
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. TestFailedMessage
  2. GetSubProcessTimeoutTimeInSeconds
  3. CountThreads
  4. IsAndroid
  5. IsArchitectureArm
  6. IsRunningOnValgrind
  7. SigAlrmHandler
  8. SetProcessTimeout
  9. RunTestInProcess
  10. DeathSuccess
  11. DeathMessage
  12. DeathExitCode
  13. DeathBySignal
  14. AssertionFailure
  15. IgnoreThisTest

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/third_party/valgrind/valgrind.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/tests/unit_tests.h"

namespace {
std::string TestFailedMessage(const std::string& msg) {
  return msg.empty() ? std::string() : "Actual test failure: " + msg;

int GetSubProcessTimeoutTimeInSeconds() {
  // 10s ought to be enough for anybody.
  return 10;

// Returns the number of threads of the current process or -1.
int CountThreads() {
  struct stat task_stat;
  int task_d = stat("/proc/self/task", &task_stat);
  // task_stat.st_nlink should be the number of tasks + 2 (accounting for
  // "." and "..".
  if (task_d != 0 || task_stat.st_nlink < 3)
    return -1;
  const int num_threads = task_stat.st_nlink - 2;
  return num_threads;

}  // namespace

namespace sandbox {

bool IsAndroid() {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
  return true;
  return false;

bool IsArchitectureArm() {
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
  return true;
  return false;

// TODO(jln): figure out why base/.../dynamic_annotations.h's
// RunningOnValgrind() cannot link.
bool IsRunningOnValgrind() { return RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND; }

static const int kExpectedValue = 42;
static const int kIgnoreThisTest = 43;
static const int kExitWithAssertionFailure = 1;
static const int kExitForTimeout = 2;

static void SigAlrmHandler(int) {
  const char failure_message[] = "Timeout reached!\n";
  // Make sure that we never block here.
  if (!fcntl(2, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
    ignore_result(write(2, failure_message, sizeof(failure_message) - 1));

// Set a timeout with a handler that will automatically fail the
// test.
static void SetProcessTimeout(int time_in_seconds) {
  struct sigaction act = {};
  act.sa_handler = SigAlrmHandler;
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask) == 0);
  act.sa_flags = 0;

  struct sigaction old_act;
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, &old_act) == 0);

  // We don't implemenet signal chaining, so make sure that nothing else
  // is expecting to handle SIGALRM.
  SANDBOX_ASSERT((old_act.sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO) == 0);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(old_act.sa_handler == SIG_DFL);
  sigset_t sigalrm_set;
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(sigemptyset(&sigalrm_set) == 0);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(sigaddset(&sigalrm_set, SIGALRM) == 0);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigalrm_set, NULL) == 0);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(alarm(time_in_seconds) == 0);  // There should be no previous
                                                // alarm.

// Runs a test in a sub-process. This is necessary for most of the code
// in the BPF sandbox, as it potentially makes global state changes and as
// it also tends to raise fatal errors, if the code has been used in an
// insecure manner.
void UnitTests::RunTestInProcess(UnitTests::Test test,
                                 void* arg,
                                 DeathCheck death,
                                 const void* death_aux) {
  // We need to fork(), so we can't be multi-threaded, as threads could hold
  // locks.
  int num_threads = CountThreads();
  // Under TSAN, there is a special helper thread. It should be completely
  // invisible to our testing, so we ignore it. It should be ok to fork()
  // with this thread. It's currently buggy, but it's the best we can do until
  // there is a way to delay the start of the thread
  // (
  ASSERT_EQ(1, num_threads) << "Running sandbox tests with multiple threads "
                            << "is not supported and will make the tests "
                            << "flaky.\n";
  int fds[2];
  ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe(fds));
  // Check that our pipe is not on one of the standard file descriptor.
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(fds[0] > 2 && fds[1] > 2);

  pid_t pid;
  ASSERT_LE(0, (pid = fork()));
  if (!pid) {
    // In child process
    // Redirect stderr to our pipe. This way, we can capture all error
    // messages, if we decide we want to do so in our tests.
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(dup2(fds[1], 2) == 2);

    // Don't set a timeout if running on Valgrind, since it's generally much
    // slower.
    if (!IsRunningOnValgrind()) {

    // Disable core files. They are not very useful for our individual test
    // cases.
    struct rlimit no_core = {0};
    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &no_core);


  std::vector<char> msg_buf;
  ssize_t rc;

  // Make sure read() will never block as we'll use poll() to
  // block with a timeout instead.
  const int fcntl_ret = fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
  ASSERT_EQ(0, fcntl_ret);
  struct pollfd poll_fd = {fds[0], POLLIN | POLLRDHUP, 0};

  int poll_ret;
  // We prefer the SIGALRM timeout to trigger in the child than this timeout
  // so we double the common value here.
  int poll_timeout = GetSubProcessTimeoutTimeInSeconds() * 2 * 1000;
  while ((poll_ret = poll(&poll_fd, 1, poll_timeout) > 0)) {
    const size_t kCapacity = 256;
    const size_t len = msg_buf.size();
    msg_buf.resize(len + kCapacity);
    rc = HANDLE_EINTR(read(fds[0], &msg_buf[len], kCapacity));
    msg_buf.resize(len + std::max(rc, static_cast<ssize_t>(0)));
    if (rc <= 0)
  ASSERT_NE(poll_ret, -1) << "poll() failed";
  ASSERT_NE(poll_ret, 0) << "Timeout while reading child state";
  std::string msg(msg_buf.begin(), msg_buf.end());

  int status = 0;
  int waitpid_returned = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(pid, &status, 0));
  ASSERT_EQ(pid, waitpid_returned) << TestFailedMessage(msg);

  // At run-time, we sometimes decide that a test shouldn't actually
  // run (e.g. when testing sandbox features on a kernel that doesn't
  // have sandboxing support). When that happens, don't attempt to
  // call the "death" function, as it might be looking for a
  // death-test condition that would never have triggered.
  if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != kIgnoreThisTest ||
      !msg.empty()) {
    // We use gtest's ASSERT_XXX() macros instead of the DeathCheck
    // functions.  This means, on failure, "return" is called. This
    // only works correctly, if the call of the "death" callback is
    // the very last thing in our function.
    death(status, msg, death_aux);

void UnitTests::DeathSuccess(int status, const std::string& msg, const void*) {
  std::string details(TestFailedMessage(msg));

  bool subprocess_terminated_normally = WIFEXITED(status);
  ASSERT_TRUE(subprocess_terminated_normally) << details;
  int subprocess_exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
  ASSERT_EQ(kExpectedValue, subprocess_exit_status) << details;
  bool subprocess_exited_but_printed_messages = !msg.empty();
  EXPECT_FALSE(subprocess_exited_but_printed_messages) << details;

void UnitTests::DeathMessage(int status,
                             const std::string& msg,
                             const void* aux) {
  std::string details(TestFailedMessage(msg));
  const char* expected_msg = static_cast<const char*>(aux);

  bool subprocess_terminated_normally = WIFEXITED(status);
  ASSERT_TRUE(subprocess_terminated_normally) << details;
  int subprocess_exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
  ASSERT_EQ(kExitWithAssertionFailure, subprocess_exit_status) << details;
  bool subprocess_exited_without_matching_message =
      msg.find(expected_msg) == std::string::npos;
  EXPECT_FALSE(subprocess_exited_without_matching_message) << details;

void UnitTests::DeathExitCode(int status,
                              const std::string& msg,
                              const void* aux) {
  int expected_exit_code = static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(aux));
  std::string details(TestFailedMessage(msg));

  bool subprocess_terminated_normally = WIFEXITED(status);
  ASSERT_TRUE(subprocess_terminated_normally) << details;
  int subprocess_exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
  ASSERT_EQ(expected_exit_code, subprocess_exit_status) << details;

void UnitTests::DeathBySignal(int status,
                              const std::string& msg,
                              const void* aux) {
  int expected_signo = static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(aux));
  std::string details(TestFailedMessage(msg));

  bool subprocess_terminated_by_signal = WIFSIGNALED(status);
  ASSERT_TRUE(subprocess_terminated_by_signal) << details;
  int subprocess_signal_number = WTERMSIG(status);
  ASSERT_EQ(expected_signo, subprocess_signal_number) << details;

void UnitTests::AssertionFailure(const char* expr, const char* file, int line) {
  fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%s", file, line, expr);

void UnitTests::IgnoreThisTest() {

}  // namespace

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