
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. writeDebugInfo
  2. formInputTags
  3. getAncestorListItem
  4. getAncestorList
  5. getGeneratingElementNode
  6. hashMemory
  7. computeLocalHash
  8. m_previouslyAutosized
  9. getCachedHash
  10. isApplicable
  11. recalculateMultipliers
  12. processSubtree
  13. clusterMultiplier
  14. processClusterInternal
  15. computeCompositeClusterHash
  16. addNonAutosizedCluster
  17. computeMultiplier
  18. processCluster
  19. processCompositeCluster
  20. secondPassProcessStaleNonAutosizedClusters
  21. processStaleContainer
  22. processContainer
  23. setMultiplier
  24. setMultiplierForList
  25. computeAutosizedFontSize
  26. isAutosizingContainer
  27. isNarrowDescendant
  28. isWiderDescendant
  29. isIndependentDescendant
  30. isAutosizingCluster
  31. containerShouldBeAutosized
  32. containerContainsOneOfTags
  33. containerIsRowOfLinks
  34. contentHeightIsConstrained
  35. compositeClusterShouldBeAutosized
  36. measureDescendantTextWidth
  37. nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers
  38. findDeepestBlockContainingAllText
  39. findFirstTextLeafNotInCluster
  40. clusterWiderThanComparisonFn
  41. getNarrowDescendantsGroupedByWidth

 * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/TextAutosizer.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "core/frame/UseCounter.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLElement.h"
#include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderListItem.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderText.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
#include "core/rendering/style/RenderStyle.h"
#include "core/rendering/style/StyleInheritedData.h"
#include "platform/TraceEvent.h"
#include "platform/geometry/IntSize.h"
#include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h"

namespace WebCore {


using namespace HTMLNames;

struct TextAutosizingWindowInfo {
    IntSize windowSize;
    IntSize minLayoutSize;

// Represents a POD of a selection of fields for hashing. The fields are selected to detect similar
// nodes in the Render Tree from the viewpoint of text autosizing.
struct RenderObjectPodForHash {
        : qualifiedNameHash(0)
        , packedStyleProperties(0)
        , width(0)
    ~RenderObjectPodForHash() { }

    unsigned qualifiedNameHash;

    // Style specific selection of signals
    unsigned packedStyleProperties;
    float width;
// To allow for efficient hashing using StringHasher.
COMPILE_ASSERT(!(sizeof(RenderObjectPodForHash) % sizeof(UChar)), RenderObjectPodForHashMultipleOfUchar);

static void writeDebugInfo(RenderObject* renderObject, const AtomicString& output)
    Node* node = renderObject->node();
    if (node && node->isElementNode())
        toElement(node)->setAttribute("data-autosizing", output, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);

static const Vector<QualifiedName>& formInputTags()
    // Returns the tags for the form input elements.
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Vector<QualifiedName>, formInputTags, ());
    if (formInputTags.isEmpty()) {
    return formInputTags;

static RenderListItem* getAncestorListItem(const RenderObject* renderer)
    RenderObject* ancestor = renderer->parent();
    while (ancestor && (ancestor->isRenderInline() || ancestor->isAnonymousBlock()))
        ancestor = ancestor->parent();

    return (ancestor && ancestor->isListItem()) ? toRenderListItem(ancestor) : 0;

static RenderObject* getAncestorList(const RenderObject* renderer)
    // FIXME: Add support for <menu> elements as a possible ancestor of an <li> element,
    // see
    for (RenderObject* ancestor = renderer->parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
        Node* parentNode = ancestor->generatingNode();
        if (parentNode && (isHTMLOListElement(*parentNode) || isHTMLUListElement(*parentNode)))
            return ancestor;
    return 0;

static Node* getGeneratingElementNode(const RenderObject* renderer)
    Node* node = renderer->generatingNode();
    return (node && node->isElementNode()) ? node : 0;

static unsigned hashMemory(const void* data, size_t length)
    return StringHasher::computeHash<UChar>(static_cast<const UChar*>(data), length / sizeof(UChar));

static unsigned computeLocalHash(const RenderObject* renderer)
    Node* generatingElementNode = getGeneratingElementNode(renderer);

    RenderObjectPodForHash podForHash;
    podForHash.qualifiedNameHash = QualifiedNameHash::hash(toElement(generatingElementNode)->tagQName());

    if (RenderStyle* style = renderer->style()) {
        podForHash.packedStyleProperties = style->direction();
        podForHash.packedStyleProperties |= (style->position() << 1);
        podForHash.packedStyleProperties |= (style->floating() << 4);
        podForHash.packedStyleProperties |= (style->display() << 6);
        podForHash.packedStyleProperties |= (style->width().type() << 11);
        // packedStyleProperties effectively using 15 bits now.

        // consider for adding: writing mode, padding.

        podForHash.width = style->width().getFloatValue();

    return hashMemory(&podForHash, sizeof(podForHash));

TextAutosizer::TextAutosizer(Document* document)
    : m_document(document)
    , m_previouslyAutosized(false)

unsigned TextAutosizer::getCachedHash(const RenderObject* renderer, bool putInCacheIfAbsent)
    HashMap<const RenderObject*, unsigned>::const_iterator it = m_hashCache.find(renderer);
    if (it != m_hashCache.end())
        return it->value;

    RenderObject* rendererParent = renderer->parent();
    while (rendererParent && !getGeneratingElementNode(rendererParent))
        rendererParent = rendererParent->parent();

    const unsigned parentHashValue = rendererParent ? getCachedHash(rendererParent, true) : 0;
    const unsigned hashes[2] = { parentHashValue, computeLocalHash(renderer) };
    const unsigned combinedHashValue = hashMemory(hashes, sizeof(hashes));
    if (putInCacheIfAbsent)
        m_hashCache.add(renderer, combinedHashValue);
    return combinedHashValue;

bool TextAutosizer::isApplicable() const
    return m_document->settings()
        && m_document->settings()->textAutosizingEnabled()
        && m_document->page()
        && m_document->page()->mainFrame()
        && m_document->page()->mainFrame()->loader().stateMachine()->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

void TextAutosizer::recalculateMultipliers()
    if (!isApplicable() && !m_previouslyAutosized)

    RenderObject* renderer = m_document->renderer();
    while (renderer) {
        if (renderer->style() && renderer->style()->textAutosizingMultiplier() != 1)
            setMultiplier(renderer, 1);
        renderer = renderer->nextInPreOrder();
    m_previouslyAutosized = false;

bool TextAutosizer::processSubtree(RenderObject* layoutRoot)
    TRACE_EVENT0("webkit", "TextAutosizer: check if needed");

    if (!isApplicable() || layoutRoot->view()->document().printing())
        return false;

    LocalFrame* mainFrame = m_document->page()->mainFrame();
    TextAutosizingWindowInfo windowInfo;

    // Window area, in logical (density-independent) pixels.
    windowInfo.windowSize = m_document->settings()->textAutosizingWindowSizeOverride();
    if (windowInfo.windowSize.isEmpty())
        windowInfo.windowSize = mainFrame->view()->unscaledVisibleContentSize(IncludeScrollbars);

    // Largest area of block that can be visible at once (assuming the main
    // frame doesn't get scaled to less than overview scale), in CSS pixels.
    windowInfo.minLayoutSize = mainFrame->view()->layoutSize();
    for (LocalFrame* frame = m_document->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().parent())
        windowInfo.minLayoutSize = windowInfo.minLayoutSize.shrunkTo(frame->view()->layoutSize());

    // The layoutRoot could be neither a container nor a cluster, so walk up the tree till we find each of these.
    RenderBlock* container = layoutRoot->isRenderBlock() ? toRenderBlock(layoutRoot) : layoutRoot->containingBlock();
    while (container && !isAutosizingContainer(container))
        container = container->containingBlock();

    RenderBlock* cluster = container;
    while (cluster && (!isAutosizingContainer(cluster) || !isIndependentDescendant(cluster)))
        cluster = cluster->containingBlock();

    // Skip autosizing for orphaned trees, or if it will have no effect.
    // Note: this might suppress autosizing of an inner cluster with a different writing mode.
    // It's not clear what the correct behavior is for mixed writing modes anyway.
    if (!cluster || clusterMultiplier(cluster->style()->writingMode(), windowInfo,
        std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) == 1.0f)
        return false;

    TRACE_EVENT0("webkit", "TextAutosizer: process root cluster");
    UseCounter::count(*m_document, UseCounter::TextAutosizing);

    TextAutosizingClusterInfo clusterInfo(cluster);
    processCluster(clusterInfo, container, layoutRoot, windowInfo);

    // Second pass to autosize stale non-autosized clusters for consistency.
    m_previouslyAutosized = true;
    return true;

float TextAutosizer::clusterMultiplier(WritingMode writingMode, const TextAutosizingWindowInfo& windowInfo, float textWidth) const
    int logicalWindowWidth = isHorizontalWritingMode(writingMode) ? windowInfo.windowSize.width() : windowInfo.windowSize.height();
    int logicalLayoutWidth = isHorizontalWritingMode(writingMode) ? windowInfo.minLayoutSize.width() : windowInfo.minLayoutSize.height();
    // Ignore box width in excess of the layout width, to avoid extreme multipliers.
    float logicalClusterWidth = std::min<float>(textWidth, logicalLayoutWidth);

    float multiplier = logicalClusterWidth / logicalWindowWidth;
    multiplier *= m_document->settings()->accessibilityFontScaleFactor();

    // If the page has a meta viewport or @viewport, don't apply the device scale adjustment.
    const ViewportDescription& viewportDescription = m_document->page()->mainFrame()->document()->viewportDescription();
    if (!viewportDescription.isSpecifiedByAuthor()) {
        float deviceScaleAdjustment = m_document->settings()->deviceScaleAdjustment();
        multiplier *= deviceScaleAdjustment;
    return std::max(1.0f, multiplier);

void TextAutosizer::processClusterInternal(TextAutosizingClusterInfo& clusterInfo, RenderBlock* container, RenderObject* subtreeRoot, const TextAutosizingWindowInfo& windowInfo, float multiplier)
    processContainer(multiplier, container, clusterInfo, subtreeRoot, windowInfo);
    writeDebugInfo(clusterInfo.root, AtomicString(String::format("cluster:%f", multiplier)));

    Vector<Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo> > narrowDescendantsGroups;
    getNarrowDescendantsGroupedByWidth(clusterInfo, narrowDescendantsGroups);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < narrowDescendantsGroups.size(); ++i)
        processCompositeCluster(narrowDescendantsGroups[i], windowInfo);

unsigned TextAutosizer::computeCompositeClusterHash(Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>& clusterInfos)
    if (clusterInfos.size() == 1 && getGeneratingElementNode(clusterInfos[0].root))
        return getCachedHash(clusterInfos[0].root, false);

    // FIXME: consider hashing clusters for which clusterInfos.size() > 1
    return 0;

void TextAutosizer::addNonAutosizedCluster(unsigned key, TextAutosizingClusterInfo& value)
    HashMap<unsigned, OwnPtr<Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo> > >::const_iterator it = m_nonAutosizedClusters.find(key);
    if (it == m_nonAutosizedClusters.end()) {
        m_nonAutosizedClusters.add(key, adoptPtr(new Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>(1, value)));

float TextAutosizer::computeMultiplier(Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>& clusterInfos, const TextAutosizingWindowInfo& windowInfo, float textWidth)
    // When hashing is enabled this function returns a multiplier based on previously seen clusters.
    // It will return a non-unit multiplier if a cluster with the same hash value has been previously
    // autosized.
    unsigned clusterHash = computeCompositeClusterHash(clusterInfos);
    unsigned clusterHash = 0;

    if (clusterHash) {
        HashMap<unsigned, float>::iterator it = m_hashToMultiplier.find(clusterHash);
        if (it != m_hashToMultiplier.end())
            return it->value;

    if (compositeClusterShouldBeAutosized(clusterInfos, textWidth)) {
        float multiplier = clusterMultiplier(clusterInfos[0].root->style()->writingMode(), windowInfo, textWidth);
        if (clusterHash) {
            if (multiplier > 1 && m_nonAutosizedClusters.contains(clusterHash))
            m_hashToMultiplier.add(clusterHash, multiplier);
        return multiplier;

    if (clusterHash)
        addNonAutosizedCluster(clusterHash, clusterInfos[0]);

    return 1.0f;

void TextAutosizer::processCluster(TextAutosizingClusterInfo& clusterInfo, RenderBlock* container, RenderObject* subtreeRoot, const TextAutosizingWindowInfo& windowInfo)
    // Many pages set a max-width on their content. So especially for the RenderView, instead of
    // just taking the width of |cluster| we find the lowest common ancestor of the first and last
    // descendant text node of the cluster (i.e. the deepest wrapper block that contains all the
    // text), and use its width instead.
    clusterInfo.blockContainingAllText = findDeepestBlockContainingAllText(clusterInfo.root);
    float textWidth = clusterInfo.blockContainingAllText->contentLogicalWidth().toFloat();

    Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo> clusterInfos(1, clusterInfo);
    float multiplier = computeMultiplier(clusterInfos, windowInfo, textWidth);

    processClusterInternal(clusterInfo, container, subtreeRoot, windowInfo, multiplier);

void TextAutosizer::processCompositeCluster(Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>& clusterInfos, const TextAutosizingWindowInfo& windowInfo)
    if (clusterInfos.isEmpty())

    float maxTextWidth = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < clusterInfos.size(); ++i) {
        TextAutosizingClusterInfo& clusterInfo = clusterInfos[i];
        clusterInfo.blockContainingAllText = findDeepestBlockContainingAllText(clusterInfo.root);
        maxTextWidth = max<float>(maxTextWidth, clusterInfo.blockContainingAllText->contentLogicalWidth().toFloat());

    float multiplier =  computeMultiplier(clusterInfos, windowInfo, maxTextWidth);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < clusterInfos.size(); ++i) {
        ASSERT(clusterInfos[i].root->style()->writingMode() == clusterInfos[0].root->style()->writingMode());
        processClusterInternal(clusterInfos[i], clusterInfos[i].root, clusterInfos[i].root, windowInfo, multiplier);

void TextAutosizer::secondPassProcessStaleNonAutosizedClusters()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_hashesToAutosizeSecondPass.size(); ++i) {
        unsigned hash = m_hashesToAutosizeSecondPass[i];
        float multiplier = m_hashToMultiplier.get(hash);
        Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>* val = m_nonAutosizedClusters.get(hash);
        for (Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>::iterator it2 = val->begin(); it2 != val->end(); ++it2)
            processStaleContainer(multiplier, (*it2).root, *it2);

void TextAutosizer::processStaleContainer(float multiplier, RenderBlock* cluster, TextAutosizingClusterInfo& clusterInfo)

    // This method is different from processContainer() mainly in that it does not recurse into sub-clusters.
    // Multiplier updates are restricted to the specified cluster only. Also the multiplier > 1 by construction
    // of m_hashesToAutosizeSecondPass, so we don't need to check it explicitly.
    float localMultiplier = containerShouldBeAutosized(cluster) ? multiplier : 1;

    RenderObject* descendant = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(cluster, cluster);
    while (descendant) {
        if (descendant->isText()) {
            if (localMultiplier != 1 && descendant->style()->textAutosizingMultiplier() == 1) {
                setMultiplier(descendant, localMultiplier);
                setMultiplier(descendant->parent(), localMultiplier); // Parent does line spacing.
        } else if (isAutosizingContainer(descendant)) {
            RenderBlock* descendantBlock = toRenderBlock(descendant);
            if (!isAutosizingCluster(descendantBlock, clusterInfo))
                processStaleContainer(multiplier, descendantBlock, clusterInfo);
        descendant = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(descendant, cluster);

void TextAutosizer::processContainer(float multiplier, RenderBlock* container, TextAutosizingClusterInfo& clusterInfo, RenderObject* subtreeRoot, const TextAutosizingWindowInfo& windowInfo)
    writeDebugInfo(container, "container");

    float localMultiplier = (multiplier > 1 && containerShouldBeAutosized(container)) ? multiplier: 1;

    RenderObject* descendant = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(subtreeRoot, subtreeRoot);
    while (descendant) {
        if (descendant->isText()) {
            if (localMultiplier != 1 && descendant->style()->textAutosizingMultiplier() == 1) {
                setMultiplier(descendant, localMultiplier);
                setMultiplier(descendant->parent(), localMultiplier); // Parent does line spacing.

                if (RenderListItem* listItemAncestor = getAncestorListItem(descendant)) {
                    if (RenderObject* list = getAncestorList(listItemAncestor)) {
                        if (list->style()->textAutosizingMultiplier() == 1)
                            setMultiplierForList(list, localMultiplier);
        } else if (isAutosizingContainer(descendant)) {
            RenderBlock* descendantBlock = toRenderBlock(descendant);
            TextAutosizingClusterInfo descendantClusterInfo(descendantBlock);
            if (isWiderDescendant(descendantBlock, clusterInfo) || isIndependentDescendant(descendantBlock))
                processCluster(descendantClusterInfo, descendantBlock, descendantBlock, windowInfo);
            else if (isNarrowDescendant(descendantBlock, clusterInfo)) {
                // Narrow descendants are processed together later to be able to apply the same multiplier
                // to each of them if necessary.
            } else
                processContainer(multiplier, descendantBlock, clusterInfo, descendantBlock, windowInfo);
        descendant = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(descendant, subtreeRoot);

void TextAutosizer::setMultiplier(RenderObject* renderer, float multiplier)
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> newStyle = RenderStyle::clone(renderer->style());

void TextAutosizer::setMultiplierForList(RenderObject* renderer, float multiplier)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    Node* parentNode = renderer->generatingNode();
    ASSERT(isHTMLOListElement(parentNode) || isHTMLUListElement(parentNode));
    setMultiplier(renderer, multiplier);

    // Make sure all list items are autosized consistently.
    for (RenderObject* child = renderer->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->isListItem() && child->style()->textAutosizingMultiplier() == 1)
            setMultiplier(child, multiplier);

float TextAutosizer::computeAutosizedFontSize(float specifiedSize, float multiplier)
    // Somewhat arbitrary "pleasant" font size.
    const float pleasantSize = 16;

    // Multiply fonts that the page author has specified to be larger than
    // pleasantSize by less and less, until huge fonts are not increased at all.
    // For specifiedSize between 0 and pleasantSize we directly apply the
    // multiplier; hence for specifiedSize == pleasantSize, computedSize will be
    // multiplier * pleasantSize. For greater specifiedSizes we want to
    // gradually fade out the multiplier, so for every 1px increase in
    // specifiedSize beyond pleasantSize we will only increase computedSize
    // by gradientAfterPleasantSize px until we meet the
    // computedSize = specifiedSize line, after which we stay on that line (so
    // then every 1px increase in specifiedSize increases computedSize by 1px).
    const float gradientAfterPleasantSize = 0.5;

    float computedSize;
    if (specifiedSize <= pleasantSize)
        computedSize = multiplier * specifiedSize;
    else {
        computedSize = multiplier * pleasantSize + gradientAfterPleasantSize * (specifiedSize - pleasantSize);
        if (computedSize < specifiedSize)
            computedSize = specifiedSize;
    return computedSize;

bool TextAutosizer::isAutosizingContainer(const RenderObject* renderer)
    // "Autosizing containers" are the smallest unit for which we can
    // enable/disable Text Autosizing.
    // - Must not be inline, as different multipliers on one line looks terrible.
    //   Exceptions are inline-block and alike elements (inline-table, -webkit-inline-*),
    //   as they often contain entire multi-line columns of text.
    // - Must not be list items, as items in the same list should look consistent (*).
    // - Must not be normal list items, as items in the same list should look
    //   consistent, unless they are floating or position:absolute/fixed.
    Node* node = renderer->generatingNode();
    if ((node && !node->hasChildren())
        || !renderer->isRenderBlock()
        || (renderer->isInline() && !renderer->style()->isDisplayReplacedType()))
        return false;
    if (renderer->isListItem())
        return renderer->isFloating() || renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned();
    // Avoid creating containers for text within text controls, buttons, or <select> buttons.
    Node* parentNode = renderer->parent() ? renderer->parent()->generatingNode() : 0;
    if (parentNode && parentNode->isElementNode() && formInputTags().contains(toElement(parentNode)->tagQName()))
        return false;

    return true;

bool TextAutosizer::isNarrowDescendant(const RenderBlock* renderer, TextAutosizingClusterInfo& parentClusterInfo)

    // Autosizing containers that are significantly narrower than the |blockContainingAllText| of
    // their enclosing cluster may be acting as separate columns, hence must be autosized
    // separately. For example the 2nd div in:
    // <body>
    //     <div style="float: right; width: 50%"></div>
    //     <div style="width: 50%"></div>
    // <body>
    // is the left column, and should be autosized differently from the body.
    // If however the container is only narrower by 150px or less, it's considered part of
    // the enclosing cluster. This 150px limit is adjusted whenever a descendant container is
    // less than 50px narrower than the current limit.
    const float differenceFromMaxWidthDifference = 50;
    LayoutUnit contentWidth = renderer->contentLogicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit clusterTextWidth = parentClusterInfo.blockContainingAllText->contentLogicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit widthDifference = clusterTextWidth - contentWidth;

    if (widthDifference - parentClusterInfo.maxAllowedDifferenceFromTextWidth > differenceFromMaxWidthDifference)
        return true;

    parentClusterInfo.maxAllowedDifferenceFromTextWidth = std::max(widthDifference.toFloat(), parentClusterInfo.maxAllowedDifferenceFromTextWidth);
    return false;

bool TextAutosizer::isWiderDescendant(const RenderBlock* renderer, const TextAutosizingClusterInfo& parentClusterInfo)

    // Autosizing containers that are wider than the |blockContainingAllText| of their enclosing
    // cluster are treated the same way as autosizing clusters to be autosized separately.
    LayoutUnit contentWidth = renderer->contentLogicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit clusterTextWidth = parentClusterInfo.blockContainingAllText->contentLogicalWidth();
    return contentWidth > clusterTextWidth;

bool TextAutosizer::isIndependentDescendant(const RenderBlock* renderer)

    // "Autosizing clusters" are special autosizing containers within which we
    // want to enforce a uniform text size multiplier, in the hopes of making
    // the major sections of the page look internally consistent.
    // All their descendants (including other autosizing containers) must share
    // the same multiplier, except for subtrees which are themselves clusters,
    // and some of their descendant containers might not be autosized at all
    // (for example if their height is constrained).
    // Additionally, clusterShouldBeAutosized requires each cluster to contain a
    // minimum amount of text, without which it won't be autosized.
    // Clusters are chosen using very similar criteria to CSS flow roots, aka
    // block formatting contexts (, since
    // flow roots correspond to box containers that behave somewhat
    // independently from their parent (for example they don't overlap floats).
    // The definition of a flow root also conveniently includes most of the
    // ways that a box and its children can have significantly different width
    // from the box's parent (we want to avoid having significantly different
    // width blocks within a cluster, since the narrower blocks would end up
    // larger than would otherwise be necessary).
    RenderBlock* containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();
    return renderer->isRenderView()
        || renderer->isFloating()
        || renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned()
        || renderer->isTableCell()
        || renderer->isTableCaption()
        || renderer->isFlexibleBoxIncludingDeprecated()
        || renderer->hasColumns()
        || (containingBlock && containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() != renderer->isHorizontalWritingMode())
        || renderer->style()->isDisplayReplacedType()
        || renderer->isTextArea()
        || renderer->style()->userModify() != READ_ONLY;
    // FIXME: Tables need special handling to multiply all their columns by
    // the same amount even if they're different widths; so do hasColumns()
    // containers, and probably flexboxes...

bool TextAutosizer::isAutosizingCluster(const RenderBlock* renderer, TextAutosizingClusterInfo& parentClusterInfo)

    return isNarrowDescendant(renderer, parentClusterInfo)
        || isWiderDescendant(renderer, parentClusterInfo)
        || isIndependentDescendant(renderer);

bool TextAutosizer::containerShouldBeAutosized(const RenderBlock* container)
    if (containerContainsOneOfTags(container, formInputTags()))
        return false;

    if (containerIsRowOfLinks(container))
        return false;

    // Don't autosize block-level text that can't wrap (as it's likely to
    // expand sideways and break the page's layout).
    if (!container->style()->autoWrap())
        return false;

    return !contentHeightIsConstrained(container);

bool TextAutosizer::containerContainsOneOfTags(const RenderBlock* container, const Vector<QualifiedName>& tags)
    const RenderObject* renderer = container;
    while (renderer) {
        const Node* rendererNode = renderer->node();
        if (rendererNode && rendererNode->isElementNode()) {
            if (tags.contains(toElement(rendererNode)->tagQName()))
                return true;
        renderer = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(renderer, container);

    return false;

bool TextAutosizer::containerIsRowOfLinks(const RenderObject* container)
    // A "row of links" is a container for which holds:
    //  1. it should not contain non-link text elements longer than 3 characters
    //  2. it should contain min. 3 inline links and all links should
    //     have the same specified font size
    //  3. it should not contain <br> elements
    //  4. it should contain only inline elements unless they are containers,
    //     children of link elements or children of sub-containers.
    int linkCount = 0;
    RenderObject* renderer = container->nextInPreOrder(container);
    float matchingFontSize = -1;

    while (renderer) {
        if (!isAutosizingContainer(renderer)) {
            if (renderer->isText() && toRenderText(renderer)->text().impl()->stripWhiteSpace()->length() > 3)
                return false;
            if (!renderer->isInline())
                return false;
            if (renderer->isBR())
                return false;
        if (renderer->style()->isLink()) {
            if (matchingFontSize < 0)
                matchingFontSize = renderer->style()->specifiedFontSize();
            else {
                if (matchingFontSize != renderer->style()->specifiedFontSize())
                    return false;

            // Skip traversing descendants of the link.
            renderer = renderer->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(container);
        } else
            renderer = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(renderer, container);

    return (linkCount >= 3);

bool TextAutosizer::contentHeightIsConstrained(const RenderBlock* container)
    // FIXME: Propagate constrainedness down the tree, to avoid inefficiently walking back up from each box.
    // FIXME: This code needs to take into account vertical writing modes.
    // FIXME: Consider additional heuristics, such as ignoring fixed heights if the content is already overflowing before autosizing kicks in.
    for (; container; container = container->containingBlock()) {
        RenderStyle* style = container->style();
        if (style->overflowY() >= OSCROLL)
            return false;
        if (style->height().isSpecified() || style->maxHeight().isSpecified() || container->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
            // Some sites (e.g. wikipedia) set their html and/or body elements to height:100%,
            // without intending to constrain the height of the content within them.
            return !container->isRoot() && !container->isBody();
        if (container->isFloating())
            return false;
    return false;

bool TextAutosizer::compositeClusterShouldBeAutosized(Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo>& clusterInfos, float blockWidth)
    // Don't autosize clusters that contain less than 4 lines of text (in
    // practice less lines are required, since measureDescendantTextWidth
    // assumes that characters are 1em wide, but most characters are narrower
    // than that, so we're overestimating their contribution to the linecount).
    // This is to reduce the likelihood of autosizing things like headers and
    // footers, which can be quite visually distracting. The rationale is that
    // if a cluster contains very few lines of text then it's ok to have to zoom
    // in and pan from side to side to read each line, since if there are very
    // few lines of text you'll only need to pan across once or twice.
    // An exception to the 4 lines of text are the textarea and contenteditable
    // clusters, which are always autosized by default (i.e. threated as if they
    // contain more than 4 lines of text). This is to ensure that the text does
    // not suddenly get autosized when the user enters more than 4 lines of text.
    float totalTextWidth = 0;
    const float minLinesOfText = 4;
    float minTextWidth = blockWidth * minLinesOfText;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < clusterInfos.size(); ++i) {
        if (clusterInfos[i].root->isTextArea() || (clusterInfos[i].root->style() && clusterInfos[i].root->style()->userModify() != READ_ONLY))
            return true;
        measureDescendantTextWidth(clusterInfos[i].blockContainingAllText, clusterInfos[i], minTextWidth, totalTextWidth);
        if (totalTextWidth >= minTextWidth)
            return true;
    return false;

void TextAutosizer::measureDescendantTextWidth(const RenderBlock* container, TextAutosizingClusterInfo& clusterInfo, float minTextWidth, float& textWidth)
    bool skipLocalText = !containerShouldBeAutosized(container);

    RenderObject* descendant = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(container, container);
    while (descendant) {
        if (!skipLocalText && descendant->isText()) {
            textWidth += toRenderText(descendant)->renderedTextLength() * descendant->style()->specifiedFontSize();
        } else if (isAutosizingContainer(descendant)) {
            RenderBlock* descendantBlock = toRenderBlock(descendant);
            if (!isAutosizingCluster(descendantBlock, clusterInfo))
                measureDescendantTextWidth(descendantBlock, clusterInfo, minTextWidth, textWidth);
        if (textWidth >= minTextWidth)
        descendant = nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(descendant, container);

RenderObject* TextAutosizer::nextInPreOrderSkippingDescendantsOfContainers(const RenderObject* current, const RenderObject* stayWithin)
    if (current == stayWithin || !isAutosizingContainer(current))
        return current->nextInPreOrder(stayWithin);
    return current->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(stayWithin);

const RenderBlock* TextAutosizer::findDeepestBlockContainingAllText(const RenderBlock* cluster)
    size_t firstDepth = 0;
    const RenderObject* firstTextLeaf = findFirstTextLeafNotInCluster(cluster, firstDepth, FirstToLast);
    if (!firstTextLeaf)
        return cluster;

    size_t lastDepth = 0;
    const RenderObject* lastTextLeaf = findFirstTextLeafNotInCluster(cluster, lastDepth, LastToFirst);

    // Equalize the depths if necessary. Only one of the while loops below will get executed.
    const RenderObject* firstNode = firstTextLeaf;
    const RenderObject* lastNode = lastTextLeaf;
    while (firstDepth > lastDepth) {
        firstNode = firstNode->parent();
    while (lastDepth > firstDepth) {
        lastNode = lastNode->parent();

    // Go up from both nodes until the parent is the same. Both pointers will point to the LCA then.
    while (firstNode != lastNode) {
        firstNode = firstNode->parent();
        lastNode = lastNode->parent();

    if (firstNode->isRenderBlock())
        return toRenderBlock(firstNode);

    // containingBlock() should never leave the cluster, since it only skips ancestors when finding the
    // container of position:absolute/fixed blocks, and those cannot exist between a cluster and its text
    // nodes lowest common ancestor as isAutosizingCluster would have made them into their own independent
    // cluster.
    RenderBlock* containingBlock = firstNode->containingBlock();

    return containingBlock;

const RenderObject* TextAutosizer::findFirstTextLeafNotInCluster(const RenderObject* parent, size_t& depth, TraversalDirection direction)
    if (parent->isEmpty())
        return parent->isText() ? parent : 0;

    const RenderObject* child = (direction == FirstToLast) ? parent->firstChild() : parent->lastChild();
    while (child) {
        if (!isAutosizingContainer(child) || !isIndependentDescendant(toRenderBlock(child))) {
            const RenderObject* leaf = findFirstTextLeafNotInCluster(child, depth, direction);
            if (leaf)
                return leaf;
        child = (direction == FirstToLast) ? child->nextSibling() : child->previousSibling();

    return 0;

namespace {

// Compares the width of the specified cluster's roots in descending order.
bool clusterWiderThanComparisonFn(const TextAutosizingClusterInfo& first, const TextAutosizingClusterInfo& second)
    return first.root->contentLogicalWidth() > second.root->contentLogicalWidth();

} // namespace

void TextAutosizer::getNarrowDescendantsGroupedByWidth(const TextAutosizingClusterInfo& parentClusterInfo, Vector<Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo> >& groups)

    Vector<TextAutosizingClusterInfo> clusterInfos(parentClusterInfo.narrowDescendants);
    if (clusterInfos.isEmpty())

    std::sort(clusterInfos.begin(), clusterInfos.end(), &clusterWiderThanComparisonFn);

    // If the width difference between two consecutive elements of |clusterInfos| is greater than
    // this empirically determined value, the next element should start a new group.
    const float maxWidthDifferenceWithinGroup = 100;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < clusterInfos.size(); ++i) {

        if (i + 1 < clusterInfos.size()) {
            LayoutUnit currentWidth = clusterInfos[i].root->contentLogicalWidth();
            LayoutUnit nextWidth = clusterInfos[i + 1].root->contentLogicalWidth();
            if (currentWidth - nextWidth > maxWidthDifferenceWithinGroup)
                groups.grow(groups.size() + 1);

} // namespace WebCore

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