
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. m_kernelMatrix
  2. create
  3. mapPaintRect
  4. kernelSize
  5. setKernelSize
  6. kernel
  7. setKernel
  8. divisor
  9. setDivisor
  10. bias
  11. setBias
  12. targetOffset
  13. setTargetOffset
  14. edgeMode
  15. setEdgeMode
  16. kernelUnitLength
  17. setKernelUnitLength
  18. preserveAlpha
  19. setPreserveAlpha
  20. clampRGBAValue
  21. setDestinationPixels
  22. fastSetInteriorPixels
  23. getPixelValue
  24. fastSetOuterPixels
  25. setInteriorPixels
  26. setOuterPixels
  27. setInteriorPixelsWorker
  28. applySoftware
  29. toSkiaTileMode
  30. createImageFilter
  31. externalRepresentation

 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Rob Buis <>
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Eric Seidel <>
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Dirk Schulze <>
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Zoltan Herczeg <>
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/FEConvolveMatrix.h"

#include "SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/ParallelJobs.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/SkiaImageFilterBuilder.h"
#include "platform/text/TextStream.h"
#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/Uint8ClampedArray.h"

namespace WebCore {

FEConvolveMatrix::FEConvolveMatrix(Filter* filter, const IntSize& kernelSize,
    float divisor, float bias, const IntPoint& targetOffset, EdgeModeType edgeMode,
    const FloatPoint& kernelUnitLength, bool preserveAlpha, const Vector<float>& kernelMatrix)
    : FilterEffect(filter)
    , m_kernelSize(kernelSize)
    , m_divisor(divisor)
    , m_bias(bias)
    , m_targetOffset(targetOffset)
    , m_edgeMode(edgeMode)
    , m_kernelUnitLength(kernelUnitLength)
    , m_preserveAlpha(preserveAlpha)
    , m_kernelMatrix(kernelMatrix)
    ASSERT(m_kernelSize.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(m_kernelSize.height() > 0);

PassRefPtr<FEConvolveMatrix> FEConvolveMatrix::create(Filter* filter, const IntSize& kernelSize,
    float divisor, float bias, const IntPoint& targetOffset, EdgeModeType edgeMode,
    const FloatPoint& kernelUnitLength, bool preserveAlpha, const Vector<float>& kernelMatrix)
    return adoptRef(new FEConvolveMatrix(filter, kernelSize, divisor, bias, targetOffset, edgeMode, kernelUnitLength,
        preserveAlpha, kernelMatrix));

FloatRect FEConvolveMatrix::mapPaintRect(const FloatRect& rect, bool forward)
    FloatRect result = rect;

    result.moveBy(forward ? -m_targetOffset : m_targetOffset - m_kernelSize);
    return result;

IntSize FEConvolveMatrix::kernelSize() const
    return m_kernelSize;

void FEConvolveMatrix::setKernelSize(const IntSize& kernelSize)
    ASSERT(kernelSize.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(kernelSize.height() > 0);
    m_kernelSize = kernelSize;

const Vector<float>& FEConvolveMatrix::kernel() const
    return m_kernelMatrix;

void FEConvolveMatrix::setKernel(const Vector<float>& kernel)
    m_kernelMatrix = kernel;

float FEConvolveMatrix::divisor() const
    return m_divisor;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::setDivisor(float divisor)
    if (m_divisor == divisor)
        return false;
    m_divisor = divisor;
    return true;

float FEConvolveMatrix::bias() const
    return m_bias;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::setBias(float bias)
    if (m_bias == bias)
        return false;
    m_bias = bias;
    return true;

IntPoint FEConvolveMatrix::targetOffset() const
    return m_targetOffset;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::setTargetOffset(const IntPoint& targetOffset)
    if (m_targetOffset == targetOffset)
        return false;
    m_targetOffset = targetOffset;
    return true;

EdgeModeType FEConvolveMatrix::edgeMode() const
    return m_edgeMode;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::setEdgeMode(EdgeModeType edgeMode)
    if (m_edgeMode == edgeMode)
        return false;
    m_edgeMode = edgeMode;
    return true;

FloatPoint FEConvolveMatrix::kernelUnitLength() const
    return m_kernelUnitLength;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::setKernelUnitLength(const FloatPoint& kernelUnitLength)
    ASSERT(kernelUnitLength.x() > 0);
    ASSERT(kernelUnitLength.y() > 0);
    if (m_kernelUnitLength == kernelUnitLength)
        return false;
    m_kernelUnitLength = kernelUnitLength;
    return true;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::preserveAlpha() const
    return m_preserveAlpha;

bool FEConvolveMatrix::setPreserveAlpha(bool preserveAlpha)
    if (m_preserveAlpha == preserveAlpha)
        return false;
    m_preserveAlpha = preserveAlpha;
    return true;

      ConvolveMatrix implementation

   The image rectangle is split in the following way:

      |          A          |
      |   |             |   |
      | B |      C      | D |
      |   |             |   |
      |          E          |

   Where region C contains those pixels, whose values
   can be calculated without crossing the edge of the rectangle.

      Image size: width: 10, height: 10

      Order (kernel matrix size): width: 3, height 4
      Target: x:1, y:3

      The following figure shows the target inside the kernel matrix:


   The regions in this case are the following:
      Note: (x1, y1) top-left and (x2, y2) is the bottom-right corner
      Note: row x2 and column y2 is not part of the region
            only those (x, y) pixels, where x1 <= x < x2 and y1 <= y < y2

      Region A: x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 10, y2: 3
      Region B: x1: 0, y1: 3, x2: 1, y2: 10
      Region C: x1: 1, y1: 3, x2: 9, y2: 10
      Region D: x1: 9, y1: 3, x2: 10, y2: 10
      Region E: x1: 0, y1: 10, x2: 10, y2: 10 (empty region)

   Since region C (often) contains most of the pixels, we implemented
   a fast algoritm to calculate these values, called fastSetInteriorPixels.
   For other regions, fastSetOuterPixels is used, which calls getPixelValue,
   to handle pixels outside of the image. In a rare situations, when
   kernel matrix is bigger than the image, all pixels are calculated by this

   Although these two functions have lot in common, I decided not to make
   common a template for them, since there are key differences as well,
   and would make it really hard to understand.

static ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned char clampRGBAValue(float channel, unsigned char max = 255)
    if (channel <= 0)
        return 0;
    if (channel >= max)
        return max;
    return channel;

template<bool preserveAlphaValues>
ALWAYS_INLINE void setDestinationPixels(Uint8ClampedArray* image, int& pixel, float* totals, float divisor, float bias, Uint8ClampedArray* src)
    unsigned char maxAlpha = preserveAlphaValues ? 255 : clampRGBAValue(totals[3] / divisor + bias);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        image->set(pixel++, clampRGBAValue(totals[i] / divisor + bias, maxAlpha));

    if (preserveAlphaValues) {
        image->set(pixel, src->item(pixel));
    } else {
        image->set(pixel++, maxAlpha);

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
// Incorrectly diagnosing overwrite of stack in |totals| due to |preserveAlphaValues|.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4789)

// Only for region C
template<bool preserveAlphaValues>
ALWAYS_INLINE void FEConvolveMatrix::fastSetInteriorPixels(PaintingData& paintingData, int clipRight, int clipBottom, int yStart, int yEnd)
    // edge mode does not affect these pixels
    int pixel = (m_targetOffset.y() * paintingData.width + m_targetOffset.x()) * 4;
    int kernelIncrease = clipRight * 4;
    int xIncrease = (m_kernelSize.width() - 1) * 4;
    // Contains the sum of rgb(a) components
    float totals[3 + (preserveAlphaValues ? 0 : 1)];

    // m_divisor cannot be 0, SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement ensures this

    // Skip the first '(clipBottom - yEnd)' lines
    pixel += (clipBottom - yEnd) * (xIncrease + (clipRight + 1) * 4);
    int startKernelPixel = (clipBottom - yEnd) * (xIncrease + (clipRight + 1) * 4);

    for (int y = yEnd + 1; y > yStart; --y) {
        for (int x = clipRight + 1; x > 0; --x) {
            int kernelValue = m_kernelMatrix.size() - 1;
            int kernelPixel = startKernelPixel;
            int width = m_kernelSize.width();

            totals[0] = 0;
            totals[1] = 0;
            totals[2] = 0;
            if (!preserveAlphaValues)
                totals[3] = 0;

            while (kernelValue >= 0) {
                totals[0] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(kernelPixel++));
                totals[1] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(kernelPixel++));
                totals[2] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(kernelPixel++));
                if (!preserveAlphaValues)
                    totals[3] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(kernelPixel));
                if (!--width) {
                    kernelPixel += kernelIncrease;
                    width = m_kernelSize.width();

            setDestinationPixels<preserveAlphaValues>(paintingData.dstPixelArray, pixel, totals, m_divisor, paintingData.bias, paintingData.srcPixelArray);
            startKernelPixel += 4;
        pixel += xIncrease;
        startKernelPixel += xIncrease;

ALWAYS_INLINE int FEConvolveMatrix::getPixelValue(PaintingData& paintingData, int x, int y)
    if (x >= 0 && x < paintingData.width && y >= 0 && y < paintingData.height)
        return (y * paintingData.width + x) << 2;

    switch (m_edgeMode) {
    default: // EDGEMODE_NONE
        return -1;
        if (x < 0)
            x = 0;
        else if (x >= paintingData.width)
            x = paintingData.width - 1;
        if (y < 0)
            y = 0;
        else if (y >= paintingData.height)
            y = paintingData.height - 1;
        return (y * paintingData.width + x) << 2;
        while (x < 0)
            x += paintingData.width;
        x %= paintingData.width;
        while (y < 0)
            y += paintingData.height;
        y %= paintingData.height;
        return (y * paintingData.width + x) << 2;

// For other regions than C
template<bool preserveAlphaValues>
void FEConvolveMatrix::fastSetOuterPixels(PaintingData& paintingData, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    int pixel = (y1 * paintingData.width + x1) * 4;
    int height = y2 - y1;
    int width = x2 - x1;
    int beginKernelPixelX = x1 - m_targetOffset.x();
    int startKernelPixelX = beginKernelPixelX;
    int startKernelPixelY = y1 - m_targetOffset.y();
    int xIncrease = (paintingData.width - width) * 4;
    // Contains the sum of rgb(a) components
    float totals[3 + (preserveAlphaValues ? 0 : 1)];

    // m_divisor cannot be 0, SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement ensures this

    for (int y = height; y > 0; --y) {
        for (int x = width; x > 0; --x) {
            int kernelValue = m_kernelMatrix.size() - 1;
            int kernelPixelX = startKernelPixelX;
            int kernelPixelY = startKernelPixelY;
            int width = m_kernelSize.width();

            totals[0] = 0;
            totals[1] = 0;
            totals[2] = 0;
            if (!preserveAlphaValues)
                totals[3] = 0;

            while (kernelValue >= 0) {
                int pixelIndex = getPixelValue(paintingData, kernelPixelX, kernelPixelY);
                if (pixelIndex >= 0) {
                    totals[0] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(pixelIndex));
                    totals[1] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(pixelIndex + 1));
                    totals[2] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(pixelIndex + 2));
                if (!preserveAlphaValues && pixelIndex >= 0)
                    totals[3] += m_kernelMatrix[kernelValue] * static_cast<float>(paintingData.srcPixelArray->item(pixelIndex + 3));
                if (!--width) {
                    kernelPixelX = startKernelPixelX;
                    width = m_kernelSize.width();

            setDestinationPixels<preserveAlphaValues>(paintingData.dstPixelArray, pixel, totals, m_divisor, paintingData.bias, paintingData.srcPixelArray);
        pixel += xIncrease;
        startKernelPixelX = beginKernelPixelX;

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
#pragma warning(pop) // Disable of 4789

ALWAYS_INLINE void FEConvolveMatrix::setInteriorPixels(PaintingData& paintingData, int clipRight, int clipBottom, int yStart, int yEnd)
    // Must be implemented here, since it refers another ALWAYS_INLINE
    // function, which defined in this C++ source file as well
    if (m_preserveAlpha)
        fastSetInteriorPixels<true>(paintingData, clipRight, clipBottom, yStart, yEnd);
        fastSetInteriorPixels<false>(paintingData, clipRight, clipBottom, yStart, yEnd);

ALWAYS_INLINE void FEConvolveMatrix::setOuterPixels(PaintingData& paintingData, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    // Although this function can be moved to the header, it is implemented here
    // because setInteriorPixels is also implemented here
    if (m_preserveAlpha)
        fastSetOuterPixels<true>(paintingData, x1, y1, x2, y2);
        fastSetOuterPixels<false>(paintingData, x1, y1, x2, y2);

void FEConvolveMatrix::setInteriorPixelsWorker(InteriorPixelParameters* param)
    param->filter->setInteriorPixels(*param->paintingData, param->clipRight, param->clipBottom, param->yStart, param->yEnd);

void FEConvolveMatrix::applySoftware()
    FilterEffect* in = inputEffect(0);

    Uint8ClampedArray* resultImage;
    if (m_preserveAlpha)
        resultImage = createUnmultipliedImageResult();
        resultImage = createPremultipliedImageResult();
    if (!resultImage)

    IntRect effectDrawingRect = requestedRegionOfInputImageData(in->absolutePaintRect());

    RefPtr<Uint8ClampedArray> srcPixelArray;
    if (m_preserveAlpha)
        srcPixelArray = in->asUnmultipliedImage(effectDrawingRect);
        srcPixelArray = in->asPremultipliedImage(effectDrawingRect);

    IntSize paintSize = absolutePaintRect().size();
    PaintingData paintingData;
    paintingData.srcPixelArray = srcPixelArray.get();
    paintingData.dstPixelArray = resultImage;
    paintingData.width = paintSize.width();
    paintingData.height = paintSize.height();
    paintingData.bias = m_bias * 255;

    // Drawing fully covered pixels
    int clipRight = paintSize.width() - m_kernelSize.width();
    int clipBottom = paintSize.height() - m_kernelSize.height();

    if (clipRight >= 0 && clipBottom >= 0) {

        int optimalThreadNumber = (absolutePaintRect().width() * absolutePaintRect().height()) / s_minimalRectDimension;
        if (optimalThreadNumber > 1) {
            ParallelJobs<InteriorPixelParameters> parallelJobs(&WebCore::FEConvolveMatrix::setInteriorPixelsWorker, optimalThreadNumber);
            const int numOfThreads = parallelJobs.numberOfJobs();

            // Split the job into "heightPerThread" jobs but there a few jobs that need to be slightly larger since
            // heightPerThread * jobs < total size. These extras are handled by the remainder "jobsWithExtra".
            const int heightPerThread = clipBottom / numOfThreads;
            const int jobsWithExtra = clipBottom % numOfThreads;

            int startY = 0;
            for (int job = 0; job < numOfThreads; ++job) {
                InteriorPixelParameters& param = parallelJobs.parameter(job);
                param.filter = this;
                param.paintingData = &paintingData;
                param.clipRight = clipRight;
                param.clipBottom = clipBottom;
                param.yStart = startY;
                startY += job < jobsWithExtra ? heightPerThread + 1 : heightPerThread;
                param.yEnd = startY;

        } else {
            // Fallback to single threaded mode.
            setInteriorPixels(paintingData, clipRight, clipBottom, 0, clipBottom);

        clipRight += m_targetOffset.x() + 1;
        clipBottom += m_targetOffset.y() + 1;
        if (m_targetOffset.y() > 0)
            setOuterPixels(paintingData, 0, 0, paintSize.width(), m_targetOffset.y());
        if (clipBottom < paintSize.height())
            setOuterPixels(paintingData, 0, clipBottom, paintSize.width(), paintSize.height());
        if (m_targetOffset.x() > 0)
            setOuterPixels(paintingData, 0, m_targetOffset.y(), m_targetOffset.x(), clipBottom);
        if (clipRight < paintSize.width())
            setOuterPixels(paintingData, clipRight, m_targetOffset.y(), paintSize.width(), clipBottom);
    } else {
        // Rare situation, not optimizied for speed
        setOuterPixels(paintingData, 0, 0, paintSize.width(), paintSize.height());

SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::TileMode toSkiaTileMode(WebCore::EdgeModeType edgeMode)
    switch (edgeMode) {
        return SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kClamp_TileMode;
    case WebCore::EDGEMODE_WRAP:
        return SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kRepeat_TileMode;
    case WebCore::EDGEMODE_NONE:
        return SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kClampToBlack_TileMode;
        return SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kClamp_TileMode;

}; // unnamed namespace

namespace WebCore {

PassRefPtr<SkImageFilter> FEConvolveMatrix::createImageFilter(SkiaImageFilterBuilder* builder)
    RefPtr<SkImageFilter> input(builder->build(inputEffect(0), operatingColorSpace()));

    SkISize kernelSize(SkISize::Make(m_kernelSize.width(), m_kernelSize.height()));
    int numElements = kernelSize.width() * kernelSize.height();
    SkScalar gain = SkFloatToScalar(1.0f / m_divisor);
    SkScalar bias = SkFloatToScalar(m_bias);
    SkIPoint target = SkIPoint::Make(m_targetOffset.x(), m_targetOffset.y());
    SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::TileMode tileMode = toSkiaTileMode(m_edgeMode);
    bool convolveAlpha = !m_preserveAlpha;
    OwnPtr<SkScalar[]> kernel = adoptArrayPtr(new SkScalar[numElements]);
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
        kernel[i] = SkFloatToScalar(m_kernelMatrix[numElements - 1 - i]);
    SkImageFilter::CropRect cropRect = getCropRect(builder->cropOffset());
    return adoptRef(new SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter(kernelSize, kernel.get(), gain, bias, target, tileMode, convolveAlpha, input.get(), &cropRect));

static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const EdgeModeType& type)
    switch (type) {
        ts << "UNKNOWN";
        ts << "DUPLICATE";
        ts << "WRAP";
        ts << "NONE";
    return ts;

TextStream& FEConvolveMatrix::externalRepresentation(TextStream& ts, int indent) const
    writeIndent(ts, indent);
    ts << "[feConvolveMatrix";
    ts << " order=\"" << m_kernelSize << "\" "
       << "kernelMatrix=\"" << m_kernelMatrix  << "\" "
       << "divisor=\"" << m_divisor << "\" "
       << "bias=\"" << m_bias << "\" "
       << "target=\"" << m_targetOffset << "\" "
       << "edgeMode=\"" << m_edgeMode << "\" "
       << "kernelUnitLength=\"" << m_kernelUnitLength << "\" "
       << "preserveAlpha=\"" << m_preserveAlpha << "\"]\n";
    inputEffect(0)->externalRepresentation(ts, indent + 1);
    return ts;

}; // namespace WebCore

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */