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 * \file        lzma/base.h
 * \brief       Data types and functions used in many places in liblzma API

 * Author: Lasse Collin
 * This file has been put into the public domain.
 * You can do whatever you want with this file.
 * See ../lzma.h for information about liblzma as a whole.

#       error Never include this file directly. Use <lzma.h> instead.

 * \brief       Boolean
 * This is here because C89 doesn't have stdbool.h. To set a value for
 * variables having type lzma_bool, you can use
 *   - C99's `true' and `false' from stdbool.h;
 *   - C++'s internal `true' and `false'; or
 *   - integers one (true) and zero (false).
typedef unsigned char lzma_bool;

 * \brief       Type of reserved enumeration variable in structures
 * To avoid breaking library ABI when new features are added, several
 * structures contain extra variables that may be used in future. Since
 * sizeof(enum) can be different than sizeof(int), and sizeof(enum) may
 * even vary depending on the range of enumeration constants, we specify
 * a separate type to be used for reserved enumeration variables. All
 * enumeration constants in liblzma API will be non-negative and less
 * than 128, which should guarantee that the ABI won't break even when
 * new constants are added to existing enumerations.
typedef enum {
        LZMA_RESERVED_ENUM      = 0
} lzma_reserved_enum;

 * \brief       Return values used by several functions in liblzma
 * Check the descriptions of specific functions to find out which return
 * values they can return. With some functions the return values may have
 * more specific meanings than described here; those differences are
 * described per-function basis.
typedef enum {
        LZMA_OK                 = 0,
                 * \brief       Operation completed successfully

        LZMA_STREAM_END         = 1,
                 * \brief       End of stream was reached
                 * In encoder, LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH, LZMA_FULL_FLUSH, or
                 * LZMA_FINISH was finished. In decoder, this indicates
                 * that all the data was successfully decoded.
                 * In all cases, when LZMA_STREAM_END is returned, the last
                 * output bytes should be picked from strm->next_out.

        LZMA_NO_CHECK           = 2,
                 * \brief       Input stream has no integrity check
                 * This return value can be returned only if the
                 * LZMA_TELL_NO_CHECK flag was used when initializing
                 * the decoder. LZMA_NO_CHECK is just a warning, and
                 * the decoding can be continued normally.
                 * It is possible to call lzma_get_check() immediately after
                 * lzma_code has returned LZMA_NO_CHECK. The result will
                 * naturally be LZMA_CHECK_NONE, but the possibility to call
                 * lzma_get_check() may be convenient in some applications.

                 * \brief       Cannot calculate the integrity check
                 * The usage of this return value is different in encoders
                 * and decoders.
                 * Encoders can return this value only from the initialization
                 * function. If initialization fails with this value, the
                 * encoding cannot be done, because there's no way to produce
                 * output with the correct integrity check.
                 * Decoders can return this value only from lzma_code() and
                 * only if the LZMA_TELL_UNSUPPORTED_CHECK flag was used when
                 * initializing the decoder. The decoding can still be
                 * continued normally even if the check type is unsupported,
                 * but naturally the check will not be validated, and possible
                 * errors may go undetected.
                 * With decoder, it is possible to call lzma_get_check()
                 * immediately after lzma_code() has returned
                 * LZMA_UNSUPPORTED_CHECK. This way it is possible to find
                 * out what the unsupported Check ID was.

        LZMA_GET_CHECK          = 4,
                 * \brief       Integrity check type is now available
                 * This value can be returned only by the lzma_code() function
                 * and only if the decoder was initialized with the
                 * LZMA_TELL_ANY_CHECK flag. LZMA_GET_CHECK tells the
                 * application that it may now call lzma_get_check() to find
                 * out the Check ID. This can be used, for example, to
                 * implement a decoder that accepts only files that have
                 * strong enough integrity check.

        LZMA_MEM_ERROR          = 5,
                 * \brief       Cannot allocate memory
                 * Memory allocation failed, or the size of the allocation
                 * would be greater than SIZE_MAX.
                 * Due to internal implementation reasons, the coding cannot
                 * be continued even if more memory were made available after
                 * LZMA_MEM_ERROR.

        LZMA_MEMLIMIT_ERROR     = 6,
                 * \brief       Memory usage limit was reached
                 * Decoder would need more memory than allowed by the
                 * specified memory usage limit. To continue decoding,
                 * the memory usage limit has to be increased with
                 * lzma_memlimit_set().

        LZMA_FORMAT_ERROR       = 7,
                 * \brief       File format not recognized
                 * The decoder did not recognize the input as supported file
                 * format. This error can occur, for example, when trying to
                 * decode .lzma format file with lzma_stream_decoder,
                 * because lzma_stream_decoder accepts only the .xz format.

        LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR      = 8,
                 * \brief       Invalid or unsupported options
                 * Invalid or unsupported options, for example
                 *  - unsupported filter(s) or filter options; or
                 *  - reserved bits set in headers (decoder only).
                 * Rebuilding liblzma with more features enabled, or
                 * upgrading to a newer version of liblzma may help.

        LZMA_DATA_ERROR         = 9,
                 * \brief       Data is corrupt
                 * The usage of this return value is different in encoders
                 * and decoders. In both encoder and decoder, the coding
                 * cannot continue after this error.
                 * Encoders return this if size limits of the target file
                 * format would be exceeded. These limits are huge, thus
                 * getting this error from an encoder is mostly theoretical.
                 * For example, the maximum compressed and uncompressed
                 * size of a .xz Stream is roughly 8 EiB (2^63 bytes).
                 * Decoders return this error if the input data is corrupt.
                 * This can mean, for example, invalid CRC32 in headers
                 * or invalid check of uncompressed data.

        LZMA_BUF_ERROR          = 10,
                 * \brief       No progress is possible
                 * This error code is returned when the coder cannot consume
                 * any new input and produce any new output. The most common
                 * reason for this error is that the input stream being
                 * decoded is truncated or corrupt.
                 * This error is not fatal. Coding can be continued normally
                 * by providing more input and/or more output space, if
                 * possible.
                 * Typically the first call to lzma_code() that can do no
                 * progress returns LZMA_OK instead of LZMA_BUF_ERROR. Only
                 * the second consecutive call doing no progress will return
                 * LZMA_BUF_ERROR. This is intentional.
                 * With zlib, Z_BUF_ERROR may be returned even if the
                 * application is doing nothing wrong, so apps will need
                 * to handle Z_BUF_ERROR specially. The above hack
                 * guarantees that liblzma never returns LZMA_BUF_ERROR
                 * to properly written applications unless the input file
                 * is truncated or corrupt. This should simplify the
                 * applications a little.

        LZMA_PROG_ERROR         = 11,
                 * \brief       Programming error
                 * This indicates that the arguments given to the function are
                 * invalid or the internal state of the decoder is corrupt.
                 *   - Function arguments are invalid or the structures
                 *     pointed by the argument pointers are invalid
                 *     e.g. if strm->next_out has been set to NULL and
                 *     strm->avail_out > 0 when calling lzma_code().
                 *   - lzma_* functions have been called in wrong order
                 *     e.g. lzma_code() was called right after lzma_end().
                 *   - If errors occur randomly, the reason might be flaky
                 *     hardware.
                 * If you think that your code is correct, this error code
                 * can be a sign of a bug in liblzma. See the documentation
                 * how to report bugs.
} lzma_ret;

 * \brief       The `action' argument for lzma_code()
 * After the first use of LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH, LZMA_FULL_FLUSH, or LZMA_FINISH,
 * the same `action' must is used until lzma_code() returns LZMA_STREAM_END.
 * Also, the amount of input (that is, strm->avail_in) must not be modified
 * by the application until lzma_code() returns LZMA_STREAM_END. Changing the
 * `action' or modifying the amount of input will make lzma_code() return
typedef enum {
        LZMA_RUN = 0,
                 * \brief       Continue coding
                 * Encoder: Encode as much input as possible. Some internal
                 * buffering will probably be done (depends on the filter
                 * chain in use), which causes latency: the input used won't
                 * usually be decodeable from the output of the same
                 * lzma_code() call.
                 * Decoder: Decode as much input as possible and produce as
                 * much output as possible.

        LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH = 1,
                 * \brief       Make all the input available at output
                 * Normally the encoder introduces some latency.
                 * LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH forces all the buffered data to be
                 * available at output without resetting the internal
                 * state of the encoder. This way it is possible to use
                 * compressed stream for example for communication over
                 * network.
                 * Only some filters support LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH. Trying to use
                 * LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH with filters that don't support it will
                 * make lzma_code() return LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR. For example,
                 * LZMA1 doesn't support LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH but LZMA2 does.
                 * Using LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH very often can dramatically reduce
                 * the compression ratio. With some filters (for example,
                 * LZMA2), fine-tuning the compression options may help
                 * mitigate this problem significantly (for example,
                 * match finder with LZMA2).
                 * Decoders don't support LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH.

        LZMA_FULL_FLUSH = 2,
                 * \brief       Finish encoding of the current Block
                 * All the input data going to the current Block must have
                 * been given to the encoder (the last bytes can still be
                 * pending in* next_in). Call lzma_code() with LZMA_FULL_FLUSH
                 * until it returns LZMA_STREAM_END. Then continue normally
                 * with LZMA_RUN or finish the Stream with LZMA_FINISH.
                 * This action is currently supported only by Stream encoder
                 * and easy encoder (which uses Stream encoder). If there is
                 * no unfinished Block, no empty Block is created.

        LZMA_FINISH = 3
                 * \brief       Finish the coding operation
                 * All the input data must have been given to the encoder
                 * (the last bytes can still be pending in next_in).
                 * Call lzma_code() with LZMA_FINISH until it returns
                 * LZMA_STREAM_END. Once LZMA_FINISH has been used,
                 * the amount of input must no longer be changed by
                 * the application.
                 * When decoding, using LZMA_FINISH is optional unless the
                 * LZMA_CONCATENATED flag was used when the decoder was
                 * initialized. When LZMA_CONCATENATED was not used, the only
                 * effect of LZMA_FINISH is that the amount of input must not
                 * be changed just like in the encoder.
} lzma_action;

 * \brief       Custom functions for memory handling
 * A pointer to lzma_allocator may be passed via lzma_stream structure
 * to liblzma, and some advanced functions take a pointer to lzma_allocator
 * as a separate function argument. The library will use the functions
 * specified in lzma_allocator for memory handling instead of the default
 * malloc() and free(). C++ users should note that the custom memory
 * handling functions must not throw exceptions.
 * liblzma doesn't make an internal copy of lzma_allocator. Thus, it is
 * OK to change these function pointers in the middle of the coding
 * process, but obviously it must be done carefully to make sure that the
 * replacement `free' can deallocate memory allocated by the earlier
 * `alloc' function(s).
typedef struct {
         * \brief       Pointer to a custom memory allocation function
         * If you don't want a custom allocator, but still want
         * custom free(), set this to NULL and liblzma will use
         * the standard malloc().
         * \param       opaque  lzma_allocator.opaque (see below)
         * \param       nmemb   Number of elements like in calloc(). liblzma
         *                      will always set nmemb to 1, so it is safe to
         *                      ignore nmemb in a custom allocator if you like.
         *                      The nmemb argument exists only for
         *                      compatibility with zlib and libbzip2.
         * \param       size    Size of an element in bytes.
         *                      liblzma never sets this to zero.
         * \return      Pointer to the beginning of a memory block of
         *              `size' bytes, or NULL if allocation fails
         *              for some reason. When allocation fails, functions
         *              of liblzma return LZMA_MEM_ERROR.
         * The allocator should not waste time zeroing the allocated buffers.
         * This is not only about speed, but also memory usage, since the
         * operating system kernel doesn't necessarily allocate the requested
         * memory in physical memory until it is actually used. With small
         * input files, liblzma may actually need only a fraction of the
         * memory that it requested for allocation.
         * \note        LZMA_MEM_ERROR is also used when the size of the
         *              allocation would be greater than SIZE_MAX. Thus,
         *              don't assume that the custom allocator must have
         *              returned NULL if some function from liblzma
         *              returns LZMA_MEM_ERROR.
        void *(LZMA_API_CALL *alloc)(void *opaque, size_t nmemb, size_t size);

         * \brief       Pointer to a custom memory freeing function
         * If you don't want a custom freeing function, but still
         * want a custom allocator, set this to NULL and liblzma
         * will use the standard free().
         * \param       opaque  lzma_allocator.opaque (see below)
         * \param       ptr     Pointer returned by lzma_allocator.alloc(),
         *                      or when it is set to NULL, a pointer returned
         *                      by the standard malloc().
        void (LZMA_API_CALL *free)(void *opaque, void *ptr);

         * \brief       Pointer passed to .alloc() and .free()
         * opaque is passed as the first argument to lzma_allocator.alloc()
         * and This intended to ease implementing
         * custom memory allocation functions for use with liblzma.
         * If you don't need this, you should set this to NULL.
        void *opaque;

} lzma_allocator;

 * \brief       Internal data structure
 * The contents of this structure is not visible outside the library.
typedef struct lzma_internal_s lzma_internal;

 * \brief       Passing data to and from liblzma
 * The lzma_stream structure is used for
 *  - passing pointers to input and output buffers to liblzma;
 *  - defining custom memory hander functions; and
 *  - holding a pointer to coder-specific internal data structures.
 * Typical usage:
 *  - After allocating lzma_stream (on stack or with malloc()), it must be
 *    initialized to LZMA_STREAM_INIT (see LZMA_STREAM_INIT for details).
 *  - Initialize a coder to the lzma_stream, for example by using
 *    lzma_easy_encoder() or lzma_auto_decoder(). Some notes:
 *      - In contrast to zlib, strm->next_in and strm->next_out are
 *        ignored by all initialization functions, thus it is safe
 *        to not initialize them yet.
 *      - The initialization functions always set strm->total_in and
 *        strm->total_out to zero.
 *      - If the initialization function fails, no memory is left allocated
 *        that would require freeing with lzma_end() even if some memory was
 *        associated with the lzma_stream structure when the initialization
 *        function was called.
 *  - Use lzma_code() to do the actual work.
 *  - Once the coding has been finished, the existing lzma_stream can be
 *    reused. It is OK to reuse lzma_stream with different initialization
 *    function without calling lzma_end() first. Old allocations are
 *    automatically freed.
 *  - Finally, use lzma_end() to free the allocated memory. lzma_end() never
 *    frees the lzma_stream structure itself.
 * Application may modify the values of total_in and total_out as it wants.
 * They are updated by liblzma to match the amount of data read and
 * written, but aren't used for anything else.
typedef struct {
        const uint8_t *next_in; /**< Pointer to the next input byte. */
        size_t avail_in;    /**< Number of available input bytes in next_in. */
        uint64_t total_in;  /**< Total number of bytes read by liblzma. */

        uint8_t *next_out;  /**< Pointer to the next output position. */
        size_t avail_out;   /**< Amount of free space in next_out. */
        uint64_t total_out; /**< Total number of bytes written by liblzma. */

         * \brief       Custom memory allocation functions
         * In most cases this is NULL which makes liblzma use
         * the standard malloc() and free().
        lzma_allocator *allocator;

        /** Internal state is not visible to applications. */
        lzma_internal *internal;

         * Reserved space to allow possible future extensions without
         * breaking the ABI. Excluding the initialization of this structure,
         * you should not touch these, because the names of these variables
         * may change.
        void *reserved_ptr1;
        void *reserved_ptr2;
        void *reserved_ptr3;
        void *reserved_ptr4;
        uint64_t reserved_int1;
        uint64_t reserved_int2;
        size_t reserved_int3;
        size_t reserved_int4;
        lzma_reserved_enum reserved_enum1;
        lzma_reserved_enum reserved_enum2;

} lzma_stream;

 * \brief       Initialization for lzma_stream
 * When you declare an instance of lzma_stream, you can immediately
 * initialize it so that initialization functions know that no memory
 * has been allocated yet:
 *     lzma_stream strm = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
 * If you need to initialize a dynamically allocated lzma_stream, you can use
 * memset(strm_pointer, 0, sizeof(lzma_stream)). Strictly speaking, this
 * violates the C standard since NULL may have different internal
 * representation than zero, but it should be portable enough in practice.
 * Anyway, for maximum portability, you can use something like this:
 *     lzma_stream tmp = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
 *     *strm = tmp;
        { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, \
        NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, \

 * \brief       Encode or decode data
 * Once the lzma_stream has been successfully initialized (e.g. with
 * lzma_stream_encoder()), the actual encoding or decoding is done
 * using this function. The application has to update strm->next_in,
 * strm->avail_in, strm->next_out, and strm->avail_out to pass input
 * to and get output from liblzma.
 * See the description of the coder-specific initialization function to find
 * out what `action' values are supported by the coder.
extern LZMA_API(lzma_ret) lzma_code(lzma_stream *strm, lzma_action action)
                lzma_nothrow lzma_attr_warn_unused_result;

 * \brief       Free memory allocated for the coder data structures
 * \param       strm    Pointer to lzma_stream that is at least initialized
 *                      with LZMA_STREAM_INIT.
 * After lzma_end(strm), strm->internal is guaranteed to be NULL. No other
 * members of the lzma_stream structure are touched.
 * \note        zlib indicates an error if application end()s unfinished
 *              stream structure. liblzma doesn't do this, and assumes that
 *              application knows what it is doing.
extern LZMA_API(void) lzma_end(lzma_stream *strm) lzma_nothrow;

 * \brief       Get the memory usage of decoder filter chain
 * This function is currently supported only when *strm has been initialized
 * with a function that takes a memlimit argument. With other functions, you
 * should use e.g. lzma_raw_encoder_memusage() or lzma_raw_decoder_memusage()
 * to estimate the memory requirements.
 * This function is useful e.g. after LZMA_MEMLIMIT_ERROR to find out how big
 * the memory usage limit should have been to decode the input. Note that
 * this may give misleading information if decoding .xz Streams that have
 * multiple Blocks, because each Block can have different memory requirements.
 * \return      How much memory is currently allocated for the filter
 *              decoders. If no filter chain is currently allocated,
 *              some non-zero value is still returned, which is less than
 *              or equal to what any filter chain would indicate as its
 *              memory requirement.
 *              If this function isn't supported by *strm or some other error
 *              occurs, zero is returned.
extern LZMA_API(uint64_t) lzma_memusage(const lzma_stream *strm)
                lzma_nothrow lzma_attr_pure;

 * \brief       Get the current memory usage limit
 * This function is supported only when *strm has been initialized with
 * a function that takes a memlimit argument.
 * \return      On success, the current memory usage limit is returned
 *              (always non-zero). On error, zero is returned.
extern LZMA_API(uint64_t) lzma_memlimit_get(const lzma_stream *strm)
                lzma_nothrow lzma_attr_pure;

 * \brief       Set the memory usage limit
 * This function is supported only when *strm has been initialized with
 * a function that takes a memlimit argument.
 * \return      - LZMA_OK: New memory usage limit successfully set.
 *              - LZMA_MEMLIMIT_ERROR: The new limit is too small.
 *                The limit was not changed.
 *              - LZMA_PROG_ERROR: Invalid arguments, e.g. *strm doesn't
 *                support memory usage limit or memlimit was zero.
extern LZMA_API(lzma_ret) lzma_memlimit_set(
                lzma_stream *strm, uint64_t memlimit) lzma_nothrow;

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