
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetHttpStatusFromBitsError
  2. GetFilesInJob
  3. GetJobFileProperties
  4. GetJobByteCount
  5. GetJobDescription
  6. GetJobError
  7. FindBitsJobIf
  8. GetBitsManager
  9. CleanupJobFiles
  10. CleanupStaleJobs
  11. is_completed_
  12. DoStartDownload
  13. BeginDownload
  14. OnDownloading
  15. EndDownload
  16. OnStateTransferred
  17. OnStateError
  18. OnStateTransientError
  19. OnStateQueued
  20. OnStateTransferring
  21. OnStateCancelled
  22. OnStateAcknowledged
  23. QueueBitsJob
  24. CreateOrOpenJob
  25. InitializeNewJob
  26. IsStuck

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/component_updater/background_downloader_win.h"

#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>

#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>

#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
#include "chrome/browser/component_updater/component_updater_utils.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "ui/base/win/atl_module.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

using base::win::ScopedCoMem;
using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
using content::BrowserThread;

// The class BackgroundDownloader in this module is an adapter between
// the CrxDownloader interface and the BITS service interfaces.
// The interface exposed on the CrxDownloader code runs on the UI thread, while
// the BITS specific code runs in a single threaded apartment on the FILE
// thread.
// For every url to download, a BITS job is created, unless there is already
// an existing job for that url, in which case, the downloader connects to it.
// Once a job is associated with the url, the code looks for changes in the
// BITS job state. The checks are triggered by a timer.
// The BITS job contains just one file to download. There could only be one
// download in progress at a time. If Chrome closes down before the download is
// complete, the BITS job remains active and finishes in the background, without
// any intervention. The job can be completed next time the code runs, if the
// file is still needed, otherwise it will be cleaned up on a periodic basis.
// To list the BITS jobs for a user, use the |bitsadmin| tool. The command line
// to do that is: "bitsadmin /list /verbose". Another useful command is
// "bitsadmin /info" and provide the job id returned by the previous /list
// command.
// Ignoring the suspend/resume issues since this code is not using them, the
// job state machine implemented by BITS is something like this:
//  Suspended--->Queued--->Connecting---->Transferring--->Transferred
//       |          ^         |                 |               |
//       |          |         V                 V               | (complete)
//       +----------|---------+-----------------+-----+         V
//                  |         |                 |     |    Acknowledged
//                  |         V                 V     |
//                  |  Transient Error------->Error   |
//                  |         |                 |     |(cancel)
//                  |         +-------+---------+--->-+
//                  |                 V               |
//                  |   (resume)      |               |
//                  +------<----------+               +---->Cancelled
// The job is created in the "suspended" state. Once |Resume| is called,
// BITS queues up the job, then tries to connect, begins transferring the
// job bytes, and moves the job to the "transferred state, after the job files
// have been transferred. When calling |Complete| for a job, the job files are
// made available to the caller, and the job is moved to the "acknowledged"
// state.
// At any point, the job can be cancelled, in which case, the job is moved
// to the "cancelled state" and the job object is removed from the BITS queue.
// Along the way, the job can encounter recoverable and non-recoverable errors.
// BITS moves the job to "transient error" or "error", depending on which kind
// of error has occured.
// If  the job has reached the "transient error" state, BITS retries the
// job after a certain programmable delay. If the job can't be completed in a
// certain time interval, BITS stops retrying and errors the job out. This time
// interval is also programmable.
// If the job is in either of the error states, the job parameters can be
// adjusted to handle the error, after which the job can be resumed, and the
// whole cycle starts again.
// Jobs that are not touched in 90 days (or a value set by group policy) are
// automatically disposed off by BITS. This concludes the brief description of
// a job lifetime, according to BITS.
// In addition to how BITS is managing the life time of the job, there are a
// couple of special cases defined by the BackgroundDownloader.
// First, if the job encounters any of the 5xx HTTP responses, the job is
// not retried, in order to avoid DDOS-ing the servers.
// Second, there is a simple mechanism to detect stuck jobs, and allow the rest
// of the code to move on to trying other urls or trying other components.
// Last, after completing a job, irrespective of the outcome, the jobs older
// than a week are proactively cleaned up.

namespace component_updater {

namespace {

// All jobs created by this module have a specific description so they can
// be found at run-time or by using system administration tools.
const base::char16 kJobDescription[] = L"Chrome Component Updater";

// How often the code looks for changes in the BITS job state.
const int kJobPollingIntervalSec = 10;

// How long BITS waits before retrying a job after the job encountered
// a transient error. If this value is not set, the BITS default is 10 minutes.
const int kMinimumRetryDelayMin = 1;

// How long to wait for stuck jobs. Stuck jobs could be queued for too long,
// have trouble connecting, could be suspended for any reason, or they have
// encountered some transient error.
const int kJobStuckTimeoutMin = 15;

// How long BITS waits before giving up on a job that could not be completed
// since the job has encountered its first transient error. If this value is
// not set, the BITS default is 14 days.
const int kSetNoProgressTimeoutDays = 1;

// How often the jobs which were started but not completed for any reason
// are cleaned up. Reasons for jobs to be left behind include browser restarts,
// system restarts, etc. Also, the check to purge stale jobs only happens
// at most once a day. If the job clean up code is not running, the BITS
// default policy is to cancel jobs after 90 days of inactivity.
const int kPurgeStaleJobsAfterDays = 7;
const int kPurgeStaleJobsIntervalBetweenChecksDays = 1;

// Returns the status code from a given BITS error.
int GetHttpStatusFromBitsError(HRESULT error) {
  // BITS errors are defined in bitsmsg.h. Although not documented, it is
  // clear that all errors corresponding to http status code have the high
  // word equal to 0x8019 and the low word equal to the http status code.
  const int kHttpStatusFirst = 100;    // Continue.
  const int kHttpStatusLast  = 505;    // Version not supported.
  bool is_valid = HIWORD(error) == 0x8019 &&
                  LOWORD(error) >= kHttpStatusFirst &&
                  LOWORD(error) <= kHttpStatusLast;
  return is_valid ? LOWORD(error) : 0;

// Returns the files in a BITS job.
HRESULT GetFilesInJob(IBackgroundCopyJob* job,
                      std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyFile> >* files) {
  ScopedComPtr<IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles> enum_files;
  HRESULT hr = job->EnumFiles(enum_files.Receive());
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  ULONG num_files = 0;
  hr = enum_files->GetCount(&num_files);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  for (ULONG i = 0; i != num_files; ++i) {
    ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyFile> file;
    if (enum_files->Next(1, file.Receive(), NULL) == S_OK)

  return S_OK;

// Returns the file name, the url, and some per-file progress information.
// The function out parameters can be NULL if that data is not requested.
HRESULT GetJobFileProperties(IBackgroundCopyFile* file,
                             base::string16* local_name,
                             base::string16* remote_name,
                             BG_FILE_PROGRESS* progress) {
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;

  if (local_name) {
    ScopedCoMem<base::char16> name;
    hr = file->GetLocalName(&name);
    if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

  if (remote_name) {
    ScopedCoMem<base::char16> name;
    hr = file->GetRemoteName(&name);
    if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

  if (progress) {
    BG_FILE_PROGRESS bg_file_progress = {};
    hr = file->GetProgress(&bg_file_progress);
    if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;
    *progress = bg_file_progress;

  return hr;

// Returns the number of bytes downloaded and bytes to download for all files
// in the job. If the values are not known or if an error has occurred,
// a value of -1 is reported.
HRESULT GetJobByteCount(IBackgroundCopyJob* job,
                        int64* bytes_downloaded,
                        int64* bytes_total) {
  *bytes_downloaded = -1;
  *bytes_total = -1;

  if (!job)
    return E_FAIL;

  BG_JOB_PROGRESS job_progress = {0};
  HRESULT hr = job->GetProgress(&job_progress);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  if (job_progress.BytesTransferred <= kint64max)
    *bytes_downloaded = job_progress.BytesTransferred;

  if (job_progress.BytesTotal <= kint64max &&
      job_progress.BytesTotal != BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN)
    *bytes_total = job_progress.BytesTotal;

  return S_OK;

HRESULT GetJobDescription(IBackgroundCopyJob* job, const base::string16* name) {
  ScopedCoMem<base::char16> description;
  return job->GetDescription(&description);

// Returns the job error code in |error_code| if the job is in the transient
// or the final error state. Otherwise, the job error is not available and
// the function fails.
HRESULT GetJobError(IBackgroundCopyJob* job, HRESULT* error_code_out) {
  *error_code_out = S_OK;
  ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyError> copy_error;
  HRESULT hr = job->GetError(copy_error.Receive());
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  HRESULT error_code = S_OK;
  hr = copy_error->GetError(&error_context, &error_code);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  *error_code_out = FAILED(error_code) ? error_code : E_FAIL;
  return S_OK;

// Finds the component updater jobs matching the given predicate.
// Returns S_OK if the function has found at least one job, returns S_FALSE if
// no job was found, and it returns an error otherwise.
template<class Predicate>
HRESULT FindBitsJobIf(Predicate pred,
                      IBackgroundCopyManager* bits_manager,
                      std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyJob> >* jobs) {
  ScopedComPtr<IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs> enum_jobs;
  HRESULT hr = bits_manager->EnumJobs(0, enum_jobs.Receive());
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  ULONG job_count = 0;
  hr = enum_jobs->GetCount(&job_count);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  // Iterate over jobs, run the predicate, and select the job only if
  // the job description matches the component updater jobs.
  for (ULONG i = 0; i != job_count; ++i) {
    ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyJob> current_job;
    if (enum_jobs->Next(1, current_job.Receive(), NULL) == S_OK &&
        pred(current_job)) {
      base::string16 job_description;
      hr = GetJobDescription(current_job, &job_description);
      if ( == 0)

  return jobs->empty() ? S_FALSE : S_OK;

// Compares the job creation time and returns true if the job creation time
// is older than |num_days|.
struct JobCreationOlderThanDays
    : public std::binary_function<IBackgroundCopyJob*, int, bool> {
  bool operator()(IBackgroundCopyJob* job, int num_days) const;

bool JobCreationOlderThanDays::operator()(IBackgroundCopyJob* job,
                                          int num_days) const {
  BG_JOB_TIMES times = {0};
  HRESULT hr = job->GetTimes(&times);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return false;

  const base::TimeDelta time_delta(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(num_days));
  const base::Time creation_time(base::Time::FromFileTime(times.CreationTime));

  return creation_time + time_delta < base::Time::Now();

// Compares the url of a file in a job and returns true if the remote name
// of any file in a job matches the argument.
struct JobFileUrlEqual
    : public std::binary_function<IBackgroundCopyJob*, const base::string16&,
                                  bool> {
  bool operator()(IBackgroundCopyJob* job,
                  const base::string16& remote_name) const;

bool JobFileUrlEqual::operator()(IBackgroundCopyJob* job,
                                 const base::string16& remote_name) const {
  std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyFile> > files;
  HRESULT hr = GetFilesInJob(job, &files);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i != files.size(); ++i) {
    ScopedCoMem<base::char16> name;
    if (SUCCEEDED(files[i]->GetRemoteName(&name)) && == 0)
      return true;

  return false;

// Creates an instance of the BITS manager.
HRESULT GetBitsManager(IBackgroundCopyManager** bits_manager) {
  ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyManager> object;
  HRESULT hr = object.CreateInstance(__uuidof(BackgroundCopyManager));
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    VLOG(1) << "Failed to instantiate BITS." << std::hex << hr;
    // TODO: add UMA pings.
    return hr;
  *bits_manager = object.Detach();
  return S_OK;

void CleanupJobFiles(IBackgroundCopyJob* job) {
  std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyFile> > files;
  if (FAILED(GetFilesInJob(job, &files)))
  for (size_t i = 0; i != files.size(); ++i) {
    base::string16 local_name;
    HRESULT hr(GetJobFileProperties(files[i], &local_name, NULL, NULL));
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

// Cleans up incompleted jobs that are too old.
HRESULT CleanupStaleJobs(
    base::win::ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyManager> bits_manager) {
  if (!bits_manager)
    return E_FAIL;

  static base::Time last_sweep;

  const base::TimeDelta time_delta(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(
  const base::Time current_time(base::Time::Now());
  if (last_sweep + time_delta > current_time)
    return S_OK;

  last_sweep = current_time;

  std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyJob> > jobs;
  HRESULT hr = FindBitsJobIf(
      std::bind2nd(JobCreationOlderThanDays(), kPurgeStaleJobsAfterDays),
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  for (size_t i = 0; i != jobs.size(); ++i) {

  return S_OK;

}  // namespace

    scoped_ptr<CrxDownloader> successor,
    net::URLRequestContextGetter* context_getter,
    scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
    const DownloadCallback& download_callback)
    : CrxDownloader(successor.Pass(), download_callback),
      is_completed_(false) {

BackgroundDownloader::~BackgroundDownloader() {

  // The following objects have thread affinity and can't be destroyed on the
  // UI thread. The resources managed by these objects are acquired at the
  // beginning of a download and released at the end of the download. Most of
  // the time, when this destructor is called, these resources have been already
  // disposed by. Releasing the ownership here is a NOP. However, if the browser
  // is shutting down while a download is in progress, the timer is active and
  // the interface pointers are valid. Releasing the ownership means leaking
  // these objects and their associated resources.

void BackgroundDownloader::DoStartDownload(const GURL& url) {


// Called once when this class is asked to do a download. Creates or opens
// an existing bits job, hooks up the notifications, and starts the timer.
void BackgroundDownloader::BeginDownload(const GURL& url) {


  is_completed_ = false;
  download_start_time_ = base::Time::Now();
  job_stuck_begin_time_ = download_start_time_;

  HRESULT hr = QueueBitsJob(url);
  if (FAILED(hr)) {

  // A repeating timer retains the user task. This timer can be stopped and
  // reset multiple times.
  timer_.reset(new base::RepeatingTimer<BackgroundDownloader>);

// Called any time the timer fires.
void BackgroundDownloader::OnDownloading() {


  if (is_completed_)

  HRESULT hr = job_->GetState(&job_state);
  if (FAILED(hr)) {

  switch (job_state) {




      // Fall through.
      // Fall through.




// Completes the BITS download, picks up the file path of the response, and
// notifies the CrxDownloader. The function should be called only once.
void BackgroundDownloader::EndDownload(HRESULT error) {

  is_completed_ = true;


  const base::Time download_end_time(base::Time::Now());
  const base::TimeDelta download_time =
    download_end_time >= download_start_time_ ?
    download_end_time - download_start_time_ : base::TimeDelta();

  int64 bytes_downloaded = -1;
  int64 bytes_total = -1;
  GetJobByteCount(job_, &bytes_downloaded, &bytes_total);

  base::FilePath response;
  if (SUCCEEDED(error)) {
    std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyFile> > files;
    GetFilesInJob(job_, &files);
    DCHECK(files.size() == 1);
    base::string16 local_name;
    BG_FILE_PROGRESS progress = {0};
    HRESULT hr = GetJobFileProperties(files[0], &local_name, NULL, &progress);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      // Sanity check the post-conditions of a successful download, including
      // the file and job invariants. The byte counts for a job and its file
      // must match as a job only contains one file.
      DCHECK(bytes_downloaded == static_cast<int64>(progress.BytesTransferred));
      DCHECK(bytes_total == static_cast<int64>(progress.BytesTotal));
      response = base::FilePath(local_name);
    } else {
      error = hr;

  if (FAILED(error) && job_) {

  job_ = NULL;

  // Consider the url handled if it has been successfully downloaded or a
  // 5xx has been received.
  const bool is_handled = SUCCEEDED(error) ||

  const int error_to_report = SUCCEEDED(error) ? 0 : error;

  DownloadMetrics download_metrics;
  download_metrics.url = url();
  download_metrics.downloader = DownloadMetrics::kBits;
  download_metrics.error = error_to_report;
  download_metrics.bytes_downloaded = bytes_downloaded;
  download_metrics.bytes_total = bytes_total;
  download_metrics.download_time_ms = download_time.InMilliseconds();

  // Clean up stale jobs before invoking the callback.

  bits_manager_ = NULL;

  Result result;
  result.error = error_to_report;
  result.response = response;

  // Once the task is posted to the the UI thread, this object may be deleted
  // by its owner. It is not safe to access members of this object on the
  // FILE thread from this point on. The timer is stopped and all BITS
  // interface pointers have been released.

// Called when the BITS job has been transferred successfully. Completes the
// BITS job by removing it from the BITS queue and making the download
// available to the caller.
void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateTransferred() {
  HRESULT hr = job_->Complete();
    hr = S_OK;

// Called when the job has encountered an error and no further progress can
// be made. Cancels this job and removes it from the BITS queue.
void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateError() {
  HRESULT error_code = S_OK;
  HRESULT hr = GetJobError(job_, &error_code);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    error_code = hr;

// Called when the job has encountered a transient error, such as a
// network disconnect, a server error, or some other recoverable error.
void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateTransientError() {
  // If the job appears to be stuck, handle the transient error as if
  // it were a final error. This causes the job to be cancelled and a specific
  // error be returned, if the error was available.
  if (IsStuck()) {

  // Don't retry at all if the transient error was a 5xx.
  HRESULT error_code = S_OK;
  HRESULT hr = GetJobError(job_, &error_code);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr) &&
      IsHttpServerError(GetHttpStatusFromBitsError(error_code))) {

void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateQueued() {
  if (IsStuck())
    EndDownload(E_ABORT);      // Return a generic error for now.

void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateTransferring() {
  // Resets the baseline for detecting a stuck job since the job is transferring
  // data and it is making progress.
  job_stuck_begin_time_ = base::Time::Now();

// Called when the download was cancelled. Since the observer should have
// been disconnected by now, this notification must not be seen.
void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateCancelled() {

// Called when the download was completed. Same as above.
void BackgroundDownloader::OnStateAcknowledged() {

// Creates or opens a job for the given url and queues it up. Tries to
// install a job observer but continues on if an observer can't be set up.
HRESULT BackgroundDownloader::QueueBitsJob(const GURL& url) {

  HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  if (bits_manager_ == NULL) {
    hr = GetBitsManager(bits_manager_.Receive());
    if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

  hr = CreateOrOpenJob(url);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  if (hr == S_OK) {
    hr = InitializeNewJob(url);
    if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

  return job_->Resume();

HRESULT BackgroundDownloader::CreateOrOpenJob(const GURL& url) {
  std::vector<ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyJob> > jobs;
  HRESULT hr = FindBitsJobIf(
      std::bind2nd(JobFileUrlEqual(), base::SysUTF8ToWide(url.spec())),
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !jobs.empty()) {
    job_ = jobs.front();
    return S_FALSE;

  // Use kJobDescription as a temporary job display name until the proper
  // display name is initialized later on.
  GUID guid = {0};
  ScopedComPtr<IBackgroundCopyJob> job;
  hr = bits_manager_->CreateJob(kJobDescription,
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  job_ = job;
  return S_OK;

HRESULT BackgroundDownloader::InitializeNewJob(const GURL& url) {
  const base::string16 filename(base::SysUTF8ToWide(url.ExtractFileName()));

  base::FilePath tempdir;
  if (!base::CreateNewTempDirectory(
    return E_FAIL;

  HRESULT hr = job_->AddFile(
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  hr = job_->SetDisplayName(filename.c_str());
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  hr = job_->SetDescription(kJobDescription);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  hr = job_->SetPriority(BG_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  hr = job_->SetMinimumRetryDelay(60 * kMinimumRetryDelayMin);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  const int kSecondsDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
  hr = job_->SetNoProgressTimeout(kSecondsDay * kSetNoProgressTimeoutDays);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  return S_OK;

bool BackgroundDownloader::IsStuck() {
  const base::TimeDelta job_stuck_timeout(
  return job_stuck_begin_time_ + job_stuck_timeout < base::Time::Now();

}  // namespace component_updater

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */