This source file includes following definitions.
- external_scope
- mutate
- negate
- fail
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit_min_max_op
- visit
- visit
- visit_and_or_op
- visit
- visit
- visit_cmp
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- fail
- visit
- interval_union
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- cached_solve
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- outer
- get_bounds
- make_bigger
- make_smaller
- visit
- fail
- visit_cmp
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- visit
- solve_expression
- solve_for_inner_interval
- solve_for_outer_interval
- and_condition_over_domain
- check_solve
- check_interval
- check_outer_interval
- check_inner_interval
- check_and_condition
- solve_test
#include "Solve.h"
#include "Simplify.h"
#include "IRMutator.h"
#include "IREquality.h"
#include "Substitute.h"
#include "CSE.h"
#include "ExprUsesVar.h"
namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
namespace {
class SolveExpression : public IRMutator {
SolveExpression(const string &v, const Scope<Expr> &es) :
failed(false), var(v), uses_var(false), external_scope(es) {}
using IRMutator::mutate;
Expr mutate(Expr e) {
map<Expr, CacheEntry, ExprCompare>::iterator iter = cache.find(e);
if (iter == cache.end()) {
debug(4) << "Mutating " << e << " (" << uses_var << ")\n";
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
Expr new_e = IRMutator::mutate(e);
CacheEntry entry = {new_e, uses_var};
uses_var = old_uses_var || uses_var;
cache[e] = entry;
debug(4) << "(Miss) Rewrote " << e << " -> " << new_e << " (" << uses_var << ")\n";
return new_e;
} else {
uses_var = uses_var || iter->second.uses_var;
debug(4) << "(Hit) Rewrote " << e << " -> " << iter->second.expr << " (" << uses_var << ")\n";
return iter->second.expr;
bool failed;
string var;
bool uses_var;
struct CacheEntry {
Expr expr;
bool uses_var;
map<Expr, CacheEntry, ExprCompare> cache;
Scope<CacheEntry> scope;
const Scope<Expr> &external_scope;
Expr negate(Expr e) {
internal_assert(!e.type().is_uint()) << "Negating unsigned is not legal\n";
const Mul *mul =<Mul>();
if (mul && is_const(mul->b)) {
return mul->a * simplify(-1*mul->b);
} else {
return e * -1;
using IRMutator::visit;
void fail(Expr e) {
debug(3) << "Failed to solve: " << e << "\n";
failed = true;
void visit(const Add *op) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
bool old_failed = failed;
failed = false;
Expr a = mutate(op->a);
bool a_uses_var = uses_var;
bool a_failed = failed;
uses_var = false;
failed = false;
Expr b = mutate(op->b);
bool b_uses_var = uses_var;
bool b_failed = failed;
uses_var = old_uses_var || a_uses_var || b_uses_var;
failed = old_failed || a_failed || b_failed;
if (b_uses_var && !a_uses_var) {
std::swap(a, b);
std::swap(a_uses_var, b_uses_var);
std::swap(a_failed, b_failed);
const Add *add_a =<Add>();
const Add *add_b =<Add>();
const Sub *sub_a =<Sub>();
const Sub *sub_b =<Sub>();
const Mul *mul_a =<Mul>();
const Mul *mul_b =<Mul>();
expr = Expr();
if (a_uses_var && !b_uses_var) {
if (sub_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(sub_a->a + (b - sub_a->b));
} else if (add_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(add_a->a + (add_a->b + b));
} else if (a_uses_var && b_uses_var) {
if (equal(a, b)) {
expr = mutate(a*2);
} else if (add_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate((add_a->a + b) + add_a->b);
} else if (add_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate((a + add_b->a) + add_b->b);
} else if (sub_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate((sub_a->a + b) - sub_a->b);
} else if (sub_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate((a + sub_b->a) - sub_b->b);
} else if (mul_a && mul_b && equal(mul_a->a, mul_b->a)) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a * (mul_a->b + mul_b->b));
} else if (mul_a && mul_b && equal(mul_a->b, mul_b->b)) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a + mul_b->a) * mul_a->b;
} else if (mul_a && equal(mul_a->a, b)) {
expr = mutate(b * (mul_a->b + 1));
} else if (mul_b && equal(mul_b->a, a)) {
expr = mutate(a * (mul_b->b + 1));
} else {
fail(a + b);
} else {
if (is_const(a) && is_const(b)) {
expr = simplify(a + b);
if (!expr.defined()) {
if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = a + b;
void visit(const Sub *op) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
bool old_failed = failed;
failed = false;
Expr a = mutate(op->a);
bool a_uses_var = uses_var;
bool a_failed = failed;
uses_var = false;
failed = false;
Expr b = mutate(op->b);
bool b_uses_var = uses_var;
bool b_failed = failed;
uses_var = old_uses_var || a_uses_var || b_uses_var;
failed = old_failed || a_failed || b_failed;
const Add *add_a =<Add>();
const Add *add_b =<Add>();
const Sub *sub_a =<Sub>();
const Sub *sub_b =<Sub>();
const Mul *mul_a =<Mul>();
const Mul *mul_b =<Mul>();
expr = Expr();
if (a_uses_var && !b_uses_var) {
if (sub_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(sub_a->a - (sub_a->b + b));
} else if (add_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(add_a->a + (add_a->b - b));
} else if (b_uses_var && !a_uses_var) {
if (op->type.is_uint()) {
if (sub_b && b_failed) {
failed = old_failed || a_failed;
expr = mutate(sub_b->b + (a - sub_b->a));
} else {
fail(a - b);
} else if (sub_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate(negate(sub_b->a) + (a + sub_b->b));
} else if (add_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate(negate(add_b->a) + (a - add_b->b));
} else {
expr = mutate(negate(b) + a);
} else if (a_uses_var && b_uses_var) {
if (add_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(add_a->a - b + add_a->b);
} else if (add_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate(a - add_b->a - add_b->b);
} else if (sub_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(sub_a->a - b - sub_a->b);
} else if (sub_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate(a - sub_b->a - sub_b->b);
} else if (mul_a && mul_b && equal(mul_a->a, mul_b->a)) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a * (mul_a->b - mul_b->b));
} else if (mul_a && mul_b && equal(mul_a->b, mul_b->b)) {
expr = mutate((mul_a->a - mul_b->a) * mul_a->b);
} else {
fail(a - b);
} else {
if (is_const(a) && is_const(b)) {
expr = simplify(a - b);
if (!expr.defined()) {
if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = a - b;
void visit(const Mul *op) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
bool old_failed = failed;
failed = false;
Expr a = mutate(op->a);
bool a_uses_var = uses_var;
bool a_failed = failed;
internal_assert(!is_const(op->a) || !a_uses_var) << op->a << ", " << uses_var << "\n";
uses_var = false;
failed = false;
Expr b = mutate(op->b);
bool b_uses_var = uses_var;
bool b_failed = failed;
uses_var = old_uses_var || a_uses_var || b_uses_var;
failed = old_failed || a_failed || b_failed;
const Add *add_a =<Add>();
const Sub *sub_a =<Sub>();
const Mul *mul_a =<Mul>();
if (b_uses_var && !a_uses_var) {
std::swap(a, b);
std::swap(a_uses_var, b_uses_var);
std::swap(a_failed, b_failed);
expr = Expr();
if (a_uses_var && !b_uses_var) {
if (add_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(add_a->a * b + add_a->b * b);
} else if (sub_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(sub_a->a * b - sub_a->b * b);
} else if (mul_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a * (mul_a->b * b));
} else if (a_uses_var && b_uses_var) {
fail(a * b);
} else if (is_const(a) && is_const(b)) {
expr = simplify(a * b);
internal_assert(!uses_var && !a_uses_var && !b_uses_var);
if (!expr.defined()) {
if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = a * b;
void visit(const Call *op) {
if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::likely) ||
op->is_intrinsic(Call::likely_if_innermost)) {
expr = mutate(op->args[0]);
} else {
template<typename T>
void visit_min_max_op(const T *op, bool is_min) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
bool old_failed = failed;
failed = false;
Expr a = mutate(op->a);
bool a_uses_var = uses_var;
bool a_failed = failed;
uses_var = false;
failed = false;
Expr b = mutate(op->b);
bool b_uses_var = uses_var;
bool b_failed = failed;
uses_var = old_uses_var || a_uses_var || b_uses_var;
failed = old_failed || a_failed || b_failed;
if (b_uses_var && !a_uses_var) {
std::swap(a, b);
std::swap(a_uses_var, b_uses_var);
std::swap(a_failed, b_failed);
const Add *add_a =<Add>();
const Add *add_b =<Add>();
const Sub *sub_a =<Sub>();
const Sub *sub_b =<Sub>();
const Mul *mul_a =<Mul>();
const Mul *mul_b =<Mul>();
const T *t_a =<T>();
const T *t_b =<T>();
expr = Expr();
if (a_uses_var && !b_uses_var) {
if (t_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(T::make(t_a->a, T::make(t_a->b, b)));
} else if (a_uses_var && b_uses_var) {
if (equal(a, b)) {
expr = a;
} else if (t_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(T::make(T::make(t_a->a, b), t_a->b));
} else if (t_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate(T::make(T::make(a, t_b->a), t_b->b));
} else if (add_a && add_b && equal(add_a->a, add_b->a)) {
expr = mutate(add_a->a + T::make(add_a->b, add_b->b));
} else if (add_a && add_b && equal(add_a->b, add_b->b)) {
expr = mutate(T::make(add_a->a, add_b->a)) + add_a->b;
} else if (add_a && equal(add_a->a, b)) {
expr = mutate(b + T::make(add_a->b, make_zero(op->type)));
} else if (add_b && equal(add_b->a, a)) {
expr = mutate(a + T::make(add_b->b, make_zero(op->type)));
} else if (sub_a && sub_b && equal(sub_a->a, sub_b->a)) {
expr = mutate(sub_a->a - T::make(sub_a->b, sub_b->b));
} else if (sub_a && sub_b && equal(sub_a->b, sub_b->b)) {
expr = mutate(T::make(sub_a->a, sub_b->a)) - sub_a->b;
} else if (sub_a && equal(sub_a->a, b)) {
expr = mutate(b - T::make(sub_a->b, make_zero(op->type)));
} else if (sub_b && equal(sub_b->a, a)) {
expr = mutate(a - T::make(sub_b->b, make_zero(op->type)));
} else if (mul_a && mul_b && equal(mul_a->b, mul_b->b) && is_positive_const(mul_a->b)) {
expr = mutate(T::make(mul_a->a, mul_b->a)) * mul_a->b;
} else if (mul_a && mul_b && equal(mul_a->b, mul_b->b) && is_negative_const(mul_a->b)) {
if (is_min) {
expr = mutate(Max::make(mul_a->a, mul_b->a)) * mul_a->b;
} else {
expr = mutate(Min::make(mul_a->a, mul_b->a)) * mul_a->b;
} else {
fail(T::make(a, b));
} else {
if (is_const(a) && is_const(b)) {
expr = simplify(T::make(a, b));
if (!expr.defined()) {
if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = T::make(a, b);
void visit(const Min *op) {
visit_min_max_op(op, true);
void visit(const Max *op) {
visit_min_max_op(op, false);
template<typename T>
void visit_and_or_op(const T *op) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
bool old_failed = failed;
failed = false;
Expr a = mutate(op->a);
bool a_uses_var = uses_var;
bool a_failed = failed;
uses_var = false;
failed = false;
Expr b = mutate(op->b);
bool b_uses_var = uses_var;
bool b_failed = failed;
uses_var = old_uses_var || a_uses_var || b_uses_var;
failed = old_failed || a_failed || b_failed;
if (b_uses_var && !a_uses_var) {
std::swap(a, b);
std::swap(a_uses_var, b_uses_var);
std::swap(a_failed, b_failed);
const T *t_a =<T>();
const T *t_b =<T>();
expr = Expr();
if (a_uses_var && !b_uses_var) {
if (t_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(T::make(t_a->a, T::make(t_a->b, b)));
} else if (a_uses_var && b_uses_var) {
if (equal(a, b)) {
expr = a;
} else if (t_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(T::make(T::make(t_a->a, b), t_a->b));
} else if (t_b && !b_failed) {
expr = mutate(T::make(T::make(a, t_b->a), t_b->b));
} else {
fail(T::make(a, b));
} else {
if (is_const(a) && is_const(b)) {
expr = simplify(T::make(a, b));
if (!expr.defined()) {
if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = T::make(a, b);
void visit(const Or *op) {
void visit(const And *op) {
template<typename Cmp, typename Opp>
void visit_cmp(const Cmp *op) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
bool old_failed = failed;
failed = false;
Expr a = mutate(op->a);
bool a_uses_var = uses_var;
bool a_failed = failed;
uses_var = false;
failed = false;
Expr b = mutate(op->b);
bool b_uses_var = uses_var;
bool b_failed = failed;
uses_var = old_uses_var || a_uses_var || b_uses_var;
failed = old_failed || a_failed || b_failed;
if (b_uses_var && !a_uses_var) {
expr = mutate(Opp::make(b, a));
const Add *add_a =<Add>();
const Sub *sub_a =<Sub>();
const Mul *mul_a =<Mul>();
const Div *div_a =<Div>();
bool is_eq = Expr(op).as<EQ>() != nullptr;
bool is_ne = Expr(op).as<NE>() != nullptr;
bool is_lt = Expr(op).as<LT>() != nullptr;
bool is_le = Expr(op).as<LE>() != nullptr;
bool is_ge = Expr(op).as<GE>() != nullptr;
bool is_gt = Expr(op).as<GT>() != nullptr;
expr = Expr();
if (a_uses_var && !b_uses_var) {
if (add_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(Cmp::make(add_a->a, (b - add_a->b)));
} else if (sub_a && !a_failed) {
expr = mutate(Cmp::make(sub_a->a, (b + sub_a->b)));
} else if (mul_a) {
if (a.type().is_float()) {
if (is_eq || is_ne || is_positive_const(mul_a->b)) {
expr = mutate(Cmp::make(mul_a->a, (b / mul_a->b)));
} else if (is_negative_const(mul_a->b)) {
expr = mutate(Opp::make(mul_a->a, (b / mul_a->b)));
} else if (is_const(mul_a->b, -1)) {
expr = mutate(Opp::make(mul_a->a, make_zero(b.type()) - b));
} else if (is_negative_const(mul_a->b)) {
internal_assert(!b.type().is_uint()) << "Negating unsigned is not legal\n";
expr = mutate(Opp::make(mul_a->a * negate(mul_a->b), negate(b)));
} else {
Expr div = Div::make(b, mul_a->b);
Expr rem = Mod::make(b, mul_a->b);
if (is_eq) {
expr = mutate((mul_a->a == div) && (rem == 0));
} else if (is_ne) {
expr = mutate((mul_a->a != div) || (rem != 0));
} else if (is_positive_const(mul_a->b)) {
if (is_le) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a <= div);
} else if (is_lt) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a <= (b - 1) / mul_a->b);
} else if (is_gt) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a > div);
} else if (is_ge) {
expr = mutate(mul_a->a > (b - 1) / mul_a->b);
} else if (div_a) {
if (a.type().is_float()) {
if (is_positive_const(div_a->b)) {
expr = mutate(Cmp::make(div_a->a, b * div_a->b));
} else if (is_negative_const(div_a->b)) {
expr = mutate(Opp::make(div_a->a, b * div_a->b));
} else if (a.type().is_int() && a.type().bits() >= 32) {
if (is_eq || is_ne) {
} else if (is_negative_const(div_a->b)) {
internal_assert(!a.type().is_uint()) << "Negating unsigned is not legal\n";
expr = mutate(Cmp::make(negate(div_a->a / negate(div_a->b)), b));
} else if (is_positive_const(div_a->b)) {
if (is_lt) {
expr = mutate(div_a->a < b * div_a->b);
} else if (is_le) {
expr = mutate(div_a->a < (b + 1) * div_a->b);
} else if (is_gt) {
expr = mutate(div_a->a >= (b + 1) * div_a->b);
} else if (is_ge) {
expr = mutate(div_a->a >= b * div_a->b);
} else if (a_uses_var && b_uses_var && a.type().is_int() && a.type().bits() >= 32) {
expr = mutate(Cmp::make(a - b, make_zero(a.type())));
if (!expr.defined()) {
if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = Cmp::make(a, b);
void visit(const LT *op) {
visit_cmp<LT, GT>(op);
void visit(const LE *op) {
visit_cmp<LE, GE>(op);
void visit(const GE *op) {
visit_cmp<GE, LE>(op);
void visit(const GT *op) {
visit_cmp<GT, LT>(op);
void visit(const EQ *op) {
visit_cmp<EQ, EQ>(op);
void visit(const NE *op) {
visit_cmp<NE, NE>(op);
void visit(const Variable *op) {
if (op->name == var) {
uses_var = true;
expr = op;
} else if (scope.contains(op->name)) {
CacheEntry e = scope.get(op->name);
expr = e.expr;
uses_var = uses_var || e.uses_var;
} else if (external_scope.contains(op->name)) {
Expr e = external_scope.get(op->name);
expr = mutate(e);
} else {
expr = op;
void visit(const Let *op) {
bool old_uses_var = uses_var;
uses_var = false;
Expr value = mutate(op->value);
CacheEntry e = {value, uses_var};
uses_var = old_uses_var;
scope.push(op->name, e);
expr = mutate(op->body);
class SolveForInterval : public IRVisitor {
const string &var;
bool target = true;
bool outer;
Scope<Expr> scope;
map<pair<string, bool>, Interval> solved_vars;
bool already_solved = false;
using IRVisitor::visit;
void fail() {
if (outer) {
result = Interval::everything();
} else {
result = Interval::nothing();
void visit(const UIntImm *op) {
if ((op->value && target) ||
(!op->value && !target)) {
result = Interval::everything();
} else if ((!op->value && target) ||
(op->value && !target)) {
result = Interval::nothing();
} else {
Interval interval_union(Interval ia, Interval ib) {
if (outer) {
return Interval::make_union(ia, ib);
} else {
Interval intersection = Interval::make_intersection(ia, ib);
if (!intersection.is_empty() &&
(!intersection.is_bounded() ||
can_prove(intersection.min <= intersection.max))) {
return Interval::make_union(ia, ib);
} else {
if (ia.is_empty()) {
return ib;
} else {
return ia;
void visit(const And *op) {
Interval ia = result;
Interval ib = result;
if (target) {
debug(3) << "And intersecting: " << Expr(op) << "\n"
<< " " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
<< " " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
result = Interval::make_intersection(ia, ib);
} else {
debug(3) << "And union:" << Expr(op) << "\n"
<< " " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
<< " " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
result = interval_union(ia, ib);
void visit(const Or *op) {
Interval ia = result;
Interval ib = result;
if (!target) {
debug(3) << "Or intersecting:" << Expr(op) << "\n"
<< " " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
<< " " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
result = Interval::make_intersection(ia, ib);
} else {
debug(3) << "Or union:" << Expr(op) << "\n"
<< " " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
<< " " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
result = interval_union(ia, ib);
void visit(const Not *op) {
target = !target;
target = !target;
void visit(const Let *op) {
bool uses_var = expr_uses_var(op->value, var) || expr_uses_vars(op->value, scope);
if (uses_var) {
scope.push(op->name, op->value);
if (uses_var) {
if (result.has_lower_bound() && expr_uses_var(result.min, op->name)) {
result.min = Let::make(op->name, op->value, result.min);
if (result.has_upper_bound() && expr_uses_var(result.max, op->name)) {
result.max = Let::make(op->name, op->value, result.max);
void visit(const Variable *op) {
if (scope.contains(op->name)) {
pair<string, bool> key = { op->name, target };
auto it = solved_vars.find(key);
if (it != solved_vars.end()) {
result = it->second;
} else {
solved_vars[key] = result;
} else {
void visit(const LT *lt) {
Expr cond = lt->a <= (lt->b - 1);
void visit(const GT *gt) {
Expr cond = gt->a >= (gt->b + 1);
std::map<Expr, Interval, IRDeepCompare> cache_f, cache_t;
void cached_solve(Expr cond) {
auto &cache = target ? cache_t : cache_f;
auto it = cache.find(cond);
if (it == cache.end()) {
already_solved = false;
already_solved = true;
cache[cond] = result;
} else {
result = it->second;
void visit(const LE *le) {
static string b_name = unique_name('b');
static string c_name = unique_name('c');
const Variable *v = le-><Variable>();
if (!already_solved) {
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(le, var, scope);
if (!solved.fully_solved) {
} else {
already_solved = true;
already_solved = false;
} else if (v && v->name == var) {
if (target) {
result = Interval(Interval::neg_inf, le->b);
} else {
result = Interval(le->b + 1, Interval::pos_inf);
} else if (const Max *max_a = le-><Max>()) {
Expr a = max_a->a, b = max_a->b, c = le->b;
Expr b_var = Variable::make(b.type(), b_name);
Expr c_var = Variable::make(c.type(), c_name);
cached_solve((a <= c_var) && (b_var <= c_var || a >= b_var));
if (result.has_upper_bound()) {
result.min = Let::make(b_name, b, result.min);
result.min = Let::make(c_name, c, result.min);
if (result.has_upper_bound()) {
result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
} else if (const Min *min_a = le-><Min>()) {
Expr a = min_a->a, b = min_a->b, c = le->b;
Expr b_var = Variable::make(b.type(), b_name);
Expr c_var = Variable::make(c.type(), c_name);
cached_solve((a <= c_var) || (b_var <= c_var && a >= b_var));
if (result.has_lower_bound()) {
result.min = Let::make(b_name, b, result.min);
result.min = Let::make(c_name, c, result.min);
if (result.has_upper_bound()) {
result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
} else {
void visit(const GE *ge) {
static string b_name = unique_name('b');
static string c_name = unique_name('c');
const Variable *v = ge-><Variable>();
if (!already_solved) {
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(ge, var, scope);
if (!solved.fully_solved) {
} else {
already_solved = true;
already_solved = false;
} else if (v && v->name == var) {
if (target) {
result = Interval(ge->b, Interval::pos_inf);
} else {
result = Interval(Interval::neg_inf, ge->b - 1);
} else if (const Max *max_a = ge-><Max>()) {
Expr a = max_a->a, b = max_a->b, c = ge->b;
Expr b_var = Variable::make(b.type(), b_name);
Expr c_var = Variable::make(c.type(), c_name);
cached_solve((a >= c_var) || (b_var >= c_var && a <= b_var));
if (result.has_lower_bound()) {
result.min = Let::make(b_name, b, result.min);
result.min = Let::make(c_name, c, result.min);
if (result.has_upper_bound()) {
result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
} else if (const Min *min_a = ge-><Min>()) {
Expr a = min_a->a, b = min_a->b, c = ge->b;
Expr b_var = Variable::make(b.type(), b_name);
Expr c_var = Variable::make(c.type(), c_name);
cached_solve((a >= c_var) && (b_var >= c_var || a <= b_var));
if (result.has_lower_bound()) {
result.min = Let::make(b_name, b, result.min);
result.min = Let::make(c_name, c, result.min);
if (result.has_upper_bound()) {
result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
} else {
void visit(const EQ *op) {
Expr cond;
if (op->a.type().is_bool()) {
internal_assert(op->a.type().is_bool() == op->b.type().is_bool());
cond = (op->a && op->b) && (!op->a && !op->b);
} else {
cond = (op->a <= op->b) && (op->a >= op->b);
void visit(const NE *op) {
Expr cond;
if (op->a.type().is_bool()) {
internal_assert(op->a.type().is_bool() == op->b.type().is_bool());
cond = (op->a && !op->b) && (!op->a && op->b);
} else {
cond = (op->a < op->b) || (op->a > op->b);
void visit(const Cast *op) {
void visit(const Load *op) {
void visit(const Call *op) {
Interval result;
SolveForInterval(const string &v, bool o) : var(v), outer(o) {}
class AndConditionOverDomain : public IRMutator {
using IRMutator::visit;
Scope<Interval> scope;
Scope<Expr> bound_vars;
bool flipped = false;
Interval get_bounds(Expr a) {
Interval bounds = bounds_of_expr_in_scope(a, scope);
if (!bounds.is_single_point() ||
!bounds.has_lower_bound() ||
!bounds.has_upper_bound()) {
relaxed = true;
return bounds;
Expr make_bigger(Expr a) {
return get_bounds(a).max;
Expr make_smaller(Expr a) {
return get_bounds(a).min;
void visit(const Broadcast *op) {
expr = mutate(op->value);
void fail() {
if (flipped) {
expr = const_true();
} else {
expr = const_false();
template<typename Cmp, bool is_lt_or_le>
void visit_cmp(const Cmp *op) {
Expr a, b;
if (is_lt_or_le ^ flipped) {
a = make_bigger(op->a);
b = make_smaller(op->b);
} else {
a = make_smaller(op->a);
b = make_bigger(op->b);
if (a.same_as(Interval::pos_inf) ||
b.same_as(Interval::pos_inf) ||
a.same_as(Interval::neg_inf) ||
b.same_as(Interval::neg_inf)) {
} else if (a.same_as(op->a) && b.same_as(op->b)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = Cmp::make(a, b);
void visit(const LT *op) {
visit_cmp<LT, true>(op);
void visit(const LE *op) {
visit_cmp<LE, true>(op);
void visit(const GT *op) {
visit_cmp<GT, false>(op);
void visit(const GE *op) {
visit_cmp<GE, false>(op);
void visit(const EQ *op) {
if (op->type.is_vector()) {
} else {
Expr delta = simplify(op->a - op->b);
Interval i = get_bounds(delta);
if (!i.has_lower_bound() || !i.has_upper_bound()) {
if (can_prove(i.min == i.max)) {
expr = (i.min == 0);
} else {
if (flipped) {
expr = (i.min <= 0) && (i.max >= 0);
} else {
expr = (i.min == 0) && (i.max == 0);
void visit(const NE *op) {
expr = mutate(!(op->a == op->b));
void visit(const Not *op) {
flipped = !flipped;
flipped = !flipped;
void visit(const Variable *op) {
if (scope.contains(op->name) && op->type.is_bool()) {
Interval i = scope.get(op->name);
if (!flipped) {
if (i.has_lower_bound()) {
expr = i.min;
} else {
expr = const_false();
} else {
if (i.has_upper_bound()) {
expr = i.max;
} else {
expr = const_true();
} else if (op->type.is_vector()) {
} else {
expr = op;
void visit(const Let *op) {
Expr body;
Interval value_bounds;
if (op->value.type().is_bool()) {
Expr value = mutate(op->value);
flipped = !flipped;
Expr flipped_value = mutate(op->value);
flipped = !flipped;
if (!equal(value, flipped_value)) {
value_bounds = Interval(const_false(), const_true());
} else {
value_bounds = get_bounds(value);
} else {
value_bounds = get_bounds(op->value);
if (!value_bounds.max.same_as(op->value) || !value_bounds.min.same_as(op->value)) {
string min_name = unique_name(op->name + ".min");
string max_name = unique_name(op->name + ".max");
Expr min_var, max_var;
if (!value_bounds.has_lower_bound() ||
(is_const(value_bounds.min) &&<Variable>())) {
min_var = value_bounds.min;
value_bounds.min = Interval::neg_inf;
} else {
min_var = Variable::make(value_bounds.min.type(), min_name);
if (!value_bounds.has_upper_bound() ||
(is_const(value_bounds.max) &&<Variable>())) {
max_var = value_bounds.max;
value_bounds.max = Interval::pos_inf;
} else {
max_var = Variable::make(value_bounds.max.type(), max_name);
scope.push(op->name, Interval(min_var, max_var));
expr = mutate(op->body);
if (expr_uses_var(expr, op->name)) {
expr = Let::make(op->name, op->value, expr);
if (value_bounds.has_lower_bound() && expr_uses_var(expr, min_name)) {
expr = Let::make(min_name, value_bounds.min, expr);
if (value_bounds.has_upper_bound() && expr_uses_var(expr, max_name)) {
expr = Let::make(max_name, value_bounds.max, expr);
} else {
bound_vars.push(op->name, op->value);
body = mutate(op->body);
if (body.same_as(op->body)) {
expr = op;
} else {
expr = Let::make(op->name, op->value, body);
void visit(const Cast *op) {
void visit(const Load *op) {
void visit(const Call *op) {
bool relaxed = false;
AndConditionOverDomain(const Scope<Interval> &parent_scope) {
SolverResult solve_expression(Expr e, const std::string &variable, const Scope<Expr> &scope) {
SolveExpression solver(variable, scope);
Expr new_e = solver.mutate(e);
new_e = common_subexpression_elimination(new_e);
debug(3) << "Solved expr for " << variable << " :\n"
<< " " << e << "\n"
<< " " << new_e << "\n";
return {new_e, !solver.failed};
Interval solve_for_inner_interval(Expr c, const std::string &var) {
SolveForInterval s(var, false);
internal_assert(s.result.min.defined() && s.result.max.defined())
<< "solve_for_inner_interval returned undefined Exprs: " << c << "\n";
s.result.min = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(s.result.min));
s.result.max = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(s.result.max));
if (s.result.is_bounded() &&
can_prove(s.result.min > s.result.max)) {
return Interval::nothing();
return s.result;
Interval solve_for_outer_interval(Expr c, const std::string &var) {
SolveForInterval s(var, true);
internal_assert(s.result.min.defined() && s.result.max.defined())
<< "solve_for_outer_interval returned undefined Exprs: " << c << "\n";
s.result.min = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(s.result.min));
s.result.max = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(s.result.max));
if (s.result.is_bounded() &&
can_prove(s.result.min > s.result.max)) {
return Interval::nothing();
return s.result;
Expr and_condition_over_domain(Expr e, const Scope<Interval> &varying) {
AndConditionOverDomain r(varying);
return simplify(r.mutate(e));
namespace {
void check_solve(Expr a, Expr b) {
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(a, "x");
internal_assert(equal(solved.result, b))
<< "Expression: " << a << "\n"
<< " solved to " << solved.result << "\n"
<< " instead of " << b << "\n";
void check_interval(Expr a, Interval i, bool outer) {
Interval result =
outer ?
solve_for_outer_interval(a, "x") :
solve_for_inner_interval(a, "x");
result.min = simplify(result.min);
result.max = simplify(result.max);
internal_assert(equal(result.min, i.min) && equal(result.max, i.max))
<< "Expression " << a << " solved to the interval:\n"
<< " min: " << result.min << "\n"
<< " max: " << result.max << "\n"
<< " instead of:\n"
<< " min: " << i.min << "\n"
<< " max: " << i.max << "\n";
void check_outer_interval(Expr a, Expr min, Expr max) {
check_interval(a, Interval(min, max), true);
void check_inner_interval(Expr a, Expr min, Expr max) {
check_interval(a, Interval(min, max), false);
void check_and_condition(Expr orig, Expr result, Interval i) {
Scope<Interval> s;
s.push("x", i);
Expr cond = and_condition_over_domain(orig, s);
internal_assert(equal(cond, result))
<< "Expression " << orig
<< " reduced to " << cond
<< " instead of " << result << "\n";
void solve_test() {
Expr x = Variable::make(Int(32), "x");
Expr y = Variable::make(Int(32), "y");
Expr z = Variable::make(Int(32), "z");
check_solve(3 - 4*x, x*(-4) + 3);
check_solve(min(5, x), min(x, 5));
check_solve(max(5, (5+x)*y), max(x*y + 5*y, 5));
check_solve(5*y + 3*x == 2, ((x == ((2 - (5*y))/3)) && (((2 - (5*y)) % 3) == 0)));
check_solve(min(min(z, x), min(x, y)), min(x, min(y, z)));
check_solve(min(x + y, x + 5), x + min(y, 5));
check_solve(Let::make("z", 3 + 5*x, y + z < 8),
x <= (((8 - (3 + y)) - 1)/5));
check_solve(Let::make("z", 3 + 5*x, y + (z + z) < 8),
x <= (((8 - (6 + y)) - 1)/10));
Expr e = y+1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
e *= (e + 1);
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(x + e < e*e, "x");
internal_assert(solved.fully_solved &&<Let>());
for (int den = -3; den <= 3; den ++) {
if (den == 0) continue;
for (int num = 5; num <= 10; num++) {
Expr in[] = {x*den < num, x*den <= num, x*den == num, x*den != num, x*den >= num, x*den > num,
x/den < num, x/den <= num, x/den == num, x/den != num, x/den >= num, x/den > num};
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(in[j], "x");
internal_assert(solved.fully_solved) << "Error: failed to solve for x in " << in[j] << "\n";
Expr out = simplify(solved.result);
for (int i = -10; i < 10; i++) {
Expr in_val = substitute("x", i, in[j]);
Expr out_val = substitute("x", i, out);
in_val = simplify(in_val);
out_val = simplify(out_val);
internal_assert(equal(in_val, out_val))
<< "Error: "
<< in[j] << " is not equivalent to "
<< out << " when x == " << i << "\n";
Expr e = x + y;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
e += (e + 1) * y;
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(e, "x");
internal_assert(solved.fully_solved && solved.result.defined());
internal_assert(!solve_expression(x*x < 4, "x").fully_solved);
check_solve(4.0f > sqrt(x), sqrt(x) < 4.0f);
check_solve(4 > y*x, x*y < 4);
check_inner_interval(x > 0, 1, Interval::pos_inf);
check_inner_interval(x < 100, Interval::neg_inf, 99);
check_outer_interval(x > 0 && x < 100, 1, 99);
check_inner_interval(x > 0 && x < 100, 1, 99);
Expr c = Variable::make(Bool(), "c");
check_outer_interval(Let::make("y", 0, x > y && x < 100), 1, 99);
check_outer_interval(Let::make("c", x > 0, c && x < 100), 1, 99);
check_outer_interval((x >= 10 && x <= 90) && sin(x) > 0.5f, 10, 90);
check_inner_interval((x >= 10 && x <= 90) && sin(x) > 0.6f, Interval::pos_inf, Interval::neg_inf);
check_inner_interval(x == 10, 10, 10);
check_outer_interval(x == 10, 10, 10);
check_inner_interval(!(x != 10), 10, 10);
check_outer_interval(!(x != 10), 10, 10);
check_inner_interval(3*x + 4 < 27, Interval::neg_inf, 7);
check_outer_interval(3*x + 4 < 27, Interval::neg_inf, 7);
check_inner_interval(min(x, y) > 17, 18, y);
check_outer_interval(min(x, y) > 17, 18, Interval::pos_inf);
check_inner_interval(x/5 < 17, Interval::neg_inf, 84);
check_outer_interval(x/5 < 17, Interval::neg_inf, 84);
check_and_condition(x > 0, const_true(), Interval(1, y));
check_and_condition(x > 0, const_true(), Interval(5, y));
check_and_condition(x > 0, const_false(), Interval(-5, y));
check_and_condition(x > 0 && x < 10, const_true(), Interval(1, 9));
check_and_condition(x > 0 || sin(x) == 0.5f, const_true(), Interval(100, 200));
check_and_condition(x <= 0, const_true(), Interval(-100, 0));
check_and_condition(x <= 0, const_false(), Interval(-100, 1));
check_and_condition(x <= 0 || y > 2, const_true(), Interval(-100, 0));
check_and_condition(x > 0 || y > 2, 2 < y, Interval(-100, 0));
check_and_condition(x == 0, const_true(), Interval(0, 0));
check_and_condition(x == 0, const_false(), Interval(-10, 10));
check_and_condition(x != 0, const_false(), Interval(-10, 10));
check_and_condition(x != 0, const_true(), Interval(-20, -10));
check_and_condition(y == 0, y == 0, Interval(-10, 10));
check_and_condition(y != 0, y != 0, Interval(-10, 10));
check_and_condition((x == 5) && (y != 0), const_false(), Interval(-10, 10));
check_and_condition((x == 5) && (y != 3), y != 3, Interval(5, 5));
check_and_condition((x != 0) && (y != 0), const_false(), Interval(-10, 10));
check_and_condition((x != 0) && (y != 0), y != 0, Interval(-20, -10));
Expr a16 = Load::make(Int(16), "a", {x}, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true());
Expr b16 = Load::make(Int(16), "b", {x}, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true());
Expr lhs = pow(cast<int32_t>(a16), 2) + pow(cast<int32_t>(b16), 2);
Scope<Interval> s;
s.push("x", Interval(-10, 10));
Expr cond = and_condition_over_domain(lhs < 0, s);
Expr t = Variable::make(Int(32), "t");
Expr test = (x <= min(max((y - min(((z*x) + t), t)), 1), 0));
Interval result = solve_for_outer_interval(test, "z");
Expr t = Variable::make(Int(32), "t");
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
t = min(t, Variable::make(Int(32), unique_name('v')));
t = max(t, Variable::make(Int(32), unique_name('v')));
solve_for_outer_interval(t <= 5, "t");
solve_for_inner_interval(t <= 5, "t");
check_solve(max(min(y, x), x), max(min(x, y), x));
check_solve(min(y, x) + max(y, 2*x), min(x, y) + max(x*2, y));
check_solve((min(x, y) + min(y, x))*max(y, x), (min(x, y)*2)*max(x, y));
check_solve(max((min((y*x), x) + min((1 + y), x)), (y + 2*x)),
max((min((x*y), x) + min(x, (1 + y))), (x*2 + y)));
Expr x = Variable::make(UInt(32), "x");
Expr y = Variable::make(UInt(32), "y");
Expr z = Variable::make(UInt(32), "z");
check_solve(5 - (4 - 4*x), x*(4) + 1);
check_solve(z - (y - x), x + (z - y));
check_solve(z - (y - x) == 2, x == 2 - (z - y));
Expr expr = Add::make(z, Sub::make(x, y));
SolverResult solved = solve_expression(expr, "y");
debug(0) << "Solve test passed\n";