
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. CountSQLItemsOfType
  2. GetPageSize
  3. GetRootPage
  4. ReadBigEndian
  5. WriteBigEndian
  6. CorruptSizeInHeader
  7. CorruptTableOrIndex
  8. CountSQLTables
  9. CountSQLIndices
  10. CountTableColumns
  11. CountTableRows
  12. CreateDatabaseFromSQL
  13. IntegrityCheck

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "sql/test/test_helpers.h"

#include <string>

#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "sql/connection.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {

size_t CountSQLItemsOfType(sql::Connection* db, const char* type) {
  const char kTypeSQL[] = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = ?";
  sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(kTypeSQL));
  s.BindCString(0, type);
  return s.ColumnInt(0);

// Get page size for the database.
bool GetPageSize(sql::Connection* db, int* page_size) {
  sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA page_size"));
  if (!s.Step())
    return false;
  *page_size = s.ColumnInt(0);
  return true;

// Get |name|'s root page number in the database.
bool GetRootPage(sql::Connection* db, const char* name, int* page_number) {
  const char kPageSql[] = "SELECT rootpage FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?";
  sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(kPageSql));
  s.BindString(0, name);
  if (!s.Step())
    return false;
  *page_number = s.ColumnInt(0);
  return true;

// Helper for reading a number from the SQLite header.
// See base/big_endian.h.
unsigned ReadBigEndian(unsigned char* buf, size_t bytes) {
  unsigned r = buf[0];
  for (size_t i = 1; i < bytes; i++) {
    r <<= 8;
    r |= buf[i];
  return r;

// Helper for writing a number to the SQLite header.
void WriteBigEndian(unsigned val, unsigned char* buf, size_t bytes) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
    buf[bytes - i - 1] = (val & 0xFF);
    val >>= 8;

}  // namespace

namespace sql {
namespace test {

bool CorruptSizeInHeader(const base::FilePath& db_path) {
  // See
  const size_t kHeaderSize = 100;
  const size_t kPageSizeOffset = 16;
  const size_t kFileChangeCountOffset = 24;
  const size_t kPageCountOffset = 28;
  const size_t kVersionValidForOffset = 92;  // duplicate kFileChangeCountOffset

  unsigned char header[kHeaderSize];

  base::ScopedFILE file(base::OpenFile(db_path, "rb+"));
  if (!file.get())
    return false;

  if (0 != fseek(file.get(), 0, SEEK_SET))
    return false;
  if (1u != fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, file.get()))
    return false;

  int64 db_size = 0;
  if (!base::GetFileSize(db_path, &db_size))
    return false;

  const unsigned page_size = ReadBigEndian(header + kPageSizeOffset, 2);

  // One larger than the expected size.
  const unsigned page_count = (db_size + page_size) / page_size;
  WriteBigEndian(page_count, header + kPageCountOffset, 4);

  // Update change count so outstanding readers know the info changed.
  // Both spots must match for the page count to be considered valid.
  unsigned change_count = ReadBigEndian(header + kFileChangeCountOffset, 4);
  WriteBigEndian(change_count + 1, header + kFileChangeCountOffset, 4);
  WriteBigEndian(change_count + 1, header + kVersionValidForOffset, 4);

  if (0 != fseek(file.get(), 0, SEEK_SET))
    return false;
  if (1u != fwrite(header, sizeof(header), 1, file.get()))
    return false;

  return true;

bool CorruptTableOrIndex(const base::FilePath& db_path,
                         const char* tree_name,
                         const char* update_sql) {
  sql::Connection db;
  if (!db.Open(db_path))
    return false;

  int page_size = 0;
  if (!GetPageSize(&db, &page_size))
    return false;

  int page_number = 0;
  if (!GetRootPage(&db, tree_name, &page_number))
    return false;

  // SQLite uses 1-based page numbering.
  const long int page_ofs = (page_number - 1) * page_size;
  scoped_ptr<char[]> page_buf(new char[page_size]);

  // Get the page into page_buf.
  base::ScopedFILE file(base::OpenFile(db_path, "rb+"));
  if (!file.get())
    return false;
  if (0 != fseek(file.get(), page_ofs, SEEK_SET))
    return false;
  if (1u != fread(page_buf.get(), page_size, 1, file.get()))
    return false;

  // Require the page to be a leaf node.  A multilevel tree would be
  // very hard to restore correctly.
  if (page_buf[0] != 0xD && page_buf[0] != 0xA)
    return false;

  // The update has to work, and make changes.
  if (!db.Execute(update_sql))
    return false;
  if (db.GetLastChangeCount() == 0)
    return false;

  // Ensure that the database is fully flushed.

  // Check that the stored page actually changed.  This catches usage
  // errors where |update_sql| is not related to |tree_name|.
  scoped_ptr<char[]> check_page_buf(new char[page_size]);
  // The on-disk data should have changed.
  if (0 != fflush(file.get()))
    return false;
  if (0 != fseek(file.get(), page_ofs, SEEK_SET))
    return false;
  if (1u != fread(check_page_buf.get(), page_size, 1, file.get()))
    return false;
  if (!memcmp(check_page_buf.get(), page_buf.get(), page_size))
    return false;

  // Put the original page back.
  if (0 != fseek(file.get(), page_ofs, SEEK_SET))
    return false;
  if (1u != fwrite(page_buf.get(), page_size, 1, file.get()))
    return false;

  return true;

size_t CountSQLTables(sql::Connection* db) {
  return CountSQLItemsOfType(db, "table");

size_t CountSQLIndices(sql::Connection* db) {
  return CountSQLItemsOfType(db, "index");

size_t CountTableColumns(sql::Connection* db, const char* table) {
  // TODO(shess): sql::Connection::QuoteForSQL() would make sense.
  std::string quoted_table;
    const char kQuoteSQL[] = "SELECT quote(?)";
    sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(kQuoteSQL));
    s.BindCString(0, table);
    quoted_table = s.ColumnString(0);

  std::string sql = "PRAGMA table_info(" + quoted_table + ")";
  sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(sql.c_str()));
  size_t rows = 0;
  while (s.Step()) {
  return rows;

bool CountTableRows(sql::Connection* db, const char* table, size_t* count) {
  // TODO(shess): Table should probably be quoted with [] or "".  See
  // .  Meanwhile, odd names
  // will throw an error.
  std::string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ";
  sql += table;
  sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(sql.c_str()));
  if (!s.Step())
    return false;

  *count = s.ColumnInt64(0);
  return true;

bool CreateDatabaseFromSQL(const base::FilePath& db_path,
                           const base::FilePath& sql_path) {
  if (base::PathExists(db_path) || !base::PathExists(sql_path))
    return false;

  std::string sql;
  if (!base::ReadFileToString(sql_path, &sql))
    return false;

  sql::Connection db;
  if (!db.Open(db_path))
    return false;

  // TODO(shess): Android defaults to auto_vacuum mode.
  // Unfortunately, this makes certain kinds of tests which manipulate
  // the raw database hard/impossible to write.
  // is for exploring this test issue.
  ignore_result(db.Execute("PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0"));

  return db.Execute(sql.c_str());

std::string IntegrityCheck(sql::Connection* db) {
  sql::Statement statement(db->GetUniqueStatement("PRAGMA integrity_check"));

  // SQLite should always return a row of data.

  return statement.ColumnString(0);

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace sql

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */