
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. TEST
  2. TEST
  3. TEST
  4. TEST
  5. TEST
  6. TEST
  7. CheckSurrogatePairs
  8. TEST
  9. TEST
  10. TEST
  11. TEST
  12. TEST
  13. TEST
  14. TEST
  15. TEST
  16. TEST
  17. TEST
  18. TEST
  19. TEST

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Unit tests for eliding and formatting utility functions.

#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"

#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"

using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using base::UTF16ToUTF8;
using base::UTF16ToWide;
using base::UTF8ToUTF16;
using base::WideToUTF16;

namespace gfx {

namespace {

struct Testcase {
  const std::string input;
  const std::string output;

struct FileTestcase {
  const base::FilePath::StringType input;
  const std::string output;

struct UTF16Testcase {
  const base::string16 input;
  const base::string16 output;

struct TestData {
  const std::string a;
  const std::string b;
  const int compare_result;

}  // namespace

// TODO(ios): This test fails on iOS because iOS version of GetStringWidthF
// that calls [NSString sizeWithFont] returns the rounded string width.
// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideEmail DISABLED_ElideEmail
#define MAYBE_ElideEmail ElideEmail
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideEmail) {
  const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);

  // Test emails and their expected elided forms (from which the available
  // widths will be derived).
  // For elided forms in which both the username and domain must be elided:
  // the result (how many characters are left on each side) can be font
  // dependent. To avoid this, the username is prefixed with the characters
  // expected to remain in the domain.
  Testcase testcases[] = {
      {"g@g.c", "g@g.c"},
      {"g@g.c", kEllipsisStr},
      {"", "ga@c" + kEllipsisStr + "a"},
      {"", "s" + kEllipsisStr + "@s" + kEllipsisStr},
      {"", "s" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
      {"", ""},
       "short@long" + kEllipsisStr + ".com"},
       "la" + kEllipsisStr + "@l" + kEllipsisStr + "a"},
      {"", "long" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
      {"", "e" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
       "thatom" + kEllipsisStr + "@tha" + kEllipsisStr + "om"},
       "namefits@butthedo" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
      {"", kEllipsisStr},
      {"nospaceforusername@l", kEllipsisStr},
      {"", "l" + kEllipsisStr + "@l" + kEllipsisStr},
      {"", "l@lllll" + kEllipsisStr + ".com"},
       "messed\"up@why" + kEllipsisStr + ""},
       "noca" + kEllipsisStr + "@no" + kEllipsisStr + "ca"},
       "at\"@@@@@@@@@...@@.@." + kEllipsisStr + ""},
      // Special case: "m..." takes more than half of the available width; thus
      // the domain must elide to "l..." and not "l...l" as it must allow enough
      // space for the minimal username elision although its half of the
      // available width would normally allow it to elide to "l...l".
      {"mmmmm@llllllllll", "m" + kEllipsisStr + "@l" + kEllipsisStr},

  const FontList font_list;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases); ++i) {
    const base::string16 expected_output = UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output);
                  GetStringWidthF(expected_output, font_list)));

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideEmailMoreSpace DISABLED_ElideEmailMoreSpace
#define MAYBE_ElideEmailMoreSpace ElideEmailMoreSpace
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideEmailMoreSpace) {
  const int test_width_factors[] = {
  const std::string test_emails[] = {

  const FontList font_list;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_width_factors); ++i) {
    const int test_width =
    for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(test_emails); ++j) {
      // Extra space is available: the email should not be elided.
      const base::string16 test_email = UTF8ToUTF16(test_emails[j]);
      EXPECT_EQ(test_email, ElideEmail(test_email, font_list, test_width));

// TODO(ios): This test fails on iOS because iOS version of GetStringWidthF
// that calls [NSString sizeWithFont] returns the rounded string width.
// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_TestFilenameEliding DISABLED_TestFilenameEliding
#define MAYBE_TestFilenameEliding TestFilenameEliding
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_TestFilenameEliding) {
  const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
  const base::FilePath::StringType kPathSeparator =
      base::FilePath::StringType().append(1, base::FilePath::kSeparators[0]);

  FileTestcase testcases[] = {
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), ""},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("."), "."},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.exe"), "filename.exe"},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".longext"), ".longext"},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("pie"), "pie"},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:") + kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("path") +
      kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.pie"),
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:") + kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("path") +
      kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("longfilename.pie"),
      "long" + kEllipsisStr + ".pie"},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), "filename.pie"},
      "long" + kEllipsisStr + ".pie"},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("piesmashingtacularpants"), "pie" + kEllipsisStr},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".piesmashingtacularpants"), ".pie" + kEllipsisStr},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("cheese."), "cheese."},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("file name.longext"),
      "file" + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
    {FILE_PATH_LITERAL("fil ename.longext"),
      "fil " + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
      "file" + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
      "filename.mid" + kEllipsisStr + ".longext"},
      "filename.sup" + kEllipsisStr + "emelylongext"},
      "filenamereall" + kEllipsisStr + "emelylongext"},
      "" + kEllipsisStr + "emelylongext"}

  static const FontList font_list;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases); ++i) {
    base::FilePath filepath(testcases[i].input);
    base::string16 expected = UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output);
    expected = base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(expected);
    EXPECT_EQ(expected, ElideFilename(filepath, font_list,
        GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output), font_list)));

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextTruncate DISABLED_ElideTextTruncate
#define MAYBE_ElideTextTruncate ElideTextTruncate
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextTruncate) {
  const FontList font_list;
  const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    float width;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "", 0, "" },
    { "Test", 0, "" },
    { "", kTestWidth, "" },
    { "Tes", kTestWidth, "Tes" },
    { "Test", kTestWidth, "Test" },
    { "Tests", kTestWidth, "Test" },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    base::string16 result = ElideText(UTF8ToUTF16(cases[i].input), font_list,
                                cases[i].width, TRUNCATE_AT_END);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(result));

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsis DISABLED_ElideTextEllipsis
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsis ElideTextEllipsis
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsis) {
  const FontList font_list;
  const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
  const char* kEllipsis = "\xE2\x80\xA6";
  const float kEllipsisWidth =
      GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsis), font_list);
  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    float width;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "", 0, "" },
    { "Test", 0, "" },
    { "Test", kEllipsisWidth, kEllipsis },
    { "", kTestWidth, "" },
    { "Tes", kTestWidth, "Tes" },
    { "Test", kTestWidth, "Test" },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    base::string16 result = ElideText(UTF8ToUTF16(cases[i].input), font_list,
                                cases[i].width, ELIDE_AT_END);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(result));

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsisFront DISABLED_ElideTextEllipsisFront
#define MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsisFront ElideTextEllipsisFront
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextEllipsisFront) {
  const FontList font_list;
  const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
  const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
  const float kEllipsisWidth =
      GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsis), font_list);
  const float kEllipsis23Width =
      GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr + "23"), font_list);
  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    float width;
    const base::string16 output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "",        0,                base::string16() },
    { "Test",    0,                base::string16() },
    { "Test",    kEllipsisWidth,   UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr) },
    { "",        kTestWidth,       base::string16() },
    { "Tes",     kTestWidth,       ASCIIToUTF16("Tes") },
    { "Test",    kTestWidth,       ASCIIToUTF16("Test") },
    { "Test123", kEllipsis23Width, UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr + "23") },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    base::string16 result = ElideText(UTF8ToUTF16(cases[i].input), font_list,
                                      cases[i].width, ELIDE_AT_BEGINNING);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result);

// Checks that all occurrences of |first_char| are followed by |second_char| and
// all occurrences of |second_char| are preceded by |first_char| in |text|.
static void CheckSurrogatePairs(const base::string16& text,
                                base::char16 first_char,
                                base::char16 second_char) {
  size_t index = text.find_first_of(first_char);
  while (index != base::string16::npos) {
    EXPECT_LT(index, text.length() - 1);
    EXPECT_EQ(second_char, text[index + 1]);
    index = text.find_first_of(first_char, index + 1);
  index = text.find_first_of(second_char);
  while (index != base::string16::npos) {
    EXPECT_GT(index, 0U);
    EXPECT_EQ(first_char, text[index - 1]);
    index = text.find_first_of(second_char, index + 1);

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextSurrogatePairs DISABLED_ElideTextSurrogatePairs
#define MAYBE_ElideTextSurrogatePairs ElideTextSurrogatePairs
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextSurrogatePairs) {
  const FontList font_list;
  // The below is 'MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF', which is represented in UTF-16 as
  // two characters forming a surrogate pair 0x0001D11E.
  const std::string kSurrogate = "\xF0\x9D\x84\x9E";
  const base::string16 kTestString =
      UTF8ToUTF16(kSurrogate + "ab" + kSurrogate + kSurrogate + "cd");
  const float kTestStringWidth = GetStringWidthF(kTestString, font_list);
  const base::char16 kSurrogateFirstChar = kTestString[0];
  const base::char16 kSurrogateSecondChar = kTestString[1];
  base::string16 result;

  // Elide |kTextString| to all possible widths and check that no instance of
  // |kSurrogate| was split in two.
  for (float width = 0; width <= kTestStringWidth; width++) {
    result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, TRUNCATE_AT_END);
    CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);

    result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, ELIDE_AT_END);
    CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);

    result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, ELIDE_IN_MIDDLE);
    CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);

    result = ElideText(kTestString, font_list, width, ELIDE_AT_BEGINNING);
    CheckSurrogatePairs(result, kSurrogateFirstChar, kSurrogateSecondChar);

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideTextLongStrings DISABLED_ElideTextLongStrings
#define MAYBE_ElideTextLongStrings ElideTextLongStrings
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideTextLongStrings) {
  const base::string16 kEllipsisStr = UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsis);
  base::string16 data_scheme(UTF8ToUTF16("data:text/plain,"));
  size_t data_scheme_length = data_scheme.length();

  base::string16 ten_a(10, 'a');
  base::string16 hundred_a(100, 'a');
  base::string16 thousand_a(1000, 'a');
  base::string16 ten_thousand_a(10000, 'a');
  base::string16 hundred_thousand_a(100000, 'a');
  base::string16 million_a(1000000, 'a');

  // TODO(gbillock): Improve these tests by adding more string diversity and
  // doing string compares instead of length compares. See bug 338836.

  size_t number_of_as = 156;
  base::string16 long_string_end(
      data_scheme + base::string16(number_of_as, 'a') + kEllipsisStr);
  UTF16Testcase testcases_end[] = {
     { data_scheme + ten_a,              data_scheme + ten_a },
     { data_scheme + hundred_a,          data_scheme + hundred_a },
     { data_scheme + thousand_a,         long_string_end },
     { data_scheme + ten_thousand_a,     long_string_end },
     { data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_end },
     { data_scheme + million_a,          long_string_end },

  const FontList font_list;
  float ellipsis_width = GetStringWidthF(kEllipsisStr, font_list);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases_end); ++i) {
    // Compare sizes rather than actual contents because if the test fails,
    // output is rather long.
                  GetStringWidthF(testcases_end[i].output, font_list),
              ElideText(testcases_end[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,

  size_t number_of_trailing_as = (data_scheme_length + number_of_as) / 2;
  base::string16 long_string_middle(data_scheme +
      base::string16(number_of_as - number_of_trailing_as, 'a') + kEllipsisStr +
      base::string16(number_of_trailing_as, 'a'));
  UTF16Testcase testcases_middle[] = {
     { data_scheme + ten_a,              data_scheme + ten_a },
     { data_scheme + hundred_a,          data_scheme + hundred_a },
     { data_scheme + thousand_a,         long_string_middle },
     { data_scheme + ten_thousand_a,     long_string_middle },
     { data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_middle },
     { data_scheme + million_a,          long_string_middle },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases_middle); ++i) {
    // Compare sizes rather than actual contents because if the test fails,
    // output is rather long.
                  GetStringWidthF(testcases_middle[i].output, font_list),
              ElideText(testcases_middle[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,

  base::string16 long_string_beginning(
      kEllipsisStr + base::string16(number_of_as, 'a'));
  UTF16Testcase testcases_beginning[] = {
     { data_scheme + ten_a,              data_scheme + ten_a },
     { data_scheme + hundred_a,          data_scheme + hundred_a },
     { data_scheme + thousand_a,         long_string_beginning },
     { data_scheme + ten_thousand_a,     long_string_beginning },
     { data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_beginning },
     { data_scheme + million_a,          long_string_beginning },
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases_beginning); ++i) {
                  testcases_beginning[i].input, font_list,
                  GetStringWidthF(testcases_beginning[i].output, font_list),
              ElideText(testcases_beginning[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,

TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideString) {
  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    int max_len;
    bool result;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "Hello", 0, true, "" },
    { "", 0, false, "" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 1, true, "H" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 2, true, "He" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 3, true, "H.m" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 4, true, "H..m" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 5, true, "H...m" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 6, true, "He...m" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 7, true, "" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 10, true, "Hell...Tom" },
    { "Hello, my name is Tom", 100, false, "Hello, my name is Tom" }
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    base::string16 output;
                          cases[i].max_len, &output));
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(output));

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleText DISABLED_ElideRectangleText
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleText ElideRectangleText
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleText) {
  const FontList font_list;
  const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
  const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);

  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    float available_pixel_width;
    int available_pixel_height;
    bool truncated_y;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "", 0, 0, false, NULL },
    { "", 1, 1, false, NULL },
    { "Test", test_width, 0, true, NULL },
    { "Test", test_width, 1, false, "Test" },
    { "Test", test_width, line_height, false, "Test" },
    { "Test Test", test_width, line_height, true, "Test" },
    { "Test Test", test_width, line_height + 1, false, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test Test", test_width, line_height * 2, false, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test Test", test_width, line_height * 3, false, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test Test", test_width * 2, line_height * 2, false, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test Test", test_width * 3, line_height, false, "Test Test" },
    { "Test\nTest", test_width * 3, line_height * 2, false, "Test|Test" },
    { "Te\nst Te", test_width, line_height * 3, false, "Te|st|Te" },
    { "\nTest", test_width, line_height * 2, false, "|Test" },
    { "\nTest", test_width, line_height, true, "" },
    { "\n\nTest", test_width, line_height * 3, false, "||Test" },
    { "\n\nTest", test_width, line_height * 2, true, "|" },
    { "Test\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|" },
    { "Test\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test||" },
    { "Test\n\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|||" },
    { "Test\nTest\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|Test||" },
    { "Test\n\nTest\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test||Test|" },
    { "Test\n\n\nTest", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, "Test|||Test" },
    { "Te ", test_width, line_height, false, "Te" },
    { "Te  Te Test", test_width, 3 * line_height, false, "Te|Te|Test" },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    std::vector<base::string16> lines;
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].truncated_y ? INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_VERTICAL : 0,
    if (cases[i].output) {
      const std::string result = UTF16ToUTF8(JoinString(lines, '|'));
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
    } else {
      EXPECT_TRUE(lines.empty()) << "Case " << i << " failed!";

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextPunctuation \
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextPunctuation ElideRectangleTextPunctuation
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextPunctuation) {
  const FontList font_list;
  const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
  const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);
  const float test_t_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test T"), font_list);

  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    float available_pixel_width;
    int available_pixel_height;
    bool wrap_words;
    bool truncated_x;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "Test T.", test_t_width, line_height * 2, false, false, "Test|T." },
    { "Test T ?", test_t_width, line_height * 2, false, false, "Test|T ?" },
    { "Test. Test", test_width, line_height * 3, false, true, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test. Test", test_width, line_height * 3, true, false, "Test|.|Test" },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    std::vector<base::string16> lines;
    const WordWrapBehavior wrap_behavior =
        (cases[i].wrap_words ? WRAP_LONG_WORDS : TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].truncated_x ? INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_HORIZONTAL : 0,
    if (cases[i].output) {
      const std::string result = UTF16ToUTF8(JoinString(lines, '|'));
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
    } else {
      EXPECT_TRUE(lines.empty()) << "Case " << i << " failed!";

// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextLongWords DISABLED_ElideRectangleTextLongWords
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextLongWords ElideRectangleTextLongWords
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextLongWords) {
  const FontList font_list;
  const int kAvailableHeight = 1000;
  const base::string16 kElidedTesting =
      UTF8ToUTF16(std::string("Tes") + kEllipsis);
  const float elided_width = GetStringWidthF(kElidedTesting, font_list);
  const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(ASCIIToUTF16("Test"), font_list);

  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    float available_pixel_width;
    WordWrapBehavior wrap_behavior;
    bool truncated_x;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Testing" },
    { "X Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "X|Testing" },
    { "Test Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Testing" },
    { "Test\nTesting", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Testing" },
    { "Test Tests ", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Tests" },
    { "Test Tests T", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Tests|T" },

    { "Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Tes..." },
    { "X Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "X|Tes..." },
    { "Test Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Tes..." },
    { "Test\nTesting", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Tes..." },

    { "Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test" },
    { "X Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "X|Test" },
    { "Test Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test\nTesting", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test Tests ", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test" },
    { "Test Tests T", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, "Test|Test|T" },

    { "Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|ing" },
    { "X Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "X|Test|ing" },
    { "Test Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|ing" },
    { "Test\nTesting", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|ing" },
    { "Test Tests ", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|s" },
    { "Test Tests T", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|s T" },
    { "TestTestTest", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|Test" },
    { "TestTestTestT", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, "Test|Test|Test|T" },

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
    std::vector<base::string16> lines;
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].truncated_x ? INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_HORIZONTAL : 0,
    std::string expected_output(cases[i].output);
    ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&expected_output, 0, "...", kEllipsis);
    const std::string result = UTF16ToUTF8(JoinString(lines, '|'));
    EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";

// This test is to make sure that the width of each wrapped line does not
// exceed the available width. On some platform like Mac, this test used to
// fail because the truncated integer width is returned for the string
// and the accumulation of the truncated values causes the elide function
// to wrap incorrectly.
// TODO(338784): Enable this on android.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth \
#define MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth
TEST(TextEliderTest, MAYBE_ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth) {
  FontList font_list;
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
  // Use a specific font to expose the line width exceeding problem.
  font_list = FontList(Font("LucidaGrande", 12));
  const float kAvailableWidth = 235;
  const int kAvailableHeight = 1000;
  const char text[] = "that Russian place we used to go to after fencing";
  std::vector<base::string16> lines;
  EXPECT_EQ(0, ElideRectangleText(UTF8ToUTF16(text),
  ASSERT_EQ(2u, lines.size());
  EXPECT_LE(GetStringWidthF(lines[0], font_list), kAvailableWidth);
  EXPECT_LE(GetStringWidthF(lines[1], font_list), kAvailableWidth);

TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleString) {
  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    int max_rows;
    int max_cols;
    bool result;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "", 0, 0, false, "" },
    { "", 1, 1, false, "" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 0,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 0,  true,  "\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 1,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 1,  true,  "H\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n,\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n,\n \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n,\n \nm\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 2,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 2,  true,  "Hi\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \nmy\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\nam\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 3,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n na\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n na\nme \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n na\nme \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 4,  true,  "Hi, \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 4,  true,  "Hi, \nmy n\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 4,  true,  "Hi, \nmy n\name \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 4,  true,  "Hi, \nmy n\name \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 4,  false, "Hi, \nmy n\name \nis\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 5,  true,  "Hi, \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 5,  true,  "Hi, \nmy na\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 5,  true,  "Hi, \nmy na\nme \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 5,  true,  "Hi, \nmy na\nme \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 5,  false, "Hi, \nmy na\nme \nis\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 6,  true,  "Hi, \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 6,  true,  "Hi, \nmy \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 6,  true,  "Hi, \nmy \nname \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 6,  true,  "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 6,  false, "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 7,  true,  "Hi, \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 7,  true,  "Hi, \nmy \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 7,  true,  "Hi, \nmy \nname \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 7,  true,  "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 7,  false, "Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 8,  true,  "Hi, my \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 8,  true,  "Hi, my \nname \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 8,  true,  "Hi, my \nname \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 8,  false, "Hi, my \nname \nis\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 9,  true,  "Hi, my \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 9,  true,  "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 9,  false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 10, true,  "Hi, my \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 10, true,  "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 10, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 11, true,  "Hi, my \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 11, true,  "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 11, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 12, true,  "Hi, my \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 12, true,  "Hi, my \nname is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 12, false, "Hi, my \nname is\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 13, true,  "Hi, my name \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 13, true,  "Hi, my name \nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 13, false, "Hi, my name \nis\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 20, true,  "Hi, my name is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 20, false, "Hi, my name is\nTom" },
    { "Hi, my name is Tom",  1, 40, false, "Hi, my name is Tom" },
  base::string16 output;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
                                   cases[i].max_rows, cases[i].max_cols,
                                   true, &output));
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(output));

TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleStringNotStrict) {
  struct TestData {
    const char* input;
    int max_rows;
    int max_cols;
    bool result;
    const char* output;
  } cases[] = {
    { "", 0, 0, false, "" },
    { "", 1, 1, false, "" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 0,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 0,  true,  "\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 1,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 1,  true,  "H\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n,\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n,\n \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 1,  true,  "H\ni\n,\n \nm\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 2,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 2,  true,  "Hi\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \nmy\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 2,  true,  "Hi\n, \nmy\n n\nam\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 3,  true,  "..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n na\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n na\nme_\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 3,  true,  "Hi,\n my\n na\nme_\nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 4,  true,  "Hi, ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 4,  true,  "Hi, my n\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 4,  true,  "Hi, my n\name_\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 4,  true,  "Hi, my n\name_\nis\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 4,  false, "Hi, my n\name_\nis\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 5,  true,  "Hi, ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 5,  true,  "Hi, my na\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 5,  true,  "Hi, my na\nme_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 5,  true,  "Hi, my na\nme_is\n\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 5,  false, "Hi, my na\nme_is\n\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 6,  true,  "Hi, ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 6,  true,  "Hi, my nam\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 6,  true,  "Hi, my nam\ne_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 6,  false, "Hi, my nam\ne_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 6,  false, "Hi, my nam\ne_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 7,  true,  "Hi, ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 7,  true,  "Hi, my name\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 7,  true,  "Hi, my name\n_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 7,  false, "Hi, my name\n_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 7,  false, "Hi, my name\n_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 8,  true,  "Hi, my n\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 8,  true,  "Hi, my n\name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 8,  false, "Hi, my n\name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 9,  true,  "Hi, my ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 9,  true,  "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 9,  false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 10, true,  "Hi, my ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 10, true,  "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 10, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 11, true,  "Hi, my ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 11, true,  "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 11, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 12, true,  "Hi, my ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 12, true,  "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 12, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 13, true,  "Hi, my ..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 13, true,  "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 13, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 20, true,  "Hi, my name_is\n..." },
    { "Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 20, false, "Hi, my name_is\nDick" },
    { "Hi, my name_is Dick",  1, 40, false, "Hi, my name_is Dick" },
  base::string16 output;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
                                   cases[i].max_rows, cases[i].max_cols,
                                   false, &output));
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, UTF16ToUTF8(output));

TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleWide16) {
  // Two greek words separated by space.
  const base::string16 str(WideToUTF16(
  const base::string16 out1(WideToUTF16(
  const base::string16 out2(WideToUTF16(
  base::string16 output;
  EXPECT_TRUE(ElideRectangleString(str, 2, 4, true, &output));
  EXPECT_EQ(out1, output);
  EXPECT_FALSE(ElideRectangleString(str, 2, 12, true, &output));
  EXPECT_EQ(out2, output);

TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleWide32) {
  // Four U+1D49C MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A followed by space "aaaaa".
  const base::string16 str(UTF8ToUTF16(
      " aaaaa"));
  const base::string16 out(UTF8ToUTF16(
      "\xF0\x9D\x92\x9C \naaa\n..."));
  base::string16 output;
  EXPECT_TRUE(ElideRectangleString(str, 3, 3, true, &output));
  EXPECT_EQ(out, output);

TEST(TextEliderTest, TruncateString) {
  base::string16 string = ASCIIToUTF16("foooooey    bxxxar baz");

  // Make sure it doesn't modify the string if length > string length.
  EXPECT_EQ(string, TruncateString(string, 100));

  // Test no characters.
  EXPECT_EQ(L"", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 0)));

  // Test 1 character.
  EXPECT_EQ(L"\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 1)));

  // Test adds ... at right spot when there is enough room to break at a
  // word boundary.
  EXPECT_EQ(L"foooooey\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 14)));

  // Test adds ... at right spot when there is not enough space in first word.
  EXPECT_EQ(L"f\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 2)));

  // Test adds ... at right spot when there is not enough room to break at a
  // word boundary.
  EXPECT_EQ(L"foooooey\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(string, 11)));

  // Test completely truncates string if break is on initial whitespace.
  EXPECT_EQ(L"\x2026", UTF16ToWide(TruncateString(ASCIIToUTF16("   "), 2)));

}  // namespace gfx

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