
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. y
  2. columns
  3. rows

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
// Representation of a pixel view.

#if !defined(Magick_Pixels_header)
#define Magick_Pixels_header

#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include "Magick++/Color.h"
#include "Magick++/Image.h"

namespace Magick
  class MagickDLLDecl Pixels

    // Construct pixel view using specified image.
    Pixels( Magick::Image &image_ );

    // Destroy pixel view
    ~Pixels( void );
    // Transfer pixels from the image to the pixel view as defined by
    // the specified region. Modified pixels may be subsequently
    // transferred back to the image via sync.
    PixelPacket* get ( const int x_, const int y_,
                       const unsigned int columns_,const  unsigned int rows_ );

    // Transfer read-only pixels from the image to the pixel view as
    // defined by the specified region.
    const PixelPacket* getConst ( const int x_, const int y_,
                                  const unsigned int columns_,
                                  const unsigned int rows_ );
    // Transfers the image view pixels to the image.
    void sync ( void );
    // Allocate a pixel view region to store image pixels as defined
    // by the region rectangle.  This area is subsequently transferred
    // from the pixel view to the image via sync.
    PixelPacket* set ( const int x_, const int y_,
                       const unsigned int columns_, const unsigned int rows_ );

    // Return pixel colormap index array
    IndexPacket* indexes ( void );

    // Left ordinate of view
    int x ( void ) const;

    // Top ordinate of view
    int y ( void ) const;

    // Width of view
    unsigned int columns ( void ) const;

    // Height of view
    unsigned int rows ( void ) const;

#if 0
    // Transfer one or more pixel components from a buffer or file
    // into the image pixel view of an image.  Used to support image
    // decoders.
    void decode ( const QuantumType quantum_,
                  const unsigned char *source_ )
        MagickLib::ReadPixelCache( _image.image(), quantum_, source_ );
    // Transfer one or more pixel components from the image pixel
    // view to a buffer or file.  Used to support image encoders.
    void encode ( const QuantumType quantum_,
                  const unsigned char *destination_ )
        MagickLib::WritePixelCache( _image.image(), quantum_, destination_ );

    // Copying and assigning Pixels is not supported.
    Pixels( const Pixels& pixels_ );
    const Pixels& operator=( const Pixels& pixels_ );

    Magick::Image             _image;     // Image reference
    MagickLib::ViewInfo*      _view;      // Image view handle
    int                       _x;         // Left ordinate of view
    int                       _y;         // Top ordinate of view
    unsigned int              _columns;   // Width of view
    unsigned int              _rows;      // Height of view
    MagickLib:: ExceptionInfo _exception; // Any thrown exception

  }; // class Pixels

} // Magick namespace

// Inline methods

// Left ordinate of view
inline int Magick::Pixels::x ( void ) const
  return _x;

// Top ordinate of view
inline int Magick::Pixels::y ( void ) const
  return _y;

// Width of view
inline unsigned int Magick::Pixels::columns ( void ) const
  return _columns;

// Height of view
inline unsigned int Magick::Pixels::rows ( void ) const
  return _rows;

#endif // Magick_Pixels_header

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