
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. available_bounds_
  2. GetAvailableScreenBounds
  3. TEST_F
  4. TEST_F
  5. TEST_F
  6. TEST_F
  7. TEST_F
  8. TEST_F

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_border.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_frame_view.h"
#include "ui/views/test/views_test_base.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"

namespace views {

typedef ViewsTestBase BubbleFrameViewTest;

namespace {

const BubbleBorder::Arrow kArrow = BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT;
const SkColor kColor = SK_ColorRED;
const int kMargin = 6;

class TestBubbleFrameView : public BubbleFrameView {
      : BubbleFrameView(gfx::Insets(kMargin, kMargin, kMargin, kMargin)),
        available_bounds_(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)) {
        new BubbleBorder(kArrow, BubbleBorder::NO_SHADOW, kColor)));
  virtual ~TestBubbleFrameView() {}

  // BubbleFrameView overrides:
  virtual gfx::Rect GetAvailableScreenBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE {
    return available_bounds_;

  gfx::Rect available_bounds_;


}  // namespace

TEST_F(BubbleFrameViewTest, GetBoundsForClientView) {
  TestBubbleFrameView frame;
  EXPECT_EQ(kArrow, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(kColor, frame.bubble_border()->background_color());

  int margin_x = frame.content_margins().left();
  int margin_y = frame.content_margins().top();
  gfx::Insets insets = frame.bubble_border()->GetInsets();
  EXPECT_EQ(insets.left() + margin_x, frame.GetBoundsForClientView().x());
  EXPECT_EQ( + margin_y, frame.GetBoundsForClientView().y());

// Tests that the arrow is mirrored as needed to better fit the screen.
TEST_F(BubbleFrameViewTest, GetUpdatedWindowBounds) {
  TestBubbleFrameView frame;
  gfx::Rect window_bounds;

  gfx::Insets insets = frame.bubble_border()->GetInsets();
  int xposition = 95 - insets.width();

  // Test that the info bubble displays normally when it fits.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.x(), xposition);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 100 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

  // Test bubble not fitting on left.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.x(), xposition);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 100 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

  // Test bubble not fitting on left or top.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.x(), xposition);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 100 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

  // Test bubble not fitting on top.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.x(), xposition);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 100 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

  // Test bubble not fitting on top and right.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_RIGHT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.x(), 900 + 50 - 500);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 100 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

  // Test bubble not fitting on right.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_RIGHT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.x(), 900 + 50 - 500);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 100 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

  // Test bubble not fitting on bottom and right.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_RIGHT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.x(), 900 + 50 - 500);
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.y(), 900 - 500 - 15);  // -15 to roughly compensate
                                                 // for arrow height.

  // Test bubble not fitting at the bottom.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  // The window should be right aligned with the anchor_rect.
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.x(), 900 + 50 - 500);
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.y(), 900 - 500 - 15);  // -15 to roughly compensate
                                                 // for arrow height.

  // Test bubble not fitting at the bottom and left.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  // The window should be right aligned with the anchor_rect.
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.x(), 900 + 50 - 500);
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.y(), 900 - 500 - 15);  // -15 to roughly compensate
                                                 // for arrow height.

// Tests that the arrow is not moved when the info-bubble does not fit the
// screen but moving it would make matter worse.
TEST_F(BubbleFrameViewTest, GetUpdatedWindowBoundsMirroringFails) {
  TestBubbleFrameView frame;
  gfx::Rect window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(400, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 700),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());

TEST_F(BubbleFrameViewTest, TestMirroringForCenteredArrow) {
  TestBubbleFrameView frame;

  // Test bubble not fitting above the anchor.
  gfx::Rect window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 700),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());

  // Test bubble not fitting below the anchor.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(300, 800, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 200),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());

  // Test bubble not fitting to the right of the anchor.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(800, 300, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(200, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::RIGHT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());

  // Test bubble not fitting to the left of the anchor.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 300, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::LEFT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());

// Test that the arrow will not be mirrored when |adjust_if_offscreen| is false.
TEST_F(BubbleFrameViewTest, GetUpdatedWindowBoundsDontTryMirror) {
  TestBubbleFrameView frame;
  gfx::Rect window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      false);                       // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_RIGHT, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  // The coordinates should be pointing to anchor_rect from TOP_RIGHT.
  EXPECT_LT(window_bounds.x(), 100 + 50 - 500);
  EXPECT_GT(window_bounds.y(), 900 + 50 - 10);  // -10 to roughly compensate for
                                                // arrow overlap.

// Test that the center arrow is moved as needed to fit the screen.
TEST_F(BubbleFrameViewTest, GetUpdatedWindowBoundsCenterArrows) {
  TestBubbleFrameView frame;
  gfx::Rect window_bounds;

  // Test that the bubble displays normally when it fits.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(500, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x() + window_bounds.width() / 2, 525);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(500, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x() + window_bounds.width() / 2, 525);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 400, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::LEFT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y() + window_bounds.height() / 2, 425);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 400, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::RIGHT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y() + window_bounds.height() / 2, 425);

  // Test bubble not fitting left screen edge.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 125);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 125);

  // Test bubble not fitting right screen edge.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::TOP_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.right(), 1000);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 925);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::BOTTOM_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.right(), 1000);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.x() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 925);

  // Test bubble not fitting top screen edge.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::LEFT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 125);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 100, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::RIGHT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 125);

  // Test bubble not fitting bottom screen edge.
  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(100, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::LEFT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.bottom(), 1000);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 925);

  window_bounds = frame.GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
      gfx::Rect(900, 900, 50, 50),  // |anchor_rect|
      gfx::Size(500, 500),          // |client_size|
      true);                        // |adjust_if_offscreen|
  EXPECT_EQ(BubbleBorder::RIGHT_CENTER, frame.bubble_border()->arrow());
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.bottom(), 1000);
  EXPECT_EQ(window_bounds.y() +
            frame.bubble_border()->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()), 925);

}  // namespace views

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