
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. CalculateDelay
  2. FillDelayTable
  3. IsRetryOnTime
  4. done_
  5. Initialize
  6. VerifyRetryInterval

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/retry_verifier.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/engine/polling_constants.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/sessions/sync_session_snapshot.h"

namespace {
// Given the current delay calculate the minimum and maximum wait times for
// the next retry.
DelayInfo CalculateDelay(int64 current_delay) {
  int64 backoff_s = std::max(static_cast<int64>(1), current_delay *

  DelayInfo delay_info;
  delay_info.min_delay = backoff_s + (-1 * current_delay/
  delay_info.max_delay = backoff_s + current_delay/2;

  delay_info.min_delay = std::max(static_cast<int64>(1),
      std::min(delay_info.min_delay, syncer::kMaxBackoffSeconds));

  delay_info.max_delay = std::max(static_cast<int64>(1),
      std::min(delay_info.max_delay, syncer::kMaxBackoffSeconds));

  return delay_info;

// Fills the table with the maximum and minimum values for each retry, upto
// |count| number of retries.
void FillDelayTable(DelayInfo* delay_table, int count) {
  DCHECK(count > 1);

  // We start off with the minimum value of 2 seconds.
  delay_table[0].min_delay = static_cast<int64>(2);
  delay_table[0].max_delay = static_cast<int64>(2);

  for (int i = 1 ; i < count ; ++i) {
    delay_table[i].min_delay = CalculateDelay(delay_table[i-1].min_delay).
    delay_table[i].max_delay = CalculateDelay(delay_table[i-1].max_delay).
}  // namespace

// Verifies if the current retry is on time. Note that we dont use the
// maximum value of the retry range in verifying, only the minimum. Reason
// being there is no guarantee that the retry will be on the dot. However in
// practice it is on the dot. But making that assumption for all the platforms
// would make the test flaky. However we have the global timeout for the
// verification which would make sure all retries take place in a reasonable
// amount of time. The global timeout is defined in profile sync service
// harness as |kExponentialBackoffVerificationTimeoutMs|.
bool IsRetryOnTime(DelayInfo* delay_table, int retry_count,
                   const base::TimeDelta& time_elapsed) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Retry Count : " << retry_count
           << " Time elapsed : " << time_elapsed.InSeconds()
           << " Retry table min: " << delay_table[retry_count].min_delay
           << " Retry table max: " << delay_table[retry_count].max_delay;
  return ((time_elapsed.InSeconds() >= delay_table[retry_count].min_delay));

RetryVerifier::RetryVerifier() : retry_count_(0),
                                 done_(false) {
  memset(&delay_table_, 0, sizeof(delay_table_));

RetryVerifier::~RetryVerifier() {

// Initializes the state for verification.
void RetryVerifier::Initialize(
    const syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snap) {
  retry_count_ = 0;
  last_sync_time_ = snap.sync_start_time();
  FillDelayTable(delay_table_, kMaxRetry);
  done_ = false;
  success_ = false;

void RetryVerifier::VerifyRetryInterval(
    const syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snap) {
  DCHECK(retry_count_ < kMaxRetry);
  if (retry_count_ == 0) {
    if (snap.sync_start_time() != last_sync_time_) {
      last_sync_time_ = snap.sync_start_time();
    success_ = true;

  // Check if the sync start time has changed. If so indicates a new sync
  // has taken place.
  if (snap.sync_start_time() != last_sync_time_) {
    base::TimeDelta delta = snap.sync_start_time() - last_sync_time_;
    success_ = IsRetryOnTime(delay_table_,retry_count_ -1, delta);
    last_sync_time_ = snap.sync_start_time();
    done_ = (retry_count_ >= kMaxRetry);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */