
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. main

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Tests for setting/getting Magick::Image attributes

#include <Magick++.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

using namespace Magick;

int main( int /*argc*/, char ** argv)

  // Initialize ImageMagick install location for Windows

  int failures=0;

  try {

    unsigned int columns = 640;
    unsigned int rows = 480;
    Geometry geometry(columns,rows);
    Color canvasColor( "red" );
    Image image( geometry, canvasColor);

    // antiAlias

    // Test default value
    if ( image.antiAlias() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", antiAlias default not true" << endl;

    // Test setting false
    image.antiAlias( false );
    if ( image.antiAlias() != false )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", antiAlias not false" << endl;

    // Test setting true
    image.antiAlias( true );
    if ( image.antiAlias() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", antiAlias not true" << endl;

    // adjoin

    // Test default value
    if ( image.adjoin() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", adjoin default not 'true' as expected" << endl;

    // Test setting false
    image.adjoin( false );
    if ( image.adjoin() != false )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", adjoin failed set to 'false'" << endl;

    // Test setting true
    image.adjoin( true );
    if ( image.adjoin() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", adjoin failed set to 'true'" << endl;

    // animationDelay

    // Test default value
    if ( image.animationDelay() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", animationDelay default ("
             << image.animationDelay()
             << ") not 0 as expected" << endl;

    // Test setting to 0
    image.animationDelay( 0 );
    if ( image.animationDelay() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set animationDelay to 0" << endl;

    // Test setting to 100
    image.animationDelay( 100 );
    if ( image.animationDelay() != 100 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set animationDelay to 100" << endl;

    // animationIterations

    // Test default value
    if ( image.animationIterations() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", animationIterations default ("
             << image.animationIterations()
             << ") not 0 as expected" << endl;

    // Test setting to 0
    image.animationIterations( 0 );
    if ( image.animationIterations() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set animationIterations to 0" << endl;

    // Test setting to 100
    image.animationIterations( 100 );
    if ( image.animationIterations() != 100 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set animationIterations to 100" << endl;
    image.animationIterations( 0 );

    // backgroundColor

    // Test default value.
    if ( image.backgroundColor() != ColorRGB("white") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", backgroundColor default ("
             << string(image.backgroundColor())
             << ") is incorrect" << endl;

    // Test setting to blue
    if ( !image.backgroundColor().isValid() )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", backgroundColor ("
             << string(image.backgroundColor())
             << ") failed set to 'blue'" << endl;
      if ( string(image.backgroundColor()) != "#0000FF" &&
           string(image.backgroundColor()) != "#00000000FFFF" &&
           string(image.backgroundColor()) != "#0000000000000000FFFFFFFF" )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", backgroundColor ("
               <<  string(image.backgroundColor()) << ") is incorrect"
               << endl;

    // Test setting using hex color
    if ( !image.backgroundColor().isValid() )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", backgroundColor ("
             << string(image.backgroundColor())
             << ") is incorrectly invalid" << endl;
      if ( string(image.backgroundColor()) != "#00AAFF" && 
           string(image.backgroundColor()) != "#0000AAAAFFFF" && 
           string(image.backgroundColor()) != "#00000000AAAAAAAAFFFFFFFF" )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ", backgroundColor ("
               << string(image.backgroundColor())
               << ") is incorrect"
               << endl;

    // backgroundTexture

    // Test default value
    if ( image.backgroundTexture() != "" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", backgroundTexture default ("
             << image.backgroundTexture()
             << ") is incorrect" << endl;

    // Test setting/getting value
    if ( image.backgroundTexture() != "afile.jpg" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", backgroundTexture ("
             << image.backgroundTexture()
             << ") is incorrect" << endl;

    // Test setting back to default
    if ( image.backgroundTexture() != "" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", backgroundTexture ("
             << image.backgroundTexture()
             << ") failed to set to \"\"" << endl;

    // baseColumns
    if ( image.baseColumns() != columns )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", baseColumns ("
             << image.baseColumns()
             << ") is not equal to "
             << columns
             << " as expected"
             << endl;

    // baseFilename
    // Base filename is color for xc images
    if ( image.baseFilename() != "#FF0000" &&
         image.baseFilename() != "#FFFF00000000" &&
         image.baseFilename() != "#FFFFFFFF0000000000000000")
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", baseFilename ("
             << image.baseFilename()
             << ") is incorrect"
             << endl;

    // baseRows
    if ( image.baseRows() != rows )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", baseRows ("
             << image.baseRows()
             << ") != rows ("
             << rows
             << ")"
             << endl;

    // borderColor
    if ( image.borderColor() != ColorRGB("#dfdfdf") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ",  borderColor default ("
             << string(image.borderColor())
             << ") is incorrect" << endl;

    if ( image.borderColor() != Color("#FF0000") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set borderColor ("
             << string(image.borderColor())
             << ")" << endl;

    if ( image.borderColor() != Color("#000000") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set borderColor ("
             << string(image.borderColor())
             << ")"
             << endl;
    // boxColor
    if ( image.boxColor() != Color("#FF0000") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set boxColor ("
             << string(image.boxColor())
             << ")"
             << endl;

    if ( image.boxColor() != Color("#000000") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set boxColor ("
             << string(image.boxColor())
             << ") to #000000"
             << endl;

    // chromaBluePrimary
      // Test default setting
      double x, y;
      image.chromaBluePrimary( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 0 || y != 0 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaBluePrimary x/y defaults are non-zero"
               << endl;

      // Test set/get
      image.chromaBluePrimary( 50, 100 );
      image.chromaBluePrimary( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 50 || y != 100 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaBluePrimary x/y failed set/get" << endl;

    // chromaGreenPrimary
      // Test default setting
      double x, y;
      image.chromaGreenPrimary( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 0 || y != 0 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaGreenPrimary x/y defaults are non-zero" << endl;

      // Test set/get
      image.chromaGreenPrimary( 50, 100 );
      image.chromaGreenPrimary( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 50 || y != 100 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaGreenPrimary x/y failed set/get" << endl;

    // chromaRedPrimary
      // Test default setting
      double x, y;
      image.chromaRedPrimary( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 0 || y != 0 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaRedPrimary x/y defaults are non-zero" << endl;

      // Test set/get
      image.chromaRedPrimary( 50, 100 );
      image.chromaRedPrimary( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 50 || y != 100 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaRedPrimary x/y failed set/get" << endl;

    // chromaWhitePoint
      // Test default setting
      double x, y;
      image.chromaWhitePoint( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 0 || y != 0 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaWhitePoint x/y defaults are non-zero" << endl;

      // Test set/get
      image.chromaWhitePoint( 50, 100 );
      image.chromaWhitePoint( &x, &y );
      if ( x != 50 || y != 100 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ",  chromaWhitePoint x/y failed set/get" << endl;

    // classType
    if ( image.classType() != PseudoClass )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", classType is not PseudoClass" << endl;

    // colorFuzz

    // Test default
    if ( image.colorFuzz() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ",  colorFuzz default is non-zero" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    image.colorFuzz( 2 );
    if ( image.colorFuzz() != 2 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ",  colorFuzz failed to set/get" << endl;
    image.colorFuzz( 0 );

    // colorMap
    // Test default (first color is image canvas base color)
    if ( image.colorMap(0) != canvasColor )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", colorMap(0) ("
             << string(image.colorMap(0))
             << ") is not canvas base color " << endl;

    // Test setting/getting colorMap
    if ( image.colorMap(0) != Color("#00AAFF") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", failed to set/get colorMap(0)" << endl;

    // columns
    if ( image.columns() != columns )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", columns is not equal to canvas image columns" << endl;

    // comment
    // Test default
    if ( image.comment().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", comment default non-zero length" << endl;

    // Test set/get
      std::string comment("This is a comment.");
      image.comment( comment );
      if ( image.comment() != comment )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", comment set/get failed" << endl;

    // Test resetting comment
    image.comment( string() );
    if ( image.comment().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", comment failed to reset" << endl;

    // compressType
    // Test default
    if ( image.compressType() != UndefinedCompression )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", compressType default is incorrect" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.compressType() != RLECompression )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", compressType set/get failed" << endl;

    // density
      // Test defaults
      if ( image.density() != Geometry(72,72) )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ", density default is not 72x72 as expected" << endl;
      // Test set/get
      Geometry density(150,75);
      if ( image.density() != density )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", density set/get failed" << endl;

      if ( image.xResolution() != 150 ||
           image.yResolution() != 75 )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", density set/get failed" << endl;



    // Format specific defines
    if (image.defineSet("foo","bar"))
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", define for foo:bar incorrectly reports set."
             << endl;

    if (!image.defineSet("foo","bar"))
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", define for foo:bar incorrectly reports not set."
             << endl;

    if (image.defineSet("foo","bar"))
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", define for foo:bar incorrectly reports set."
             << endl;

    std::string value = image.defineValue("foo","bar");
    if (image.defineValue("foo","bar") != "value")
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", define for foo:bar incorrectly reports value \""
             << value << "\""
             << endl;

    if (image.defineSet("foo","bar"))
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", define for foo:bar incorrectly reports set."
             << endl;

    // depth
    if ( image.depth() != QuantumDepth )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", depth ("
             << image.depth()
             << ") is not equal to " << QuantumDepth << endl;

    // Directory
      // Since this is not a montage image, simply verify error report
      bool caughtException = false;
      cout << "Testing throwing and catching exceptions. A program crash or a message" << endl
           << "that the exception was not caught indicates a test failure.  A properly" << endl
           << "formatted exception message indicates success:" << endl;
          Magick::Image bad_image("foo");
      catch ( Exception &exception_)
          cout << "Caught exception, good!:" << endl
               << "  \"" << exception_.what() << "\"" << endl;
          caughtException = true;
      if ( caughtException != true )
          cout << "failed to catch exception!" << endl;

    // fileName
    // Test default
    if ( image.fileName() != string("xc:") + string(canvasColor) )
        cout << "Line: "
             << __LINE__
             << ", fileName ("
             << image.fileName()
             << ") is not canvas color ("
             << string(canvasColor)
             <<") as expected" << endl;

    // Set/get value
    if ( image.fileName() != "filename.jpg" )
        cout << "Line: "
             << __LINE__
             << ", fileName ("
             << image.fileName()
             << ") failed to set/get" << endl;

    // fileSize
    // Test default
    if ( image.fileSize() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", fileSize ("
             << static_cast<long>(image.fileSize())
             << ") is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // filterType
    // Test default
    if ( image.filterType() != UndefinedFilter )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", filterType default ("
             << (int)image.filterType()
             << ") is incorrect" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    image.filterType( TriangleFilter );
    if ( image.filterType() != TriangleFilter )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", filterType set/get failed"
             << endl;

    // font

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.font() != "helvetica" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", font set/get failed" << endl;
    // Test set to null font
    image.font( string() );
    if ( image.font().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", font failed to unset" << endl;

    // fontPointsize
    // Test default
    if ( image.fontPointsize() != 12 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", fontPointsize ("
             << image.fontPointsize()
             << ") is not default of 12 as expected"
             << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.fontPointsize() != 10 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", fontPointsize set/get failed" << endl;

    // format
    if ( image.format() != "Constant image uniform color" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", format (" << image.format() << ") is not expected value" << endl;

    // gamma
    if ( image.gamma() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", gamma correction is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // geometry
      bool caughtException = false;
      catch ( Exception )
          caughtException = true;
      if ( caughtException != true )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ", geometry failed to report missing image geometry";

    // gifDisposeMethod
    // Test default
    if ( image.gifDisposeMethod() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", gifDisposeMethod default is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.gifDisposeMethod() != 4 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", gifDisposeMethod set/get failed" << endl;

    // interlaceType
    // Test default
    if ( image.interlaceType() != UndefinedInterlace )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", interlaceType default is not UndefinedInterlace as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    image.interlaceType( PlaneInterlace );
    if ( image.interlaceType() != PlaneInterlace )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", interlaceType set/get failed" << endl;

    // label
    // Test default
    if ( image.label().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", label default is not empty string as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    image.label("How now brown cow?");
    if ( image.label() != "How now brown cow?" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", label set/get failed" << endl;
    // Test set to default
    image.label( string() );
    if ( image.label().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", label failed to unset" << endl;

    // lineWidth
    // Test default
    if ( image.lineWidth() != 1 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", lineWidth default is not 1 as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.lineWidth() != 2 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", lineWidth set/get failed" << endl;

    // magick
    // Test canvas default
    if ( image.magick() != "XC" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", magick canvas default is not XC as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.magick() != "GIF" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", magick set/get failed" << endl;


    // matte
    // Test default
    if ( image.matte() != false )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", matte default is not false as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.matte() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", matte set/get failed" << endl;

    // matteColor
    // Test default
    if ( image.matteColor() != Color("#BDBDBD") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", matteColor default is not #BDBDBD as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.matteColor() != ColorRGB(0.5,0.5,1) )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", matteColor set/get failed" << endl;

    // Test unset
    image.matteColor( Color() );


    // meanErrorPerPixel
    if ( image.meanErrorPerPixel() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", meanErrorPerPixel is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // montageGeometry
      bool caughtException = false;
      catch ( Exception )
          caughtException = true;
      if ( caughtException != true )
          cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
               << ", montageGeometry failed to report missing montage geometry";

    // monochrome
    // Test default
    if ( image.monochrome() != false )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", monochrome is not false as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.monochrome() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", monochrome get/set failed" << endl;

    // normalizedMaxError
    if ( image.normalizedMaxError() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ",normalizedMaxError is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // normalizedMeanError
    if ( image.normalizedMeanError() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", normalizedMeanError is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // penColor

    if ( image.penColor() != ColorRGB(0.5,0.5,1) )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", penColor ("
             << string(image.penColor())
             << ") set/get failed" << endl;

    // strokeColor

    if ( image.strokeColor() != ColorRGB(0.5,0.5,1) )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", strokeColor ("
             << string(image.strokeColor())
             << ") set/get failed" << endl;

    // fillColor

    if ( image.fillColor() != ColorRGB(0.5,0.5,1) )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", fillColor ("
             << string(image.fillColor())
             << ") set/get failed" << endl;

    // pixelColor
    // Test default
    if ( image.pixelColor(40,60) != canvasColor )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", pixelColor default ("
             << string(image.pixelColor(40,60))
             << ") is not canvas color ("
             << string(canvasColor)
             << ") as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    image.pixelColor(40,60, ColorRGB(0.5,1,1));
    if ( image.pixelColor(40,60) != ColorRGB(0.5,1,1) )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", pixelColor set/get failed" << endl;

    // page
    // Test default
    if ( != Geometry(0,0,0,0) )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", page default "
             << "(" << string( << ")"
             << " is not empty as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get"letter+43+43>");
    if ( != "612x792+43+43" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", page set/get failed (" << string( << ")" << endl;

    // quality
    // Test default
    if ( image.quality() != 75 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quality default is not 75 as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.quality() != 65 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", quality set/get failed" << endl;

    // quantizeColors
    // Test default
    if ( image.quantizeColors() != 256 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quantizeColors is not 256 as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.quantizeColors() != 200 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", quantizeColors set/get failed" << endl;

    // quantizeColorSpace
    // Test default
    if ( image.quantizeColorSpace() != RGBColorspace )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quantizeColorSpace is not RGBColorspace as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.quantizeColorSpace() != YIQColorspace )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quantizeColorSpace set/get failed" << endl;

    // quantizeDither
    // Test default
    if ( image.quantizeDither() != true )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quantizeDither is not true as expected" << endl;

    // Test set/get
    if ( image.quantizeDither() != false )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quantizeDither get/set failed" << endl;

    // quantizeTreeDepth
    if ( image.quantizeTreeDepth() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", quantizeTreeDepth default is "
             << image.quantizeTreeDepth()
             << " rather than zero as expected" << endl;

    if ( image.quantizeTreeDepth() != 7 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", quantizeTreeDepth set/get failed" << endl;

    // renderingIntent
    if ( image.renderingIntent() != UndefinedIntent )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", renderingIntent default is not UndefinedIntent as expected"
             << endl;

    if ( image.renderingIntent() != PerceptualIntent )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", renderingIntent set/get failed" << endl;

    // resolutionUnits
    if ( image.resolutionUnits() != UndefinedResolution )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", resolutionUnits default is not UndefinedResolution as expected"
             << endl;

    if ( image.resolutionUnits() != PixelsPerCentimeterResolution )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", resolutionUnits set/get failed" << endl;

    // rows
    if ( image.rows() != rows )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", rows is canvas rows as expected" << endl;

    // scene
    if ( image.scene() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", scene default is not zero as expected" << endl;

    if ( image.scene() != 5 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", scene set/get failed" << endl;

    // signature

    if ( image.signature() != "3af362f5b4ad66e9c4a684427fad20c12f2fd9c3c1c7128b00a050d7bec72f44" &&
         image.signature() != "a529e8fe1d83890d893a153777be5f0fd48cf21e0124adee65da248694a204b2" &&
         image.signature() != "573301a0edb9861de8d02b57e445ba5ea689a494d53a6299e8693b7479ba9cb6")
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", signature ("
             << image.signature()
             << ") is incorrect" << endl;

    // size
    if ( image.size() != geometry )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", size ("
             << string(image.size())
             << ") is not equal to geometry ("
             << string(geometry)
             << ")"
             << endl;

    if ( image.size() != Geometry("800x600") )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", size set/get failed" << endl;
    image.size( geometry );

    // subImage
    if ( image.subImage() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", subImage default is not zero as expected" << endl;

    if ( image.subImage() != 5 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", subImage set/get failed" << endl;

    // subRange
    if ( image.subRange() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", subRange default is not zero as expected" << endl;

    if ( image.subRange() != 5 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", subRange set/get failed" << endl;

    // tileName
    if ( image.tileName().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", tileName default is not empty string as expected" << endl;
    image.tileName("How now brown cow?");
    if ( image.tileName() != "How now brown cow?" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", tileName set/get failed" << endl;

    image.tileName( string() );
    if ( image.tileName().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", tileName failed to unset" << endl;

    // totalColors
    if ( image.totalColors() != 2 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__ << ", totalColors is " << image.totalColors()
             << " rather than 2 as expected" << endl;

    // type
    if ( image.type() != PaletteType )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", type is not PaletteType as expected. Reported type "
             << (int) image.type() << endl;

    // verbose
    if ( image.verbose() != false )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", verbose is not false as expected" << endl;

    // view
    if ( image.view().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", view default is not empty string as expected" << endl;
    image.view("How now brown cow?");
    if ( image.view() != "How now brown cow?" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", view set/get failed" << endl;

    image.view( string() );
    if ( image.view().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", view failed to unset" << endl;

    // x11Display
    if ( image.x11Display().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", x11Display default is not empty string as expected" << endl;
    if ( image.x11Display() != ":0.0" )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", x11Display set/get failed" << endl;

    image.x11Display( string() );
    if ( image.x11Display().length() != 0 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", x11Display failed to unset" << endl;

    // xResolution
    if ( image.xResolution() != 72 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", xResolution default (" << image.xResolution()
             << ") is not zero as expected" << endl;

    // yResolution
    if ( image.yResolution() != 72 )
        cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
             << ", yResolution default (" << image.yResolution()
             << ") is not zero as expected" << endl;
  catch( Exception &error_ )
      cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl;
      return 1;
  catch( exception &error_ )
      cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl;
      return 1;
  if ( failures )
      cout << failures << " failures" << endl;
      return 1;

  return 0;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */