
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetModelType
  2. GetServerModelType
  3. ShouldMaintainPosition
  4. SetFieldValues
  5. SetEncryptableProtoValues
  6. Int64ToValue
  7. TimeToValue
  8. IdToValue
  9. BooleanToValue
  10. StringToValue
  11. UniquePositionToValue
  12. AttachmentMetadataToValue
  13. ToValue
  14. EntryKernelMutationMapToValue
  15. EntryKernelMutationToValue

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "sync/syncable/entry_kernel.h"

#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "sync/protocol/proto_value_conversions.h"
#include "sync/syncable/syncable_enum_conversions.h"
#include "sync/util/cryptographer.h"

namespace syncer {
namespace syncable {

EntryKernel::EntryKernel() : dirty_(false) {
  // Everything else should already be default-initialized.
  for (int i = INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN; i < INT64_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
    int64_fields[i] = 0;

EntryKernel::~EntryKernel() {}

ModelType EntryKernel::GetModelType() const {
  ModelType specifics_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(ref(SPECIFICS));
  if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
    return specifics_type;
  if (ref(ID).IsRoot())
    return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;
  // Loose check for server-created top-level folders that aren't
  // bound to a particular model type.
  if (!ref(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty() && ref(SERVER_IS_DIR))
    return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;


ModelType EntryKernel::GetServerModelType() const {
  ModelType specifics_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(ref(SERVER_SPECIFICS));
  if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
    return specifics_type;
  if (ref(ID).IsRoot())
    return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;
  // Loose check for server-created top-level folders that aren't
  // bound to a particular model type.
  if (!ref(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty() && ref(SERVER_IS_DIR))
    return TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER;


bool EntryKernel::ShouldMaintainPosition() const {
  // We maintain positions for all bookmarks, except those that are
  // server-created top-level folders.
  return (GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(ref(SPECIFICS)) == syncer::BOOKMARKS)
      && !(!ref(UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty() && ref(IS_DIR));

namespace {

// Utility function to loop through a set of enum values and add the
// field keys/values in the kernel to the given dictionary.
// V should be convertible to Value.
template <class T, class U, class V>
void SetFieldValues(const EntryKernel& kernel,
                    base::DictionaryValue* dictionary_value,
                    const char* (*enum_key_fn)(T),
                    V* (*enum_value_fn)(U),
                    int field_key_min, int field_key_max) {
  DCHECK_LE(field_key_min, field_key_max);
  for (int i = field_key_min; i <= field_key_max; ++i) {
    T field = static_cast<T>(i);
    const std::string& key = enum_key_fn(field);
    V* value = enum_value_fn(kernel.ref(field));
    dictionary_value->Set(key, value);

void SetEncryptableProtoValues(
    const EntryKernel& kernel,
    Cryptographer* cryptographer,
    base::DictionaryValue* dictionary_value,
    int field_key_min, int field_key_max) {
  DCHECK_LE(field_key_min, field_key_max);
  for (int i = field_key_min; i <= field_key_max; ++i) {
    ProtoField field = static_cast<ProtoField>(i);
    const std::string& key = GetProtoFieldString(field);

    base::DictionaryValue* value = NULL;
    sync_pb::EntitySpecifics decrypted;
    const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted = kernel.ref(field).encrypted();
    if (cryptographer &&
        kernel.ref(field).has_encrypted() &&
        cryptographer->CanDecrypt(encrypted) &&
        cryptographer->Decrypt(encrypted, &decrypted)) {
      value = EntitySpecificsToValue(decrypted);
      value->SetBoolean("encrypted", true);
    } else {
      value = EntitySpecificsToValue(kernel.ref(field));
    dictionary_value->Set(key, value);

// Helper functions for SetFieldValues().

base::StringValue* Int64ToValue(int64 i) {
  return new base::StringValue(base::Int64ToString(i));

base::StringValue* TimeToValue(const base::Time& t) {
  return new base::StringValue(GetTimeDebugString(t));

base::StringValue* IdToValue(const Id& id) {
  return id.ToValue();

base::FundamentalValue* BooleanToValue(bool bool_val) {
  return new base::FundamentalValue(bool_val);

base::StringValue* StringToValue(const std::string& str) {
  return new base::StringValue(str);

base::StringValue* UniquePositionToValue(const UniquePosition& pos) {
  return new base::StringValue(pos.ToDebugString());

base::StringValue* AttachmentMetadataToValue(
    const sync_pb::AttachmentMetadata& a) {
  return new base::StringValue(a.SerializeAsString());

}  // namespace

base::DictionaryValue* EntryKernel::ToValue(
    Cryptographer* cryptographer) const {
  base::DictionaryValue* kernel_info = new base::DictionaryValue();
  kernel_info->SetBoolean("isDirty", is_dirty());
  kernel_info->Set("serverModelType", ModelTypeToValue(GetServerModelType()));

  // Int64 fields.
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetMetahandleFieldString, &Int64ToValue,
                 INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN, META_HANDLE);
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetBaseVersionString, &Int64ToValue,
                 META_HANDLE + 1, BASE_VERSION);
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetInt64FieldString, &Int64ToValue,
                 BASE_VERSION + 1, INT64_FIELDS_END - 1);

  // Time fields.
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetTimeFieldString, &TimeToValue,
                 TIME_FIELDS_BEGIN, TIME_FIELDS_END - 1);

  // ID fields.
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetIdFieldString, &IdToValue,
                 ID_FIELDS_BEGIN, ID_FIELDS_END - 1);

  // Bit fields.
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetIndexedBitFieldString, &BooleanToValue,
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetIsDelFieldString, &BooleanToValue,
                 INDEXED_BIT_FIELDS_END, IS_DEL);
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetBitFieldString, &BooleanToValue,
                 IS_DEL + 1, BIT_FIELDS_END - 1);

  // String fields.
    // Pick out the function overload we want.
    SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                   &GetStringFieldString, &StringToValue,

  // Proto fields.
  SetEncryptableProtoValues(*this, cryptographer, kernel_info,
                            PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN, PROTO_FIELDS_END - 1);

  // UniquePosition fields
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetUniquePositionFieldString, &UniquePositionToValue,

  // AttachmentMetadata fields

  // Bit temps.
  SetFieldValues(*this, kernel_info,
                 &GetBitTempString, &BooleanToValue,
                 BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN, BIT_TEMPS_END - 1);

  return kernel_info;

base::ListValue* EntryKernelMutationMapToValue(
    const EntryKernelMutationMap& mutations) {
  base::ListValue* list = new base::ListValue();
  for (EntryKernelMutationMap::const_iterator it = mutations.begin();
       it != mutations.end(); ++it) {
  return list;

base::DictionaryValue* EntryKernelMutationToValue(
    const EntryKernelMutation& mutation) {
  base::DictionaryValue* dict = new base::DictionaryValue();
  dict->Set("original", mutation.original.ToValue(NULL));
  dict->Set("mutated", mutation.mutated.ToValue(NULL));
  return dict;

}  // namespace syncer
}  // namespace syncable

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */