
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. adaptiveBlur
  2. adaptiveResize
  3. adaptiveSharpen
  4. adaptiveSharpenChannel
  5. adaptiveThreshold
  6. addNoise
  7. addNoiseChannel
  8. affineTransform
  9. alphaChannel
  10. annotate
  11. annotate
  12. annotate
  13. annotate
  14. artifact
  15. artifact
  16. autoGamma
  17. autoGammaChannel
  18. autoLevel
  19. autoLevelChannel
  20. autoOrient
  21. blackThreshold
  22. blackThresholdChannel
  23. blueShift
  24. blur
  25. blurChannel
  26. border
  27. brightnessContrast
  28. brightnessContrastChannel
  29. channel
  30. channelDepth
  31. channelDepth
  32. charcoal
  33. chop
  34. cdl
  35. clamp
  36. clampChannel
  37. clut
  38. clutChannel
  39. colorize
  40. colorize
  41. colorMatrix
  42. compare
  43. composite
  44. composite
  45. composite
  46. contrast
  47. contrastStretch
  48. contrastStretchChannel
  49. convolve
  50. crop
  51. cycleColormap
  52. decipher
  53. deskew
  54. despeckle
  55. display
  56. distort
  57. draw
  58. draw
  59. edge
  60. emboss
  61. encipher
  62. enhance
  63. equalize
  64. erase
  65. extent
  66. extent
  67. extent
  68. extent
  69. flip
  70. floodFillColor
  71. floodFillColor
  72. floodFillColor
  73. floodFillColor
  74. floodFillOpacity
  75. floodFillTexture
  76. floodFillTexture
  77. floodFillTexture
  78. floodFillTexture
  79. flop
  80. frame
  81. frame
  82. fx
  83. fx
  84. gamma
  85. gamma
  86. gaussianBlur
  87. gaussianBlurChannel
  88. haldClut
  89. implode
  90. inverseFourierTransform
  91. inverseFourierTransform
  92. level
  93. levelChannel
  94. levelColors
  95. levelColorsChannel
  96. linearStretch
  97. liquidRescale
  98. magnify
  99. map
  100. matteFloodfill
  101. medianFilter
  102. mergeLayers
  103. minify
  104. modulate
  105. motionBlur
  106. negate
  107. negateChannel
  108. normalize
  109. oilPaint
  110. opacity
  111. opaque
  112. perceptible
  113. perceptibleChannel
  114. ping
  115. ping
  116. polaroid
  117. posterize
  118. posterizeChannel
  119. process
  120. quantize
  121. quantumOperator
  122. quantumOperator
  123. raise
  124. randomThreshold
  125. randomThresholdChannel
  126. read
  127. read
  128. read
  129. read
  130. read
  131. read
  132. read
  133. read
  134. reduceNoise
  135. resize
  136. roll
  137. roll
  138. rotate
  139. sample
  140. scale
  141. segment
  142. shade
  143. shadow
  144. sharpen
  145. sharpenChannel
  146. shave
  147. shear
  148. sigmoidalContrast
  149. solarize
  150. sparseColor
  151. spread
  152. stegano
  153. stereo
  154. swirl
  155. texture
  156. threshold
  157. transform
  158. transform
  159. transparent
  160. transparentChroma
  161. trim
  162. unsharpmask
  163. unsharpmaskChannel
  164. wave
  165. whiteThreshold
  166. whiteThresholdChannel
  167. write
  168. write
  169. write
  170. write
  171. write
  172. zoom
  173. adjoin
  174. adjoin
  175. antiAlias
  176. antiAlias
  177. animationDelay
  178. animationDelay
  179. animationIterations
  180. animationIterations
  181. attribute
  182. attribute
  183. backgroundColor
  184. backgroundColor
  185. backgroundTexture
  186. backgroundTexture
  187. baseColumns
  188. baseFilename
  189. baseRows
  190. borderColor
  191. borderColor
  192. boundingBox
  193. boxColor
  194. boxColor
  195. cacheThreshold
  196. chromaBluePrimary
  197. chromaBluePrimary
  198. chromaGreenPrimary
  199. chromaGreenPrimary
  200. chromaRedPrimary
  201. chromaRedPrimary
  202. chromaWhitePoint
  203. chromaWhitePoint
  204. classType
  205. clipMask
  206. clipMask
  207. colorFuzz
  208. colorFuzz
  209. colorMap
  210. colorMap
  211. colorMapSize
  212. colorMapSize
  213. colorSpace
  214. colorSpace
  215. colorspaceType
  216. colorspaceType
  217. comment
  218. comment
  219. compose
  220. compose
  221. compressType
  222. compressType
  223. debug
  224. debug
  225. defineValue
  226. defineValue
  227. defineSet
  228. defineSet
  229. density
  230. density
  231. depth
  232. depth
  233. directory
  234. endian
  235. endian
  236. exifProfile
  237. exifProfile
  238. fileName
  239. fileName
  240. fileSize
  241. fillColor
  242. fillColor
  243. fillRule
  244. fillRule
  245. fillPattern
  246. fillPattern
  247. filterType
  248. filterType
  249. font
  250. font
  251. fontPointsize
  252. fontPointsize
  253. fontTypeMetrics
  254. format
  255. gamma
  256. geometry
  257. gifDisposeMethod
  258. gifDisposeMethod
  259. iccColorProfile
  260. iccColorProfile
  261. interlaceType
  262. interlaceType
  263. iptcProfile
  264. iptcProfile
  265. isValid
  266. isValid
  267. label
  268. label
  269. magick
  270. magick
  271. matte
  272. matte
  273. matteColor
  274. matteColor
  275. meanErrorPerPixel
  276. modulusDepth
  277. modulusDepth
  278. monochrome
  279. monochrome
  280. montageGeometry
  281. normalizedMaxError
  282. normalizedMeanError
  283. orientation
  284. orientation
  285. penColor
  286. penColor
  287. penTexture
  288. penTexture
  289. pixelColor
  290. pixelColor
  291. page
  292. page
  293. profile
  294. profile
  295. quality
  296. quality
  297. quantizeColors
  298. quantizeColors
  299. quantizeColorSpace
  300. quantizeDither
  301. quantizeDither
  302. quantizeTreeDepth
  303. quantizeTreeDepth
  304. renderingIntent
  305. resolutionUnits
  306. scene
  307. scene
  308. signature
  309. size
  310. size
  311. splice
  312. statistics
  313. strip
  314. strokeAntiAlias
  315. strokeAntiAlias
  316. strokeColor
  317. strokeColor
  318. strokeDashArray
  319. strokeDashArray
  320. strokeDashOffset
  321. strokeDashOffset
  322. strokeLineCap
  323. strokeLineCap
  324. strokeLineJoin
  325. strokeLineJoin
  326. strokeMiterLimit
  327. strokeMiterLimit
  328. strokePattern
  329. strokePattern
  330. strokeWidth
  331. strokeWidth
  332. subImage
  333. subImage
  334. subRange
  335. subRange
  336. textEncoding
  337. textEncoding
  338. tileName
  339. tileName
  340. totalColors
  341. transformOrigin
  342. transformRotation
  343. transformReset
  344. transformScale
  345. transformSkewX
  346. transformSkewY
  347. type
  348. type
  349. verbose
  350. verbose
  351. view
  352. view
  353. virtualPixelMethod
  354. virtualPixelMethod
  355. x11Display
  356. x11Display
  357. xResolution
  358. yResolution
  359. getConstIndexes
  360. getIndexes
  361. getPixels
  362. setPixels
  363. syncPixels
  364. readPixels
  365. writePixels
  366. options
  367. constOptions
  368. image
  369. constImage
  370. imageInfo
  371. constImageInfo
  372. quantizeInfo
  373. constQuantizeInfo
  374. modifyImage
  375. throwImageException
  376. registerId
  377. unregisterId
  378. MagickPlusPlusDestroyMagick
  379. InitializeMagick

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Implementation of Image


#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

#include "Magick++/Image.h"
#include "Magick++/Functions.h"
#include "Magick++/Pixels.h"
#include "Magick++/Options.h"
#include "Magick++/ImageRef.h"

#define AbsoluteValue(x)  ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
#define MagickPI  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
#define DegreesToRadians(x)  (MagickPI*(x)/180.0)

MagickPPExport const char *Magick::borderGeometryDefault = "6x6+0+0";
MagickPPExport const char *Magick::frameGeometryDefault  = "25x25+6+6";
MagickPPExport const char *Magick::raiseGeometryDefault  = "6x6+0+0";

static bool magick_initialized=false;

// Explicit template instantiations

// Friend functions to compare Image objects

MagickPPExport int Magick::operator == ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                         const Magick::Image& right_ )
  // If image pixels and signature are the same, then the image is identical
  return ( ( left_.rows() == right_.rows() ) &&
           ( left_.columns() == right_.columns() ) &&
           ( left_.signature() == right_.signature() )
MagickPPExport int Magick::operator != ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                         const Magick::Image& right_ )
  return ( ! (left_ == right_) );
MagickPPExport int Magick::operator >  ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                         const Magick::Image& right_ )
  return ( !( left_ < right_ ) && ( left_ != right_ ) );
MagickPPExport int Magick::operator <  ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                         const Magick::Image& right_ )
  // If image pixels are less, then image is smaller
  return ( ( left_.rows() * left_.columns() ) <
           ( right_.rows() * right_.columns() )
MagickPPExport int Magick::operator >= ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                         const Magick::Image& right_ )
  return ( ( left_ > right_ ) || ( left_ == right_ ) );
MagickPPExport int Magick::operator <= ( const Magick::Image& left_,
                                         const Magick::Image& right_ )
  return ( ( left_ < right_ ) || ( left_ == right_ ) );

// Image object implementation

// Construct from image file or image specification
Magick::Image::Image ( const std::string &imageSpec_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      // Initialize, Allocate and Read images
      read( imageSpec_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct a blank image canvas of specified size and color
Magick::Image::Image ( const Geometry &size_,
                       const Color &color_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
  // xc: prefix specifies an X11 color string
  std::string imageSpec("xc:");
  imageSpec += color_;

      // Set image size
      size( size_ );

      // Initialize, Allocate and Read images
      read( imageSpec );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct Image from in-memory BLOB
Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob &blob_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      // Initialize, Allocate and Read images
      read( blob_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct Image of specified size from in-memory BLOB
Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob &blob_,
                       const Geometry &size_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      // Read from Blob
      read( blob_, size_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct Image of specified size and depth from in-memory BLOB
Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob &blob_,
                       const Geometry &size_,
                       const size_t depth_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      // Read from Blob
      read( blob_, size_, depth_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct Image of specified size, depth, and format from in-memory BLOB
Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob &blob_,
                       const Geometry &size_,
                       const size_t depth_,
                       const std::string &magick_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      // Read from Blob
      read( blob_, size_, depth_, magick_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct Image of specified size, and format from in-memory BLOB
Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob &blob_,
                       const Geometry &size_,
                       const std::string &magick_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      // Read from Blob
      read( blob_, size_, magick_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Construct an image based on an array of raw pixels, of specified
// type and mapping, in memory
Magick::Image::Image ( const size_t width_,
                       const size_t height_,
                       const std::string &map_,
                       const StorageType type_,
                       const void *pixels_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)
      read( width_, height_, map_.c_str(), type_, pixels_ );
  catch ( const Warning & /*warning_*/ )
      // FIXME: need a way to report warnings in constructor
  catch ( const Error & /*error_*/ )
      // Release resources
      delete _imgRef;

// Default constructor
Magick::Image::Image ( void )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef)

// Destructor
/* virtual */
Magick::Image::~Image ()
  bool doDelete = false;
    Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );
    if ( --_imgRef->_refCount == 0 )
      doDelete = true;

  if ( doDelete )
      delete _imgRef;
  _imgRef = 0;

// Adaptive-blur image
void Magick::Image::adaptiveBlur( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AdaptiveBlurImage( constImage(), radius_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::adaptiveResize ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  ssize_t x = 0;
  ssize_t y = 0;
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry( static_cast<std::string>(geometry_).c_str(),
                     &x, &y,
                     &width, &height );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AdaptiveResizeImage( constImage(), width, height, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::adaptiveSharpen ( const double radius_,
                                      const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AdaptiveSharpenImage( constImage(), radius_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::adaptiveSharpenChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                             const double radius_,
                                             const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AdaptiveSharpenImageChannel( constImage(), channel_, radius_, sigma_,
                                 &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Local adaptive threshold image
// Width x height define the size of the pixel neighborhood
// offset = constant to subtract from pixel neighborhood mean
void Magick::Image::adaptiveThreshold ( const size_t width_,
                                        const size_t height_,
                                        const ssize_t offset_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AdaptiveThresholdImage( constImage(), width_, height_, offset_,
                            &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Add noise to image
void Magick::Image::addNoise ( const NoiseType noiseType_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AddNoiseImage ( constImage(), noiseType_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::addNoiseChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                      const NoiseType noiseType_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AddNoiseImageChannel ( constImage(), channel_, noiseType_,
                           &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Affine Transform image
void Magick::Image::affineTransform ( const DrawableAffine &affine_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

  AffineMatrix _affine; =; =;
  _affine.rx = affine_.rx();
  _affine.ry = affine_.ry();
  _affine.tx = affine_.tx();
  _affine.ty = affine_.ty();

  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AffineTransformImage( constImage(), &_affine, &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::alphaChannel ( AlphaChannelType alphaType_ )
  SetImageAlphaChannel( image(), alphaType_ );

// Annotate using specified text, and placement location
void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &text_,
                               const Geometry &location_ )
  annotate ( text_, location_,  NorthWestGravity, 0.0 );

// Annotate using specified text, bounding area, and placement gravity
void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &text_,
                               const Geometry &boundingArea_,
                               const GravityType gravity_ )
  annotate ( text_, boundingArea_, gravity_, 0.0 );

// Annotate with text using specified text, bounding area, placement
// gravity, and rotation.
void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &text_,
                               const Geometry &boundingArea_,
                               const GravityType gravity_,
                               const double degrees_ )

  DrawInfo *drawInfo
    = options()->drawInfo();
  drawInfo->text = const_cast<char *>(text_.c_str());

  char boundingArea[MaxTextExtent];

  drawInfo->geometry = 0;
  if ( boundingArea_.isValid() )
      if ( boundingArea_.width() == 0 || boundingArea_.height() == 0 )
          FormatLocaleString( boundingArea, MaxTextExtent, "%+.20g%+.20g",
            (double) boundingArea_.xOff(), (double) boundingArea_.yOff() );
          (void) CopyMagickString( boundingArea, string(boundingArea_).c_str(),
      drawInfo->geometry = boundingArea;

  drawInfo->gravity = gravity_;

  AffineMatrix oaffine = drawInfo->affine;
  if ( degrees_ != 0.0)
        AffineMatrix affine;;

        AffineMatrix current = drawInfo->affine;,360.0)));


  AnnotateImage( image(), drawInfo );

  // Restore original values
  drawInfo->affine = oaffine;
  drawInfo->text = 0;
  drawInfo->geometry = 0;


// Annotate with text (bounding area is entire image) and placement gravity.
void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &text_,
                               const GravityType gravity_ )

  DrawInfo *drawInfo
    = options()->drawInfo();

  drawInfo->text = const_cast<char *>(text_.c_str());

  drawInfo->gravity = gravity_;

  AnnotateImage( image(), drawInfo );

  drawInfo->gravity = NorthWestGravity;
  drawInfo->text = 0;


void Magick::Image::artifact ( const std::string &name_,
                               const std::string &value_ )
  (void) SetImageArtifact ( image(), name_.c_str(), value_.c_str() );

std::string Magick::Image::artifact ( const std::string &name_ )
  const char *value = GetImageArtifact ( image(), name_.c_str() );
  if (value)
    return std::string( value );
  return std::string( );

void Magick::Image::autoGamma ( void )
  AutoGammaImage ( image() );

void Magick::Image::autoGammaChannel ( const ChannelType channel_ )
  AutoGammaImageChannel ( image(), channel_ );

void Magick::Image::autoLevel ( void )
  AutoLevelImage ( image() );

void Magick::Image::autoLevelChannel ( const ChannelType channel_ )
  AutoLevelImageChannel ( image(), channel_ );

void Magick::Image::autoOrient ( void )
  if (image()->orientation == UndefinedOrientation ||
      image()->orientation == TopLeftOrientation)

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    AutoOrientImage( constImage(), image()->orientation, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::blackThreshold ( const std::string &threshold_ )
  BlackThresholdImage( image(), threshold_.c_str() );

void Magick::Image::blackThresholdChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                            const std::string &threshold_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  BlackThresholdImageChannel( image(), channel_, threshold_.c_str(),
                              &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::blueShift ( const double factor_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    BlueShiftImage( constImage(), factor_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Blur image
void Magick::Image::blur ( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    BlurImage( constImage(), radius_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::blurChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                  const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    BlurImageChannel( constImage(), channel_,radius_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Add border to image
// Only uses width & height
void Magick::Image::border( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  RectangleInfo borderInfo = geometry_;
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    BorderImage( image(), &borderInfo, &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::brightnessContrast ( const double brightness_,
                                         const double contrast_ )
  BrightnessContrastImage( image(), brightness_, contrast_ );

void Magick::Image::brightnessContrastChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                                const double brightness_,
                                                const double contrast_ )
  BrightnessContrastImageChannel( image(), channel_, brightness_, contrast_ );

// Extract channel from image
void Magick::Image::channel ( const ChannelType channel_ )
  SeparateImageChannel ( image(), channel_ );

// Set or obtain modulus channel depth
void Magick::Image::channelDepth ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                   const size_t depth_)
  SetImageChannelDepth( image(), channel_, depth_);

size_t Magick::Image::channelDepth ( const ChannelType channel_ )
  size_t channel_depth;

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  channel_depth=GetImageChannelDepth( constImage(), channel_,
                                      &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return channel_depth;

// Charcoal-effect image
void Magick::Image::charcoal ( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    CharcoalImage( image(), radius_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Chop image
void Magick::Image::chop ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  RectangleInfo chopInfo = geometry_;
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ChopImage( image(), &chopInfo, &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// contains one or more color corrections and applies the correction to the
// image.
void Magick::Image::cdl ( const std::string &cdl_ )
  (void) ColorDecisionListImage( image(), cdl_.c_str() );

void Magick::Image::clamp ( void )
  ClampImage( image() );

void Magick::Image::clampChannel ( const ChannelType channel_ )
  ClampImageChannel( image(), channel_ );

void Magick::Image::clut ( const Image &clutImage_ )
  ClutImage( image(), clutImage_.constImage() );

void Magick::Image::clutChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                  const Image &clutImage_)
  ClutImageChannel( image(), channel_, clutImage_.constImage() );

// Colorize
void Magick::Image::colorize ( const unsigned int opacityRed_,
                               const unsigned int opacityGreen_,
                               const unsigned int opacityBlue_,
                               const Color &penColor_ )
  if ( !penColor_.isValid() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError, "Pen color argument is invalid" );

  char opacity[MaxTextExtent];
  FormatLocaleString(opacity, MaxTextExtent, "%u/%u/%u",
                              opacityRed_, opacityGreen_, opacityBlue_ );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
  ColorizeImage ( image(), opacity, penColor_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::colorize ( const unsigned int opacity_,
                               const Color &penColor_ )
  colorize( opacity_, opacity_, opacity_, penColor_ );

// Apply a color matrix to the image channels.  The user supplied
// matrix may be of order 1 to 6 (1x1 through 6x6).
void Magick::Image::colorMatrix (const size_t order_,
                                 const double *color_matrix_)

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  kernel_info->values=(double *) color_matrix_;
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ColorMatrixImage( image(), kernel_info, &exceptionInfo );
  kernel_info->values=(double *) NULL;
  kernel_info=DestroyKernelInfo( kernel_info );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Compare current image with another image
// Sets meanErrorPerPixel, normalizedMaxError, and normalizedMeanError
// in the current image. False is returned if the images are identical.
bool Magick::Image::compare ( const Image &reference_ )
  Image ref = reference_;
  return static_cast<bool>(IsImagesEqual(image(), ref.image()));

// Composite two images
void Magick::Image::composite ( const Image &compositeImage_,
                                const ssize_t xOffset_,
                                const ssize_t yOffset_,
                                const CompositeOperator compose_ )
  // Image supplied as compositeImage is composited with current image and
  // results in updating current image.

  CompositeImage( image(), compose_, compositeImage_.constImage(),
                  xOffset_, yOffset_ );

void Magick::Image::composite ( const Image &compositeImage_,
                                const Geometry &offset_,
                                const CompositeOperator compose_ )

  ssize_t x = offset_.xOff();
  ssize_t y = offset_.yOff();
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry ( static_cast<std::string>(offset_).c_str(),
                      &x, &y,
                      &width, &height );

  CompositeImage( image(), compose_, compositeImage_.constImage(), x, y );

void Magick::Image::composite ( const Image &compositeImage_,
                                const GravityType gravity_,
                                const CompositeOperator compose_ )

  RectangleInfo geometry;

  SetGeometry(compositeImage_.constImage(), &geometry);
  GravityAdjustGeometry(columns(), rows(), gravity_, &geometry);

  CompositeImage( image(), compose_, compositeImage_.constImage(),
                  geometry.x, geometry.y );

// Contrast image
void Magick::Image::contrast ( const size_t sharpen_ )
  ContrastImage ( image(), (MagickBooleanType) sharpen_ );

void Magick::Image::contrastStretch ( const double black_point_,
                                      const double white_point_ )
  ContrastStretchImageChannel( image(), DefaultChannels, black_point_,
                               white_point_ );

void Magick::Image::contrastStretchChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                             const double black_point_,
                                             const double white_point_ )
  ContrastStretchImageChannel( image(), channel_, black_point_, white_point_ );

// Convolve image.  Applies a general image convolution kernel to the image.
//  order_ represents the number of columns and rows in the filter kernel.
//  kernel_ is an array of doubles representing the convolution kernel.
void Magick::Image::convolve ( const size_t order_,
                               const double *kernel_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ConvolveImage ( image(), order_, kernel_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Crop image
void Magick::Image::crop ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  RectangleInfo cropInfo = geometry_;
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    CropImage( image(), &cropInfo, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Cycle Color Map
void Magick::Image::cycleColormap ( const ssize_t amount_ )
  CycleColormapImage( image(), amount_ );

void Magick::Image::decipher ( const std::string &passphrase_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  DecipherImage( image(), passphrase_.c_str(), &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::deskew ( const double threshold_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    DeskewImage( image(), threshold_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Despeckle
void Magick::Image::despeckle ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    DespeckleImage( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Display image
void Magick::Image::display( void )
  DisplayImages( imageInfo(), image() );

// Distort image.  distorts an image using various distortion methods, by
// mapping color lookups of the source image to a new destination image
// usally of the same size as the source image, unless 'bestfit' is set to
// true.
void Magick::Image::distort ( const DistortImageMethod method_,
                              const size_t number_arguments_,
                              const double *arguments_,
                              const bool bestfit_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage = DistortImage ( image(), method_,
    number_arguments_, arguments_, bestfit_ == true ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse,
    &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Draw on image using single drawable
void Magick::Image::draw ( const Magick::Drawable &drawable_ )

  DrawingWand *wand = DrawAllocateWand( options()->drawInfo(), image());


      if( constImage()->exception.severity == UndefinedException)



// Draw on image using a drawable list
void Magick::Image::draw ( const std::list<Magick::Drawable> &drawable_ )

  DrawingWand *wand = DrawAllocateWand( options()->drawInfo(), image());

      for( std::list<Magick::Drawable>::const_iterator p = drawable_.begin();
           p != drawable_.end(); p++ )
          if( constImage()->exception.severity != UndefinedException)

      if( constImage()->exception.severity == UndefinedException)



// Hilight edges in image
void Magick::Image::edge ( const double radius_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    EdgeImage( image(), radius_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Emboss image (hilight edges)
void Magick::Image::emboss ( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    EmbossImage( image(), radius_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::encipher ( const std::string &passphrase_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  EncipherImage( image(), passphrase_.c_str(), &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Enhance image (minimize noise)
void Magick::Image::enhance ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    EnhanceImage( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Equalize image (histogram equalization)
void Magick::Image::equalize ( void )
  EqualizeImage( image() );

// Erase image to current "background color"
void Magick::Image::erase ( void )
  SetImageBackgroundColor( image() );

// Extends image as defined by the geometry.
void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  RectangleInfo extentInfo = geometry_;
  extentInfo.x = geometry_.xOff();
  extentInfo.y = geometry_.yOff();
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ExtentImage ( image(), &extentInfo, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry &geometry_,
                             const Color &backgroundColor_ )
  backgroundColor ( backgroundColor_ );
  extent ( geometry_ );

void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry &geometry_,
                             const GravityType gravity_ )
  RectangleInfo geometry;

  SetGeometry(image(), &geometry);
  geometry.width = geometry_.width();
  geometry.height = geometry_.height();
  GravityAdjustGeometry(image()->columns, image()->rows, gravity_, &geometry);
  extent ( geometry );

void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry &geometry_,
                             const Color &backgroundColor_,
                             const GravityType gravity_ )
  image()->gravity  = gravity_;
  backgroundColor ( backgroundColor_ );
  extent ( geometry_, gravity_ );

// Flip image (reflect each scanline in the vertical direction)
void Magick::Image::flip ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    FlipImage( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Flood-fill color across pixels that match the color of the
// target pixel and are neighbors of the target pixel.
// Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const ssize_t x_,
                                     const ssize_t y_,
                                     const Magick::Color &fillColor_ )
  floodFillTexture( x_, y_, Image( Geometry( 1, 1), fillColor_ ) );

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const Geometry &point_,
                                     const Magick::Color &fillColor_ )
  floodFillTexture( point_, Image( Geometry( 1, 1), fillColor_) );

// Flood-fill color across pixels starting at target-pixel and
// stopping at pixels matching specified border color.
// Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const ssize_t x_,
                                     const ssize_t y_,
                                     const Magick::Color &fillColor_,
                                     const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  floodFillTexture( x_, y_, Image( Geometry( 1, 1), fillColor_),
                    borderColor_ );

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const Geometry &point_,
                                     const Magick::Color &fillColor_,
                                     const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  floodFillTexture( point_, Image( Geometry( 1, 1), fillColor_),
                    borderColor_ );

// Floodfill pixels matching color (within fuzz factor) of target
// pixel(x,y) with replacement opacity value using method.
void Magick::Image::floodFillOpacity ( const ssize_t x_,
                                       const ssize_t y_,
                                       const unsigned int opacity_,
                                       const PaintMethod method_ )
  MagickPixelPacket target;
  PixelPacket pixel=static_cast<PixelPacket>(pixelColor(x_,y_));;;;
  FloodfillPaintImage ( image(),
                        options()->drawInfo(), // const DrawInfo *draw_info
                        static_cast<ssize_t>(x_), static_cast<ssize_t>(y_),
                        method_  == FloodfillMethod ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue);

// Flood-fill texture across pixels that match the color of the
// target pixel and are neighbors of the target pixel.
// Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const ssize_t x_,
                                       const ssize_t y_,
                                       const Magick::Image &texture_ )

  // Set drawing pattern

  // Get pixel view
  Pixels pixels(*this);
  // Fill image
  PixelPacket *p = pixels.get(x_, y_, 1, 1 );
  MagickPixelPacket target;
  if (p)
    FloodfillPaintImage ( image(), // Image *image
                          options()->drawInfo(), // const DrawInfo *draw_info
                          &target, // const MagickPacket target
                          static_cast<ssize_t>(x_), // const ssize_t x_offset
                          static_cast<ssize_t>(y_), // const ssize_t y_offset
                          MagickFalse // const PaintMethod method


void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const Magick::Geometry &point_,
                                       const Magick::Image &texture_ )
  floodFillTexture( point_.xOff(), point_.yOff(), texture_ );

// Flood-fill texture across pixels starting at target-pixel and
// stopping at pixels matching specified border color.
// Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.
void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const ssize_t x_,
                                       const ssize_t y_,
                                       const Magick::Image &texture_,
                                       const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )

  // Set drawing fill pattern

  MagickPixelPacket target;
  FloodfillPaintImage ( image(),


void  Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const Magick::Geometry &point_,
                                        const Magick::Image &texture_,
                                        const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  floodFillTexture( point_.xOff(), point_.yOff(), texture_, borderColor_ );

// Flop image (reflect each scanline in the horizontal direction)
void Magick::Image::flop ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    FlopImage( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Frame image
void Magick::Image::frame ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  FrameInfo info;

  info.x           = static_cast<ssize_t>(geometry_.width());
  info.y           = static_cast<ssize_t>(geometry_.height());
  info.width       = columns() + ( static_cast<size_t>(info.x) << 1 );
  info.height      = rows() + ( static_cast<size_t>(info.y) << 1 );
  info.outer_bevel = geometry_.xOff();
  info.inner_bevel = geometry_.yOff();

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    FrameImage( image(), &info, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::frame ( const size_t width_,
                            const size_t height_,
                            const ssize_t outerBevel_,
                            const ssize_t innerBevel_ )
  FrameInfo info;
  info.x           = static_cast<ssize_t>(width_);
  info.y           = static_cast<ssize_t>(height_);
  info.width       = columns() + ( static_cast<size_t>(info.x) << 1 );
  info.height      = rows() + ( static_cast<size_t>(info.y) << 1 );
  info.outer_bevel = static_cast<ssize_t>(outerBevel_);
  info.inner_bevel = static_cast<ssize_t>(innerBevel_);

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    FrameImage( image(), &info, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Fx image.  Applies a mathematical expression to the image.
void Magick::Image::fx ( const std::string expression )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    FxImageChannel ( image(), DefaultChannels, expression.c_str(),
                     &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::fx ( const std::string expression,
                         const Magick::ChannelType channel )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    FxImageChannel ( image(), channel, expression.c_str(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Gamma correct image
void Magick::Image::gamma ( const double gamma_ )
  char gamma[MaxTextExtent + 1];
  FormatLocaleString( gamma, MaxTextExtent, "%3.6f", gamma_);

  GammaImage ( image(), gamma );

void Magick::Image::gamma ( const double gammaRed_,
                            const double gammaGreen_,
                            const double gammaBlue_ )
  char gamma[MaxTextExtent + 1];
  FormatLocaleString( gamma, MaxTextExtent, "%3.6f/%3.6f/%3.6f/",
                      gammaRed_, gammaGreen_, gammaBlue_);

  GammaImage ( image(), gamma );

// Gaussian blur image
// The number of neighbor pixels to be included in the convolution
// mask is specified by 'width_'. The standard deviation of the
// gaussian bell curve is specified by 'sigma_'.
void Magick::Image::gaussianBlur ( const double width_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    GaussianBlurImage( image(), width_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::gaussianBlurChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                          const double width_,
                                          const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    GaussianBlurImageChannel( image(), channel_, width_, sigma_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Apply a color lookup table (Hald CLUT) to the image.
void  Magick::Image::haldClut ( const Image &clutImage_ )
  (void) HaldClutImage( image(), clutImage_.constImage() );

// Implode image
void Magick::Image::implode ( const double factor_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ImplodeImage( image(), factor_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IFT) of the image either
// as a magnitude / phase or real / imaginary image pair.
void Magick::Image::inverseFourierTransform ( const Image &phase_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    InverseFourierTransformImage( image(), phase_.constImage(), MagickTrue,
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
void Magick::Image::inverseFourierTransform ( const Image &phase_,
                                              const bool magnitude_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    InverseFourierTransformImage( image(), phase_.constImage(),
                                  magnitude_ == true ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse,
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Level image. Adjust the levels of the image by scaling the colors
// falling between specified white and black points to the full
// available quantum range. The parameters provided represent the
// black, mid (gamma), and white points.  The black point specifies
// the darkest color in the image. Colors darker than the black point
// are set to zero. Mid point (gamma) specifies a gamma correction to
// apply to the image. White point specifies the lightest color in the
// image.  Colors brighter than the white point are set to the maximum
// quantum value. The black and white point have the valid range 0 to
// QuantumRange while gamma has a useful range of 0 to ten.
void Magick::Image::level ( const double black_point,
                            const double white_point,
                            const double gamma )
  char levels[MaxTextExtent];
  FormatLocaleString( levels, MaxTextExtent, "%g,%g,%g",
                      black_point, white_point, gamma);
  (void) LevelImage( image(), levels );

// Level image channel. Adjust the levels of the image channel by
// scaling the values falling between specified white and black points
// to the full available quantum range. The parameters provided
// represent the black, mid (gamma), and white points.  The black
// point specifies the darkest color in the image. Colors darker than
// the black point are set to zero. Mid point (gamma) specifies a
// gamma correction to apply to the image. White point specifies the
// lightest color in the image.  Colors brighter than the white point
// are set to the maximum quantum value. The black and white point
// have the valid range 0 to QuantumRange while gamma has a useful range of
// 0 to ten.
void Magick::Image::levelChannel ( const Magick::ChannelType channel,
                                   const double black_point,
                                   const double white_point,
                                   const double gamma )
  (void) LevelImageChannel( image(), channel, black_point, white_point,
                            gamma );

void Magick::Image::levelColors ( const Color &blackColor_,
                                  const Color &whiteColor_,
                                  const bool invert_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

  MagickPixelPacket black;
  GetMagickPixelPacket(image(), &black);
  PixelPacket pixel=static_cast<PixelPacket>(blackColor_);;;;

  MagickPixelPacket white;
  GetMagickPixelPacket(image(), &white);

  (void) LevelColorsImageChannel( image(), DefaultChannels, &black, &white,
                                  invert_ == true ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse);

void Magick::Image::levelColorsChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                         const Color &blackColor_,
                                         const Color &whiteColor_,
                                         const bool invert_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

  MagickPixelPacket black;
  GetMagickPixelPacket(image(), &black);
  PixelPacket pixel=static_cast<PixelPacket>(blackColor_);;;;

  MagickPixelPacket white;
  GetMagickPixelPacket(image(), &white);

  (void) LevelColorsImageChannel( image(), channel_, &black, &white,
                                  invert_ == true ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse);

void Magick::Image::linearStretch ( const double blackPoint_,
                                    const double whitePoint_ )
  LinearStretchImage( image(), blackPoint_, whitePoint_ );

void Magick::Image::liquidRescale ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  ssize_t x = 0;
  ssize_t y = 0;
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry( static_cast<std::string>(geometry_).c_str(),
                     &x, &y,
                     &width, &height );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  LiquidRescaleImage( image(), width, height, x, y, &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Magnify image by integral size
void Magick::Image::magnify ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    MagnifyImage( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Remap image colors with closest color from reference image
void Magick::Image::map ( const Image &mapImage_, const bool dither_ )
  options()->quantizeDither( dither_ );
  RemapImage ( options()->quantizeInfo(), image(), mapImage_.constImage());

// Floodfill designated area with replacement opacity value
void Magick::Image::matteFloodfill ( const Color &target_,
                                     const unsigned int opacity_,
                                     const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_,
                                     const Magick::PaintMethod method_ )
  MagickPixelPacket target;
  FloodfillPaintImage ( image(), OpacityChannel, options()->drawInfo(),
                        &target, x_, y_,
                        method_ == FloodfillMethod ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue);

// Filter image by replacing each pixel component with the median
// color in a circular neighborhood
void Magick::Image::medianFilter ( const double radius_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    StatisticImage ( image(), MedianStatistic, (size_t) radius_,
                     (size_t) radius_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Merge layers
void Magick::Image::mergeLayers ( const ImageLayerMethod layerMethod_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    MergeImageLayers ( image(), layerMethod_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Reduce image by integral size
void Magick::Image::minify ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    MinifyImage( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Modulate percent hue, saturation, and brightness of an image
void Magick::Image::modulate ( const double brightness_,
                               const double saturation_,
                               const double hue_ )
  char modulate[MaxTextExtent + 1];
  FormatLocaleString( modulate, MaxTextExtent, "%3.6f,%3.6f,%3.6f",
                      brightness_, saturation_, hue_);

  ModulateImage( image(), modulate );

// Motion blur image with specified blur factor
// The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
// pixels, not counting the center pixel.  The sigma_ parameter
// specifies the standard deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.
// The angle_ parameter specifies the angle the object appears
// to be comming from (zero degrees is from the right).
void Magick::Image::motionBlur ( const double radius_,
                                 const double sigma_,
                                 const double angle_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    MotionBlurImage( image(), radius_, sigma_, angle_, &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Negate image.  Set grayscale_ to true to effect grayscale values
// only
void Magick::Image::negate ( const bool grayscale_ )
  NegateImage( image(), (MagickBooleanType) grayscale_);

void Magick::Image::negateChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                    const bool grayscale_)
  NegateImageChannel( image(), channel_, (MagickBooleanType) grayscale_);

// Normalize image
void Magick::Image::normalize ( void )
  NormalizeImage ( image() );

// Oilpaint image
void Magick::Image::oilPaint ( const double radius_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    OilPaintImage( image(), radius_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Set or attenuate the opacity channel. If the image pixels are
// opaque then they are set to the specified opacity value, otherwise
// they are blended with the supplied opacity value.  The value of
// opacity_ ranges from 0 (completely opaque) to QuantumRange. The defines
// OpaqueOpacity and TransparentOpacity are available to specify
// completely opaque or completely transparent, respectively.
void Magick::Image::opacity ( const unsigned int opacity_ )
  SetImageOpacity( image(), opacity_ );

// Change the color of an opaque pixel to the pen color.
void Magick::Image::opaque ( const Color &opaqueColor_,
                             const Color &penColor_ )
  if ( !opaqueColor_.isValid() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError, "Opaque color argument is invalid" );
  if ( !penColor_.isValid() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError, "Pen color argument is invalid" );

  std::string opaqueColor = opaqueColor_;
  std::string penColor = penColor_;

  MagickPixelPacket opaque;
  MagickPixelPacket pen;
  (void) QueryMagickColor( std::string(opaqueColor_).c_str(),
                           &opaque, &image()->exception );
  (void) QueryMagickColor( std::string(penColor_).c_str(),
                           &pen, &image()->exception );
  OpaquePaintImage ( image(), &opaque, &pen, MagickFalse );

void Magick::Image::perceptible ( const double epsilon_ )
  PerceptibleImage( image(), epsilon_ );

void Magick::Image::perceptibleChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                         const double epsilon_ )
  PerceptibleImageChannel( image(), channel_, epsilon_ );

// Ping is similar to read except only enough of the image is read to
// determine the image columns, rows, and filesize.  Access the
// columns(), rows(), and fileSize() attributes after invoking ping.
// The image data is not valid after calling ping.
void Magick::Image::ping ( const std::string &imageSpec_ )
  options()->fileName( imageSpec_ );
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* image =
    PingImage( imageInfo(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( image );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Ping is similar to read except only enough of the image is read
// to determine the image columns, rows, and filesize.  Access the
// columns(), rows(), and fileSize() attributes after invoking
// ping.  The image data is not valid after calling ping.
void Magick::Image::ping ( const Blob& blob_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* image =
    PingBlob( imageInfo(),, blob_.length(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( image );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::polaroid ( const std::string &caption_,
                               const double angle_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  (void) SetImageProperty( image(), "Caption", caption_.c_str() );
  MagickCore::Image* image =
    PolaroidImage( constImage(), options()->drawInfo(), angle_,
                   &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( image );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::posterize ( const size_t levels_, const bool dither_ )
  PosterizeImage( image(), levels_, (MagickBooleanType) dither_);

void Magick::Image::posterizeChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                       const size_t levels_,
                                       const bool dither_ )
  PosterizeImageChannel( image(), channel_, levels_,
                        (MagickBooleanType) dither_);

// Execute a named process module using an argc/argv syntax similar to
// that accepted by a C 'main' routine. An exception is thrown if the
// requested process module doesn't exist, fails to load, or fails during
// execution.
void Magick::Image::process( std::string name_, 
                             const ssize_t argc,
                             const char **argv )

  size_t status = 
    InvokeDynamicImageFilter( name_.c_str(), &image(), argc, argv,
      &image()->exception );

  if (status == false)
    throwException( image()->exception );

// Quantize colors in image using current quantization settings
// Set measureError_ to true in order to measure quantization error
void Magick::Image::quantize ( const bool measureError_  )
  if (measureError_)

  QuantizeImage( options()->quantizeInfo(), image() );


// Apply an arithmetic or bitwise operator to the image pixel quantums.
void Magick::Image::quantumOperator ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                      const MagickEvaluateOperator operator_,
                                      double rvalue_)
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  EvaluateImageChannel( image(), channel_, operator_, rvalue_, &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::quantumOperator ( const ssize_t x_,const ssize_t y_,
                                      const size_t columns_,
                                      const size_t rows_,
                                      const ChannelType channel_,
                                      const MagickEvaluateOperator operator_,
                                      const double rvalue_)
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  RectangleInfo geometry;
  geometry.width = columns_;
  geometry.height = rows_;
  geometry.x = x_;
  geometry.y = y_;
  MagickCore::Image *crop_image = CropImage( image(), &geometry,
    &exceptionInfo );
  EvaluateImageChannel( crop_image, channel_, operator_, rvalue_,
    &exceptionInfo );
  (void) CompositeImage( image(), image()->matte != MagickFalse ?
    OverCompositeOp : CopyCompositeOp, crop_image, geometry.x, geometry.y );
  crop_image = DestroyImageList(crop_image);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Raise image (lighten or darken the edges of an image to give a 3-D
// raised or lowered effect)
void Magick::Image::raise ( const Geometry &geometry_ ,
                            const bool raisedFlag_ )
  RectangleInfo raiseInfo = geometry_;
  RaiseImage ( image(), &raiseInfo, raisedFlag_ == true ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse );

// Random threshold image.
// Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity
// of each pixel compared to a random threshold.  The result is a
// low-contrast, two color image.  The thresholds_ argument is a
// geometry containing LOWxHIGH thresholds.  If the string
// contains 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4, then an ordered dither of order 2,
// 3, or 4 will be performed instead.  If a channel_ argument is
// specified then only the specified channel is altered.  This is
// a very fast alternative to 'quantize' based dithering.
void Magick::Image::randomThreshold( const Geometry &thresholds_ )
void Magick::Image::randomThresholdChannel( const Geometry &thresholds_,
                                            const ChannelType channel_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  (void) RandomThresholdImageChannel( image(),
                                      &exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
// Read image into current object
void Magick::Image::read ( const std::string &imageSpec_ )
  options()->fileName( imageSpec_ );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* image =
    ReadImage( imageInfo(), &exceptionInfo );

  // Ensure that multiple image frames were not read.
  if ( image && image->next )
      // Destroy any extra image frames
      MagickCore::Image* next = image->next;
      image->next = 0;
      next->previous = 0;
      DestroyImageList( next );
  if ( image )
      (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      throwException( image->exception );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( image );

// Read image of specified size into current object
void Magick::Image::read ( const Geometry &size_,
                           const std::string &imageSpec_ )
  size( size_ );
  read( imageSpec_ );

// Read image from in-memory BLOB
void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob &blob_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* image =
    BlobToImage( imageInfo(),
                 static_cast<const void *>(,
                 blob_.length(), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( image );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  if ( image )
    throwException( image->exception );

// Read image of specified size from in-memory BLOB
void  Magick::Image::read ( const Blob &blob_,
                            const Geometry &size_ )
  // Set image size
  size( size_ );
  // Read from Blob
  read( blob_ );

// Read image of specified size and depth from in-memory BLOB
void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob &blob_,
                           const Geometry &size_,
                           const size_t depth_ )
  // Set image size
  size( size_ );
  // Set image depth
  depth( depth_ );
  // Read from Blob
  read( blob_ );

// Read image of specified size, depth, and format from in-memory BLOB
void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob &blob_,
                           const Geometry &size_,
                           const size_t depth_,
                           const std::string &magick_ )
  // Set image size
  size( size_ );
  // Set image depth
  depth( depth_ );
  // Set image magick
  magick( magick_ );
  // Set explicit image format
  fileName( magick_ + ':');
  // Read from Blob
  read( blob_ );

// Read image of specified size, and format from in-memory BLOB
void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob &blob_,
                           const Geometry &size_,
                           const std::string &magick_ )
  // Set image size
  size( size_ );
  // Set image magick
  magick( magick_ );
  // Set explicit image format
  fileName( magick_ + ':');
  // Read from Blob
  read( blob_ );

// Read image based on raw pixels in memory (ConstituteImage)
void Magick::Image::read ( const size_t width_,
                           const size_t height_,
                           const std::string &map_,
                           const StorageType type_,
                           const void *pixels_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* image =
    ConstituteImage( width_, height_, map_.c_str(), type_, pixels_,
                     &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( image );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  if ( image )
    throwException( image->exception );

// Reduce noise in image
void Magick::Image::reduceNoise ( const double order_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    StatisticImage( image(), NonpeakStatistic, (size_t) order_, (size_t) order_,
    &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Resize image
void Magick::Image::resize( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  // Calculate new size.  This code should be supported using binary arguments
  // in the ImageMagick library.
  ssize_t x = 0;
  ssize_t y = 0;
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry (static_cast<std::string>(geometry_).c_str(),
                     &x, &y,
                     &width, &height );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ResizeImage( image(),
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Roll image
void Magick::Image::roll ( const Geometry &roll_ )
  ssize_t xOff = roll_.xOff();
  if ( roll_.xNegative() )
    xOff = 0 - xOff;
  ssize_t yOff = roll_.yOff();
  if ( roll_.yNegative() )
    yOff = 0 - yOff;

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    RollImage( image(), xOff, yOff, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
void Magick::Image::roll ( const size_t columns_,
                           const size_t rows_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    RollImage( image(),
               static_cast<ssize_t>(rows_), &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Rotate image
void Magick::Image::rotate ( const double degrees_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    RotateImage( image(), degrees_, &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Sample image
void Magick::Image::sample ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  ssize_t x = 0;
  ssize_t y = 0;
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry (static_cast<std::string>(geometry_).c_str(),
                      &x, &y,
                      &width, &height );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SampleImage( image(), width, height, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Scale image
void Magick::Image::scale ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  ssize_t x = 0;
  ssize_t y = 0;
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry (static_cast<std::string>(geometry_).c_str(),
                      &x, &y,
                      &width, &height );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ScaleImage( image(), width, height, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Segment (coalesce similar image components) by analyzing the
// histograms of the color components and identifying units that are
// homogeneous with the fuzzy c-means technique.
void Magick::Image::segment ( const double clusterThreshold_, 
                              const double smoothingThreshold_ )
  SegmentImage ( image(),
                 (MagickBooleanType) options()->verbose(),
                 smoothingThreshold_ );
  SyncImage( image() );

// Shade image using distant light source
void Magick::Image::shade ( const double azimuth_,
                            const double elevation_,
                            const bool   colorShading_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ShadeImage( image(),
                colorShading_ == true ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse,
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Simulate an image shadow
void Magick::Image::shadow( const double percent_opacity_, const double sigma_,
  const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage = ShadowImage( image(), percent_opacity_, sigma_,
    x_, y_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Sharpen pixels in image
void Magick::Image::sharpen ( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SharpenImage( image(),
                  &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::sharpenChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                     const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SharpenImageChannel( image(),
                         &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Shave pixels from image edges.
void Magick::Image::shave ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  RectangleInfo shaveInfo = geometry_;
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ShaveImage( image(),
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Shear image
void Magick::Image::shear ( const double xShearAngle_,
                            const double yShearAngle_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ShearImage( image(),
                &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Contrast image
void Magick::Image::sigmoidalContrast ( const size_t sharpen_, const double contrast, const double midpoint )
  (void) SigmoidalContrastImageChannel( image(), DefaultChannels, (MagickBooleanType) sharpen_, contrast, midpoint );

// Solarize image (similar to effect seen when exposing a photographic
// film to light during the development process)
void Magick::Image::solarize ( const double factor_ )
  SolarizeImage ( image(), factor_ );

// Sparse color image, given a set of coordinates, interpolates the colors
// found at those coordinates, across the whole image, using various methods.
void Magick::Image::sparseColor ( const ChannelType channel,
                                  const SparseColorMethod method,
                                  const size_t number_arguments,
                                  const double *arguments )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage = SparseColorImage ( image(), channel, method,
    number_arguments, arguments, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Spread pixels randomly within image by specified ammount
void Magick::Image::spread ( const size_t amount_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SpreadImage( image(),
                 &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Add a digital watermark to the image (based on second image)
void Magick::Image::stegano ( const Image &watermark_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SteganoImage( image(),
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Stereo image (left image is current image)
void Magick::Image::stereo ( const Image &rightImage_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    StereoImage( image(),
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Swirl image
void Magick::Image::swirl ( const double degrees_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SwirlImage( image(), degrees_,
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Texture image
void Magick::Image::texture ( const Image &texture_ )
  TextureImage( image(), texture_.constImage() );

// Threshold image
void Magick::Image::threshold ( const double threshold_ )
  BilevelImage( image(), threshold_ );

// Transform image based on image geometry only
void Magick::Image::transform ( const Geometry &imageGeometry_ )
  TransformImage ( &(image()), 0,
                   std::string(imageGeometry_).c_str() );
// Transform image based on image and crop geometries
void Magick::Image::transform ( const Geometry &imageGeometry_,
                                const Geometry &cropGeometry_ )
  TransformImage ( &(image()), std::string(cropGeometry_).c_str(),
                   std::string(imageGeometry_).c_str() );

// Add matte image to image, setting pixels matching color to transparent
void Magick::Image::transparent ( const Color &color_ )
  if ( !color_.isValid() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Color argument is invalid" );

  std::string color = color_;

  MagickPixelPacket target;
  (void) QueryMagickColor(std::string(color_).c_str(),&target,&image()->exception);
  TransparentPaintImage ( image(), &target, TransparentOpacity, MagickFalse );

// Add matte image to image, setting pixels matching color to transparent
void Magick::Image::transparentChroma(const Color &colorLow_,
  const Color &colorHigh_)
  if ( !colorLow_.isValid() || !colorHigh_.isValid() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Color argument is invalid" );

  std::string colorLow = colorLow_;
  std::string colorHigh = colorHigh_;

  MagickPixelPacket targetLow;
  MagickPixelPacket targetHigh;
  (void) QueryMagickColor(std::string(colorLow_).c_str(),&targetLow,
  (void) QueryMagickColor(std::string(colorHigh_).c_str(),&targetHigh,
  TransparentPaintImageChroma ( image(), &targetLow, &targetHigh,
    TransparentOpacity, MagickFalse );

// Trim edges that are the background color from the image
void Magick::Image::trim ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    TrimImage( image(), &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Replace image with a sharpened version of the original image
// using the unsharp mask algorithm.
//  radius_
//    the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the
//    center pixel.
//  sigma_
//    the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
//  amount_
//    the percentage of the difference between the original and
//    the blur image that is added back into the original.
// threshold_
//   the threshold in pixels needed to apply the diffence amount.
void Magick::Image::unsharpmask ( const double radius_,
                                  const double sigma_,
                                  const double amount_,
                                  const double threshold_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    UnsharpMaskImage( image(),
                      &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::unsharpmaskChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                         const double radius_,
                                         const double sigma_,
                                         const double amount_,
                                         const double threshold_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    UnsharpMaskImageChannel( image(),
                             &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Map image pixels to a sine wave
void Magick::Image::wave ( const double amplitude_, const double wavelength_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    WaveImage( constImage(), amplitude_, wavelength_, &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

void Magick::Image::whiteThreshold( const std::string &threshold_ )
  WhiteThresholdImage( image(), threshold_.c_str() );

void Magick::Image::whiteThresholdChannel ( const ChannelType channel_,
                                            const std::string &threshold_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  WhiteThresholdImageChannel( image(), channel_, threshold_.c_str(),
                              &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Write image to file
void Magick::Image::write ( const std::string &imageSpec_ )
  fileName( imageSpec_ );
  WriteImage( constImageInfo(), image() );

// Write image to in-memory BLOB
void Magick::Image::write ( Blob *blob_ )
  size_t length = 2048; // Efficient size for small images
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  void* data = ImagesToBlob( constImageInfo(), image(), &length,
                             &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  blob_->updateNoCopy( data, length, Blob::MallocAllocator );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
void Magick::Image::write ( Blob *blob_,
                            const std::string &magick_ )
  size_t length = 2048; // Efficient size for small images
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  void* data = ImagesToBlob( constImageInfo(), image(), &length,
                             &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  blob_->updateNoCopy( data, length, Blob::MallocAllocator );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
void Magick::Image::write ( Blob *blob_,
                            const std::string &magick_,
                            const size_t depth_ )
  size_t length = 2048; // Efficient size for small images
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  void* data = ImagesToBlob( constImageInfo(), image(), &length,
                             &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  blob_->updateNoCopy( data, length, Blob::MallocAllocator );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Write image to an array of pixels with storage type specified
// by user (ExportImagePixels), e.g.
// image.write( 0, 0, 640, 1, "RGB", 0, pixels );
void Magick::Image::write ( const ssize_t x_,
                            const ssize_t y_,
                            const size_t columns_,
                            const size_t rows_,
                            const std::string &map_,
                            const StorageType type_,
                            void *pixels_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  ExportImagePixels( image(), x_, y_, columns_, rows_, map_.c_str(), type_,
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Zoom image
void Magick::Image::zoom ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  // Calculate new size.  This code should be supported using binary arguments
  // in the ImageMagick library.
  ssize_t x = 0;
  ssize_t y = 0;
  size_t width = columns();
  size_t height = rows();

  ParseMetaGeometry (static_cast<std::string>(geometry_).c_str(),
                     &x, &y,
                     &width, &height );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    ResizeImage( constImage(), width, height, image()->filter, image()->blur,
                 &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

 * Methods for setting image attributes

// Join images into a single multi-image file
void Magick::Image::adjoin ( const bool flag_ )
  options()->adjoin( flag_ );
bool Magick::Image::adjoin ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->adjoin();

// Remove pixel aliasing
void Magick::Image::antiAlias( const bool flag_ )
  options()->antiAlias( static_cast<size_t>(flag_) );
bool Magick::Image::antiAlias( void )
  return static_cast<bool>( options()->antiAlias( ) );

// Animation inter-frame delay
void Magick::Image::animationDelay ( const size_t delay_ )
  image()->delay = delay_;
size_t Magick::Image::animationDelay ( void ) const
  return constImage()->delay;

// Number of iterations to play animation
void Magick::Image::animationIterations ( const size_t iterations_ )
  image()->iterations = iterations_;
size_t Magick::Image::animationIterations ( void ) const
  return constImage()->iterations;

// Access/Update a named image attribute
void Magick::Image::attribute ( const std::string name_,
                                const std::string value_ )
  SetImageProperty( image(), name_.c_str(), value_.c_str() );
std::string Magick::Image::attribute ( const std::string name_ )
  const char *value = GetImageProperty( constImage(), name_.c_str() );

  if ( value )
    return std::string( value );

  return std::string(); // Intentionally no exception

// Background color
void Magick::Image::backgroundColor ( const Color &backgroundColor_ )

  if ( backgroundColor_.isValid() )
      image()->background_color = backgroundColor_;
      image()->background_color = Color();

  options()->backgroundColor( backgroundColor_ );
Magick::Color Magick::Image::backgroundColor ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->backgroundColor( );

// Background fill texture
void Magick::Image::backgroundTexture ( const std::string &backgroundTexture_ )
  options()->backgroundTexture( backgroundTexture_ );
std::string Magick::Image::backgroundTexture ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->backgroundTexture( );

// Original image columns
size_t Magick::Image::baseColumns ( void ) const
  return constImage()->magick_columns;

// Original image name
std::string Magick::Image::baseFilename ( void ) const
  return std::string(constImage()->magick_filename);

// Original image rows
size_t Magick::Image::baseRows ( void ) const
  return constImage()->magick_rows;

// Border color
void Magick::Image::borderColor ( const Color &borderColor_ )

  if ( borderColor_.isValid() )
      image()->border_color = borderColor_;
      image()->border_color = Color();

  options()->borderColor( borderColor_ );
Magick::Color Magick::Image::borderColor ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->borderColor( );

// Return smallest bounding box enclosing non-border pixels. The
// current fuzz value is used when discriminating between pixels.
// This is the crop bounding box used by crop(Geometry(0,0));
Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::boundingBox ( void ) const
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  RectangleInfo bbox = GetImageBoundingBox( constImage(), &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return Geometry( bbox );

// Text bounding-box base color
void Magick::Image::boxColor ( const Color &boxColor_ )
  options()->boxColor( boxColor_ );
Magick::Color Magick::Image::boxColor ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->boxColor( );

// Pixel cache threshold.  Once this threshold is exceeded, all
// subsequent pixels cache operations are to/from disk.
// This setting is shared by all Image objects.
/* static */
void Magick::Image::cacheThreshold ( const size_t threshold_ )
  SetMagickResourceLimit( MemoryResource, threshold_ );

void Magick::Image::chromaBluePrimary ( const double x_, const double y_ )
  image()->chromaticity.blue_primary.x = x_;
  image()->chromaticity.blue_primary.y = y_;
void Magick::Image::chromaBluePrimary ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const
  *x_ = constImage()->chromaticity.blue_primary.x;
  *y_ = constImage()->chromaticity.blue_primary.y;

void Magick::Image::chromaGreenPrimary ( const double x_, const double y_ )
  image()->chromaticity.green_primary.x = x_;
  image()->chromaticity.green_primary.y = y_;
void Magick::Image::chromaGreenPrimary ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const
  *x_ = constImage()->chromaticity.green_primary.x;
  *y_ = constImage()->chromaticity.green_primary.y;

void Magick::Image::chromaRedPrimary ( const double x_, const double y_ )
  image()->chromaticity.red_primary.x = x_;
  image()->chromaticity.red_primary.y = y_;
void Magick::Image::chromaRedPrimary ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const
  *x_ = constImage()->chromaticity.red_primary.x;
  *y_ = constImage()->chromaticity.red_primary.y;

void Magick::Image::chromaWhitePoint ( const double x_, const double y_ )
  image()->chromaticity.white_point.x = x_;
  image()->chromaticity.white_point.y = y_;
void Magick::Image::chromaWhitePoint ( double *x_, double *y_ ) const
  *x_ = constImage()->chromaticity.white_point.x;
  *y_ = constImage()->chromaticity.white_point.y;

// Set image storage class
void Magick::Image::classType ( const ClassType class_ )
  if ( classType() == PseudoClass && class_ == DirectClass )
      // Use SyncImage to synchronize the DirectClass pixels with the
      // color map and then set to DirectClass type.
      SyncImage( image() );
      image()->colormap = (PixelPacket *)
        RelinquishMagickMemory( image()->colormap );
      image()->storage_class = static_cast<MagickCore::ClassType>(DirectClass);

  if ( classType() == DirectClass && class_ == PseudoClass )
      // Quantize to create PseudoClass color map
      image()->storage_class = static_cast<MagickCore::ClassType>(PseudoClass);

// Associate a clip mask with the image. The clip mask must be the
// same dimensions as the image. Pass an invalid image to unset an
// existing clip mask.
void Magick::Image::clipMask ( const Magick::Image & clipMask_ )

  if( clipMask_.isValid() )
      // Set clip mask
      SetImageClipMask( image(), clipMask_.constImage() );
      // Unset existing clip mask
      SetImageClipMask( image(), 0 );
Magick::Image Magick::Image::clipMask ( void  ) const
      ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
      GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      MagickCore::Image* image =
        GetImageClipMask( constImage(), &exceptionInfo );
      throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      if (image == (MagickCore::Image *) NULL)
        return Magick::Image();
        return Magick::Image( image );

void Magick::Image::colorFuzz ( const double fuzz_ )
  image()->fuzz = fuzz_;
  options()->colorFuzz( fuzz_ );
double Magick::Image::colorFuzz ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->colorFuzz( );

// Set color in colormap at index
void Magick::Image::colorMap ( const size_t index_,
                               const Color &color_ )
  MagickCore::Image* imageptr = image();

  if (index_ > (MaxColormapSize-1) )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Colormap index must be less than MaxColormapSize" );
  if ( !color_.isValid() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Color argument is invalid");

  // Ensure that colormap size is large enough
  if ( colorMapSize() < (index_+1) )
    colorMapSize( index_ + 1 );

  // Set color at index in colormap
  (imageptr->colormap)[index_] = color_;
// Return color in colormap at index
Magick::Color Magick::Image::colorMap ( const size_t index_ ) const
  const MagickCore::Image* imageptr = constImage();

  if ( !imageptr->colormap )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Image does not contain a colormap");

  if ( index_ > imageptr->colors-1 )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Index out of range");

  return Magick::Color( (imageptr->colormap)[index_] );

// Colormap size (number of colormap entries)
void Magick::Image::colorMapSize ( const size_t entries_ )
  if (entries_ >MaxColormapSize )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Colormap entries must not exceed MaxColormapSize" );


  MagickCore::Image* imageptr = image();

  if( !imageptr->colormap )
      // Allocate colormap
      imageptr->colormap =
      imageptr->colors = 0;
  else if ( entries_ > imageptr->colors )
      // Re-allocate colormap
      imageptr->colormap=(PixelPacket *)

  // Initialize any new colormap entries as all black
  Color black(0,0,0);
  for( size_t i=imageptr->colors; i<(entries_-1); i++ )
    (imageptr->colormap)[i] = black;

  imageptr->colors = entries_;
size_t Magick::Image::colorMapSize ( void )
  const MagickCore::Image* imageptr = constImage();

  if ( !imageptr->colormap )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
                            "Image does not contain a colormap");

  return imageptr->colors;

// Image colorspace
void Magick::Image::colorSpace( const ColorspaceType colorSpace_ )
  // Nothing to do?
  if ( image()->colorspace == colorSpace_ )

  TransformImageColorspace( image(), colorSpace_ );
Magick::ColorspaceType Magick::Image::colorSpace ( void ) const
  return constImage()->colorspace;

// Set image colorspace type.
void Magick::Image::colorspaceType( const ColorspaceType colorSpace_ )
  SetImageColorspace( image(), colorSpace_ );
  options()->colorspaceType( colorSpace_ );
Magick::ColorspaceType Magick::Image::colorspaceType ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->colorspaceType();

// Comment string
void Magick::Image::comment ( const std::string &comment_ )
  SetImageProperty( image(), "Comment", NULL );
  if ( comment_.length() > 0 )
    SetImageProperty( image(), "Comment", comment_.c_str() );

std::string Magick::Image::comment ( void ) const
  const char *value = GetImageProperty( constImage(), "Comment" );

  if ( value )
    return std::string( value );

  return std::string(); // Intentionally no exception

// Composition operator to be used when composition is implicitly used
// (such as for image flattening).
void Magick::Image::compose (const CompositeOperator compose_)

Magick::CompositeOperator Magick::Image::compose ( void ) const
  return constImage()->compose;

// Compression algorithm
void Magick::Image::compressType ( const CompressionType compressType_ )
  image()->compression = compressType_;
  options()->compressType( compressType_ );
Magick::CompressionType Magick::Image::compressType ( void ) const
  return constImage()->compression;

// Enable printing of debug messages from ImageMagick
void Magick::Image::debug ( const bool flag_ )
  options()->debug( flag_ );
bool Magick::Image::debug ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->debug();

// Tagged image format define (set/access coder-specific option) The
// magick_ option specifies the coder the define applies to.  The key_
// option provides the key specific to that coder.  The value_ option
// provides the value to set (if any). See the defineSet() method if the
// key must be removed entirely.
void Magick::Image::defineValue ( const std::string &magick_,
                                  const std::string &key_,
                                  const std::string &value_ )
  std::string format = magick_ + ":" + key_;
  std::string option = value_;
  (void) SetImageOption ( imageInfo(), format.c_str(), option.c_str() );
std::string Magick::Image::defineValue ( const std::string &magick_,
                                         const std::string &key_ ) const
  std::string definition = magick_ + ":" + key_;
  const char *option =
    GetImageOption ( constImageInfo(), definition.c_str() );
  if (option)
    return std::string( option );
  return std::string( );

// Tagged image format define. Similar to the defineValue() method
// except that passing the flag_ value 'true' creates a value-less
// define with that format and key. Passing the flag_ value 'false'
// removes any existing matching definition. The method returns 'true'
// if a matching key exists, and 'false' if no matching key exists.
void Magick::Image::defineSet ( const std::string &magick_,
                                const std::string &key_,
                                bool flag_ )
  std::string definition = magick_ + ":" + key_;
  if (flag_)
      (void) SetImageOption ( imageInfo(), definition.c_str(),  "" );
      DeleteImageOption( imageInfo(), definition.c_str() );
bool Magick::Image::defineSet ( const std::string &magick_,
                                const std::string &key_ ) const
  std::string key = magick_ + ":" + key_;
  const char *option =
    GetImageOption ( constImageInfo(), key.c_str() );
  if (option)
    return true;
  return false;

// Pixel resolution
void Magick::Image::density ( const Geometry &density_ )
  options()->density( density_ );
  if ( density_.isValid() )
      image()->x_resolution = density_.width();
      if ( density_.height() != 0 )
          image()->y_resolution = density_.height();
          image()->y_resolution = density_.width();
      // Reset to default
      image()->x_resolution = 0;
      image()->y_resolution = 0;
Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::density ( void ) const
  if (isValid())
      ssize_t x_resolution=72;
      ssize_t y_resolution=72;

      if (constImage()->x_resolution > 0.0)
        x_resolution=static_cast<ssize_t>(constImage()->x_resolution + 0.5);

      if (constImage()->y_resolution > 0.0)
        y_resolution=static_cast<ssize_t>(constImage()->y_resolution + 0.5);

      return Geometry(x_resolution,y_resolution);

  return constOptions()->density( );

// Image depth (bits allocated to red/green/blue components)
void Magick::Image::depth ( const size_t depth_ )
  size_t depth = depth_;


  options()->depth( depth );
size_t Magick::Image::depth ( void ) const
  return constImage()->depth;

std::string Magick::Image::directory ( void ) const
  if ( constImage()->directory )
    return std::string( constImage()->directory );

  throwExceptionExplicit( CorruptImageWarning,
                          "Image does not contain a directory");

  return std::string();

// Endianness (little like Intel or big like SPARC) for image
// formats which support endian-specific options.
void Magick::Image::endian ( const Magick::EndianType endian_ )
  options()->endian( endian_ );
  image()->endian = endian_;
Magick::EndianType Magick::Image::endian ( void ) const
  return constImage()->endian;

// EXIF profile (BLOB)
void Magick::Image::exifProfile( const Magick::Blob &exifProfile_ )
  if ( != 0 )
      StringInfo * exif_profile = AcquireStringInfo( exifProfile_.length() );
      SetStringInfoDatum(exif_profile ,(unsigned char *);
      (void) SetImageProfile( image(), "exif", exif_profile);
      exif_profile =DestroyStringInfo( exif_profile );
Magick::Blob Magick::Image::exifProfile( void ) const
  const StringInfo * exif_profile = GetImageProfile( constImage(), "exif" );
  if ( exif_profile == (StringInfo *) NULL)
    return Blob( 0, 0 );
  return Blob(GetStringInfoDatum(exif_profile),GetStringInfoLength(exif_profile));

// Image file name
void Magick::Image::fileName ( const std::string &fileName_ )

  fileName_.copy( image()->filename,
                  sizeof(image()->filename) - 1 );
  image()->filename[ fileName_.length() ] = 0; // Null terminate
  options()->fileName( fileName_ );
std::string Magick::Image::fileName ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->fileName( );

// Image file size
off_t Magick::Image::fileSize ( void ) const
  return (off_t) GetBlobSize( constImage() );

// Color to use when drawing inside an object
void Magick::Image::fillColor ( const Magick::Color &fillColor_ )
Magick::Color Magick::Image::fillColor ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->fillColor();

// Rule to use when filling drawn objects
void Magick::Image::fillRule ( const Magick::FillRule &fillRule_ )
Magick::FillRule Magick::Image::fillRule ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->fillRule();

// Pattern to use while filling drawn objects.
void Magick::Image::fillPattern ( const Image &fillPattern_ )
    options()->fillPattern( fillPattern_.constImage() );
    options()->fillPattern( static_cast<MagickCore::Image*>(NULL) );
Magick::Image  Magick::Image::fillPattern ( void  ) const
  // FIXME: This is inordinately innefficient
  Image texture;
  const MagickCore::Image* tmpTexture = constOptions()->fillPattern( );

  if ( tmpTexture )
      ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
      GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      MagickCore::Image* image =
        CloneImage( tmpTexture,
                    0, // columns
                    0, // rows
                    MagickTrue, // orphan
      texture.replaceImage( image );
      throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return texture;

// Filter used by zoom
void Magick::Image::filterType ( const Magick::FilterTypes filterType_ )
  image()->filter = filterType_;
Magick::FilterTypes Magick::Image::filterType ( void ) const
  return constImage()->filter;

// Font name
void Magick::Image::font ( const std::string &font_ )
  options()->font( font_ );
std::string Magick::Image::font ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->font( );

// Font point size
void Magick::Image::fontPointsize ( const double pointSize_ )
  options()->fontPointsize( pointSize_ );
double Magick::Image::fontPointsize ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->fontPointsize( );

// Font type metrics
void Magick::Image::fontTypeMetrics( const std::string &text_,
                                     TypeMetric *metrics )
  DrawInfo *drawInfo = options()->drawInfo();
  drawInfo->text = const_cast<char *>(text_.c_str());
  GetTypeMetrics( image(), drawInfo, &(metrics->_typeMetric) );
  drawInfo->text = 0;

// Image format string
std::string Magick::Image::format ( void ) const
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  const MagickInfo * magick_info
    = GetMagickInfo( constImage()->magick, &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

  if (( magick_info != 0 ) && 
      ( *magick_info->description != '\0' ))
    return std::string(magick_info->description);

  throwExceptionExplicit( CorruptImageWarning,
                          "Unrecognized image magick type" );
  return std::string();

// Gamma adjustment
double Magick::Image::gamma ( void ) const
  return constImage()->gamma;

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::geometry ( void ) const
  if ( constImage()->geometry )
    return Geometry(constImage()->geometry);

  throwExceptionExplicit( OptionWarning,
                          "Image does not contain a geometry");

  return Geometry();

void Magick::Image::gifDisposeMethod ( const size_t disposeMethod_ )
  image()->dispose = (DisposeType) disposeMethod_;
size_t Magick::Image::gifDisposeMethod ( void ) const
  // FIXME: It would be better to return an enumeration
  return constImage()->dispose;

// ICC ICM color profile (BLOB)
void Magick::Image::iccColorProfile( const Magick::Blob &colorProfile_ )
Magick::Blob Magick::Image::iccColorProfile( void ) const
  const StringInfo * color_profile = GetImageProfile( constImage(), "icc" );
  if ( color_profile == (StringInfo *) NULL)
    return Blob( 0, 0 );
  return Blob( GetStringInfoDatum(color_profile), GetStringInfoLength(color_profile) );

void Magick::Image::interlaceType ( const Magick::InterlaceType interlace_ )
  image()->interlace = interlace_;
  options()->interlaceType ( interlace_ );
Magick::InterlaceType Magick::Image::interlaceType ( void ) const
  return constImage()->interlace;

// IPTC profile (BLOB)
void Magick::Image::iptcProfile( const Magick::Blob &iptcProfile_ )
  if ( != 0 )
      StringInfo * iptc_profile = AcquireStringInfo( iptcProfile_.length() );
      SetStringInfoDatum(iptc_profile ,(unsigned char *);
      (void) SetImageProfile( image(), "iptc", iptc_profile);
       iptc_profile =DestroyStringInfo( iptc_profile );
Magick::Blob Magick::Image::iptcProfile( void ) const
  const StringInfo * iptc_profile = GetImageProfile( constImage(), "iptc" );
  if ( iptc_profile == (StringInfo *) NULL)
    return Blob( 0, 0 );
  return Blob( GetStringInfoDatum(iptc_profile), GetStringInfoLength(iptc_profile));

// Does object contain valid image?
void Magick::Image::isValid ( const bool isValid_ )
  if ( !isValid_ )
      delete _imgRef;
      _imgRef = new ImageRef;
  else if ( !isValid() )
      // Construct with single-pixel black image to make
      // image valid.  This is an obvious hack.
      size( Geometry(1,1) );
      read( "xc:#000000" );

bool Magick::Image::isValid ( void ) const
  if ( rows() && columns() )
    return true;

  return false;

// Label image
void Magick::Image::label ( const std::string &label_ )
  SetImageProperty ( image(), "Label", NULL );
  if ( label_.length() > 0 )
    SetImageProperty ( image(), "Label", label_.c_str() );
std::string Magick::Image::label ( void ) const
  const char *value = GetImageProperty( constImage(), "Label" );

  if ( value )
    return std::string( value );

  return std::string();

void Magick::Image::magick ( const std::string &magick_ )

  magick_.copy( image()->magick,
                sizeof(image()->magick) - 1 );
  image()->magick[ magick_.length() ] = 0;
  options()->magick( magick_ );
std::string Magick::Image::magick ( void ) const
  if ( *(constImage()->magick) != '\0' )
    return std::string(constImage()->magick);

  return constOptions()->magick( );

void Magick::Image::matte ( const bool matteFlag_ )

  // If matte channel is requested, but image doesn't already have a
  // matte channel, then create an opaque matte channel.  Likewise, if
  // the image already has a matte channel but a matte channel is not
  // desired, then set the matte channel to opaque.
  if ((matteFlag_ && !constImage()->matte) ||
      (constImage()->matte && !matteFlag_))

  image()->matte = (MagickBooleanType) matteFlag_;
bool Magick::Image::matte ( void ) const
  if ( constImage()->matte )
    return true;
    return false;

void Magick::Image::matteColor ( const Color &matteColor_ )
  if ( matteColor_.isValid() )
      image()->matte_color = matteColor_;
      options()->matteColor( matteColor_ );
      // Set to default matte color
      Color tmpColor( "#BDBDBD" );
      image()->matte_color = tmpColor;
      options()->matteColor( tmpColor );
Magick::Color Magick::Image::matteColor ( void ) const
  return Color( constImage()->,
                constImage()-> );

double Magick::Image::meanErrorPerPixel ( void ) const

// Image modulus depth (minimum number of bits required to support
// red/green/blue components without loss of accuracy)
void Magick::Image::modulusDepth ( const size_t depth_ )
  SetImageDepth( image(), depth_ );
  options()->depth( depth_ );
size_t Magick::Image::modulusDepth ( void ) const
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  size_t depth=GetImageDepth( constImage(), &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return depth;

void Magick::Image::monochrome ( const bool monochromeFlag_ )
  options()->monochrome( monochromeFlag_ );
bool Magick::Image::monochrome ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->monochrome( );

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::montageGeometry ( void ) const
  if ( constImage()->montage )
    return Magick::Geometry(constImage()->montage);

  throwExceptionExplicit( CorruptImageWarning,
                          "Image does not contain a montage" );

  return Magick::Geometry();

double Magick::Image::normalizedMaxError ( void ) const

double Magick::Image::normalizedMeanError ( void ) const
  return constImage()->error.normalized_mean_error;

// Image orientation
void Magick::Image::orientation ( const Magick::OrientationType orientation_ )
  image()->orientation = orientation_;
Magick::OrientationType Magick::Image::orientation ( void ) const
  return constImage()->orientation;

void Magick::Image::penColor ( const Color &penColor_ )
Magick::Color Magick::Image::penColor ( void  ) const
  return constOptions()->fillColor();

void Magick::Image::penTexture ( const Image &penTexture_ )
    options()->fillPattern( penTexture_.constImage() );
    options()->fillPattern( static_cast<MagickCore::Image*>(NULL) );

Magick::Image  Magick::Image::penTexture ( void  ) const
  // FIXME: This is inordinately innefficient
  Image texture;
  const MagickCore::Image* tmpTexture = constOptions()->fillPattern( );

  if ( tmpTexture )
      ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
      GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      MagickCore::Image* image =
        CloneImage( tmpTexture,
                    0, // columns
                    0, // rows
                    MagickTrue, // orphan
      texture.replaceImage( image );
      throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return texture;

// Set the color of a pixel.
void Magick::Image::pixelColor ( const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_,
                                 const Color &color_ )
  // Test arguments to ensure they are within the image.
  if ( y_ > (ssize_t) rows() || x_ > (ssize_t) columns() )
    throwExceptionExplicit( OptionError,
            "Access outside of image boundary" );

  // Set image to DirectClass
  classType( DirectClass );

  // Get pixel view
  Pixels pixels(*this);
    // Set pixel value
  *(pixels.get(x_, y_, 1, 1 )) = color_;
  // Tell ImageMagick that pixels have been updated


// Get the color of a pixel
Magick::Color Magick::Image::pixelColor ( const ssize_t x_,
                                          const ssize_t y_ ) const
  ClassType storage_class;
  storage_class = classType();
  // DirectClass
  const PixelPacket* pixel = getConstPixels( x_, y_, 1, 1 );
  if ( storage_class == DirectClass )
      if ( pixel )
        return Color( *pixel );

  // PseudoClass
  if ( storage_class == PseudoClass )
      const IndexPacket* indexes = getConstIndexes();
      if ( indexes )
        return colorMap( (size_t) *indexes );

  return Color(); // invalid

// Preferred size and location of an image canvas.
void Magick::Image::page ( const Magick::Geometry &pageSize_ )
  options()->page( pageSize_ );
  image()->page = pageSize_;
Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::page ( void ) const
  return Geometry( constImage()->page.width,
                   constImage()->page.x < 0 ? true : false,
                   constImage()->page.y < 0 ? true : false);

// Add a named profile to an image or remove a named profile by
// passing an empty Blob (use default Blob constructor).
// Valid names are:
// "*", "8BIM", "ICM", "IPTC", or a generic profile name.
void Magick::Image::profile( const std::string name_,
                             const Magick::Blob &profile_ )
  ssize_t result = ProfileImage( image(), name_.c_str(),
                             (unsigned char *),
                             profile_.length(), MagickTrue);

  if( !result )

// Retrieve a named profile from the image.
// Valid names are:
// "8BIM", "8BIMTEXT", "APP1", "APP1JPEG", "ICC", "ICM", & "IPTC" or
// an existing generic profile name.
Magick::Blob Magick::Image::profile( const std::string name_ ) const
  const StringInfo * profile = GetImageProfile( constImage(), name_.c_str() );

  if ( profile == (StringInfo *) NULL)
    return Blob( 0, 0 );
  return Blob( (void*) GetStringInfoDatum(profile), GetStringInfoLength(profile));

void Magick::Image::quality ( const size_t quality_ )
  image()->quality = quality_;
  options()->quality( quality_ );
size_t Magick::Image::quality ( void ) const
  return constImage()->quality;

void Magick::Image::quantizeColors ( const size_t colors_ )
  options()->quantizeColors( colors_ );
size_t Magick::Image::quantizeColors ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->quantizeColors( );

void Magick::Image::quantizeColorSpace
  ( const Magick::ColorspaceType colorSpace_ )
  options()->quantizeColorSpace( colorSpace_ );
Magick::ColorspaceType Magick::Image::quantizeColorSpace ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->quantizeColorSpace( );

void Magick::Image::quantizeDither ( const bool ditherFlag_ )
  options()->quantizeDither( ditherFlag_ );
bool Magick::Image::quantizeDither ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->quantizeDither( );

void Magick::Image::quantizeTreeDepth ( const size_t treeDepth_ )
  options()->quantizeTreeDepth( treeDepth_ );
size_t Magick::Image::quantizeTreeDepth ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->quantizeTreeDepth( );

void Magick::Image::renderingIntent
  ( const Magick::RenderingIntent renderingIntent_ )
  image()->rendering_intent = renderingIntent_;
Magick::RenderingIntent Magick::Image::renderingIntent ( void ) const
  return static_cast<Magick::RenderingIntent>(constImage()->rendering_intent);

void Magick::Image::resolutionUnits
  ( const Magick::ResolutionType resolutionUnits_ )
  image()->units = resolutionUnits_;
  options()->resolutionUnits( resolutionUnits_ );
Magick::ResolutionType Magick::Image::resolutionUnits ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->resolutionUnits( );

void Magick::Image::scene ( const size_t scene_ )
  image()->scene = scene_;
size_t Magick::Image::scene ( void ) const
  return constImage()->scene;

std::string Magick::Image::signature ( const bool force_ ) const
  Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );

  // Re-calculate image signature if necessary
  if ( force_ ||
       !GetImageProperty(constImage(), "Signature") ||
       constImage()->taint )
      SignatureImage( const_cast<MagickCore::Image *>(constImage()) );

  const char *property = GetImageProperty(constImage(), "Signature");

  return std::string( property );

void Magick::Image::size ( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  options()->size( geometry_ );
  image()->rows = geometry_.height();
  image()->columns = geometry_.width();
Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::size ( void ) const
  return Magick::Geometry( constImage()->columns, constImage()->rows );

// Splice image
void Magick::Image::splice( const Geometry &geometry_ )
  RectangleInfo spliceInfo = geometry_;
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  MagickCore::Image* newImage =
    SpliceImage( image(), &spliceInfo, &exceptionInfo);
  replaceImage( newImage );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Obtain image statistics. Statistics are normalized to the range of
// 0.0 to 1.0 and are output to the specified ImageStatistics
// structure.
void Magick::Image::statistics ( ImageStatistics *statistics ) const

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  (void) GetImageChannelRange(constImage(),RedChannel,&minimum,&maximum,
  (void) GetImageChannelMean(constImage(),RedChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelKurtosis(constImage(),RedChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelRange(constImage(),GreenChannel,&minimum,&maximum,
  (void) GetImageChannelMean(constImage(),GreenChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelKurtosis(constImage(),GreenChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelRange(constImage(),BlueChannel,&minimum,&maximum,
  (void) GetImageChannelMean(constImage(),BlueChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelKurtosis(constImage(),BlueChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelRange(constImage(),OpacityChannel,&minimum,&maximum,
  (void) GetImageChannelMean(constImage(),OpacityChannel,
  (void) GetImageChannelKurtosis(constImage(),OpacityChannel,
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Strip strips an image of all profiles and comments.
void Magick::Image::strip ( void )
  StripImage( image() );

// enabled/disable stroke anti-aliasing
void Magick::Image::strokeAntiAlias ( const bool flag_ )
bool Magick::Image::strokeAntiAlias ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeAntiAlias();

// Color to use when drawing object outlines
void Magick::Image::strokeColor ( const Magick::Color &strokeColor_ )
Magick::Color Magick::Image::strokeColor ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeColor();

// dash pattern for drawing vector objects (default one)
void Magick::Image::strokeDashArray ( const double* strokeDashArray_ )
  options()->strokeDashArray( strokeDashArray_ );

const double* Magick::Image::strokeDashArray ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeDashArray( );

// dash offset for drawing vector objects (default one)
void Magick::Image::strokeDashOffset ( const double strokeDashOffset_ )
  options()->strokeDashOffset( strokeDashOffset_ );

double Magick::Image::strokeDashOffset ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeDashOffset( );

// Specify the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they
// are stroked. Values of LineCap are UndefinedCap, ButtCap, RoundCap,
// and SquareCap.
void Magick::Image::strokeLineCap ( const Magick::LineCap lineCap_ )
  options()->strokeLineCap( lineCap_ );
Magick::LineCap Magick::Image::strokeLineCap ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeLineCap( );

// Specify the shape to be used at the corners of paths (or other
// vector shapes) when they are stroked. Values of LineJoin are
// UndefinedJoin, MiterJoin, RoundJoin, and BevelJoin.
void Magick::Image::strokeLineJoin ( const Magick::LineJoin lineJoin_ )
  options()->strokeLineJoin( lineJoin_ );
Magick::LineJoin Magick::Image::strokeLineJoin ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeLineJoin( );

// Specify miter limit. When two line segments meet at a sharp angle
// and miter joins have been specified for 'lineJoin', it is possible
// for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line
// stroking the path. The miterLimit' imposes a limit on the ratio of
// the miter length to the 'lineWidth'. The default value of this
// parameter is 4.
void Magick::Image::strokeMiterLimit ( const size_t strokeMiterLimit_ )
  options()->strokeMiterLimit( strokeMiterLimit_ );
size_t Magick::Image::strokeMiterLimit ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeMiterLimit( );

// Pattern to use while stroking drawn objects.
void Magick::Image::strokePattern ( const Image &strokePattern_ )
    options()->strokePattern( strokePattern_.constImage() );
    options()->strokePattern( static_cast<MagickCore::Image*>(NULL) );
Magick::Image  Magick::Image::strokePattern ( void  ) const
  // FIXME: This is inordinately innefficient
  Image texture;
  const MagickCore::Image* tmpTexture = constOptions()->strokePattern( );

  if ( tmpTexture )
      ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
      GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      MagickCore::Image* image =
        CloneImage( tmpTexture,
                    0, // columns
                    0, // rows
                    MagickTrue, // orphan
      throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      texture.replaceImage( image );
  return texture;

// Stroke width for drawing lines, circles, ellipses, etc.
void Magick::Image::strokeWidth ( const double strokeWidth_ )
  options()->strokeWidth( strokeWidth_ );
double Magick::Image::strokeWidth ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->strokeWidth( );

void Magick::Image::subImage ( const size_t subImage_ )
  options()->subImage( subImage_ );
size_t Magick::Image::subImage ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->subImage( );

void Magick::Image::subRange ( const size_t subRange_ )
  options()->subRange( subRange_ );
size_t Magick::Image::subRange ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->subRange( );

// Annotation text encoding (e.g. "UTF-16")
void Magick::Image::textEncoding ( const std::string &encoding_ )
  options()->textEncoding( encoding_ );
std::string Magick::Image::textEncoding ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->textEncoding( );

void Magick::Image::tileName ( const std::string &tileName_ )
  options()->tileName( tileName_ );
std::string Magick::Image::tileName ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->tileName( );

size_t Magick::Image::totalColors ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  size_t colors = GetNumberColors( image(), 0, &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return colors;

// Origin of coordinate system to use when annotating with text or drawing
void Magick::Image::transformOrigin ( const double x_, const double y_ )
  options()->transformOrigin( x_, y_ );

// Rotation to use when annotating with text or drawing
void Magick::Image::transformRotation ( const double angle_ )
  options()->transformRotation( angle_ );

// Reset transformation parameters to default
void Magick::Image::transformReset ( void )

// Scale to use when annotating with text or drawing
void Magick::Image::transformScale ( const double sx_, const double sy_ )
  options()->transformScale( sx_, sy_ );

// Skew to use in X axis when annotating with text or drawing
void Magick::Image::transformSkewX ( const double skewx_ )
  options()->transformSkewX( skewx_ );

// Skew to use in Y axis when annotating with text or drawing
void Magick::Image::transformSkewY ( const double skewy_ )
  options()->transformSkewY( skewy_ );

// Image representation type
Magick::ImageType Magick::Image::type ( void ) const

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  ImageType image_type = constOptions()->type();
  if ( image_type == UndefinedType )
    image_type= GetImageType( constImage(), &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return image_type;
void Magick::Image::type ( const Magick::ImageType type_)
  options()->type( type_ );
  SetImageType( image(), type_ );

void Magick::Image::verbose ( const bool verboseFlag_ )
  options()->verbose( verboseFlag_ );
bool Magick::Image::verbose ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->verbose( );

void Magick::Image::view ( const std::string &view_ )
  options()->view( view_ );
std::string Magick::Image::view ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->view( );

// Virtual pixel method
void Magick::Image::virtualPixelMethod ( const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method_ )
  SetImageVirtualPixelMethod( image(), virtual_pixel_method_ );
  options()->virtualPixelMethod( virtual_pixel_method_ );
Magick::VirtualPixelMethod Magick::Image::virtualPixelMethod ( void ) const
  return GetImageVirtualPixelMethod( constImage() );

void Magick::Image::x11Display ( const std::string &display_ )
  options()->x11Display( display_ );
std::string Magick::Image::x11Display ( void ) const
  return constOptions()->x11Display( );

double Magick::Image::xResolution ( void ) const
  return constImage()->x_resolution;
double Magick::Image::yResolution ( void ) const
  return constImage()->y_resolution;

// Copy Constructor
Magick::Image::Image( const Image & image_ )
  : _imgRef(image_._imgRef)
  Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );

  // Increase reference count

// Assignment operator
Magick::Image& Magick::Image::operator=( const Magick::Image &image_ )
  if( this != &image_ )
        Lock( &image_._imgRef->_mutexLock );

      bool doDelete = false;
        Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );
        if ( --_imgRef->_refCount == 0 )
          doDelete = true;

      if ( doDelete )
          // Delete old image reference with associated image and options.
          delete _imgRef;
          _imgRef = 0;
      // Use new image reference
      _imgRef = image_._imgRef;

  return *this;

// Low-level Pixel Access Routines
// Also see the Pixels class, which provides support for multiple
// cache views. The low-level pixel access routines in the Image
// class are provided in order to support backward compatability.

// Transfers read-only pixels from the image to the pixel cache as
// defined by the specified region
const Magick::PixelPacket* Magick::Image::getConstPixels
  ( const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_,
    const size_t columns_,
    const size_t rows_ ) const
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  const PixelPacket* p = (*GetVirtualPixels)( constImage(),
                                                x_, y_,
                                                columns_, rows_,
                                                &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return p;

// Obtain read-only pixel indexes (valid for PseudoClass images)
const Magick::IndexPacket* Magick::Image::getConstIndexes ( void ) const
  const Magick::IndexPacket* result = GetVirtualIndexQueue( constImage() );

  if( !result )

  return result;

// Obtain image pixel indexes (valid for PseudoClass images)
Magick::IndexPacket* Magick::Image::getIndexes ( void )
  Magick::IndexPacket* result = GetAuthenticIndexQueue( image() );

  if( !result )

  return ( result );

// Transfers pixels from the image to the pixel cache as defined
// by the specified region. Modified pixels may be subsequently
// transferred back to the image via syncPixels.
Magick::PixelPacket* Magick::Image::getPixels ( const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_,
                                                const size_t columns_,
                                                const size_t rows_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  PixelPacket* result = (*GetAuthenticPixels)( image(),
                                           x_, y_,
                                           columns_, rows_, &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

  return result;

// Allocates a pixel cache region to store image pixels as defined
// by the region rectangle.  This area is subsequently transferred
// from the pixel cache to the image via syncPixels.
Magick::PixelPacket* Magick::Image::setPixels ( const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_,
                                                const size_t columns_,
                                                const size_t rows_ )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  PixelPacket* result = (*QueueAuthenticPixels)( image(),
                                           x_, y_,
                                           columns_, rows_, &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

  return result;

// Transfers the image cache pixels to the image.
void Magick::Image::syncPixels ( void )
  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  (*SyncAuthenticPixels)( image(), &exceptionInfo );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Transfers one or more pixel components from a buffer or file
// into the image pixel cache of an image.
// Used to support image decoders.
void Magick::Image::readPixels ( const Magick::QuantumType quantum_,
                                 const unsigned char *source_ )

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  ImportQuantumPixels(image(),(MagickCore::CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info,
    quantum_,source_, &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Transfers one or more pixel components from the image pixel
// cache to a buffer or file.
// Used to support image encoders.
void Magick::Image::writePixels ( const Magick::QuantumType quantum_,
                                  unsigned char *destination_ )

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  ExportQuantumPixels(image(),(MagickCore::CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info,
    quantum_,destination_, &exceptionInfo);
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// No end-user methods beyond this point

// Construct using existing image and default options
Magick::Image::Image ( MagickCore::Image* image_ )
  : _imgRef(new ImageRef( image_))

// Get Magick::Options*
Magick::Options* Magick::Image::options( void )
  return _imgRef->options();
const Magick::Options* Magick::Image::constOptions( void ) const
  return _imgRef->options();

// Get MagickCore::Image*
MagickCore::Image*& Magick::Image::image( void )
  return _imgRef->image();
const MagickCore::Image* Magick::Image::constImage( void ) const
  return _imgRef->image();

// Get ImageInfo *
MagickCore::ImageInfo* Magick::Image::imageInfo( void )
  return _imgRef->options()->imageInfo();
const MagickCore::ImageInfo * Magick::Image::constImageInfo( void ) const
  return _imgRef->options()->imageInfo();

// Get QuantizeInfo *
MagickCore::QuantizeInfo* Magick::Image::quantizeInfo( void )
  return _imgRef->options()->quantizeInfo();
const MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * Magick::Image::constQuantizeInfo( void ) const
  return _imgRef->options()->quantizeInfo();

// Replace current image
MagickCore::Image * Magick::Image::replaceImage
  ( MagickCore::Image* replacement_ )
  MagickCore::Image* image;
  if( replacement_ )
    image = replacement_;
    image = AcquireImage(constImageInfo());

    Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );

    if ( _imgRef->_refCount == 1 )
        // We own the image, just replace it, and de-register
        _imgRef->id( -1 );
        // We don't own the image, dereference and replace with copy
        _imgRef = new ImageRef( image, constOptions() );

  return _imgRef->_image;

// Prepare to modify image or image options
// Replace current image and options with copy if reference count > 1
void Magick::Image::modifyImage( void )
    Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );
    if ( _imgRef->_refCount == 1 )
        // De-register image and return
        _imgRef->id( -1 );

  ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
  GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  replaceImage( CloneImage( image(),
                            0, // columns
                            0, // rows
                            MagickTrue, // orphan
                            &exceptionInfo) );
  throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );

// Test for an ImageMagick reported error and throw exception if one
// has been reported.  Secretly resets image->exception back to default
// state even though this method is const.
void Magick::Image::throwImageException( void ) const
  // Throw C++ exception while resetting Image exception to default state
  throwException( const_cast<MagickCore::Image*>(constImage())->exception );

// Register image with image registry or obtain registration id
ssize_t Magick::Image::registerId( void )
  Lock( &_imgRef->_mutexLock );
  if( _imgRef->id() < 0 )
      char id[MaxTextExtent];
      ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
      GetExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
      sprintf(id,"%.20g\n",(double) _imgRef->id());
      SetImageRegistry(ImageRegistryType, id, image(), &exceptionInfo);
      throwException( exceptionInfo );
  (void) DestroyExceptionInfo( &exceptionInfo );
  return _imgRef->id();

// Unregister image from image registry
void Magick::Image::unregisterId( void )
  _imgRef->id( -1 );

// Create a local wrapper around MagickCoreTerminus
namespace Magick
  extern "C" {
    void MagickPlusPlusDestroyMagick(void);

void Magick::MagickPlusPlusDestroyMagick(void)
  if (magick_initialized)

// C library initialization routine
void MagickPPExport Magick::InitializeMagick(const char *path_)
  if (!magick_initialized)

// Cleanup class to ensure that ImageMagick singletons are destroyed
// so as to avoid any resemblence to a memory leak (which seems to
// confuse users)
namespace Magick

  class MagickCleanUp
    MagickCleanUp( void );
    ~MagickCleanUp( void );

  // The destructor for this object is invoked when the destructors for
  // static objects in this translation unit are invoked.
  static MagickCleanUp magickCleanUpGuard;

Magick::MagickCleanUp::MagickCleanUp ( void )
  // Don't even think about invoking InitializeMagick here!

Magick::MagickCleanUp::~MagickCleanUp ( void )

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