
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. name
  2. visit
  3. visit
  4. sum
  5. sum
  6. product
  7. product
  8. maximum
  9. maximum
  10. minimum
  11. minimum
  12. argmax
  13. argmax
  14. argmin
  15. argmin

#include "InlineReductions.h"
#include "Func.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "IROperator.h"
#include "IRMutator.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "CSE.h"

namespace Halide {

using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::ostringstream;

namespace Internal {

class FindFreeVars : public IRMutator {
    vector<Var> free_vars;
    vector<Expr> call_args;
    RDom rdom;

    FindFreeVars(RDom r, const string &n) :
        rdom(r), explicit_rdom(r.defined()), name(n) {

    bool explicit_rdom;
    const string &name;

    Scope<int> internal;

    using IRMutator::visit;

    void visit(const Let *op) {
        Expr value = mutate(op->value);
        internal.push(op->name, 0);
        Expr body = mutate(op->body);
        if (value.same_as(op->value) &&
            body.same_as(op->body)) {
            expr = op;
        } else {
            expr = Let::make(op->name, value, body);

    void visit(const Variable *v) {

        string var_name = v->name;
        expr = v;

        if (internal.contains(var_name)) {
            // Don't capture internally defined vars

        if (v->reduction_domain.defined()) {
            if (explicit_rdom) {
                if (v->reduction_domain.same_as(rdom.domain())) {
                    // This variable belongs to the explicit reduction domain, so
                    // skip it.
                } else {
                    // This should be converted to a pure variable and
                    // added to the free vars list.
                    var_name = unique_name('v');
                    expr = Variable::make(v->type, var_name);
            } else {
                if (!rdom.defined()) {
                    // We're looking for a reduction domain, and this variable
                    // has one. Capture it.
                    rdom = RDom(v->reduction_domain);
                } else if (!rdom.domain().same_as(v->reduction_domain)) {
                    // We were looking for a reduction domain, and already
                    // found one. This one is different!
                    user_error << "Inline reduction \"" << name
                               << "\" refers to reduction variables from multiple reduction domains: "
                               << v->name << ", " << << "\n";
                } else {
                    // Recapturing an already-known reduction domain

        if (v->param.defined()) {
            // Skip parameters

        for (size_t i = 0; i < free_vars.size(); i++) {
            if (var_name == free_vars[i].name()) return;


Expr sum(Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    return sum(RDom(), e, name);

Expr sum(RDom r, Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    Internal::FindFreeVars v(r, name);
    e = v.mutate(common_subexpression_elimination(e));

    user_assert(v.rdom.defined()) << "Expression passed to sum must reference a reduction domain";

    Func f(name);
    f(v.free_vars) += e;
    return f(v.call_args);

Expr product(Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    return product(RDom(), e, name);

Expr product(RDom r, Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    Internal::FindFreeVars v(r, name);
    e = v.mutate(common_subexpression_elimination(e));

    user_assert(v.rdom.defined()) << "Expression passed to product must reference a reduction domain";

    Func f(name);
    f(v.free_vars) *= e;
    return f(v.call_args);

Expr maximum(Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    return maximum(RDom(), e, name);

Expr maximum(RDom r, Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    Internal::FindFreeVars v(r, name);
    e = v.mutate(common_subexpression_elimination(e));

    user_assert(v.rdom.defined()) << "Expression passed to maximum must reference a reduction domain";

    Func f(name);
    f(v.free_vars) = e.type().min();
    f(v.free_vars) = max(f(v.free_vars), e);
    return f(v.call_args);

Expr minimum(Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    return minimum(RDom(), e, name);

Expr minimum(RDom r, Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    Internal::FindFreeVars v(r, name);
    e = v.mutate(common_subexpression_elimination(e));

    user_assert(v.rdom.defined()) << "Expression passed to minimum must reference a reduction domain";

    Func f(name);
    f(v.free_vars) = e.type().max();
    f(v.free_vars) = min(f(v.free_vars), e);
    return f(v.call_args);

Tuple argmax(Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    return argmax(RDom(), e, name);

Tuple argmax(RDom r, Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    Internal::FindFreeVars v(r, name);
    e = v.mutate(common_subexpression_elimination(e));

    Func f(name);

    user_assert(v.rdom.defined()) << "Expression passed to argmax must reference a reduction domain";

    Tuple initial_tup(vector<Expr>(v.rdom.dimensions()+1));
    Tuple update_tup(vector<Expr>(v.rdom.dimensions()+1));
    for (int i = 0; i < v.rdom.dimensions(); i++) {
        initial_tup[i] = 0;
        update_tup[i] = v.rdom[i];
    int value_index = (int)initial_tup.size()-1;
    initial_tup[value_index] = e.type().min();
    update_tup[value_index] = e;

    f(v.free_vars) = initial_tup;
    Expr better = e > f(v.free_vars)[value_index];
    Tuple update = tuple_select(better, update_tup, f(v.free_vars));
    f(v.free_vars) = update;
    return f(v.call_args);

Tuple argmin(Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    return argmin(RDom(), e, name);

Tuple argmin(RDom r, Expr e, const std::string &name) {
    Internal::FindFreeVars v(r, name);
    e = v.mutate(common_subexpression_elimination(e));

    Func f(name);

    user_assert(v.rdom.defined()) << "Expression passed to argmin must reference a reduction domain";

    Tuple initial_tup(vector<Expr>(v.rdom.dimensions()+1));
    Tuple update_tup(vector<Expr>(v.rdom.dimensions()+1));
    for (int i = 0; i < v.rdom.dimensions(); i++) {
        initial_tup[i] = 0;
        update_tup[i] = v.rdom[i];
    int value_index = (int)initial_tup.size()-1;
    initial_tup[value_index] = e.type().max();
    update_tup[value_index] = e;

    f(v.free_vars) = initial_tup;
    Expr better = e < f(v.free_vars)[value_index];
    f(v.free_vars) = tuple_select(better, update_tup, f(v.free_vars));
    return f(v.call_args);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */