/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- _what
- what
- throwExceptionExplicit
- throwException
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Implementation of Exception and derived classes
#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
#include "Magick++/Exception.h"
// Construct with message string
Magick::Exception::Exception( const std::string& what_ )
: _what(what_)
// Copy constructor
Magick::Exception::Exception( const Magick::Exception& original_ )
: exception(original_),
// Assignment operator
Magick::Exception& Magick::Exception::operator= (const Magick::Exception& original_ )
if(this != &original_)
this->_what = original_._what;
return *this;
// Return message string
/*virtual*/ const char* Magick::Exception::what( ) const throw()
return _what.c_str();
/* Destructor */
/*virtual*/ Magick::Exception::~Exception ( ) throw ()
// Warnings
Magick::Warning::Warning ( const std::string& what_ )
: Exception(what_)
Magick::WarningUndefined::WarningUndefined ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningBlob::WarningBlob ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningCache::WarningCache ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningCoder::WarningCoder ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningConfigure::WarningConfigure ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningCorruptImage::WarningCorruptImage ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningDelegate::WarningDelegate ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningDraw::WarningDraw ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningFileOpen::WarningFileOpen ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningImage::WarningImage ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningMissingDelegate::WarningMissingDelegate ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningModule::WarningModule ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningMonitor::WarningMonitor ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningOption::WarningOption ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningRegistry::WarningRegistry ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningResourceLimit::WarningResourceLimit ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningStream::WarningStream ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningType::WarningType ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
Magick::WarningXServer::WarningXServer ( const std::string& what_ )
: Warning(what_)
// Errors
Magick::Error::Error ( const std::string& what_ )
: Exception(what_)
Magick::ErrorUndefined::ErrorUndefined ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorBlob::ErrorBlob ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorCache::ErrorCache ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorCoder::ErrorCoder ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorConfigure::ErrorConfigure ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorCorruptImage::ErrorCorruptImage ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorDelegate::ErrorDelegate ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorDraw::ErrorDraw ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorFileOpen::ErrorFileOpen ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorImage::ErrorImage ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorMissingDelegate::ErrorMissingDelegate ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorModule::ErrorModule ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorMonitor::ErrorMonitor ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorOption::ErrorOption ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorRegistry::ErrorRegistry ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorResourceLimit::ErrorResourceLimit ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorStream::ErrorStream ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorType::ErrorType ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
Magick::ErrorXServer::ErrorXServer ( const std::string& what_ )
: Error(what_)
// Format and throw exception
MagickDLLDecl void Magick::throwExceptionExplicit( const ExceptionType severity_,
const char* reason_,
const char* description_)
// Just return if there is no reported error
if ( severity_ == UndefinedException )
ExceptionInfo exception;
GetExceptionInfo( &exception );
ThrowException2( &exception, severity_, reason_, description_ );
throwException( exception );
// Throw C++ exception, resetting exception argument to default state
MagickDLLDecl void Magick::throwException( ExceptionInfo &exception_ )
// Just return if there is no reported error
if ( exception_.severity == UndefinedException )
// Format error message GraphicsMagick-style
std::string message = SetClientName(0);
if ( exception_.reason != 0 )
message += std::string(": ");
message += std::string(exception_.reason);
if ( exception_.description != 0 )
message += " (" + std::string(exception_.description) + ")";
if ( exception_.module != 0)
char line_str[24];
sprintf( line_str, "%lu", exception_.line);
message += " reported by " + std::string(exception_.module);
message += ":" + std::string(line_str);
if ((exception_.function != 0) && strcmp("unknown",exception_.function))
message += " (" + std::string(exception_.function) + ")";
ExceptionType severity = exception_.severity;
DestroyExceptionInfo( &exception_ );
GetExceptionInfo( &exception_ );
switch ( severity )
// Warnings
case ResourceLimitWarning :
throw WarningResourceLimit( message );
case TypeWarning :
throw WarningType( message );
case OptionWarning :
throw WarningOption( message );
case DelegateWarning :
throw WarningDelegate( message );
case MissingDelegateWarning :
throw WarningMissingDelegate( message );
case CorruptImageWarning :
throw WarningCorruptImage( message );
case FileOpenWarning :
throw WarningFileOpen( message );
case BlobWarning :
throw WarningBlob ( message );
case StreamWarning :
throw WarningStream ( message );
case CacheWarning :
throw WarningCache ( message );
case CoderWarning :
throw WarningCoder ( message );
case ModuleWarning :
throw WarningModule( message );
case DrawWarning :
throw WarningDraw( message );
case ImageWarning :
throw WarningImage( message );
case XServerWarning :
throw WarningXServer( message );
case MonitorWarning :
throw WarningMonitor( message );
case RegistryWarning :
throw WarningRegistry( message );
case ConfigureWarning :
throw WarningConfigure( message );
// Errors
case ResourceLimitError :
case ResourceLimitFatalError :
throw ErrorResourceLimit( message );
case TypeError :
case TypeFatalError :
throw ErrorType( message );
case OptionError :
case OptionFatalError :
throw ErrorOption( message );
case DelegateError :
case DelegateFatalError :
throw ErrorDelegate( message );
case MissingDelegateError :
case MissingDelegateFatalError :
throw ErrorMissingDelegate( message );
case CorruptImageError :
case CorruptImageFatalError :
throw ErrorCorruptImage( message );
case FileOpenError :
case FileOpenFatalError :
throw ErrorFileOpen( message );
case BlobError :
case BlobFatalError :
throw ErrorBlob ( message );
case StreamError :
case StreamFatalError :
throw ErrorStream ( message );
case CacheError :
case CacheFatalError :
throw ErrorCache ( message );
case CoderError :
case CoderFatalError :
throw ErrorCoder ( message );
case ModuleError :
case ModuleFatalError :
throw ErrorModule ( message );
case DrawError :
case DrawFatalError :
throw ErrorDraw ( message );
case ImageError :
case ImageFatalError :
throw ErrorImage ( message );
case XServerError :
case XServerFatalError :
throw ErrorXServer ( message );
case MonitorError :
case MonitorFatalError :
throw ErrorMonitor ( message );
case RegistryError :
case RegistryFatalError :
throw ErrorRegistry ( message );
case ConfigureError :
case ConfigureFatalError :
throw ErrorConfigure ( message );
case UndefinedException :
default :
throw ErrorUndefined( message );