
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. reduceNoise
  2. lineWidth
  3. lineWidth
  4. classType
  5. columns
  6. rows

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Definition of Image, the representation of a single image in Magick++

#if !defined(Magick_Image_header)
#define Magick_Image_header

#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include "Magick++/Blob.h"
#include "Magick++/Color.h"
#include "Magick++/Drawable.h"
#include "Magick++/Exception.h"
#include "Magick++/Geometry.h"
#include "Magick++/TypeMetric.h"

namespace Magick
  // Forward declarations
  class Options;
  class ImageRef;

  extern MagickDLLDecl const char *borderGeometryDefault;
  extern MagickDLLDecl const char *frameGeometryDefault;
  extern MagickDLLDecl const char *raiseGeometryDefault;

  // Compare two Image objects regardless of LHS/RHS
  // Image sizes and signatures are used as basis of comparison
  int MagickDLLDecl operator == ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                  const Magick::Image& right_ );
  int MagickDLLDecl operator != ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                  const Magick::Image& right_ );
  int MagickDLLDecl operator >  ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                  const Magick::Image& right_ );
  int MagickDLLDecl operator <  ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                  const Magick::Image& right_ );
  int MagickDLLDecl operator >= ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                  const Magick::Image& right_ );
  int MagickDLLDecl operator <= ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                  const Magick::Image& right_ );

  // C library initialization routine
  void MagickDLLDecl InitializeMagick(const char *path_);

  // Image is the representation of an image.  In reality, it actually
  // a handle object which contains a pointer to a shared reference
  // object (ImageRef). As such, this object is extremely space efficient.
  class MagickDLLDecl Image
    // Construct from image file or image specification
    Image( const std::string &imageSpec_ );
    // Construct a blank image canvas of specified size and color
    Image( const Geometry &size_, const Color &color_ );

    // Construct Image from in-memory BLOB
    Image ( const Blob &blob_ );

    // Construct Image of specified size from in-memory BLOB
    Image ( const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_ );

    // Construct Image of specified size and depth from in-memory BLOB
    Image ( const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size,
            const size_t depth );

    // Construct Image of specified size, depth, and format from
    // in-memory BLOB
    Image ( const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size,
            const size_t depth_,
            const std::string &magick_ );
    // Construct Image of specified size, and format from in-memory
    // BLOB
    Image ( const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size,
            const std::string &magick_ );

    // Construct an image based on an array of raw pixels, of
    // specified type and mapping, in memory
    Image ( const size_t width_,
            const size_t height_,
            const std::string &map_,
            const StorageType type_,
            const void *pixels_ );

    // Default constructor
    Image( void );
    // Destructor
    virtual ~Image();
    /// Copy constructor
    Image ( const Image & image_ );
    // Assignment operator
    Image& operator= ( const Image &image_ );

    // Image operations

    // Adaptive-blur image with specified blur factor
    // The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    // pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
    // specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
    void            adaptiveBlur ( const double radius_ = 0.0,
                           const double sigma_ = 1.0  );
    // Local adaptive threshold image
    // Width x height define the size of the pixel neighborhood
    // offset = constant to subtract from pixel neighborhood mean
    void            adaptiveThreshold ( const size_t width,
                                        const size_t height,
                                        const ::ssize_t offset = 0 );

    // Add noise to image with specified noise type
    void            addNoise ( const NoiseType noiseType_ );
    void            addNoiseChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                      const NoiseType noiseType_);

    // Transform image by specified affine (or free transform) matrix.
    void            affineTransform ( const DrawableAffine &affine );

    // Annotate image (draw text on image)

    // Gravity effects text placement in bounding area according to rules:
    //  NorthWestGravity  text bottom-left corner placed at top-left
    //  NorthGravity      text bottom-center placed at top-center
    //  NorthEastGravity  text bottom-right corner placed at top-right
    //  WestGravity       text left-center placed at left-center
    //  CenterGravity     text center placed at center
    //  EastGravity       text right-center placed at right-center
    //  SouthWestGravity  text top-left placed at bottom-left
    //  SouthGravity      text top-center placed at bottom-center
    //  SouthEastGravity  text top-right placed at bottom-right

    // Annotate using specified text, and placement location
    void            annotate ( const std::string &text_,
             const Geometry &location_ );
    // Annotate using specified text, bounding area, and placement
    // gravity
    void            annotate ( const std::string &text_,
             const Geometry &boundingArea_,
             const GravityType gravity_ );
    // Annotate with text using specified text, bounding area,
    // placement gravity, and rotation.
    void            annotate ( const std::string &text_,
             const Geometry &boundingArea_,
             const GravityType gravity_,
             const double degrees_ );
    // Annotate with text (bounding area is entire image) and placement
    // gravity.
    void            annotate ( const std::string &text_,
             const GravityType gravity_ );
    // Blur image with specified blur factor
    // The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    // pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
    // specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
    void            blur ( const double radius_ = 0.0,
                           const double sigma_ = 1.0  );
    void            blurChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                  const double radius_ = 0.0,
                                  const double sigma_ = 1.0  );
    // Border image (add border to image)
    void            border ( const Geometry &geometry_
                             = borderGeometryDefault );

    // Extract channel from image
    void            channel ( const ChannelType channel_ );

    // Set or obtain modulus channel depth
    void            channelDepth ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                   const size_t depth_ );
    size_t    channelDepth ( const ChannelType channel_ );

    // Charcoal effect image (looks like charcoal sketch)
    // The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    // pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
    // specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
    void            charcoal ( const double radius_ = 0.0,
                               const double sigma_ = 1.0 );

    // Chop image (remove vertical or horizontal subregion of image)
    // FIXME: describe how geometry argument is used to select either
    // horizontal or vertical subregion of image.

    void            chop ( const Geometry &geometry_ );

    // Accepts a lightweight Color Correction Collection
    // (CCC) file which solely contains one or more color corrections and
    // applies the correction to the image.
    void            cdl ( const std::string &cdl_ );
    // Colorize image with pen color, using specified percent opacity
    // for red, green, and blue quantums
    void            colorize ( const unsigned int opacityRed_,
                               const unsigned int opacityGreen_,
                               const unsigned int opacityBlue_,
             const Color &penColor_ );
    // Colorize image with pen color, using specified percent opacity.
    void            colorize ( const unsigned int opacity_,
             const Color &penColor_ );
    // Apply a color matrix to the image channels.  The user supplied
    // matrix may be of order 1 to 5 (1x1 through 5x5).
    void            colorMatrix (const size_t order_,
         const double *color_matrix_);

    // Comment image (add comment string to image)
    void            comment ( const std::string &comment_ );

    // Composition operator to be used when composition is implicitly
    // used (such as for image flattening).
    void            compose (const CompositeOperator compose_);
    CompositeOperator compose ( void ) const;

    // Compare current image with another image
    // Sets meanErrorPerPixel, normalizedMaxError, and normalizedMeanError
    // in the current image. False is returned if the images are identical.
    bool            compare ( const Image &reference_ );

    // Compose an image onto another at specified offset and using
    // specified algorithm
    void            composite ( const Image &compositeImage_,
        const ::ssize_t xOffset_,
        const ::ssize_t yOffset_,
        const CompositeOperator compose_
                                = InCompositeOp );
    void            composite ( const Image &compositeImage_,
        const Geometry &offset_,
        const CompositeOperator compose_
                                = InCompositeOp );
    void            composite ( const Image &compositeImage_,
        const GravityType gravity_,
        const CompositeOperator compose_
                                = InCompositeOp );
    // Contrast image (enhance intensity differences in image)
    void            contrast ( const size_t sharpen_ );

    // Convolve image.  Applies a user-specified convolution to the image.
    //  order_ represents the number of columns and rows in the filter kernel.
    //  kernel_ is an array of doubles representing the convolution kernel.
    void            convolve ( const size_t order_,
                               const double *kernel_ );

    // Crop image (subregion of original image)
    void            crop ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    // Cycle image colormap
    void            cycleColormap ( const ::ssize_t amount_ );
    // Despeckle image (reduce speckle noise)
    void            despeckle ( void );
    // Display image on screen
    void            display ( void );

    // Distort image.  distorts an image using various distortion methods, by
    // mapping color lookups of the source image to a new destination image
    // usally of the same size as the source image, unless 'bestfit' is set to
    // true.
    void            distort ( const DistortImageMethod method_,
                              const size_t number_arguments_,
                              const double *arguments_,
                              const bool bestfit_ = false );

    // Draw on image using a single drawable
    void            draw ( const Drawable &drawable_ );

    // Draw on image using a drawable list
    void            draw ( const std::list<Magick::Drawable> &drawable_ );
    // Edge image (hilight edges in image)
    void            edge ( const double radius_ = 0.0 );
    // Emboss image (hilight edges with 3D effect)
    // The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    // pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
    // specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
    void            emboss ( const double radius_ = 0.0,
                             const double sigma_ = 1.0);
    // Enhance image (minimize noise)
    void            enhance ( void );
    // Equalize image (histogram equalization)
    void            equalize ( void );

    // Erase image to current "background color"
    void            erase ( void );
    // Extend the image as defined by the geometry.
    void            extent ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    void            extent ( const Geometry &geometry_, const Color &backgroundColor );
    void            extent ( const Geometry &geometry_, const GravityType gravity_ );
    void            extent ( const Geometry &geometry_, const Color &backgroundColor, const GravityType gravity_ );

    // Flip image (reflect each scanline in the vertical direction)
    void            flip ( void );

    // Flood-fill color across pixels that match the color of the
    // target pixel and are neighbors of the target pixel.
    // Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
    void            floodFillColor( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                    const ::ssize_t y_,
            const Color &fillColor_ );
    void            floodFillColor( const Geometry &point_,
            const Color &fillColor_ );

    // Flood-fill color across pixels starting at target-pixel and
    // stopping at pixels matching specified border color.
    // Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
    void            floodFillColor( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                    const ::ssize_t y_,
            const Color &fillColor_,
            const Color &borderColor_ );
    void            floodFillColor( const Geometry &point_,
            const Color &fillColor_,
            const Color &borderColor_ );

    // Floodfill pixels matching color (within fuzz factor) of target
    // pixel(x,y) with replacement opacity value using method.
    void            floodFillOpacity ( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                       const ::ssize_t y_,
                                       const unsigned int opacity_,
                                       const PaintMethod method_ );

    // Flood-fill texture across pixels that match the color of the
    // target pixel and are neighbors of the target pixel.
    // Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
    void            floodFillTexture( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                      const ::ssize_t y_,
              const Image &texture_ );
    void            floodFillTexture( const Geometry &point_,
              const Image &texture_ );

    // Flood-fill texture across pixels starting at target-pixel and
    // stopping at pixels matching specified border color.
    // Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
    void            floodFillTexture( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                      const ::ssize_t y_,
              const Image &texture_,
              const Color &borderColor_ );
    void            floodFillTexture( const Geometry &point_,
              const Image &texture_,
              const Color &borderColor_ );
    // Flop image (reflect each scanline in the horizontal direction)
    void            flop ( void );
    // Frame image
    void            frame ( const Geometry &geometry_ = frameGeometryDefault );
    void            frame ( const size_t width_,
                            const size_t height_,
                            const ::ssize_t innerBevel_ = 6,
                            const ::ssize_t outerBevel_ = 6 );

    // Applies a mathematical expression to the image.
    void            fx ( const std::string expression );
    void            fx ( const std::string expression,
                         const Magick::ChannelType channel );
    // Gamma correct image
    void            gamma ( const double gamma_ );
    void            gamma ( const double gammaRed_,
          const double gammaGreen_,
          const double gammaBlue_ );

    // Gaussian blur image
    // The number of neighbor pixels to be included in the convolution
    // mask is specified by 'width_'. The standard deviation of the
    // gaussian bell curve is specified by 'sigma_'.
    void            gaussianBlur ( const double width_, const double sigma_ );
    void            gaussianBlurChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                          const double width_,
                                          const double sigma_ );

    // Apply a color lookup table (Hald CLUT) to the image.
    void            haldClut ( const Image &clutImage_ );

    // Implode image (special effect)
    void            implode ( const double factor_ );
    // implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the image
    // either as a magnitude / phase or real / imaginary image pair.
    void            inverseFourierTransform ( const Image &phase_ );
    void            inverseFourierTransform ( const Image &phase_,
                                              const bool magnitude_ );
    // Label image
    void            label ( const std::string &label_ );

    // Level image. Adjust the levels of the image by scaling the
    // colors falling between specified white and black points to the
    // full available quantum range. The parameters provided represent
    // the black, mid (gamma), and white points.  The black point
    // specifies the darkest color in the image. Colors darker than
    // the black point are set to zero. Mid point (gamma) specifies a
    // gamma correction to apply to the image. White point specifies
    // the lightest color in the image.  Colors brighter than the
    // white point are set to the maximum quantum value. The black and
    // white point have the valid range 0 to QuantumRange while mid (gamma)
    // has a useful range of 0 to ten.
    void            level ( const double black_point,
                            const double white_point,
                            const double mid_point=1.0 );

    // Level image channel. Adjust the levels of the image channel by
    // scaling the values falling between specified white and black
    // points to the full available quantum range. The parameters
    // provided represent the black, mid (gamma), and white points.
    // The black point specifies the darkest color in the
    // image. Colors darker than the black point are set to zero. Mid
    // point (gamma) specifies a gamma correction to apply to the
    // image. White point specifies the lightest color in the image.
    // Colors brighter than the white point are set to the maximum
    // quantum value. The black and white point have the valid range 0
    // to QuantumRange while mid (gamma) has a useful range of 0 to ten.
    void            levelChannel ( const ChannelType channel,
                                   const double black_point,
                                   const double white_point,
                                   const double mid_point=1.0 );

    // Magnify image by integral size
    void            magnify ( void );
    // Remap image colors with closest color from reference image
    void            map ( const Image &mapImage_ ,
                          const bool dither_ = false );
    // Floodfill designated area with replacement opacity value
    void            matteFloodfill ( const Color &target_ ,
             const unsigned int opacity_,
             const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_,
             const PaintMethod method_ );

    // Filter image by replacing each pixel component with the median
    // color in a circular neighborhood
    void            medianFilter ( const double radius_ = 0.0 );
    // Reduce image by integral size
    void            minify ( void );
    // Modulate percent hue, saturation, and brightness of an image
    void            modulate ( const double brightness_,
             const double saturation_,
             const double hue_ );
    // Motion blur image with specified blur factor
    // The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    // pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
    // specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
    // The angle_ parameter specifies the angle the object appears
    // to be comming from (zero degrees is from the right).
    void            motionBlur ( const double radius_,
                                 const double sigma_,
                                 const double angle_ );
    // Negate colors in image.  Set grayscale to only negate grayscale
    // values in image.
    void            negate ( const bool grayscale_ = false );
    // Normalize image (increase contrast by normalizing the pixel
    // values to span the full range of color values)
    void            normalize ( void );
    // Oilpaint image (image looks like oil painting)
    void            oilPaint ( const double radius_ = 3.0 );

    // Set or attenuate the opacity channel in the image. If the image
    // pixels are opaque then they are set to the specified opacity
    // value, otherwise they are blended with the supplied opacity
    // value.  The value of opacity_ ranges from 0 (completely opaque)
    // to QuantumRange. The defines OpaqueOpacity and TransparentOpacity are
    // available to specify completely opaque or completely
    // transparent, respectively.
    void            opacity ( const unsigned int opacity_ );

    // Change color of opaque pixel to specified pen color.
    void            opaque ( const Color &opaqueColor_,
           const Color &penColor_ );

    // Ping is similar to read except only enough of the image is read
    // to determine the image columns, rows, and filesize.  Access the
    // columns(), rows(), and fileSize() attributes after invoking
    // ping.  The image data is not valid after calling ping.
    void            ping ( const std::string &imageSpec_ );
    // Ping is similar to read except only enough of the image is read
    // to determine the image columns, rows, and filesize.  Access the
    // columns(), rows(), and fileSize() attributes after invoking
    // ping.  The image data is not valid after calling ping.
    void            ping ( const Blob &blob_ );

    // Quantize image (reduce number of colors)
    void            quantize ( const bool measureError_ = false );

    void            quantumOperator ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                      const MagickEvaluateOperator operator_,
                                      double rvalue_);

    void            quantumOperator ( const ::ssize_t x_,const ::ssize_t y_,
                                      const size_t columns_,
                                      const size_t rows_,
                                      const ChannelType channel_,
                                      const MagickEvaluateOperator operator_,
                                      const double rvalue_);

    // Execute a named process module using an argc/argv syntax similar to
    // that accepted by a C 'main' routine. An exception is thrown if the
    // requested process module doesn't exist, fails to load, or fails during
    // execution.
    void            process ( std::string name_,
                              const ::ssize_t argc_,
                              const char **argv_ );

    // Raise image (lighten or darken the edges of an image to give a
    // 3-D raised or lowered effect)
    void            raise ( const Geometry &geometry_ = raiseGeometryDefault,
          const bool raisedFlag_ = false );
    // Random threshold image.
    // Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity
    // of each pixel compared to a random threshold.  The result is a
    // low-contrast, two color image.  The thresholds_ argument is a
    // geometry containing LOWxHIGH thresholds.  If the string
    // contains 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4, then an ordered dither of order 2,
    // 3, or 4 will be performed instead.  If a channel_ argument is
    // specified then only the specified channel is altered.  This is
    // a very fast alternative to 'quantize' based dithering.
    void            randomThreshold( const Geometry &thresholds_ );
    void            randomThresholdChannel( const Geometry &thresholds_,
                                            const ChannelType channel_ );
    // Read single image frame into current object
    void            read ( const std::string &imageSpec_ );

    // Read single image frame of specified size into current object
    void            read ( const Geometry &size_,
         const std::string &imageSpec_ );

    // Read single image frame from in-memory BLOB
    void            read ( const Blob        &blob_ );

    // Read single image frame of specified size from in-memory BLOB
    void            read ( const Blob        &blob_,
         const Geometry    &size_ );

    // Read single image frame of specified size and depth from
    // in-memory BLOB
    void            read ( const Blob         &blob_,
         const Geometry     &size_,
         const size_t depth_ );

    // Read single image frame of specified size, depth, and format
    // from in-memory BLOB
    void            read ( const Blob         &blob_,
         const Geometry     &size_,
         const size_t depth_,
         const std::string  &magick_ );

    // Read single image frame of specified size, and format from
    // in-memory BLOB
    void            read ( const Blob         &blob_,
         const Geometry     &size_,
         const std::string  &magick_ );

    // Read single image frame from an array of raw pixels, with
    // specified storage type (ConstituteImage), e.g.
    // 640, 480, "RGB", 0, pixels );
    void            read ( const size_t width_,
                           const size_t height_,
                           const std::string &map_,
                           const StorageType  type_,
                           const void        *pixels_ );

    // Reduce noise in image using a noise peak elimination filter
    void            reduceNoise ( void );
    void            reduceNoise ( const double order_ );
    // Resize image to specified size.
    void            resize ( const Geometry &geometry_ );

    // Roll image (rolls image vertically and horizontally) by specified
    // number of columnms and rows)
    void            roll ( const Geometry &roll_ );
    void            roll ( const size_t columns_,
         const size_t rows_ );
    // Rotate image counter-clockwise by specified number of degrees.
    void            rotate ( const double degrees_ );
    // Resize image by using pixel sampling algorithm
    void            sample ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    // Resize image by using simple ratio algorithm
    void            scale ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    // Segment (coalesce similar image components) by analyzing the
    // histograms of the color components and identifying units that
    // are homogeneous with the fuzzy c-means technique.  Also uses
    // QuantizeColorSpace and Verbose image attributes
    void            segment ( const double clusterThreshold_ = 1.0, 
            const double smoothingThreshold_ = 1.5 );
    // Shade image using distant light source
    void            shade ( const double azimuth_ = 30,
          const double elevation_ = 30,
          const bool   colorShading_ = false );
    // Sharpen pixels in image
    // The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    // pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
    // specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
    void            sharpen ( const double radius_ = 0.0,
                              const double sigma_ = 1.0 );
    void            sharpenChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                     const double radius_ = 0.0,
                                     const double sigma_ = 1.0 );

    // Shave pixels from image edges.
    void            shave ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    // Shear image (create parallelogram by sliding image by X or Y axis)
    void            shear ( const double xShearAngle_,
          const double yShearAngle_ );
    // adjust the image contrast with a non-linear sigmoidal contrast algorithm
    void            sigmoidalContrast ( const size_t sharpen_, const double contrast, const double midpoint = QuantumRange / 2.0 );

    // Solarize image (similar to effect seen when exposing a
    // photographic film to light during the development process)
    void            solarize ( const double factor_ = 50.0 );
    // Splice the background color into the image.
    void            splice ( const Geometry &geometry_ );

    // Spread pixels randomly within image by specified ammount
    void            spread ( const size_t amount_ = 3 );
    // Sparse color image, given a set of coordinates, interpolates the colors
    // found at those coordinates, across the whole image, using various
    // methods.
    void            sparseColor ( const ChannelType channel,
                              const SparseColorMethod method,
                              const size_t number_arguments,
                              const double *arguments );

    // Add a digital watermark to the image (based on second image)
    void            stegano ( const Image &watermark_ );
    // Create an image which appears in stereo when viewed with
    // red-blue glasses (Red image on left, blue on right)
    void            stereo ( const Image &rightImage_ );
    // Strip strips an image of all profiles and comments.
    void            strip ( void );

    // Swirl image (image pixels are rotated by degrees)
    void            swirl ( const double degrees_ );
    // Channel a texture on image background
    void            texture ( const Image &texture_ );
    // Threshold image
    void            threshold ( const double threshold_ );
    // Transform image based on image and crop geometries
    // Crop geometry is optional
    void            transform ( const Geometry &imageGeometry_ );
    void            transform ( const Geometry &imageGeometry_,
        const Geometry &cropGeometry_  );

    // Add matte image to image, setting pixels matching color to
    // transparent
    void            transparent ( const Color &color_ );
    // Add matte image to image, for all the pixels that lies in between
    // the given two color
    void transparentChroma ( const Color &colorLow_, const Color &colorHigh_);

    // Trim edges that are the background color from the image
    void            trim ( void );

    // Image representation type (also see type attribute)
    //   Available types:
    //    Bilevel        Grayscale       GrayscaleMatte
    //    Palette        PaletteMatte    TrueColor
    //    TrueColorMatte ColorSeparation ColorSeparationMatte
    void            type ( const ImageType type_ );

    // Replace image with a sharpened version of the original image
    // using the unsharp mask algorithm.
    //  radius_
    //    the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the
    //    center pixel.
    //  sigma_
    //    the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
    //  amount_
    //    the percentage of the difference between the original and
    //    the blur image that is added back into the original.
    // threshold_
    //   the threshold in pixels needed to apply the diffence amount.
    void            unsharpmask ( const double radius_,
                                  const double sigma_,
                                  const double amount_,
                                  const double threshold_ );
    void            unsharpmaskChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                         const double radius_,
                                         const double sigma_,
                                         const double amount_,
                                         const double threshold_ );

    // Map image pixels to a sine wave
    void            wave ( const double amplitude_ = 25.0,
                           const double wavelength_ = 150.0 );
    // Write single image frame to a file
    void            write ( const std::string &imageSpec_ );

    // Write single image frame to in-memory BLOB, with optional
    // format and adjoin parameters.
    void            write ( Blob *blob_ );
    void            write ( Blob *blob_,
          const std::string &magick_ );
    void            write ( Blob *blob_,
          const std::string &magick_,
          const size_t depth_ );

    // Write single image frame to an array of pixels with storage
    // type specified by user (DispatchImage), e.g.
    //   image.write( 0, 0, 640, 1, "RGB", 0, pixels );
    void            write ( const ::ssize_t x_,
                            const ::ssize_t y_,
                            const size_t columns_,
                            const size_t rows_,
                            const std::string& map_,
                            const StorageType type_,
                            void *pixels_ );
    // Zoom image to specified size.
    void            zoom ( const Geometry &geometry_ );

    // Image Attributes and Options

    // Join images into a single multi-image file
    void            adjoin ( const bool flag_ );
    bool            adjoin ( void ) const;
    // Anti-alias Postscript and TrueType fonts (default true)
    void            antiAlias( const bool flag_ );
    bool            antiAlias( void );
    // Time in 1/100ths of a second which must expire before
    // displaying the next image in an animated sequence.
    void            animationDelay ( const size_t delay_ );
    size_t    animationDelay ( void ) const;
    // Number of iterations to loop an animation (e.g. Netscape loop
    // extension) for.
    void            animationIterations ( const size_t iterations_ );
    size_t    animationIterations ( void ) const;

    // Access/Update a named image attribute
    void            attribute ( const std::string name_,
                                const std::string value_ );
    std::string     attribute ( const std::string name_ );
    // Image background color
    void            backgroundColor ( const Color &color_ );
    Color           backgroundColor ( void ) const;
    // Name of texture image to tile onto the image background
    void            backgroundTexture (const std::string &backgroundTexture_ );
    std::string     backgroundTexture ( void ) const;
    // Base image width (before transformations)
    size_t    baseColumns ( void ) const;
    // Base image filename (before transformations)
    std::string     baseFilename ( void ) const;
    // Base image height (before transformations)
    size_t    baseRows ( void ) const;
    // Image border color
    void            borderColor ( const Color &color_ );
    Color           borderColor ( void ) const;

    // Return smallest bounding box enclosing non-border pixels. The
    // current fuzz value is used when discriminating between pixels.
    // This is the crop bounding box used by crop(Geometry(0,0));
    Geometry        boundingBox ( void ) const;
    // Text bounding-box base color (default none)
    void            boxColor ( const Color &boxColor_ );
    Color           boxColor ( void ) const;

    // Pixel cache threshold in megabytes.  Once this memory threshold
    // is exceeded, all subsequent pixels cache operations are to/from
    // disk.  This setting is shared by all Image objects.
    static void     cacheThreshold ( const size_t threshold_ );
    // Chromaticity blue primary point (e.g. x=0.15, y=0.06)
    void            chromaBluePrimary ( const double x_, const double y_ );
    void            chromaBluePrimary ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const;
    // Chromaticity green primary point (e.g. x=0.3, y=0.6)
    void            chromaGreenPrimary ( const double x_, const double y_ );
    void            chromaGreenPrimary ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const;
    // Chromaticity red primary point (e.g. x=0.64, y=0.33)
    void            chromaRedPrimary ( const double x_, const double y_ );
    void            chromaRedPrimary ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const;
    // Chromaticity white point (e.g. x=0.3127, y=0.329)
    void            chromaWhitePoint ( const double x_, const double y_ );
    void            chromaWhitePoint ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const;
    // Image class (DirectClass or PseudoClass)
    // NOTE: setting a DirectClass image to PseudoClass will result in
    // the loss of color information if the number of colors in the
    // image is greater than the maximum palette size (either 256 or
    // 65536 entries depending on the value of MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH when
    // ImageMagick was built).
    void            classType ( const ClassType class_ );
    ClassType       classType ( void ) const;

    // Associate a clip mask with the image. The clip mask must be the
    // same dimensions as the image. Pass an invalid image to unset an
    // existing clip mask.
    void            clipMask ( const Image & clipMask_ );
    Image           clipMask ( void  ) const;
    // Colors within this distance are considered equal
    void            colorFuzz ( const double fuzz_ );
    double          colorFuzz ( void ) const;
    // Color at colormap position index_
    void            colorMap ( const size_t index_,
                               const Color &color_ );
    Color           colorMap ( const size_t index_ ) const;

    // Colormap size (number of colormap entries)
    void            colorMapSize ( const size_t entries_ );
    size_t    colorMapSize ( void );

    // Image Color Space
    void            colorSpace ( const ColorspaceType colorSpace_ );
    ColorspaceType  colorSpace ( void ) const;

    void            colorspaceType ( const ColorspaceType colorSpace_ );
    ColorspaceType  colorspaceType ( void ) const;

    // Image width
    size_t    columns ( void ) const;
    // Image comment
    std::string     comment ( void ) const;
    // Compression type
    void            compressType ( const CompressionType compressType_ );
    CompressionType compressType ( void ) const;

    // Enable printing of debug messages from ImageMagick
    void            debug ( const bool flag_ );
    bool            debug ( void ) const;

    // Tagged image format define (set/access coder-specific option) The
    // magick_ option specifies the coder the define applies to.  The key_
    // option provides the key specific to that coder.  The value_ option
    // provides the value to set (if any). See the defineSet() method if the
    // key must be removed entirely.
    void            defineValue ( const std::string &magick_,
                                  const std::string &key_,
                                  const std::string &value_ );
    std::string     defineValue ( const std::string &magick_,
                                  const std::string &key_ ) const;

    // Tagged image format define. Similar to the defineValue() method
    // except that passing the flag_ value 'true' creates a value-less
    // define with that format and key. Passing the flag_ value 'false'
    // removes any existing matching definition. The method returns 'true'
    // if a matching key exists, and 'false' if no matching key exists.
    void            defineSet ( const std::string &magick_,
                                const std::string &key_,
                                bool flag_ );
    bool            defineSet ( const std::string &magick_,
                                const std::string &key_ ) const;

    // Vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels of the image
    void            density ( const Geometry &geomery_ );
    Geometry        density ( void ) const;

    // Image depth (bits allocated to red/green/blue components)
    void            depth ( const size_t depth_ );
    size_t    depth ( void ) const;

    // Tile names from within an image montage
    std::string     directory ( void ) const;

    // Endianness (little like Intel or big like SPARC) for image
    // formats which support endian-specific options.
    void            endian ( const EndianType endian_ );
    EndianType      endian ( void ) const;

    // Exif profile (BLOB)
    void exifProfile( const Blob& exifProfile_ );
    Blob exifProfile( void ) const; 

    // Image file name
    void            fileName ( const std::string &fileName_ );
    std::string     fileName ( void ) const;

    // Number of bytes of the image on disk
    off_t          fileSize ( void ) const;

    // Color to use when filling drawn objects
    void            fillColor ( const Color &fillColor_ );
    Color           fillColor ( void ) const;

    // Rule to use when filling drawn objects
    void            fillRule ( const FillRule &fillRule_ );
    FillRule        fillRule ( void ) const;

    // Pattern to use while filling drawn objects.
    void            fillPattern ( const Image &fillPattern_ );
    Image           fillPattern ( void  ) const;

    // Filter to use when resizing image
    void            filterType ( const FilterTypes filterType_ );
    FilterTypes     filterType ( void ) const;

    // Text rendering font
    void            font ( const std::string &font_ );
    std::string     font ( void ) const;

    // Font point size
    void            fontPointsize ( const double pointSize_ );
    double          fontPointsize ( void ) const;

    // Obtain font metrics for text string given current font,
    // pointsize, and density settings.
    void            fontTypeMetrics( const std::string &text_,
                                     TypeMetric *metrics );

    // Long image format description
    std::string     format ( void ) const;

    // Gamma level of the image
    double          gamma ( void ) const;

    // Preferred size of the image when encoding
    Geometry        geometry ( void ) const;

    // GIF disposal method
    void            gifDisposeMethod ( const size_t disposeMethod_ );
    size_t    gifDisposeMethod ( void ) const;

    // ICC color profile (BLOB)
    void            iccColorProfile( const Blob &colorProfile_ );
    Blob            iccColorProfile( void ) const;

    // Type of interlacing to use
    void            interlaceType ( const InterlaceType interlace_ );
    InterlaceType   interlaceType ( void ) const;

    // IPTC profile (BLOB)
    void            iptcProfile( const Blob& iptcProfile_ );
    Blob            iptcProfile( void ) const;

    // Does object contain valid image?
    void            isValid ( const bool isValid_ );
    bool            isValid ( void ) const;

    // Image label
    std::string     label ( void ) const;

    // Obtain image statistics. Statistics are normalized to the range
    // of 0.0 to 1.0 and are output to the specified ImageStatistics
    // structure.
typedef struct _ImageChannelStatistics
   /* Minimum value observed */
   double maximum;
   /* Maximum value observed */
   double minimum;
   /* Average (mean) value observed */
   double mean;
   /* Standard deviation, sqrt(variance) */
   double standard_deviation;
   /* Variance */
   double variance;
   /* Kurtosis */
   double kurtosis;
   /* Skewness */
   double skewness;
 } ImageChannelStatistics;
typedef struct _ImageStatistics
   ImageChannelStatistics red;
   ImageChannelStatistics green;
   ImageChannelStatistics blue;
   ImageChannelStatistics opacity;
 } ImageStatistics;

    void            statistics ( ImageStatistics *statistics ) const;

    // Stroke width for drawing vector objects (default one)
    // This method is now deprecated. Please use strokeWidth instead.
    void            lineWidth ( const double lineWidth_ );
    double          lineWidth ( void ) const;

    // File type magick identifier (.e.g "GIF")
    void            magick ( const std::string &magick_ );
    std::string     magick ( void ) const;
    // Image supports transparency (matte channel)
    void            matte ( const bool matteFlag_ );
    bool            matte ( void ) const;
    // Transparent color
    void            matteColor ( const Color &matteColor_ );
    Color           matteColor ( void ) const;
    // The mean error per pixel computed when an image is color reduced
    double          meanErrorPerPixel ( void ) const;

    // Image modulus depth (minimum number of bits required to support
    // red/green/blue components without loss of accuracy)
    void            modulusDepth ( const size_t modulusDepth_ );
    size_t    modulusDepth ( void ) const;

    // Tile size and offset within an image montage
    Geometry        montageGeometry ( void ) const;

    // Transform image to black and white
    void            monochrome ( const bool monochromeFlag_ );
    bool            monochrome ( void ) const;

    // The normalized max error per pixel computed when an image is
    // color reduced.
    double          normalizedMaxError ( void ) const;

    // The normalized mean error per pixel computed when an image is
    // color reduced.
    double          normalizedMeanError ( void ) const;

    // Image orientation
    void            orientation ( const OrientationType orientation_ );
    OrientationType orientation ( void ) const;

    // Preferred size and location of an image canvas.
    void            page ( const Geometry &pageSize_ );
    Geometry        page ( void ) const;

    // Pen color (deprecated, don't use any more)
    void            penColor ( const Color &penColor_ );
    Color           penColor ( void  ) const;

    // Pen texture image (deprecated, don't use any more)
    void            penTexture ( const Image &penTexture_ );
    Image           penTexture ( void  ) const;

    // Get/set pixel color at location x & y.
    void            pixelColor ( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                 const ::ssize_t y_,
         const Color &color_ );
    Color           pixelColor ( const ::ssize_t x_,
                                 const ::ssize_t y_ ) const;

    // Add or remove a named profile to/from the image. Remove the
    // profile by passing an empty Blob (e.g. Blob()). Valid names are
    // "*", "8BIM", "ICM", "IPTC", or a user/format-defined profile name.
    void            profile( const std::string name_,
                             const Blob &colorProfile_ );

    // Retrieve a named profile from the image. Valid names are:
    // "8BIM", "8BIMTEXT", "APP1", "APP1JPEG", "ICC", "ICM", & "IPTC"
    // or an existing user/format-defined profile name.
    Blob            profile( const std::string name_ ) const;

    // JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level (default 75).
    void            quality ( const size_t quality_ );
    size_t    quality ( void ) const;
    // Maximum number of colors to quantize to
    void            quantizeColors ( const size_t colors_ );
    size_t    quantizeColors ( void ) const;
    // Colorspace to quantize in.
    void            quantizeColorSpace ( const ColorspaceType colorSpace_ );
    ColorspaceType  quantizeColorSpace ( void ) const;
    // Dither image during quantization (default true).
    void            quantizeDither ( const bool ditherFlag_ );
    bool            quantizeDither ( void ) const;

    // Quantization tree-depth
    void            quantizeTreeDepth ( const size_t treeDepth_ );
    size_t    quantizeTreeDepth ( void ) const;

    // The type of rendering intent
    void            renderingIntent ( const RenderingIntent renderingIntent_ );
    RenderingIntent renderingIntent ( void ) const;

    // Units of image resolution
    void            resolutionUnits ( const ResolutionType resolutionUnits_ );
    ResolutionType  resolutionUnits ( void ) const;

    // The number of pixel rows in the image
    size_t    rows ( void ) const;

    // Image scene number
    void            scene ( const size_t scene_ );
    size_t    scene ( void ) const;

    // Image signature.  Set force_ to true in order to re-calculate
    // the signature regardless of whether the image data has been
    // modified.
    std::string     signature ( const bool force_ = false ) const;

    // Width and height of a raw image 
    void            size ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    Geometry        size ( void ) const;

    // enabled/disable stroke anti-aliasing
    void            strokeAntiAlias( const bool flag_ );
    bool            strokeAntiAlias( void ) const;

    // Color to use when drawing object outlines
    void            strokeColor ( const Color &strokeColor_ );
    Color           strokeColor ( void ) const;

    // Specify the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke
    // paths. The strokeDashArray represents a zero-terminated array
    // of numbers that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and
    // gaps in pixels. If an odd number of values is provided, then
    // the list of values is repeated to yield an even number of
    // values.  A typical strokeDashArray_ array might contain the
    // members 5 3 2 0, where the zero value indicates the end of the
    // pattern array.
    void            strokeDashArray ( const double* strokeDashArray_ );
    const double*   strokeDashArray ( void ) const;

    // While drawing using a dash pattern, specify distance into the
    // dash pattern to start the dash (default 0).
    void            strokeDashOffset ( const double strokeDashOffset_ );
    double          strokeDashOffset ( void ) const;

    // Specify the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when
    // they are stroked. Values of LineCap are UndefinedCap, ButtCap,
    // RoundCap, and SquareCap.
    void            strokeLineCap ( const LineCap lineCap_ );
    LineCap         strokeLineCap ( void ) const;
    // Specify the shape to be used at the corners of paths (or other
    // vector shapes) when they are stroked. Values of LineJoin are
    // UndefinedJoin, MiterJoin, RoundJoin, and BevelJoin.
    void            strokeLineJoin ( const LineJoin lineJoin_ );
    LineJoin        strokeLineJoin ( void ) const;

    // Specify miter limit. When two line segments meet at a sharp
    // angle and miter joins have been specified for 'lineJoin', it is
    // possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of
    // the line stroking the path. The miterLimit' imposes a limit on
    // the ratio of the miter length to the 'lineWidth'. The default
    // value of this parameter is 4.
    void            strokeMiterLimit ( const size_t miterLimit_ );
    size_t    strokeMiterLimit ( void ) const;

    // Pattern image to use while stroking object outlines.
    void            strokePattern ( const Image &strokePattern_ );
    Image           strokePattern ( void  ) const;

    // Stroke width for drawing vector objects (default one)
    void            strokeWidth ( const double strokeWidth_ );
    double          strokeWidth ( void ) const;

    // Subimage of an image sequence
    void            subImage ( const size_t subImage_ );
    size_t    subImage ( void ) const;

    // Number of images relative to the base image
    void            subRange ( const size_t subRange_ );
    size_t    subRange ( void ) const;

    // Annotation text encoding (e.g. "UTF-16")
    void            textEncoding ( const std::string &encoding_ );
    std::string     textEncoding ( void ) const;

    // Tile name
    void            tileName ( const std::string &tileName_ );
    std::string     tileName ( void ) const;

    // Number of colors in the image
    size_t   totalColors ( void );

    // Origin of coordinate system to use when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformOrigin ( const double x_,const  double y_ );

    // Rotation to use when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformRotation ( const double angle_ );

    // Reset transformation parameters to default
    void            transformReset ( void );

    // Scale to use when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformScale ( const double sx_, const double sy_ );

    // Skew to use in X axis when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformSkewX ( const double skewx_ );

    // Skew to use in Y axis when annotating with text or drawing
    void            transformSkewY ( const double skewy_ );

    // Image representation type (also see type operation)
    //   Available types:
    //    Bilevel        Grayscale       GrayscaleMatte
    //    Palette        PaletteMatte    TrueColor
    //    TrueColorMatte ColorSeparation ColorSeparationMatte
    ImageType       type ( void ) const;

    // Print detailed information about the image
    void            verbose ( const bool verboseFlag_ );
    bool            verbose ( void ) const;
    // FlashPix viewing parameters
    void            view ( const std::string &view_ );
    std::string     view ( void ) const;

    // Virtual pixel method
    void            virtualPixelMethod ( const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method_ );
    VirtualPixelMethod virtualPixelMethod ( void ) const;

    // X11 display to display to, obtain fonts from, or to capture
    // image from
    void            x11Display ( const std::string &display_ );
    std::string     x11Display ( void ) const;

    // x resolution of the image
    double          xResolution ( void ) const;

    // y resolution of the image
    double          yResolution ( void ) const;

    // Low-level Pixel Access Routines
    // Also see the Pixels class, which provides support for multiple
    // cache views.

    // Transfers read-only pixels from the image to the pixel cache as
    // defined by the specified region
    const PixelPacket* getConstPixels ( const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_,
                                        const size_t columns_,
                                        const size_t rows_ ) const;

    // Obtain mutable image pixel indexes (valid for PseudoClass images)
    IndexPacket* getIndexes ( void );

    // Obtain immutable image pixel indexes (valid for PseudoClass images)
    const IndexPacket* getConstIndexes ( void ) const;

    // Transfers pixels from the image to the pixel cache as defined
    // by the specified region. Modified pixels may be subsequently
    // transferred back to the image via syncPixels.  This method is
    // valid for DirectClass images.
    PixelPacket* getPixels ( const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_,
           const size_t columns_,
                             const size_t rows_ );

    // Allocates a pixel cache region to store image pixels as defined
    // by the region rectangle.  This area is subsequently transferred
    // from the pixel cache to the image via syncPixels.
    PixelPacket* setPixels ( const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_,
           const size_t columns_,
                             const size_t rows_ );

    // Transfers the image cache pixels to the image.
    void syncPixels ( void );

    // Transfers one or more pixel components from a buffer or file
    // into the image pixel cache of an image.
    // Used to support image decoders.
    void readPixels ( const QuantumType quantum_,
          const unsigned char *source_ );
    // Transfers one or more pixel components from the image pixel
    // cache to a buffer or file.
    // Used to support image encoders.
    void writePixels ( const QuantumType quantum_,
           unsigned char *destination_ );

    // No user-serviceable parts beyond this point

    // Construct with MagickCore::Image and default options
    Image ( MagickCore::Image* image_ );

    // Retrieve Image*
    MagickCore::Image*& image( void );
    const MagickCore::Image* constImage( void ) const;

    // Retrieve Options*
    Options* options( void );
    const Options*  constOptions( void ) const;

    // Retrieve ImageInfo*
    MagickCore::ImageInfo * imageInfo( void );
    const MagickCore::ImageInfo * constImageInfo( void ) const;

    // Retrieve QuantizeInfo*
    MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * quantizeInfo( void );
    const MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * constQuantizeInfo( void ) const;

    // Replace current image (reference counted)
    MagickCore::Image* replaceImage ( MagickCore::Image* replacement_ );

    // Prepare to update image (copy if reference > 1)
    void            modifyImage ( void );

    // Test for ImageMagick error and throw exception if error
    void            throwImageException( void ) const;

    // Register image with image registry or obtain registration id
    ::ssize_t       registerId( void );

    // Unregister image from image registry
    void            unregisterId( void) ;

    ImageRef *      _imgRef;

} // end of namespace Magick

// Inlines

// Image

// Reduce noise in image using a noise peak elimination filter
inline void Magick::Image::reduceNoise ( void )
  reduceNoise( 3.0 );

// Stroke width for drawing vector objects (default one)
inline void Magick::Image::lineWidth ( const double lineWidth_ )
  strokeWidth( lineWidth_ );
inline double Magick::Image::lineWidth ( void ) const
  return strokeWidth( );

// Get image storage class
inline Magick::ClassType Magick::Image::classType ( void ) const
  return static_cast<Magick::ClassType>(constImage()->storage_class);

// Get number of image columns
inline size_t Magick::Image::columns ( void ) const
  return constImage()->columns;

// Get number of image rows
inline size_t Magick::Image::rows ( void ) const
  return constImage()->rows;

#endif // Magick_Image_header

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