
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"

namespace aura {
class Window;

namespace views {
class Widget;

namespace ash {

// PhantomWindowController is responsible for showing a phantom representation
// of a window. It's used to show a preview of how snapping or docking a window
// will affect the window's bounds.
class ASH_EXPORT PhantomWindowController {
  explicit PhantomWindowController(aura::Window* window);

  // Hides the phantom window without any animation.
  virtual ~PhantomWindowController();

  // Animates the phantom window towards |bounds_in_screen|. The animation used
  // depends on whether the alternate caption button style is used.
  void Show(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);

  // If set, the phantom window is stacked below this window, otherwise it
  // is stacked above the window passed to the constructor.
  void set_phantom_below_window(aura::Window* phantom_below_window) {
    phantom_below_window_ = phantom_below_window;

  friend class PhantomWindowControllerTest;

  // Animates the phantom window towards |bounds_in_screen| when the alternate
  // caption button style is used.
  void ShowAlternate(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);

  // Animates the phantom window towards |bounds_in_screen| when the legacy
  // caption button style is used.
  void ShowLegacy(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);

  // Creates, shows and returns a phantom widget at |bounds|
  // with kShellWindowId_ShelfContainer in |root_window| as a parent.
  scoped_ptr<views::Widget> CreatePhantomWidget(
      aura::Window* root_window,
      const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);

  // Window the phantom is placed beneath.
  aura::Window* window_;

  // If set, the phantom window should get stacked below this window.
  aura::Window* phantom_below_window_;

  // Target bounds (including the shadows if any) of the animation in screen
  // coordinates.
  gfx::Rect target_bounds_in_screen_;

  // Phantom representation of the window which is in the root window matching
  // |target_bounds_in_screen_|.
  scoped_ptr<views::Widget> phantom_widget_in_target_root_;

  // Phantom representation of the window which is in the root window matching
  // the window's initial bounds. This allows animations to progress from one
  // display to the other. NULL if the phantom window starts and ends in the
  // same root window. Not used when using the alternate caption button style.
  scoped_ptr<views::Widget> phantom_widget_in_start_root_;


}  // namespace ash


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