
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetNonSFIKey
  2. FindMatchingProperty
  3. IsValidDictionary
  4. IsValidUrlSpec
  5. IsValidPnaclTranslateSpec
  6. IsValidISADictionary
  7. GrabUrlAndPnaclOptions
  8. Init
  9. MatchesSchema
  10. GetURLFromISADictionary
  11. GetKeyUrl
  12. ResolveURL
  13. GetProgramURL
  14. GetFileKeys
  15. ResolveKey

 * Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include <algorithm>

#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/json_manifest.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "native_client/src/include/nacl_base.h"
#include "native_client/src/include/nacl_macros.h"
#include "native_client/src/include/nacl_string.h"
#include "native_client/src/include/portability.h"
#include "native_client/src/shared/platform/nacl_check.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/dev/url_util_dev.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/plugin_error.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/pnacl_options.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/utility.h"
#include "third_party/jsoncpp/source/include/json/reader.h"

namespace plugin {

namespace {
// Top-level section name keys
const char* const kProgramKey =     "program";
const char* const kInterpreterKey = "interpreter";
const char* const kFilesKey =       "files";

// ISA Dictionary keys
const char* const kX8632Key =       "x86-32";
const char* const kX8632NonSFIKey = "x86-32-nonsfi";
const char* const kX8664Key =       "x86-64";
const char* const kX8664NonSFIKey = "x86-64-nonsfi";
const char* const kArmKey =         "arm";
const char* const kArmNonSFIKey =   "arm-nonsfi";
const char* const kPortableKey =    "portable";

// Url Resolution keys
const char* const kPnaclDebugKey =     "pnacl-debug";
const char* const kPnaclTranslateKey = "pnacl-translate";
const char* const kUrlKey =            "url";

// PNaCl keys
const char* const kOptLevelKey = "optlevel";

// Sample NaCl manifest file:
// {
//   "program": {
//     "x86-32": {"url": "myprogram_x86-32.nexe"},
//     "x86-64": {"url": "myprogram_x86-64.nexe"},
//     "arm": {"url": "myprogram_arm.nexe"}
//   },
//   "interpreter": {
//     "x86-32": {"url": "interpreter_x86-32.nexe"},
//     "x86-64": {"url": "interpreter_x86-64.nexe"},
//     "arm": {"url": "interpreter_arm.nexe"}
//   },
//   "files": {
//     "foo.txt": {
//       "portable": {"url": "foo.txt"}
//     },
//     "bar.txt": {
//       "x86-32": {"url": "x86-32/bar.txt"},
//       "portable": {"url": "bar.txt"}
//     },
//     "": {
//       "x86-64" : { "url": "..." }
//     }
//   }
// }

// Sample PNaCl manifest file:
// {
//   "program": {
//     "portable": {
//       "pnacl-translate": {
//         "url": "myprogram.pexe"
//       },
//       "pnacl-debug": {
//         "url": "myprogram.debug.pexe",
//         "opt_level": 0
//       }
//     }
//   },
//   "files": {
//     "foo.txt": {
//       "portable": {"url": "foo.txt"}
//     },
//     "bar.txt": {
//       "portable": {"url": "bar.txt"}
//     }
//   }
// }

// Returns the key for the architecture in non-SFI mode.
nacl::string GetNonSFIKey(const nacl::string& sandbox_isa) {
  return sandbox_isa + "-nonsfi";

// Looks up |property_name| in the vector |valid_names| with length
// |valid_name_count|.  Returns true if |property_name| is found.
bool FindMatchingProperty(const nacl::string& property_name,
                          const char** valid_names,
                          size_t valid_name_count) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < valid_name_count; ++i) {
    if (property_name == valid_names[i]) {
      return true;
  return false;

// Return true if this is a valid dictionary.  Having only keys present in
// |valid_keys| and having at least the keys in |required_keys|.
// Error messages will be placed in |error_string|, given that the dictionary
// was the property value of |container_key|.
// E.g., "container_key" : dictionary
bool IsValidDictionary(const Json::Value& dictionary,
                       const nacl::string& container_key,
                       const nacl::string& parent_key,
                       const char** valid_keys,
                       size_t valid_key_count,
                       const char** required_keys,
                       size_t required_key_count,
                       nacl::string* error_string) {
  if (!dictionary.isObject()) {
    nacl::stringstream error_stream;
    error_stream << parent_key << " property '" << container_key
                 << "' is non-dictionary value '"
                 << dictionary.toStyledString() << "'.";
    *error_string = error_stream.str();
    return false;
  // Check for unknown dictionary members.
  Json::Value::Members members = dictionary.getMemberNames();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
    nacl::string property_name = members[i];
    if (!FindMatchingProperty(property_name,
                              valid_key_count)) {
      // For forward compatibility, we do not prohibit other keys being in
      // the dictionary.
      PLUGIN_PRINTF(("WARNING: '%s' property '%s' has unknown key '%s'.\n",
                     container_key.c_str(), property_name.c_str()));
  // Check for required members.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < required_key_count; ++i) {
    if (!dictionary.isMember(required_keys[i])) {
      nacl::stringstream error_stream;
      error_stream << parent_key << " property '" << container_key
                   << "' does not have required key: '"
                   << required_keys[i] << "'.";
      *error_string = error_stream.str();
      return false;
  return true;

// Validate a "url" dictionary assuming it was resolved from container_key.
// E.g., "container_key" : { "url": "foo.txt" }
bool IsValidUrlSpec(const Json::Value& url_spec,
                    const nacl::string& container_key,
                    const nacl::string& parent_key,
                    const nacl::string& sandbox_isa,
                    nacl::string* error_string) {
  static const char* kManifestUrlSpecRequired[] = {
  const char** urlSpecPlusOptional;
  size_t urlSpecPlusOptionalLength;
  if (sandbox_isa == kPortableKey) {
    static const char* kPnaclUrlSpecPlusOptional[] = {
    urlSpecPlusOptional = kPnaclUrlSpecPlusOptional;
    urlSpecPlusOptionalLength = NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(kPnaclUrlSpecPlusOptional);
  } else {
    // URL specifications must not contain "pnacl-translate" keys.
    // This prohibits NaCl clients from invoking PNaCl.
    if (url_spec.isMember(kPnaclTranslateKey)) {
      nacl::stringstream error_stream;
      error_stream << "PNaCl-like NMF with application/x-nacl mimetype instead "
                   << "of x-pnacl mimetype (has " << kPnaclTranslateKey << ").";
      *error_string = error_stream.str();
      return false;
    urlSpecPlusOptional = kManifestUrlSpecRequired;
    urlSpecPlusOptionalLength = NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(kManifestUrlSpecRequired);
  if (!IsValidDictionary(url_spec, container_key, parent_key,
                         error_string)) {
    return false;
  // Verify the correct types of the fields if they exist.
  Json::Value url = url_spec[kUrlKey];
  if (!url.isString()) {
    nacl::stringstream error_stream;
    error_stream << parent_key << " property '" << container_key <<
        "' has non-string value '" << url.toStyledString() <<
        "' for key '" << kUrlKey << "'.";
    *error_string = error_stream.str();
    return false;
  Json::Value opt_level = url_spec[kOptLevelKey];
  if (!opt_level.empty() && !opt_level.isNumeric()) {
    nacl::stringstream error_stream;
    error_stream << parent_key << " property '" << container_key <<
        "' has non-numeric value '" << opt_level.toStyledString() <<
        "' for key '" << kOptLevelKey << "'.";
    *error_string = error_stream.str();
    return false;
  return true;

// Validate a "pnacl-translate" or "pnacl-debug" dictionary, assuming
// it was resolved from container_key.
// E.g., "container_key" : { "pnacl-translate" : URLSpec }
bool IsValidPnaclTranslateSpec(const Json::Value& pnacl_spec,
                               const nacl::string& container_key,
                               const nacl::string& parent_key,
                               const nacl::string& sandbox_isa,
                               nacl::string* error_string) {
  static const char* kManifestPnaclSpecValid[] = {
  static const char* kManifestPnaclSpecRequired[] = {
  if (!IsValidDictionary(pnacl_spec, container_key, parent_key,
                         error_string)) {
    return false;
  Json::Value url_spec = pnacl_spec[kPnaclTranslateKey];
  if (!IsValidUrlSpec(url_spec, kPnaclTranslateKey,
                      container_key, sandbox_isa, error_string)) {
    return false;
  return true;

// Validates that |dictionary| is a valid ISA dictionary.  An ISA dictionary
// is validated to have keys from within the set of recognized ISAs.  Unknown
// ISAs are allowed, but ignored and warnings are produced. It is also validated
// that it must have an entry to match the ISA specified in |sandbox_isa| or
// have a fallback 'portable' entry if there is no match. Returns true if
// |dictionary| is an ISA to URL map.  Sets |error_info| to something
// descriptive if it fails.
bool IsValidISADictionary(const Json::Value& dictionary,
                          const nacl::string& parent_key,
                          const nacl::string& sandbox_isa,
                          bool must_find_matching_entry,
                          bool nonsfi_enabled,
                          ErrorInfo* error_info) {
  if (error_info == NULL) return false;

  // An ISA to URL dictionary has to be an object.
  if (!dictionary.isObject()) {
                          nacl::string("manifest: ") + parent_key +
                          " property is not an ISA to URL dictionary");
    return false;
  // Build the set of reserved ISA dictionary keys.
  const char** isaProperties;
  size_t isaPropertiesLength;
  if (sandbox_isa == kPortableKey) {
    // The known values for PNaCl ISA dictionaries in the manifest.
    static const char* kPnaclManifestISAProperties[] = {
    isaProperties = kPnaclManifestISAProperties;
    isaPropertiesLength = NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(kPnaclManifestISAProperties);
  } else {
    // The known values for NaCl ISA dictionaries in the manifest.
    static const char* kNaClManifestISAProperties[] = {
      // "portable" is here to allow checking that, if present, it can
      // only refer to an URL, such as for a data file, and not to
      // "pnacl-translate", which would cause the creation of a nexe.
    isaProperties = kNaClManifestISAProperties;
    isaPropertiesLength = NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(kNaClManifestISAProperties);
  // Check that entries in the dictionary are structurally correct.
  Json::Value::Members members = dictionary.getMemberNames();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
    nacl::string property_name = members[i];
    Json::Value property_value = dictionary[property_name];
    nacl::string error_string;
    if (FindMatchingProperty(property_name,
                             isaPropertiesLength)) {
      // For NaCl, arch entries can only be
      //     "arch/portable" : URLSpec
      // For PNaCl arch in "program" dictionary entries can be
      //     "portable" : { "pnacl-translate": URLSpec }
      //  or "portable" : { "pnacl-debug": URLSpec }
      // For PNaCl arch elsewhere, dictionary entries can only be
      //     "portable" : URLSpec
      if ((sandbox_isa != kPortableKey &&
           !IsValidUrlSpec(property_value, property_name, parent_key,
                           sandbox_isa, &error_string)) ||
          (sandbox_isa == kPortableKey &&
           parent_key == kProgramKey &&
           !IsValidPnaclTranslateSpec(property_value, property_name, parent_key,
                                      sandbox_isa, &error_string)) ||
          (sandbox_isa == kPortableKey &&
           parent_key != kProgramKey &&
           !IsValidUrlSpec(property_value, property_name, parent_key,
                           sandbox_isa, &error_string))) {
                              nacl::string("manifest: ") + error_string);
        return false;
    } else {
      // For forward compatibility, we do not prohibit other keys being in
      // the dictionary, as they may be architectures supported in later
      // versions.  However, the value of these entries must be an URLSpec.
      PLUGIN_PRINTF(("IsValidISADictionary: unrecognized key '%s'.\n",
      if (!IsValidUrlSpec(property_value, property_name, parent_key,
                          sandbox_isa, &error_string)) {
                              nacl::string("manifest: ") + error_string);
        return false;

  if (sandbox_isa == kPortableKey) {
    bool has_portable = dictionary.isMember(kPortableKey);

    if (!has_portable) {
          nacl::string("manifest: no version of ") + parent_key +
          " given for portable.");
      return false;
  } else if (must_find_matching_entry) {
    // TODO(elijahtaylor) add ISA resolver here if we expand ISAs to include
    // micro-architectures that can resolve to multiple valid sandboxes.
    bool has_isa = dictionary.isMember(sandbox_isa);
    bool has_nonsfi_isa =
        nonsfi_enabled && dictionary.isMember(GetNonSFIKey(sandbox_isa));
    bool has_portable = dictionary.isMember(kPortableKey);

    if (!has_isa && !has_nonsfi_isa && !has_portable) {
          nacl::string("manifest: no version of ") + parent_key +
          " given for current arch and no portable version found.");
      return false;

  return true;

void GrabUrlAndPnaclOptions(const Json::Value& url_spec,
                            nacl::string* url,
                            PnaclOptions* pnacl_options) {
  *url = url_spec[kUrlKey].asString();
  if (url_spec.isMember(kOptLevelKey)) {
    int32_t opt_raw = url_spec[kOptLevelKey].asInt();
    // set_opt_level will normalize the values.

}  // namespace

bool JsonManifest::Init(const nacl::string& manifest_json,
                        ErrorInfo* error_info) {
  if (error_info == NULL) {
    return false;
  Json::Reader reader;
  if (!reader.parse(manifest_json, dictionary_)) {
    std::string json_error = reader.getFormatedErrorMessages();
                          "manifest JSON parsing failed: " + json_error);
    return false;
  // Parse has ensured the string was valid JSON.  Check that it matches the
  // manifest schema.
  return MatchesSchema(error_info);

bool JsonManifest::MatchesSchema(ErrorInfo* error_info) {
  pp::Var exception;
  if (error_info == NULL) {
    return false;
  if (!dictionary_.isObject()) {
        "manifest: is not a json dictionary.");
    return false;
  Json::Value::Members members = dictionary_.getMemberNames();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
    // The top level dictionary entries valid in the manifest file.
    static const char* kManifestTopLevelProperties[] = { kProgramKey,
                                                         kFilesKey };
    nacl::string property_name = members[i];
    if (!FindMatchingProperty(property_name,
                              NACL_ARRAY_SIZE(kManifestTopLevelProperties))) {
      PLUGIN_PRINTF(("JsonManifest::MatchesSchema: WARNING: unknown top-level "
                     "section '%s' in manifest.\n", property_name.c_str()));

  // A manifest file must have a program section.
  if (!dictionary_.isMember(kProgramKey)) {
        nacl::string("manifest: missing '") + kProgramKey + "' section.");
    return false;

  // Validate the program section.
  // There must be a matching (portable or sandbox_isa_) entry for program for
  // NaCl.
  if (!IsValidISADictionary(dictionary_[kProgramKey],
                            error_info)) {
    return false;

  // Validate the interpreter section (if given).
  // There must be a matching (portable or sandbox_isa_) entry for interpreter
  // for NaCl.
  if (dictionary_.isMember(kInterpreterKey)) {
    if (!IsValidISADictionary(dictionary_[kInterpreterKey],
                              error_info)) {
      return false;

  // Validate the file dictionary (if given).
  // The "files" key does not require a matching (portable or sandbox_isa_)
  // entry at schema validation time for NaCl.  This allows manifests to specify
  // resources that are only loaded for a particular sandbox_isa.
  if (dictionary_.isMember(kFilesKey)) {
    const Json::Value& files = dictionary_[kFilesKey];
    if (!files.isObject()) {
          nacl::string("manifest: '") + kFilesKey + "' is not a dictionary.");
    Json::Value::Members members = files.getMemberNames();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
      nacl::string file_name = members[i];
      if (!IsValidISADictionary(files[file_name],
                                error_info)) {
        return false;

  return true;

bool JsonManifest::GetURLFromISADictionary(const Json::Value& dictionary,
                                           const nacl::string& parent_key,
                                           nacl::string* url,
                                           PnaclOptions* pnacl_options,
                                           bool* uses_nonsfi_mode,
                                           ErrorInfo* error_info) const {
  DCHECK(url != NULL && pnacl_options != NULL && error_info != NULL);

  // When the application actually requests a resolved URL, we must have
  // a matching entry (sandbox_isa_ or portable) for NaCl.
  if (!IsValidISADictionary(dictionary, parent_key, sandbox_isa_, true,
                            nonsfi_enabled_, error_info)) {
                          "architecture " + sandbox_isa_ +
                          " is not found for file " + parent_key);
    return false;

  // The call to IsValidISADictionary() above guarantees that either
  // sandbox_isa_, its nonsfi mode, or kPortableKey is present in the
  // dictionary.
  *uses_nonsfi_mode = false;
  nacl::string chosen_isa;
  if (sandbox_isa_ == kPortableKey) {
    chosen_isa = kPortableKey;
  } else {
    nacl::string nonsfi_isa = GetNonSFIKey(sandbox_isa_);
    if (nonsfi_enabled_ && dictionary.isMember(nonsfi_isa)) {
      chosen_isa = nonsfi_isa;
      *uses_nonsfi_mode = true;
    } else if (dictionary.isMember(sandbox_isa_)) {
      chosen_isa = sandbox_isa_;
    } else if (dictionary.isMember(kPortableKey)) {
      chosen_isa = kPortableKey;
    } else {
      // Should not reach here, because the earlier IsValidISADictionary()
      // call checked that the manifest covers the current architecture.

  const Json::Value& isa_spec = dictionary[chosen_isa];
  // If the PNaCl debug flag is turned on, look for pnacl-debug entries first.
  // If found, mark that it is a debug URL. Otherwise, fall back to
  // checking for pnacl-translate URLs, etc. and don't mark it as a debug URL.
  if (pnacl_debug_ && isa_spec.isMember(kPnaclDebugKey)) {
    GrabUrlAndPnaclOptions(isa_spec[kPnaclDebugKey], url, pnacl_options);
  } else if (isa_spec.isMember(kPnaclTranslateKey)) {
    GrabUrlAndPnaclOptions(isa_spec[kPnaclTranslateKey], url, pnacl_options);
  } else {
    // NaCl
    *url = isa_spec[kUrlKey].asString();

  return true;

bool JsonManifest::GetKeyUrl(const Json::Value& dictionary,
                             const nacl::string& key,
                             nacl::string* full_url,
                             PnaclOptions* pnacl_options,
                             ErrorInfo* error_info) const {
  DCHECK(full_url != NULL && pnacl_options != NULL && error_info != NULL);
  if (!dictionary.isMember(key)) {
                          "file key not found in manifest");
    return false;
  const Json::Value& isa_dict = dictionary[key];
  nacl::string relative_url;
  bool uses_nonsfi_mode;
  if (!GetURLFromISADictionary(isa_dict, key, &relative_url,
                               pnacl_options, &uses_nonsfi_mode, error_info)) {
    return false;
  return ResolveURL(relative_url, full_url, error_info);

bool JsonManifest::ResolveURL(const nacl::string& relative_url,
                              nacl::string* full_url,
                              ErrorInfo* error_info) const {
  // The contents of the manifest are resolved relative to the manifest URL.
  CHECK(url_util_ != NULL);
  pp::Var resolved_url =
  if (!resolved_url.is_string()) {
        "could not resolve url '" + relative_url +
        "' relative to manifest base url '" + manifest_base_url_.c_str() +
    return false;
  *full_url = resolved_url.AsString();
  return true;

bool JsonManifest::GetProgramURL(nacl::string* full_url,
                                 PnaclOptions* pnacl_options,
                                 bool* uses_nonsfi_mode,
                                 ErrorInfo* error_info) const {
  if (full_url == NULL || pnacl_options == NULL || error_info == NULL)
    return false;

  const Json::Value& program = dictionary_[kProgramKey];

  nacl::string nexe_url;
  nacl::string error_string;

  if (!GetURLFromISADictionary(program,
                               error_info)) {
    return false;

  return ResolveURL(nexe_url, full_url, error_info);

bool JsonManifest::GetFileKeys(std::set<nacl::string>* keys) const {
  if (!dictionary_.isMember(kFilesKey)) {
    // trivial success: no keys when there is no "files" section.
    return true;
  const Json::Value& files = dictionary_[kFilesKey];
  Json::Value::Members members = files.getMemberNames();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
  return true;

bool JsonManifest::ResolveKey(const nacl::string& key,
                              nacl::string* full_url,
                              PnaclOptions* pnacl_options,
                              ErrorInfo* error_info) const {
  NaClLog(3, "JsonManifest::ResolveKey(%s)\n", key.c_str());
  // key must be one of kProgramKey or kFileKey '/' file-section-key

  if (full_url == NULL || pnacl_options == NULL || error_info == NULL)
    return false;

  if (key == kProgramKey) {
    return GetKeyUrl(dictionary_, key, full_url, pnacl_options, error_info);
  nacl::string::const_iterator p = find(key.begin(), key.end(), '/');
  if (p == key.end()) {
                          nacl::string("ResolveKey: invalid key, no slash: ")
                          + key);
    return false;

  // generalize to permit other sections?
  nacl::string prefix(key.begin(), p);
  if (prefix != kFilesKey) {
                          nacl::string("ResolveKey: invalid key: not \"files\""
                                       " prefix: ") + key);
    return false;

  nacl::string rest(p + 1, key.end());

  const Json::Value& files = dictionary_[kFilesKey];
  if (!files.isObject()) {
        nacl::string("ResolveKey: no \"files\" dictionary"));
    return false;
  if (!files.isMember(rest)) {
        nacl::string("ResolveKey: no such \"files\" entry: ") + key);
    return false;
  return GetKeyUrl(files, rest, full_url, pnacl_options, error_info);

}  // namespace plugin

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */