
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Definition of Options
// Options which may be applied to an image. These options are the
// equivalent of options supplied to ImageMagick utilities.
// This is an internal implementation class and is not part of the
// Magick++ API

#if !defined(Magick_Options_header)
#define Magick_Options_header

#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>
#include "Magick++/Color.h"
#include "Magick++/Geometry.h"
#include "Magick++/Drawable.h"

namespace Magick
  class MagickDLLDecl Image;

  class Options

    Options( void );
    Options( const Options& options_ );

    // Remove pixel aliasing
    void            antiAlias( bool flag_ );
    bool            antiAlias( void ) const;
    // Join images into a single multi-image file
    void            adjoin ( bool flag_ );
    bool            adjoin ( void ) const;
    // Image background color
    void            backgroundColor ( const Color &color_ );
    Color           backgroundColor ( void ) const;
    // Name of texture image to tile onto the image background
    void            backgroundTexture ( const std::string &backgroundTexture_ );
    std::string     backgroundTexture ( void ) const;
    // Image border color
    void            borderColor ( const Color &color_ );
    Color           borderColor ( void ) const;
    // Text bounding-box base color (default none)
    void            boxColor ( const Color &boxColor_ );
    Color           boxColor ( void ) const;
    // Colors within this distance are considered equal
    void            colorFuzz ( double fuzz_ );
    double          colorFuzz ( void ) const;
    // Compression type ( NoCompression, BZipCompression,
    // FaxCompression, JPEGCompression, LZWCompression,
    // RLECompression, or ZipCompression )
    void            compressType ( CompressionType compressType_ );
    CompressionType compressType ( void ) const;

    // Enable printing of debug messages from ImageMagick
    void            debug ( bool flag_ );
    bool            debug ( void ) const;
    // Vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels of the image
    void            density ( const Geometry &geomery_ );
    Geometry        density ( void ) const;

    // Image depth (8 or 16)
    void            depth ( unsigned int depth_ );
    unsigned int    depth ( void ) const;

    // Endianness (little like Intel or big like SPARC) for image
    // formats which support endian-specific options.
    void            endian ( EndianType endian_ );
    EndianType      endian ( void ) const;

    // Image filename to read or write
    void            fileName ( const std::string &fileName_ );
    std::string     fileName ( void ) const;

    // Color to use when filling drawn objects
    void            fillColor ( const Color &fillColor_ );
    Color           fillColor ( void ) const;

    // Fill pattern
    void            fillPattern ( const MagickLib::Image *fillPattern_ );
    const MagickLib::Image* fillPattern ( void  ) const;

    // Rule to use when filling drawn objects
    void            fillRule ( const FillRule &fillRule_ );
    FillRule        fillRule ( void ) const;

    // Font name
    void            font ( const std::string &font_ );
    std::string     font ( void ) const;

    // Font point size
    void            fontPointsize ( double pointSize_ );
    double          fontPointsize ( void ) const;
    std::string     format ( void ) const;

    // Image interlace scheme
    void            interlaceType ( InterlaceType interlace_ );
    InterlaceType   interlaceType ( void ) const;
   // Image format to write or read
    void            magick ( const std::string &magick_ );
    std::string     magick ( void ) const;
    // Transparent color
    void            matteColor ( const Color &matteColor_ );
    Color           matteColor ( void ) const;

   // Write as a monochrome image
    void            monochrome ( bool monochromeFlag_ );
    bool            monochrome ( void ) const;

    // Preferred size and location of an image canvas.
    void            page ( const Geometry &pageSize_ );
    Geometry        page ( void ) const;

    // Desired image quality factor
    void            quality ( unsigned int quality_ );
    unsigned int    quality ( void ) const;
    // Maximum number of colors to quantize to
    void            quantizeColors ( unsigned int colors_ );
    unsigned int    quantizeColors ( void ) const;
    // Colorspace to quantize in.
    void            quantizeColorSpace ( ColorspaceType colorSpace_ );
    ColorspaceType  quantizeColorSpace ( void ) const;
    // Dither image during quantization.
    void            quantizeDither ( bool ditherFlag_ );
    bool            quantizeDither ( void ) const;
    // Quantization tree-depth
    void            quantizeTreeDepth ( unsigned int treeDepth_ );
    unsigned int    quantizeTreeDepth ( void ) const;

    // Units of resolution to interpret density
    void            resolutionUnits ( ResolutionType resolutionUnits_ );
    ResolutionType  resolutionUnits ( void ) const;

    // Image size (required for raw formats)
    void            size ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    Geometry        size ( void ) const;

    // enabled/disable stroke anti-aliasing
    void            strokeAntiAlias( bool flag_ );
    bool            strokeAntiAlias( void ) const ;

    // Color to use when drawing object outlines
    void            strokeColor ( const Color &strokeColor_ );
    Color           strokeColor ( void ) const;

    // Control the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke
    // paths. The strokeDashArray represents a list of numbers that
    // specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps in user
    // units. If an odd number of values is provided, then the list of
    // values is repeated to yield an even number of values.
    void            strokeDashArray ( const double* strokeDashArray_ );
    const double*   strokeDashArray ( void ) const;

    // While drawing using strokeDashArray, specify distance into the dash
    // pattern to start the dash (default 0).
    void            strokeDashOffset ( double strokeDashOffset_ );
    double          strokeDashOffset ( void ) const;

    // Specify the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when
    // they are stroked. Values of LineCap are UndefinedCap, ButtCap,
    // RoundCap, and SquareCap.
    void            strokeLineCap ( LineCap lineCap_ );
    LineCap         strokeLineCap ( void ) const;
    // Specify the shape to be used at the corners of paths (or other
    // vector shapes) when they are stroked. Values of LineJoin are
    // UndefinedJoin, MiterJoin, RoundJoin, and BevelJoin.
    void            strokeLineJoin ( LineJoin lineJoin_ );
    LineJoin        strokeLineJoin ( void ) const;

    // Specify miter limit. When two line segments meet at a sharp
    // angle and miter joins have been specified for 'lineJoin', it is
    // possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of
    // the line stroking the path. The miterLimit' imposes a limit on
    // the ratio of the miter length to the 'stroke_width'. The default
    // value of this parameter is 4.
    void            strokeMiterLimit ( unsigned int miterLimit_ );
    unsigned int    strokeMiterLimit ( void ) const;

    // Pattern image to use for stroked outlines
    void            strokePattern ( const MagickLib::Image *strokePattern_ );
    const MagickLib::Image* strokePattern ( void  ) const;

   // Stroke width for drawing vector objects (default one)
    void            strokeWidth ( double strokeWidth_ );
    double          strokeWidth ( void ) const;

    void            subImage ( unsigned int subImage_ );
    unsigned int    subImage ( void ) const;

    // Sub-frame number to return
    void            subRange ( unsigned int subRange_ );
    unsigned int    subRange ( void ) const;

    // Annotation text encoding (e.g. "UTF-16")
    void            textEncoding ( const std::string &encoding_ );
    std::string     textEncoding ( void ) const;
    void            tileName ( const std::string &tileName_ );
    std::string     tileName ( void ) const;

    // Image representation type
    void            type ( const ImageType type_ );
    ImageType       type ( void ) const;

    // Origin of coordinate system to use when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformOrigin ( double tx_, double ty_ );

    // Reset transformation parameters to default
    void            transformReset ( void );

    // Rotation to use when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformRotation ( double angle_ );

    // Scale to use when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformScale ( double sx_, double sy_ );

    // Skew to use in X axis when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformSkewX ( double skewx_ );

    // Skew to use in Y axis when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformSkewY ( double skewy_ );

    // Return verbose information about an image, or an operation
    void            verbose ( bool verboseFlag_ );
    bool            verbose ( void ) const;
    void            view ( const std::string &view_ );
    std::string     view ( void ) const;

    // X11 display name
    void            x11Display ( const std::string &display_ );
    std::string     x11Display ( void ) const;
    // Internal implementation methods.  Please do not use.

    MagickLib::DrawInfo*       drawInfo( void );
    MagickLib::ImageInfo *     imageInfo( void );
    MagickLib::QuantizeInfo *  quantizeInfo( void );

    // Construct using raw structures
    Options( const MagickLib::ImageInfo* imageInfo_,
             const MagickLib::QuantizeInfo* quantizeInfo_,
             const MagickLib::DrawInfo* drawInfo_ );


    // Assignment not supported
    Options& operator= ( const Options& );

    MagickLib::ImageInfo*        _imageInfo;
    MagickLib::QuantizeInfo*     _quantizeInfo;
    MagickLib::DrawInfo*         _drawInfo;
} // namespace Magick

#endif // Magick_Options_header

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */