
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. sum0
  2. sum1
  3. product0
  4. product1
  5. maximum0
  6. maximum1
  7. minimum0
  8. minimum1
  9. argmin0
  10. argmin1
  11. argmax0
  12. argmax1
  13. defineInlineReductions

#include "InlineReductions.h"

// to avoid compiler confusion, python.hpp must be include before Halide headers
#include <boost/python.hpp>

#include "Halide.h"

#include "Expr.h"

#include <string>

namespace h = Halide;
namespace p = boost::python;

h::Expr sum0(h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::sum(e, name);

h::Expr sum1(h::RDom r, h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::sum(r, e, name);

h::Expr product0(h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::product(e, name);

h::Expr product1(h::RDom r, h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::product(r, e, name);

h::Expr maximum0(h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::maximum(e, name);

h::Expr maximum1(h::RDom r, h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::maximum(r, e, name);

h::Expr minimum0(h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::minimum(e, name);

h::Expr minimum1(h::RDom r, h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return h::minimum(r, e, name);

p::object argmin0(h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return expr_vector_to_python_tuple(h::argmin(e, name).as_vector());

p::object argmin1(h::RDom r, h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return expr_vector_to_python_tuple(h::argmin(r, e, name).as_vector());

p::object argmax0(h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return expr_vector_to_python_tuple(h::argmin(e, name).as_vector());

p::object argmax1(h::RDom r, h::Expr e, const std::string name) {
    return expr_vector_to_python_tuple(h::argmax(r, e, name).as_vector());

void defineInlineReductions() {
    // Defines some inline reductions: sum, product, minimum, maximum.

    p::def("sum", &sum0, (p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "sum"),
           "An inline reduction.");
    p::def("sum", &sum1, (p::arg("r"), p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "sum"),
           "An inline reduction.");

    p::def("product", &product0, (p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "product"),
           "An inline reduction.");
    p::def("product", &product1, (p::arg("r"), p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "product"),
           "An inline reduction.");

    p::def("maximum", &maximum0, (p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "maximum"),
           "An inline reduction.");
    p::def("maximum", &maximum1, (p::arg("r"), p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "maximum"),
           "An inline reduction.");

    p::def("minimum", &minimum0, (p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "minimum"),
           "An inline reduction.");
    p::def("minimum", &minimum1, (p::arg("r"), p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "minimum"),
           "An inline reduction.");

    p::def("argmin", &argmin0, (p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "argmin"),
           "An inline reduction.");
    p::def("argmin", &argmin1, (p::arg("r"), p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "argmin"),
           "An inline reduction.");

    p::def("argmax", &argmax0, (p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "argmax"),
           "An inline reduction.");
    p::def("argmax", &argmax1, (p::arg("r"), p::arg("e"), p::arg("name") = "argmax"),
           "An inline reduction.");


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */