
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. RecordPercentageMatchHistogram
  2. focus_source
  3. allow_exact_keyword_match_
  4. GetStateForTabSwitch
  5. RestoreState
  6. CurrentMatch
  7. UpdatePermanentText
  8. PermanentURL
  9. SetUserText
  10. CommitSuggestedText
  11. OnChanged
  12. GetDataForURLExport
  13. CurrentTextIsURL
  14. CurrentTextType
  15. AdjustTextForCopy
  16. SetInputInProgress
  17. Revert
  18. StartAutocomplete
  19. StopAutocomplete
  20. CanPasteAndGo
  21. PasteAndGo
  22. IsPasteAndSearch
  23. AcceptInput
  24. OpenMatch
  25. AcceptKeyword
  26. AcceptTemporaryTextAsUserText
  27. ClearKeyword
  28. OnSetFocus
  29. SetCaretVisibility
  30. OnWillKillFocus
  31. OnKillFocus
  32. OnEscapeKeyPressed
  33. OnControlKeyChanged
  34. OnPaste
  35. OnUpOrDownKeyPressed
  36. OnPopupDataChanged
  37. OnAfterPossibleChange
  38. OnCurrentMatchChanged
  39. SetSuggestionToPrefetch
  40. query_in_progress
  41. InternalSetUserText
  42. KeywordIsSelected
  43. ClearPopupKeywordMode
  44. DisplayTextFromUserText
  45. UserTextFromDisplayText
  46. GetInfoForCurrentText
  47. RevertTemporaryText
  48. MaybeAcceptKeywordBySpace
  49. CreatedKeywordSearchByInsertingSpaceInMiddle
  50. IsSpaceCharForAcceptingKeyword
  51. ClassifyPage
  52. ClassifyStringForPasteAndGo
  53. SetFocusState

// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_edit_model.h"

#include <string>

#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_classifier.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_classifier_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/extension_app_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/keyword_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/search_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_stats.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/command_updater.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/omnibox/omnibox_api.h"
#include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/google/google_url_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/net/predictor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_log.h"
#include "chrome/browser/predictors/autocomplete_action_predictor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/predictors/autocomplete_action_predictor_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_field_trial.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_current_page_delegate_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_edit_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_navigation_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_popup_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_popup_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/instant_search_prerenderer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar_model.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"

using predictors::AutocompleteActionPredictor;

// Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace {

// Histogram name which counts the number of times that the user text is
// cleared.  IME users are sometimes in the situation that IME was
// unintentionally turned on and failed to input latin alphabets (ASCII
// characters) or the opposite case.  In that case, users may delete all
// the text and the user text gets cleared.  We'd like to measure how often
// this scenario happens.
// Note that since we don't currently correlate "text cleared" events with
// IME usage, this also captures many other cases where users clear the text;
// though it explicitly doesn't log deleting all the permanent text as
// the first action of an editing sequence (see comments in
// OnAfterPossibleChange()).
const char kOmniboxUserTextClearedHistogram[] = "Omnibox.UserTextCleared";

enum UserTextClearedType {

// Histogram name which counts the number of times the user enters
// keyword hint mode and via what method.  The possible values are listed
// in the EnteredKeywordModeMethod enum which is defined in the .h file.
const char kEnteredKeywordModeHistogram[] = "Omnibox.EnteredKeywordMode";

// Histogram name which counts the number of milliseconds a user takes
// between focusing and editing the omnibox.
const char kFocusToEditTimeHistogram[] = "Omnibox.FocusToEditTime";

// Histogram name which counts the number of milliseconds a user takes
// between focusing and opening an omnibox match.
const char kFocusToOpenTimeHistogram[] = "Omnibox.FocusToOpenTime";

// Split the percentage match histograms into buckets based on the width of the
// omnibox.
const int kPercentageMatchHistogramWidthBuckets[] = { 400, 700, 1200 };

void RecordPercentageMatchHistogram(const base::string16& old_text,
                                    const base::string16& new_text,
                                    bool url_replacement_active,
                                    content::PageTransition transition,
                                    int omnibox_width) {
  size_t avg_length = (old_text.length() + new_text.length()) / 2;

  int percent = 0;
  if (!old_text.empty() && !new_text.empty()) {
    size_t shorter_length = std::min(old_text.length(), new_text.length());
    base::string16::const_iterator end(old_text.begin() + shorter_length);
    base::string16::const_iterator mismatch(
        std::mismatch(old_text.begin(), end, new_text.begin()).first);
    size_t matching_characters = mismatch - old_text.begin();
    percent = static_cast<float>(matching_characters) / avg_length * 100;

  std::string histogram_name;
  if (url_replacement_active) {
    if (transition == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED) {
      histogram_name = "InstantExtended.PercentageMatchV2_QuerytoURL";
      UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(histogram_name, percent);
    } else {
      histogram_name = "InstantExtended.PercentageMatchV2_QuerytoQuery";
      UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(histogram_name, percent);
  } else {
    if (transition == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED) {
      histogram_name = "InstantExtended.PercentageMatchV2_URLtoURL";
      UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(histogram_name, percent);
    } else {
      histogram_name = "InstantExtended.PercentageMatchV2_URLtoQuery";
      UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(histogram_name, percent);

  std::string suffix = "large";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPercentageMatchHistogramWidthBuckets);
       ++i) {
    if (omnibox_width < kPercentageMatchHistogramWidthBuckets[i]) {
      suffix = base::IntToString(kPercentageMatchHistogramWidthBuckets[i]);

  // Cannot rely on UMA histograms macro because the name of the histogram is
  // generated dynamically.
  base::HistogramBase* counter = base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(
      histogram_name + "_" + suffix, 1, 101, 102,

}  // namespace

// OmniboxEditModel::State ----------------------------------------------------

OmniboxEditModel::State::State(bool user_input_in_progress,
                               const base::string16& user_text,
                               const base::string16& gray_text,
                               const base::string16& keyword,
                               bool is_keyword_hint,
                               bool url_replacement_enabled,
                               OmniboxFocusState focus_state,
                               FocusSource focus_source)
    : user_input_in_progress(user_input_in_progress),
      focus_source(focus_source) {

OmniboxEditModel::State::~State() {

// OmniboxEditModel -----------------------------------------------------------

OmniboxEditModel::OmniboxEditModel(OmniboxView* view,
                                   OmniboxEditController* controller,
                                   Profile* profile)
    : view_(view),
      allow_exact_keyword_match_(false) {
  omnibox_controller_.reset(new OmniboxController(this, profile));
  delegate_.reset(new OmniboxCurrentPageDelegateImpl(controller, profile));

OmniboxEditModel::~OmniboxEditModel() {

const OmniboxEditModel::State OmniboxEditModel::GetStateForTabSwitch() {
  // Like typing, switching tabs "accepts" the temporary text as the user
  // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the
  // popup is closed.
  if (user_input_in_progress_) {
    // Weird edge case to match other browsers: if the edit is empty, revert to
    // the permanent text (so the user can get it back easily) but select it (so
    // on switching back, typing will "just work").
    const base::string16 user_text(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText()));
    if (user_text.empty()) {
      base::AutoReset<bool> tmp(&in_revert_, true);
    } else {

  return State(
      user_input_in_progress_, user_text_, view_->GetGrayTextAutocompletion(),
      keyword_, is_keyword_hint_,
      focus_state_, focus_source_);

void OmniboxEditModel::RestoreState(const State* state) {
  // We need to update the permanent text correctly and revert the view
  // regardless of whether there is saved state.
      !state || state->url_replacement_enabled);
  permanent_text_ = controller_->GetToolbarModel()->GetText();
  // Don't muck with the search term replacement state, as we've just set it
  // correctly.
  if (!state)

  SetFocusState(state->focus_state, OMNIBOX_FOCUS_CHANGE_TAB_SWITCH);
  focus_source_ = state->focus_source;
  // Restore any user editing.
  if (state->user_input_in_progress) {
    // NOTE: Be sure and set keyword-related state BEFORE invoking
    // DisplayTextFromUserText(), as its result depends upon this state.
    keyword_ = state->keyword;
    is_keyword_hint_ = state->is_keyword_hint;
        DisplayTextFromUserText(state->user_text), false);

AutocompleteMatch OmniboxEditModel::CurrentMatch(
    GURL* alternate_nav_url) const {
  // If we have a valid match use it. Otherwise get one for the current text.
  AutocompleteMatch match = omnibox_controller_->current_match();

  if (!match.destination_url.is_valid()) {
    GetInfoForCurrentText(&match, alternate_nav_url);
  } else if (alternate_nav_url) {
    *alternate_nav_url = AutocompleteResult::ComputeAlternateNavUrl(
        autocomplete_controller()->input(), match);
  return match;

bool OmniboxEditModel::UpdatePermanentText() {
  SearchProvider* search_provider =
  if (search_provider && delegate_->CurrentPageExists())

  // When there's new permanent text, and the user isn't interacting with the
  // omnibox, we want to revert the edit to show the new text.  We could simply
  // define "interacting" as "the omnibox has focus", but we still allow updates
  // when the omnibox has focus as long as the user hasn't begun editing, isn't
  // seeing zerosuggestions (because changing this text would require changing
  // or hiding those suggestions), and hasn't toggled on "Show URL" (because
  // this update will re-enable search term replacement, which will be annoying
  // if the user is trying to copy the URL).  When the omnibox doesn't have
  // focus, we assume the user may have abandoned their interaction and it's
  // always safe to change the text; this also prevents someone toggling "Show
  // URL" (which sounds as if it might be persistent) from seeing just that URL
  // forever afterwards.
  // If the page is auto-committing gray text, however, we generally don't want
  // to make any change to the edit.  While auto-commits modify the underlying
  // permanent URL, they're intended to have no effect on the user's editing
  // process -- before and after the auto-commit, the omnibox should show the
  // same user text and the same instant suggestion, even if the auto-commit
  // happens while the edit doesn't have focus.
  base::string16 new_permanent_text = controller_->GetToolbarModel()->GetText();
  base::string16 gray_text = view_->GetGrayTextAutocompletion();
  const bool visibly_changed_permanent_text =
      (permanent_text_ != new_permanent_text) &&
      (!has_focus() ||
       (!user_input_in_progress_ &&
        !(popup_model() && popup_model()->IsOpen()) &&
        controller_->GetToolbarModel()->url_replacement_enabled())) &&
      (gray_text.empty() ||
       new_permanent_text != user_text_ + gray_text);

  permanent_text_ = new_permanent_text;
  return visibly_changed_permanent_text;

GURL OmniboxEditModel::PermanentURL() {
  return URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(base::UTF16ToUTF8(permanent_text_),

void OmniboxEditModel::SetUserText(const base::string16& text) {
  paste_state_ = NONE;
  has_temporary_text_ = false;

bool OmniboxEditModel::CommitSuggestedText() {
  const base::string16 suggestion = view_->GetGrayTextAutocompletion();
  if (suggestion.empty())
    return false;

  const base::string16 final_text = view_->GetText() + suggestion;
  view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(final_text, final_text.length(), false,
  return true;

void OmniboxEditModel::OnChanged() {
  // Don't call CurrentMatch() when there's no editing, as in this case we'll
  // never actually use it.  This avoids running the autocomplete providers (and
  // any systems they then spin up) during startup.
  const AutocompleteMatch& current_match = user_input_in_progress_ ?
      CurrentMatch(NULL) : AutocompleteMatch();

  AutocompleteActionPredictor::Action recommended_action =
  if (user_input_in_progress_) {
    InstantSearchPrerenderer* prerenderer =
    if (prerenderer &&
        prerenderer->IsAllowed(current_match, controller_->GetWebContents()) &&
        popup_model()->IsOpen() && has_focus()) {
      recommended_action = AutocompleteActionPredictor::ACTION_PRERENDER;
    } else {
      AutocompleteActionPredictor* action_predictor =
      action_predictor->RegisterTransitionalMatches(user_text_, result());
      // Confer with the AutocompleteActionPredictor to determine what action,
      // if any, we should take. Get the recommended action here even if we
      // don't need it so we can get stats for anyone who is opted in to UMA,
      // but only get it if the user has actually typed something to avoid
      // constructing it before it's needed. Note: This event is triggered as
      // part of startup when the initial tab transitions to the start page.
      recommended_action =
          action_predictor->RecommendAction(user_text_, current_match);


  // Hide any suggestions we might be showing.

  switch (recommended_action) {
    case AutocompleteActionPredictor::ACTION_PRERENDER:
      // It's possible that there is no current page, for instance if the tab
      // has been closed or on return from a sleep state.
      // (
      if (!delegate_->CurrentPageExists())
      // Ask for prerendering if the destination URL is different than the
      // current URL.
      if (current_match.destination_url != delegate_->GetURL())
    case AutocompleteActionPredictor::ACTION_PRECONNECT:
    case AutocompleteActionPredictor::ACTION_NONE:


void OmniboxEditModel::GetDataForURLExport(GURL* url,
                                           base::string16* title,
                                           gfx::Image* favicon) {
  *url = CurrentMatch(NULL).destination_url;
  if (*url == delegate_->GetURL()) {
    content::WebContents* web_contents = controller_->GetWebContents();
    *title = web_contents->GetTitle();
    *favicon = FaviconTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents)->GetFavicon();

bool OmniboxEditModel::CurrentTextIsURL() const {
  if (controller_->GetToolbarModel()->WouldReplaceURL())
    return false;

  // If current text is not composed of replaced search terms and
  // !user_input_in_progress_, then permanent text is showing and should be a
  // URL, so no further checking is needed.  By avoiding checking in this case,
  // we avoid calling into the autocomplete providers, and thus initializing the
  // history system, as long as possible, which speeds startup.
  if (!user_input_in_progress_)
    return true;

  return !AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(CurrentMatch(NULL).type);

AutocompleteMatch::Type OmniboxEditModel::CurrentTextType() const {
  return CurrentMatch(NULL).type;

void OmniboxEditModel::AdjustTextForCopy(int sel_min,
                                         bool is_all_selected,
                                         base::string16* text,
                                         GURL* url,
                                         bool* write_url) {
  *write_url = false;

  // Do not adjust if selection did not start at the beginning of the field, or
  // if the URL was omitted.
  if ((sel_min != 0) || controller_->GetToolbarModel()->WouldReplaceURL())

  if (!user_input_in_progress_ && is_all_selected) {
    // The user selected all the text and has not edited it. Use the url as the
    // text so that if the scheme was stripped it's added back, and the url
    // is unescaped (we escape parts of the url for display).
    *url = PermanentURL();
    *text = base::UTF8ToUTF16(url->spec());
    *write_url = true;

  // We can't use CurrentTextIsURL() or GetDataForURLExport() because right now
  // the user is probably holding down control to cause the copy, which will
  // screw up our calculation of the desired_tld.
  AutocompleteMatch match;
      *text, KeywordIsSelected(), true, ClassifyPage(), &match, NULL);
  if (AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type))
  *url = match.destination_url;

  // Prefix the text with 'http://' if the text doesn't start with 'http://',
  // the text parses as a url with a scheme of http, the user selected the
  // entire host, and the user hasn't edited the host or manually removed the
  // scheme.
  GURL perm_url(PermanentURL());
  if (perm_url.SchemeIs(content::kHttpScheme) &&
      url->SchemeIs(content::kHttpScheme) && == url->host()) {
    *write_url = true;
    base::string16 http = base::ASCIIToUTF16(content::kHttpScheme) +
    if (text->compare(0, http.length(), http) != 0)
      *text = http + *text;

void OmniboxEditModel::SetInputInProgress(bool in_progress) {
  if (in_progress && !user_input_since_focus_) {
    base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    DCHECK(last_omnibox_focus_ <= now);
    UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(kFocusToEditTimeHistogram, now - last_omnibox_focus_);
    user_input_since_focus_ = true;

  if (user_input_in_progress_ == in_progress)

  user_input_in_progress_ = in_progress;
  if (user_input_in_progress_) {
    time_user_first_modified_omnibox_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();

  // The following code handles two cases:
  // * For HIDE_ON_USER_INPUT, it hides the chip when user input begins.
  // * For HIDE_ON_MOUSE_RELEASE, which only hides the chip on mouse release if
  //   the omnibox is empty, it handles the "omnibox was not empty" case by
  //   acting like HIDE_ON_USER_INPUT.
  if (chrome::ShouldDisplayOriginChipV2() && in_progress)


  if (user_input_in_progress_ || !in_revert_)

void OmniboxEditModel::Revert() {
  paste_state_ = NONE;
  is_keyword_hint_ = false;
  has_temporary_text_ = false;
                                  has_focus() ? permanent_text_.length() : 0,
                                  false, true);
  AutocompleteActionPredictor* action_predictor =

void OmniboxEditModel::StartAutocomplete(
    bool has_selected_text,
    bool prevent_inline_autocomplete) const {
  size_t cursor_position;
  if (inline_autocomplete_text_.empty()) {
    // Cursor position is equivalent to the current selection's end.
    size_t start;
    view_->GetSelectionBounds(&start, &cursor_position);
    // Adjust cursor position taking into account possible keyword in the user
    // text.  We rely on DisplayTextFromUserText() method which is consistent
    // with keyword extraction done in KeywordProvider/SearchProvider.
    const size_t cursor_offset =
        user_text_.length() - DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_).length();
    cursor_position += cursor_offset;
  } else {
    // There are some cases where StartAutocomplete() may be called
    // with non-empty |inline_autocomplete_text_|.  In such cases, we cannot
    // use the current selection, because it could result with the cursor
    // position past the last character from the user text.  Instead,
    // we assume that the cursor is simply at the end of input.
    // One example is when user presses Ctrl key while having a highlighted
    // inline autocomplete text.
    // TODO: Rethink how we are going to handle this case to avoid
    // inconsistent behavior when user presses Ctrl key.
    // See and for more details.
    cursor_position = user_text_.length();

  GURL current_url =
      (delegate_->CurrentPageExists() && view_->IsIndicatingQueryRefinement()) ?
      delegate_->GetURL() : GURL();
  bool keyword_is_selected = KeywordIsSelected();
      prevent_inline_autocomplete || just_deleted_text_ ||
      (has_selected_text && inline_autocomplete_text_.empty()) ||
      (paste_state_ != NONE),
      keyword_is_selected || allow_exact_keyword_match_);

void OmniboxEditModel::StopAutocomplete() {

bool OmniboxEditModel::CanPasteAndGo(const base::string16& text) const {
  if (!view_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL))
    return false;

  AutocompleteMatch match;
  ClassifyStringForPasteAndGo(text, &match, NULL);
  return match.destination_url.is_valid();

void OmniboxEditModel::PasteAndGo(const base::string16& text) {
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Omnibox.PasteAndGo", 1);

  AutocompleteMatch match;
  GURL alternate_nav_url;
  ClassifyStringForPasteAndGo(text, &match, &alternate_nav_url);
  view_->OpenMatch(match, CURRENT_TAB, alternate_nav_url, text,

bool OmniboxEditModel::IsPasteAndSearch(const base::string16& text) const {
  AutocompleteMatch match;
  ClassifyStringForPasteAndGo(text, &match, NULL);
  return AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type);

void OmniboxEditModel::AcceptInput(WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
                                   bool for_drop) {
  // Get the URL and transition type for the selected entry.
  GURL alternate_nav_url;
  AutocompleteMatch match = CurrentMatch(&alternate_nav_url);

  // If CTRL is down it means the user wants to append ".com" to the text he
  // typed. If we can successfully generate a URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED match doing
  // that, then we use this. These matches are marked as generated by the
  // HistoryURLProvider so we only generate them if this provider is present.
  if (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE && !KeywordIsSelected() &&
      autocomplete_controller()->history_url_provider()) {
    // Generate a new AutocompleteInput, copying the latest one but using "com"
    // as the desired TLD. Then use this autocomplete input to generate a
    // URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED AutocompleteMatch. Note that using the most recent
    // input instead of the currently visible text means we'll ignore any
    // visible inline autocompletion: if a user types "foo" and is autocompleted
    // to "", ctrl-enter will navigate to "", not
    // "".  At the time of writing, this behavior matches
    // Internet Explorer, but not Firefox.
    const AutocompleteInput& old_input = autocomplete_controller()->input();
    AutocompleteInput input(
      has_temporary_text_ ?
          UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText())  : old_input.text(),
      old_input.cursor_position(), base::ASCIIToUTF16("com"),
      GURL(), old_input.current_page_classification(),
      old_input.prevent_inline_autocomplete(), old_input.prefer_keyword(),
      old_input.allow_exact_keyword_match(), old_input.matches_requested());
    AutocompleteMatch url_match(
            input.text(), input.canonicalized_url(), false));

    if (url_match.destination_url.is_valid()) {
      // We have a valid URL, we use this newly generated AutocompleteMatch.
      match = url_match;
      alternate_nav_url = GURL();

  if (!match.destination_url.is_valid())

  if ((match.transition == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED) &&
      (match.destination_url == PermanentURL())) {
    // When the user hit enter on the existing permanent URL, treat it like a
    // reload for scoring purposes.  We could detect this by just checking
    // user_input_in_progress_, but it seems better to treat "edits" that end
    // up leaving the URL unchanged (e.g. deleting the last character and then
    // retyping it) as reloads too.  We exclude non-TYPED transitions because if
    // the transition is GENERATED, the user input something that looked
    // different from the current URL, even if it wound up at the same place
    // (e.g. manually retyping the same search query), and it seems wrong to
    // treat this as a reload.
    match.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD;
  } else if (for_drop || ((paste_state_ != NONE) &&
                          match.is_history_what_you_typed_match)) {
    // When the user pasted in a URL and hit enter, score it like a link click
    // rather than a normal typed URL, so it doesn't get inline autocompleted
    // as aggressively later.
    match.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK;

  const TemplateURL* template_url = match.GetTemplateURL(profile_, false);
  if (template_url && template_url->url_ref().HasGoogleBaseURLs())

  view_->OpenMatch(match, disposition, alternate_nav_url, base::string16(),

void OmniboxEditModel::OpenMatch(AutocompleteMatch match,
                                 WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
                                 const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
                                 const base::string16& pasted_text,
                                 size_t index) {
  const base::TimeTicks& now(base::TimeTicks::Now());
  base::TimeDelta elapsed_time_since_user_first_modified_omnibox(
      now - time_user_first_modified_omnibox_);
      elapsed_time_since_user_first_modified_omnibox, &match);

  base::string16 input_text(pasted_text);
  if (input_text.empty())
      input_text = user_input_in_progress_ ? user_text_ : permanent_text_;
  scoped_ptr<OmniboxNavigationObserver> observer(
      new OmniboxNavigationObserver(
          profile_, input_text, match,
              input_text, alternate_nav_url,

  // We only care about cases where there is a selection (i.e. the popup is
  // open).
  if (popup_model() && popup_model()->IsOpen()) {
    base::TimeDelta elapsed_time_since_last_change_to_default_match(
        now - autocomplete_controller()->last_time_default_match_changed());
    // These elapsed times don't really make sense for ZeroSuggest matches
    // (because the user does not modify the omnibox for ZeroSuggest), so for
    // those we set the elapsed times to something that will be ignored by
    if (match.provider &&
        (match.provider->type() == AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_ZERO_SUGGEST)) {
      elapsed_time_since_user_first_modified_omnibox =
      elapsed_time_since_last_change_to_default_match =
    OmniboxLog log(
        -1,  // don't yet know tab ID; set later if appropriate

    DCHECK(user_input_in_progress_ || (match.provider &&
           (match.provider->type() == AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_ZERO_SUGGEST)))
        << "We didn't get here through the expected series of calls. "
        << "time_user_first_modified_omnibox_ is not set correctly and other "
        << "things may be wrong. Match provider: "
        << (match.provider ? match.provider->GetName() : "NULL");
    DCHECK(log.elapsed_time_since_user_first_modified_omnibox >=
        << "We should've got the notification that the user modified the "
        << "omnibox text at same time or before the most recent time the "
        << "default match changed.";

    if (index != OmniboxPopupModel::kNoMatch)
      log.selected_index = index;

    if ((disposition == CURRENT_TAB) && delegate_->CurrentPageExists()) {
      // If we know the destination is being opened in the current tab,
      // we can easily get the tab ID.  (If it's being opened in a new
      // tab, we don't know the tab ID yet.)
      log.tab_id = delegate_->GetSessionID().id();
    HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Omnibox.EventCount", 1, 2);
        << "An omnibox focus should have occurred before opening a match.";
    UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(kFocusToOpenTimeHistogram, now - last_omnibox_focus_);

  TemplateURL* template_url = match.GetTemplateURL(profile_, false);
  if (template_url) {
    if (match.transition == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_KEYWORD) {
      // The user is using a non-substituting keyword or is explicitly in
      // keyword mode.

      // Don't increment usage count for extension keywords.
      if (delegate_->ProcessExtensionKeyword(template_url, match,
                                             disposition)) {
        if (disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB)

    } else {
      DCHECK_EQ(content::PAGE_TRANSITION_GENERATED, match.transition);
      // NOTE: We purposefully don't increment the usage count of the default
      // search engine here like we do for explicit keywords above; see comments
      // in template_url.h.


  // Get the current text before we call RevertAll() which will clear it.
  base::string16 current_text = view_->GetText();

  if (disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB) {
    base::AutoReset<bool> tmp(&in_revert_, true);
    view_->RevertAll();  // Revert the box to its unedited state.

  if (match.type == AutocompleteMatchType::EXTENSION_APP) {
    ExtensionAppProvider::LaunchAppFromOmnibox(match, profile_, disposition);
  } else {
        permanent_text_, current_text,
        match.transition, view_->GetWidth());

    // Track whether the destination URL sends us to a search results page
    // using the default search provider.
    if (TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)->
        IsSearchResultsPageFromDefaultSearchProvider(match.destination_url)) {

    if (match.destination_url.is_valid()) {
      // This calls RevertAll again.
      base::AutoReset<bool> tmp(&in_revert_, true);
          match.destination_url, disposition,
              match.transition | content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_ADDRESS_BAR));
      if (observer->load_state() != OmniboxNavigationObserver::LOAD_NOT_SEEN)
        ignore_result(observer.release());  // The observer will delete itself.

  if (match.starred)

bool OmniboxEditModel::AcceptKeyword(EnteredKeywordModeMethod entered_method) {
  DCHECK(is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty());

  is_keyword_hint_ = false;

  if (popup_model() && popup_model()->IsOpen())
    StartAutocomplete(false, true);

  // Ensure the current selection is saved before showing keyword mode
  // so that moving to another line and then reverting the text will restore
  // the current state properly.
  bool save_original_selection = !has_temporary_text_;
  has_temporary_text_ = true;
      save_original_selection, true);

  UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kEnteredKeywordModeHistogram, entered_method,

  return true;

void OmniboxEditModel::AcceptTemporaryTextAsUserText() {
  has_temporary_text_ = false;

  if (user_input_in_progress_ || !in_revert_)

void OmniboxEditModel::ClearKeyword(const base::string16& visible_text) {

  const base::string16 window_text(keyword_ + visible_text);

  // Only reset the result if the edit text has changed since the
  // keyword was accepted, or if the popup is closed.
  if (just_deleted_text_ || !visible_text.empty() ||
      !(popup_model() && popup_model()->IsOpen())) {
    view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(window_text.c_str(), keyword_.length(),
        false, false);
    is_keyword_hint_ = false;
    just_deleted_text_ = true;  // OnAfterPossibleChange() fails to clear this
                                // since the edit contents have actually grown
                                // longer.
  } else {
    is_keyword_hint_ = true;
    view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(window_text.c_str(), keyword_.length(),
        false, true);

void OmniboxEditModel::OnSetFocus(bool control_down) {
  last_omnibox_focus_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
  user_input_since_focus_ = false;

  // If the omnibox lost focus while the caret was hidden and then regained
  // focus, OnSetFocus() is called and should restore visibility. Note that
  // focus can be regained without an accompanying call to
  // OmniboxView::SetFocus(), e.g. by tabbing in.
  control_key_state_ = control_down ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP;

  // Try to get ZeroSuggest suggestions if a page is loaded and the user has
  // not been typing in the omnibox.  The |user_input_in_progress_| check is
  // used to detect the case where this function is called after right-clicking
  // in the omnibox and selecting paste in Linux (in which case we actually get
  // the OnSetFocus() call after the process of handling the paste has kicked
  // off).
  // TODO(hfung): Remove this when crbug/271590 is fixed.
  if (delegate_->CurrentPageExists() && !user_input_in_progress_) {
    // TODO(jered): We may want to merge this into Start() and just call that
    // here rather than having a special entry point for zero-suggest.  Note
    // that we avoid PermanentURL() here because it's not guaranteed to give us
    // the actual underlying current URL, e.g. if we're on the NTP and the
    // |permanent_text_| is empty.
        permanent_text_, base::string16::npos, base::string16(),
        delegate_->GetURL(), ClassifyPage(), false, false, true,

  if (user_input_in_progress_ || !in_revert_)

void OmniboxEditModel::SetCaretVisibility(bool visible) {
  // Caret visibility only matters if the omnibox has focus.
  if (focus_state_ != OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE) {

void OmniboxEditModel::OnWillKillFocus(gfx::NativeView view_gaining_focus) {
  if (user_input_in_progress_ || !in_revert_)

void OmniboxEditModel::OnKillFocus() {
  focus_source_ = INVALID;
  control_key_state_ = UP;
  paste_state_ = NONE;

bool OmniboxEditModel::OnEscapeKeyPressed() {
  const AutocompleteMatch& match = CurrentMatch(NULL);
  if (has_temporary_text_) {
    if (match.destination_url != original_url_) {
      return true;

  // We do not clear the pending entry from the omnibox when a load is first
  // stopped.  If the user presses Escape while stopped, we clear it.
  if (delegate_->CurrentPageExists() && !delegate_->IsLoading()) {

  // When using the origin chip, hitting escape to revert all should either
  // display the URL (when search term replacement would not be performed for
  // this page) or the search terms (when it would).  To accomplish this,
  // we'll need to disable URL replacement iff it's currently enabled and
  // search term replacement wouldn't normally happen.
  bool should_disable_url_replacement =
      controller_->GetToolbarModel()->url_replacement_enabled() &&

  // If the user wasn't editing, but merely had focus in the edit, allow <esc>
  // to be processed as an accelerator, so it can still be used to stop a load.
  // When the permanent text isn't all selected we still fall through to the
  // SelectAll() call below so users can arrow around in the text and then hit
  // <esc> to quickly replace all the text; this matches IE.
  const bool has_zero_suggest_match = match.provider &&
      (match.provider->type() == AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_ZERO_SUGGEST);
  if (!has_zero_suggest_match && !should_disable_url_replacement &&
      !user_input_in_progress_ && view_->IsSelectAll())
    return false;

  if (!user_text_.empty()) {

  if (should_disable_url_replacement) {
  return true;

void OmniboxEditModel::OnControlKeyChanged(bool pressed) {
  if (pressed == (control_key_state_ == UP))
    control_key_state_ = pressed ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP;

void OmniboxEditModel::OnPaste() {
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Omnibox.Paste", 1);
  paste_state_ = PASTING;

void OmniboxEditModel::OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(int count) {
  // NOTE: This purposefully doesn't trigger any code that resets paste_state_.
  if (popup_model() && popup_model()->IsOpen()) {
    // The popup is open, so the user should be able to interact with it
    // normally.

  if (!query_in_progress()) {
    // The popup is neither open nor working on a query already.  So, start an
    // autocomplete query for the current text.  This also sets
    // user_input_in_progress_ to true, which we want: if the user has started
    // to interact with the popup, changing the permanent_text_ shouldn't change
    // the displayed text.
    // Note: This does not force the popup to open immediately.
    // TODO(pkasting): We should, in fact, force this particular query to open
    // the popup immediately.
    if (!user_input_in_progress_)

  // TODO(pkasting): The popup is working on a query but is not open.  We should
  // force it to open immediately.

void OmniboxEditModel::OnPopupDataChanged(
    const base::string16& text,
    GURL* destination_for_temporary_text_change,
    const base::string16& keyword,
    bool is_keyword_hint) {
  // The popup changed its data, the match in the controller is no longer valid.

  // Update keyword/hint-related local state.
  bool keyword_state_changed = (keyword_ != keyword) ||
      ((is_keyword_hint_ != is_keyword_hint) && !keyword.empty());
  if (keyword_state_changed) {
    keyword_ = keyword;
    is_keyword_hint_ = is_keyword_hint;

    // |is_keyword_hint_| should always be false if |keyword_| is empty.
    DCHECK(!keyword_.empty() || !is_keyword_hint_);

  // Handle changes to temporary text.
  if (destination_for_temporary_text_change != NULL) {
    const bool save_original_selection = !has_temporary_text_;
    if (save_original_selection) {
      // Save the original selection and URL so it can be reverted later.
      has_temporary_text_ = true;
      original_url_ = *destination_for_temporary_text_change;
    if (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE) {
      // Arrowing around the popup cancels control-enter.
      control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE;
      // Now things are a bit screwy: the desired_tld has changed, but if we
      // update the popup, the new order of entries won't match the old, so the
      // user's selection gets screwy; and if we don't update the popup, and the
      // user reverts, then the selected item will be as if control is still
      // pressed, even though maybe it isn't any more.  There is no obvious
      // right answer here :(
                                       save_original_selection, true);

  bool call_controller_onchanged = true;
  inline_autocomplete_text_ = text;
  if (inline_autocomplete_text_.empty())

  const base::string16& user_text =
      user_input_in_progress_ ? user_text_ : permanent_text_;
  if (keyword_state_changed && KeywordIsSelected()) {
    // If we reach here, the user most likely entered keyword mode by inserting
    // a space between a keyword name and a search string (as pressing space or
    // tab after the keyword name alone would have been be handled in
    // MaybeAcceptKeywordBySpace() by calling AcceptKeyword(), which won't reach
    // here).  In this case, we don't want to call
    // OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged() as normal, because that will
    // correctly change the text (to the search string alone) but move the caret
    // to the end of the string; instead we want the caret at the start of the
    // search string since that's where it was in the original input.  So we set
    // the text and caret position directly.
    // It may also be possible to reach here if we're reverting from having
    // temporary text back to a default match that's a keyword search, but in
    // that case the RevertTemporaryText() call below will reset the caret or
    // selection correctly so the caret positioning we do here won't matter.
    view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text), 0,
                                                            false, false);
  } else if (view_->OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
             DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text + inline_autocomplete_text_),
             DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text).length())) {
    call_controller_onchanged = false;

  // If |has_temporary_text_| is true, then we previously had a manual selection
  // but now don't (or |destination_for_temporary_text_change| would have been
  // non-NULL). This can happen when deleting the selected item in the popup.
  // In this case, we've already reverted the popup to the default match, so we
  // need to revert ourselves as well.
  if (has_temporary_text_) {
    call_controller_onchanged = false;

  // We need to invoke OnChanged in case the destination url changed (as could
  // happen when control is toggled).
  if (call_controller_onchanged)

bool OmniboxEditModel::OnAfterPossibleChange(const base::string16& old_text,
                                             const base::string16& new_text,
                                             size_t selection_start,
                                             size_t selection_end,
                                             bool selection_differs,
                                             bool text_differs,
                                             bool just_deleted_text,
                                             bool allow_keyword_ui_change) {
  // Update the paste state as appropriate: if we're just finishing a paste
  // that replaced all the text, preserve that information; otherwise, if we've
  // made some other edit, clear paste tracking.
  if (paste_state_ == PASTING)
    paste_state_ = PASTED;
  else if (text_differs)
    paste_state_ = NONE;

  if (text_differs || selection_differs) {
    // Record current focus state for this input if we haven't already.
    if (focus_source_ == INVALID) {
      // We should generally expect the omnibox to have focus at this point, but
      // it doesn't always on Linux. This is because, unlike other platforms,
      // right clicking in the omnibox on Linux doesn't focus it. So pasting via
      // right-click can change the contents without focusing the omnibox.
      // TODO(samarth): fix Linux focus behavior and add a DCHECK here to
      // check that the omnibox does have focus.
      focus_source_ = (focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_INVISIBLE) ?
          FAKEBOX : OMNIBOX;

    // Restore caret visibility whenever the user changes text or selection in
    // the omnibox.

  // Modifying the selection counts as accepting the autocompleted text.
  const bool user_text_changed =
      text_differs || (selection_differs && !inline_autocomplete_text_.empty());

  // If something has changed while the control key is down, prevent
  // "ctrl-enter" until the control key is released.
  if ((text_differs || selection_differs) &&
      (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE))
    control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE;

  if (!user_text_changed)
    return false;

  // If the user text has not changed, we do not want to change the model's
  // state associated with the text.  Otherwise, we can get surprising behavior
  // where the autocompleted text unexpectedly reappears, e.g.
  has_temporary_text_ = false;

  // Track when the user has deleted text so we won't allow inline
  // autocomplete.
  just_deleted_text_ = just_deleted_text;

  if (user_input_in_progress_ && user_text_.empty()) {
    // Log cases where the user started editing and then subsequently cleared
    // all the text.  Note that this explicitly doesn't catch cases like
    // "hit ctrl-l to select whole edit contents, then hit backspace", because
    // in such cases, |user_input_in_progress| won't be true here.

  const bool no_selection = selection_start == selection_end;

  // Update the popup for the change, in the process changing to keyword mode
  // if the user hit space in mid-string after a keyword.
  // |allow_exact_keyword_match_| will be used by StartAutocomplete() method,
  // which will be called by |view_->UpdatePopup()|; so after that returns we
  // can safely reset this flag.
  allow_exact_keyword_match_ = text_differs && allow_keyword_ui_change &&
      !just_deleted_text && no_selection &&
      CreatedKeywordSearchByInsertingSpaceInMiddle(old_text, user_text_,
  if (allow_exact_keyword_match_) {
  allow_exact_keyword_match_ = false;

  // Change to keyword mode if the user is now pressing space after a keyword
  // name.  Note that if this is the case, then even if there was no keyword
  // hint when we entered this function (e.g. if the user has used space to
  // replace some selected text that was adjoined to this keyword), there will
  // be one now because of the call to UpdatePopup() above; so it's safe for
  // MaybeAcceptKeywordBySpace() to look at |keyword_| and |is_keyword_hint_| to
  // determine what keyword, if any, is applicable.
  // If MaybeAcceptKeywordBySpace() accepts the keyword and returns true, that
  // will have updated our state already, so in that case we don't also return
  // true from this function.
  return !(text_differs && allow_keyword_ui_change && !just_deleted_text &&
           no_selection && (selection_start == user_text_.length()) &&

// TODO(beaudoin): Merge OnPopupDataChanged with this method once the popup
// handling has completely migrated to omnibox_controller.
void OmniboxEditModel::OnCurrentMatchChanged() {
  has_temporary_text_ = false;

  const AutocompleteMatch& match = omnibox_controller_->current_match();

  // We store |keyword| and |is_keyword_hint| in temporary variables since
  // OnPopupDataChanged use their previous state to detect changes.
  base::string16 keyword;
  bool is_keyword_hint;
  match.GetKeywordUIState(profile_, &keyword, &is_keyword_hint);
  if (popup_model())
  // OnPopupDataChanged() resets OmniboxController's |current_match_| early
  // on.  Therefore, copy match.inline_autocompletion to a temp to preserve
  // its value across the entire call.
  const base::string16 inline_autocompletion(match.inline_autocompletion);
  OnPopupDataChanged(inline_autocompletion, NULL, keyword, is_keyword_hint);

void OmniboxEditModel::SetSuggestionToPrefetch(
    const InstantSuggestion& suggestion) {

// static
const char OmniboxEditModel::kCutOrCopyAllTextHistogram[] =

bool OmniboxEditModel::query_in_progress() const {
  return !autocomplete_controller()->done();

void OmniboxEditModel::InternalSetUserText(const base::string16& text) {
  user_text_ = text;
  just_deleted_text_ = false;

bool OmniboxEditModel::KeywordIsSelected() const {
  return !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty();

void OmniboxEditModel::ClearPopupKeywordMode() const {

base::string16 OmniboxEditModel::DisplayTextFromUserText(
    const base::string16& text) const {
  return KeywordIsSelected() ?
      KeywordProvider::SplitReplacementStringFromInput(text, false) : text;

base::string16 OmniboxEditModel::UserTextFromDisplayText(
    const base::string16& text) const {
  return KeywordIsSelected() ? (keyword_ + base::char16(' ') + text) : text;

void OmniboxEditModel::GetInfoForCurrentText(AutocompleteMatch* match,
                                             GURL* alternate_nav_url) const {
  DCHECK(match != NULL);

  if (controller_->GetToolbarModel()->WouldPerformSearchTermReplacement(
      false)) {
    // Any time the user hits enter on the unchanged omnibox, we should reload.
    // When we're not extracting search terms, AcceptInput() will take care of
    // this (see code referring to PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD there), but when we're
    // extracting search terms, the conditionals there won't fire, so we
    // explicitly set up a match that will reload here.

    // It's important that we fetch the current visible URL to reload instead of
    // just getting a "search what you typed" URL from
    // SearchProvider::CreateSearchSuggestion(), since the user may be in a
    // non-default search mode such as image search.
    match->type = AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED;
    match->destination_url =
    match->transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD;
  } else if (query_in_progress() ||
             (popup_model() && popup_model()->IsOpen())) {
    if (query_in_progress()) {
      // It's technically possible for |result| to be empty if no provider
      // returns a synchronous result but the query has not completed
      // synchronously; pratically, however, that should never actually happen.
      if (result().empty())
      // The user cannot have manually selected a match, or the query would have
      // stopped. So the default match must be the desired selection.
      *match = *result().default_match();
    } else {
      // If there are no results, the popup should be closed, so we shouldn't
      // have gotten here.
      CHECK(popup_model()->selected_line() < result().size());
      *match = result().match_at(popup_model()->selected_line());
    if (alternate_nav_url &&
        (!popup_model() || popup_model()->manually_selected_match().empty()))
      *alternate_nav_url = result().alternate_nav_url();
  } else {
        UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText()), KeywordIsSelected(), true,
        ClassifyPage(), match, alternate_nav_url);

void OmniboxEditModel::RevertTemporaryText(bool revert_popup) {
  // The user typed something, then selected a different item.  Restore the
  // text they typed and change back to the default item.
  // NOTE: This purposefully does not reset paste_state_.
  just_deleted_text_ = false;
  has_temporary_text_ = false;

  if (revert_popup && popup_model())

bool OmniboxEditModel::MaybeAcceptKeywordBySpace(
    const base::string16& new_text) {
  size_t keyword_length = new_text.length() - 1;
  return (paste_state_ == NONE) && is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty() &&
      inline_autocomplete_text_.empty() &&
      (keyword_.length() == keyword_length) &&
      IsSpaceCharForAcceptingKeyword(new_text[keyword_length]) &&
      !, keyword_length, keyword_, 0, keyword_length) &&

bool OmniboxEditModel::CreatedKeywordSearchByInsertingSpaceInMiddle(
    const base::string16& old_text,
    const base::string16& new_text,
    size_t caret_position) const {
  DCHECK_GE(new_text.length(), caret_position);

  // Check simple conditions first.
  if ((paste_state_ != NONE) || (caret_position < 2) ||
      (old_text.length() < caret_position) ||
      (new_text.length() == caret_position))
    return false;
  size_t space_position = caret_position - 1;
  if (!IsSpaceCharForAcceptingKeyword(new_text[space_position]) ||
      IsWhitespace(new_text[space_position - 1]) ||, space_position, old_text, 0, space_position) ||
      !, new_text.length() - space_position,
                        old_text, space_position,
                        old_text.length() - space_position)) {
    return false;

  // Then check if the text before the inserted space matches a keyword.
  base::string16 keyword;
  base::TrimWhitespace(new_text.substr(0, space_position), base::TRIM_LEADING,
  return !keyword.empty() && !autocomplete_controller()->keyword_provider()->

//  static
bool OmniboxEditModel::IsSpaceCharForAcceptingKeyword(wchar_t c) {
  switch (c) {
    case 0x0020:  // Space
    case 0x3000:  // Ideographic Space
      return true;
      return false;

AutocompleteInput::PageClassification OmniboxEditModel::ClassifyPage() const {
  if (!delegate_->CurrentPageExists())
    return AutocompleteInput::OTHER;
  if (delegate_->IsInstantNTP()) {
    // Note that we treat OMNIBOX as the source if focus_source_ is INVALID,
    // i.e., if input isn't actually in progress.
    return (focus_source_ == FAKEBOX) ?
  const GURL& gurl = delegate_->GetURL();
  if (!gurl.is_valid())
    return AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC;
  const std::string& url = gurl.spec();
  if (url == chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL)
    return AutocompleteInput::NTP;
  if (url == content::kAboutBlankURL)
    return AutocompleteInput::BLANK;
  if (url == profile()->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kHomePage))
    return AutocompleteInput::HOME_PAGE;
  if (controller_->GetToolbarModel()->WouldPerformSearchTermReplacement(true))
  if (delegate_->IsSearchResultsPage())
  return AutocompleteInput::OTHER;

void OmniboxEditModel::ClassifyStringForPasteAndGo(
    const base::string16& text,
    AutocompleteMatch* match,
    GURL* alternate_nav_url) const {
      text, false, false, ClassifyPage(), match, alternate_nav_url);

void OmniboxEditModel::SetFocusState(OmniboxFocusState state,
                                     OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason) {
  if (state == focus_state_)

  // Update state and notify view if the omnibox has focus and the caret
  // visibility changed.
  const bool was_caret_visible = is_caret_visible();
  focus_state_ = state;
  if (focus_state_ != OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE &&
      is_caret_visible() != was_caret_visible)

  delegate_->OnFocusChanged(focus_state_, reason);

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