This source file includes following definitions.
- EnsureNotProcessingImport
- EnsureNotProcessingBuildConfig
- FillTargetBlockScope
- FillNeedsBlockError
- EnsureSingleStringArg
- ToolchainLabelForScope
- MakeLabelForScope
- RunAssert
- RunConfig
- RunDeclareArgs
- RunDefined
- RunGetEnv
- RunImport
- RunSetSourcesAssignmentFilter
- RunPrint
- is_target
- is_target
- is_target
- is_target
- is_target
- GetFunctions
- RunFunction
#include "tools/gn/functions.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "tools/gn/config.h"
#include "tools/gn/config_values_generator.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/input_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/scheduler.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/settings.h"
#include "tools/gn/template.h"
#include "tools/gn/token.h"
#include "tools/gn/value.h"
bool EnsureNotProcessingImport(const ParseNode* node,
const Scope* scope,
Err* err) {
if (scope->IsProcessingImport()) {
*err = Err(node, "Not valid from an import.",
"Imports are for defining defaults, variables, and rules. The\n"
"appropriate place for this kind of thing is really in a normal\n"
"BUILD file.");
return false;
return true;
bool EnsureNotProcessingBuildConfig(const ParseNode* node,
const Scope* scope,
Err* err) {
if (scope->IsProcessingBuildConfig()) {
*err = Err(node, "Not valid from the build config.",
"You can't do this kind of thing from the build config script, "
"silly!\nPut it in a regular BUILD file.");
return false;
return true;
bool FillTargetBlockScope(const Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::string& target_type,
const BlockNode* block,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Scope* block_scope,
Err* err) {
if (!block) {
FillNeedsBlockError(function, err);
return false;
const Scope* default_scope = scope->GetTargetDefaults(target_type);
if (default_scope) {
if (!default_scope->NonRecursiveMergeTo(block_scope, false, function,
"target defaults", err))
return false;
if (!EnsureSingleStringArg(function, args, err))
return false;
const base::StringPiece target_name("target_name");
block_scope->SetValue(target_name, Value(function, args[0].string_value()),
return true;
void FillNeedsBlockError(const FunctionCallNode* function, Err* err) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "This function call requires a block.",
"The block's \"{\" must be on the same line as the function "
"call's \")\".");
bool EnsureSingleStringArg(const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Err* err) {
if (args.size() != 1) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Incorrect arguments.",
"This function requires a single string argument.");
return false;
return args[0].VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err);
const Label& ToolchainLabelForScope(const Scope* scope) {
return scope->settings()->toolchain_label();
Label MakeLabelForScope(const Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::string& name) {
const Label& toolchain_label = ToolchainLabelForScope(scope);
return Label(scope->GetSourceDir(), name, toolchain_label.dir(),;
namespace functions {
const char kAssert[] = "assert";
const char kAssert_HelpShort[] =
"assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.";
const char kAssert_Help[] =
"assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.\n"
" assert(<condition> [, <error string>])\n"
" If the condition is false, the build will fail with an error. If the\n"
" optional second argument is provided, that string will be printed\n"
" with the error message.\n"
" assert(is_win)\n"
" assert(defined(sources), \"Sources must be defined\")\n";
Value RunAssert(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Err* err) {
if (args.size() != 1 && args.size() != 2) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Wrong number of arguments.",
"assert() takes one or two argument, "
"were you expecting somethig else?");
} else if (args[0].type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Assertion value not a bool.");
} else if (!args[0].boolean_value()) {
if (args.size() == 2) {
if (args[1].type() != Value::STRING) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Assertion failed.",
} else {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Assertion failed.",
} else {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Assertion failed.");
if (args[0].origin()) {
Location origin_location = args[0].origin()->GetRange().begin();
if (origin_location.file() != function->function().location().file() ||
origin_location.line_number() !=
function->function().location().line_number()) {
err->AppendSubErr(Err(args[0].origin()->GetRange(), "",
"This is where it was set."));
return Value();
const char kConfig[] = "config";
const char kConfig_HelpShort[] =
"config: Defines a configuration object.";
const char kConfig_Help[] =
"config: Defines a configuration object.\n"
" Configuration objects can be applied to targets and specify sets of\n"
" compiler flags, includes, defines, etc. They provide a way to\n"
" conveniently group sets of this configuration information.\n"
" A config is referenced by its label just like a target.\n"
" The values in a config are additive only. If you want to remove a flag\n"
" you need to remove the corresponding config that sets it. The final\n"
" set of flags, defines, etc. for a target is generated in this order:\n"
" 1. The values specified directly on the target (rather than using a\n"
" config.\n"
" 2. The configs specified in the target's \"configs\" list, in order.\n"
" 3. Direct dependent configs from a breadth-first traversal of the\n"
" dependency tree in the order that the targets appear in \"deps\".\n"
" 4. All dependent configs from a breadth-first traversal of the\n"
" dependency tree in the order that the targets appear in \"deps\".\n"
"Variables valid in a config definition:\n"
"Variables on a target used to apply configs:\n"
" all_dependent_configs, configs, direct_dependent_configs,\n"
" forward_dependent_configs_from\n"
" config(\"myconfig\") {\n"
" includes = [ \"include/common\" ]\n"
" defines = [ \"ENABLE_DOOM_MELON\" ]\n"
" }\n"
" executable(\"mything\") {\n"
" configs = [ \":myconfig\" ]\n"
" }\n";
Value RunConfig(const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Scope* scope,
Err* err) {
if (!EnsureSingleStringArg(function, args, err) ||
!EnsureNotProcessingImport(function, scope, err))
return Value();
Label label(MakeLabelForScope(scope, function, args[0].string_value()));
if (g_scheduler->verbose_logging())
g_scheduler->Log("Defining config", label.GetUserVisibleName(true));
scoped_ptr<Config> config(new Config(scope->settings(), label));
if (!Visibility::FillItemVisibility(config.get(), scope, err))
return Value();
const SourceDir& input_dir = scope->GetSourceDir();
ConfigValuesGenerator gen(&config->config_values(), scope, input_dir, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
return Value();
const char kDeclareArgs[] = "declare_args";
const char kDeclareArgs_HelpShort[] =
"declare_args: Declare build arguments.";
const char kDeclareArgs_Help[] =
"declare_args: Declare build arguments.\n"
" Introduces the given arguments into the current scope. If they are\n"
" not specified on the command line or in a toolchain's arguments,\n"
" the default values given in the declare_args block will be used.\n"
" However, these defaults will not override command-line values.\n"
" See also \"gn help buildargs\" for an overview.\n"
" declare_args() {\n"
" enable_teleporter = true\n"
" enable_doom_melon = false\n"
" }\n"
" If you want to override the (default disabled) Doom Melon:\n"
" gn --args=\"enable_doom_melon=true enable_teleporter=false\"\n"
" This also sets the teleporter, but it's already defaulted to on so\n"
" it will have no effect.\n";
Value RunDeclareArgs(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
Scope block_scope(scope);
block->ExecuteBlockInScope(&block_scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
Scope::KeyValueMap values;
values, scope, err);
return Value();
const char kDefined[] = "defined";
const char kDefined_HelpShort[] =
"defines: Returns whether an identifier is defined.";
const char kDefined_Help[] =
"defined: Returns whether an identifier is defined.\n"
" Returns true if the given argument is defined. This is most useful in\n"
" templates to assert that the caller set things up properly.\n"
" You can pass an identifier:\n"
" defined(foo)\n"
" which will return true or false depending on whether foo is defined in\n"
" the current scope.\n"
" You can also check a named scope:\n"
" defined(\n"
" which returns true if both foo is defined and bar is defined on the\n"
" named scope foo. It will throw an error if foo is defined but is not\n"
" a scope.\n"
" template(\"mytemplate\") {\n"
" # To help users call this template properly...\n"
" assert(defined(invoker.sources), \"Sources must be defined\")\n"
" # If we want to accept an optional \"values\" argument, we don't\n"
" # want to dereference something that may not be defined.\n"
" if (defined(invoker.values)) {\n"
" values = invoker.values\n"
" } else {\n"
" values = \"some default value\"\n"
" }\n"
" }\n";
Value RunDefined(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const ListNode* args_list,
Err* err) {
const std::vector<const ParseNode*>& args_vector = args_list->contents();
if (args_vector.size() != 1) {
*err = Err(function, "Wrong number of arguments to defined().",
"Expecting exactly one.");
return Value();
const IdentifierNode* identifier = args_vector[0]->AsIdentifier();
if (identifier) {
if (scope->GetValue(identifier->value().value()))
return Value(function, true);
return Value(function, false);
const AccessorNode* accessor = args_vector[0]->AsAccessor();
if (accessor) {
if (accessor->member()) {
const Value* base = scope->GetValue(accessor->base().value());
if (!base)
return Value(function, false);
if (!base->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err))
return Value();
if (base->scope_value()->GetValue(accessor->member()->value().value()))
return Value(function, true);
return Value(function, false);
*err = Err(function, "Bad thing passed to defined().",
"It should be of the form defined(foo) or defined(");
return Value();
const char kGetEnv[] = "getenv";
const char kGetEnv_HelpShort[] =
"getenv: Get an environment variable.";
const char kGetEnv_Help[] =
"getenv: Get an environment variable.\n"
" value = getenv(env_var_name)\n"
" Returns the value of the given enironment variable. If the value is\n"
" not found, it will try to look up the variable with the \"opposite\"\n"
" case (based on the case of the first letter of the variable), but\n"
" is otherwise case-sensitive.\n"
" If the environment variable is not found, the empty string will be\n"
" returned. Note: it might be nice to extend this if we had the concept\n"
" of \"none\" in the language to indicate lookup failure.\n"
" home_dir = getenv(\"HOME\")\n";
Value RunGetEnv(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Err* err) {
if (!EnsureSingleStringArg(function, args, err))
return Value();
scoped_ptr<base::Environment> env(base::Environment::Create());
std::string result;
if (!env->GetVar(args[0].string_value().c_str(), &result))
return Value(function, "");
return Value(function, result);
const char kImport[] = "import";
const char kImport_HelpShort[] =
"import: Import a file into the current scope.";
const char kImport_Help[] =
"import: Import a file into the current scope.\n"
" The import command loads the rules and variables resulting from\n"
" executing the given file into the current scope.\n"
" By convention, imported files are named with a .gni extension.\n"
" An import is different than a C++ \"include\". The imported file is\n"
" executed in a standalone environment from the caller of the import\n"
" command. The results of this execution are cached for other files that\n"
" import the same .gni file.\n"
" Note that you can not import a file that's otherwise used\n"
" in the build. Files must either be imported or implicitly loaded as\n"
" a result of deps rules, but not both.\n"
" The imported file's scope will be merged with the scope at the point\n"
" import was called. If there is a conflict (both the current scope and\n"
" the imported file define some variable or rule with the same name but\n"
" different value), a runtime error will be thrown. Therefore, it's good\n"
" practice to minimize the stuff that an imported file defines.\n"
" import(\"//build/rules/idl_compilation_rule.gni\")\n"
" # Looks in the current directory.\n"
" import(\"my_vars.gni\")\n";
Value RunImport(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Err* err) {
if (!EnsureSingleStringArg(function, args, err))
return Value();
const SourceDir& input_dir = scope->GetSourceDir();
SourceFile import_file =
scope->settings()->import_manager().DoImport(import_file, function,
scope, err);
return Value();
const char kSetSourcesAssignmentFilter[] = "set_sources_assignment_filter";
const char kSetSourcesAssignmentFilter_HelpShort[] =
"set_sources_assignment_filter: Set a pattern to filter source files.";
const char kSetSourcesAssignmentFilter_Help[] =
"set_sources_assignment_filter: Set a pattern to filter source files.\n"
" The sources assignment filter is a list of patterns that remove files\n"
" from the list implicitly whenever the \"sources\" variable is\n"
" assigned to. This is intended to be used to globally filter out files\n"
" with platform-specific naming schemes when they don't apply, for\n"
" example, you may want to filter out all \"*\" files on non-\n"
" Windows platforms.\n"
" See \"gn help patterns\" for specifics on patterns.\n"
" Typically this will be called once in the master build config script\n"
" to set up the filter for the current platform. Subsequent calls will\n"
" overwrite the previous values.\n"
" If you want to bypass the filter and add a file even if it might\n"
" be filtered out, call set_sources_assignment_filter([]) to clear the\n"
" list of filters. This will apply until the current scope exits\n"
" # Filter out all _win files.\n"
" set_sources_assignment_filter([ \"*\", \"*_win.h\" ])\n";
Value RunSetSourcesAssignmentFilter(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Err* err) {
if (args.size() != 1) {
*err = Err(function, "set_sources_assignment_filter takes one argument.");
} else {
scoped_ptr<PatternList> f(new PatternList);
f->SetFromValue(args[0], err);
if (!err->has_error())
return Value();
const char kPrint[] = "print";
const char kPrint_HelpShort[] =
"print: Prints to the console.";
const char kPrint_Help[] =
"print: Prints to the console.\n"
" Prints all arguments to the console separated by spaces. A newline is\n"
" automatically appended to the end.\n"
" This function is intended for debugging. Note that build files are run\n"
" in parallel so you may get interleaved prints. A buildfile may also\n"
" be executed more than once in parallel in the context of different\n"
" toolchains so the prints from one file may be duplicated or\n"
" interleaved with itself.\n"
" print(\"Hello world\")\n"
" print(sources, deps)\n";
Value RunPrint(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Err* err) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0)
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << args[i].ToString(false);
std::cout << std::endl;
return Value();
: self_evaluating_args_runner(NULL),
is_target(false) {
FunctionInfo::FunctionInfo(SelfEvaluatingArgsFunction seaf,
const char* in_help_short,
const char* in_help,
bool in_is_target)
: self_evaluating_args_runner(seaf),
is_target(in_is_target) {
FunctionInfo::FunctionInfo(GenericBlockFunction gbf,
const char* in_help_short,
const char* in_help,
bool in_is_target)
: self_evaluating_args_runner(NULL),
is_target(in_is_target) {
FunctionInfo::FunctionInfo(ExecutedBlockFunction ebf,
const char* in_help_short,
const char* in_help,
bool in_is_target)
: self_evaluating_args_runner(NULL),
is_target(in_is_target) {
FunctionInfo::FunctionInfo(NoBlockFunction nbf,
const char* in_help_short,
const char* in_help,
bool in_is_target)
: self_evaluating_args_runner(NULL),
is_target(in_is_target) {
struct FunctionInfoInitializer {
FunctionInfoMap map;
FunctionInfoInitializer() {
#define INSERT_FUNCTION(command, is_target) \
map[k##command] = FunctionInfo(&Run##command, \
k##command##_HelpShort, \
k##command##_Help, \
INSERT_FUNCTION(ActionForEach, true)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Component, true)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Executable, true)
INSERT_FUNCTION(SharedLibrary, true)
INSERT_FUNCTION(SourceSet, true)
INSERT_FUNCTION(StaticLibrary, true)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Assert, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Config, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(DeclareArgs, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Defined, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(ExecScript, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Import, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(ProcessFileTemplate, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(ReadFile, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(RebasePath, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(SetDefaults, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(SetDefaultToolchain, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(SetSourcesAssignmentFilter, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Template, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(Toolchain, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(ToolchainArgs, false)
INSERT_FUNCTION(WriteFile, false)
const FunctionInfoInitializer function_info;
const FunctionInfoMap& GetFunctions() {
Value RunFunction(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const ListNode* args_list,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
const Token& name = function->function();
const FunctionInfoMap& function_map = GetFunctions();
FunctionInfoMap::const_iterator found_function =
if (found_function == function_map.end()) {
const Template* templ =
if (templ) {
Value args = args_list->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
return templ->Invoke(scope, function, args.list_value(), block, err);
*err = Err(name, "Unknown function.");
return Value();
if (found_function->second.self_evaluating_args_runner) {
return found_function->second.self_evaluating_args_runner(
scope, function, args_list, err);
Value args = args_list->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (found_function->second.generic_block_runner) {
if (!block) {
FillNeedsBlockError(function, err);
return Value();
return found_function->second.generic_block_runner(
scope, function, args.list_value(), block, err);
if (found_function->second.executed_block_runner) {
if (!block) {
FillNeedsBlockError(function, err);
return Value();
Scope block_scope(scope);
block->ExecuteBlockInScope(&block_scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
return found_function->second.executed_block_runner(
function, args.list_value(), &block_scope, err);
return found_function->second.no_block_runner(scope, function,
args.list_value(), err);