
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. _sigma
  2. _offset
  3. _degrees
  4. _degrees
  5. _degrees
  6. _degrees
  7. _sigma
  8. _sigma
  9. _penColor
  10. _penColor
  11. _color_matrix
  12. _compose
  13. _compose
  14. _bestfit
  15. _bestfit
  16. _sigma
  17. _sigma
  18. _borderColor
  19. _borderColor
  20. _borderColor
  21. _borderColor
  22. _borderColor
  23. _borderColor
  24. _borderColor
  25. _borderColor
  26. _innerBevel
  27. _innerBevel
  28. _gammaBlue
  29. _gammaBlue
  30. _sigma
  31. _mid_point
  32. _mid_point
  33. _dither
  34. _method
  35. _hue
  36. _penColor
  37. _raisedFlag
  38. _rows
  39. _rows
  40. _smoothingThreshold
  41. _colorShading
  42. _y
  43. _sigma
  44. _yShearAngle
  45. _cropGeometry
  46. _cropGeometry
  47. _wavelength
  48. _y
  49. _y
  50. _y
  51. _y
  52. _color
  53. _color

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2002
// Implementation of STL classes and functions


#include <Magick++/Image.h>
#include <Magick++/STL.h>

// Adaptive-blur image with specified blur factor
Magick::adaptiveBlurImage::adaptiveBlurImage( const double radius_,
      const double sigma_  )
      : _radius( radius_ ),
        _sigma( sigma_ )
void Magick::adaptiveBlurImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.adaptiveBlur( _radius, _sigma );

// Local adaptive threshold image
Magick::adaptiveThresholdImage::adaptiveThresholdImage( const size_t width_,
                                                        const size_t height_,
                                                        const ssize_t offset_ )
      : _width(width_),
void Magick::adaptiveThresholdImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.adaptiveThreshold( _width, _height, _offset );

// Add noise to image with specified noise type
Magick::addNoiseImage::addNoiseImage( Magick::NoiseType noiseType_ )
  : _noiseType( noiseType_ )
void Magick::addNoiseImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.addNoise( _noiseType );

// Transform image by specified affine (or free transform) matrix.
Magick::affineTransformImage::affineTransformImage( const DrawableAffine &affine_  )
  : _affine( affine_ )
void Magick::affineTransformImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.affineTransform( _affine );

// Annotate image (draw text on image)

// Annotate using specified text, and placement location
Magick::annotateImage::annotateImage ( const std::string &text_,
                                       const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
      : _text( text_ ),
        _geometry( geometry_ ),
        _gravity( Magick::NorthWestGravity ),
        _degrees( 0 )
// Annotate using specified text, bounding area, and placement gravity
Magick::annotateImage::annotateImage ( const std::string &text_,
                                       const Magick::Geometry &geometry_,
                                       const Magick::GravityType gravity_ )
  : _text( text_ ),
    _geometry( geometry_ ),
    _gravity( gravity_ ),
    _degrees( 0 )
// Annotate with text using specified text, bounding area, placement
// gravity, and rotation.
Magick::annotateImage::annotateImage ( const std::string &text_,
                    const Magick::Geometry &geometry_,
                    const Magick::GravityType gravity_,
                    const double degrees_ )
      : _text( text_ ),
        _geometry( geometry_ ),
        _gravity( gravity_ ),
        _degrees( degrees_ )
// Annotate with text (bounding area is entire image) and placement
// gravity.
Magick::annotateImage::annotateImage ( const std::string &text_,
                                       const Magick::GravityType gravity_ )
  : _text( text_ ),
    _geometry( ),
    _gravity( gravity_ ),
    _degrees( 0 )
void Magick::annotateImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.annotate( _text, _geometry, _gravity, _degrees );

// Blur image with specified blur factor
Magick::blurImage::blurImage( const double radius_, const double sigma_  )
      : _radius( radius_ ),
        _sigma( sigma_ )
void Magick::blurImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.blur( _radius, _sigma );

// Border image (add border to image)
Magick::borderImage::borderImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::borderImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.border( _geometry );

// Extract channel from image
Magick::channelImage::channelImage( const Magick::ChannelType channel_ )
  : _channel( channel_ )
void Magick::channelImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
{ _channel );

// Charcoal effect image (looks like charcoal sketch)
Magick::charcoalImage::charcoalImage( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
      : _radius( radius_ ),
        _sigma( sigma_ )
void Magick::charcoalImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.charcoal( _radius, _sigma );

// Chop image (remove vertical or horizontal subregion of image)
Magick::chopImage::chopImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::chopImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.chop( _geometry );

// accepts a lightweight Color Correction Collection (CCC) file which solely
// contains one or more color corrections and applies the correction to the
// image.
Magick::cdlImage::cdlImage( const std::string &cdl_ )
  : _cdl ( cdl_ )
void Magick::cdlImage::operator()( Image &image_ ) const
  image_.cdl( _cdl.c_str() );

// Colorize image using pen color at specified percent opacity
Magick::colorizeImage::colorizeImage( const unsigned int opacityRed_,
                                      const unsigned int opacityGreen_,
                                      const unsigned int opacityBlue_,
                                      const Magick::Color &penColor_ )
  : _opacityRed ( opacityRed_ ),
    _opacityGreen ( opacityGreen_ ),
    _opacityBlue ( opacityBlue_ ),
    _penColor( penColor_ )
Magick::colorizeImage::colorizeImage( const unsigned int opacity_,
                                      const Magick::Color &penColor_ )
  : _opacityRed ( opacity_ ),
    _opacityGreen ( opacity_ ),
    _opacityBlue ( opacity_ ),
    _penColor( penColor_ )
void Magick::colorizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.colorize( _opacityRed, _opacityGreen, _opacityBlue, _penColor );

// Apply a color matrix to the image channels.  The user supplied
// matrix may be of order 1 to 5 (1x1 through 5x5).
Magick::colorMatrixImage::colorMatrixImage( const size_t order_,
              const double *color_matrix_ )
  : _order( order_ ),
    _color_matrix( color_matrix_ )
void Magick::colorMatrixImage::operator()( Image &image_ ) const
  image_.colorMatrix( _order, _color_matrix );

// Convert the image colorspace representation
Magick::colorSpaceImage::colorSpaceImage( Magick::ColorspaceType colorSpace_ )
  : _colorSpace( colorSpace_ )
void Magick::colorSpaceImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.colorSpace( _colorSpace );

// Comment image (add comment string to image)
Magick::commentImage::commentImage( const std::string &comment_ )
  : _comment( comment_ )
void Magick::commentImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.comment( _comment );

// Compose an image onto another at specified offset and using
// specified algorithm
Magick::compositeImage::compositeImage( const Magick::Image &compositeImage_,
                                        ssize_t xOffset_,
                                        ssize_t yOffset_,
                                        Magick::CompositeOperator compose_  )
  : _compositeImage( compositeImage_ ),
    _xOffset ( xOffset_ ),
    _yOffset ( yOffset_ ),
    _compose ( compose_ )
Magick::compositeImage::compositeImage( const Magick::Image &compositeImage_,
                                        const Magick::Geometry &offset_,
                                        Magick::CompositeOperator compose_  )
  : _compositeImage( compositeImage_ ),
    _xOffset ( offset_.xOff() ),
    _yOffset ( offset_.yOff() ),
    _compose ( compose_ )
void Magick::compositeImage::operator()( Image &image_ ) const
  image_.composite( _compositeImage, _xOffset, _yOffset, _compose );

// Contrast image (enhance intensity differences in image)
Magick::contrastImage::contrastImage( const size_t sharpen_ )
  : _sharpen( sharpen_ )
void Magick::contrastImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.contrast( _sharpen );

// Crop image (subregion of original image)
Magick::cropImage::cropImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::cropImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.crop( _geometry );

// Cycle image colormap
Magick::cycleColormapImage::cycleColormapImage( const ssize_t amount_ )
  : _amount( amount_ )
void Magick::cycleColormapImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.cycleColormap( _amount );

// Despeckle image (reduce speckle noise)
Magick::despeckleImage::despeckleImage( void )
void Magick::despeckleImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.despeckle( );

// Distort image.  distorts an image using various distortion methods, by
// mapping color lookups of the source image to a new destination image
// usally of the same size as the source image, unless 'bestfit' is set to
// true.
Magick::distortImage::distortImage( const Magick::DistortImageMethod method_,
                                    const size_t number_arguments_,
                                    const double *arguments_,
                                    const bool bestfit_ )
  : _method ( method_ ),
    _number_arguments ( number_arguments_ ),
    _arguments ( arguments_ ),
    _bestfit( bestfit_ )
Magick::distortImage::distortImage( const Magick::DistortImageMethod method_,
                                    const size_t number_arguments_,
                                    const double *arguments_ )
  : _method ( method_ ),
    _number_arguments ( number_arguments_ ),
    _arguments ( arguments_ ),
    _bestfit( false )
void Magick::distortImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.distort( _method, _number_arguments, _arguments, _bestfit );

// Draw on image
Magick::drawImage::drawImage( const Magick::Drawable &drawable_ )
  : _drawableList()
  _drawableList.push_back( drawable_ );
Magick::drawImage::drawImage( const std::list<Magick::Drawable> &drawable_ )
  : _drawableList( drawable_ )
void Magick::drawImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.draw( _drawableList );

// Edge image (hilight edges in image)
Magick::edgeImage::edgeImage( const double radius_ )
  : _radius( radius_ )
void Magick::edgeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.edge( _radius );

// Emboss image (hilight edges with 3D effect)
Magick::embossImage::embossImage( void )
  : _radius( 1 ),
    _sigma( 0.5 )
Magick::embossImage::embossImage( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  : _radius( radius_ ),
    _sigma( sigma_ )
void Magick::embossImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.emboss( _radius, _sigma );

// Enhance image (minimize noise)
Magick::enhanceImage::enhanceImage( void )
void Magick::enhanceImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.enhance( );

// Equalize image (histogram equalization)
Magick::equalizeImage::equalizeImage( void )
void Magick::equalizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.equalize( );

// Color to use when filling drawn objects
Magick::fillColorImage::fillColorImage( const Magick::Color &fillColor_ )
  : _fillColor( fillColor_ )
void Magick::fillColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.fillColor( _fillColor );

// Flip image (reflect each scanline in the vertical direction)
Magick::flipImage::flipImage( void )
void Magick::flipImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.flip( );

// Flood-fill image with color
// Flood-fill color across pixels starting at target-pixel and
// stopping at pixels matching specified border color.  Uses current
// fuzz setting when determining color match.
Magick::floodFillColorImage::floodFillColorImage( const ssize_t x_,
                                                  const ssize_t y_,
                                                  const Magick::Color &fillColor_ )
  : _x(x_),
Magick::floodFillColorImage::floodFillColorImage( const Magick::Geometry &point_,
                                                  const Magick::Color &fillColor_ )
  : _x(point_.xOff()),
// Flood-fill color across pixels starting at target-pixel and
// stopping at pixels matching specified border color.  Uses current
// fuzz setting when determining color match.
Magick::floodFillColorImage::floodFillColorImage( const ssize_t x_,
                                                  const ssize_t y_,
                                                  const Magick::Color &fillColor_,
                                                  const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  : _x(x_),
Magick::floodFillColorImage::floodFillColorImage( const Geometry &point_,
                                                  const Color &fillColor_,
                                                  const Color &borderColor_ )
  : _x(point_.xOff()),
void Magick::floodFillColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  if ( _borderColor.isValid() )
      image_.floodFillColor( _x, _y, _fillColor, _borderColor );
      image_.floodFillColor( _x, _y, _fillColor );

// Flood-fill image with texture

// Flood-fill texture across pixels that match the color of the target
// pixel and are neighbors of the target pixel.  Uses current fuzz
// setting when determining color match.
Magick::floodFillTextureImage::floodFillTextureImage( const ssize_t x_,
                                                      const ssize_t y_,
                                                      const Magick::Image &texture_ )
  : _x(x_),
Magick::floodFillTextureImage::floodFillTextureImage( const Magick::Geometry &point_,
                                                      const Magick::Image &texture_ )
  : _x(point_.xOff()),
// Flood-fill texture across pixels starting at target-pixel and
// stopping at pixels matching specified border color.  Uses current
// fuzz setting when determining color match.
Magick::floodFillTextureImage::floodFillTextureImage( const ssize_t x_,
                                                      const ssize_t y_,
                                                      const Magick::Image &texture_,
                                                      const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  : _x(x_),
Magick::floodFillTextureImage::floodFillTextureImage( const Magick::Geometry &point_,
                                                      const Magick::Image &texture_,
                                                      const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  : _x(point_.xOff()),
void Magick::floodFillTextureImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  if ( _borderColor.isValid() )
      image_.floodFillTexture( _x, _y, _texture, _borderColor );
      image_.floodFillTexture( _x, _y, _texture );

// Flop image (reflect each scanline in the horizontal direction)
Magick::flopImage::flopImage( void )
void Magick::flopImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.flop( );

// Frame image
Magick::frameImage::frameImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _width( geometry_.width() ),
    _height( geometry_.height() ),
    _outerBevel( geometry_.xOff() ),
    _innerBevel( geometry_.yOff() )
Magick::frameImage::frameImage( const size_t width_, const size_t height_,
                                const ssize_t innerBevel_, const ssize_t outerBevel_ )
  : _width( width_ ),
    _height( height_ ),
    _outerBevel( outerBevel_ ),
    _innerBevel( innerBevel_ )
void Magick::frameImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.frame( _width, _height, _innerBevel, _outerBevel );

// Gamma correct image
Magick::gammaImage::gammaImage( const double gamma_ )
  : _gammaRed( gamma_ ),
    _gammaGreen( gamma_ ),
    _gammaBlue( gamma_ )
Magick::gammaImage::gammaImage ( const double gammaRed_,
                                 const double gammaGreen_,
                                 const double gammaBlue_ )
  : _gammaRed( gammaRed_ ),
    _gammaGreen( gammaGreen_ ),
    _gammaBlue( gammaBlue_ )
void Magick::gammaImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.gamma( _gammaRed, _gammaGreen, _gammaBlue );

// Gaussian blur image
// The number of neighbor pixels to be included in the convolution
// mask is specified by 'width_'. The standard deviation of the
// gaussian bell curve is specified by 'sigma_'.
Magick::gaussianBlurImage::gaussianBlurImage( const double width_,
                                              const double sigma_ )
  : _width( width_ ),
    _sigma( sigma_ )
void Magick::gaussianBlurImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.gaussianBlur( _width, _sigma );

// Apply a color lookup table (Hald CLUT) to the image.
Magick::haldClutImage::haldClutImage( const Image &haldClutImage_ )
  : _haldClutImage ( haldClutImage_ )
void Magick::haldClutImage::operator()( Image &image_ ) const
  image_.haldClut( _haldClutImage );

// Implode image (special effect)
Magick::implodeImage::implodeImage( const double factor_  )
  : _factor( factor_ )
void Magick::implodeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.implode( _factor );

// Implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IFT) of the image
// either as a magnitude / phase or real / imaginary image pair.
Magick::inverseFourierTransformImage::inverseFourierTransformImage( const Magick::Image &phaseImage_ )
  : _phaseImage( phaseImage_ )
void Magick::inverseFourierTransformImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.inverseFourierTransform( _phaseImage );

// Set image validity. Valid images become empty (inValid) if argument
// is false.
Magick::isValidImage::isValidImage( const bool isValid_  )
  : _isValid( isValid_ )
void Magick::isValidImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.isValid( _isValid );

// Label image
Magick::labelImage::labelImage( const std::string &label_ )
  : _label( label_ )
void Magick::labelImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.label( _label );

// Level image
Magick::levelImage::levelImage( const double black_point,
                                const double white_point,
                                const double mid_point )
  : _black_point(black_point),
void Magick::levelImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.level( _black_point, _white_point, _mid_point );

// Level image channel
Magick::levelChannelImage::levelChannelImage( const Magick::ChannelType channel,                                              const double black_point,
                                              const double white_point,
                                              const double mid_point )
  : _channel(channel),

void Magick::levelChannelImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.levelChannel( _channel, _black_point, _white_point, _mid_point );

// Magnify image by integral size
Magick::magnifyImage::magnifyImage( void )
void Magick::magnifyImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.magnify( );

// Remap image colors with closest color from reference image
Magick::mapImage::mapImage( const Magick::Image &mapImage_ ,
                            const bool dither_ )
  : _mapImage( mapImage_ ),
    _dither( dither_ )
void Magick::mapImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
{ _mapImage, _dither );

// Floodfill designated area with a matte value
Magick::matteFloodfillImage::matteFloodfillImage( const Color &target_ ,
                                                  const unsigned int matte_,
                                                  const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_,
                                                  const PaintMethod method_ )
  : _target( target_ ),
    _matte( matte_ ),
    _x( x_ ),
    _y( y_ ),
    _method( method_ )
void Magick::matteFloodfillImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.matteFloodfill( _target, _matte, _x, _y, _method );

// Filter image by replacing each pixel component with the median
// color in a circular neighborhood
Magick::medianFilterImage::medianFilterImage( const double radius_  )
  : _radius( radius_ )
void Magick::medianFilterImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.medianFilter( _radius );

// Merge image layers
  Magick::ImageLayerMethod layerMethod_ )
  : _layerMethod( layerMethod_ )
void Magick::mergeLayersImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.mergeLayers( _layerMethod );

// Reduce image by integral size
Magick::minifyImage::minifyImage( void )
void Magick::minifyImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.minify( );

// Modulate percent hue, saturation, and brightness of an image
Magick::modulateImage::modulateImage( const double brightness_,
                                      const double saturation_,
                                      const double hue_ )
  : _brightness( brightness_ ),
    _saturation( saturation_ ),
    _hue( hue_ )
void Magick::modulateImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.modulate( _brightness, _saturation, _hue );

// Negate colors in image.  Set grayscale to only negate grayscale
// values in image.
Magick::negateImage::negateImage( const bool grayscale_  )
  : _grayscale( grayscale_ )
void Magick::negateImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.negate( _grayscale );

// Normalize image (increase contrast by normalizing the pixel values
// to span the full range of color values)
Magick::normalizeImage::normalizeImage( void )
void Magick::normalizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.normalize( );

// Oilpaint image (image looks like oil painting)
Magick::oilPaintImage::oilPaintImage( const double radius_ )
  : _radius( radius_ )
void Magick::oilPaintImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.oilPaint( _radius );

// Set or attenuate the image opacity channel. If the image pixels are
// opaque then they are set to the specified opacity value, otherwise
// they are blended with the supplied opacity value.  The value of
// opacity_ ranges from 0 (completely opaque) to QuantumRange. The defines
// OpaqueOpacity and TransparentOpacity are available to specify
// completely opaque or completely transparent, respectively.
Magick::opacityImage::opacityImage( const unsigned int opacity_ )
  : _opacity( opacity_ )
void Magick::opacityImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.opacity( _opacity );

// Change color of opaque pixel to specified pen color.
Magick::opaqueImage::opaqueImage( const Magick::Color &opaqueColor_,
                                  const Magick::Color &penColor_ )
  : _opaqueColor( opaqueColor_ ),
    _penColor( penColor_ )
void Magick::opaqueImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.opaque( _opaqueColor, _penColor );

// Quantize image (reduce number of colors)
Magick::quantizeImage::quantizeImage( const bool measureError_  )
  : _measureError( measureError_ )
void Magick::quantizeImage::operator()( Image &image_ ) const
  image_.quantize( _measureError );

// Raise image (lighten or darken the edges of an image to give a 3-D
// raised or lowered effect)
Magick::raiseImage::raiseImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ ,
                                const bool raisedFlag_  )
  : _geometry( geometry_ ),
    _raisedFlag( raisedFlag_ )
void Magick::raiseImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.raise( _geometry, _raisedFlag );

// Reduce noise in image using a noise peak elimination filter
Magick::reduceNoiseImage::reduceNoiseImage( void )
  : _order(3)
Magick::reduceNoiseImage::reduceNoiseImage ( const size_t order_ )
      : _order(order_)
void Magick::reduceNoiseImage::operator()( Image &image_ ) const
  image_.reduceNoise( _order );

// Roll image (rolls image vertically and horizontally) by specified
// number of columnms and rows)
Magick::rollImage::rollImage( const Magick::Geometry &roll_ )
  : _columns( roll_.width() ),
    _rows( roll_.height() )
Magick::rollImage::rollImage( const ssize_t columns_,
                              const ssize_t rows_ )
  : _columns( columns_ ),
    _rows( rows_ )
void Magick::rollImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.roll( _columns, _rows );

// Rotate image counter-clockwise by specified number of degrees.
Magick::rotateImage::rotateImage( const double degrees_ )
  : _degrees( degrees_ )
void Magick::rotateImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.rotate( _degrees );

// Resize image by using pixel sampling algorithm
Magick::sampleImage::sampleImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::sampleImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.sample( _geometry );

// Resize image by using simple ratio algorithm
Magick::scaleImage::scaleImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::scaleImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.scale( _geometry );

// Segment (coalesce similar image components) by analyzing the
// histograms of the color components and identifying units that are
// homogeneous with the fuzzy c-means technique.  Also uses
// QuantizeColorSpace and Verbose image attributes
Magick::segmentImage::segmentImage( const double clusterThreshold_ , 
                                    const double smoothingThreshold_ )
  : _clusterThreshold( clusterThreshold_ ),
    _smoothingThreshold( smoothingThreshold_ )
void Magick::segmentImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.segment( _clusterThreshold, _smoothingThreshold );

// Shade image using distant light source
Magick::shadeImage::shadeImage( const double azimuth_,
                                const double elevation_,
        const bool colorShading_)
  : _azimuth( azimuth_ ),
    _elevation( elevation_ ),
    _colorShading (colorShading_)
void Magick::shadeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.shade( _azimuth, _elevation, _colorShading );

// Simulate an image shadow
Magick::shadowImage::shadowImage( const double percent_opacity_,
                                const double sigma_,
        const ssize_t x_, const ssize_t y_ )
  : _percent_opacity( percent_opacity_ ),
    _sigma( sigma_ ),
    _x ( x_ ),
    _y ( y_ )
void Magick::shadowImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.shadow( _percent_opacity, _sigma, _x, _y );

// Sharpen pixels in image
Magick::sharpenImage::sharpenImage( const double radius_, const double sigma_ )
  : _radius( radius_ ),
    _sigma( sigma_ )
void Magick::sharpenImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.sharpen( _radius, _sigma );

// Shave pixels from image edges.
Magick::shaveImage::shaveImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::shaveImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.shave( _geometry );

// Shear image (create parallelogram by sliding image by X or Y axis)
Magick::shearImage::shearImage( const double xShearAngle_,
                                const double yShearAngle_ )
  : _xShearAngle( xShearAngle_ ),
    _yShearAngle( yShearAngle_ )
void Magick::shearImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.shear( _xShearAngle, _yShearAngle );

// Solarize image (similar to effect seen when exposing a photographic
// film to light during the development process)
Magick::solarizeImage::solarizeImage( const double factor_ )
  : _factor( factor_ )
void Magick::solarizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.solarize( _factor );

// Spread pixels randomly within image by specified ammount
Magick::spreadImage::spreadImage( const size_t amount_ )
  : _amount( amount_ )
void Magick::spreadImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.spread( _amount );

// Add a digital watermark to the image (based on second image)
Magick::steganoImage::steganoImage( const Magick::Image &waterMark_ )
  : _waterMark( waterMark_ )
void Magick::steganoImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.stegano( _waterMark );

// Create an image which appears in stereo when viewed with red-blue
// glasses (Red image on left, blue on right)
Magick::stereoImage::stereoImage( const Magick::Image &rightImage_ )
  : _rightImage( rightImage_ )
void Magick::stereoImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.stereo( _rightImage );

// Color to use when drawing object outlines
Magick::strokeColorImage::strokeColorImage( const Magick::Color &strokeColor_ )
  : _strokeColor( strokeColor_ )
void Magick::strokeColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.strokeColor( _strokeColor );

// Swirl image (image pixels are rotated by degrees)
Magick::swirlImage::swirlImage( const double degrees_ )
  : _degrees( degrees_ )
void Magick::swirlImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.swirl( _degrees );

// Channel a texture on image background
Magick::textureImage::textureImage( const Magick::Image &texture_ )
  : _texture( texture_ )
void Magick::textureImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.texture( _texture );

// Threshold image
Magick::thresholdImage::thresholdImage( const double threshold_ )
  : _threshold( threshold_ )
void Magick::thresholdImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.threshold( _threshold );

// Transform image based on image and crop geometries
Magick::transformImage::transformImage( const Magick::Geometry &imageGeometry_ )
  : _imageGeometry( imageGeometry_ ),
    _cropGeometry( )
Magick::transformImage::transformImage( const Magick::Geometry &imageGeometry_,
                                        const Geometry &cropGeometry_  )
  : _imageGeometry( imageGeometry_ ),
    _cropGeometry( cropGeometry_ )
void Magick::transformImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  if ( _cropGeometry.isValid() )
    image_.transform( _imageGeometry, _cropGeometry );
    image_.transform( _imageGeometry );

// Set image color to transparent
Magick::transparentImage::transparentImage( const Magick::Color& color_ )
  : _color( color_ )
void Magick::transparentImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.transparent( _color );

// Trim edges that are the background color from the image
Magick::trimImage::trimImage( void )
void Magick::trimImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.trim( );

// Map image pixels to a sine wave
Magick::waveImage::waveImage( const double amplitude_,
                              const double wavelength_ )
  : _amplitude( amplitude_ ),
    _wavelength( wavelength_ )
void Magick::waveImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.wave( _amplitude, _wavelength );

// resize image to specified size.
Magick::resizeImage::resizeImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::resizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.resize( _geometry );

// Zoom image to specified size.
Magick::zoomImage::zoomImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::zoomImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.zoom( _geometry );

// Function object image attribute accessors

// Anti-alias Postscript and TrueType fonts (default true)
Magick::antiAliasImage::antiAliasImage( const bool flag_ )
  : _flag( flag_ )
void Magick::antiAliasImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.antiAlias( _flag );

// Join images into a single multi-image file
Magick::adjoinImage::adjoinImage( const bool flag_ )
  : _flag( flag_ )
void Magick::adjoinImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.adjoin( _flag );

// Time in 1/100ths of a second which must expire before displaying
// the next image in an animated sequence.
Magick::animationDelayImage::animationDelayImage( const size_t delay_ )
  : _delay( delay_ )
void Magick::animationDelayImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.animationDelay( _delay );

// Number of iterations to loop an animation (e.g. Netscape loop
// extension) for.
Magick::animationIterationsImage::animationIterationsImage( const size_t iterations_ )
  : _iterations( iterations_ )
void Magick::animationIterationsImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.animationIterations( _iterations );

// Image background color
Magick::backgroundColorImage::backgroundColorImage( const Magick::Color &color_ )
  : _color( color_ )
void Magick::backgroundColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.backgroundColor( _color );

// Name of texture image to tile onto the image background
Magick::backgroundTextureImage::backgroundTextureImage( const std::string &backgroundTexture_ )
  : _backgroundTexture( backgroundTexture_ )
void Magick::backgroundTextureImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.backgroundTexture( _backgroundTexture );

// Image border color
Magick::borderColorImage::borderColorImage( const Magick::Color &color_ )
  : _color( color_ )
void Magick::borderColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.borderColor( _color );

// Text bounding-box base color (default none)
Magick::boxColorImage::boxColorImage( const Magick::Color &boxColor_ )
  : _boxColor( boxColor_ ) { }

void Magick::boxColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.boxColor( _boxColor );

// Chromaticity blue primary point (e.g. x=0.15, y=0.06)
Magick::chromaBluePrimaryImage::chromaBluePrimaryImage( const double x_,
                                                        const double y_ )
  : _x( x_ ),
    _y( y_ )
void Magick::chromaBluePrimaryImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.chromaBluePrimary( _x, _y );

// Chromaticity green primary point (e.g. x=0.3, y=0.6)
Magick::chromaGreenPrimaryImage::chromaGreenPrimaryImage( const double x_,
                                                          const double y_ )
  : _x( x_ ),
    _y( y_ )
void Magick::chromaGreenPrimaryImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.chromaGreenPrimary( _x, _y );

// Chromaticity red primary point (e.g. x=0.64, y=0.33)
Magick::chromaRedPrimaryImage::chromaRedPrimaryImage( const double x_,
                                                      const double y_ )
  : _x( x_ ),
    _y( y_ )
void Magick::chromaRedPrimaryImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.chromaRedPrimary( _x, _y );

// Chromaticity white point (e.g. x=0.3127, y=0.329)
Magick::chromaWhitePointImage::chromaWhitePointImage( const double x_,
                                                      const double y_ )
  : _x( x_ ),
    _y( y_ )
void Magick::chromaWhitePointImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.chromaWhitePoint( _x, _y );

// Colors within this distance are considered equal
Magick::colorFuzzImage::colorFuzzImage( const double fuzz_ )
  : _fuzz( fuzz_ )
void Magick::colorFuzzImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.colorFuzz( _fuzz );

// Color at colormap position index_
Magick::colorMapImage::colorMapImage( const size_t index_,
                                      const Color &color_ )
  : _index( index_ ),
    _color( color_ )
void Magick::colorMapImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.colorMap( _index, _color );

// Composition operator to be used when composition is implicitly used
// (such as for image flattening).
Magick::composeImage::composeImage( const CompositeOperator compose_ )
  : _compose( compose_ )
void Magick::composeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.compose( _compose );

// Compression type
Magick::compressTypeImage::compressTypeImage( const CompressionType compressType_ )
  : _compressType( compressType_ )
void Magick::compressTypeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.compressType( _compressType );

// Vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels of the image
Magick::densityImage::densityImage( const Geometry &geomery_ )
  : _geomery( geomery_ )
void Magick::densityImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.density( _geomery );

// Image depth (bits allocated to red/green/blue components)
Magick::depthImage::depthImage( const size_t depth_ )
  : _depth( depth_ )
void Magick::depthImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.depth( _depth );

// Endianness (LSBEndian like Intel or MSBEndian like SPARC) for image
// formats which support endian-specific options.
Magick::endianImage::endianImage( const Magick::EndianType endian_ )
  : _endian( endian_ )
void Magick::endianImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.endian( _endian );

// Image file name
Magick::fileNameImage::fileNameImage( const std::string &fileName_ )
  : _fileName( fileName_ )
void Magick::fileNameImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.fileName( _fileName );

// Filter to use when resizing image
Magick::filterTypeImage::filterTypeImage( const FilterTypes filterType_ )
  : _filterType( filterType_ )
void Magick::filterTypeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.filterType( _filterType );

// Text rendering font
Magick::fontImage::fontImage( const std::string &font_ )
  : _font( font_ )
void Magick::fontImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.font( _font );

// Font point size
Magick::fontPointsizeImage::fontPointsizeImage( const size_t pointsize_ )
  : _pointsize( pointsize_ )
void Magick::fontPointsizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.fontPointsize( _pointsize );

// GIF disposal method
Magick::gifDisposeMethodImage::gifDisposeMethodImage( const size_t disposeMethod_ )
  : _disposeMethod( disposeMethod_ )
void Magick::gifDisposeMethodImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.gifDisposeMethod( _disposeMethod );

// Type of interlacing to use
Magick::interlaceTypeImage::interlaceTypeImage( const InterlaceType interlace_ )
  : _interlace( interlace_ )
void Magick::interlaceTypeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.interlaceType( _interlace );

// Linewidth for drawing vector objects (default one)
Magick::lineWidthImage::lineWidthImage( const double lineWidth_ )
  : _lineWidth( lineWidth_ )
void Magick::lineWidthImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.lineWidth( _lineWidth );

// File type magick identifier (.e.g "GIF")
Magick::magickImage::magickImage( const std::string &magick_ )
  : _magick( magick_ )
void Magick::magickImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.magick( _magick );

// Image supports transparent color
Magick::matteImage::matteImage( const bool matteFlag_ )
  : _matteFlag( matteFlag_ )
void Magick::matteImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.matte( _matteFlag );

// Transparent color
Magick::matteColorImage::matteColorImage( const Color &matteColor_ )
  : _matteColor( matteColor_ )
void Magick::matteColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.matteColor( _matteColor );

// Indicate that image is black and white
Magick::monochromeImage::monochromeImage( const bool monochromeFlag_ )
  : _monochromeFlag( monochromeFlag_ )
void Magick::monochromeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.monochrome( _monochromeFlag );

// Pen color
Magick::penColorImage::penColorImage( const Color &penColor_ )
  : _penColor( penColor_ )
void Magick::penColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.penColor( _penColor );

// Pen texture image.
Magick::penTextureImage::penTextureImage( const Image &penTexture_ )
  : _penTexture( penTexture_ )
void Magick::penTextureImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.penTexture( _penTexture );

// Set pixel color at location x & y.
Magick::pixelColorImage::pixelColorImage( const ssize_t x_,
                                          const ssize_t y_,
                                          const Color &color_)
  : _x( x_ ),
    _y( y_ ),
    _color( color_ ) { }

void Magick::pixelColorImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.pixelColor( _x, _y, _color );

// Postscript page size.
Magick::pageImage::pageImage( const Geometry &pageSize_ )
  : _pageSize( pageSize_ )
void Magick::pageImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
{ _pageSize );

// JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level (default 75).
Magick::qualityImage::qualityImage( const size_t quality_ )
  : _quality( quality_ )
void Magick::qualityImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.quality( _quality );

// Maximum number of colors to quantize to
Magick::quantizeColorsImage::quantizeColorsImage( const size_t colors_ )
  : _colors( colors_ )
void Magick::quantizeColorsImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.quantizeColors( _colors );

// Colorspace to quantize in.
Magick::quantizeColorSpaceImage::quantizeColorSpaceImage( const ColorspaceType colorSpace_ )
  : _colorSpace( colorSpace_ )
void Magick::quantizeColorSpaceImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.quantizeColorSpace( _colorSpace );

// Dither image during quantization (default true).
Magick::quantizeDitherImage::quantizeDitherImage( const bool ditherFlag_ )
  : _ditherFlag( ditherFlag_ ) 
void Magick::quantizeDitherImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.quantizeDither( _ditherFlag );

// Quantization tree-depth
Magick::quantizeTreeDepthImage::quantizeTreeDepthImage( const size_t treeDepth_ )
  : _treeDepth( treeDepth_ ) { }

void Magick::quantizeTreeDepthImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.quantizeTreeDepth( _treeDepth );

// The type of rendering intent
Magick::renderingIntentImage::renderingIntentImage( const Magick::RenderingIntent renderingIntent_ )
  : _renderingIntent( renderingIntent_ )
void Magick::renderingIntentImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.renderingIntent( _renderingIntent );

// Units of image resolution
Magick::resolutionUnitsImage::resolutionUnitsImage( const Magick::ResolutionType resolutionUnits_ )
  : _resolutionUnits( resolutionUnits_ )
void Magick::resolutionUnitsImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.resolutionUnits( _resolutionUnits );

// Image scene number
Magick::sceneImage::sceneImage( const size_t scene_ )
  : _scene( scene_ )
void Magick::sceneImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.scene( _scene );

// Width and height of a raw image
Magick::sizeImage::sizeImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::sizeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.size( _geometry );

// Splice the background color into the image.
Magick::spliceImage::spliceImage( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  : _geometry( geometry_ )
void Magick::spliceImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.splice( _geometry );

// stripImage strips an image of all profiles and comments.
Magick::stripImage::stripImage( void )
void Magick::stripImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.strip( );

// Subimage of an image sequence
Magick::subImageImage::subImageImage( const size_t subImage_ )
  : _subImage( subImage_ )
void Magick::subImageImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.subImage( _subImage );

// Number of images relative to the base image
Magick::subRangeImage::subRangeImage( const size_t subRange_ )
  : _subRange( subRange_ )
void Magick::subRangeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.subRange( _subRange );

// Tile name
Magick::tileNameImage::tileNameImage( const std::string &tileName_ )
  : _tileName( tileName_ )
void Magick::tileNameImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.tileName( _tileName );

// Image storage type
Magick::typeImage::typeImage( const Magick::ImageType type_ )
  : _type( type_ )
void Magick::typeImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.type( _type );

// Print detailed information about the image
Magick::verboseImage::verboseImage( const bool verbose_ )
  : _verbose( verbose_ )
void Magick::verboseImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.verbose( _verbose );

// FlashPix viewing parameters
Magick::viewImage::viewImage( const std::string &view_ )
  : _view( view_ ) { }

void Magick::viewImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.view( _view );

// X11 display to display to, obtain fonts from, or to capture image
// from
Magick::x11DisplayImage::x11DisplayImage( const std::string &display_ )
  : _display( display_ )
void Magick::x11DisplayImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.x11Display( _display );

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