This source file includes following definitions.
- setUnfinishedMessage
- getUnfinishedMessage
- truncatedMessage
- negativeSize
- malformedVarint
- invalidTag
- invalidEndTag
- invalidWireType
- recursionLimitExceeded
- sizeLimitExceeded
public class InvalidProtocolBufferException extends IOException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1616151763072450476L;
private MessageLite unfinishedMessage = null;
public InvalidProtocolBufferException(final String description) {
public InvalidProtocolBufferException setUnfinishedMessage(
MessageLite unfinishedMessage) {
this.unfinishedMessage = unfinishedMessage;
return this;
public MessageLite getUnfinishedMessage() {
return unfinishedMessage;
static InvalidProtocolBufferException truncatedMessage() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly " +
"in the middle of a field. This could mean either than the " +
"input has been truncated or that an embedded message " +
"misreported its own length.");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException negativeSize() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"CodedInputStream encountered an embedded string or message " +
"which claimed to have negative size.");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException malformedVarint() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"CodedInputStream encountered a malformed varint.");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException invalidTag() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero).");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException invalidEndTag() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag.");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException invalidWireType() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"Protocol message tag had invalid wire type.");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException recursionLimitExceeded() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"Protocol message had too many levels of nesting. May be malicious. " +
"Use CodedInputStream.setRecursionLimit() to increase the depth limit.");
static InvalidProtocolBufferException sizeLimitExceeded() {
return new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
"Protocol message was too large. May be malicious. " +
"Use CodedInputStream.setSizeLimit() to increase the size limit.");