
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. visit
  2. count_interleaves
  3. check_interleave_count
  4. define
  5. define
  6. element
  7. main

#include "Halide.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

using std::vector;
using namespace Halide;
using namespace Halide::Internal;

class CountInterleaves : public IRVisitor {
    int result;
    CountInterleaves() : result(0) {}

    using IRVisitor::visit;

    void visit(const Shuffle *op) {
        if (op->is_interleave()) {

int count_interleaves(Func f) {
    Target t = get_jit_target_from_environment();
    std::vector<Module> submodules;
    Stmt s = Internal::lower_main_stmt({f.function()},, t);
    CountInterleaves i;
    return i.result;

void check_interleave_count(Func f, int correct) {
    int c = count_interleaves(f);
    if (c < correct) {
        printf("Func %s should have interleaved >= %d times but interleaved %d times instead.\n",
     , correct, c);

void define(FuncRef f, std::vector<Expr> values) {
    if (values.size() == 1) {
        f = values[0];
    } else {
        f = Tuple(values);

void define(FuncRef f, Expr value, int count) {
    std::vector<Expr> values;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    define(f, values);

Expr element(FuncRef f, int i) {
    if (f.size() == 1) {
        assert(i == 0);
        return f;
    } else {
        return f[i];

// Make sure the interleave pattern generates good vector code

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Var x, y, c;

    // As of May 26 2016, this test causes a segfault due to
    // permissions failure on ARM-32 trying to execute a
    // non-executable page when jitting. Started happening between
    // llvm commits 270148 and 270159, but there's no obvious
    // culprit. Just disabling it for now.
        Target t = get_host_target();
        if (t.arch == Target::ARM && t.bits == 32) {
            printf("Skipping test on arm-32 (see the source for why)\n");
            return 0;

    for (int elements = 1; elements <= 5; elements++) {
        Func f, g, h;
        std::vector<Expr> f_def, g_def;
        for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
            f_def.push_back(sin(x + i));
            g_def.push_back(cos(x + i));
        define(f(x), f_def);
        define(g(x), g_def);
        std::vector<Expr> h_def;
        for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
            h_def.push_back(select(x % 2 == 0, 1.0f/element(f(x/2), i), element(g(x/2), i)*17.0f));
            g_def.push_back(cos(x + i));
        define(h(x), h_def);

        h.vectorize(x, 8);

        check_interleave_count(h, 1);

        Realization results = h.realize(16);
        for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
            Buffer<float> result = results[i];
            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
                float correct = ((x % 2) == 0) ? (1.0f/(sinf(x/2 + i))) : (cosf(x/2 + i)*17.0f);
                float delta = result(x) - correct;
                if (delta > 0.01 || delta < -0.01) {
                    printf("result(%d) = %f instead of %f\n", x, result(x), correct);
                    return -1;

        // Test interleave 3 vectors:
        Func planar, interleaved;
        planar(x, y) = Halide::cast<float>( 3 * x + y );
        interleaved(x, y) = planar(x, y);

        Var xy("xy");
            .compute_at(interleaved, xy)
            .vectorize(x, 4);

            .reorder(y, x)
            .bound(y, 0, 3)
            .bound(x, 0, 16)
            .fuse(y, x, xy)
            .vectorize(xy, 12);


        Buffer<float> buff3(3, 16);
        buff3.transpose(0, 1);


        check_interleave_count(interleaved, 1);

        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
                float correct = 3*x + y;
                float delta = buff3(x, y) - correct;
                if (delta > 0.01 || delta < -0.01) {
                    printf("result(%d) = %f instead of %f\n", x, buff3(x,y), correct);
                    return -1;

        // Test interleave 4 vectors:
        Func f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
        f1(x) = sin(x);
        f2(x) = sin(2*x);
        f3(x) = sin(3*x);
        f4(x) = sin(4*x);
        f5(x) = sin(5*x);

        Func output4;
        output4(x, y) = select(y == 0, f1(x),
                               y == 1, f2(x),
                               y == 2, f3(x),

            .reorder(y, x)
            .bound(y, 0, 4)
            .vectorize(x, 4);


        check_interleave_count(output4, 1);

        Buffer<float> buff4(4, 16);
        buff4.transpose(0, 1);


        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
                float correct = sin((y+1)*x);
                float delta = buff4(x, y) - correct;
                if (delta > 0.01 || delta < -0.01) {
                    printf("result(%d) = %f instead of %f\n", x, buff4(x,y), correct);
                    return -1;

        // Test interleave 5 vectors:
        Func output5;
        output5(x, y) = select(y == 0, f1(x),
                               y == 1, f2(x),
                               y == 2, f3(x),
                               y == 3, f4(x),

            .reorder(y, x)
            .bound(y, 0, 5)
            .vectorize(x, 4);


        check_interleave_count(output5, 1);

        Buffer<float> buff5(5, 16);
        buff5.transpose(0, 1);


        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) {
                float correct = sin((y+1)*x);
                float delta = buff5(x, y) - correct;
                if (delta > 0.01 || delta < -0.01) {
                    printf("result(%d) = %f instead of %f\n", x, buff5(x,y), correct);
                    return -1;

        // Test interleaving inside of nested blocks
        Func f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
        f1(x) = sin(x);

        f2(x) = sin(2*x);

        Func unrolled;
        unrolled(x, y) = select(x % 2 == 0, f1(x), f2(x)) + y;

        Var xi, yi;
        unrolled.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 16, 2).unroll(xi, 2).vectorize(xi, 4).unroll(xi).unroll(yi);

        check_interleave_count(unrolled, 4);

    for (int elements = 1; elements <= 5; elements++) {
        // Make sure we don't interleave when the reordering would change the meaning.
        Realization* refs = nullptr;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            Func output6;
            define(output6(x, y), cast<uint8_t>(x), elements);
            RDom r(0, 16);

            // A not-safe-to-merge pair of updates
            define(output6(2*r, 0), cast<uint8_t>(3), elements);
            define(output6(2*r+1, 0), cast<uint8_t>(4), elements);

            // A safe-to-merge pair of updates
            define(output6(2*r, 1), cast<uint8_t>(3), elements);
            define(output6(2*r+1, 1), cast<uint8_t>(4), elements);

            // A safe-to-merge-but-not-complete triple of updates:
            define(output6(3*r, 3), cast<uint8_t>(3), elements);
            define(output6(3*r+1, 3), cast<uint8_t>(4), elements);

            // A safe-to-merge-but-we-don't pair of updates, because they
            // load recursively, so we conservatively bail out.
            std::vector<Expr> rdef0, rdef1;
            for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
                rdef0.push_back(element(output6(2*r, 2), i) + 1);
                rdef1.push_back(element(output6(2*r+1, 2), i) + 1);
            define(output6(2*r, 2), rdef0);
            define(output6(2*r+1, 2), rdef1);

            // A safe-to-merge triple of updates:
            define(output6(3*r, 3), cast<uint8_t>(7), elements);
            define(output6(3*r+2, 3), cast<uint8_t>(9), elements);
            define(output6(3*r+1, 3), cast<uint8_t>(8), elements);

            if (i == 0) {
                // Making the reference output.
                refs = new Realization(output6.realize(50, 4));
            } else {
                // Vectorize and compare to the reference.
                for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) {

                check_interleave_count(output6, 2*elements);

                Realization outs = output6.realize(50, 4);
                for (int e = 0; e < elements; e++) {
                    Buffer<uint8_t> ref = (*refs)[e];
                    Buffer<uint8_t> out = outs[e];
                    for (int y = 0; y < ref.height(); y++) {
                        for (int x = 0; x < ref.width(); x++) {
                            if (out(x, y) != ref(x, y)) {
                                printf("result(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n",
                                       x, y, out(x, y), ref(x, y));
                                return -1;
        delete refs;

        // Test that transposition works when vectorizing either dimension:
        Func square("square");
        square(x, y) = cast(UInt(16), 5*x + y);

        Func trans1("trans1");
        trans1(x, y) = square(y, x);

        Func trans2("trans2");
        trans2(x, y) = square(y, x);

            .bound(x, 0, 8)
            .bound(y, 0, 8);

            .bound(x, 0, 8)
            .bound(y, 0, 8)

            .bound(x, 0, 8)
            .bound(y, 0, 8)



        Buffer<uint16_t> result6(8, 8);
        Buffer<uint16_t> result7(8, 8);

        for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
                int correct = 5*y + x;
                if (result6(x,y) != correct) {
                    printf("result(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, result6(x,y), correct);
                    return -1;

                if (result7(x,y) != correct) {
                    printf("result(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, result7(x,y), correct);
                    return -1;

        check_interleave_count(trans1, 1);
        check_interleave_count(trans2, 1);

    return 0;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */