DESC_NEWLINE 117 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gInputSwitch = {"--input", "-i", 1, NULL, "Specify input file." DESC_NEWLINE "stdin is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 118 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gOutputSwitch = {"--output", "-o", 1, NULL, "Specify output file." DESC_NEWLINE "Appends if file exists." DESC_NEWLINE "stdout is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 121 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gTotalSwitch = {"--totalonly", "-t", 0, NULL, "Output only one number." DESC_NEWLINE "The total overall size." DESC_NEWLINE "Overrides other output options."}; DESC_NEWLINE 122 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMinSize = {"--min-size", "-min", 1, NULL, "Only consider symbols equal to or greater than this size." DESC_NEWLINE "The default is 0x00000000."}; DESC_NEWLINE 123 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMaxSize = {"--max-size", "-max", 1, NULL, "Only consider symbols equal to or smaller than this size." DESC_NEWLINE "The default is 0xFFFFFFFF."}; DESC_NEWLINE 124 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMatchScope = {"--match-scope", "-msco", 1, NULL, "Only consider scopes that have a substring match." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple uses allowed to specify a range of scopes," DESC_NEWLINE "though PUBLIC, STATIC, and UNDEF are your only choices."}; DESC_NEWLINE 125 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMatchClass = {"--match-class", "-mcla", 1, NULL, "Only consider classes that have a substring match." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple uses allowed to specify a range of classes," DESC_NEWLINE "though CODE and DATA are your only choices."}; DESC_NEWLINE 126 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMatchModule = {"--match-module", "-mmod", 1, NULL, "Only consider modules that have a substring match." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple uses allowed to specify an array of modules."}; DESC_NEWLINE 127 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMatchSection = {"--match-section", "-msec", 1, NULL, "Only consider sections that have a substring match." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple uses allowed to specify an array of sections." DESC_NEWLINE "Section is considered symbol type."}; DESC_NEWLINE 128 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMatchObject = {"--match-object", "-mobj", 1, NULL, "Only consider objects that have a substring match." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple uses allowed to specify an array of objects."}; DESC_NEWLINE 129 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c static Switch gMatchSymbol = {"--match-symbol", "-msym", 1, NULL, "Only consider symbols that have a substring match." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple uses allowed to specify an array of symbols."}; DESC_NEWLINE 1050 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c printf(DESC_NEWLINE "%s\n\n", gSwitches[loop]->mDescription); DESC_NEWLINE 96 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c static Switch gInputSwitch = {"--input", "-i", 1, NULL, "Specify input file." DESC_NEWLINE "stdin is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 97 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c static Switch gOutputSwitch = {"--output", "-o", 1, NULL, "Specify output file." DESC_NEWLINE "Appends if file exists." DESC_NEWLINE "stdout is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 98 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c static Switch gSummarySwitch = {"--summary", "-s", 0, NULL, "Only output a single line." DESC_NEWLINE "The cumulative size changes." DESC_NEWLINE "Overrides all other output options."}; DESC_NEWLINE 99 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c static Switch gZeroDriftSwitch = {"--zerodrift", "-z", 0, NULL, "Output zero drift data." DESC_NEWLINE "Reports symbol changes even when there is no net drift."}; DESC_NEWLINE 100 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c static Switch gNegationSwitch = {"--negation", "-n", 0, NULL, "Use negation heuristics." DESC_NEWLINE "When symbol sizes are inferred by offset, order changes cause noise." DESC_NEWLINE "This helps see through the noise by eliminating equal and opposite drifts."}; DESC_NEWLINE 1285 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c printf(DESC_NEWLINE "%s\n\n", gSwitches[loop]->mDescription); DESC_NEWLINE 91 third_party/codesighs/msdump2symdb.c static Switch gInputSwitch = {"--input", "-i", 1, NULL, "Specify input file." DESC_NEWLINE "stdin is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 92 third_party/codesighs/msdump2symdb.c static Switch gOutputSwitch = {"--output", "-o", 1, NULL, "Specify output file." DESC_NEWLINE "Appends if file exists." DESC_NEWLINE "stdout is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 1064 third_party/codesighs/msdump2symdb.c printf(DESC_NEWLINE "%s\n\n", gSwitches[loop]->mDescription); DESC_NEWLINE 211 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c static Switch gInputSwitch = {"--input", "-i", 1, NULL, "Specify input file." DESC_NEWLINE "stdin is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 212 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c static Switch gOutputSwitch = {"--output", "-o", 1, NULL, "Specify output file." DESC_NEWLINE "Appends if file exists." DESC_NEWLINE "stdout is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 214 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c static Switch gMatchModuleSwitch = {"--match-module", "-mm", 1, NULL, "Specify a valid module name." DESC_NEWLINE "Multiple specifications allowed." DESC_NEWLINE "If a module name does not match one of the names specified then no output will occur."}; DESC_NEWLINE 215 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c static Switch gSymDBSwitch = {"--symdb", "-sdb", 1, NULL, "Specify a symbol tsv db input file." DESC_NEWLINE "Such a symdb is produced using the tool msdump2symdb." DESC_NEWLINE "This allows better symbol size approximations." DESC_NEWLINE "The symdb file must be pre-sorted."}; DESC_NEWLINE 216 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c static Switch gBatchModeSwitch = {"--batch", "-b", 0, NULL, "Runs in batch mode." DESC_NEWLINE "The input file contains a list of map files." DESC_NEWLINE "Normally the input file is a map file itself." DESC_NEWLINE "This eliminates reprocessing the symdb for multiple map files."}; DESC_NEWLINE 2116 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c printf(DESC_NEWLINE "%s\n\n", gSwitches[loop]->mDescription); DESC_NEWLINE 91 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c static Switch gInputSwitch = {"--input", "-i", 1, NULL, "Specify input file." DESC_NEWLINE "stdin is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 92 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c static Switch gOutputSwitch = {"--output", "-o", 1, NULL, "Specify output file." DESC_NEWLINE "Appends if file exists." DESC_NEWLINE "stdout is default."}; DESC_NEWLINE 477 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c printf(DESC_NEWLINE "%s\n\n", gSwitches[loop]->mDescription);