScript function.
  __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &non_function);
  // Goto slow case if we do not have a function.
  __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, &slow);

  if (RecordCallTarget()) {

  // Fast-case: Just invoke the function.
  ParameterCount actual(argc_);

  if (ReceiverMightBeImplicit()) {
    Label call_as_function;
    __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
    __ j(equal, &call_as_function);
    __ InvokeFunction(rdi,
    __ bind(&call_as_function);
  __ InvokeFunction(rdi,

  // Slow-case: Non-function called.
  __ bind(&slow);
  if (RecordCallTarget()) {
    // If there is a call target cache, mark it megamorphic in the
    // non-function case.  MegamorphicSentinel is an immortal immovable
    // object (undefined) so no write barrier is needed.
    __ Move(FieldOperand(rbx, JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset),
  // Check for function proxy.
  __ CmpInstanceType(rcx, JS_FUNCTION_PROXY_TYPE);
  __ j(not_equal, &non_function);
  __ pop(rcx);
  __ push(rdi);  // put proxy as additional argument under return address
  __ push(rcx);
  __ Set(rax, argc_ + 1);
  __ Set(rbx, 0);
  __ SetCallKind(rcx, CALL_AS_METHOD);
  __ GetBuiltinEntry(rdx, Builtins::CALL_FUNCTION_PROXY);
    Handle<Code> adaptor =
    __ jmp(adaptor, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);

  // CALL_NON_FUNCTION expects the non-function callee as receiver (instead
  // of the original receiver from the call site).
  __ bind(&non_function);
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argc_ + 1) * kPointerSize), rdi);
  __ Set(rax, argc_);
  __ Set(rbx, 0);
  __ SetCallKind(rcx, CALL_AS_METHOD);
  __ GetBuiltinEntry(rdx, Builtins::CALL_NON_FUNCTION);
  Handle<Code> adaptor =
  __ Jump(adaptor, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);

void CallConstructStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // rax : number of arguments
  // rbx : cache cell for call target
  // rdi : constructor function
  Label slow, non_function_call;

  // Check that function is not a smi.
  __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &non_function_call);
  // Check that function is a JSFunction.
  __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, &slow);

  if (RecordCallTarget()) {

  // Jump to the function-specific construct stub.
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, SharedFunctionInfo::kConstructStubOffset));
  __ lea(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Code::kHeaderSize));
  __ jmp(rbx);

  // rdi: called object
  // rax: number of arguments
  // rcx: object map
  Label do_call;
  __ bind(&slow);
  __ CmpInstanceType(rcx, JS_FUNCTION_PROXY_TYPE);
  __ j(not_equal, &non_function_call);
  __ GetBuiltinEntry(rdx, Builtins::CALL_FUNCTION_PROXY_AS_CONSTRUCTOR);
  __ jmp(&do_call);

  __ bind(&non_function_call);
  __ GetBuiltinEntry(rdx, Builtins::CALL_NON_FUNCTION_AS_CONSTRUCTOR);
  __ bind(&do_call);
  // Set expected number of arguments to zero (not changing rax).
  __ Set(rbx, 0);
  __ SetCallKind(rcx, CALL_AS_METHOD);
  __ Jump(masm->isolate()->builtins()->ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline(),

bool CEntryStub::NeedsImmovableCode() {
  return false;

bool CEntryStub::IsPregenerated() {
#ifdef _WIN64
  return result_size_ == 1;
  return true;

void CodeStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime() {
  // It is important that the store buffer overflow stubs are generated first.

void CodeStub::GenerateFPStubs() {

void CEntryStub::GenerateAheadOfTime() {
  CEntryStub stub(1, kDontSaveFPRegs);
  CEntryStub save_doubles(1, kSaveFPRegs);

void CEntryStub::GenerateCore(MacroAssembler* masm,
                              Label* throw_normal_exception,
                              Label* throw_termination_exception,
                              Label* throw_out_of_memory_exception,
                              bool do_gc,
                              bool always_allocate_scope) {
  // rax: result parameter for PerformGC, if any.
  // rbx: pointer to C function  (C callee-saved).
  // rbp: frame pointer  (restored after C call).
  // rsp: stack pointer  (restored after C call).
  // r14: number of arguments including receiver (C callee-saved).
  // r15: pointer to the first argument (C callee-saved).
  //      This pointer is reused in LeaveExitFrame(), so it is stored in a
  //      callee-saved register.

  // Simple results returned in rax (both AMD64 and Win64 calling conventions).
  // Complex results must be written to address passed as first argument.
  // AMD64 calling convention: a struct of two pointers in rax+rdx

  // Check stack alignment.
  if (FLAG_debug_code) {
    __ CheckStackAlignment();

  if (do_gc) {
    // Pass failure code returned from last attempt as first argument to
    // PerformGC. No need to use PrepareCallCFunction/CallCFunction here as the
    // stack is known to be aligned. This function takes one argument which is
    // passed in register.
#ifdef _WIN64
    __ movq(rcx, rax);
#else  // _WIN64
    __ movq(rdi, rax);
    __ movq(kScratchRegister,
    __ call(kScratchRegister);

  ExternalReference scope_depth =
  if (always_allocate_scope) {
    Operand scope_depth_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(scope_depth);
    __ incl(scope_depth_operand);

  // Call C function.
#ifdef _WIN64
  // Windows 64-bit ABI passes arguments in rcx, rdx, r8, r9
  // Store Arguments object on stack, below the 4 WIN64 ABI parameter slots.
  __ movq(StackSpaceOperand(0), r14);  // argc.
  __ movq(StackSpaceOperand(1), r15);  // argv.
  if (result_size_ < 2) {
    // Pass a pointer to the Arguments object as the first argument.
    // Return result in single register (rax).
    __ lea(rcx, StackSpaceOperand(0));
    __ LoadAddress(rdx, ExternalReference::isolate_address());
  } else {
    ASSERT_EQ(2, result_size_);
    // Pass a pointer to the result location as the first argument.
    __ lea(rcx, StackSpaceOperand(2));
    // Pass a pointer to the Arguments object as the second argument.
    __ lea(rdx, StackSpaceOperand(0));
    __ LoadAddress(r8, ExternalReference::isolate_address());

#else  // _WIN64
  // GCC passes arguments in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9.
  __ movq(rdi, r14);  // argc.
  __ movq(rsi, r15);  // argv.
  __ movq(rdx, ExternalReference::isolate_address());
  __ call(rbx);
  // Result is in rax - do not destroy this register!

  if (always_allocate_scope) {
    Operand scope_depth_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(scope_depth);
    __ decl(scope_depth_operand);

  // Check for failure result.
  Label failure_returned;
  STATIC_ASSERT(((kFailureTag + 1) & kFailureTagMask) == 0);
#ifdef _WIN64
  // If return value is on the stack, pop it to registers.
  if (result_size_ > 1) {
    ASSERT_EQ(2, result_size_);
    // Read result values stored on stack. Result is stored
    // above the four argument mirror slots and the two
    // Arguments object slots.
    __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 6 * kPointerSize));
    __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 7 * kPointerSize));
  __ lea(rcx, Operand(rax, 1));
  // Lower 2 bits of rcx are 0 iff rax has failure tag.
  __ testl(rcx, Immediate(kFailureTagMask));
  __ j(zero, &failure_returned);

  // Exit the JavaScript to C++ exit frame.
  __ LeaveExitFrame(save_doubles_);
  __ ret(0);

  // Handling of failure.
  __ bind(&failure_returned);

  Label retry;
  // If the returned exception is RETRY_AFTER_GC continue at retry label
  __ testl(rax, Immediate(((1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1) << kFailureTagSize));
  __ j(zero, &retry, Label::kNear);

  // Special handling of out of memory exceptions.
  __ movq(kScratchRegister, Failure::OutOfMemoryException(), RelocInfo::NONE);
  __ cmpq(rax, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(equal, throw_out_of_memory_exception);

  // Retrieve the pending exception and clear the variable.
  ExternalReference pending_exception_address(
      Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress, masm->isolate());
  Operand pending_exception_operand =
  __ movq(rax, pending_exception_operand);
  __ LoadRoot(rdx, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  __ movq(pending_exception_operand, rdx);

  // Special handling of termination exceptions which are uncatchable
  // by javascript code.
  __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kTerminationExceptionRootIndex);
  __ j(equal, throw_termination_exception);

  // Handle normal exception.
  __ jmp(throw_normal_exception);

  // Retry.
  __ bind(&retry);

void CEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // rax: number of arguments including receiver
  // rbx: pointer to C function  (C callee-saved)
  // rbp: frame pointer of calling JS frame (restored after C call)
  // rsp: stack pointer  (restored after C call)
  // rsi: current context (restored)

  // NOTE: Invocations of builtins may return failure objects
  // instead of a proper result. The builtin entry handles
  // this by performing a garbage collection and retrying the
  // builtin once.

  // Enter the exit frame that transitions from JavaScript to C++.
#ifdef _WIN64
  int arg_stack_space = (result_size_ < 2 ? 2 : 4);
  int arg_stack_space = 0;
  __ EnterExitFrame(arg_stack_space, save_doubles_);

  // rax: Holds the context at this point, but should not be used.
  //      On entry to code generated by GenerateCore, it must hold
  //      a failure result if the collect_garbage argument to GenerateCore
  //      is true.  This failure result can be the result of code
  //      generated by a previous call to GenerateCore.  The value
  //      of rax is then passed to Runtime::PerformGC.
  // rbx: pointer to builtin function  (C callee-saved).
  // rbp: frame pointer of exit frame  (restored after C call).
  // rsp: stack pointer (restored after C call).
  // r14: number of arguments including receiver (C callee-saved).
  // r15: argv pointer (C callee-saved).

  Label throw_normal_exception;
  Label throw_termination_exception;
  Label throw_out_of_memory_exception;

  // Call into the runtime system.

  // Do space-specific GC and retry runtime call.

  // Do full GC and retry runtime call one final time.
  Failure* failure = Failure::InternalError();
  __ movq(rax, failure, RelocInfo::NONE);

  __ bind(&throw_out_of_memory_exception);
  // Set external caught exception to false.
  Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
  ExternalReference external_caught(Isolate::kExternalCaughtExceptionAddress,
  __ Set(rax, static_cast<int64_t>(false));
  __ Store(external_caught, rax);

  // Set pending exception and rax to out of memory exception.
  ExternalReference pending_exception(Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress,
  __ movq(rax, Failure::OutOfMemoryException(), RelocInfo::NONE);
  __ Store(pending_exception, rax);
  // Fall through to the next label.

  __ bind(&throw_termination_exception);
  __ ThrowUncatchable(rax);

  __ bind(&throw_normal_exception);
  __ Throw(rax);

void JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(MacroAssembler* masm, bool is_construct) {
  Label invoke, handler_entry, exit;
  Label not_outermost_js, not_outermost_js_2;
  {  // NOLINT. Scope block confuses linter.
    MacroAssembler::NoRootArrayScope uninitialized_root_register(masm);
    // Set up frame.
    __ push(rbp);
    __ movq(rbp, rsp);

    // Push the stack frame type marker twice.
    int marker = is_construct ? StackFrame::ENTRY_CONSTRUCT : StackFrame::ENTRY;
    // Scratch register is neither callee-save, nor an argument register on any
    // platform. It's free to use at this point.
    // Cannot use smi-register for loading yet.
    __ movq(kScratchRegister,
    __ push(kScratchRegister);  // context slot
    __ push(kScratchRegister);  // function slot
    // Save callee-saved registers (X64/Win64 calling conventions).
    __ push(r12);
    __ push(r13);
    __ push(r14);
    __ push(r15);
#ifdef _WIN64
    __ push(rdi);  // Only callee save in Win64 ABI, argument in AMD64 ABI.
    __ push(rsi);  // Only callee save in Win64 ABI, argument in AMD64 ABI.
    __ push(rbx);
    // TODO(X64): On Win64, if we ever use XMM6-XMM15, the low low 64 bits are
    // callee save as well.

    // Set up the roots and smi constant registers.
    // Needs to be done before any further smi loads.
    __ InitializeSmiConstantRegister();
    __ InitializeRootRegister();

  Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();

  // Save copies of the top frame descriptor on the stack.
  ExternalReference c_entry_fp(Isolate::kCEntryFPAddress, isolate);
    Operand c_entry_fp_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(c_entry_fp);
    __ push(c_entry_fp_operand);

  // If this is the outermost JS call, set js_entry_sp value.
  ExternalReference js_entry_sp(Isolate::kJSEntrySPAddress, isolate);
  __ Load(rax, js_entry_sp);
  __ testq(rax, rax);
  __ j(not_zero, &not_outermost_js);
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME));
  __ movq(rax, rbp);
  __ Store(js_entry_sp, rax);
  Label cont;
  __ jmp(&cont);
  __ bind(&not_outermost_js);
  __ Push(Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::INNER_JSENTRY_FRAME));
  __ bind(&cont);

  // Jump to a faked try block that does the invoke, with a faked catch
  // block that sets the pending exception.
  __ jmp(&invoke);
  __ bind(&handler_entry);
  handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos();
  // Caught exception: Store result (exception) in the pending exception
  // field in the JSEnv and return a failure sentinel.
  ExternalReference pending_exception(Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress,
  __ Store(pending_exception, rax);
  __ movq(rax, Failure::Exception(), RelocInfo::NONE);
  __ jmp(&exit);

  // Invoke: Link this frame into the handler chain.  There's only one
  // handler block in this code object, so its index is 0.
  __ bind(&invoke);
  __ PushTryHandler(StackHandler::JS_ENTRY, 0);

  // Clear any pending exceptions.
  __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  __ Store(pending_exception, rax);

  // Fake a receiver (NULL).
  __ push(Immediate(0));  // receiver

  // Invoke the function by calling through JS entry trampoline builtin and
  // pop the faked function when we return. We load the address from an
  // external reference instead of inlining the call target address directly
  // in the code, because the builtin stubs may not have been generated yet
  // at the time this code is generated.
  if (is_construct) {
    ExternalReference construct_entry(Builtins::kJSConstructEntryTrampoline,
    __ Load(rax, construct_entry);
  } else {
    ExternalReference entry(Builtins::kJSEntryTrampoline, isolate);
    __ Load(rax, entry);
  __ lea(kScratchRegister, FieldOperand(rax, Code::kHeaderSize));
  __ call(kScratchRegister);

  // Unlink this frame from the handler chain.
  __ PopTryHandler();

  __ bind(&exit);
  // Check if the current stack frame is marked as the outermost JS frame.
  __ pop(rbx);
  __ Cmp(rbx, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME));
  __ j(not_equal, &not_outermost_js_2);
  __ movq(kScratchRegister, js_entry_sp);
  __ movq(Operand(kScratchRegister, 0), Immediate(0));
  __ bind(&not_outermost_js_2);

  // Restore the top frame descriptor from the stack.
  { Operand c_entry_fp_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(c_entry_fp);
    __ pop(c_entry_fp_operand);

  // Restore callee-saved registers (X64 conventions).
  __ pop(rbx);
#ifdef _WIN64
  // Callee save on in Win64 ABI, arguments/volatile in AMD64 ABI.
  __ pop(rsi);
  __ pop(rdi);
  __ pop(r15);
  __ pop(r14);
  __ pop(r13);
  __ pop(r12);
  __ addq(rsp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize));  // remove markers

  // Restore frame pointer and return.
  __ pop(rbp);
  __ ret(0);

void InstanceofStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Implements "value instanceof function" operator.
  // Expected input state with no inline cache:
  //   rsp[0] : return address
  //   rsp[1] : function pointer
  //   rsp[2] : value
  // Expected input state with an inline one-element cache:
  //   rsp[0] : return address
  //   rsp[1] : offset from return address to location of inline cache
  //   rsp[2] : function pointer
  //   rsp[3] : value
  // Returns a bitwise zero to indicate that the value
  // is and instance of the function and anything else to
  // indicate that the value is not an instance.

  static const int kOffsetToMapCheckValue = 2;
  static const int kOffsetToResultValue = 18;
  // The last 4 bytes of the instruction sequence
  //   movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset))
  //   Move(kScratchRegister, FACTORY->the_hole_value())
  // in front of the hole value address.
  static const unsigned int kWordBeforeMapCheckValue = 0xBA49FF78;
  // The last 4 bytes of the instruction sequence
  //   __ j(not_equal, &cache_miss);
  //   __ LoadRoot(ToRegister(instr->result()), Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
  // before the offset of the hole value in the root array.
  static const unsigned int kWordBeforeResultValue = 0x458B4909;
  // Only the inline check flag is supported on X64.
  ASSERT(flags_ == kNoFlags || HasCallSiteInlineCheck());
  int extra_stack_space = HasCallSiteInlineCheck() ? kPointerSize : 0;

  // Get the object - go slow case if it's a smi.
  Label slow;

  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize + extra_stack_space));
  __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &slow);

  // Check that the left hand is a JS object. Leave its map in rax.
  __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rax);
  __ j(below, &slow);
  __ CmpInstanceType(rax, LAST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE);
  __ j(above, &slow);

  // Get the prototype of the function.
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize + extra_stack_space));
  // rdx is function, rax is map.

  // If there is a call site cache don't look in the global cache, but do the
  // real lookup and update the call site cache.
  if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
    // Look up the function and the map in the instanceof cache.
    Label miss;
    __ CompareRoot(rdx, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex);
    __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear);
    __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex);
    __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear);
    __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
    __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
    __ bind(&miss);

  __ TryGetFunctionPrototype(rdx, rbx, &slow, true);

  // Check that the function prototype is a JS object.
  __ JumpIfSmi(rbx, &slow);
  __ CmpObjectType(rbx, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, kScratchRegister);
  __ j(below, &slow);
  __ CmpInstanceType(kScratchRegister, LAST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE);
  __ j(above, &slow);

  // Register mapping:
  //   rax is object map.
  //   rdx is function.
  //   rbx is function prototype.
  if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
    __ StoreRoot(rdx, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex);
    __ StoreRoot(rax, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex);
  } else {
    // Get return address and delta to inlined map check.
    __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 0 * kPointerSize));
    __ subq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
    if (FLAG_debug_code) {
      __ movl(rdi, Immediate(kWordBeforeMapCheckValue));
      __ cmpl(Operand(kScratchRegister, kOffsetToMapCheckValue - 4), rdi);
      __ Assert(equal, "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (check).");
    __ movq(kScratchRegister,
            Operand(kScratchRegister, kOffsetToMapCheckValue));
    __ movq(Operand(kScratchRegister, 0), rax);

  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, Map::kPrototypeOffset));

  // Loop through the prototype chain looking for the function prototype.
  Label loop, is_instance, is_not_instance;
  __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex);
  __ bind(&loop);
  __ cmpq(rcx, rbx);
  __ j(equal, &is_instance, Label::kNear);
  __ cmpq(rcx, kScratchRegister);
  // The code at is_not_instance assumes that kScratchRegister contains a
  // non-zero GCable value (the null object in this case).
  __ j(equal, &is_not_instance, Label::kNear);
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, Map::kPrototypeOffset));
  __ jmp(&loop);

  __ bind(&is_instance);
  if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
    __ xorl(rax, rax);
    // Store bitwise zero in the cache.  This is a Smi in GC terms.
    STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
    __ StoreRoot(rax, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
  } else {
    // Store offset of true in the root array at the inline check site.
    int true_offset = 0x100 +
        (Heap::kTrueValueRootIndex << kPointerSizeLog2) - kRootRegisterBias;
    // Assert it is a 1-byte signed value.
    ASSERT(true_offset >= 0 && true_offset < 0x100);
    __ movl(rax, Immediate(true_offset));
    __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 0 * kPointerSize));
    __ subq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
    __ movb(Operand(kScratchRegister, kOffsetToResultValue), rax);
    if (FLAG_debug_code) {
      __ movl(rax, Immediate(kWordBeforeResultValue));
      __ cmpl(Operand(kScratchRegister, kOffsetToResultValue - 4), rax);
      __ Assert(equal, "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (mov).");
    __ Set(rax, 0);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize + extra_stack_space);

  __ bind(&is_not_instance);
  if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
    // We have to store a non-zero value in the cache.
    __ StoreRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
  } else {
    // Store offset of false in the root array at the inline check site.
    int false_offset = 0x100 +
        (Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex << kPointerSizeLog2) - kRootRegisterBias;
    // Assert it is a 1-byte signed value.
    ASSERT(false_offset >= 0 && false_offset < 0x100);
    __ movl(rax, Immediate(false_offset));
    __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 0 * kPointerSize));
    __ subq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
    __ movb(Operand(kScratchRegister, kOffsetToResultValue), rax);
    if (FLAG_debug_code) {
      __ movl(rax, Immediate(kWordBeforeResultValue));
      __ cmpl(Operand(kScratchRegister, kOffsetToResultValue - 4), rax);
      __ Assert(equal, "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (mov)");
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize + extra_stack_space);

  // Slow-case: Go through the JavaScript implementation.
  __ bind(&slow);
  if (HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
    // Remove extra value from the stack.
    __ pop(rcx);
    __ pop(rax);
    __ push(rcx);
  __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::INSTANCE_OF, JUMP_FUNCTION);

// Passing arguments in registers is not supported.
Register InstanceofStub::left() { return no_reg; }

Register InstanceofStub::right() { return no_reg; }

int CompareStub::MinorKey() {
  // Encode the three parameters in a unique 16 bit value. To avoid duplicate
  // stubs the never NaN NaN condition is only taken into account if the
  // condition is equals.
  ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(cc_) < (1 << 12));
  ASSERT( &&;
  return ConditionField::encode(static_cast<unsigned>(cc_))
         | RegisterField::encode(false)    // lhs_ and rhs_ are not used
         | StrictField::encode(strict_)
         | NeverNanNanField::encode(cc_ == equal ? never_nan_nan_ : false)
         | IncludeNumberCompareField::encode(include_number_compare_)
         | IncludeSmiCompareField::encode(include_smi_compare_);

// Unfortunately you have to run without snapshots to see most of these
// names in the profile since most compare stubs end up in the snapshot.
void CompareStub::PrintName(StringStream* stream) {
  ASSERT( &&;
  const char* cc_name;
  switch (cc_) {
    case less: cc_name = "LT"; break;
    case greater: cc_name = "GT"; break;
    case less_equal: cc_name = "LE"; break;
    case greater_equal: cc_name = "GE"; break;
    case equal: cc_name = "EQ"; break;
    case not_equal: cc_name = "NE"; break;
    default: cc_name = "UnknownCondition"; break;
  bool is_equality = cc_ == equal || cc_ == not_equal;
  stream->Add("CompareStub_%s", cc_name);
  if (strict_ && is_equality) stream->Add("_STRICT");
  if (never_nan_nan_ && is_equality) stream->Add("_NO_NAN");
  if (!include_number_compare_) stream->Add("_NO_NUMBER");
  if (!include_smi_compare_) stream->Add("_NO_SMI");

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator

void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label flat_string;
  Label ascii_string;
  Label got_char_code;
  Label sliced_string;

  // If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
  __ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);

  // Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
  __ movq(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbl(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  // If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
  __ testb(result_, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask));
  __ j(not_zero, receiver_not_string_);

  // If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
  __ bind(&got_smi_index_);

  // Check for index out of range.
  __ SmiCompare(index_, FieldOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ j(above_equal, index_out_of_range_);

  __ SmiToInteger32(index_, index_);

      masm, object_, index_, result_, &call_runtime_);

  __ Integer32ToSmi(result_, result_);
  __ bind(&exit_);

void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
  __ Abort("Unexpected fallthrough to CharCodeAt slow case");

  Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
  // Index is not a smi.
  __ bind(&index_not_smi_);
  // If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
  __ CheckMap(index_,
  __ push(object_);
  __ push(index_);  // Consumed by runtime conversion function.
  if (index_flags_ == STRING_INDEX_IS_NUMBER) {
    __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToIntegerMapMinusZero, 1);
  } else {
    // NumberToSmi discards numbers that are not exact integers.
    __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi, 1);
  if (! {
    // Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
    // have a chance to overwrite it.
    __ movq(index_, rax);
  __ pop(object_);
  // Reload the instance type.
  __ movq(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbl(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  // If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
  // Otherwise, return to the fast path.
  __ jmp(&got_smi_index_);

  // Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
  // index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
  // is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
  __ bind(&call_runtime_);
  __ push(object_);
  __ Integer32ToSmi(index_, index_);
  __ push(index_);
  __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAt, 2);
  if (! {
    __ movq(result_, rax);
  __ jmp(&exit_);

  __ Abort("Unexpected fallthrough from CharCodeAt slow case");

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringCharFromCodeGenerator

void StringCharFromCodeGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Fast case of Heap::LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode.
  __ JumpIfNotSmi(code_, &slow_case_);
  __ SmiCompare(code_, Smi::FromInt(String::kMaxAsciiCharCode));
  __ j(above, &slow_case_);

  __ LoadRoot(result_, Heap::kSingleCharacterStringCacheRootIndex);
  SmiIndex index = masm->SmiToIndex(kScratchRegister, code_, kPointerSizeLog2);
  __ movq(result_, FieldOperand(result_, index.reg, index.scale,
  __ CompareRoot(result_, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
  __ j(equal, &slow_case_);
  __ bind(&exit_);

void StringCharFromCodeGenerator::GenerateSlow(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
  __ Abort("Unexpected fallthrough to CharFromCode slow case");

  __ bind(&slow_case_);
  __ push(code_);
  __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCharFromCode, 1);
  if (! {
    __ movq(result_, rax);
  __ jmp(&exit_);

  __ Abort("Unexpected fallthrough from CharFromCode slow case");

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringCharAtGenerator

void StringCharAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {

void StringCharAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
  char_code_at_generator_.GenerateSlow(masm, call_helper);
  char_from_code_generator_.GenerateSlow(masm, call_helper);

void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label call_runtime, call_builtin;
  Builtins::JavaScript builtin_id = Builtins::ADD;

  // Load the two arguments.
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));  // First argument (left).
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));  // Second argument (right).

  // Make sure that both arguments are strings if not known in advance.
  if (flags_ == NO_STRING_ADD_FLAGS) {
    __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &call_runtime);
    __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, r8);
    __ j(above_equal, &call_runtime);

    // First argument is a a string, test second.
    __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &call_runtime);
    __ CmpObjectType(rdx, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, r9);
    __ j(above_equal, &call_runtime);
  } else {
    // Here at least one of the arguments is definitely a string.
    // We convert the one that is not known to be a string.
    if ((flags_ & NO_STRING_CHECK_LEFT_IN_STUB) == 0) {
      ASSERT((flags_ & NO_STRING_CHECK_RIGHT_IN_STUB) != 0);
      GenerateConvertArgument(masm, 2 * kPointerSize, rax, rbx, rcx, rdi,
      builtin_id = Builtins::STRING_ADD_RIGHT;
    } else if ((flags_ & NO_STRING_CHECK_RIGHT_IN_STUB) == 0) {
      ASSERT((flags_ & NO_STRING_CHECK_LEFT_IN_STUB) != 0);
      GenerateConvertArgument(masm, 1 * kPointerSize, rdx, rbx, rcx, rdi,
      builtin_id = Builtins::STRING_ADD_LEFT;

  // Both arguments are strings.
  // rax: first string
  // rdx: second string
  // Check if either of the strings are empty. In that case return the other.
  Label second_not_zero_length, both_not_zero_length;
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rdx, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ SmiTest(rcx);
  __ j(not_zero, &second_not_zero_length, Label::kNear);
  // Second string is empty, result is first string which is already in rax.
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
  __ bind(&second_not_zero_length);
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ SmiTest(rbx);
  __ j(not_zero, &both_not_zero_length, Label::kNear);
  // First string is empty, result is second string which is in rdx.
  __ movq(rax, rdx);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  // Both strings are non-empty.
  // rax: first string
  // rbx: length of first string
  // rcx: length of second string
  // rdx: second string
  // r8: map of first string (if flags_ == NO_STRING_ADD_FLAGS)
  // r9: map of second string (if flags_ == NO_STRING_ADD_FLAGS)
  Label string_add_flat_result, longer_than_two;
  __ bind(&both_not_zero_length);

  // If arguments where known to be strings, maps are not loaded to r8 and r9
  // by the code above.
  if (flags_ != NO_STRING_ADD_FLAGS) {
    __ movq(r8, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
    __ movq(r9, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  // Get the instance types of the two strings as they will be needed soon.
  __ movzxbl(r8, FieldOperand(r8, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  __ movzxbl(r9, FieldOperand(r9, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));

  // Look at the length of the result of adding the two strings.
  STATIC_ASSERT(String::kMaxLength <= Smi::kMaxValue / 2);
  __ SmiAdd(rbx, rbx, rcx);
  // Use the symbol table when adding two one character strings, as it
  // helps later optimizations to return a symbol here.
  __ SmiCompare(rbx, Smi::FromInt(2));
  __ j(not_equal, &longer_than_two);

  // Check that both strings are non-external ASCII strings.
  __ JumpIfBothInstanceTypesAreNotSequentialAscii(r8, r9, rbx, rcx,

  // Get the two characters forming the sub string.
  __ movzxbq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ movzxbq(rcx, FieldOperand(rdx, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));

  // Try to lookup two character string in symbol table. If it is not found
  // just allocate a new one.
  Label make_two_character_string, make_flat_ascii_string;
      masm, rbx, rcx, r14, r11, rdi, r15, &make_two_character_string);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&make_two_character_string);
  __ Set(rdi, 2);
  __ AllocateAsciiString(rax, rdi, r8, r9, r11, &call_runtime);
  // rbx - first byte: first character
  // rbx - second byte: *maybe* second character
  // Make sure that the second byte of rbx contains the second character.
  __ movzxbq(rcx, FieldOperand(rdx, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ shll(rcx, Immediate(kBitsPerByte));
  __ orl(rbx, rcx);
  // Write both characters to the new string.
  __ movw(FieldOperand(rax, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize), rbx);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&longer_than_two);
  // Check if resulting string will be flat.
  __ SmiCompare(rbx, Smi::FromInt(ConsString::kMinLength));
  __ j(below, &string_add_flat_result);
  // Handle exceptionally long strings in the runtime system.
  STATIC_ASSERT((String::kMaxLength & 0x80000000) == 0);
  __ SmiCompare(rbx, Smi::FromInt(String::kMaxLength));
  __ j(above, &call_runtime);

  // If result is not supposed to be flat, allocate a cons string object. If
  // both strings are ASCII the result is an ASCII cons string.
  // rax: first string
  // rbx: length of resulting flat string
  // rdx: second string
  // r8: instance type of first string
  // r9: instance type of second string
  Label non_ascii, allocated, ascii_data;
  __ movl(rcx, r8);
  __ and_(rcx, r9);
  STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kAsciiStringTag) != 0);
  STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
  __ testl(rcx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
  __ j(zero, &non_ascii);
  __ bind(&ascii_data);
  // Allocate an ASCII cons string.
  __ AllocateAsciiConsString(rcx, rdi, no_reg, &call_runtime);
  __ bind(&allocated);
  // Fill the fields of the cons string.
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, ConsString::kLengthOffset), rbx);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, ConsString::kHashFieldOffset),
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, ConsString::kFirstOffset), rax);
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rcx, ConsString::kSecondOffset), rdx);
  __ movq(rax, rcx);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
  __ bind(&non_ascii);
  // At least one of the strings is two-byte. Check whether it happens
  // to contain only ASCII characters.
  // rcx: first instance type AND second instance type.
  // r8: first instance type.
  // r9: second instance type.
  __ testb(rcx, Immediate(kAsciiDataHintMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &ascii_data);
  __ xor_(r8, r9);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kAsciiStringTag != 0 && kAsciiDataHintTag != 0);
  __ andb(r8, Immediate(kAsciiStringTag | kAsciiDataHintTag));
  __ cmpb(r8, Immediate(kAsciiStringTag | kAsciiDataHintTag));
  __ j(equal, &ascii_data);
  // Allocate a two byte cons string.
  __ AllocateTwoByteConsString(rcx, rdi, no_reg, &call_runtime);
  __ jmp(&allocated);

  // We cannot encounter sliced strings or cons strings here since:
  STATIC_ASSERT(SlicedString::kMinLength >= ConsString::kMinLength);
  // Handle creating a flat result from either external or sequential strings.
  // Locate the first characters' locations.
  // rax: first string
  // rbx: length of resulting flat string as smi
  // rdx: second string
  // r8: instance type of first string
  // r9: instance type of first string
  Label first_prepared, second_prepared;
  Label first_is_sequential, second_is_sequential;
  __ bind(&string_add_flat_result);

  __ SmiToInteger32(r14, FieldOperand(rax, SeqString::kLengthOffset));
  // r14: length of first string
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
  __ testb(r8, Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask));
  __ j(zero, &first_is_sequential, Label::kNear);
  // Rule out short external string and load string resource.
  STATIC_ASSERT(kShortExternalStringTag != 0);
  __ testb(r8, Immediate(kShortExternalStringMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &call_runtime);
  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset));
  __ jmp(&first_prepared, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&first_is_sequential);
  STATIC_ASSERT(SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize == SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize);
  __ lea(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ bind(&first_prepared);

  // Check whether both strings have same encoding.
  __ xorl(r8, r9);
  __ testb(r8, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &call_runtime);

  __ SmiToInteger32(r15, FieldOperand(rdx, SeqString::kLengthOffset));
  // r15: length of second string
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
  __ testb(r9, Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask));
  __ j(zero, &second_is_sequential, Label::kNear);
  // Rule out short external string and load string resource.
  STATIC_ASSERT(kShortExternalStringTag != 0);
  __ testb(r9, Immediate(kShortExternalStringMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &call_runtime);
  __ movq(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset));
  __ jmp(&second_prepared, Label::kNear);
  __ bind(&second_is_sequential);
  STATIC_ASSERT(SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize == SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize);
  __ lea(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ bind(&second_prepared);

  Label non_ascii_string_add_flat_result;
  // r9: instance type of second string
  // First string and second string have the same encoding.
  STATIC_ASSERT(kTwoByteStringTag == 0);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rbx, rbx);
  __ testb(r9, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
  __ j(zero, &non_ascii_string_add_flat_result);

  __ bind(&make_flat_ascii_string);
  // Both strings are ASCII strings. As they are short they are both flat.
  __ AllocateAsciiString(rax, rbx, rdi, r8, r9, &call_runtime);
  // rax: result string
  // Locate first character of result.
  __ lea(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  // rcx: first char of first string
  // rbx: first character of result
  // r14: length of first string
  StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, rbx, rcx, r14, true);
  // rbx: next character of result
  // rdx: first char of second string
  // r15: length of second string
  StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, rbx, rdx, r15, true);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&non_ascii_string_add_flat_result);
  // Both strings are ASCII strings. As they are short they are both flat.
  __ AllocateTwoByteString(rax, rbx, rdi, r8, r9, &call_runtime);
  // rax: result string
  // Locate first character of result.
  __ lea(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));
  // rcx: first char of first string
  // rbx: first character of result
  // r14: length of first string
  StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, rbx, rcx, r14, false);
  // rbx: next character of result
  // rdx: first char of second string
  // r15: length of second string
  StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, rbx, rdx, r15, false);
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_add_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  // Just jump to runtime to add the two strings.
  __ bind(&call_runtime);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringAdd, 2, 1);

  if (call_builtin.is_linked()) {
    __ bind(&call_builtin);
    __ InvokeBuiltin(builtin_id, JUMP_FUNCTION);

void StringAddStub::GenerateConvertArgument(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                            int stack_offset,
                                            Register arg,
                                            Register scratch1,
                                            Register scratch2,
                                            Register scratch3,
                                            Label* slow) {
  // First check if the argument is already a string.
  Label not_string, done;
  __ JumpIfSmi(arg, &not_string);
  __ CmpObjectType(arg, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, scratch1);
  __ j(below, &done);

  // Check the number to string cache.
  Label not_cached;
  __ bind(&not_string);
  // Puts the cached result into scratch1.
  __ movq(arg, scratch1);
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, stack_offset), arg);
  __ jmp(&done);

  // Check if the argument is a safe string wrapper.
  __ bind(&not_cached);
  __ JumpIfSmi(arg, slow);
  __ CmpObjectType(arg, JS_VALUE_TYPE, scratch1);  // map -> scratch1.
  __ j(not_equal, slow);
  __ testb(FieldOperand(scratch1, Map::kBitField2Offset),
           Immediate(1 << Map::kStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf));
  __ j(zero, slow);
  __ movq(arg, FieldOperand(arg, JSValue::kValueOffset));
  __ movq(Operand(rsp, stack_offset), arg);

  __ bind(&done);

void StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                          Register dest,
                                          Register src,
                                          Register count,
                                          bool ascii) {
  Label loop;
  __ bind(&loop);
  // This loop just copies one character at a time, as it is only used for very
  // short strings.
  if (ascii) {
    __ movb(kScratchRegister, Operand(src, 0));
    __ movb(Operand(dest, 0), kScratchRegister);
    __ incq(src);
    __ incq(dest);
  } else {
    __ movzxwl(kScratchRegister, Operand(src, 0));
    __ movw(Operand(dest, 0), kScratchRegister);
    __ addq(src, Immediate(2));
    __ addq(dest, Immediate(2));
  __ decl(count);
  __ j(not_zero, &loop);

void StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                             Register dest,
                                             Register src,
                                             Register count,
                                             bool ascii) {
  // Copy characters using rep movs of doublewords. Align destination on 4 byte
  // boundary before starting rep movs. Copy remaining characters after running
  // rep movs.
  // Count is positive int32, dest and src are character pointers.
  ASSERT(;  // rep movs destination
  ASSERT(;  // rep movs source
  ASSERT(;  // rep movs count

  // Nothing to do for zero characters.
  Label done;
  __ testl(count, count);
  __ j(zero, &done, Label::kNear);

  // Make count the number of bytes to copy.
  if (!ascii) {
    STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(uc16));
    __ addl(count, count);

  // Don't enter the rep movs if there are less than 4 bytes to copy.
  Label last_bytes;
  __ testl(count, Immediate(~7));
  __ j(zero, &last_bytes, Label::kNear);

  // Copy from edi to esi using rep movs instruction.
  __ movl(kScratchRegister, count);
  __ shr(count, Immediate(3));  // Number of doublewords to copy.
  __ repmovsq();

  // Find number of bytes left.
  __ movl(count, kScratchRegister);
  __ and_(count, Immediate(7));

  // Check if there are more bytes to copy.
  __ bind(&last_bytes);
  __ testl(count, count);
  __ j(zero, &done, Label::kNear);

  // Copy remaining characters.
  Label loop;
  __ bind(&loop);
  __ movb(kScratchRegister, Operand(src, 0));
  __ movb(Operand(dest, 0), kScratchRegister);
  __ incq(src);
  __ incq(dest);
  __ decl(count);
  __ j(not_zero, &loop);

  __ bind(&done);

void StringHelper::GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                        Register c1,
                                                        Register c2,
                                                        Register scratch1,
                                                        Register scratch2,
                                                        Register scratch3,
                                                        Register scratch4,
                                                        Label* not_found) {
  // Register scratch3 is the general scratch register in this function.
  Register scratch = scratch3;

  // Make sure that both characters are not digits as such strings has a
  // different hash algorithm. Don't try to look for these in the symbol table.
  Label not_array_index;
  __ leal(scratch, Operand(c1, -'0'));
  __ cmpl(scratch, Immediate(static_cast<int>('9' - '0')));
  __ j(above, &not_array_index, Label::kNear);
  __ leal(scratch, Operand(c2, -'0'));
  __ cmpl(scratch, Immediate(static_cast<int>('9' - '0')));
  __ j(below_equal, not_found);

  __ bind(&not_array_index);
  // Calculate the two character string hash.
  Register hash = scratch1;
  GenerateHashInit(masm, hash, c1, scratch);
  GenerateHashAddCharacter(masm, hash, c2, scratch);
  GenerateHashGetHash(masm, hash, scratch);

  // Collect the two characters in a register.
  Register chars = c1;
  __ shl(c2, Immediate(kBitsPerByte));
  __ orl(chars, c2);

  // chars: two character string, char 1 in byte 0 and char 2 in byte 1.
  // hash:  hash of two character string.

  // Load the symbol table.
  Register symbol_table = c2;
  __ LoadRoot(symbol_table, Heap::kSymbolTableRootIndex);

  // Calculate capacity mask from the symbol table capacity.
  Register mask = scratch2;
  __ SmiToInteger32(mask,
                    FieldOperand(symbol_table, SymbolTable::kCapacityOffset));
  __ decl(mask);

  Register map = scratch4;

  // Registers
  // chars:        two character string, char 1 in byte 0 and char 2 in byte 1.
  // hash:         hash of two character string (32-bit int)
  // symbol_table: symbol table
  // mask:         capacity mask (32-bit int)
  // map:          -
  // scratch:      -

  // Perform a number of probes in the symbol table.
  static const int kProbes = 4;
  Label found_in_symbol_table;
  Label next_probe[kProbes];
  Register candidate = scratch;  // Scratch register contains candidate.
  for (int i = 0; i < kProbes; i++) {
    // Calculate entry in symbol table.
    __ movl(scratch, hash);
    if (i > 0) {
      __ addl(scratch, Immediate(SymbolTable::GetProbeOffset(i)));
    __ andl(scratch, mask);

    // Load the entry from the symbol table.
    STATIC_ASSERT(SymbolTable::kEntrySize == 1);
    __ movq(candidate,

    // If entry is undefined no string with this hash can be found.
    Label is_string;
    __ CmpObjectType(candidate, ODDBALL_TYPE, map);
    __ j(not_equal, &is_string, Label::kNear);

    __ CompareRoot(candidate, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
    __ j(equal, not_found);
    // Must be the hole (deleted entry).
    if (FLAG_debug_code) {
      __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
      __ cmpq(kScratchRegister, candidate);
      __ Assert(equal, "oddball in symbol table is not undefined or the hole");
    __ jmp(&next_probe[i]);

    __ bind(&is_string);

    // If length is not 2 the string is not a candidate.
    __ SmiCompare(FieldOperand(candidate, String::kLengthOffset),
    __ j(not_equal, &next_probe[i]);

    // We use kScratchRegister as a temporary register in assumption that
    // JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialAscii does not use it implicitly
    Register temp = kScratchRegister;

    // Check that the candidate is a non-external ASCII string.
    __ movzxbl(temp, FieldOperand(map, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
    __ JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialAscii(
        temp, temp, &next_probe[i]);

    // Check if the two characters match.
    __ movl(temp, FieldOperand(candidate, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
    __ andl(temp, Immediate(0x0000ffff));
    __ cmpl(chars, temp);
    __ j(equal, &found_in_symbol_table);
    __ bind(&next_probe[i]);

  // No matching 2 character string found by probing.
  __ jmp(not_found);

  // Scratch register contains result when we fall through to here.
  Register result = candidate;
  __ bind(&found_in_symbol_table);
  if (! {
    __ movq(rax, result);

void StringHelper::GenerateHashInit(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                    Register hash,
                                    Register character,
                                    Register scratch) {
  // hash = (seed + character) + ((seed + character) << 10);
  __ LoadRoot(scratch, Heap::kHashSeedRootIndex);
  __ SmiToInteger32(scratch, scratch);
  __ addl(scratch, character);
  __ movl(hash, scratch);
  __ shll(scratch, Immediate(10));
  __ addl(hash, scratch);
  // hash ^= hash >> 6;
  __ movl(scratch, hash);
  __ shrl(scratch, Immediate(6));
  __ xorl(hash, scratch);

void StringHelper::GenerateHashAddCharacter(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                            Register hash,
                                            Register character,
                                            Register scratch) {
  // hash += character;
  __ addl(hash, character);
  // hash += hash << 10;
  __ movl(scratch, hash);
  __ shll(scratch, Immediate(10));
  __ addl(hash, scratch);
  // hash ^= hash >> 6;
  __ movl(scratch, hash);
  __ shrl(scratch, Immediate(6));
  __ xorl(hash, scratch);

void StringHelper::GenerateHashGetHash(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                       Register hash,
                                       Register scratch) {
  // hash += hash << 3;
  __ leal(hash, Operand(hash, hash, times_8, 0));
  // hash ^= hash >> 11;
  __ movl(scratch, hash);
  __ shrl(scratch, Immediate(11));
  __ xorl(hash, scratch);
  // hash += hash << 15;
  __ movl(scratch, hash);
  __ shll(scratch, Immediate(15));
  __ addl(hash, scratch);

  __ andl(hash, Immediate(String::kHashBitMask));

  // if (hash == 0) hash = 27;
  Label hash_not_zero;
  __ j(not_zero, &hash_not_zero);
  __ Set(hash, StringHasher::kZeroHash);
  __ bind(&hash_not_zero);

void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label runtime;

  // Stack frame on entry.
  //  rsp[0]: return address
  //  rsp[8]: to
  //  rsp[16]: from
  //  rsp[24]: string

  const int kToOffset = 1 * kPointerSize;
  const int kFromOffset = kToOffset + kPointerSize;
  const int kStringOffset = kFromOffset + kPointerSize;
  const int kArgumentsSize = (kStringOffset + kPointerSize) - kToOffset;

  // Make sure first argument is a string.
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, kStringOffset));
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
  __ testl(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
  __ j(zero, &runtime);
  Condition is_string = masm->IsObjectStringType(rax, rbx, rbx);
  __ j(NegateCondition(is_string), &runtime);

  // rax: string
  // rbx: instance type
  // Calculate length of sub string using the smi values.
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, kToOffset));
  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, kFromOffset));
  __ JumpUnlessBothNonNegativeSmi(rcx, rdx, &runtime);

  __ SmiSub(rcx, rcx, rdx);  // Overflow doesn't happen.
  __ cmpq(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, String::kLengthOffset));
  Label not_original_string;
  // Shorter than original string's length: an actual substring.
  __ j(below, &not_original_string, Label::kNear);
  // Longer than original string's length or negative: unsafe arguments.
  __ j(above, &runtime);
  // Return original string.
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
  __ ret(kArgumentsSize);
  __ bind(&not_original_string);
  __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rcx);

  // rax: string
  // rbx: instance type
  // rcx: sub string length
  // rdx: from index (smi)
  // Deal with different string types: update the index if necessary
  // and put the underlying string into edi.
  Label underlying_unpacked, sliced_string, seq_or_external_string;
  // If the string is not indirect, it can only be sequential or external.
  STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask == (kSlicedStringTag & kConsStringTag));
  STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask != 0);
  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kIsIndirectStringMask));
  __ j(zero, &seq_or_external_string, Label::kNear);

  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kSlicedNotConsMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &sliced_string, Label::kNear);
  // Cons string.  Check whether it is flat, then fetch first part.
  // Flat cons strings have an empty second part.
  __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rax, ConsString::kSecondOffset),
  __ j(not_equal, &runtime);
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
  // Update instance type.
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  __ jmp(&underlying_unpacked, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&sliced_string);
  // Sliced string.  Fetch parent and correct start index by offset.
  __ addq(rdx, FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
  // Update instance type.
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  __ jmp(&underlying_unpacked, Label::kNear);

  __ bind(&seq_or_external_string);
  // Sequential or external string.  Just move string to the correct register.
  __ movq(rdi, rax);

  __ bind(&underlying_unpacked);

  if (FLAG_string_slices) {
    Label copy_routine;
    // rdi: underlying subject string
    // rbx: instance type of underlying subject string
    // rdx: adjusted start index (smi)
    // rcx: length
    // If coming from the make_two_character_string path, the string
    // is too short to be sliced anyways.
    __ cmpq(rcx, Immediate(SlicedString::kMinLength));
    // Short slice.  Copy instead of slicing.
    __ j(less, &copy_routine);
    // Allocate new sliced string.  At this point we do not reload the instance
    // type including the string encoding because we simply rely on the info
    // provided by the original string.  It does not matter if the original
    // string's encoding is wrong because we always have to recheck encoding of
    // the newly created string's parent anyways due to externalized strings.
    Label two_byte_slice, set_slice_header;
    STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kAsciiStringTag) != 0);
    STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
    __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
    __ j(zero, &two_byte_slice, Label::kNear);
    __ AllocateAsciiSlicedString(rax, rbx, r14, &runtime);
    __ jmp(&set_slice_header, Label::kNear);
    __ bind(&two_byte_slice);
    __ AllocateTwoByteSlicedString(rax, rbx, r14, &runtime);
    __ bind(&set_slice_header);
    __ Integer32ToSmi(rcx, rcx);
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kLengthOffset), rcx);
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kHashFieldOffset),
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kParentOffset), rdi);
    __ movq(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset), rdx);
    __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
    __ ret(kArgumentsSize);

    __ bind(&copy_routine);

  // rdi: underlying subject string
  // rbx: instance type of underlying subject string
  // rdx: adjusted start index (smi)
  // rcx: length
  // The subject string can only be external or sequential string of either
  // encoding at this point.
  Label two_byte_sequential, sequential_string;
  STATIC_ASSERT(kExternalStringTag != 0);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kExternalStringTag));
  __ j(zero, &sequential_string);

  // Handle external string.
  // Rule out short external strings.
  STATIC_CHECK(kShortExternalStringTag != 0);
  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kShortExternalStringMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &runtime);
  __ movq(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset));
  // Move the pointer so that offset-wise, it looks like a sequential string.
  STATIC_ASSERT(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize == SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize);
  __ subq(rdi, Immediate(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));

  __ bind(&sequential_string);
  STATIC_ASSERT((kAsciiStringTag & kStringEncodingMask) != 0);
  __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
  __ j(zero, &two_byte_sequential);

  // Allocate the result.
  __ AllocateAsciiString(rax, rcx, r11, r14, r15, &runtime);

  // rax: result string
  // rcx: result string length
  __ movq(r14, rsi);  // esi used by following code.
  {  // Locate character of sub string start.
    SmiIndex smi_as_index = masm->SmiToIndex(rdx, rdx, times_1);
    __ lea(rsi, Operand(rdi, smi_as_index.reg, smi_as_index.scale,
                        SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
  // Locate first character of result.
  __ lea(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));

  // rax: result string
  // rcx: result length
  // rdi: first character of result
  // rsi: character of sub string start
  // r14: original value of rsi
  StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(masm, rdi, rsi, rcx, true);
  __ movq(rsi, r14);  // Restore rsi.
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
  __ ret(kArgumentsSize);

  __ bind(&two_byte_sequential);
  // Allocate the result.
  __ AllocateTwoByteString(rax, rcx, r11, r14, r15, &runtime);

  // rax: result string
  // rcx: result string length
  __ movq(r14, rsi);  // esi used by following code.
  {  // Locate character of sub string start.
    SmiIndex smi_as_index = masm->SmiToIndex(rdx, rdx, times_2);
    __ lea(rsi, Operand(rdi, smi_as_index.reg, smi_as_index.scale,
                        SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
  // Locate first character of result.
  __ lea(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));

  // rax: result string
  // rcx: result length
  // rdi: first character of result
  // rsi: character of sub string start
  // r14: original value of rsi
  StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(masm, rdi, rsi, rcx, false);
  __ movq(rsi, r14);  // Restore esi.
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
  __ ret(kArgumentsSize);

  // Just jump to runtime to create the sub string.
  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kSubString, 3, 1);

void StringCompareStub::GenerateFlatAsciiStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                      Register left,
                                                      Register right,
                                                      Register scratch1,
                                                      Register scratch2) {
  Register length = scratch1;

  // Compare lengths.
  Label check_zero_length;
  __ movq(length, FieldOperand(left, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ SmiCompare(length, FieldOperand(right, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ j(equal, &check_zero_length, Label::kNear);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(NOT_EQUAL));
  __ ret(0);

  // Check if the length is zero.
  Label compare_chars;
  __ bind(&check_zero_length);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
  __ SmiTest(length);
  __ j(not_zero, &compare_chars, Label::kNear);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL));
  __ ret(0);

  // Compare characters.
  __ bind(&compare_chars);
  Label strings_not_equal;
  GenerateAsciiCharsCompareLoop(masm, left, right, length, scratch2,
                                &strings_not_equal, Label::kNear);

  // Characters are equal.
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL));
  __ ret(0);

  // Characters are not equal.
  __ bind(&strings_not_equal);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(NOT_EQUAL));
  __ ret(0);

void StringCompareStub::GenerateCompareFlatAsciiStrings(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                        Register left,
                                                        Register right,
                                                        Register scratch1,
                                                        Register scratch2,
                                                        Register scratch3,
                                                        Register scratch4) {
  // Ensure that you can always subtract a string length from a non-negative
  // number (e.g. another length).
  STATIC_ASSERT(String::kMaxLength < 0x7fffffff);

  // Find minimum length and length difference.
  __ movq(scratch1, FieldOperand(left, String::kLengthOffset));
  __ movq(scratch4, scratch1);
  __ SmiSub(scratch4,
            FieldOperand(right, String::kLengthOffset));
  // Register scratch4 now holds left.length - right.length.
  const Register length_difference = scratch4;
  Label left_shorter;
  __ j(less, &left_shorter, Label::kNear);
  // The right string isn't longer that the left one.
  // Get the right string's length by subtracting the (non-negative) difference
  // from the left string's length.
  __ SmiSub(scratch1, scratch1, length_difference);
  __ bind(&left_shorter);
  // Register scratch1 now holds Min(left.length, right.length).
  const Register min_length = scratch1;

  Label compare_lengths;
  // If min-length is zero, go directly to comparing lengths.
  __ SmiTest(min_length);
  __ j(zero, &compare_lengths, Label::kNear);

  // Compare loop.
  Label result_not_equal;
  GenerateAsciiCharsCompareLoop(masm, left, right, min_length, scratch2,
                                &result_not_equal, Label::kNear);

  // Completed loop without finding different characters.
  // Compare lengths (precomputed).
  __ bind(&compare_lengths);
  __ SmiTest(length_difference);
  __ j(not_zero, &result_not_equal, Label::kNear);

  // Result is EQUAL.
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL));
  __ ret(0);

  Label result_greater;
  __ bind(&result_not_equal);
  // Unequal comparison of left to right, either character or length.
  __ j(greater, &result_greater, Label::kNear);

  // Result is LESS.
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(LESS));
  __ ret(0);

  // Result is GREATER.
  __ bind(&result_greater);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(GREATER));
  __ ret(0);

void StringCompareStub::GenerateAsciiCharsCompareLoop(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    Register left,
    Register right,
    Register length,
    Register scratch,
    Label* chars_not_equal,
    Label::Distance near_jump) {
  // Change index to run from -length to -1 by adding length to string
  // start. This means that loop ends when index reaches zero, which
  // doesn't need an additional compare.
  __ SmiToInteger32(length, length);
  __ lea(left,
         FieldOperand(left, length, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ lea(right,
         FieldOperand(right, length, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
  __ neg(length);
  Register index = length;  // index = -length;

  // Compare loop.
  Label loop;
  __ bind(&loop);
  __ movb(scratch, Operand(left, index, times_1, 0));
  __ cmpb(scratch, Operand(right, index, times_1, 0));
  __ j(not_equal, chars_not_equal, near_jump);
  __ incq(index);
  __ j(not_zero, &loop);

void StringCompareStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label runtime;

  // Stack frame on entry.
  //  rsp[0]: return address
  //  rsp[8]: right string
  //  rsp[16]: left string

  __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));  // left
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));  // right

  // Check for identity.
  Label not_same;
  __ cmpq(rdx, rax);
  __ j(not_equal, &not_same, Label::kNear);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL));
  Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_compare_native(), 1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&not_same);

  // Check that both are sequential ASCII strings.
  __ JumpIfNotBothSequentialAsciiStrings(rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, &runtime);

  // Inline comparison of ASCII strings.
  __ IncrementCounter(counters->string_compare_native(), 1);
  // Drop arguments from the stack
  __ pop(rcx);
  __ addq(rsp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize));
  __ push(rcx);
  GenerateCompareFlatAsciiStrings(masm, rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, rdi, r8);

  // Call the runtime; it returns -1 (less), 0 (equal), or 1 (greater)
  // tagged as a small integer.
  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCompare, 2, 1);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateSmis(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(state_ == CompareIC::SMIS);
  Label miss;
  __ JumpIfNotBothSmi(rdx, rax, &miss, Label::kNear);

  if (GetCondition() == equal) {
    // For equality we do not care about the sign of the result.
    __ subq(rax, rdx);
  } else {
    Label done;
    __ subq(rdx, rax);
    __ j(no_overflow, &done, Label::kNear);
    // Correct sign of result in case of overflow.
    __ SmiNot(rdx, rdx);
    __ bind(&done);
    __ movq(rax, rdx);
  __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&miss);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateHeapNumbers(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(state_ == CompareIC::HEAP_NUMBERS);

  Label generic_stub;
  Label unordered, maybe_undefined1, maybe_undefined2;
  Label miss;
  Condition either_smi = masm->CheckEitherSmi(rax, rdx);
  __ j(either_smi, &generic_stub, Label::kNear);

  __ CmpObjectType(rax, HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, &maybe_undefined1, Label::kNear);
  __ CmpObjectType(rdx, HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, &maybe_undefined2, Label::kNear);

  // Load left and right operand
  __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
  __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));

  // Compare operands
  __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1);

  // Don't base result on EFLAGS when a NaN is involved.
  __ j(parity_even, &unordered, Label::kNear);

  // Return a result of -1, 0, or 1, based on EFLAGS.
  // Performing mov, because xor would destroy the flag register.
  __ movl(rax, Immediate(0));
  __ movl(rcx, Immediate(0));
  __ setcc(above, rax);  // Add one to zero if carry clear and not equal.
  __ sbbq(rax, rcx);  // Subtract one if below (aka. carry set).
  __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&unordered);
  CompareStub stub(GetCondition(), strict(), NO_COMPARE_FLAGS);
  __ bind(&generic_stub);
  __ jmp(stub.GetCode(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);

  __ bind(&maybe_undefined1);
  if (Token::IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(op_)) {
    __ Cmp(rax, masm->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value());
    __ j(not_equal, &miss);
    __ CmpObjectType(rdx, HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, rcx);
    __ j(not_equal, &maybe_undefined2, Label::kNear);
    __ jmp(&unordered);

  __ bind(&maybe_undefined2);
  if (Token::IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(op_)) {
    __ Cmp(rdx, masm->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value());
    __ j(equal, &unordered);

  __ bind(&miss);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateSymbols(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(state_ == CompareIC::SYMBOLS);
  ASSERT(GetCondition() == equal);

  // Registers containing left and right operands respectively.
  Register left = rdx;
  Register right = rax;
  Register tmp1 = rcx;
  Register tmp2 = rbx;

  // Check that both operands are heap objects.
  Label miss;
  Condition cond = masm->CheckEitherSmi(left, right, tmp1);
  __ j(cond, &miss, Label::kNear);

  // Check that both operands are symbols.
  __ movq(tmp1, FieldOperand(left, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movq(tmp2, FieldOperand(right, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbq(tmp1, FieldOperand(tmp1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  __ movzxbq(tmp2, FieldOperand(tmp2, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSymbolTag != 0);
  __ and_(tmp1, tmp2);
  __ testb(tmp1, Immediate(kIsSymbolMask));
  __ j(zero, &miss, Label::kNear);

  // Symbols are compared by identity.
  Label done;
  __ cmpq(left, right);
  // Make sure rax is non-zero. At this point input operands are
  // guaranteed to be non-zero.
  __ j(not_equal, &done, Label::kNear);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL));
  __ bind(&done);
  __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&miss);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateStrings(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(state_ == CompareIC::STRINGS);
  Label miss;

  bool equality = Token::IsEqualityOp(op_);

  // Registers containing left and right operands respectively.
  Register left = rdx;
  Register right = rax;
  Register tmp1 = rcx;
  Register tmp2 = rbx;
  Register tmp3 = rdi;

  // Check that both operands are heap objects.
  Condition cond = masm->CheckEitherSmi(left, right, tmp1);
  __ j(cond, &miss);

  // Check that both operands are strings. This leaves the instance
  // types loaded in tmp1 and tmp2.
  __ movq(tmp1, FieldOperand(left, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movq(tmp2, FieldOperand(right, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movzxbq(tmp1, FieldOperand(tmp1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  __ movzxbq(tmp2, FieldOperand(tmp2, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
  __ movq(tmp3, tmp1);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kNotStringTag != 0);
  __ or_(tmp3, tmp2);
  __ testb(tmp3, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask));
  __ j(not_zero, &miss);

  // Fast check for identical strings.
  Label not_same;
  __ cmpq(left, right);
  __ j(not_equal, &not_same, Label::kNear);
  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
  __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL));
  __ ret(0);

  // Handle not identical strings.
  __ bind(&not_same);

  // Check that both strings are symbols. If they are, we're done
  // because we already know they are not identical.
  if (equality) {
    Label do_compare;
    STATIC_ASSERT(kSymbolTag != 0);
    __ and_(tmp1, tmp2);
    __ testb(tmp1, Immediate(kIsSymbolMask));
    __ j(zero, &do_compare, Label::kNear);
    // Make sure rax is non-zero. At this point input operands are
    // guaranteed to be non-zero.
    __ ret(0);
    __ bind(&do_compare);

  // Check that both strings are sequential ASCII.
  Label runtime;
  __ JumpIfNotBothSequentialAsciiStrings(left, right, tmp1, tmp2, &runtime);

  // Compare flat ASCII strings. Returns when done.
  if (equality) {
        masm, left, right, tmp1, tmp2);
  } else {
        masm, left, right, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, kScratchRegister);

  // Handle more complex cases in runtime.
  __ bind(&runtime);
  __ pop(tmp1);  // Return address.
  __ push(left);
  __ push(right);
  __ push(tmp1);
  if (equality) {
    __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringEquals, 2, 1);
  } else {
    __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCompare, 2, 1);

  __ bind(&miss);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateObjects(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  ASSERT(state_ == CompareIC::OBJECTS);
  Label miss;
  Condition either_smi = masm->CheckEitherSmi(rdx, rax);
  __ j(either_smi, &miss, Label::kNear);

  __ CmpObjectType(rax, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear);
  __ CmpObjectType(rdx, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx);
  __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear);

  ASSERT(GetCondition() == equal);
  __ subq(rax, rdx);
  __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&miss);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateKnownObjects(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label miss;
  Condition either_smi = masm->CheckEitherSmi(rdx, rax);
  __ j(either_smi, &miss, Label::kNear);

  __ movq(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
  __ Cmp(rcx, known_map_);
  __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear);
  __ Cmp(rbx, known_map_);
  __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear);

  __ subq(rax, rdx);
  __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&miss);

void ICCompareStub::GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm) {
    // Call the runtime system in a fresh internal frame.
    ExternalReference miss =
        ExternalReference(IC_Utility(IC::kCompareIC_Miss), masm->isolate());

    FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
    __ push(rdx);
    __ push(rax);
    __ push(rdx);
    __ push(rax);
    __ Push(Smi::FromInt(op_));
    __ CallExternalReference(miss, 3);

    // Compute the entry point of the rewritten stub.
    __ lea(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, Code::kHeaderSize));
    __ pop(rax);
    __ pop(rdx);

  // Do a tail call to the rewritten stub.
  __ jmp(rdi);

void StringDictionaryLookupStub::GenerateNegativeLookup(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                        Label* miss,
                                                        Label* done,
                                                        Register properties,
                                                        Handle<String> name,
                                                        Register r0) {
  // If names of slots in range from 1 to kProbes - 1 for the hash value are
  // not equal to the name and kProbes-th slot is not used (its name is the
  // undefined value), it guarantees the hash table doesn't contain the
  // property. It's true even if some slots represent deleted properties
  // (their names are the hole value).
  for (int i = 0; i < kInlinedProbes; i++) {
    // r0 points to properties hash.
    // Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask.
    Register index = r0;
    // Capacity is smi 2^n.
    __ SmiToInteger32(index, FieldOperand(properties, kCapacityOffset));
    __ decl(index);
    __ and_(index,
            Immediate(name->Hash() + StringDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i)));

    // Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size.
    ASSERT(StringDictionary::kEntrySize == 3);
    __ lea(index, Operand(index, index, times_2, 0));  // index *= 3.

    Register entity_name = r0;
    // Having undefined at this place means the name is not contained.
    ASSERT_EQ(kSmiTagSize, 1);
    __ movq(entity_name, Operand(properties,
                                 kElementsStartOffset - kHeapObjectTag));
    __ Cmp(entity_name, masm->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value());
    __ j(equal, done);

    // Stop if found the property.
    __ Cmp(entity_name, Handle<String>(name));
    __ j(equal, miss);

    Label the_hole;
    // Check for the hole and skip.
    __ CompareRoot(entity_name, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
    __ j(equal, &the_hole, Label::kNear);

    // Check if the entry name is not a symbol.
    __ movq(entity_name, FieldOperand(entity_name, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
    __ testb(FieldOperand(entity_name, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
    __ j(zero, miss);

    __ bind(&the_hole);

  StringDictionaryLookupStub stub(properties,
  __ Push(Handle<Object>(name));
  __ push(Immediate(name->Hash()));
  __ CallStub(&stub);
  __ testq(r0, r0);
  __ j(not_zero, miss);
  __ jmp(done);

// Probe the string dictionary in the |elements| register. Jump to the
// |done| label if a property with the given name is found leaving the
// index into the dictionary in |r1|. Jump to the |miss| label
// otherwise.
void StringDictionaryLookupStub::GeneratePositiveLookup(MacroAssembler* masm,
                                                        Label* miss,
                                                        Label* done,
                                                        Register elements,
                                                        Register name,
                                                        Register r0,
                                                        Register r1) {

  // Assert that name contains a string.
  if (FLAG_debug_code) __ AbortIfNotString(name);

  __ SmiToInteger32(r0, FieldOperand(elements, kCapacityOffset));
  __ decl(r0);

  for (int i = 0; i < kInlinedProbes; i++) {
    // Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask.
    __ movl(r1, FieldOperand(name, String::kHashFieldOffset));
    __ shrl(r1, Immediate(String::kHashShift));
    if (i > 0) {
      __ addl(r1, Immediate(StringDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i)));
    __ and_(r1, r0);

    // Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size.
    ASSERT(StringDictionary::kEntrySize == 3);
    __ lea(r1, Operand(r1, r1, times_2, 0));  // r1 = r1 * 3

    // Check if the key is identical to the name.
    __ cmpq(name, Operand(elements, r1, times_pointer_size,
                          kElementsStartOffset - kHeapObjectTag));
    __ j(equal, done);

  StringDictionaryLookupStub stub(elements,
  __ push(name);
  __ movl(r0, FieldOperand(name, String::kHashFieldOffset));
  __ shrl(r0, Immediate(String::kHashShift));
  __ push(r0);
  __ CallStub(&stub);

  __ testq(r0, r0);
  __ j(zero, miss);
  __ jmp(done);

void StringDictionaryLookupStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // This stub overrides SometimesSetsUpAFrame() to return false.  That means
  // we cannot call anything that could cause a GC from this stub.
  // Stack frame on entry:
  //  esp[0 * kPointerSize]: return address.
  //  esp[1 * kPointerSize]: key's hash.
  //  esp[2 * kPointerSize]: key.
  // Registers:
  //  dictionary_: StringDictionary to probe.
  //  result_: used as scratch.
  //  index_: will hold an index of entry if lookup is successful.
  //          might alias with result_.
  // Returns:
  //  result_ is zero if lookup failed, non zero otherwise.

  Label in_dictionary, maybe_in_dictionary, not_in_dictionary;

  Register scratch = result_;

  __ SmiToInteger32(scratch, FieldOperand(dictionary_, kCapacityOffset));
  __ decl(scratch);
  __ push(scratch);

  // If names of slots in range from 1 to kProbes - 1 for the hash value are
  // not equal to the name and kProbes-th slot is not used (its name is the
  // undefined value), it guarantees the hash table doesn't contain the
  // property. It's true even if some slots represent deleted properties
  // (their names are the null value).
  for (int i = kInlinedProbes; i < kTotalProbes; i++) {
    // Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask.
    __ movq(scratch, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
    if (i > 0) {
      __ addl(scratch, Immediate(StringDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i)));
    __ and_(scratch, Operand(rsp, 0));

    // Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size.
    ASSERT(StringDictionary::kEntrySize == 3);
    __ lea(index_, Operand(scratch, scratch, times_2, 0));  // index *= 3.

    // Having undefined at this place means the name is not contained.
    __ movq(scratch, Operand(dictionary_,
                             kElementsStartOffset - kHeapObjectTag));

    __ Cmp(scratch, masm->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value());
    __ j(equal, &not_in_dictionary);

    // Stop if found the property.
    __ cmpq(scratch, Operand(rsp, 3 * kPointerSize));
    __ j(equal, &in_dictionary);

    if (i != kTotalProbes - 1 && mode_ == NEGATIVE_LOOKUP) {
      // If we hit a non symbol key during negative lookup
      // we have to bailout as this key might be equal to the
      // key we are looking for.

      // Check if the entry name is not a symbol.
      __ movq(scratch, FieldOperand(scratch, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
      __ testb(FieldOperand(scratch, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
      __ j(zero, &maybe_in_dictionary);

  __ bind(&maybe_in_dictionary);
  // If we are doing negative lookup then probing failure should be
  // treated as a lookup success. For positive lookup probing failure
  // should be treated as lookup failure.
  if (mode_ == POSITIVE_LOOKUP) {
    __ movq(scratch, Immediate(0));
    __ Drop(1);
    __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&in_dictionary);
  __ movq(scratch, Immediate(1));
  __ Drop(1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

  __ bind(&not_in_dictionary);
  __ movq(scratch, Immediate(0));
  __ Drop(1);
  __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);

struct AheadOfTimeWriteBarrierStubList {
  Register object, value, address;
  RememberedSetAction action;

#define REG(Name) { kRegister_ ## Name ## _Code }

struct AheadOfTimeWriteBarrierStubList kAheadOfTime[] = {
  // Used in RegExpExecStub.
  { REG(rbx), REG(rax), REG(rdi), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET },
  // Used in CompileArrayPushCall.
  { REG(rbx), REG(rcx), REG(rdx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET },
  // Used in CompileStoreGlobal.
  { REG(rbx), REG(rcx), REG(rdx), OMIT_REMEMBERED_SET },
  // Used in StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField and
  // KeyedStoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField via GenerateStoreField.
  { REG(rdx), REG(rcx), REG(rbx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET },
  // GenerateStoreField calls the stub with two different permutations of
  // registers.  This is the second.
  { REG(rbx), REG(rcx), REG(rdx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET },
  // StoreIC::GenerateNormal via GenerateDictionaryStore.
  { REG(rbx), REG(r8), REG(r9), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET },
  // KeyedStoreIC::GenerateGeneric.
  { REG(rbx), REG(rdx), REG(rcx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // KeyedStoreStubCompiler::GenerateStoreFastElement.
  { REG(rdi), REG(rbx), REG(rcx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  { REG(rdx), REG(rdi), REG(rbx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // ElementsTransitionGenerator::GenerateMapChangeElementTransition
  // and ElementsTransitionGenerator::GenerateSmiToDouble
  // and ElementsTransitionGenerator::GenerateDoubleToObject
  { REG(rdx), REG(rbx), REG(rdi), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  { REG(rdx), REG(rbx), REG(rdi), OMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // ElementsTransitionGenerator::GenerateSmiToDouble
  // and ElementsTransitionGenerator::GenerateDoubleToObject
  { REG(rdx), REG(r11), REG(r15), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // ElementsTransitionGenerator::GenerateDoubleToObject
  { REG(r11), REG(rax), REG(r15), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // StoreArrayLiteralElementStub::Generate
  { REG(rbx), REG(rax), REG(rcx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // FastNewClosureStub::Generate
  { REG(rcx), REG(rdx), REG(rbx), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET},
  // Null termination.
  { REG(no_reg), REG(no_reg), REG(no_reg), EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET}

#undef REG

bool RecordWriteStub::IsPregenerated() {
  for (AheadOfTimeWriteBarrierStubList* entry = kAheadOfTime;
       entry++) {
    if (>object) &&>value) &&>address) &&
        remembered_set_action_ == entry->action &&
        save_fp_regs_mode_ == kDontSaveFPRegs) {
      return true;
  return false;

void StoreBufferOverflowStub::GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime() {
  StoreBufferOverflowStub stub1(kDontSaveFPRegs);
  StoreBufferOverflowStub stub2(kSaveFPRegs);

void RecordWriteStub::GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime() {
  for (AheadOfTimeWriteBarrierStubList* entry = kAheadOfTime;
       entry++) {
    RecordWriteStub stub(entry->object,

// Takes the input in 3 registers: address_ value_ and object_.  A pointer to
// the value has just been written into the object, now this stub makes sure
// we keep the GC informed.  The word in the object where the value has been
// written is in the address register.
void RecordWriteStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  Label skip_to_incremental_noncompacting;
  Label skip_to_incremental_compacting;

  // The first two instructions are generated with labels so as to get the
  // offset fixed up correctly by the bind(Label*) call.  We patch it back and
  // forth between a compare instructions (a nop in this position) and the
  // real branch when we start and stop incremental heap marking.
  // See RecordWriteStub::Patch for details.
  __ jmp(&skip_to_incremental_noncompacting, Label::kNear);
  __ jmp(&skip_to_incremental_compacting, Label::kFar);

  if (remembered_set_action_ == EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET) {
    __ RememberedSetHelper(object_,
  } else {
    __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&skip_to_incremental_noncompacting);
  GenerateIncremental(masm, INCREMENTAL);

  __ bind(&skip_to_incremental_compacting);
  GenerateIncremental(masm, INCREMENTAL_COMPACTION);

  // Initial mode of the stub is expected to be STORE_BUFFER_ONLY.
  // Will be checked in IncrementalMarking::ActivateGeneratedStub.
  masm->set_byte_at(0, kTwoByteNopInstruction);
  masm->set_byte_at(2, kFiveByteNopInstruction);

void RecordWriteStub::GenerateIncremental(MacroAssembler* masm, Mode mode) {

  if (remembered_set_action_ == EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET) {
    Label dont_need_remembered_set;

    __ movq(regs_.scratch0(), Operand(regs_.address(), 0));
    __ JumpIfNotInNewSpace(regs_.scratch0(),

    __ CheckPageFlag(regs_.object(),
                     1 << MemoryChunk::SCAN_ON_SCAVENGE,

    // First notify the incremental marker if necessary, then update the
    // remembered set.
        masm, kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker, mode);
    InformIncrementalMarker(masm, mode);
    __ RememberedSetHelper(object_,

    __ bind(&dont_need_remembered_set);

      masm, kReturnOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker, mode);
  InformIncrementalMarker(masm, mode);
  __ ret(0);

void RecordWriteStub::InformIncrementalMarker(MacroAssembler* masm, Mode mode) {
  regs_.SaveCallerSaveRegisters(masm, save_fp_regs_mode_);
#ifdef _WIN64
  Register arg3 = r8;
  Register arg2 = rdx;
  Register arg1 = rcx;
  Register arg3 = rdx;
  Register arg2 = rsi;
  Register arg1 = rdi;
  Register address = ? kScratchRegister : regs_.address();
  __ Move(address, regs_.address());
  __ Move(arg1, regs_.object());
    // TODO(gc) Can we just set address arg2 in the beginning?
    __ Move(arg2, address);
  } else {
    __ movq(arg2, Operand(address, 0));
  __ LoadAddress(arg3, ExternalReference::isolate_address());
  int argument_count = 3;

  AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
  __ PrepareCallCFunction(argument_count);
    __ CallCFunction(
  } else {
    __ CallCFunction(
  regs_.RestoreCallerSaveRegisters(masm, save_fp_regs_mode_);

void RecordWriteStub::CheckNeedsToInformIncrementalMarker(
    MacroAssembler* masm,
    OnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker on_no_need,
    Mode mode) {
  Label on_black;
  Label need_incremental;
  Label need_incremental_pop_object;

  // Let's look at the color of the object:  If it is not black we don't have
  // to inform the incremental marker.
  __ JumpIfBlack(regs_.object(),

  if (on_no_need == kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker) {
    __ RememberedSetHelper(object_,
  } else {
    __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&on_black);

  // Get the value from the slot.
  __ movq(regs_.scratch0(), Operand(regs_.address(), 0));

    Label ensure_not_white;

    __ CheckPageFlag(regs_.scratch0(),  // Contains value.
                     regs_.scratch1(),  // Scratch.

    __ CheckPageFlag(regs_.object(),
                     regs_.scratch1(),  // Scratch.

    __ bind(&ensure_not_white);

  // We need an extra register for this, so we push the object register
  // temporarily.
  __ push(regs_.object());
  __ EnsureNotWhite(regs_.scratch0(),  // The value.
                    regs_.scratch1(),  // Scratch.
                    regs_.object(),  // Scratch.
  __ pop(regs_.object());

  if (on_no_need == kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker) {
    __ RememberedSetHelper(object_,
  } else {
    __ ret(0);

  __ bind(&need_incremental_pop_object);
  __ pop(regs_.object());

  __ bind(&need_incremental);

  // Fall through when we need to inform the incremental marker.

void StoreArrayLiteralElementStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // ----------- S t a t e -------------
  //  -- rax    : element value to store
  //  -- rbx    : array literal
  //  -- rdi    : map of array literal
  //  -- rcx    : element index as smi
  //  -- rdx    : array literal index in function
  //  -- rsp[0] : return address
  // -----------------------------------

  Label element_done;
  Label double_elements;
  Label smi_element;
  Label slow_elements;
  Label fast_elements;

  __ CheckFastElements(rdi, &double_elements);

  __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &smi_element);
  __ CheckFastSmiElements(rdi, &fast_elements);

  // Store into the array literal requires a elements transition. Call into
  // the runtime.

  __ bind(&slow_elements);
  __ pop(rdi);  // Pop return address and remember to put back later for tail
                // call.
  __ push(rbx);
  __ push(rcx);
  __ push(rax);
  __ movq(rbx, Operand(rbp, JavaScriptFrameConstants::kFunctionOffset));
  __ push(FieldOperand(rbx, JSFunction::kLiteralsOffset));
  __ push(rdx);
  __ push(rdi);  // Return return address so that tail call returns to right
                 // place.
  __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStoreArrayLiteralElement, 5, 1);

  // Array literal has ElementsKind of FAST_*_ELEMENTS and value is an object.
  __ bind(&fast_elements);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rcx);
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kElementsOffset));
  __ lea(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx, kScratchRegister, times_pointer_size,
  __ movq(Operand(rcx, 0), rax);
  // Update the write barrier for the array store.
  __ RecordWrite(rbx, rcx, rax,
  __ ret(0);

  // Array literal has ElementsKind of FAST_*_SMI_ELEMENTS or
  // FAST_*_ELEMENTS, and value is Smi.
  __ bind(&smi_element);
  __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rcx);
  __ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kElementsOffset));
  __ movq(FieldOperand(rbx, kScratchRegister, times_pointer_size,
                       FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize), rax);
  __ ret(0);

  // Array literal has ElementsKind of FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS.
  __ bind(&double_elements);

  __ movq(r9, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kElementsOffset));
  __ SmiToInteger32(r11, rcx);
  __ StoreNumberToDoubleElements(rax,
  __ ret(0);

void ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHook(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  if (entry_hook_ != NULL) {
    ProfileEntryHookStub stub;

void ProfileEntryHookStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
  // Save volatile registers.
  // Live registers at this point are the same as at the start of any
  // JS function:
  //   o rdi: the JS function object being called (i.e. ourselves)
  //   o rsi: our context
  //   o rbp: our caller's frame pointer
  //   o rsp: stack pointer (pointing to return address)
  //   o rcx: rcx is zero for method calls and non-zero for function calls.
#ifdef _WIN64
  const int kNumSavedRegisters = 1;

  __ push(rcx);
  const int kNumSavedRegisters = 3;

  __ push(rcx);
  __ push(rdi);
  __ push(rsi);

  // Calculate the original stack pointer and store it in the second arg.
#ifdef _WIN64
  __ lea(rdx, Operand(rsp, kNumSavedRegisters * kPointerSize));
  __ lea(rsi, Operand(rsp, kNumSavedRegisters * kPointerSize));

  // Calculate the function address to the first arg.
#ifdef _WIN64
  __ movq(rcx, Operand(rdx, 0));
  __ subq(rcx, Immediate(Assembler::kShortCallInstructionLength));
  __ movq(rdi, Operand(rsi, 0));
  __ subq(rdi, Immediate(Assembler::kShortCallInstructionLength));

  // Call the entry hook function.
  __ movq(rax, &entry_hook_, RelocInfo::NONE);
  __ movq(rax, Operand(rax, 0));

  AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);

  const int kArgumentCount = 2;
  __ PrepareCallCFunction(kArgumentCount);
  __ CallCFunction(rax, kArgumentCount);

  // Restore volatile regs.
#ifdef _WIN64
  __ pop(rcx);
  __ pop(rsi);
  __ pop(rdi);
  __ pop(rcx);

  __ Ret();

#undef __

} }  // namespace v8::internal

#endif  // V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64

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