
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ubits
  2. less_than_zero
  3. is_negative_one
  4. is_negative_one
  5. is_negative_one
  6. is_negative_one
  7. is_negative_one
  8. is_negative_one
  9. maximum
  10. minimum
  11. init
  12. mul
  13. div_mod
  14. f_mod
  15. test_mul
  16. test_div_mod
  17. main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "Halide.h"

#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <future>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Silence a warning that is obscure, harmless, and painful to work around
#pragma warning(disable:4146)  // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned

using namespace Halide;
using Halide::Internal::Call;

// Test program to check basic arithmetic.
// Pseudo-random numbers are generated and arithmetic operations performed on them.
// To ensure that the extremes of the data values are included in testing, the upper
// left corner of each matrix contains the extremes.

// The code uses 64 bit arithmetic to ensure that results are correct in 32 bits and fewer,
// even if overflow occurs.

// Dimensions of the test data, and rate of salting with extreme values (1 in SALTRATE)
#define WIDTH 1024
#define HEIGHT 1024
#define SALTRATE 50
// Portion of the test data to use for testing the simplifier
# define SWIDTH 32

// Generate poor quality pseudo random numbers.
// For reproducibility, the array indices are used as the seed for each
// number generated.  The algorithm simply multiplies the seeds by large
// primes and combines them together, then multiplies by additional large primes.
// We don't want to use primes that are close to powers of 2 because they dont
// randomise the bits.
// unique: Use different values to get unique data in each array.
// i, j: Coordinates for which the value is being generated.
uint64_t ubits(int unique, int i, int j) {
    uint64_t bits, mi, mj, mk, ml, mu;
    mi = 982451653; // 50 M'th prime
    mj = 776531491; // 40 M'th prime
    mk = 573259391; // 30 M'th prime
    ml = 373587883; // 20 M'th prime
    mu = 275604541; // 15 M'th prime
    // Each of the above primes is at least 10^8 i.e. at least 24 bits
    // so we are assured that the initial value computed below occupies 64 bits
    // and then the subsequent operations help ensure that every bit is affected by
    // all three inputs.

    bits = ((unique * mu + i) * mi + j) * mj;  // All multipliers are prime
    bits = (bits ^ (bits >> 32)) * mk;
    bits = (bits ^ (bits >> 32)) * ml;
    bits = (bits ^ (bits >> 32)) * mi;
    bits = (bits ^ (bits >> 32)) * mu;
    return bits;

// Template to avoid autological comparison errors when comparing unsigned values for < 0
template <typename T>
bool less_than_zero(T val) {
    return (val < 0);

template <>
bool less_than_zero<unsigned long long>(unsigned long long val) {
    return false;

template <>
bool less_than_zero<unsigned long>(unsigned long val) {
    return false;

template <>
bool less_than_zero<unsigned int>(unsigned int val) {
    return false;

template <>
bool less_than_zero<unsigned short>(unsigned short val) {
    return false;

template <>
bool less_than_zero<unsigned char>(unsigned char val) {
    return false;

template<typename T>
bool is_negative_one(T val) {
    return (val == -1);

bool is_negative_one(unsigned long long val) {
    return false;

bool is_negative_one(unsigned long val) {
    return false;

bool is_negative_one(unsigned int val) {
    return false;

bool is_negative_one(unsigned short val) {
    return false;

bool is_negative_one(unsigned char val) {
    return false;

template<typename T, typename BIG>
BIG maximum() {
    Type t = type_of<T>();

    if (t.is_float()) {
        return (BIG) 1.0;
    if (t.is_uint()) {
        uint64_t max;
        max = 0;
        max = ~max;
        if (t.bits() < 64)
            max = (((uint64_t) 1) << t.bits()) - 1;
        return (BIG) max;
    if (t.is_int()) {
        uint64_t umax;
        umax = (((uint64_t) 1) << (t.bits() - 1)) - 1;
        return (BIG) umax;
    return (BIG) 1;

template<typename T, typename BIG>
BIG minimum() {
    Type t = type_of<T>();

    if (t.is_float()) {
        return (BIG) 0.0;
    if (t.is_uint()) {
        return (BIG) 0;
    if (t.is_int()) {
        uint64_t umax;
        BIG min;
        umax = (((uint64_t) 1) << (t.bits() - 1)) - 1;
        min = umax;
        min = -min - 1;
        return min;
    return (BIG) 0;

// Construct an image for testing.
// Contents are poor quality pseudo-random numbers in the natural range for the specified type.
// The top left corner contains one of two patterns.  (Remember that first coordinate is column in Halide)
//  min  max      OR      min  max
//  min  max              max  min
// The left pattern occurs when unique is odd; the right pattern when unique is even.

template<typename T, typename BIG>
Buffer<T> init(Type t, int unique, int width, int height) {
    if (width < 2) width = 2;
    if (height < 2) height = 2;

    Buffer<T> result(width, height);

    if (t.is_int()) {
        // Signed integer type with specified number of bits.
        int64_t max, min, neg, v, vsalt;
        max = maximum<T, int64_t>();
        min = minimum<T, int64_t>();
        neg = (~((int64_t) 0)) ^ max;  // The bits that should all be 1 for negative numbers.
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                v = (int64_t) (ubits(unique,i,j));
                if (v < 0)
                    v |= neg; // Make all the high bits one
                    v &= max;
                // Salting with extreme values
                vsalt = (int64_t) (ubits(unique|0x100,i,j));
                if (vsalt % SALTRATE == 0) {
                    if (vsalt & 0x1000000) {
                        v = max;
                    } else {
                        v = min;
                result(i,j) = (T)v;
        result(0,0) = (T)min;
        result(1,0) = (T)max;
        result(0,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? min : max);
        result(1,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? max : min);
    else if (t.is_uint()) {
        uint64_t max, v, vsalt;
        max = maximum<T, BIG>();
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                v = ubits(unique,i,j) & max;
                // Salting with extreme values
                vsalt = (int64_t) (ubits(unique|0x100,i,j));
                if (vsalt % SALTRATE == 0) {
                    if (vsalt & 0x1000000) {
                        v = max;
                    } else {
                        v = 0;
                result(i,j) = (T)v;
        result(0,0) = (T)0;
        result(1,0) = (T)max;
        result(0,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? 0 : max);
        result(1,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? max : 0);
    else if (t.is_float()) {
        uint64_t uv, vsalt;
        uint64_t max = (uint64_t)(-1);
        double v;
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                uv = ubits(unique,i,j);
                v = (((double) uv) / ((double) (max))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
                // Salting with extreme values
                vsalt = (int64_t) (ubits(unique|0x100,i,j));
                if (vsalt % SALTRATE == 0) {
                    if (vsalt & 0x1000000) {
                        v = 1.0;
                    } else {
                        v = 0.0;
                result(i,j) = (T)v;
        result(0,0) = (T)(0.0);
        result(1,0) = (T)(1.0);
        result(0,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? 0.0 : 1.0);
        result(1,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
    else {
        printf ("Unknown data type in init.\n");

    return result;

enum ScheduleVariant {

// Test multiplication of T1 x T2 -> RT
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename RT, typename BIG>
bool mul(int vector_width, ScheduleVariant scheduling, const Target &target) {
    // std::cout << "Test multiplication of "
    //           << type_of<T1>() << 'x' << vector_width << '*'
    //           << type_of<T2>() << 'x' << vector_width << "->"
    //           << type_of<RT>() << 'x' << vector_width << '\n';

    int i, j;
    Type t1 = type_of<T1>();
    Type t2 = type_of<T2>();
    Type rt = type_of<RT>();
    bool success = true;

    // The parameter bits can be used to control the maximum data value.
    Buffer<T1> a = init<T1, BIG>(t1, 1, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    Buffer<T2> b = init<T2, BIG>(t2, 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // Compute the multiplication, check that the results match.
    Func f;
    Var x, y, xi, yi;
    f(x, y) = cast(rt, a(x, y)) * cast(rt, b(x, y));
    if (vector_width > 1) {
        f.vectorize(x, vector_width);
    switch (scheduling) {
        case CPU:
        case TiledGPU:
            f.compute_root().gpu_tile(x, y, xi, yi, 16, 16);
        case Hexagon:

    Buffer<RT> r = f.realize(WIDTH, HEIGHT, target);

    int ecount = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
            T1 ai = a(i, j);
            T2 bi = b(i, j);
            RT ri = r(i, j);
            RT correct = RT(ai)*RT(bi);
            if (correct != ri && (ecount++) < 10) {
                std::cerr << ai << "*" << bi << " -> " << ri << " != " << correct << "\n";
                success = false;

            if (i < SWIDTH && j < SHEIGHT) {
                Expr ae = cast<RT>(Expr(ai));
                Expr be = cast<RT>(Expr(bi));
                Expr re = simplify(ae*be);

                if (<Call>() &&<Call>()->is_intrinsic(Call::signed_integer_overflow)) {
                    // Don't check correctness of signed integer overflow.
                } else {
                    if (!Internal::equal(re, Expr(ri)) && (ecount++) < 10) {
                        std::cerr << "Compiled a*b != simplified a*b: " << (int64_t)ai
                                  << "*" << (int64_t)bi
                                  << " = " << (int64_t)ri
                                  << " != " << re << "\n";
                        success = false;

    return success;

// division tests division and mod operations.
// BIG should be uint64_t, int64_t or double as appropriate.
// T should be a type known to Halide.
template<typename T, typename BIG>
bool div_mod(int vector_width, ScheduleVariant scheduling, const Target &target) {
    // std::cout << "Test division of " << type_of<T>() << 'x' << vector_width << '\n';

    int i, j;
    Type t = type_of<T>();
    BIG minval = minimum<T, BIG>();
    bool success = true;

    // The parameter bits can be used to control the maximum data value.
    Buffer<T> a = init<T, BIG>(t, 1, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    Buffer<T> b = init<T, BIG>(t, 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // Filter the input values for the operation to be tested.
    // Cannot divide by zero, so remove zeroes from b.
    // Also, cannot divide the most negative number by -1.
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
            if (b(i,j) == 0) {
                b(i,j) = 1; // Replace zero with one
            if (a(i,j) == minval && less_than_zero(minval) && is_negative_one(b(i,j))) {
                a(i,j) = a(i,j) + 1; // Fix it into range.

    // Compute division and mod, and check they satisfy the requirements of Euclidean division.
    Func f;
    Var x, y, xi, yi;
    f(x, y) = Tuple(a(x, y) / b(x, y), a(x, y) % b(x, y));  // Using Halide division operation.
    if (vector_width > 1) {
        f.vectorize(x, vector_width);
    switch (scheduling) {
        case CPU:
        case TiledGPU:
            f.compute_root().gpu_tile(x, y, xi, yi, 16, 16);
        case Hexagon:

    Realization R = f.realize(WIDTH, HEIGHT, target);
    Buffer<T> q(R[0]);
    Buffer<T> r(R[1]);

    int ecount = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
            T ai = a(i, j);
            T bi = b(i, j);
            T qi = q(i, j);
            T ri = r(i, j);

            if (qi*bi + ri != ai && (ecount++) < 10) {
                std::cerr << "(a/b)*b + a%b != a; a, b = " << (int64_t)ai
                          << ", " << (int64_t)bi
                          << "; q, r = " << (int64_t)qi
                          << ", " << (int64_t)ri << "\n";
                success = false;
            } else if (!(0 <= ri &&
                         (t.is_min((int64_t)bi) || ri < (T)std::abs((int64_t)bi))) &&
                       (ecount++) < 10) {
                std::cerr << "ri is not in the range [0, |b|); a, b = " << (int64_t)ai
                          << ", " << (int64_t)bi
                          << "; q, r = " << (int64_t)qi
                          << ", " << (int64_t)ri << "\n";
                success = false;

            if (i < SWIDTH && j < SHEIGHT) {
                Expr ae = Expr(ai);
                Expr be = Expr(bi);
                Expr qe = simplify(ae/be);
                Expr re = simplify(ae%be);

                if (!Internal::equal(qe, Expr(qi)) && (ecount++) < 10) {
                    std::cerr << "Compiled a/b != simplified a/b: " << (int64_t)ai
                              << "/" << (int64_t)bi
                              << " = " << (int64_t)qi
                              << " != " << qe << "\n";
                    success = false;
                } else if (!Internal::equal(re, Expr(ri)) && (ecount++) < 10) {
                    std::cerr << "Compiled a%b != simplified a%b: " << (int64_t)ai
                              << "/" << (int64_t)bi
                              << " = " << (int64_t)ri
                              << " != " << re << "\n";
                    success = false;

    return success;

// f_mod tests floating mod operations.
// BIG should be double.
// T should be a type known to Halide.
template<typename T, typename BIG>
bool f_mod() {
    // std::cout << "Test mod of " << type_of<T>() << '\n';

    int i, j;
    Type t = type_of<T>();
    bool success = true;

    Buffer<T> a = init<T, BIG>(t, 1, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    Buffer<T> b = init<T, BIG>(t, 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    Buffer<T> out(WIDTH,HEIGHT);

    // Filter the input values for the operation to be tested.
    // Cannot divide by zero, so remove zeroes from b.
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
            if (b(i,j) == 0.0) {
                b(i,j) = 1.0; // Replace zero with one.

    // Compute modulus result and check it.
    Func f;
    f(_) = a(_) % b(_);  // Using Halide mod operation.

    // Explicit checks of the simplifier for consistency with runtime computation
    int ecount = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < std::min(SWIDTH,WIDTH); i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < std::min(SHEIGHT, HEIGHT); j++) {
            T arg_a = a(i,j);
            T arg_b = b(i,j);
            T v = out(i,j);
            Expr in_e = cast<T>((float) arg_a) % cast<T>((float) arg_b);
            Expr e = simplify(in_e);
            Expr eout = cast<T>((float) v);
            if (! Internal::equal(e, eout) && (ecount++) < 10) {
                Expr diff = simplify(e - eout);
                Expr smalldiff = simplify(diff < (float) (0.000001) && diff > (float) (-0.000001));
                if (! Internal::is_one(smalldiff)) {
                    std::cerr << "simplify(" << in_e << ") yielded " << e << "; expected " << eout << "\n";
                    std::cerr << "          difference=" << diff << "\n";
                    success = false;

    return success;

bool test_mul(int vector_width, ScheduleVariant scheduling, Target target) {
    bool success = true;

    // Non-widening multiplication.
    success &= mul<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<int8_t, int8_t, int8_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<int16_t, int16_t, int16_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);

    // Widening multiplication.
    success &= mul<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<int8_t, int8_t, int16_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<int16_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);

    // Mixed multiplication. This isn't all of the possible mixed
    // multiplications, but it covers all of the special cases we
    // have in Halide.
    success &= mul<uint16_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<int16_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= mul<uint16_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);

    return success;

bool test_div_mod(int vector_width, ScheduleVariant scheduling, Target target) {
    bool success = true;

    success &= div_mod<uint8_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= div_mod<uint16_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= div_mod<uint32_t, uint64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= div_mod<int8_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= div_mod<int16_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);
    success &= div_mod<int32_t, int64_t>(vector_width, scheduling, target);

    return success;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Target target = get_jit_target_from_environment();

    ScheduleVariant scheduling = CPU;
    if (target.has_gpu_feature()) {
        scheduling = TiledGPU;
    } else if (target.features_any_of({Target::HVX_64, Target::HVX_128})) {
        scheduling = Hexagon;

    // Test multiplication
    std::vector<int> mul_vector_widths = { 1 };
    if (target.has_feature(Target::Metal)) {
        for (int i = 2; i <= 4; i *= 2) {
    } else if (target.has_feature(Target::HVX_64)) {
    } else if (target.has_feature(Target::HVX_128)) {
    } else {
        for (int i = 2; i <= 16; i *= 2) {

    // Test division.
    std::vector<int> div_vector_widths = mul_vector_widths;
    if (scheduling == Hexagon) {
        // Vectorized division is not supported on Hexagon.

    Halide::Internal::ThreadPool<bool> pool;
    std::vector<std::future<bool>> futures;
    for (int vector_width : mul_vector_widths) {
        std::cout << "Testing mul vector_width: " << vector_width << "\n";
        auto f = pool.async(test_mul, vector_width, scheduling, target);

    for (int vector_width : div_vector_widths) {
        std::cout << "Testing div_mod vector_width: " << vector_width << "\n";
        auto f = pool.async(test_div_mod, vector_width, scheduling, target);

    futures.push_back(pool.async(f_mod<float, double>));

    bool success = true;
    for (auto &f : futures) {
        success &= f.get();

    if (!success) {
        printf ("Failure!\n");
        return -1;
    return 0;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */