
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. SaveStateToTab
  2. OnTabChanged
  3. Update
  4. OpenMatch
  5. GetText
  6. SetUserText
  7. SetWindowTextAndCaretPos
  8. SetForcedQuery
  9. IsSelectAll
  10. DeleteAtEndPressed
  11. GetSelectionBounds
  12. SelectAll
  13. RevertAll
  14. UpdatePopup
  15. SetFocus
  16. ApplyCaretVisibility
  17. OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged
  18. OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged
  19. OnInlineAutocompleteTextCleared
  20. OnRevertTemporaryText
  21. OnBeforePossibleChange
  22. OnAfterPossibleChange
  23. GetNativeView
  24. GetRelativeWindowForPopup
  25. SetGrayTextAutocompletion
  26. GetGrayTextAutocompletion
  27. GetTextWidth
  28. GetWidth
  29. IsImeComposing
  30. GetOmniboxTextLength
  31. EmphasizeURLComponents
  32. inline_autocomplete_text
  33. toolbar_model_
  34. Update
  35. OnChanged
  36. OnSetFocus
  37. ShowURL
  38. HideURL
  39. GetInstant
  40. GetWebContents
  41. GetToolbarModel
  42. GetToolbarModel
  43. toolbar_model
  44. TEST_F
  45. TEST_F

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_classifier_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_edit_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_edit_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/test_toolbar_model.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using base::UTF8ToUTF16;
using content::WebContents;

namespace {

class TestingOmniboxView : public OmniboxView {
  explicit TestingOmniboxView(OmniboxEditController* controller)
      : OmniboxView(NULL, controller, NULL) {}

  // OmniboxView:
  virtual void SaveStateToTab(WebContents* tab) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void OnTabChanged(const WebContents* web_contents) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void Update() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void OpenMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
                         WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
                         const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
                         const base::string16& pasted_text,
                         size_t selected_line) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual base::string16 GetText() const OVERRIDE { return text_; }
  virtual void SetUserText(const base::string16& text,
                           const base::string16& display_text,
                           bool update_popup) OVERRIDE {
    text_ = display_text;
  virtual void SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const base::string16& text,
                                        size_t caret_pos,
                                        bool update_popup,
                                        bool notify_text_changed) OVERRIDE {
    text_ = text;
  virtual void SetForcedQuery() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual bool IsSelectAll() const OVERRIDE { return false; }
  virtual bool DeleteAtEndPressed() OVERRIDE { return false; }
  virtual void GetSelectionBounds(size_t* start, size_t* end) const OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void SelectAll(bool reversed) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void RevertAll() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void UpdatePopup() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void SetFocus() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void ApplyCaretVisibility() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(
      const base::string16& display_text,
      bool save_original_selection,
      bool notify_text_changed) OVERRIDE {
    text_ = display_text;
  virtual bool OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
      const base::string16& display_text, size_t user_text_length) OVERRIDE {
    const bool text_changed = text_ != display_text;
    text_ = display_text;
    inline_autocomplete_text_ = display_text.substr(user_text_length);
    return text_changed;
  virtual void OnInlineAutocompleteTextCleared() OVERRIDE {
  virtual void OnRevertTemporaryText() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void OnBeforePossibleChange() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual bool OnAfterPossibleChange() OVERRIDE { return false; }
  virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
  virtual gfx::NativeView GetRelativeWindowForPopup() const OVERRIDE {
    return NULL;
  virtual void SetGrayTextAutocompletion(
      const base::string16& input) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual base::string16 GetGrayTextAutocompletion() const OVERRIDE {
    return base::string16();
  virtual int GetTextWidth() const OVERRIDE { return 0; }
  virtual int GetWidth() const OVERRIDE { return 0; }
  virtual bool IsImeComposing() const OVERRIDE { return false; }
  virtual int GetOmniboxTextLength() const OVERRIDE { return 0; }
  virtual void EmphasizeURLComponents() OVERRIDE { }

  const base::string16& inline_autocomplete_text() const {
    return inline_autocomplete_text_;

  base::string16 text_;
  base::string16 inline_autocomplete_text_;


class TestingOmniboxEditController : public OmniboxEditController {
  explicit TestingOmniboxEditController(ToolbarModel* toolbar_model)
      : OmniboxEditController(NULL),
        toolbar_model_(toolbar_model) {

  // OmniboxEditController:
  virtual void Update(const content::WebContents* contents) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void OnChanged() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void OnSetFocus() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void ShowURL() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void HideURL() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual InstantController* GetInstant() OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
  virtual WebContents* GetWebContents() OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
  virtual ToolbarModel* GetToolbarModel() OVERRIDE { return toolbar_model_; }
  virtual const ToolbarModel* GetToolbarModel() const OVERRIDE {
    return toolbar_model_;

  ToolbarModel* toolbar_model_;


}  // namespace

class AutocompleteEditTest : public ::testing::Test {
  TestToolbarModel* toolbar_model() { return &toolbar_model_; }

  TestToolbarModel toolbar_model_;

// Tests various permutations of AutocompleteModel::AdjustTextForCopy.
TEST_F(AutocompleteEditTest, AdjustTextForCopy) {
  struct Data {
    const char* perm_text;
    const int sel_start;
    const bool is_all_selected;
    const char* input;
    const char* expected_output;
    const bool write_url;
    const char* expected_url;
    const bool extracted_search_terms;
  } input[] = {
    // Test that http:// is inserted if all text is selected.
    { "", 0, true, "", "", true, "",
      false },

    // Test that http:// is inserted if the host is selected.
    { "", 0, false, "", "", true, "",
      false },

    // Tests that http:// is inserted if the path is modified.
    { "", 0, false, "", "", true, "",
      false },

    // Tests that http:// isn't inserted if the host is modified.
    { "", 0, false, "", "", false, "", false },

    // Tests that http:// isn't inserted if the start of the selection is 1.
    { "", 1, false, "", "", false, "", false },

    // Tests that http:// isn't inserted if a portion of the host is selected.
    { "", 0, false, "a.d", "a.d", false, "", false },

    // Tests that http:// isn't inserted for an https url after the user nukes
    // https.
    { "", 0, false, "", "", false, "", false },

    // Tests that http:// isn't inserted if the user adds to the host.
    { "", 0, false, "", "", false, "", false },

    // Tests that we don't get double http if the user manually inserts http.
    { "", 0, false, "", "", true, "",
      false },

    // Makes sure intranet urls get 'http://' prefixed to them.
    { "b/foo", 0, true, "b/foo", "http://b/foo", true, "http://b/foo", false },

    // Verifies a search term 'foo' doesn't end up with http.
    { "", 0, false, "foo", "foo", false, "", false },

    // Makes sure extracted search terms are not modified.
    { "", 0, true, "hello world", "hello world", false,
      "", true },
  TestingOmniboxEditController controller(toolbar_model());
  TestingOmniboxView view(&controller);
  TestingProfile profile;
  // NOTE: The TemplateURLService must be created before the
  // AutocompleteClassifier so that the SearchProvider gets a non-NULL
  // TemplateURLService at construction time.
      &profile, &TemplateURLServiceFactory::BuildInstanceFor);
      &profile, &AutocompleteClassifierFactory::BuildInstanceFor);
  OmniboxEditModel model(&view, &controller, &profile);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(input); ++i) {


    base::string16 result = ASCIIToUTF16(input[i].input);
    GURL url;
    bool write_url;
    model.AdjustTextForCopy(input[i].sel_start, input[i].is_all_selected,
                            &result, &url, &write_url);
    EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(input[i].expected_output), result) << "@: " << i;
    EXPECT_EQ(input[i].write_url, write_url) << " @" << i;
    if (write_url)
      EXPECT_EQ(input[i].expected_url, url.spec()) << " @" << i;

TEST_F(AutocompleteEditTest, InlineAutocompleteText) {
  TestingOmniboxEditController controller(toolbar_model());
  TestingOmniboxView view(&controller);
  TestingProfile profile;
  // NOTE: The TemplateURLService must be created before the
  // AutocompleteClassifier so that the SearchProvider gets a non-NULL
  // TemplateURLService at construction time.
      &profile, &TemplateURLServiceFactory::BuildInstanceFor);
      &profile, &AutocompleteClassifierFactory::BuildInstanceFor);
  OmniboxEditModel model(&view, &controller, &profile);

  // Test if the model updates the inline autocomplete text in the view.
  EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), view.inline_autocomplete_text());
  model.OnPopupDataChanged(UTF8ToUTF16("llo"), NULL, base::string16(), false);
  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("hello"), view.GetText());
  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("llo"), view.inline_autocomplete_text());

  model.OnAfterPossibleChange(UTF8ToUTF16("he"), UTF8ToUTF16("hel"), 3, 3,
                              false, true, false, true);
  EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), view.inline_autocomplete_text());
  model.OnPopupDataChanged(UTF8ToUTF16("lo"), NULL, base::string16(), false);
  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("hello"), view.GetText());
  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("lo"), view.inline_autocomplete_text());

  EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), view.GetText());
  EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), view.inline_autocomplete_text());

  model.OnPopupDataChanged(UTF8ToUTF16("llo"), NULL, base::string16(), false);
  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("hello"), view.GetText());
  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("llo"), view.inline_autocomplete_text());

  EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16("hello"), view.GetText());
  EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), view.inline_autocomplete_text());

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */