
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ComputeChiSquare
  2. GenerateSHA1Entropy
  3. GeneratePermutedEntropy
  4. GenerateEntropyValue
  5. GenerateEntropyValue
  6. PerformEntropyUniformityTest
  7. TEST
  8. TEST
  9. TEST
  10. TEST
  11. TEST
  12. TEST
  13. TEST
  14. TEST
  15. TEST

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/variations/entropy_provider.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "components/variations/metrics_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace metrics {

namespace {

// Size of the low entropy source to use for the permuted entropy provider
// in tests.
const size_t kMaxLowEntropySize = 8000;

// Field trial names used in unit tests.
const char* const kTestTrialNames[] = { "TestTrial", "AnotherTestTrial",
                                        "NewTabButton" };

// Computes the Chi-Square statistic for |values| assuming they follow a uniform
// distribution, where each entry has expected value |expected_value|.
// The Chi-Square statistic is defined as Sum((O-E)^2/E) where O is the observed
// value and E is the expected value.
double ComputeChiSquare(const std::vector<int>& values,
                        double expected_value) {
  double sum = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
    const double delta = values[i] - expected_value;
    sum += (delta * delta) / expected_value;
  return sum;

// Computes SHA1-based entropy for the given |trial_name| based on
// |entropy_source|
double GenerateSHA1Entropy(const std::string& entropy_source,
                           const std::string& trial_name) {
  SHA1EntropyProvider sha1_provider(entropy_source);
  return sha1_provider.GetEntropyForTrial(trial_name, 0);

// Generates permutation-based entropy for the given |trial_name| based on
// |entropy_source| which must be in the range [0, entropy_max).
double GeneratePermutedEntropy(uint16 entropy_source,
                               size_t entropy_max,
                               const std::string& trial_name) {
  PermutedEntropyProvider permuted_provider(entropy_source, entropy_max);
  return permuted_provider.GetEntropyForTrial(trial_name, 0);

// Helper interface for testing used to generate entropy values for a given
// field trial. Unlike EntropyProvider, which keeps the low/high entropy source
// value constant and generates entropy for different trial names, instances
// of TrialEntropyGenerator keep the trial name constant and generate low/high
// entropy source values internally to produce each output entropy value.
class TrialEntropyGenerator {
  virtual ~TrialEntropyGenerator() {}
  virtual double GenerateEntropyValue() const = 0;

// An TrialEntropyGenerator that uses the SHA1EntropyProvider with the high
// entropy source (random GUID with 128 bits of entropy + 13 additional bits of
// entropy corresponding to a low entropy source).
class SHA1EntropyGenerator : public TrialEntropyGenerator {
  explicit SHA1EntropyGenerator(const std::string& trial_name)
      : trial_name_(trial_name) {

  virtual ~SHA1EntropyGenerator() {

  virtual double GenerateEntropyValue() const OVERRIDE {
    // Use a random GUID + 13 additional bits of entropy to match how the
    // SHA1EntropyProvider is used in
    const int low_entropy_source =
        static_cast<uint16>(base::RandInt(0, kMaxLowEntropySize - 1));
    const std::string high_entropy_source =
        base::GenerateGUID() + base::IntToString(low_entropy_source);
    return GenerateSHA1Entropy(high_entropy_source, trial_name_);

  std::string trial_name_;


// An TrialEntropyGenerator that uses the permuted entropy provider algorithm,
// using 13-bit low entropy source values.
class PermutedEntropyGenerator : public TrialEntropyGenerator {
  explicit PermutedEntropyGenerator(const std::string& trial_name)
      : mapping_(kMaxLowEntropySize) {
    // Note: Given a trial name, the computed mapping will be the same.
    // As a performance optimization, pre-compute the mapping once per trial
    // name and index into it for each entropy value.
    const uint32 randomization_seed = HashName(trial_name);

  virtual ~PermutedEntropyGenerator() {

  virtual double GenerateEntropyValue() const OVERRIDE {
    const int low_entropy_source =
        static_cast<uint16>(base::RandInt(0, kMaxLowEntropySize - 1));
    return mapping_[low_entropy_source] /

  std::vector<uint16> mapping_;


// Tests uniformity of a given |entropy_generator| using the Chi-Square Goodness
// of Fit Test.
void PerformEntropyUniformityTest(
    const std::string& trial_name,
    const TrialEntropyGenerator& entropy_generator) {
  // Number of buckets in the simulated field trials.
  const size_t kBucketCount = 20;
  // Max number of iterations to perform before giving up and failing.
  const size_t kMaxIterationCount = 100000;
  // The number of iterations to perform before each time the statistical
  // significance of the results is checked.
  const size_t kCheckIterationCount = 10000;
  // This is the Chi-Square threshold from the Chi-Square statistic table for
  // 19 degrees of freedom (based on |kBucketCount|) with a 99.9% confidence
  // level. See:
  const double kChiSquareThreshold = 43.82;

  std::vector<int> distribution(kBucketCount);

  for (size_t i = 1; i <= kMaxIterationCount; ++i) {
    const double entropy_value = entropy_generator.GenerateEntropyValue();
    const size_t bucket = static_cast<size_t>(kBucketCount * entropy_value);
    ASSERT_LT(bucket, kBucketCount);
    distribution[bucket] += 1;

    // After |kCheckIterationCount| iterations, compute the Chi-Square
    // statistic of the distribution. If the resulting statistic is greater
    // than |kChiSquareThreshold|, we can conclude with 99.9% confidence
    // that the observed samples do not follow a uniform distribution.
    // However, since 99.9% would still result in a false negative every
    // 1000 runs of the test, do not treat it as a failure (else the test
    // will be flaky). Instead, perform additional iterations to determine
    // if the distribution will converge, up to |kMaxIterationCount|.
    if ((i % kCheckIterationCount) == 0) {
      const double expected_value_per_bucket =
          static_cast<double>(i) / kBucketCount;
      const double chi_square =
          ComputeChiSquare(distribution, expected_value_per_bucket);
      if (chi_square < kChiSquareThreshold)

      // If |i == kMaxIterationCount|, the Chi-Square statistic did not
      // converge after |kMaxIterationCount|.
      EXPECT_NE(i, kMaxIterationCount) << "Failed for trial " <<
          trial_name << " with chi_square = " << chi_square <<
          " after " << kMaxIterationCount << " iterations.";

}  // namespace

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, UseOneTimeRandomizationSHA1) {
  // Simply asserts that two trials using one-time randomization
  // that have different names, normally generate different results.
  // Note that depending on the one-time random initialization, they
  // _might_ actually give the same result, but we know that given
  // the particular client_id we use for unit tests they won't.
  base::FieldTrialList field_trial_list(new SHA1EntropyProvider("client_id"));
  const int kNoExpirationYear = base::FieldTrialList::kNoExpirationYear;
  scoped_refptr<base::FieldTrial> trials[] = {
          "one", 100, "default", kNoExpirationYear, 1, 1,
          base::FieldTrial::ONE_TIME_RANDOMIZED, NULL),
          "two", 100, "default", kNoExpirationYear, 1, 1,
          base::FieldTrial::ONE_TIME_RANDOMIZED, NULL),

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(trials); ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j)
      trials[i]->AppendGroup(std::string(), 1);

  // The trials are most likely to give different results since they have
  // different names.
  EXPECT_NE(trials[0]->group(), trials[1]->group());
  EXPECT_NE(trials[0]->group_name(), trials[1]->group_name());

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, UseOneTimeRandomizationPermuted) {
  // Simply asserts that two trials using one-time randomization
  // that have different names, normally generate different results.
  // Note that depending on the one-time random initialization, they
  // _might_ actually give the same result, but we know that given
  // the particular client_id we use for unit tests they won't.
  base::FieldTrialList field_trial_list(
      new PermutedEntropyProvider(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize));
  const int kNoExpirationYear = base::FieldTrialList::kNoExpirationYear;
  scoped_refptr<base::FieldTrial> trials[] = {
          "one", 100, "default", kNoExpirationYear, 1, 1,
          base::FieldTrial::ONE_TIME_RANDOMIZED, NULL),
          "two", 100, "default", kNoExpirationYear, 1, 1,
          base::FieldTrial::ONE_TIME_RANDOMIZED, NULL),

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(trials); ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j)
      trials[i]->AppendGroup(std::string(), 1);

  // The trials are most likely to give different results since they have
  // different names.
  EXPECT_NE(trials[0]->group(), trials[1]->group());
  EXPECT_NE(trials[0]->group_name(), trials[1]->group_name());

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, UseOneTimeRandomizationWithCustomSeedPermuted) {
  // Ensures that two trials with different names but the same custom seed used
  // for one time randomization produce the same group assignments.
  base::FieldTrialList field_trial_list(
      new PermutedEntropyProvider(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize));
  const int kNoExpirationYear = base::FieldTrialList::kNoExpirationYear;
  const uint32 kCustomSeed = 9001;
  scoped_refptr<base::FieldTrial> trials[] = {
          "one", 100, "default", kNoExpirationYear, 1, 1,
          base::FieldTrial::ONE_TIME_RANDOMIZED, kCustomSeed, NULL),
          "two", 100, "default", kNoExpirationYear, 1, 1,
          base::FieldTrial::ONE_TIME_RANDOMIZED, kCustomSeed, NULL),

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(trials); ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j)
      trials[i]->AppendGroup(std::string(), 1);

  // Normally, these trials should produce different groups, but if the same
  // custom seed is used, they should produce the same group assignment.
  EXPECT_EQ(trials[0]->group(), trials[1]->group());
  EXPECT_EQ(trials[0]->group_name(), trials[1]->group_name());

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, SHA1Entropy) {
  const double results[] = { GenerateSHA1Entropy("hi", "1"),
                             GenerateSHA1Entropy("there", "1") };

  EXPECT_NE(results[0], results[1]);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(results); ++i) {
    EXPECT_LE(0.0, results[i]);
    EXPECT_GT(1.0, results[i]);

  EXPECT_EQ(GenerateSHA1Entropy("yo", "1"),
            GenerateSHA1Entropy("yo", "1"));
  EXPECT_NE(GenerateSHA1Entropy("yo", "something"),
            GenerateSHA1Entropy("yo", "else"));

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, PermutedEntropy) {
  const double results[] = {
      GeneratePermutedEntropy(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize, "1"),
      GeneratePermutedEntropy(4321, kMaxLowEntropySize, "1") };

  EXPECT_NE(results[0], results[1]);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(results); ++i) {
    EXPECT_LE(0.0, results[i]);
    EXPECT_GT(1.0, results[i]);

  EXPECT_EQ(GeneratePermutedEntropy(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize, "1"),
            GeneratePermutedEntropy(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize, "1"));
  EXPECT_NE(GeneratePermutedEntropy(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize, "something"),
            GeneratePermutedEntropy(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize, "else"));

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, PermutedEntropyProviderResults) {
  // Verifies that PermutedEntropyProvider produces expected results. This
  // ensures that the results are the same between platforms and ensures that
  // changes to the implementation do not regress this accidentally.

  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(2194 / static_cast<double>(kMaxLowEntropySize),
                   GeneratePermutedEntropy(1234, kMaxLowEntropySize, "XYZ"));
  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(5676 / static_cast<double>(kMaxLowEntropySize),
                   GeneratePermutedEntropy(1, kMaxLowEntropySize, "Test"));
  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1151 / static_cast<double>(kMaxLowEntropySize),
                   GeneratePermutedEntropy(5000, kMaxLowEntropySize, "Foo"));

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, SHA1EntropyIsUniform) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestTrialNames); ++i) {
    SHA1EntropyGenerator entropy_generator(kTestTrialNames[i]);
    PerformEntropyUniformityTest(kTestTrialNames[i], entropy_generator);

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, PermutedEntropyIsUniform) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestTrialNames); ++i) {
    PermutedEntropyGenerator entropy_generator(kTestTrialNames[i]);
    PerformEntropyUniformityTest(kTestTrialNames[i], entropy_generator);

TEST(EntropyProviderTest, SeededRandGeneratorIsUniform) {
  // Verifies that SeededRandGenerator has a uniform distribution.
  // Mirrors RandUtilTest.RandGeneratorIsUniform in base/

  const uint32 kTopOfRange = (std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max() / 4ULL) * 3ULL;
  const uint32 kExpectedAverage = kTopOfRange / 2ULL;
  const uint32 kAllowedVariance = kExpectedAverage / 50ULL;  // +/- 2%
  const int kMinAttempts = 1000;
  const int kMaxAttempts = 1000000;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestTrialNames); ++i) {
    const uint32 seed = HashName(kTestTrialNames[i]);
    internal::SeededRandGenerator rand_generator(seed);

    double cumulative_average = 0.0;
    int count = 0;
    while (count < kMaxAttempts) {
      uint32 value = rand_generator(kTopOfRange);
      cumulative_average = (count * cumulative_average + value) / (count + 1);

      // Don't quit too quickly for things to start converging, or we may have
      // a false positive.
      if (count > kMinAttempts &&
          kExpectedAverage - kAllowedVariance < cumulative_average &&
          cumulative_average < kExpectedAverage + kAllowedVariance) {


    ASSERT_LT(count, kMaxAttempts) << "Expected average was " <<
        kExpectedAverage << ", average ended at " << cumulative_average <<
        ", for trial " << kTestTrialNames[i];

}  // namespace metrics

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