
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. moduleCompare
  2. segmentCompare
  3. objectCompare
  4. symbolCompare
  5. trimWhite
  6. difftool
  7. initOptions
  8. cleanOptions
  9. showHelp
  10. main

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is maptsvdifftool.c code, released
 * Oct 3, 2002.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Netscape Communications Corporation.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Garrett Arch Blythe, 03-October-2002
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
 * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
 * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
 * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
 * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define ERROR_REPORT(num, val, msg)   fprintf(stderr, "error(%d):\t\"%s\"\t%s\n", (num), (val), (msg));
#define CLEANUP(ptr)    do { if(NULL != ptr) { free(ptr); ptr = NULL; } } while(0)

typedef struct __struct_Options
**  Options to control how we perform.
**  mProgramName    Used in help text.
**  mInput          File to read for input.
**                  Default is stdin.
**  mInputName      Name of the file.
**  mOutput         Output file, append.
**                  Default is stdout.
**  mOutputName     Name of the file.
**  mHelp           Whether or not help should be shown.
**  mSummaryOnly    Only output a signle line.
**  mZeroDrift      Output zero drift data.
**  mNegation       Perform negation heuristics on the symbol drifts.
    const char* mProgramName;
    FILE* mInput;
    char* mInputName;
    FILE* mOutput;
    char* mOutputName;
    int mHelp;
    int mSummaryOnly;
    int mZeroDrift;
    int mNegation;

typedef struct __struct_Switch
**  Command line options.
    const char* mLongName;
    const char* mShortName;
    int mHasValue;
    const char* mValue;
    const char* mDescription;

#define DESC_NEWLINE "\n\t\t"

static Switch gInputSwitch = {"--input", "-i", 1, NULL, "Specify input file." DESC_NEWLINE "stdin is default."};
static Switch gOutputSwitch = {"--output", "-o", 1, NULL, "Specify output file." DESC_NEWLINE "Appends if file exists." DESC_NEWLINE "stdout is default."};
static Switch gSummarySwitch = {"--summary", "-s", 0, NULL, "Only output a single line." DESC_NEWLINE "The cumulative size changes." DESC_NEWLINE "Overrides all other output options."};
static Switch gZeroDriftSwitch = {"--zerodrift", "-z", 0, NULL, "Output zero drift data." DESC_NEWLINE "Reports symbol changes even when there is no net drift."};
static Switch gNegationSwitch = {"--negation", "-n", 0, NULL, "Use negation heuristics." DESC_NEWLINE "When symbol sizes are inferred by offset, order changes cause noise." DESC_NEWLINE "This helps see through the noise by eliminating equal and opposite drifts."};
static Switch gHelpSwitch = {"--help", "-h", 0, NULL, "Information on usage."};

static Switch* gSwitches[] = {

typedef struct __struct_SizeComposition
**  Used to keep which parts positive and negative resulted in the total.
    int mPositive;
    int mNegative;

typedef struct __struct_SizeStats
**  Keep track of sizes.
**  Use signed integers so that negatives are valid, in which case we shrunk.
    int mCode;
    SizeComposition mCodeComposition;

    int mData;
    SizeComposition mDataComposition;

typedef enum __enum_SegmentClass
**  What type of data a segment holds.

typedef struct __struct_SymbolStats
**  Symbol level stats.
    char* mSymbol;
    int mSize;

typedef struct __struct_ObjectStats
**  Object level stats.
    char* mObject;
    int mSize;
    SizeComposition mComposition;
    SymbolStats* mSymbols;
    unsigned mSymbolCount;

typedef struct __struct_SegmentStats
**  Segment level stats.
    char* mSegment;
    SegmentClass mClass;
    int mSize;
    SizeComposition mComposition;
    ObjectStats* mObjects;
    unsigned mObjectCount;

typedef struct __struct_ModuleStats
**  Module level stats.
    char* mModule;
    SizeStats mSize;
    SegmentStats* mSegments;
    unsigned mSegmentCount;

static int moduleCompare(const void* in1, const void* in2)
**  qsort helper.
    int retval = 0;

    ModuleStats* one = (ModuleStats*)in1;
    ModuleStats* two = (ModuleStats*)in2;

    int oneSize = (one->mSize.mCode + one->mSize.mData);
    int twoSize = (two->mSize.mCode + two->mSize.mData);

    if(oneSize < twoSize)
        retval = 1;
    else if(oneSize > twoSize)
        retval = -1;
        retval = strcmp(one->mModule, two->mModule);
        if(0 > oneSize && 0 > twoSize)
            retval *= -1;

    return retval;

static int segmentCompare(const void* in1, const void* in2)
**  qsort helper.
    int retval = 0;

    SegmentStats* one = (SegmentStats*)in1;
    SegmentStats* two = (SegmentStats*)in2;

    if(one->mSize < two->mSize)
        retval = 1;
    else if(one->mSize > two->mSize)
        retval = -1;
        retval = strcmp(one->mSegment, two->mSegment);
        if(0 > one->mSize && 0 > two->mSize)
            retval *= -1;

    return retval;

static int objectCompare(const void* in1, const void* in2)
**  qsort helper.
    int retval = 0;

    ObjectStats* one = (ObjectStats*)in1;
    ObjectStats* two = (ObjectStats*)in2;

    if(one->mSize < two->mSize)
        retval = 1;
    else if(one->mSize > two->mSize)
        retval = -1;
        retval = strcmp(one->mObject, two->mObject);
        if(0 > one->mSize && 0 > two->mSize)
            retval *= -1;

    return retval;

static int symbolCompare(const void* in1, const void* in2)
**  qsort helper.
    int retval = 0;

    SymbolStats* one = (SymbolStats*)in1;
    SymbolStats* two = (SymbolStats*)in2;

    if(one->mSize < two->mSize)
        retval = 1;
    else if(one->mSize > two->mSize)
        retval = -1;
        retval = strcmp(one->mSymbol, two->mSymbol);
        if(0 > one->mSize && 0 > two->mSize)
            retval *= -1;

    return retval;

void trimWhite(char* inString)
**  Remove any whitespace from the end of the string.
    int len = strlen(inString);


        if(isspace(*(inString + len)))
            *(inString + len) = '\0';

int difftool(Options* inOptions)
**  Read a diff file and spit out relevant information.
    int retval = 0;
    char lineBuffer[0x500];
    SizeStats overall;
    ModuleStats* modules = NULL;
    unsigned moduleCount = 0;
    unsigned moduleLoop = 0;
    ModuleStats* theModule = NULL;
    unsigned segmentLoop = 0;
    SegmentStats* theSegment = NULL;
    unsigned objectLoop = 0;
    ObjectStats* theObject = NULL;
    unsigned symbolLoop = 0;
    SymbolStats* theSymbol = NULL;
    unsigned allSymbolCount = 0;

    memset(&overall, 0, sizeof(overall));

    **  Read the entire diff file.
    **  We're only interested in lines beginning with < or >
    while(0 == retval && NULL != fgets(lineBuffer, sizeof(lineBuffer), inOptions->mInput))

        if(('<' == lineBuffer[0] || '>' == lineBuffer[0]) && ' ' == lineBuffer[1])
            int additive = 0;
            char* theLine = &lineBuffer[2];
            int scanRes = 0;
            int size;
            char segClass[0x10];
            char scope[0x10];
            char module[0x100];
            char segment[0x40];
            char object[0x100];
            char* symbol = NULL;

            **  Figure out if the line adds or subtracts from something.
            if('>' == lineBuffer[0])
                additive = __LINE__;

            **  Scan the line for information.
            scanRes = sscanf(theLine,

            if(6 == scanRes)
                SegmentClass segmentClass = DATA;

                symbol = strrchr(theLine, '\t') + 1;

                if(0 == strcmp(segClass, "CODE"))
                    segmentClass = CODE;
                else if(0 == strcmp(segClass, "DATA"))
                    segmentClass = DATA;
                    retval = __LINE__;
                    ERROR_REPORT(retval, segClass, "Unable to determine segment class.");

                if(0 == retval)
                    unsigned moduleIndex = 0;

                    **  Find, in succession, the following things:
                    **      the module
                    **      the segment
                    **      the object
                    **      the symbol
                    **  Failure to find any one of these means to create it.
                    for(moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < moduleCount; moduleIndex++)
                        if(0 == strcmp(modules[moduleIndex].mModule, module))
                    if(moduleIndex == moduleCount)
                        void* moved = NULL;
                        moved = realloc(modules, sizeof(ModuleStats) * (1 + moduleCount));
                        if(NULL != moved)
                            modules = (ModuleStats*)moved;
                            memset(modules + moduleIndex, 0, sizeof(ModuleStats));
                            modules[moduleIndex].mModule = strdup(module);
                            if(NULL == modules[moduleIndex].mModule)
                                retval = __LINE__;
                                ERROR_REPORT(retval, module, "Unable to duplicate string.");
                            retval = __LINE__;
                            ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mProgramName, "Unable to increase module array.");
                    if(0 == retval)
                        unsigned segmentIndex = 0;
                        theModule = (modules + moduleIndex);
                        for(segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < theModule->mSegmentCount; segmentIndex++)
                            if(0 == strcmp(segment, theModule->mSegments[segmentIndex].mSegment))
                        if(segmentIndex == theModule->mSegmentCount)
                            void* moved = NULL;
                            moved = realloc(theModule->mSegments, sizeof(SegmentStats) * (theModule->mSegmentCount + 1));
                            if(NULL != moved)
                                theModule->mSegments = (SegmentStats*)moved;
                                memset(theModule->mSegments + segmentIndex, 0, sizeof(SegmentStats));
                                theModule->mSegments[segmentIndex].mClass = segmentClass;
                                theModule->mSegments[segmentIndex].mSegment = strdup(segment);
                                if(NULL == theModule->mSegments[segmentIndex].mSegment)
                                    retval = __LINE__;
                                    ERROR_REPORT(retval, segment, "Unable to duplicate string.");
                                retval = __LINE__;
                                ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mProgramName, "Unable to increase segment array.");
                        if(0 == retval)
                            unsigned objectIndex = 0;
                            theSegment = (theModule->mSegments + segmentIndex);
                            for(objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < theSegment->mObjectCount; objectIndex++)
                                if(0 == strcmp(object, theSegment->mObjects[objectIndex].mObject))
                            if(objectIndex == theSegment->mObjectCount)
                                void* moved = NULL;
                                moved = realloc(theSegment->mObjects, sizeof(ObjectStats) * (1 + theSegment->mObjectCount));
                                if(NULL != moved)
                                    theSegment->mObjects = (ObjectStats*)moved;
                                    memset(theSegment->mObjects + objectIndex, 0, sizeof(ObjectStats));
                                    theSegment->mObjects[objectIndex].mObject = strdup(object);
                                    if(NULL == theSegment->mObjects[objectIndex].mObject)
                                        retval = __LINE__;
                                        ERROR_REPORT(retval, object, "Unable to duplicate string.");
                                    retval = __LINE__;
                                    ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mProgramName, "Unable to increase object array.");
                            if(0 == retval)
                                unsigned symbolIndex = 0;
                                theObject = (theSegment->mObjects + objectIndex);
                                for(symbolIndex = 0; symbolIndex < theObject->mSymbolCount; symbolIndex++)
                                    if(0 == strcmp(symbol, theObject->mSymbols[symbolIndex].mSymbol))
                                if(symbolIndex == theObject->mSymbolCount)
                                    void* moved = NULL;
                                    moved = realloc(theObject->mSymbols, sizeof(SymbolStats) * (1 + theObject->mSymbolCount));
                                    if(NULL != moved)
                                        theObject->mSymbols = (SymbolStats*)moved;
                                        memset(theObject->mSymbols + symbolIndex, 0, sizeof(SymbolStats));
                                        theObject->mSymbols[symbolIndex].mSymbol = strdup(symbol);
                                        if(NULL == theObject->mSymbols[symbolIndex].mSymbol)
                                            retval = __LINE__;
                                            ERROR_REPORT(retval, symbol, "Unable to duplicate string.");
                                        retval = __LINE__;
                                        ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mProgramName, "Unable to increase symbol array.");
                                if(0 == retval)
                                    theSymbol = (theObject->mSymbols + symbolIndex);

                                    **  Update our various totals.
                                        if(CODE == segmentClass)
                                            overall.mCode += size;
                                            theModule->mSize.mCode += size;
                                        else if(DATA == segmentClass)
                                            overall.mData += size;
                                            theModule->mSize.mData += size;

                                        theSegment->mSize += size;
                                        theObject->mSize += size;
                                        theSymbol->mSize += size;
                                        if(CODE == segmentClass)
                                            overall.mCode -= size;
                                            theModule->mSize.mCode -= size;
                                        else if(DATA == segmentClass)
                                            overall.mData -= size;
                                            theModule->mSize.mData -= size;

                                        theSegment->mSize -= size;
                                        theObject->mSize -= size;
                                        theSymbol->mSize -= size;
                retval = __LINE__;
                ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mInputName, "Unable to scan line data.");

    if(0 == retval && 0 != ferror(inOptions->mInput))
        retval = __LINE__;
        ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mInputName, "Unable to read file.");

    **  Next, it is time to perform revisionist history of sorts.
    **  If the negation switch is in play, we perfrom the following
    **      aggressive steps:
    **  For each section, find size changes which have an equal and
    **      opposite change, and set them both to zero.
    **  However, you can only do this if the number of negating changes
    **      is even, as if it is odd, then any one of the many could be
    **      at fault for the actual change.
    **  This orginally exists to make the win32 codesighs reports more
    **      readable/meaningful.
    if(0 == retval && 0 != inOptions->mNegation)
        ObjectStats** objArray = NULL;
        SymbolStats** symArray = NULL;

        **  Create arrays big enough to hold all symbols.
        **  As well as an array to keep the owning object at the same index.
        **  We will keep the object around as we may need to modify the size.
        objArray = (ObjectStats**)malloc(allSymbolCount * sizeof(ObjectStats*));
        symArray = (SymbolStats**)malloc(allSymbolCount * sizeof(SymbolStats*));
        if(NULL == objArray || NULL == symArray)
            retval = __LINE__;
            ERROR_REPORT(retval, inOptions->mProgramName, "Unable to allocate negation array memory.");
            unsigned arrayCount = 0;
            unsigned arrayLoop = 0;

            **  Go through and perform the steps on each section/segment.
            for(moduleLoop = 0; moduleLoop < moduleCount; moduleLoop++)
                theModule = modules + moduleLoop;

                for(segmentLoop = 0; segmentLoop < theModule->mSegmentCount; segmentLoop++)
                    theSegment = theModule->mSegments + segmentLoop;

                    **  Collect all symbols under this section.
                    **  The symbols are spread out between all the objects,
                    **      so keep track of both independently at the
                    **      same index.
                    arrayCount = 0;

                    for(objectLoop = 0; objectLoop < theSegment->mObjectCount; objectLoop++)
                        theObject = theSegment->mObjects + objectLoop;

                        for(symbolLoop = 0; symbolLoop < theObject->mSymbolCount; symbolLoop++)
                            theSymbol = theObject->mSymbols + symbolLoop;

                            objArray[arrayCount] = theObject;
                            symArray[arrayCount] = theSymbol;

                    **  Now that we have a list of symbols, go through each
                    **      and see if there is a chance of negation.
                    for(arrayLoop = 0; arrayLoop < arrayCount; arrayLoop++)
                        **  If the item is NULL, it was already negated.
                        **  Don't do this for items with a zero size.
                        if(NULL != symArray[arrayLoop] && 0 != symArray[arrayLoop]->mSize)
                            unsigned identicalValues = 0;
                            unsigned oppositeValues = 0;
                            unsigned lookLoop = 0;
                            const int lookingFor = symArray[arrayLoop]->mSize;

                            **  Count the number of items with this value.
                            **  Count the number of items with the opposite equal value.
                            **  If they are equal, go through and negate all sizes.
                            for(lookLoop = arrayLoop; lookLoop < arrayCount; lookLoop++)
                                **  Skip negated items.
                                **  Skip zero length items.
                                if(NULL == symArray[lookLoop] || 0 == symArray[lookLoop]->mSize)

                                if(lookingFor == symArray[lookLoop]->mSize)
                                else if((-1 * lookingFor) == symArray[lookLoop]->mSize)
                            if(0 != identicalValues && identicalValues == oppositeValues)
                                unsigned negationLoop = 0;

                                for(negationLoop = arrayLoop; 0 != identicalValues || 0 != oppositeValues; negationLoop++)
                                    **  Skip negated items.
                                    **  Skip zero length items.
                                    if(NULL == symArray[negationLoop] || 0 == symArray[negationLoop]->mSize)

                                    **  Negate any size matches.
                                    **  Reflect the change in the object as well.
                                    **  Clear the symbol.
                                    if(lookingFor == symArray[negationLoop]->mSize)
                                        objArray[negationLoop]->mSize -= lookingFor;
                                        symArray[negationLoop]->mSize = 0;
                                        symArray[negationLoop] = NULL;

                                    else if((-1 * lookingFor) == symArray[negationLoop]->mSize)
                                        objArray[negationLoop]->mSize += lookingFor;
                                        symArray[negationLoop]->mSize = 0;
                                        symArray[negationLoop] = NULL;



    **  If all went well, time to report.
    if(0 == retval)
        **  Loop through our data once more, so that the symbols can
        **      propigate their changes upwards in a positive/negative
        **      fashion.
        **  This will help give the composite change more meaning.
        for(moduleLoop = 0; moduleLoop < moduleCount; moduleLoop++)
            theModule = modules + moduleLoop;
            **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
            if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == (theModule->mSize.mCode + theModule->mSize.mData))

            for(segmentLoop = 0; segmentLoop < theModule->mSegmentCount; segmentLoop++)
                theSegment = theModule->mSegments + segmentLoop;
                **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
                if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == theSegment->mSize)
                for(objectLoop = 0; objectLoop < theSegment->mObjectCount; objectLoop++)
                    theObject = theSegment->mObjects + objectLoop;
                    **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
                    if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == theObject->mSize)

                    for(symbolLoop = 0; symbolLoop < theObject->mSymbolCount; symbolLoop++)
                        theSymbol = theObject->mSymbols + symbolLoop;
                        **  Propagate the composition all the way to the top.
                        **  Sizes of zero change are skipped.
                        if(0 < theSymbol->mSize)
                            theObject->mComposition.mPositive += theSymbol->mSize;
                            theSegment->mComposition.mPositive += theSymbol->mSize;
                            if(CODE == theSegment->mClass)
                                overall.mCodeComposition.mPositive += theSymbol->mSize;
                                theModule->mSize.mCodeComposition.mPositive += theSymbol->mSize;
                            else if(DATA == theSegment->mClass)
                                overall.mDataComposition.mPositive += theSymbol->mSize;
                                theModule->mSize.mDataComposition.mPositive += theSymbol->mSize;
                        else if(0 > theSymbol->mSize)
                            theObject->mComposition.mNegative += theSymbol->mSize;
                            theSegment->mComposition.mNegative += theSymbol->mSize;
                            if(CODE == theSegment->mClass)
                                overall.mCodeComposition.mNegative += theSymbol->mSize;
                                theModule->mSize.mCodeComposition.mNegative += theSymbol->mSize;
                            else if(DATA == theSegment->mClass)
                                overall.mDataComposition.mNegative += theSymbol->mSize;
                                theModule->mSize.mDataComposition.mNegative += theSymbol->mSize;

            fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "%+d (%+d/%+d)\n", overall.mCode + overall.mData, overall.mCodeComposition.mPositive + overall.mDataComposition.mPositive, overall.mCodeComposition.mNegative + overall.mDataComposition.mNegative);
            fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "Overall Change in Size\n");
            fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\tTotal:\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\n", overall.mCode + overall.mData, overall.mCodeComposition.mPositive + overall.mDataComposition.mPositive, overall.mCodeComposition.mNegative + overall.mDataComposition.mNegative);
            fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\tCode:\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\n", overall.mCode, overall.mCodeComposition.mPositive, overall.mCodeComposition.mNegative);
            fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\tData:\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\n", overall.mData, overall.mDataComposition.mPositive, overall.mDataComposition.mNegative);

        **  Check what else we should output.
        if(0 == inOptions->mSummaryOnly && NULL != modules && moduleCount)
            const char* segmentType = NULL;

            **  We're going to sort everything.
            qsort(modules, moduleCount, sizeof(ModuleStats), moduleCompare);
            for(moduleLoop = 0; moduleLoop < moduleCount; moduleLoop++)
                theModule = modules + moduleLoop;

                qsort(theModule->mSegments, theModule->mSegmentCount, sizeof(SegmentStats), segmentCompare);

                for(segmentLoop = 0; segmentLoop < theModule->mSegmentCount; segmentLoop++)
                    theSegment = theModule->mSegments + segmentLoop;

                    qsort(theSegment->mObjects, theSegment->mObjectCount, sizeof(ObjectStats), objectCompare);

                    for(objectLoop = 0; objectLoop < theSegment->mObjectCount; objectLoop++)
                        theObject = theSegment->mObjects + objectLoop;

                        qsort(theObject->mSymbols, theObject->mSymbolCount, sizeof(SymbolStats), symbolCompare);

            **  Loop through for output.
            for(moduleLoop = 0; moduleLoop < moduleCount; moduleLoop++)
                theModule = modules + moduleLoop;

                **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
                if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == (theModule->mSize.mCode + theModule->mSize.mData))

                fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\n");
                fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "%s\n", theModule->mModule);
                fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\tTotal:\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\n", theModule->mSize.mCode + theModule->mSize.mData, theModule->mSize.mCodeComposition.mPositive + theModule->mSize.mDataComposition.mPositive, theModule->mSize.mCodeComposition.mNegative + theModule->mSize.mDataComposition.mNegative);
                fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\tCode:\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\n", theModule->mSize.mCode, theModule->mSize.mCodeComposition.mPositive, theModule->mSize.mCodeComposition.mNegative);
                fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\tData:\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\n", theModule->mSize.mData, theModule->mSize.mDataComposition.mPositive, theModule->mSize.mDataComposition.mNegative);

                for(segmentLoop = 0; segmentLoop < theModule->mSegmentCount; segmentLoop++)
                    theSegment = theModule->mSegments + segmentLoop;

                    **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
                    if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == theSegment->mSize)

                    if(CODE == theSegment->mClass)
                        segmentType = "CODE";
                    else if(DATA == theSegment->mClass)
                        segmentType = "DATA";

                    fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\t%s (%s)\n", theSegment->mSize, theSegment->mComposition.mPositive, theSegment->mComposition.mNegative, theSegment->mSegment, segmentType);

                    for(objectLoop = 0; objectLoop < theSegment->mObjectCount; objectLoop++)
                        theObject = theSegment->mObjects + objectLoop;

                        **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
                        if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == theObject->mSize)

                        fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\t\t%+11d (%+d/%+d)\t%s\n", theObject->mSize, theObject->mComposition.mPositive, theObject->mComposition.mNegative, theObject->mObject);
                        for(symbolLoop = 0; symbolLoop < theObject->mSymbolCount; symbolLoop++)
                            theSymbol = theObject->mSymbols + symbolLoop;

                            **  Skip if there is zero drift, or no net change.
                            if(0 == inOptions->mZeroDrift && 0 == theSymbol->mSize)

                            fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "\t\t\t%+11d\t%s\n", theSymbol->mSize, theSymbol->mSymbol);

    **  Cleanup time.
    for(moduleLoop = 0; moduleLoop < moduleCount; moduleLoop++)
        theModule = modules + moduleLoop;
        for(segmentLoop = 0; segmentLoop < theModule->mSegmentCount; segmentLoop++)
            theSegment = theModule->mSegments + segmentLoop;
            for(objectLoop = 0; objectLoop < theSegment->mObjectCount; objectLoop++)
                theObject = theSegment->mObjects + objectLoop;
                for(symbolLoop = 0; symbolLoop < theObject->mSymbolCount; symbolLoop++)
                    theSymbol = theObject->mSymbols + symbolLoop;
    return retval;

int initOptions(Options* outOptions, int inArgc, char** inArgv)
**  returns int     0 if successful.
    int retval = 0;
    int loop = 0;
    int switchLoop = 0;
    int match = 0;
    const int switchCount = sizeof(gSwitches) / sizeof(gSwitches[0]);
    Switch* current = NULL;

    **  Set any defaults.
    memset(outOptions, 0, sizeof(Options));
    outOptions->mProgramName = inArgv[0];
    outOptions->mInput = stdin;
    outOptions->mInputName = strdup("stdin");
    outOptions->mOutput = stdout;
    outOptions->mOutputName = strdup("stdout");

    if(NULL == outOptions->mOutputName || NULL == outOptions->mInputName)
        retval = __LINE__;
        ERROR_REPORT(retval, "stdin/stdout", "Unable to strdup.");

    **  Go through and attempt to do the right thing.
    for(loop = 1; loop < inArgc && 0 == retval; loop++)
        match = 0;
        current = NULL;

        for(switchLoop = 0; switchLoop < switchCount && 0 == retval; switchLoop++)
            if(0 == strcmp(gSwitches[switchLoop]->mLongName, inArgv[loop]))
                match = __LINE__;
            else if(0 == strcmp(gSwitches[switchLoop]->mShortName, inArgv[loop]))
                match = __LINE__;

                    **  Attempt to absorb next option to fullfill value.
                    if(loop + 1 < inArgc)

                        current = gSwitches[switchLoop];
                        current->mValue = inArgv[loop];
                    current = gSwitches[switchLoop];


        if(0 == match)
            outOptions->mHelp = __LINE__;
            retval = __LINE__;
            ERROR_REPORT(retval, inArgv[loop], "Unknown command line switch.");
        else if(NULL == current)
            outOptions->mHelp = __LINE__;
            retval = __LINE__;
            ERROR_REPORT(retval, inArgv[loop], "Command line switch requires a value.");
            ** Do something based on address/swtich.
            if(current == &gInputSwitch)
                if(NULL != outOptions->mInput && stdin != outOptions->mInput)
                    outOptions->mInput = NULL;

                outOptions->mInput = fopen(current->mValue, "r");
                if(NULL == outOptions->mInput)
                    retval = __LINE__;
                    ERROR_REPORT(retval, current->mValue, "Unable to open input file.");
                    outOptions->mInputName = strdup(current->mValue);
                    if(NULL == outOptions->mInputName)
                        retval = __LINE__;
                        ERROR_REPORT(retval, current->mValue, "Unable to strdup.");
            else if(current == &gOutputSwitch)
                if(NULL != outOptions->mOutput && stdout != outOptions->mOutput)
                    outOptions->mOutput = NULL;

                outOptions->mOutput = fopen(current->mValue, "a");
                if(NULL == outOptions->mOutput)
                    retval = __LINE__;
                    ERROR_REPORT(retval, current->mValue, "Unable to open output file.");
                    outOptions->mOutputName = strdup(current->mValue);
                    if(NULL == outOptions->mOutputName)
                        retval = __LINE__;
                        ERROR_REPORT(retval, current->mValue, "Unable to strdup.");
            else if(current == &gHelpSwitch)
                outOptions->mHelp = __LINE__;
            else if(current == &gSummarySwitch)
                outOptions->mSummaryOnly = __LINE__;
            else if(current == &gZeroDriftSwitch)
                outOptions->mZeroDrift = __LINE__;
            else if(current == &gNegationSwitch)
                outOptions->mNegation = __LINE__;
                retval = __LINE__;
                ERROR_REPORT(retval, current->mLongName, "No handler for command line switch.");

    return retval;

void cleanOptions(Options* inOptions)
**  Clean up any open handles.
    if(NULL != inOptions->mInput && stdin != inOptions->mInput)
    if(NULL != inOptions->mOutput && stdout != inOptions->mOutput)

    memset(inOptions, 0, sizeof(Options));

void showHelp(Options* inOptions)
**  Show some simple help text on usage.
    int loop = 0;
    const int switchCount = sizeof(gSwitches) / sizeof(gSwitches[0]);
    const char* valueText = NULL;

    printf("usage:\t%s [arguments]\n", inOptions->mProgramName);

    for(loop = 0; loop < switchCount; loop++)
            valueText = " <value>";
            valueText = "";

        printf("\t%s%s\n", gSwitches[loop]->mLongName, valueText);
        printf("\t %s%s", gSwitches[loop]->mShortName, valueText);
        printf(DESC_NEWLINE "%s\n\n", gSwitches[loop]->mDescription);

    printf("This tool takes the diff of two sorted tsv files to form a summary report\n");
    printf("of code and data size changes which is hoped to be human readable.\n");

int main(int inArgc, char** inArgv)
    int retval = 0;
    Options options;

    retval = initOptions(&options, inArgc, inArgv);
    else if(0 == retval)
        retval = difftool(&options);

    return retval;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */