
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ReleaseCLBuffers
  2. initCLPlatform
  3. initCLDevice
  4. InitializeCLEnv
  5. RegisterKernelWrapper
  6. GetKernelEnvAndfunc
  7. ReleaseCLEnv
  8. IsCachedOfKernelProgram
  9. IsGeneratedCLBinaryByCLSource
  10. ConvertToString
  11. writeBinaryToFile
  12. GenerateCLBinaryFileFromCLSource
  13. CompileCLfile
  14. InitCLKernelEnv
  15. RunCLKernel
  16. AccelerateFunctionCL

%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                   OOO   PPPP   EEEEE  N   N   CCCC  L                       %
%                  O   O  P   P  E      NN  N  C      L                       %
%                  O   O  PPPP   EEE    N N N  C      L                       %
%                  O   O  P      E      N  NN  C      L                       %
%                   OOO   P      EEEEE  N   N   CCCC  LLLLL                   %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                         MagickCore OpenCL Methods                           %
%                                                                             %
%                              Software Design                                %
%                                John Cristy                                  %
%                                 March 2000                                  %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  Copyright 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization      %
%  dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available.           %
%                                                                             %
%  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may  %
%  obtain a copy of the License at                                            %
%                                                                             %
%                            %
%                                                                             %
%  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        %
%  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          %
%  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   %
%  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        %
%  limitations under the License.                                             %
%                                                                             %
Include declarations.
#include <string.h>
#include "magick/studio.h"
#include "magick/artifact.h"
#include "magick/cache.h"
#include "magick/color.h"
#include "magick/compare.h"
#include "magick/constitute.h"
#include "magick/distort.h"
#include "magick/draw.h"
#include "magick/effect.h"
#include "magick/exception.h"
#include "magick/exception-private.h"
#include "magick/fx.h"
#include "magick/gem.h"
#include "magick/geometry.h"
#include "magick/image.h"
#include "magick/image-private.h"
#include "magick/layer.h"
#include "magick/mime-private.h"
#include "magick/memory_.h"
#include "magick/monitor.h"
#include "magick/montage.h"
#include "magick/morphology.h"
#include "magick/opencl.h"
#include "magick/opencl-private.h"
#include "magick/option.h"
#include "magick/policy.h"
#include "magick/property.h"
#include "magick/quantize.h"
#include "magick/quantum.h"
#include "magick/resample.h"
#include "magick/resource_.h"
#include "magick/semaphore.h"
#include "magick/splay-tree.h"
#include "magick/statistic.h"
#include "magick/string_.h"
#include "magick/token.h"
#include "magick/utility.h"

#include "CLPerfMarker.h"


#define CLOptions "-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-mad-enable -DMAGICKCORE_HDRI_SUPPORT=1 "\
  "-DCLQuantum=float -DCLPixelType=float4 -DQuantumRange=%f " \
  "-DQuantumScale=%f -DCharQuantumScale=%f -DMagickEpsilon=%f -DMagickPI=%f "\
  " -DMaxMap=%u"
#define CLPixelPacket  cl_float4
#define CLCharQuantumScale 1.0f
#define CLOptions "-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-mad-enable " \
  "-DCLQuantum=uchar -DCLPixelType=uchar4 -DQuantumRange=%f " \
  "-DQuantumScale=%f -DCharQuantumScale=%f -DMagickEpsilon=%f -DMagickPI=%f "\
  "-DMaxMap=%u "
#define CLPixelPacket  cl_uchar4
#define CLCharQuantumScale 1.0f
#define CLOptions "-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-mad-enable " \
  "-DCLQuantum=ushort -DCLPixelType=ushort4 -DQuantumRange=%f "\
  "-DQuantumScale=%f -DCharQuantumScale=%f -DMagickEpsilon=%f -DMagickPI=%f "\
  "-DMaxMap=%u "
#define CLPixelPacket  cl_ushort4
#define CLCharQuantumScale 257.0f
#define CLOptions "-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-mad-enable " \
  "-DCLQuantum=uint -DCLPixelType=uint4 -DQuantumRange=%f "\
  "-DQuantumScale=%f -DCharQuantumScale=%f -DMagickEpsilon=%f -DMagickPI=%f "\
  "-DMaxMap=%u "
#define CLPixelPacket  cl_uint4
#define CLCharQuantumScale 16843009.0f
#define CLOptions "-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-mad-enable " \
  "-DCLQuantum=ussize_t -DCLPixelType=ussize_t4 -DQuantumRange=%f "\
  "-DQuantumScale=%f -DCharQuantumScale=%f -DMagickEpsilon=%f -DMagickPI=%f "\
  "-DMaxMap=%u "
#define CLPixelPacket  cl_uint4
#define CLCharQuantumScale 72340172838076673.0f

static SemaphoreInfo* gpu_env_semaphore = (SemaphoreInfo*)NULL;
GPUEnv gpu_env;

* Release OpenCL buffers.
MagickBooleanType ReleaseCLBuffers(KernelEnv *env)
  if (env->filtered_pixels != (cl_mem) NULL)
  if (env->pixels != (cl_mem) NULL)
  if (env->filter != (cl_mem) NULL)
  if (env->buffer3 != (cl_mem) NULL)
  if (env->map != (cl_mem) NULL)
  if (env->offset != (cl_mem) NULL)
  if (env->cossin_theta != (cl_mem) NULL)

#define __stdcall __attribute__((__stdcall__))

static void __stdcall CLNotify(const char *message,const void *data,size_t length,
                              void *user_context)

  (void) data;
  (void) length;
  exception=(ExceptionInfo *) user_context;
  (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),DelegateWarning,

* Initialize OpenCL environemnt.
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     I n i t i a l i z e C L E n v                                           %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  InitializeCLEnv() prepare the envionment for running opencl programs.
%  The format of the InitializeCLEnv method is:
%      MagickBooleanType InitializeCLEnv(GPUEnv *gpu_info,
%        ExceptionInfo * exception)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o gpu_info: gpu information.
%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.

static MagickBooleanType initCLPlatform(GPUEnv* gpu_info, ExceptionInfo *exception)
  int i,t;
  cl_int status;
  cl_uint numPlatforms;
  cl_platform_id *platforms;

  clBeginPerfMarkerAMD("clGetPlatformIDs #1","");

  * Have a look at the available platforms.
  status = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &numPlatforms);


  if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
    (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning, 
      "clGetplatformIDs failed.", "(%d)", status);
    return MagickFalse;

  gpu_info->platform = NULL;    
  if ( 0 < numPlatforms )
    platforms = (cl_platform_id *) AcquireMagickMemory(numPlatforms * sizeof(cl_platform_id));
    if (platforms == (cl_platform_id *) NULL)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), ResourceLimitError,
        "AcquireMagickMemory failed.",".");

    clBeginPerfMarkerAMD("clGetPlatformIDs #2","");
    status = clGetPlatformIDs(numPlatforms, platforms, NULL);

    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "clGetPlatformIDs failed.", "(%d)", status);

    if (gpu_info->deviceType == 0)
      gpu_info->deviceType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;

    for (t = 0; t < 2; t++)
      cl_device_type deviceType;
      if (gpu_info->deviceType != 0)
        deviceType = gpu_info->deviceType;
        case 0:
          deviceType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU;
        case 1:
          deviceType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU;

      for (i = 0; i < numPlatforms; i++)
        cl_uint numDevices;
        status = clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[i], deviceType, 0, NULL, &numDevices);
        if (numDevices!=0)
          gpu_info->deviceType = deviceType;
          gpu_info->platform = platforms[i];
      if (gpu_info->deviceType!=0)
  return MagickTrue;

static MagickBooleanType initCLDevice(GPUEnv* gpu_info, ExceptionInfo* exception)
  cl_int status;
  cl_context_properties cps[3];
  status = clGetDeviceIDs(gpu_info->platform, gpu_info->deviceType, 1, &(gpu_info->device), NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
    (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
                                "clGetDeviceIDs failed.", "(%d)", status);

  cps[1] = (cl_context_properties)gpu_info->platform;
  cps[2] = 0;
  gpu_info->context = clCreateContext(cps, 1, &(gpu_info->device), NULL, NULL, &status);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
    (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
                                "clCreateContext failed.", "(%d)", status);

  /* Create OpenCL command queue. */
  gpu_info->command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(gpu_info->context, gpu_info->device, 0, &status);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
    (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
                                "clCreateCommandQueue failed.", "(%d)", status);

  return MagickTrue;

MagickBooleanType InitializeCLEnv(GPUEnv *gpu_info, ExceptionInfo *exception)
  MagickBooleanType status;


  /* initialize the platform if a platform hasn't been specified */
  if (gpu_info->platform==NULL)
    status = initCLPlatform(gpu_info,exception);
    if (status==MagickFalse)
      return MagickFalse;

    // no OpenCL platform found, quit
    if (gpu_info->platform==NULL)
      return MagickTrue;
  status = initCLDevice(gpu_info, exception);
  return status;

* Register kernel wrapper.
MagickBooleanType RegisterKernelWrapper(const char *kernel_name,
                                        cl_kernel_function function)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < gpu_env.kernel_count; i++)
    if (strcasecmp(kernel_name, gpu_env.kernel_names[i])==0)
      gpu_env.kernel_functions[i] = function;

%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     G e t K e r n e l E n v A n d f u n c                                   %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  GetKernelEnvAndfunc() gets opencl environment information of a kernel
%  The format of the GetKernelEnvAndfunc method is:
%      MagickBooleanType GetKernelEnvAndfunc(const char *kernel_name, 
%        KernelEnv *env, cl_kernel_function *function)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o kernel_name: name of the kernel.
%    o env: kernel environment.
%    o function: function content.

MagickBooleanType GetKernelEnvAndfunc(const char *kernel_name, KernelEnv *env, 
                                      cl_kernel_function *function)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < gpu_env.kernel_count; i++)
    if (strcasecmp(kernel_name, gpu_env.kernel_names[i])==0)
      env->device = gpu_env.device;
      env->context = gpu_env.context;
      env->command_queue= gpu_env.command_queue;
      env->program = gpu_env.programs[0];
      env->kernel = gpu_env.kernels[i];
      *function = gpu_env.kernel_functions[i];

* Release OpenCL environment.
MagickBooleanType ReleaseCLEnv(const GPUEnv* env, ExceptionInfo *exception)
  cl_int status;
  int i;
  MagickBooleanType error = MagickFalse;

  for (i=0; i<env->kernel_count; i++)
    status = clReleaseKernel(env->kernels[i]);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "clReleaseKernel failed.", "(%d)", status);
      error = MagickTrue;
  for (i=0; i<env->file_count; i++)
    status = clReleaseProgram(env->programs[i]);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "clReleaseProgram failed.", "(%d)", status);
      error = MagickTrue;
  if (env->command_queue != NULL)
    status = clReleaseCommandQueue(env->command_queue);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "clReleaseCommandQueue failed.", "(%d)", status);
      error = MagickTrue;

  if (env->context != NULL)
    status = clReleaseContext(env->context);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "clReleaseContext failed.", "(%d)", status);
      error = MagickTrue;

static MagickBooleanType IsCachedOfKernelProgram(const GPUEnv *gpu_env, const char * cl_file_name)
  int i ;
  for (i=0; i < gpu_env->file_count; i++)
    if (strcasecmp(gpu_env->kernel_filename[i], cl_file_name)==0)
      if(gpu_env->programs[i] != NULL)


%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     I s G e n e r a t e d C L B i n a r y B y C L S o u r c e               %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  IsGeneratedCLBinaryByCLSource() compiles opencl kernel file in to a binary 
%  executable  on current device.
%  The format of the IsGeneratedCLBinaryByCLSource method is:
%      MagickBooleanType IsGenerateCLBinaryByCLSource(cl_context context,
%        const char * cl_file_name, FILE** fhandle).
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o context: context of opencl environment.
%    o cl_file_name: file name.
%    o fhandle: pointer to file pointer.

MagickBooleanType IsGeneratedCLBinaryByCLSource(cl_context context , const char * cl_file_name)
  int i = 0;
  cl_int status;
  size_t numDevices;
  cl_device_id *devices;
  FILE *fd = NULL;
  MagickBooleanType binaryExisted;

  status = clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_NUM_DEVICES, sizeof(numDevices), &numDevices, NULL);
  if(status != CL_SUCCESS)
    return MagickFalse;

  devices = (cl_device_id *)malloc(sizeof(cl_device_id) * numDevices);
  if(devices == NULL)
    return MagickFalse;

  /* grab the handles to all of the devices in the context. */
  status = clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, sizeof(cl_device_id) * numDevices, devices, NULL);

  binaryExisted = numDevices>0?MagickTrue:MagickFalse;
  /* dump out each binary into its own separate file. */
  for(i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
    char fileName[1024] = {0};
    if(devices[i] != 0)
      char deviceName[1024];
      status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(deviceName), deviceName, NULL);
      sprintf(fileName, "./%s-%s.bin", cl_file_name, deviceName);
      fd = fopen(fileName, "rb");
      if (fd!=NULL)
        binaryExisted = MagickFalse;

  if(devices != NULL)
    devices = NULL;
  return binaryExisted;

%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     C o n v e r t T o S t r i n g                                           %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  ConvertToString() reads kernel functions in file to memory.   
%  The format of the ConvertToString method is:
%      MagickBooleanType ConvertToString(const char * filename,
%        char **source, GPUEnv *gpu_info, ExceptionInfo *exception)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o filename: the file to  read.
%    o source: the memory stores kernel function.
%    o gpu_info: gpu infomation.
%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickBooleanType ConvertToString(char **source, char* accelerate_kernels[])
  int i,j;
  size_t str_size = 0;
  for (i = 0; accelerate_kernels[i]!=NULL; i++) {
  *source = (char *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(char) * str_size + 1);
  strcpy(*source, accelerate_kernels[0]);
  for (j = 1; j < i; j++) {
    strncat(*source, accelerate_kernels[j], strlen(accelerate_kernels[j]));


%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     w r i t e B i n a ry T o F i l e                                        %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  writeBinaryToFile() writes opencl environment information to a binary file
%  The format of the writeBinaryToFile method is:
%      MagickBooleanType writeBinaryToFile(const char* fileName,
%        const char * birary, size_t numBytes)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o filename: file to written.
%    o birary: environment infomation.
%    o numBytes: length of birary.
MagickBooleanType writeBinaryToFile(const char* fileName, const char* birary, size_t numBytes)
  FILE *output = NULL;
  output = fopen(fileName, "wb");
  if(output == NULL)
    return MagickFalse;

  fwrite(birary, sizeof(char), numBytes, output);

  return MagickTrue;

%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     G e n e r a t e C L B i n a r y F i l e F ro m C L S o u r c e          %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  GenerateCLBinaryFileFromCLSource() creates binary file to save open opencl 
%  environment information by opencl kernel code.
%  The format of the GenerateCLBinaryFileFromCLSource method is:
%      MagickBooleanType GenerateCLBinaryFileFromCLSource(cl_program program,
%        const char * cl_file_name)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o program: kernel function.
%    o cl_file_name: binary file name.
MagickBooleanType GenerateCLBinaryFileFromCLSource( cl_program program , const char * cl_file_name)
  int i = 0;
  cl_int status;
  size_t *binarySizes,numDevices;
  cl_device_id *devices;
  char **binaries;

  status = clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES,sizeof(numDevices),&numDevices,NULL);
  if (status!=CL_SUCCESS)
    return MagickFalse;

  devices = (cl_device_id *)malloc( sizeof(cl_device_id) * numDevices );
  if(devices == NULL)
    return MagickFalse;

  /* grab the handles to all of the devices in the program. */
  status = clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES, sizeof(cl_device_id) * numDevices,devices,NULL);
  if (status!=CL_SUCCESS)
    return MagickFalse;

  /* figure out the sizes of each of the binaries. */
  binarySizes = (size_t*)malloc( sizeof(size_t) * numDevices );
  status = clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES,sizeof(size_t) * numDevices, binarySizes, NULL);
  if (status!=CL_SUCCESS)
    return MagickFalse;

  /* copy over all of the generated binaries. */
  binaries = (char **)malloc( sizeof(char *) * numDevices );
  if(binaries == NULL)
    return MagickFalse;

  for(i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
    if(binarySizes[i] != 0)
      binaries[i] = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * binarySizes[i]);
      if(binaries[i] == NULL)
        return MagickFalse;
      binaries[i] = NULL;
  status = clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES,sizeof(char *) * numDevices, binaries, NULL);
  if (status!=CL_SUCCESS)
    return MagickFalse;

  /* dump out each binary into its own separate file. */
  for(i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
    char fileName[256] = {0};
    if(binarySizes[i] != 0)
      char deviceName[1024];
      status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, 
        sizeof(deviceName), deviceName, NULL);

      sprintf(fileName, "./%s-%s.bin", cl_file_name, deviceName);
      if(!writeBinaryToFile(fileName, binaries[i], binarySizes[i]))
        return MagickFalse;

  // Release all resouces and memory
  for(i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
    if(binaries[i] != NULL)
      binaries[i] = NULL;

  if(binaries != NULL)
    binaries = NULL;

  if(binarySizes != NULL)
    binarySizes = NULL;

  if(devices != NULL)
    devices = NULL;

  return MagickTrue;

* Compile OpenCL kernel file.
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     C o m p i l e C L f i  l e                                              %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  CompileCLfile() compiles kernel functions.
%  The format of the CompileCLfile method is:
%      MagickBooleanType CompileCLfile(const char *filename, GPUEnv *gpu_info,
%        const char *build_option, ExceptionInfo *exception)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o filename: opencl kernel file name.
%    o gpu_info: gpu environment information.
%    o build_option: options when build opencl kernel.
%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.

MagickBooleanType CompileCLfile(const char *filename, char* accelerate_kernel[],
                                GPUEnv *gpu_info, 
                                const char *build_option, 
                                ExceptionInfo *exception)
  cl_int status;
  size_t length;
  char *source_str;
  const char *source ;
  size_t source_size[1];
  char *buildLog = NULL;
  int  binaryExisted ;
  size_t numDevices;
  int idx ;

  if (IsCachedOfKernelProgram(gpu_info, filename) == MagickTrue)
    return (MagickTrue);

  idx = gpu_info->file_count;

  binaryExisted = IsGeneratedCLBinaryByCLSource(gpu_info->context,filename);
  numDevices = 1;
  if (binaryExisted == MagickTrue)
    int b_error;
    int i;
    cl_device_id *devices;
    unsigned char** binaries;
    size_t* binariesLengths;
    cl_int* binariesStatus;

     /* grab the handles to all of the devices in the context. */
    devices = (cl_device_id *) AcquireMagickMemory( sizeof(cl_device_id) * numDevices );
    if (devices == (cl_device_id*)NULL)
      return MagickFalse;
    status = clGetContextInfo(gpu_info->context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, sizeof(cl_device_id) * numDevices, devices, NULL);
    if (status!=CL_SUCCESS)
      return MagickFalse;

    binaries = (unsigned char**) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(unsigned char*)*numDevices);
    binariesLengths = (size_t*) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(size_t)*numDevices);
    for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
      char fileName[1024];
      char deviceName[1024];
      FILE *fd = NULL;

      status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(deviceName), deviceName, NULL);
      sprintf(fileName, "./%s-%s.bin", filename, deviceName);
      fd = fopen(fileName, "rb");

      if (fd==NULL) return MagickFalse;

      b_error = 0 ;
      length = 0;
      b_error |= fseek( fd, 0, SEEK_END ) < 0;
      b_error |= ( length = ftell( fd ) ) <= 0;
      b_error |= fseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET ) < 0;
      if( b_error )
        return  MagickFalse;

      binaries[i] = (unsigned char*)AcquireMagickMemory(length);
      binariesLengths[i] = length;
      if (!binaries[i])
        return  MagickFalse;
      memset(binaries[i], 0, length);
      b_error |= fread(binaries[i], 1, length, fd ) != length;
    binariesStatus = (cl_int*) AcquireMagickMemory(numDevices*sizeof(cl_int));
    gpu_info->programs[idx] = clCreateProgramWithBinary(gpu_info->context, numDevices, devices,
      binariesLengths, (const unsigned char**)binaries, binariesStatus, &status);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      return MagickFalse;
    for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
      if (binariesStatus[i]!=CL_SUCCESS)
        return MagickFalse;

    // clean up
    for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
    status = ConvertToString(&source_str, accelerate_kernel);

    if (status == MagickFalse)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "ConvertToString failed.", "(%d)", status);
    source = source_str;
    source_size[0] = strlen(source);

    /* create a CL program using the kernel source */
    gpu_info->programs[idx] = clCreateProgramWithSource(
      gpu_info->context, 1, &source, source_size, &status);

  if ((gpu_info->programs[idx] == (cl_program)NULL) || (status != CL_SUCCESS))
    (void) ThrowMagickException(
      exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
      "clCreateProgramWithSource failed.", "(%d)", status);

  /* create a cl program executable for all the devices specified */
  status = clBuildProgram(gpu_info->programs[idx], 1, &(gpu_info->device), 
    build_option, NULL, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
    FILE *fd1;
    status = clGetProgramBuildInfo(
      gpu_info->programs[idx], gpu_info->device,
      CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &length);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning, 
        "clGetProgramBuildInfo failed.", "(%d)", status);
    buildLog = (char *) AcquireMagickMemory(length);
    if (buildLog == (char *) NULL)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), ResourceLimitError,
        "AcquireMagickMemory failed.",".");
    status = clGetProgramBuildInfo(
      gpu_info->programs[idx], gpu_info->device,
      CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, length, buildLog, &length);

    fd1 =fopen("kernel-build.log" , "w+");
    if(fd1 != NULL){
      fwrite(buildLog, sizeof(char), length, fd1);

    fd1 =fopen("" , "w+");
    if(fd1 != NULL){
      fwrite(source, sizeof(char), strlen(source), fd1);

    fd1 =fopen("bad-kernel_compile_option.log" , "w+");
    if(fd1 != NULL){
      fwrite(build_option, sizeof(char), strlen(build_option), fd1);

    (void) ThrowMagickException(
      exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
      "failed to build OpenCL progrm.", "(%s)", buildLog);
    buildLog = DestroyString(buildLog);

  strcpy(gpu_env.kernel_filename[idx] , filename);

  if(binaryExisted == MagickFalse)
    GenerateCLBinaryFileFromCLSource(gpu_env.programs[idx], filename);

  gpu_info->file_count += 1 ;


%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     I n i t C L K e r n e l E n v                                           %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  InitCLKernelEnv() initializes opencl kernel environment.
%  The format of the InitCLKernelEnv method is:
%      MagickBooleanType InitCLKernelEnv(char *build_option, 
%                                        ExceptionInfo *exception)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o build_option: options of build kernels.
%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.

MagickBooleanType InitCLKernelEnv(const char *build_option,
                                  const char *filename, char* accelerate_kernels[],
                                  ExceptionInfo *exception)
  MagickBooleanType initCLStatus = MagickTrue;

  MagickBooleanType status = MagickFalse;
  cl_int clStatus;
  cl_uint numKernels = 0;


  if (gpu_env_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo*)NULL)

    char options[MaxTextExtent];
    /* Get additional options */
    (void) FormatLocaleString(
      options, MaxTextExtent, CLOptions, (float)QuantumRange,
      (float)QuantumScale, (float)CLCharQuantumScale,
      (float)MagickEpsilon, (float)MagickPI, (unsigned int)MaxMap);
    if (build_option != NULL)
      strcat(options, build_option);

    /*initialize devices, context, comand_queue*/
    memset(&gpu_env , 0, sizeof(gpu_env));
    status = InitializeCLEnv(&gpu_env, exception);
    if (status == MagickFalse)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "InitializeCLEnv failed.", ".");
      initCLStatus = MagickFalse;
      goto unlock;
    if (gpu_env.platform == NULL) 
      // no OpenCL platform found
      gpu_env.isInited = 1;
      goto unlock;

    /*initialize program, kernel_name, kernel_count*/
    status = CompileCLfile(filename, accelerate_kernels, &gpu_env, options, exception);
    if (status == MagickFalse)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
        "CompileCLfile failed.", ".");
       initCLStatus = MagickFalse;
       goto unlock;  

    /* Get the name of all the kernels */
      cl_kernel kernels[MAX_NUM_KERNEL];
      cl_uint num_kernels = MAX_NUM_KERNEL;
      clStatus = clCreateKernelsInProgram(gpu_env.programs[gpu_env.file_count-1], num_kernels, kernels, &numKernels);
      if (clStatus!=CL_SUCCESS)
        (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
          "clGetProgramInfo with CL_PROGRAM_NUM_KERNELS failed.", ".");
        initCLStatus = MagickFalse;
        goto unlock;  

      if (numKernels > 0) 
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < numKernels; i++)
          char kernelName[256];
          clStatus = clGetKernelInfo(kernels[i], CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME, 256, kernelName, NULL);
          if (clStatus!=CL_SUCCESS)
            (void) ThrowMagickException(exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning,
              "clGetKernelInfo with CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME failed.", ".");
            initCLStatus = MagickFalse;
            goto unlock;  
          strcpy(gpu_env.kernel_names[gpu_env.kernel_count++], kernelName);

    /* initialize kernel */
    if (gpu_env.kernel_count == 0)
      (void) ThrowMagickException(
        exception, GetMagickModule(), DelegateWarning, "No kernels.", ".");
      initCLStatus = MagickFalse;
      goto unlock;  
    gpu_env.isInited = 1;


%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%     R u n C L K e r n e l                                                   %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%                                                                             %
%  RunCLKernel() runs opencl kernel function
%  The format of the RunCLKernel method is:
%      MagickBooleanType RunCLKernel(const char *kernel_name, void **userdata)
%  A description of each parameter follows:
%    o kernel_name: name of kernel.
%    o userdata: user data.
MagickBooleanType RunCLKernel(const char *kernel_name, void **userdata)
  KernelEnv env;
  cl_kernel_function function;
  MagickBooleanType status ;
  (void) ResetMagickMemory(&env, 0, sizeof(KernelEnv));
  status = GetKernelEnvAndfunc(kernel_name, &env, &function);
  strcpy(env.kernel_name, kernel_name);
  if (status == MagickTrue)
    return(function(userdata, &env));

MagickBooleanType AccelerateFunctionCL( cl_kernel_function function,
                                       const char* filename, char* accelerate_kernels[],
                                       char * kernelName, 
                                       void **usrdata, 
                                       ExceptionInfo *exception)
  if (!gpu_env.isInited)
    char *build_option = NULL;
    InitCLKernelEnv(build_option, filename, accelerate_kernels, exception);
  if (gpu_env.platform == NULL)
     return MagickFalse;
  RegisterKernelWrapper(kernelName, function);
  return(RunCLKernel(kernelName, usrdata));


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */