This source file includes following definitions.
- frameSize
- writePicture
#include "common.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "y4m.h"
using namespace X265_NS;
using namespace std;
Y4MOutput::Y4MOutput(const char *filename, int w, int h, uint32_t fpsNum, uint32_t fpsDenom, int csp)
: width(w)
, height(h)
, colorSpace(csp)
, frameSize(0)
{, ios::binary | ios::out);
buf = new char[width];
const char *cf = (csp >= X265_CSP_I444) ? "444" : (csp >= X265_CSP_I422) ? "422" : "420";
if (ofs)
ofs << "YUV4MPEG2 W" << width << " H" << height << " F" << fpsNum << ":" << fpsDenom << " Ip" << " C" << cf << "\n";
header = ofs.tellp();
for (int i = 0; i < x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].planes; i++)
frameSize += (uint32_t)((width >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[i]) * (height >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].height[i]));
delete [] buf;
bool Y4MOutput::writePicture(const x265_picture& pic)
std::ofstream::pos_type outPicPos = header;
outPicPos += (uint64_t)pic.poc * (6 + frameSize);
ofs << "FRAME\n";
if (pic.bitDepth > 8 && pic.poc == 0)
x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_WARNING, "y4m: down-shifting reconstructed pixels to 8 bits\n");
if (pic.bitDepth > 8 && pic.poc == 0)
x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_WARNING, "y4m: forcing reconstructed pixels to 8 bits\n");
X265_CHECK(pic.colorSpace == colorSpace, "invalid chroma subsampling\n");
X265_CHECK(pic.bitDepth > 8, "invalid bit depth\n");
int shift = pic.bitDepth - 8;
for (int i = 0; i < x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].planes; i++)
uint16_t *src = (uint16_t*)pic.planes[i];
for (int h = 0; h < height >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].height[i]; h++)
for (int w = 0; w < width >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[i]; w++)
buf[w] = (char)(src[w] >> shift);
ofs.write(buf, width >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[i]);
src += pic.stride[i] / sizeof(*src);
X265_CHECK(pic.bitDepth == 8, "invalid bit depth\n");
for (int i = 0; i < x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].planes; i++)
char *src = (char*)pic.planes[i];
for (int h = 0; h < height >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].height[i]; h++)
ofs.write(src, width >> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[i]);
src += pic.stride[i] / sizeof(*src);
return true;