
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. base64
  2. base64
  3. update
  4. updateNoCopy
  5. data
  6. length

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004
// Implementation of Blob


#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include "Magick++/Blob.h"
#include "Magick++/BlobRef.h"

#include <string.h>

// Implementation of Magick::Blob

// Default constructor
Magick::Blob::Blob ( void )
  : _blobRef(new Magick::BlobRef( 0, 0 ))

// Construct with data
Magick::Blob::Blob ( const void* data_, size_t length_ )
  : _blobRef(new Magick::BlobRef( data_, length_ ))

// Copy constructor (reference counted)
Magick::Blob::Blob ( const Magick::Blob& blob_ )
  : _blobRef(blob_._blobRef)
  // Increase reference count
  Lock( &_blobRef->_mutexLock );

// Destructor (reference counted)
Magick::Blob::~Blob ()
  bool doDelete = false;
    Lock( &_blobRef->_mutexLock );
    if ( --_blobRef->_refCount == 0 )
      doDelete = true;

  if ( doDelete )
      // Delete old blob reference with associated data
      delete _blobRef;

// Assignment operator (reference counted)
Magick::Blob& Magick::Blob::operator= ( const Magick::Blob& blob_ )
  if(this != &blob_)
        Lock( &blob_._blobRef->_mutexLock );
      bool doDelete = false;
        Lock( &_blobRef->_mutexLock );
        if ( --_blobRef->_refCount == 0 )
          doDelete = true;
      if ( doDelete )
          delete _blobRef;
      _blobRef = blob_._blobRef;
  return *this;

// Update object contents from Base64-encoded string representation.
void Magick::Blob::base64 ( const std::string base64_ )
  size_t length;

  unsigned char *decoded =
    Base64Decode( base64_.c_str(), &length );

    updateNoCopy( static_cast<void*>(decoded), length,
                  Magick::Blob::MallocAllocator );

// Return Base64-encoded string representation.
std::string Magick::Blob::base64 ( void )
  size_t encoded_length = 0;

  char *encoded =
    Base64Encode(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(data()), length(), &encoded_length);

      std::string result(encoded,encoded_length);
      encoded=(char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(encoded);
      return result;

  return std::string();

// Update object contents, making a copy of the supplied data.
// Any existing data in the object is deallocated.
void Magick::Blob::update ( const void* data_, size_t length_ )
  bool doDelete = false;
    Lock( &_blobRef->_mutexLock );
    if ( --_blobRef->_refCount == 0 )
      doDelete = true;
  if ( doDelete )
      // Delete old blob reference with associated data
      delete _blobRef;

  _blobRef = new Magick::BlobRef( data_, length_ );

// Update object contents, using supplied pointer directly (no copy)
// Any existing data in the object is deallocated.  The user must
// ensure that the pointer supplied is not deleted or otherwise
// modified after it has been supplied to this method.
void Magick::Blob::updateNoCopy ( void* data_, size_t length_,
                                  Magick::Blob::Allocator allocator_  )
  bool doDelete = false;
    Lock( &_blobRef->_mutexLock );
    if ( --_blobRef->_refCount == 0 )
      doDelete = true;
  if ( doDelete )
      // Delete old blob reference with associated data
      delete _blobRef;
  _blobRef = new Magick::BlobRef( 0, 0 );
  _blobRef->_data   = data_;
  _blobRef->_length = length_;
  _blobRef->_allocator = allocator_;

// Obtain pointer to data
const void* Magick::Blob::data( void ) const
  return _blobRef->_data;

// Obtain data length
size_t Magick::Blob::length( void ) const
  return _blobRef->_length;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */