
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. CreateOrPromoteMatch
  2. ConvertToHostOnly
  3. CompareHistoryMatch
  4. SortAndDedupMatches
  5. RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow
  6. CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets
  7. ntp_is_themed_param_
  8. GoogleBaseURLValue
  9. GetApplicationLocale
  10. GetRlzParameterValue
  11. GetSearchClient
  12. NTPIsThemedParam
  13. type
  14. url_row
  15. type_
  16. search_terms_data
  17. search_url_database_
  18. Start
  19. Stop
  20. SuggestExactInput
  21. ExecuteWithDB
  22. DoAutocomplete
  23. QueryComplete
  24. CalculateRelevance
  25. RunAutocompletePasses
  26. FixupExactSuggestion
  27. CanFindIntranetURL
  28. PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete
  29. PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion
  30. CullPoorMatches
  31. CullRedirects
  32. RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf
  33. HistoryMatchToACMatch
  34. CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams
  35. ClassifyDescription

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider_listener.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_result.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_backend.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/scored_history_match.h"
#include "chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_field_trial.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "net/base/net_util.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_parse.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"

namespace {

// If |create_if_necessary| is true, ensures that |matches| contains an
// entry for |info|, creating a new such entry if necessary (using
// |input_location| and |match_in_scheme|).
// If |promote| is true, this also ensures the entry is the first element in
// |matches|, moving or adding it to the front as appropriate.  When |promote|
// is false, existing matches are left in place, and newly added matches are
// placed at the back.
// It's OK to call this function with both |create_if_necessary| and
// |promote| false, in which case we'll do nothing.
// Returns whether the match exists regardless if it was promoted/created.
bool CreateOrPromoteMatch(const history::URLRow& info,
                          size_t input_location,
                          bool match_in_scheme,
                          history::HistoryMatches* matches,
                          bool create_if_necessary,
                          bool promote) {
  // |matches| may already have an entry for this.
  for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator i(matches->begin());
       i != matches->end(); ++i) {
    if (i->url_info.url() == info.url()) {
      // Rotate it to the front if the caller wishes.
      if (promote)
        std::rotate(matches->begin(), i, i + 1);
      return true;

  if (!create_if_necessary)
    return false;

  // No entry, so create one.
  history::HistoryMatch match(info, input_location, match_in_scheme, true);
  if (promote)

  return true;

// Given the user's |input| and a |match| created from it, reduce the match's
// URL to just a host.  If this host still matches the user input, return it.
// Returns the empty string on failure.
GURL ConvertToHostOnly(const history::HistoryMatch& match,
                       const base::string16& input) {
  // See if we should try to do host-only suggestions for this URL. Nonstandard
  // schemes means there's no authority section, so suggesting the host name
  // is useless. File URLs are standard, but host suggestion is not useful for
  // them either.
  const GURL& url = match.url_info.url();
  if (!url.is_valid() || !url.IsStandard() || url.SchemeIsFile())
    return GURL();

  // Transform to a host-only match.  Bail if the host no longer matches the
  // user input (e.g. because the user typed more than just a host).
  GURL host = url.GetWithEmptyPath();
  if ((host.spec().length() < (match.input_location + input.length())))
    return GURL();  // User typing is longer than this host suggestion.

  const base::string16 spec = base::UTF8ToUTF16(host.spec());
  if (, input.length(), input))
    return GURL();  // User typing is no longer a prefix.

  return host;

// Acts like the > operator for URLInfo classes.
bool CompareHistoryMatch(const history::HistoryMatch& a,
                         const history::HistoryMatch& b) {
  // A promoted match is better than non-promoted.
  if (a.promoted != b.promoted)
    return a.promoted;

  // A URL that has been typed at all is better than one that has never been
  // typed.  (Note "!"s on each side)
  if (!a.url_info.typed_count() != !b.url_info.typed_count())
    return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();

  // Innermost matches (matches after any scheme or "www.") are better than
  // non-innermost matches.
  if (a.innermost_match != b.innermost_match)
    return a.innermost_match;

  // URLs that have been typed more often are better.
  if (a.url_info.typed_count() != b.url_info.typed_count())
    return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();

  // For URLs that have each been typed once, a host (alone) is better than a
  // page inside.
  if ((a.url_info.typed_count() == 1) && (a.IsHostOnly() != b.IsHostOnly()))
    return a.IsHostOnly();

  // URLs that have been visited more often are better.
  if (a.url_info.visit_count() != b.url_info.visit_count())
    return a.url_info.visit_count() > b.url_info.visit_count();

  // URLs that have been visited more recently are better.
  return a.url_info.last_visit() > b.url_info.last_visit();

// Sorts and dedups the given list of matches.
void SortAndDedupMatches(history::HistoryMatches* matches) {
  // Sort by quality, best first.
  std::sort(matches->begin(), matches->end(), &CompareHistoryMatch);

  // Remove duplicate matches (caused by the search string appearing in one of
  // the prefixes as well as after it).  Consider the following scenario:
  // User has visited "" once and "" twice.
  // User types "http".  The autocomplete search with prefix "http://" returns
  // the first host, while the search with prefix "" returns both hosts.  Now
  // we sort them into rank order:
  //     (innermost_match)
  // (!innermost_match, url_info.visit_count == 2)
  //     (!innermost_match, url_info.visit_count == 1)
  // The above scenario tells us we can't use std::unique(), since our
  // duplicates are not always sequential.  It also tells us we should remove
  // the lower-quality duplicate(s), since otherwise the returned results won't
  // be ordered correctly.  This is easy to do: we just always remove the later
  // element of a duplicate pair.
  // Be careful!  Because the vector contents may change as we remove elements,
  // we use an index instead of an iterator in the outer loop, and don't
  // precalculate the ending position.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < matches->size(); ++i) {
    for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator j(matches->begin() + i + 1);
         j != matches->end(); ) {
      if ((*matches)[i].url_info.url() == j->url_info.url())
        j = matches->erase(j);

// Extracts typed_count, visit_count, and last_visited time from the
// URLRow and puts them in the additional info field of the |match|
// for display in about:omnibox.
void RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow(const history::URLRow& info,
                                    AutocompleteMatch* match) {
  match->RecordAdditionalInfo("typed count", info.typed_count());
  match->RecordAdditionalInfo("visit count", info.visit_count());
  match->RecordAdditionalInfo("last visit", info.last_visit());

// Calculates a new relevance score applying half-life time decaying to |count|
// using |time_since_last_visit| and |score_buckets|.
// This function will never return a score higher than |undecayed_relevance|.
// In other words, it can only demote the old score.
double CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
    const HUPScoringParams::ScoreBuckets& score_buckets,
    const base::TimeDelta& time_since_last_visit,
    int undecayed_relevance,
    int count) {
  // Back off if above relevance cap.
  if ((score_buckets.relevance_cap() != -1) &&
      (undecayed_relevance >= score_buckets.relevance_cap()))
    return undecayed_relevance;

  // Time based decay using half-life time.
  double decayed_count = count;
  if (decayed_count > 0)
    decayed_count *= score_buckets.HalfLifeTimeDecay(time_since_last_visit);

  // Find a threshold where decayed_count >= bucket.
  const HUPScoringParams::ScoreBuckets::CountMaxRelevance* score_bucket = NULL;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < score_buckets.buckets().size(); ++i) {
    score_bucket = &score_buckets.buckets()[i];
    if (decayed_count >= score_bucket->first)
      break;  // Buckets are in descending order, so we can ignore the rest.

  return (score_bucket && (undecayed_relevance > score_bucket->second)) ?
      score_bucket->second : undecayed_relevance;

}  // namespace

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchTermsDataSnapshot

// Implementation of SearchTermsData that takes a snapshot of another
// SearchTermsData by copying all the responses to the different getters into
// member strings, then returning those strings when its own getters are called.
// This will typically be constructed on the UI thread from
// UIThreadSearchTermsData but is subsequently safe to use on any thread.
class SearchTermsDataSnapshot : public SearchTermsData {
  explicit SearchTermsDataSnapshot(const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
  virtual ~SearchTermsDataSnapshot();

  virtual std::string GoogleBaseURLValue() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual std::string GetApplicationLocale() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual base::string16 GetRlzParameterValue() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual std::string GetSearchClient() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual std::string NTPIsThemedParam() const OVERRIDE;

  std::string google_base_url_value_;
  std::string application_locale_;
  base::string16 rlz_parameter_value_;
  std::string search_client_;
  std::string ntp_is_themed_param_;


    const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data)
    : google_base_url_value_(search_terms_data.GoogleBaseURLValue()),
      ntp_is_themed_param_(search_terms_data.NTPIsThemedParam()) {}

SearchTermsDataSnapshot::~SearchTermsDataSnapshot() {

std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GoogleBaseURLValue() const {
  return google_base_url_value_;

std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GetApplicationLocale() const {
  return application_locale_;

base::string16 SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GetRlzParameterValue() const {
  return rlz_parameter_value_;

std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GetSearchClient() const {
  return search_client_;

std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::NTPIsThemedParam() const {
  return ntp_is_themed_param_;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// HistoryURLProvider

// These ugly magic numbers will go away once we switch all scoring
// behavior (including URL-what-you-typed) to HistoryQuick provider.
const int HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForBestInlineableResult = 1413;
const int HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForUnvisitedIntranetResult = 1403;
const int HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult = 1203;
const int HistoryURLProvider::kBaseScoreForNonInlineableResult = 900;

// VisitClassifier is used to classify the type of visit to a particular url.
class HistoryURLProvider::VisitClassifier {
  enum Type {
    INVALID,             // Navigations to the URL are not allowed.
    UNVISITED_INTRANET,  // A navigable URL for which we have no visit data but
                         // which is known to refer to a visited intranet host.
    VISITED,             // The site has been previously visited.

  VisitClassifier(HistoryURLProvider* provider,
                  const AutocompleteInput& input,
                  history::URLDatabase* db);

  // Returns the type of visit for the specified input.
  Type type() const { return type_; }

  // Returns the URLRow for the visit.
  const history::URLRow& url_row() const { return url_row_; }

  HistoryURLProvider* provider_;
  history::URLDatabase* db_;
  Type type_;
  history::URLRow url_row_;


    HistoryURLProvider* provider,
    const AutocompleteInput& input,
    history::URLDatabase* db)
    : provider_(provider),
      type_(INVALID) {
  const GURL& url = input.canonicalized_url();
  // Detect email addresses.  These cases will look like "http://user@site/",
  // and because the history backend strips auth creds, we'll get a bogus exact
  // match below if the user has visited "site".
  if (!url.is_valid() ||
      ((input.type() == AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN) && &&
       ! &&

  if (db_->GetRowForURL(url, &url_row_)) {
    type_ = VISITED;

  if (provider_->CanFindIntranetURL(db_, input)) {
    // The user typed an intranet hostname that they've visited (albeit with a
    // different port and/or path) before.
    url_row_ = history::URLRow(url);

    const AutocompleteInput& input,
    bool trim_http,
    const std::string& languages,
    TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
    const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data)
    : message_loop(base::MessageLoop::current()),
      default_search_provider(default_search_provider ?
          new TemplateURL(default_search_provider->profile(),
                          default_search_provider->data()) : NULL),
      search_terms_data(new SearchTermsDataSnapshot(search_terms_data)) {

HistoryURLProviderParams::~HistoryURLProviderParams() {

HistoryURLProvider::HistoryURLProvider(AutocompleteProviderListener* listener,
                                       Profile* profile)
    : HistoryProvider(listener, profile,
          !OmniboxFieldTrial::InHUPCullRedirectsFieldTrial() ||
          !OmniboxFieldTrial::InHUPCreateShorterMatchFieldTrial() ||
      search_url_database_(true) {
  // Initialize HUP scoring params based on the current experiment.

void HistoryURLProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
                               bool minimal_changes) {
  // NOTE: We could try hard to do less work in the |minimal_changes| case
  // here; some clever caching would let us reuse the raw matches from the
  // history DB without re-querying.  However, we'd still have to go back to
  // the history thread to mark these up properly, and if pass 2 is currently
  // running, we'd need to wait for it to return to the main thread before
  // doing this (we can't just write new data for it to read due to thread
  // safety issues).  At that point it's just as fast, and easier, to simply
  // re-run the query from scratch and ignore |minimal_changes|.

  // Cancel any in-progress query.

  RunAutocompletePasses(input, true);

void HistoryURLProvider::Stop(bool clear_cached_results) {
  done_ = true;

  if (params_)

AutocompleteMatch HistoryURLProvider::SuggestExactInput(
    const base::string16& text,
    const GURL& destination_url,
    bool trim_http) {
  AutocompleteMatch match(this, 0, false,

  if (destination_url.is_valid()) {
    match.destination_url = destination_url;

    // Trim off "http://" if the user didn't type it.
    // NOTE: We use TrimHttpPrefix() here rather than StringForURLDisplay() to
    // strip the scheme as we need to know the offset so we can adjust the
    // |match_location| below.  StringForURLDisplay() and TrimHttpPrefix() have
    // slightly different behavior as well (the latter will strip even without
    // two slashes after the scheme).
    DCHECK(!trim_http || !AutocompleteInput::HasHTTPScheme(text));
    base::string16 display_string(
        StringForURLDisplay(destination_url, false, false));
    const size_t offset = trim_http ? TrimHttpPrefix(&display_string) : 0;
    match.fill_into_edit =
    match.allowed_to_be_default_match = true;
    // NOTE: Don't set match.inline_autocompletion to something non-empty here;
    // it's surprising and annoying.

    // Try to highlight "innermost" match location.  If we fix up "w" into
    // "", we want to highlight the fifth character, not the first.
    // This relies on match.destination_url being the non-prefix-trimmed version
    // of match.contents.
    match.contents = display_string;
    const URLPrefix* best_prefix = URLPrefix::BestURLPrefix(
        base::UTF8ToUTF16(destination_url.spec()), text);
    // It's possible for match.destination_url to not contain the user's input
    // at all (so |best_prefix| is NULL), for example if the input is
    // "view-source:x" and |destination_url| has an inserted "http://" in the
    // middle.
    if (best_prefix == NULL) {
      AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyMatchInString(text, match.contents,
    } else {
          best_prefix->prefix.length() - offset, text.length(),
          match.contents.length(), ACMatchClassification::URL,

    match.is_history_what_you_typed_match = true;

  return match;

// Called on the history thread.
void HistoryURLProvider::ExecuteWithDB(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
                                       history::URLDatabase* db,
                                       HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
  // We may get called with a NULL database if it couldn't be properly
  // initialized.
  if (!db) {
    params->failed = true;
  } else if (!params->cancel_flag.IsSet()) {
    base::TimeTicks beginning_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();

    DoAutocomplete(backend, db, params);

                        base::TimeTicks::Now() - beginning_time);

  // Return the results (if any) to the main thread.
  params->message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
      &HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete, this, params));

// Used by both autocomplete passes, and therefore called on multiple different
// threads (though not simultaneously).
void HistoryURLProvider::DoAutocomplete(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
                                        history::URLDatabase* db,
                                        HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
  VisitClassifier classifier(this, params->input, db);
  // Create a What You Typed match, which we'll need below.
  // We display this to the user when there's a reasonable chance they actually
  // care:
  // * Their input can be opened as a URL, and
  // * We parsed the input as a URL, or it starts with an explicit "http:" or
  //   "https:".
  //  that is when their input can be opened as a URL.
  // Otherwise, this is just low-quality noise.  In the cases where we've parsed
  // as UNKNOWN, we'll still show an accidental search infobar if need be.
  bool have_what_you_typed_match =
      params->input.canonicalized_url().is_valid() &&
      (params->input.type() != AutocompleteInput::QUERY) &&
      ((params->input.type() != AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN) ||
       (classifier.type() == VisitClassifier::UNVISITED_INTRANET) ||
       !params->trim_http ||
       (AutocompleteInput::NumNonHostComponents(params-> > 0));
  AutocompleteMatch what_you_typed_match(SuggestExactInput(
      params->input.text(), params->input.canonicalized_url(),
  what_you_typed_match.relevance = CalculateRelevance(WHAT_YOU_TYPED, 0);

  // Get the matching URLs from the DB
  history::URLRows url_matches;
  history::HistoryMatches history_matches;

  if (search_url_database_) {
    const URLPrefixes& prefixes = URLPrefix::GetURLPrefixes();
    for (URLPrefixes::const_iterator i(prefixes.begin()); i != prefixes.end();
         ++i) {
      if (params->cancel_flag.IsSet())
        return;  // Canceled in the middle of a query, give up.
      // We only need kMaxMatches results in the end, but before we
      // get there we need to promote lower-quality matches that are
      // prefixes of higher-quality matches, and remove lower-quality
      // redirects.  So we ask for more results than we need, of every
      // prefix type, in hopes this will give us far more than enough
      // to work with.  CullRedirects() will then reduce the list to
      // the best kMaxMatches results.
          base::UTF16ToUTF8(i->prefix + params->input.text()),
          kMaxMatches * 2,
          (backend == NULL),
      for (history::URLRows::const_iterator j(url_matches.begin());
           j != url_matches.end(); ++j) {
        const URLPrefix* best_prefix =
        DCHECK(best_prefix != NULL);
        history_matches.push_back(history::HistoryMatch(*j, i->prefix.length(),
            i->num_components == 0,
            i->num_components >= best_prefix->num_components));

  // Create sorted list of suggestions.
  CullPoorMatches(*params, &history_matches);
  PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(db, *params, have_what_you_typed_match,
                                   what_you_typed_match, &history_matches);

  // Try to promote a match as an exact/inline autocomplete match.  This also
  // moves it to the front of |history_matches|, so skip over it when
  // converting the rest of the matches.
  size_t first_match = 1;
  size_t exact_suggestion = 0;
  // Checking |is_history_what_you_typed_match| tells us whether
  // SuggestExactInput() succeeded in constructing a valid match.
  if (what_you_typed_match.is_history_what_you_typed_match &&
      (!backend || !params->dont_suggest_exact_input) &&
      FixupExactSuggestion(db, params->input, classifier, &what_you_typed_match,
                           &history_matches)) {
    // Got an exact match for the user's input.  Treat it as the best match
    // regardless of the input type.
    exact_suggestion = 1;
  } else if (params->prevent_inline_autocomplete ||
      history_matches.empty() ||
      !PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(history_matches.front(), params)) {
    // Failed to promote any URLs for inline autocompletion.  Use the What You
    // Typed match, if we have it.
    first_match = 0;
    if (have_what_you_typed_match)

  // This is the end of the synchronous pass.
  if (!backend)
  // If search_url_database_ is false, we shouldn't have scheduled a second
  // pass.

  // Determine relevancy of highest scoring match, if any.
  int relevance = -1;
  for (ACMatches::const_iterator it = params->matches.begin();
       it != params->matches.end(); ++it) {
    relevance = std::max(relevance, it->relevance);

  if (cull_redirects_) {
    // Remove redirects and trim list to size.  We want to provide up to
    // kMaxMatches results plus the What You Typed result, if it was added to
    // |history_matches| above.
    CullRedirects(backend, &history_matches, kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion);
  } else {
    // Simply trim the list to size.
    if (history_matches.size() > kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion)
      history_matches.resize(kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion);

  // Convert the history matches to autocomplete matches.
  for (size_t i = first_match; i < history_matches.size(); ++i) {
    const history::HistoryMatch& match = history_matches[i];
    DCHECK(!have_what_you_typed_match ||
           (match.url_info.url() !=
    // If we've assigned a score already, all later matches score one
    // less than the previous match.
    relevance = (relevance > 0) ? (relevance - 1) :
       CalculateRelevance(NORMAL, history_matches.size() - 1 - i);
    AutocompleteMatch ac_match = HistoryMatchToACMatch(*params, match,
        NORMAL, relevance);
    // The experimental scoring must not change the top result's score.
    if (!params->matches.empty()) {
      relevance = CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(match, relevance);
      ac_match.relevance = relevance;

// Called on the main thread when the query is complete.
void HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete(
    HistoryURLProviderParams* params_gets_deleted) {
  // Ensure |params_gets_deleted| gets deleted on exit.
  scoped_ptr<HistoryURLProviderParams> params(params_gets_deleted);

  // If the user hasn't already started another query, clear our member pointer
  // so we can't write into deleted memory.
  if (params_ == params_gets_deleted)
    params_ = NULL;

  // Don't send responses for queries that have been canceled.
  if (params->cancel_flag.IsSet())
    return;  // Already set done_ when we canceled, no need to set it again.

  // Don't modify |matches_| if the query failed, since it might have a default
  // match in it, whereas |params->matches| will be empty.
  if (!params->failed) {

  done_ = true;

HistoryURLProvider::~HistoryURLProvider() {
  // Note: This object can get leaked on shutdown if there are pending
  // requests on the database (which hold a reference to us). Normally, these
  // messages get flushed for each thread. We do a round trip from main, to
  // history, back to main while holding a reference. If the main thread
  // completes before the history thread, the message to delegate back to the
  // main thread will not run and the reference will leak. Therefore, don't do
  // anything on destruction.

int HistoryURLProvider::CalculateRelevance(MatchType match_type,
                                           size_t match_number) const {
  switch (match_type) {
      return kScoreForBestInlineableResult;

      return kScoreForUnvisitedIntranetResult;

    case WHAT_YOU_TYPED:
      return kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult;

    default:  // NORMAL
      return kBaseScoreForNonInlineableResult +

void HistoryURLProvider::RunAutocompletePasses(
    const AutocompleteInput& input,
    bool fixup_input_and_run_pass_1) {

  if ((input.type() == AutocompleteInput::INVALID) ||
      (input.type() == AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY))

  // Create a match for exactly what the user typed.  This will only be used as
  // a fallback in case we can't get the history service or URL DB; otherwise,
  // we'll run this again in DoAutocomplete() and use that result instead.
  const bool trim_http = !AutocompleteInput::HasHTTPScheme(input.text());
  // Don't do this for queries -- while we can sometimes mark up a match for
  // this, it's not what the user wants, and just adds noise.
  if ((input.type() != AutocompleteInput::QUERY) &&
      input.canonicalized_url().is_valid()) {
    AutocompleteMatch what_you_typed(SuggestExactInput(
        input.text(), input.canonicalized_url(), trim_http));
    what_you_typed.relevance = CalculateRelevance(WHAT_YOU_TYPED, 0);

  // We'll need the history service to run both passes, so try to obtain it.
  if (!profile_)
  HistoryService* const history_service =
      HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
  if (!history_service)

  // Get the default search provider and search terms data now since we have to
  // retrieve these on the UI thread, and the second pass runs on the history
  // thread. |template_url_service| can be NULL when testing.
  TemplateURLService* template_url_service =
  TemplateURL* default_search_provider = template_url_service ?
      template_url_service->GetDefaultSearchProvider() : NULL;
  UIThreadSearchTermsData data(profile_);

  // Create the data structure for the autocomplete passes.  We'll save this off
  // onto the |params_| member for later deletion below if we need to run pass
  // 2.
  scoped_ptr<HistoryURLProviderParams> params(
      new HistoryURLProviderParams(
          input, trim_http,
          default_search_provider, data));

  params->prevent_inline_autocomplete =

  if (fixup_input_and_run_pass_1) {
    // Do some fixup on the user input before matching against it, so we provide
    // good results for local file paths, input with spaces, etc.
    if (!FixupUserInput(&params->input))

    // Pass 1: Get the in-memory URL database, and use it to find and promote
    // the inline autocomplete match, if any.
    history::URLDatabase* url_db = history_service->InMemoryDatabase();
    // url_db can be NULL if it hasn't finished initializing (or failed to
    // initialize).  In this case all we can do is fall back on the second
    // pass.
    // TODO(pkasting): We should just block here until this loads.  Any time
    // someone unloads the history backend, we'll get inconsistent inline
    // autocomplete behavior here.
    if (url_db) {
      DoAutocomplete(NULL, url_db, params.get());
      // params->matches now has the matches we should expose to the provider.
      // Pass 2 expects a "clean slate" set of matches.

  // Pass 2: Ask the history service to call us back on the history thread,
  // where we can read the full on-disk DB.
  if (search_url_database_ &&
      (input.matches_requested() == AutocompleteInput::ALL_MATCHES)) {
    done_ = false;
    params_ = params.release();  // This object will be destroyed in
                                 // QueryComplete() once we're done with it.
    history_service->ScheduleAutocomplete(this, params_);

bool HistoryURLProvider::FixupExactSuggestion(
    history::URLDatabase* db,
    const AutocompleteInput& input,
    const VisitClassifier& classifier,
    AutocompleteMatch* match,
    history::HistoryMatches* matches) const {
  DCHECK(match != NULL);
  DCHECK(matches != NULL);

  switch (classifier.type()) {
    case VisitClassifier::INVALID:
      return false;
    case VisitClassifier::UNVISITED_INTRANET:
      DCHECK_EQ(VisitClassifier::VISITED, classifier.type());
      // We have data for this match, use it.
      match->deletable = true;
      match->description = classifier.url_row().title();
      RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow(classifier.url_row(), match);
      match->description_class =
          ClassifyDescription(input.text(), match->description);
      if (!classifier.url_row().typed_count()) {
        // If we reach here, we must be in the second pass, and we must not have
        // this row's data available during the first pass.  That means we
        // either scored it as WHAT_YOU_TYPED or UNVISITED_INTRANET, and to
        // maintain the ordering between passes consistent, we need to score it
        // the same way here.
        type = CanFindIntranetURL(db, input) ?

  const GURL& url = match->destination_url;
  const url_parse::Parsed& parsed = url.parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec();
  // If the what-you-typed result looks like a single word (which can be
  // interpreted as an intranet address) followed by a pound sign ("#"),
  // leave the score for the url-what-you-typed result as is.  It will be
  // outscored by a search query from the SearchProvider. This test fixes
  // cases such as "c#" and "c# foo" where the user has visited an intranet
  // site "c".  We want the search-what-you-typed score to beat the
  // URL-what-you-typed score in this case.  Most of the below test tries to
  // make sure that this code does not trigger if the user did anything to
  // indicate the desired match is a URL.  For instance, "c/# foo" will not
  // pass the test because that will be classified as input type URL.  The
  // parsed.CountCharactersBefore() in the test looks for the presence of a
  // reference fragment in the URL by checking whether the position differs
  // included the delimiter (pound sign) versus not including the delimiter.
  // (One cannot simply check url.ref() because it will not distinguish
  // between the input "c" and the input "c#", both of which will have empty
  // reference fragments.)
  if ((type == UNVISITED_INTRANET) &&
      (input.type() != AutocompleteInput::URL) &&
      url.username().empty() && url.password().empty() && url.port().empty() &&
      (url.path() == "/") && url.query().empty() &&
      (parsed.CountCharactersBefore(url_parse::Parsed::REF, true) !=
       parsed.CountCharactersBefore(url_parse::Parsed::REF, false))) {
    return false;

  match->relevance = CalculateRelevance(type, 0);

  // If there are any other matches, then don't promote this match here, in
  // hopes the caller will be able to inline autocomplete a better suggestion.
  // DoAutocomplete() will fall back on this match if inline autocompletion
  // fails.  This matches how we react to never-visited URL inputs in the non-
  // intranet case.
  if (type == UNVISITED_INTRANET && !matches->empty())
    return false;

  // Put it on the front of the HistoryMatches for redirect culling.
  CreateOrPromoteMatch(classifier.url_row(), base::string16::npos, false,
                       matches, true, true);
  return true;

bool HistoryURLProvider::CanFindIntranetURL(
    history::URLDatabase* db,
    const AutocompleteInput& input) const {
  // Normally passing the first two conditions below ought to guarantee the
  // third condition, but because FixupUserInput() can run and modify the
  // input's text and parts between Parse() and here, it seems better to be
  // paranoid and check.
  if ((input.type() != AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN) ||
      !LowerCaseEqualsASCII(input.scheme(), content::kHttpScheme) ||
    return false;
  const std::string host(base::UTF16ToUTF8(
  const size_t registry_length =
  return registry_length == 0 && db->IsTypedHost(host);

bool HistoryURLProvider::PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(
    const history::HistoryMatch& match,
    HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
  // Promote the first match if it's been marked for promotion or typed at least
  // n times, where n == 1 for "simple" (host-only) URLs and n == 2 for others.
  // We set a higher bar for these long URLs because it's less likely that users
  // will want to visit them again.  Even though we don't increment the
  // typed_count for pasted-in URLs, if the user manually edits the URL or types
  // some long thing in by hand, we wouldn't want to immediately start
  // autocompleting it.
  if (!match.promoted &&
      (!match.url_info.typed_count() ||
       ((match.url_info.typed_count() == 1) &&
    return false;

  // In the case where the user has typed "" and visited (but not typed)
  // "foo/", and the input is "foo", we can reach here for "" during the
  // first pass but have the second pass suggest the exact input as a better
  // URL.  Since we need both passes to agree, and since during the first pass
  // there's no way to know about "foo/", make reaching this point prevent any
  // future pass from suggesting the exact input as a better match.
  if (params) {
    params->dont_suggest_exact_input = true;
    AutocompleteMatch ac_match = HistoryMatchToACMatch(
        *params, match, INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE,
        CalculateRelevance(INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE, 0));
  return true;

// See if a shorter version of the best match should be created, and if so place
// it at the front of |matches|.  This can suggest history URLs that are
// prefixes of the best match (if they've been visited enough, compared to the
// best match), or create host-only suggestions even when they haven't been
// visited before: if the user visited once, we'll
// suggest even if they've never been to it.
void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
    history::URLDatabase* db,
    const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
    bool have_what_you_typed_match,
    const AutocompleteMatch& what_you_typed_match,
    history::HistoryMatches* matches) {
  if (matches->empty())
    return;  // No matches, nothing to do.

  // Determine the base URL from which to search, and whether that URL could
  // itself be added as a match.  We can add the base iff it's not "effectively
  // the same" as any "what you typed" match.
  const history::HistoryMatch& match = matches->front();
  GURL search_base = ConvertToHostOnly(match, params.input.text());
  bool can_add_search_base_to_matches = !have_what_you_typed_match;
  if (search_base.is_empty()) {
    // Search from what the user typed when we couldn't reduce the best match
    // to a host.  Careful: use a substring of |match| here, rather than the
    // first match in |params|, because they might have different prefixes.  If
    // the user typed "", |what_you_typed_match| will hold
    // "", but |match| might begin with
    // "".
    // TODO: this should be cleaned up, and is probably incorrect for IDN.
    std::string new_match = match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec().
        substr(0, match.input_location + params.input.text().length());
    search_base = GURL(new_match);
    // TODO(mrossetti): There is a degenerate case where the following may
    // cause a failure: http://www/~someword/fubar.html. Diagnose.
    // See:
    if (search_base.is_empty())
      return;  // Can't construct a valid URL from which to start a search.
  } else if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches) {
    can_add_search_base_to_matches =
        (search_base != what_you_typed_match.destination_url);
  if (search_base == match.url_info.url())
    return;  // Couldn't shorten |match|, so no range of URLs to search over.

  // Search the DB for short URLs between our base and |match|.
  history::URLRow info(search_base);
  bool promote = true;
  // A short URL is only worth suggesting if it's been visited at least a third
  // as often as the longer URL.
  const int min_visit_count = ((match.url_info.visit_count() - 1) / 3) + 1;
  // For stability between the in-memory and on-disk autocomplete passes, when
  // the long URL has been typed before, only suggest shorter URLs that have
  // also been typed.  Otherwise, the on-disk pass could suggest a shorter URL
  // (which hasn't been typed) that the in-memory pass doesn't know about,
  // thereby making the top match, and thus the behavior of inline
  // autocomplete, unstable.
  const int min_typed_count = match.url_info.typed_count() ? 1 : 0;
  if (!db->FindShortestURLFromBase(search_base.possibly_invalid_spec(),
          match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec(), min_visit_count,
          min_typed_count, can_add_search_base_to_matches, &info)) {
    if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches)
      return;  // Couldn't find anything and can't add the search base, bail.

    // Try to get info on the search base itself.  Promote it to the top if the
    // original best match isn't good enough to autocomplete.
    db->GetRowForURL(search_base, &info);
    promote = match.url_info.typed_count() <= 1;

  // Promote or add the desired URL to the list of matches.
  bool ensure_can_inline =
      promote && PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(match, NULL);
  ensure_can_inline &= CreateOrPromoteMatch(info, match.input_location,
      match.match_in_scheme, matches, create_shorter_match_, promote);
  if (ensure_can_inline)
    matches->front().promoted = true;

void HistoryURLProvider::CullPoorMatches(
    const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
    history::HistoryMatches* matches) const {
  const base::Time& threshold(history::AutocompleteAgeThreshold());
  for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator i(matches->begin());
       i != matches->end(); ) {
    if (RowQualifiesAsSignificant(i->url_info, threshold) &&
        !(params.default_search_provider &&
                i->url_info.url(), *params.search_terms_data.get()))) {
    } else {
      i = matches->erase(i);

void HistoryURLProvider::CullRedirects(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
                                       history::HistoryMatches* matches,
                                       size_t max_results) const {
  for (size_t source = 0;
       (source < matches->size()) && (source < max_results); ) {
    const GURL& url = (*matches)[source].url_info.url();
    // TODO(brettw) this should go away when everything uses GURL.
    history::RedirectList redirects;
    backend->GetMostRecentRedirectsFrom(url, &redirects);
    if (!redirects.empty()) {
      // Remove all but the first occurrence of any of these redirects in the
      // search results. We also must add the URL we queried for, since it may
      // not be the first match and we'd want to remove it.
      // For example, when A redirects to B and our matches are [A, X, B],
      // we'll get B as the redirects from, and we want to remove the second
      // item of that pair, removing B. If A redirects to B and our matches are
      // [B, X, A], we'll want to remove A instead.
      source = RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf(matches, source, redirects);
    } else {
      // Advance to next item.

  if (matches->size() > max_results)

size_t HistoryURLProvider::RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf(
    history::HistoryMatches* matches,
    size_t source_index,
    const std::vector<GURL>& remove) const {
  size_t next_index = source_index + 1;  // return value = item after source

  // Find the first occurrence of any URL in the redirect chain. We want to
  // keep this one since it is rated the highest.
  history::HistoryMatches::iterator first(std::find_first_of(
      matches->begin(), matches->end(), remove.begin(), remove.end(),
  DCHECK(first != matches->end()) << "We should have always found at least the "
      "original URL.";

  // Find any following occurrences of any URL in the redirect chain, these
  // should be deleted.
  for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator next(std::find_first_of(first + 1,
           matches->end(), remove.begin(), remove.end(),
       next != matches->end(); next = std::find_first_of(next, matches->end(),
           remove.begin(), remove.end(), history::HistoryMatch::EqualsGURL)) {
    // Remove this item. When we remove an item before the source index, we
    // need to shift it to the right and remember that so we can return it.
    next = matches->erase(next);
    if (static_cast<size_t>(next - matches->begin()) < next_index)
  return next_index;

AutocompleteMatch HistoryURLProvider::HistoryMatchToACMatch(
    const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
    const history::HistoryMatch& history_match,
    MatchType match_type,
    int relevance) {
  const history::URLRow& info = history_match.url_info;
  AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance,
      !!info.visit_count(), AutocompleteMatchType::HISTORY_URL);
  match.typed_count = info.typed_count();
  match.destination_url = info.url();
  size_t inline_autocomplete_offset =
      history_match.input_location + params.input.text().length();
  std::string languages = (match_type == WHAT_YOU_TYPED) ?
      std::string() : params.languages;
  const net::FormatUrlTypes format_types = net::kFormatUrlOmitAll &
      ~((params.trim_http && !history_match.match_in_scheme) ?
          0 : net::kFormatUrlOmitHTTP);
  match.fill_into_edit =
          net::FormatUrl(info.url(), languages, format_types,
                         net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, NULL, NULL,
  if (!params.prevent_inline_autocomplete &&
      (inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos)) {
    DCHECK(inline_autocomplete_offset <= match.fill_into_edit.length());
    match.inline_autocompletion =
  // The latter part of the test effectively asks "is the inline completion
  // empty?" (i.e., is this match effectively the what-you-typed match?).
  match.allowed_to_be_default_match = !params.prevent_inline_autocomplete ||
      ((inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos) &&
       (inline_autocomplete_offset >= match.fill_into_edit.length()));

  size_t match_start = history_match.input_location;
  match.contents = net::FormatUrl(info.url(), languages,
      format_types, net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, NULL, NULL, &match_start);
  if ((match_start != base::string16::npos) &&
      (inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos) &&
      (inline_autocomplete_offset != match_start)) {
    DCHECK(inline_autocomplete_offset > match_start);
        inline_autocomplete_offset - match_start, match.contents.length(),
        ACMatchClassification::URL, &match.contents_class);
  } else {
    AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyLocationInString(base::string16::npos, 0,
        match.contents.length(), ACMatchClassification::URL,
  match.description = info.title();
  match.description_class =
      ClassifyDescription(params.input.text(), match.description);
  RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow(info, &match);
  return match;

int HistoryURLProvider::CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(
    const history::HistoryMatch& match,
    int old_relevance) const {
  if (!scoring_params_.experimental_scoring_enabled)
    return old_relevance;

  const base::TimeDelta time_since_last_visit =
      base::Time::Now() - match.url_info.last_visit();

  int relevance = CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
      scoring_params_.typed_count_buckets, time_since_last_visit, old_relevance,

  // Additional demotion (on top of typed_count demotion) of URLs that were
  // never typed.
  if (match.url_info.typed_count() == 0) {
    relevance = CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
        scoring_params_.visited_count_buckets, time_since_last_visit, relevance,

  DCHECK_LE(relevance, old_relevance);
  return relevance;

// static
ACMatchClassifications HistoryURLProvider::ClassifyDescription(
    const base::string16& input_text,
    const base::string16& description) {
  base::string16 clean_description = history::CleanUpTitleForMatching(
  history::TermMatches description_matches(SortAndDeoverlapMatches(
      history::MatchTermInString(input_text, clean_description, 0)));
  history::WordStarts description_word_starts;
      clean_description, false, &description_word_starts);
  // If HistoryURL retrieves any matches (and hence we reach this code), we
  // are guaranteed that the beginning of input_text must be a word break.
  history::WordStarts offsets(1, 0u);
  description_matches =
          description_matches, offsets, description_word_starts, 0,
  return SpansFromTermMatch(
      description_matches, clean_description.length(), false);

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