This source file includes following definitions.
- CheckSurrogatePairs
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using base::UTF16ToUTF8;
using base::UTF16ToWide;
using base::UTF8ToUTF16;
using base::WideToUTF16;
namespace gfx {
namespace {
struct Testcase {
const std::string input;
const std::string output;
struct FileTestcase {
const base::FilePath::StringType input;
const std::string output;
struct UTF16Testcase {
const base::string16 input;
const base::string16 output;
struct TestData {
const std::string a;
const std::string b;
const int compare_result;
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideEmail DISABLED_ElideEmail
#define MAYBE_ElideEmail ElideEmail
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideEmail) {
const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
Testcase testcases[] = {
{"g@g.c", "g@g.c"},
{"g@g.c", kEllipsisStr},
{"", "ga@c" + kEllipsisStr + "a"},
{"", "s" + kEllipsisStr + "@s" + kEllipsisStr},
{"", "s" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
{"", ""},
"short@long" + kEllipsisStr + ".com"},
"la" + kEllipsisStr + "@l" + kEllipsisStr + "a"},
{"", "long" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
{"", "e" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
"thatom" + kEllipsisStr + "@tha" + kEllipsisStr + "om"},
"namefits@butthedo" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
{"", kEllipsisStr},
{"nospaceforusername@l", kEllipsisStr},
{"", "l" + kEllipsisStr + "@l" + kEllipsisStr},
{"", "l@lllll" + kEllipsisStr + ".com"},
"messed\"up@why" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
"noca" + kEllipsisStr + "@no" + kEllipsisStr + "ca"},
"at\"@@@@@@@@@...@@.@." + kEllipsisStr + ""},
{"mmmmm@llllllllll", "m" + kEllipsisStr + "@l" + kEllipsisStr},
const FontList font_list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases); ++i) {
const base::string16 expected_output = UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output);
GetStringWidthF(expected_output, font_list)));
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideEmailMoreSpace DISABLED_ElideEmailMoreSpace
#define MAYBE_ElideEmailMoreSpace ElideEmailMoreSpace
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideEmailMoreSpace) {
const int test_width_factors[] = {
const std::string test_emails[] = {
const FontList font_list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_width_factors); ++i) {
const int test_width =
for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(test_emails); ++j) {
const base::string16 test_email = UTF8ToUTF16(test_emails[j]);
EXPECT_EQ(test_email, ElideEmail(test_email, font_list, test_width));
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_TestFilenameEliding DISABLED_TestFilenameEliding
#define MAYBE_TestFilenameEliding TestFilenameEliding
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_TestFilenameEliding) {
const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
const base::FilePath::StringType kPathSeparator =
base::FilePath::StringType().append(1, base::FilePath::kSeparators[0]);
FileTestcase testcases[] = {
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("."), "."},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.exe"), "filename.exe"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".longext"), ".longext"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("pie"), "pie"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:") + kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("path") +
kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.pie"),
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:") + kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("path") +
kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("longfilename.pie"),
"long" + kEllipsisStr + ".pie"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), "filename.pie"},
"long" + kEllipsisStr + ".pie"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("piesmashingtacularpants"), "pie" + kEllipsisStr},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".piesmashingtacularpants"), ".pie" + kEllipsisStr},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("cheese."), "cheese."},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("file name.longext"),
"file" + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("fil ename.longext"),
"fil " + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
"file" + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
"filename.mid" + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
"filename.sup" + kEllipsisStr + "emelylongext"},
"filenamereall" + kEllipsisStr + "emelylongext"},
"" + kEllipsisStr + "emelylongext"}
static const FontList font_list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases); ++i) {
base::FilePath filepath(testcases[i].input);
base::string16 expected = UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output);
expected = base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(expected);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, ElideFilename(filepath, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output), font_list)));
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextTruncate DISABLED_ElideTextTruncate
#define MAYBE_ElideTextTruncate ElideTextTruncate
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextTruncate) {
const FontList font_list;
const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
struct TestData {
const char* input;
float width;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "", 0, "" },
{ "Test", 0, "" },
{ "", kTestWidth, "" },
{ "Tes", kTestWidth, "Tes" },
{ "Test", kTestWidth, "Test" },
{ "Tests", kTestWidth, "Test" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
base::string16 result = ElideText(UTF8ToUTF16(cases[i].input), font_list,
cases[i].width, TRUNCATE_AT_END);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(result));
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsis DISABLED_ElideTextEllipsis
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsis ElideTextEllipsis
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsis) {
const FontList font_list;
const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
const char* kEllipsis = "\xE2\x80\xA6";
const float kEllipsisWidth =
GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsis), font_list);
struct TestData {
const char* input;
float width;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "", 0, "" },
{ "Test", 0, "" },
{ "Test", kEllipsisWidth, kEllipsis },
{ "", kTestWidth, "" },
{ "Tes", kTestWidth, "Tes" },
{ "Test", kTestWidth, "Test" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
base::string16 result = ElideText(UTF8ToUTF16(cases[i].input), font_list,
cases[i].width, ELIDE_AT_END);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(result));
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsisFront DISABLED_ElideTextEllipsisFront
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsisFront ElideTextEllipsisFront
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsisFront) {
const FontList font_list;
const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
const float kEllipsisWidth =
GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsis), font_list);
const float kEllipsis23Width =
GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr + "23"), font_list);
struct TestData {
const char* input;
float width;
const base::string16 output;
} cases[] = {
{ "", 0, base::string16() },
{ "Test", 0, base::string16() },
{ "Test", kEllipsisWidth, UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr) },
{ "", kTestWidth, base::string16() },
{ "Tes", kTestWidth, ASCIIToUTF16("Tes") },
{ "Test", kTestWidth, ASCIIToUTF16("Test") },
{ "Test123", kEllipsis23Width, UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr + "23") },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
base::string16 result = ElideText(UTF8ToUTF16(cases[i].input), font_list,
cases[i].width, ELIDE_AT_BEGINNING);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result);
static void CheckSurrogatePairs(const base::string16& text,
base::char16 first_char,
base::char16 second_char) {
size_t index = text.find_first_of(first_char);
while (index != base::string16::npos) {
EXPECT_LT(index, text.length() - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(second_char, text[index + 1]);
index = text.find_first_of(first_char, index + 1);
index = text.find_first_of(second_char);
while (index != base::string16::npos) {
EXPECT_GT(index, 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(first_char, text[index - 1]);
index = text.find_first_of(second_char, index + 1);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextSurrogatePairs DISABLED_ElideTextSurrogatePairs
#define MAYBE_ElideTextSurrogatePairs ElideTextSurrogatePairs
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextSurrogatePairs) {
const FontList font_list;
const std::string kSurrogate = "\xF0\x9D\x84\x9E";
const base::string16 kTestString =
UTF8ToUTF16(kSurrogate + "ab" + kSurrogate + kSurrogate + "cd");
const float kTestStringWidth = GetStringWidthF(kTestString, font_list);
const base::char16 kSurrogateFirstChar = kTestString[0];
const base::char16 kSurrogateSecondChar = kTestString[1];
base::string16 result;
for (float width = 0; width <= kTestStringWidth; width++) {
result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, TRUNCATE_AT_END);
CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);
result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, ELIDE_AT_END);
CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);
result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, ELIDE_IN_MIDDLE);
CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);
result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, ELIDE_AT_BEGINNING);
CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextLongStrings DISABLED_ElideTextLongStrings
#define MAYBE_ElideTextLongStrings ElideTextLongStrings
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextLongStrings) {
const base::string16 kEllipsisStr = UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsis);
base::string16 data_scheme(UTF8ToUTF16("data:text/plain,"));
size_t data_scheme_length = data_scheme.length();
base::string16 ten_a(10, 'a');
base::string16 hundred_a(100, 'a');
base::string16 thousand_a(1000, 'a');
base::string16 ten_thousand_a(10000, 'a');
base::string16 hundred_thousand_a(100000, 'a');
base::string16 million_a(1000000, 'a');
size_t number_of_as = 156;
base::string16 long_string_end(
data_scheme + base::string16(number_of_as, 'a') + kEllipsisStr);
UTF16Testcase testcases_end[] = {
{ data_scheme + ten_a, data_scheme + ten_a },
{ data_scheme + hundred_a, data_scheme + hundred_a },
{ data_scheme + thousand_a, long_string_end },
{ data_scheme + ten_thousand_a, long_string_end },
{ data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_end },
{ data_scheme + million_a, long_string_end },
const FontList font_list;
float ellipsis_width = GetStringWidthF(kEllipsisStr, font_list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases_end); ++i) {
GetStringWidthF(testcases_end[i].output, font_list),
ElideText(testcases_end[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,
size_t number_of_trailing_as = (data_scheme_length + number_of_as) / 2;
base::string16 long_string_middle(data_scheme +
base::string16(number_of_as - number_of_trailing_as, 'a') + kEllipsisStr +
base::string16(number_of_trailing_as, 'a'));
UTF16Testcase testcases_middle[] = {
{ data_scheme + ten_a, data_scheme + ten_a },
{ data_scheme + hundred_a, data_scheme + hundred_a },
{ data_scheme + thousand_a, long_string_middle },
{ data_scheme + ten_thousand_a, long_string_middle },
{ data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_middle },
{ data_scheme + million_a, long_string_middle },
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases_middle); ++i) {
GetStringWidthF(testcases_middle[i].output, font_list),
ElideText(testcases_middle[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,
base::string16 long_string_beginning(
kEllipsisStr + base::string16(number_of_as, 'a'));
UTF16Testcase testcases_beginning[] = {
{ data_scheme + ten_a, data_scheme + ten_a },
{ data_scheme + hundred_a, data_scheme + hundred_a },
{ data_scheme + thousand_a, long_string_beginning },
{ data_scheme + ten_thousand_a, long_string_beginning },
{ data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_beginning },
{ data_scheme + million_a, long_string_beginning },
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases_beginning); ++i) {
testcases_beginning[i].input, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(testcases_beginning[i].output, font_list),
ElideText(testcases_beginning[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideString) {
struct TestData {
const char* input;
int max_len;
bool result;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "Hello", 0, true, "" },
{ "", 0, false, "" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 1, true, "H" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 2, true, "He" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 3, true, "H.m" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 4, true, "H..m" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 5, true, "H...m" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 6, true, "He...m" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 7, true, "" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 10, true, "Hell...Tom" },
{ "Hello, my name is Tom", 100, false, "Hello, my name is Tom" }
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
base::string16 output;
cases[i].max_len, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(output));
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleText DISABLED_ElideRectangleText
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleText ElideRectangleText
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleText) {
const FontList font_list;
const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
struct TestData {
const char* input;
float available_pixel_width;
int available_pixel_height;
bool truncated_y;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "", 0, 0, false, NULL },
{ "", 1, 1, false, NULL },
{ "Test", test_width, 0, true, NULL },
{ "Test", test_width, 1, false, "Test" },
{ "Test", test_width, line_height, false, "Test" },
{ "Test Test", test_width, line_height, true, "Test" },
{ "Test Test", test_width, line_height + 1, false, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test Test", test_width, line_height * 2, false, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test Test", test_width, line_height * 3, false, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test Test", test_width * 2, line_height * 2, false, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test Test", test_width * 3, line_height, false, "Test Test" },
{ "Test\nTest", test_width * 3, line_height * 2, false, "Test|Test" },
{ "Te\nst Te", test_width, line_height * 3, false, "Te|st|Te" },
{ "\nTest", test_width, line_height * 2, false, "|Test" },
{ "\nTest", test_width, line_height, true, "" },
{ "\n\nTest", test_width, line_height * 3, false, "||Test" },
{ "\n\nTest", test_width, line_height * 2, true, "|" },
{ "Test\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|" },
{ "Test\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test||" },
{ "Test\n\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|||" },
{ "Test\nTest\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|Test||" },
{ "Test\n\nTest\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test||Test|" },
{ "Test\n\n\nTest", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|||Test" },
{ "Te ", test_width, line_height, false, "Te" },
{ "Te Te Test", test_width, 3 * line_height, false, "Te|Te|Test" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
std::vector<base::string16> lines;
if (cases[i].output) {
const std::string result = UTF16ToUTF8(JoinString(lines, '|'));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(lines.empty()) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextPunctuation \
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextPunctuation ElideRectangleTextPunctuation
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextPunctuation) {
const FontList font_list;
const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
const float test_t_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test T"), font_list);
struct TestData {
const char* input;
float available_pixel_width;
int available_pixel_height;
bool wrap_words;
bool truncated_x;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "Test T.", test_t_width, line_height * 2, false, false, "Test|T." },
{ "Test T ?", test_t_width, line_height * 2, false, false, "Test|T ?" },
{ "Test. Test", test_width, line_height * 3, false, true, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test. Test", test_width, line_height * 3, true, false, "Test|.|Test" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
std::vector<base::string16> lines;
const WordWrapBehavior wrap_behavior =
(cases[i].wrap_words ? WRAP_LONG_WORDS : TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS);
if (cases[i].output) {
const std::string result = UTF16ToUTF8(JoinString(lines, '|'));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(lines.empty()) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextLongWords DISABLED_ElideRectangleTextLongWords
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextLongWords ElideRectangleTextLongWords
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextLongWords) {
const FontList font_list;
const int kAvailableHeight = 1000;
const base::string16 kElidedTesting =
UTF8ToUTF16(std::string("Tes") + kEllipsis);
const float elided_width = GetStringWidthF(kElidedTesting, font_list);
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
struct TestData {
const char* input;
float available_pixel_width;
WordWrapBehavior wrap_behavior;
bool truncated_x;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Testing" },
{ "X Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "X|Testing" },
{ "Test Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Testing" },
{ "Test\nTesting", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Testing" },
{ "Test Tests ", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Tests" },
{ "Test Tests T", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Tests|T" },
{ "Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Tes..." },
{ "X Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "X|Tes..." },
{ "Test Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Tes..." },
{ "Test\nTesting", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Tes..." },
{ "Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test" },
{ "X Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "X|Test" },
{ "Test Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test\nTesting", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test Tests ", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test" },
{ "Test Tests T", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test|T" },
{ "Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|ing" },
{ "X Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "X|Test|ing" },
{ "Test Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|ing" },
{ "Test\nTesting", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|ing" },
{ "Test Tests ", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|s" },
{ "Test Tests T", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|s T" },
{ "TestTestTest", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|Test" },
{ "TestTestTestT", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|Test|T" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
std::vector<base::string16> lines;
std::string expected_output(cases[i].output);
ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&expected_output, 0, "...", kEllipsis);
const std::string result = UTF16ToUTF8(JoinString(lines, '|'));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth \
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth) {
FontList font_list;
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
font_list = FontList(Font("LucidaGrande", 12));
const float kAvailableWidth = 235;
const int kAvailableHeight = 1000;
const char text[] = "that Russian place we used to go to after fencing";
std::vector<base::string16> lines;
EXPECT_EQ(0, ElideRectangleText(UTF8ToUTF16(text),
ASSERT_EQ(2u, lines.size());
EXPECT_LE(GetStringWidthF(lines[0], font_list), kAvailableWidth);
EXPECT_LE(GetStringWidthF(lines[1], font_list), kAvailableWidth);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleString) {
struct TestData {
const char* input;
int max_rows;
int max_cols;
bool result;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "", 0, 0, false, "" },
{ "", 1, 1, false, "" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 0, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 0, true, "\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 1, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 1, true, "H\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 1, true, "H\ni\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 1, true, "H\ni\n,\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 1, true, "H\ni\n,\n \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 1, true, "H\ni\n,\n \nm\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 2, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 2, true, "Hi\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 2, true, "Hi\n, \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 2, true, "Hi\n, \nmy\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 2, true, "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 2, true, "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\nam\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 3, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 3, true, "Hi,\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n na\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n na\nme \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n na\nme \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 4, true, "Hi, \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 4, true, "Hi, \nmy n\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 4, true, "Hi, \nmy n\name \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 4, true, "Hi, \nmy n\name \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 4, false, "Hi, \nmy n\name \nis\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 5, true, "Hi, \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 5, true, "Hi, \nmy na\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 5, true, "Hi, \nmy na\nme \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 5, true, "Hi, \nmy na\nme \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 5, false, "Hi, \nmy na\nme \nis\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 6, true, "Hi, \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 6, true, "Hi, \nmy \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 6, true, "Hi, \nmy \nname \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 6, true, "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 6, false, "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 7, true, "Hi, \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 7, true, "Hi, \nmy \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 7, true, "Hi, \nmy \nname \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 7, true, "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 7, false, "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 8, true, "Hi, my \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 8, true, "Hi, my \nname \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 8, true, "Hi, my \nname \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 8, false, "Hi, my \nname \nis\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 9, true, "Hi, my \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 9, true, "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 9, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 10, true, "Hi, my \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 10, true, "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 10, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 11, true, "Hi, my \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 11, true, "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 11, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 12, true, "Hi, my \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 12, true, "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 12, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 13, true, "Hi, my name \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 13, true, "Hi, my name \nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 13, false, "Hi, my name \nis\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 20, true, "Hi, my name is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 20, false, "Hi, my name is\nTom" },
{ "Hi, my name is Tom", 1, 40, false, "Hi, my name is Tom" },
base::string16 output;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
cases[i].max_rows, cases[i].max_cols,
true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(output));
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleStringNotStrict) {
struct TestData {
const char* input;
int max_rows;
int max_cols;
bool result;
const char* output;
} cases[] = {
{ "", 0, 0, false, "" },
{ "", 1, 1, false, "" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 0, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 0, true, "\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 1, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 1, true, "H\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 1, true, "H\ni\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 1, true, "H\ni\n,\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 1, true, "H\ni\n,\n \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 1, true, "H\ni\n,\n \nm\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 2, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 2, true, "Hi\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 2, true, "Hi\n, \n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 2, true, "Hi\n, \nmy\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 2, true, "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 2, true, "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\nam\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 3, true, "..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 3, true, "Hi,\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n na\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n na\nme_\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 3, true, "Hi,\n my\n na\nme_\nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 4, true, "Hi, ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 4, true, "Hi, my n\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 4, true, "Hi, my n\name_\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 4, true, "Hi, my n\name_\nis\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 4, false, "Hi, my n\name_\nis\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 5, true, "Hi, ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 5, true, "Hi, my na\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 5, true, "Hi, my na\nme_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 5, true, "Hi, my na\nme_is\n\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 5, false, "Hi, my na\nme_is\n\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 6, true, "Hi, ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 6, true, "Hi, my nam\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 6, true, "Hi, my nam\ne_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 6, false, "Hi, my nam\ne_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 6, false, "Hi, my nam\ne_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 7, true, "Hi, ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 7, true, "Hi, my name\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 7, true, "Hi, my name\n_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 7, false, "Hi, my name\n_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 7, false, "Hi, my name\n_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 8, true, "Hi, my n\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 8, true, "Hi, my n\name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 8, false, "Hi, my n\name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 9, true, "Hi, my ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 9, true, "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 9, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 10, true, "Hi, my ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 10, true, "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 10, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 11, true, "Hi, my ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 11, true, "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 11, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 12, true, "Hi, my ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 12, true, "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 12, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 13, true, "Hi, my ..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 13, true, "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 13, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 20, true, "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
{ "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 20, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
{ "Hi, my name_is Dick", 1, 40, false, "Hi, my name_is Dick" },
base::string16 output;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
cases[i].max_rows, cases[i].max_cols,
false, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(output));
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleWide16) {
const base::string16 str(WideToUTF16(
const base::string16 out1(WideToUTF16(
const base::string16 out2(WideToUTF16(
base::string16 output;
EXPECT_TRUE(ElideRectangleString(str, 2, 4, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(out1, output);
EXPECT_FALSE(ElideRectangleString(str, 2, 12, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(out2, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleWide32) {
const base::string16 str(UTF8ToUTF16(
" aaaaa"));
const base::string16 out(UTF8ToUTF16(
"\xF0\x9D\x92\x9C \naaa\n..."));
base::string16 output;
EXPECT_TRUE(ElideRectangleString(str, 3, 3, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(out, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, TruncateString) {
base::string16 string = ASCIIToUTF16("foooooey bxxxar baz");
EXPECT_EQ(string, TruncateString(string, 100));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 0)));
EXPECT_EQ(L"\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 1)));
EXPECT_EQ(L"foooooey\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 14)));
EXPECT_EQ(L"f\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 2)));
EXPECT_EQ(L"foooooey\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 11)));
EXPECT_EQ(L"\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(ASCIIToUTF16(" "), 2)));