This source file includes following definitions.
- repeat_edge
- constant_exterior
- constant_exterior
- repeat_image
- mirror_image
- mirror_interior
#include "BoundaryConditions.h"
namespace Halide {
namespace BoundaryConditions {
Func repeat_edge(const Func &source,
const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
"repeat_edge called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " << << "has.\n";
std::vector<Expr> actuals;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
Var arg_var = args[i];
Expr min = bounds[i].first;
Expr extent = bounds[i].second;
if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
actuals.push_back(clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent - 1));
} else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
} else {
user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
<< " of Func " << << "\n";
actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());
Func bounded("repeat_edge");
bounded(args) = source(actuals);
return bounded;
Func constant_exterior(const Func &source, Tuple value,
const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
std::vector<Var> source_args = source.args();
std::vector<Var> args(source_args);
user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
"constant_exterior called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
") than dimensions (" << source_args.size() << ") Func " << << "has.\n";
Expr out_of_bounds = cast<bool>(false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
Var arg_var = source_args[i];
Expr min = bounds[i].first;
Expr extent = bounds[i].second;
if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
out_of_bounds = (out_of_bounds ||
arg_var < min ||
arg_var >= min + extent);
} else if (min.defined() || extent.defined()) {
user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
<< " of Func " << << "\n";
Func bounded("constant_exterior");
if (value.as_vector().size() > 1) {
std::vector<Expr> def;
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.as_vector().size(); i++) {
def.push_back(select(out_of_bounds, value[i], repeat_edge(source, bounds)(args)[i]));
bounded(args) = Tuple(def);
} else {
bounded(args) = select(out_of_bounds, value[0], repeat_edge(source, bounds)(args));
return bounded;
Func constant_exterior(const Func &source, Expr value,
const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
return constant_exterior(source, Tuple(value), bounds);
Func repeat_image(const Func &source,
const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
"repeat_image called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " << << "has.\n";
std::vector<Expr> actuals;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
Var arg_var = args[i];
Expr min = bounds[i].first;
Expr extent = bounds[i].second;
if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
Expr coord = arg_var - min;
coord = coord % extent;
coord = coord + min;
coord = select(arg_var < min || arg_var >= min + extent, coord,
clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent - 1));
} else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
} else {
user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
<< " of Func " << << "\n";
actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());
Func bounded("repeat_image");
bounded(args) = source(actuals);
return bounded;
Func mirror_image(const Func &source,
const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
"mirror_image called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " << << "has.\n";
std::vector<Expr> actuals;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
Var arg_var = args[i];
Expr min = bounds[i].first;
Expr extent = bounds[i].second;
if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
Expr coord = arg_var - min;
coord = coord % (2 * extent);
coord = select(coord >= extent, 2 * extent - 1 - coord, coord);
coord = coord + min;
coord = clamp(coord, min, min + extent - 1);
coord = select(arg_var < min || arg_var >= min + extent, coord,
clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent-1));
} else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
} else {
user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
<< " of Func " << << "\n";
actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());
Func bounded("mirror_image");
bounded(args) = source(actuals);
return bounded;
Func mirror_interior(const Func &source,
const std::vector<std::pair<Expr, Expr>> &bounds) {
std::vector<Var> args(source.args());
user_assert(args.size() >= bounds.size()) <<
"mirror_interior called with more bounds (" << bounds.size() <<
") than dimensions (" << args.size() << ") Func " << << "has.\n";
std::vector<Expr> actuals;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
Var arg_var = args[i];
Expr min = bounds[i].first;
Expr extent = bounds[i].second;
if (min.defined() && extent.defined()) {
Expr limit = extent - 1;
Expr coord = arg_var - min;
coord = coord % (2 * limit);
coord = coord - limit;
coord = abs(coord);
coord = limit - coord;
coord = coord + min;
coord = select(arg_var < min || arg_var >= min + extent, coord,
clamp(likely(arg_var), min, min + extent - 1));
} else if (!min.defined() && !extent.defined()) {
} else {
user_error << "Partially undefined bounds for dimension " << arg_var
<< " of Func " << << "\n";
actuals.insert(actuals.end(), args.begin() + actuals.size(), args.end());
Func bounded("mirror_interior");
bounded(args) = source(actuals);
return bounded;