
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "chrome/browser/web_resource/resource_request_allowed_notifier.h"

class PrefService;

// Singleton managing the resources required for Translate.
class TranslateService : public ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier::Observer {
   // Must be called before the Translate feature can be used.
  static void Initialize();

  // Must be called to shut down the Translate feature.
  static void Shutdown(bool cleanup_pending_fetcher);

  // Initializes the TranslateService in a way that it can be initialized
  // multiple times in a unit test suite (once for each test). Should be paired
  // with ShutdownForTesting at the end of the test.
  static void InitializeForTesting();

  // Shuts down the TranslateService at the end of a test in a way that the next
  // test can initialize and use the service.
  static void ShutdownForTesting();

  // Let the caller decide if and when we should fetch the language list from
  // the translate server. This is a NOOP if switches::kDisableTranslate is set
  // or if prefs::kEnableTranslate is set to false.
  static void FetchLanguageListFromTranslateServer(PrefService* prefs);

  // Returns true if the new translate bubble is enabled.
  static bool IsTranslateBubbleEnabled();

  // Sets whether of not the infobar UI is used. This method is intended to be
  // used only for tests.
  static void SetUseInfobar(bool value);

  // Returns the language to translate to. The language returned is the
  // first language found in the following list that is supported by the
  // translation service:
  //     the UI language
  //     the accept-language list
  // If no language is found then an empty string is returned.
  static std::string GetTargetLanguage(PrefService* prefs);


  // ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier::Observer methods.
  virtual void OnResourceRequestsAllowed() OVERRIDE;

  // Helper class to know if it's allowed to make network resource requests.
  ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier resource_request_allowed_notifier_;

  // Whether or not the infobar is used. This is intended to be used
  // only for testing.
  bool use_infobar_;


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