
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. TEST
  2. TEST
  3. TEST
  4. TEST
  5. TestCheckRewriteString
  6. TEST
  7. TEST
  8. TEST
  9. TEST
  10. TEST
  11. TEST
  12. TEST
  13. TEST
  14. TestRecursion
  15. TestQuoteMeta
  16. NegativeTestQuoteMeta
  17. TEST
  18. TEST
  19. TEST
  20. TEST
  21. TEST
  22. TEST
  23. TEST
  24. TEST
  25. TEST
  26. TEST
  27. TEST
  28. TEST
  29. TEST
  30. TEST
  31. TEST
  32. TEST
  33. TEST
  34. TEST
  35. TEST
  36. TEST
  37. TEST
  38. TEST
  39. TEST
  40. TEST
  41. TEST
  42. TEST
  43. TEST
  44. TEST
  45. TEST
  46. TEST
  47. TEST
  48. TEST
  49. TEST
  50. TEST
  51. TEST
  52. TEST
  53. TEST
  54. TEST
  55. TEST
  56. TEST
  57. TEST
  58. TEST
  59. TEST
  60. TEST
  61. TEST
  62. TEST
  63. TEST
  64. TEST
  65. TEST

// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
// Copyright 2002-2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO: Test extractions for PartialMatch/Consume

#include <sys/types.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <vector>
#include "util/test.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "re2/regexp.h"

#ifdef WIN32
#include <stdio.h>
#define snprintf _snprintf


namespace re2 {

TEST(RE2, HexTests) {

  VLOG(1) << "hex tests";

#define CHECK_HEX(type, value) \
  do { \
    type v; \
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(#value, "([0-9a-fA-F]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::Hex(&v))); \
    CHECK_EQ(v, 0x ## value); \
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0x" #value, "([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::CRadix(&v))); \
    CHECK_EQ(v, 0x ## value); \
  } while(0)

  CHECK_HEX(short,              2bad);
  CHECK_HEX(unsigned short,     2badU);
  CHECK_HEX(int,                dead);
  CHECK_HEX(unsigned int,       deadU);
  CHECK_HEX(long,               7eadbeefL);
  CHECK_HEX(unsigned long,      deadbeefUL);
  CHECK_HEX(long long,          12345678deadbeefLL);
  CHECK_HEX(unsigned long long, cafebabedeadbeefULL);

#undef CHECK_HEX

TEST(RE2, OctalTests) {
  VLOG(1) << "octal tests";

#define CHECK_OCTAL(type, value) \
  do { \
    type v; \
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(#value, "([0-7]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::Octal(&v))); \
    CHECK_EQ(v, 0 ## value); \
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0" #value, "([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::CRadix(&v))); \
    CHECK_EQ(v, 0 ## value); \
  } while(0)

  CHECK_OCTAL(short,              77777);
  CHECK_OCTAL(unsigned short,     177777U);
  CHECK_OCTAL(int,                17777777777);
  CHECK_OCTAL(unsigned int,       37777777777U);
  CHECK_OCTAL(long,               17777777777L);
  CHECK_OCTAL(unsigned long,      37777777777UL);
  CHECK_OCTAL(long long,          777777777777777777777LL);
  CHECK_OCTAL(unsigned long long, 1777777777777777777777ULL);


TEST(RE2, DecimalTests) {
  VLOG(1) << "decimal tests";

#define CHECK_DECIMAL(type, value) \
  do { \
    type v; \
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(#value, "(-?[0-9]+)[uUlL]*", &v)); \
    CHECK_EQ(v, value); \
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(#value, "(-?[0-9a-fA-FxX]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::CRadix(&v))); \
    CHECK_EQ(v, value); \
  } while(0)

  CHECK_DECIMAL(short,              -1);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(unsigned short,     9999);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(int,                -1000);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(unsigned int,       12345U);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(long,               -10000000L);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(unsigned long,      3083324652U);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(long long,          -100000000000000LL);
  CHECK_DECIMAL(unsigned long long, 1234567890987654321ULL);


TEST(RE2, Replace) {
  VLOG(1) << "TestReplace";

  struct ReplaceTest {
    const char *regexp;
    const char *rewrite;
    const char *original;
    const char *single;
    const char *global;
    int        greplace_count;
  static const ReplaceTest tests[] = {
    { "(qu|[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]*)([a-z]+)",
      "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.",
      "ethay quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.",
      "ethay ickquay ownbray oxfay umpsjay overay ethay azylay ogsday.",
      9 },
    { "\\w+",
      4 },
    { "^",
      1 },
    { "^",
      1 },
    { "$",
      1 },
    { "b",
      5 },
    { "b",
      6 },
    { "b+",
      1 },
    { "b*",
      1 },
    { "b*",
      6 },
    // Check newline handling
    { "a.*a",
      2 },
    { "", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }

  for (const ReplaceTest *t = tests; t->original != NULL; ++t) {
    VLOG(1) << StringPrintf("\"%s\" =~ s/%s/%s/g", t->original, t->regexp, t->rewrite);
    string one(t->original);
    CHECK(RE2::Replace(&one, t->regexp, t->rewrite));
    CHECK_EQ(one, t->single);
    string all(t->original);
    CHECK_EQ(RE2::GlobalReplace(&all, t->regexp, t->rewrite), t->greplace_count)
      << "Got: " << all;
    CHECK_EQ(all, t->global);

static void TestCheckRewriteString(const char* regexp, const char* rewrite,
                              bool expect_ok) {
  string error;
  RE2 exp(regexp);
  bool actual_ok = exp.CheckRewriteString(rewrite, &error);
  EXPECT_EQ(expect_ok, actual_ok) << " for " << rewrite << " error: " << error;

TEST(CheckRewriteString, all) {
  TestCheckRewriteString("abc", "foo", true);
  TestCheckRewriteString("abc", "foo\\", false);
  TestCheckRewriteString("abc", "foo\\0bar", true);

  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo", true);
  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo\\0bar", true);
  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo\\1bar", true);
  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo\\2bar", false);
  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "f\\\\2o\\1o", true);

  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)(c)", "foo\\12", true);
  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)(c)", "f\\2o\\1o", true);
  TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)(c)", "f\\oo\\1", false);

TEST(RE2, Extract) {
  VLOG(1) << "TestExtract";

  string s;

  CHECK(RE2::Extract("", "(.*)@([^.]*)", "\\2!\\1", &s));
  CHECK_EQ(s, "kremvax!boris");

  CHECK(RE2::Extract("foo", ".*", "'\\0'", &s));
  CHECK_EQ(s, "'foo'");
  // check that false match doesn't overwrite
  CHECK(!RE2::Extract("baz", "bar", "'\\0'", &s));
  CHECK_EQ(s, "'foo'");

TEST(RE2, Consume) {
  VLOG(1) << "TestConsume";

  RE2 r("\\s*(\\w+)");    // matches a word, possibly proceeded by whitespace
  string word;

  string s("   aaa b!@#$@#$cccc");
  StringPiece input(s);

  CHECK(RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word));
  CHECK_EQ(word, "aaa") << " input: " << input;
  CHECK(RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word));
  CHECK_EQ(word, "b") << " input: " << input;
  CHECK(! RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word)) << " input: " << input;

TEST(RE2, ConsumeN) {
  const string s(" one two three 4");
  StringPiece input(s);

  RE2::Arg argv[2];
  const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };

  // 0 arg
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::ConsumeN(&input, "\\s*(\\w+)", args, 0));  // Skips "one".

  // 1 arg
  string word;
  argv[0] = &word;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::ConsumeN(&input, "\\s*(\\w+)", args, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ("two", word);

  // Multi-args
  int n;
  argv[1] = &n;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::ConsumeN(&input, "\\s*(\\w+)\\s*(\\d+)", args, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ("three", word);
  EXPECT_EQ(4, n);

TEST(RE2, FindAndConsume) {
  VLOG(1) << "TestFindAndConsume";

  RE2 r("(\\w+)");      // matches a word
  string word;

  string s("   aaa b!@#$@#$cccc");
  StringPiece input(s);

  CHECK(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
  CHECK_EQ(word, "aaa");
  CHECK(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
  CHECK_EQ(word, "b");
  CHECK(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
  CHECK_EQ(word, "cccc");
  CHECK(! RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));

  // Check that FindAndConsume works without any submatches.
  // Earlier version used uninitialized data for
  // length to consume.
  input = "aaa";
  CHECK(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, "aaa"));
  CHECK_EQ(input, "");

TEST(RE2, FindAndConsumeN) {
  const string s(" one two three 4");
  StringPiece input(s);

  RE2::Arg argv[2];
  const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };

  // 0 arg
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsumeN(&input, "(\\w+)", args, 0));  // Skips "one".

  // 1 arg
  string word;
  argv[0] = &word;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsumeN(&input, "(\\w+)", args, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ("two", word);

  // Multi-args
  int n;
  argv[1] = &n;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsumeN(&input, "(\\w+)\\s*(\\d+)", args, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ("three", word);
  EXPECT_EQ(4, n);

TEST(RE2, MatchNumberPeculiarity) {
  VLOG(1) << "TestMatchNumberPeculiarity";

  RE2 r("(foo)|(bar)|(baz)");
  string word1;
  string word2;
  string word3;

  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("foo", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
  CHECK_EQ(word1, "foo");
  CHECK_EQ(word2, "");
  CHECK_EQ(word3, "");
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("bar", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
  CHECK_EQ(word1, "");
  CHECK_EQ(word2, "bar");
  CHECK_EQ(word3, "");
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("baz", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
  CHECK_EQ(word1, "");
  CHECK_EQ(word2, "");
  CHECK_EQ(word3, "baz");
  CHECK(!RE2::PartialMatch("f", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));

  string a;
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(foo)|hello", &a));
  CHECK_EQ(a, "");

TEST(RE2, Match) {
  RE2 re("((\\w+):([0-9]+))");   // extracts host and port
  StringPiece group[4];

  // No match.
  StringPiece s = "zyzzyva";
  CHECK(!re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
                  group, arraysize(group)));

  // Matches and extracts.
  s = "a chrisr:9000 here";
  CHECK(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
                 group, arraysize(group)));
  CHECK_EQ(group[0], "chrisr:9000");
  CHECK_EQ(group[1], "chrisr:9000");
  CHECK_EQ(group[2], "chrisr");
  CHECK_EQ(group[3], "9000");

  string all, host;
  int port;
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("a chrisr:9000 here", re, &all, &host, &port));
  CHECK_EQ(all, "chrisr:9000");
  CHECK_EQ(host, "chrisr");
  CHECK_EQ(port, 9000);

static void TestRecursion(int size, const char *pattern) {
  // Fill up a string repeating the pattern given
  string domain;
  int patlen = strlen(pattern);
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    domain[i] = pattern[i % patlen];
  // Just make sure it doesn't crash due to too much recursion.
  RE2 re("([a-zA-Z0-9]|-)+(\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]|-)+)*(\\.)?", RE2::Quiet);
  RE2::FullMatch(domain, re);

// A meta-quoted string, interpreted as a pattern, should always match
// the original unquoted string.
static void TestQuoteMeta(string unquoted,
                          const RE2::Options& options = RE2::DefaultOptions) {
  string quoted = RE2::QuoteMeta(unquoted);
  RE2 re(quoted, options);
  EXPECT_TRUE_M(RE2::FullMatch(unquoted, re),
                "Unquoted='" + unquoted + "', quoted='" + quoted + "'.");

// A meta-quoted string, interpreted as a pattern, should always match
// the original unquoted string.
static void NegativeTestQuoteMeta(string unquoted, string should_not_match,
                                  const RE2::Options& options = RE2::DefaultOptions) {
  string quoted = RE2::QuoteMeta(unquoted);
  RE2 re(quoted, options);
  EXPECT_FALSE_M(RE2::FullMatch(should_not_match, re),
                 "Unquoted='" + unquoted + "', quoted='" + quoted + "'.");

// Tests that quoted meta characters match their original strings,
// and that a few things that shouldn't match indeed do not.
TEST(QuoteMeta, Simple) {
  TestQuoteMeta("Who doesn't like ice cream?");
TEST(QuoteMeta, SimpleNegative) {
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("foo", "bar");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("...", "bar");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("\\.", ".");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("\\.", "..");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a)", "a");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a|b)", "a");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a|b)", "(a)");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a|b)", "a|b");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("[0-9]", "0");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("[0-9]", "0-9");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("[0-9]", "[9]");
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta("((?!)xxx)", "xxx");

TEST(QuoteMeta, Latin1) {
  TestQuoteMeta("3\xb2 = 9", RE2::Latin1);

TEST(QuoteMeta, UTF8) {
  TestQuoteMeta("Plácido Domingo");
  TestQuoteMeta("xyz");  // No fancy utf8.
  TestQuoteMeta("\xc2\xb0");  // 2-byte utf8 -- a degree symbol.
  TestQuoteMeta("27\xc2\xb0 degrees");  // As a middle character.
  TestQuoteMeta("\xe2\x80\xb3");  // 3-byte utf8 -- a double prime.
  TestQuoteMeta("\xf0\x9d\x85\x9f");  // 4-byte utf8 -- a music note.
  TestQuoteMeta("27\xc2\xb0");  // Interpreted as Latin-1, this should
                                // still work.
                        "27\\\xc2\\\xb0");  // 2-byte utf8 -- a degree symbol.

TEST(QuoteMeta, HasNull) {
  string has_null;

  // string with one null character
  has_null += '\0';
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta(has_null, "");

  // Don't want null-followed-by-'1' to be interpreted as '\01'.
  has_null += '1';
  NegativeTestQuoteMeta(has_null, "\1");

TEST(ProgramSize, BigProgram) {
  RE2 re_simple("simple regexp");
  RE2 re_medium("medium.*regexp");
  RE2 re_complex("hard.{1,128}regexp");

  CHECK_GT(re_simple.ProgramSize(), 0);
  CHECK_GT(re_medium.ProgramSize(), re_simple.ProgramSize());
  CHECK_GT(re_complex.ProgramSize(), re_medium.ProgramSize());

// Issue 956519: handling empty character sets was
// causing NULL dereference.  This tests a few empty character sets.
// (The way to get an empty character set is to negate a full one.)
TEST(EmptyCharset, Fuzz) {
  static const char *empties[] = {
  for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(empties); i++)
    CHECK(!RE2(empties[i]).Match("abc", 0, 3, RE2::UNANCHORED, NULL, 0));

// Test that named groups work correctly.
TEST(Capture, NamedGroups) {
    RE2 re("(hello world)");
    CHECK_EQ(re.NumberOfCapturingGroups(), 1);
    const map<string, int>& m = re.NamedCapturingGroups();
    CHECK_EQ(m.size(), 0);

    RE2 re("(?P<A>expr(?P<B>expr)(?P<C>expr))((expr)(?P<D>expr))");
    CHECK_EQ(re.NumberOfCapturingGroups(), 6);
    const map<string, int>& m = re.NamedCapturingGroups();
    CHECK_EQ(m.size(), 4);
    CHECK_EQ(m.find("A")->second, 1);
    CHECK_EQ(m.find("B")->second, 2);
    CHECK_EQ(m.find("C")->second, 3);
    CHECK_EQ(m.find("D")->second, 6);  // $4 and $5 are anonymous

TEST(RE2, FullMatchWithNoArgs) {
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("h", "h"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "hello"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h.*o"));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("othello", "h.*o"));       // Must be anchored at front
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("hello!", "h.*o"));        // Must be anchored at end

TEST(RE2, PartialMatch) {
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("x", "x"));
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("hello", "h.*o"));
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("othello", "h.*o"));
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("hello!", "h.*o"));
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("x", "((((((((((((((((((((x))))))))))))))))))))"));

TEST(RE2, PartialMatchN) {
  RE2::Arg argv[2];
  const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };

  // 0 arg
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatchN("hello", "e.*o", args, 0));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatchN("othello", "a.*o", args, 0));

  // 1 arg
  int i;
  argv[0] = &i;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatchN("1001 nights", "(\\d+)", args, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ(1001, i);
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatchN("three", "(\\d+)", args, 1));

  // Multi-arg
  string s;
  argv[1] = &s;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatchN("answer: 42:life", "(\\d+):(\\w+)", args, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ(42, i);
  EXPECT_EQ("life", s);
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatchN("hi1", "(\\w+)(1)", args, 2));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchZeroArg) {
  // Zero-arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1001", "\\d+"));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchOneArg) {
  int i;

  // Single-arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1001", "(\\d+)",   &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, 1001);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-123", "(-?\\d+)", &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, -123);
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("10", "()\\d+", &i));
                       "(\\d+)", &i));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchIntegerArg) {
  int i;

  // Digits surrounding integer-arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "1(\\d*)4", &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, 23);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "(\\d)\\d+", &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, 1);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-1234", "(-\\d)\\d+", &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, -1);
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("1234", "(\\d)", &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, 1);
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch("-1234", "(-\\d)", &i));
  CHECK_EQ(i, -1);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringArg) {
  string s;
  // String-arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", &s));
  CHECK_EQ(s, string("ell"));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringPieceArg) {
  int i;
  // StringPiece-arg
  StringPiece sp;
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+):(\\d+)", &sp, &i));
  CHECK_EQ(sp.size(), 4);
  CHECK(memcmp(, "ruby", 4) == 0);
  CHECK_EQ(i, 1234);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchMultiArg) {
  int i;
  string s;
  // Multi-arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+):(\\d+)", &s, &i));
  CHECK_EQ(s, string("ruby"));
  CHECK_EQ(i, 1234);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchN) {
  RE2::Arg argv[2];
  const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };

  // 0 arg
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("hello", "h.*o", args, 0));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatchN("othello", "h.*o", args, 0));

  // 1 arg
  int i;
  argv[0] = &i;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("1001", "(\\d+)", args, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ(1001, i);
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatchN("three", "(\\d+)", args, 1));

  // Multi-arg
  string s;
  argv[1] = &s;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("42:life", "(\\d+):(\\w+)", args, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ(42, i);
  EXPECT_EQ("life", s);
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatchN("hi1", "(\\w+)(1)", args, 2));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchIgnoredArg) {
  int i;
  string s;
  // Ignored arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+)(:)(\\d+)", &s, (void*)NULL, &i));
  CHECK_EQ(s, string("ruby"));
  CHECK_EQ(i, 1234);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchTypedNullArg) {
  string s;

  // Ignore non-void* NULL arg
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "he(.*)lo", (char*)NULL));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (string*)NULL));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (StringPiece*)NULL));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1234567890123456", "(.*)", (long long*)NULL));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("123.4567890123456", "(.*)", (double*)NULL));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("123.4567890123456", "(.*)", (float*)NULL));

  // Fail on non-void* NULL arg if the match doesn't parse for the given type.
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)lo", &s, (char*)NULL));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("1234567890123456", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(.*)", (double*)NULL));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(.*)", (float*)NULL));

#ifndef WIN32
// Check that numeric parsing code does not read past the end of
// the number being parsed.
TEST(RE2, NULTerminated) {
  char *v;
  int x;
  long pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);

  v = static_cast<char*>(mmap(NULL, 2*pagesize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
                              MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0));
  CHECK(v != reinterpret_cast<char*>(-1));
  LOG(INFO) << "Memory at " << (void*)v;
  CHECK_EQ(munmap(v + pagesize, pagesize), 0) << " error " << errno;
  v[pagesize - 1] = '1';

  x = 0;
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(StringPiece(v + pagesize - 1, 1), "(.*)", &x));
  CHECK_EQ(x, 1);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchTypeTests) {
  // Type tests
  string zeros(100, '0');
    char c;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("Hello", "(H)ello", &c));
    CHECK_EQ(c, 'H');
    unsigned char c;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("Hello", "(H)ello", &c));
    CHECK_EQ(c, static_cast<unsigned char>('H'));
    int16 v;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",     "(-?\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-100",    "(-?\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, -100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("32767",   "(-?\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, 32767);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-32768",  "(-?\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, -32768);
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("-32769", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("32768",  "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    uint16 v;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",     "(\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("32767",   "(\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, 32767);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("65535",   "(\\d+)", &v));    CHECK_EQ(v, 65535);
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("65536",  "(\\d+)", &v));
    int32 v;
    static const int32 max = 0x7fffffff;
    static const int32 min = -max - 1;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",          "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-100",         "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, -100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("2147483647",   "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, max);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-2147483648",  "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, min);
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("-2147483649", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("2147483648",  "(-?\\d+)", &v));

    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "2147483647", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, max);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-" + zeros + "2147483648", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, min);

    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("-" + zeros + "2147483649", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0x7fffffff", "(.*)", RE2::CRadix(&v)));
    CHECK_EQ(v, max);
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("000x7fffffff", "(.*)", RE2::CRadix(&v)));
    uint32 v;
    static const uint32 max = 0xfffffffful;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",         "(\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("4294967295",  "(\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, max);
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("4294967296", "(\\d+)", &v));
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("-1",         "(\\d+)", &v));

    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "4294967295", "(\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, max);
    int64 v;
    static const int64 max = 0x7fffffffffffffffull;
    static const int64 min = -max - 1;
    char buf[32];

    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",  "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, -100);

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long int)max);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(buf,    "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, max);

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long int)min);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(buf,    "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, min);

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long int)max);
    assert(buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '9');
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(buf,   "(-?\\d+)", &v));

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long int)min);
    assert(buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '9');
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(buf,   "(-?\\d+)", &v));
    uint64 v;
    int64 v2;
    static const uint64 max = 0xffffffffffffffffull;
    char buf[32];

    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",  "(-?\\d+)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-100", "(-?\\d+)", &v2)); CHECK_EQ(v2, -100);

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llu", (long long unsigned)max);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(buf,    "(-?\\d+)", &v)); CHECK_EQ(v, max);

    assert(buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '9');
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(buf,   "(-?\\d+)", &v));

TEST(RE2, FloatingPointFullMatchTypes) {
  string zeros(100, '0');
    float v;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",   "(.*)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-100.", "(.*)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, -100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1e23",  "(.*)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, float(1e23));

    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "1e23",  "(.*)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, float(1e23));

    // 6700000000081920.1 is an edge case.
    // 6700000000081920 is exactly halfway between
    // two float32s, so the .1 should make it round up.
    // However, the .1 is outside the precision possible with
    // a float64: the nearest float64 is 6700000000081920.
    // So if the code uses strtod and then converts to float32,
    // round-to-even will make it round down instead of up.
    // To pass the test, the parser must call strtof directly.
    // This test case is carefully chosen to use only a 17-digit
    // number, since C does not guarantee to get the correctly
    // rounded answer for strtod and strtof unless the input is
    // short.
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0.1", "(.*)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, 0.1f) << StringPrintf("%.8g != %.8g", v, 0.1f);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("6700000000081920.1", "(.*)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, 6700000000081920.1f)
      << StringPrintf("%.8g != %.8g", v, 6700000000081920.1f);
    double v;
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("100",   "(.*)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, 100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("-100.", "(.*)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, -100);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1e23",  "(.*)", &v));  CHECK_EQ(v, 1e23);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "1e23", "(.*)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, double(1e23));

    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0.1", "(.*)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, 0.1) << StringPrintf("%.17g != %.17g", v, 0.1);
    CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1.00000005960464485", "(.*)", &v));
    CHECK_EQ(v, 1.0000000596046448)
      << StringPrintf("%.17g != %.17g", v, 1.0000000596046448);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchAnchored) {
  int i;
  // Check that matching is fully anchored
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("x1001", "(\\d+)",  &i));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("1001x", "(\\d+)",  &i));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("x1001",  "x(\\d+)", &i)); CHECK_EQ(i, 1001);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("1001x",  "(\\d+)x", &i)); CHECK_EQ(i, 1001);

TEST(RE2, FullMatchBraces) {
  // Braces
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0abcd",  "[0-9a-f+.-]{5,}"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("0abcde", "[0-9a-f+.-]{5,}"));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("0abc",  "[0-9a-f+.-]{5,}"));

TEST(RE2, Complicated) {
  // Complicated RE2
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("bar", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("X",   "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("XY", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchEnd) {
  // Check full-match handling (needs '$' tacked on internally)
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("fo", "fo|foo"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "fo|foo"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("fo", "fo|foo$"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "fo|foo$"));
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "foo$"));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("foo$bar", "foo\\$"));
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch("fox", "fo|bar"));

  // Uncomment the following if we change the handling of '$' to
  // prevent it from matching a trailing newline
  if (false) {
    // Check that we don't get bitten by pcre's special handling of a
    // '\n' at the end of the string matching '$'
    CHECK(!RE2::PartialMatch("foo\n", "foo$"));

TEST(RE2, FullMatchArgCount) {
  // Number of args
  int a[16];
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch("", ""));

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1]));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1],  &a[2]));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[2], 3);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1],  &a[2],  &a[3]));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[2], 3);
  CHECK_EQ(a[3], 4);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1],  &a[2],  &a[3],
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[2], 3);
  CHECK_EQ(a[3], 4);
  CHECK_EQ(a[4], 5);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1],  &a[2],  &a[3],
                      &a[4],  &a[5]));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[2], 3);
  CHECK_EQ(a[3], 4);
  CHECK_EQ(a[4], 5);
  CHECK_EQ(a[5], 6);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1],  &a[2],  &a[3],
                      &a[4],  &a[5],  &a[6]));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[2], 3);
  CHECK_EQ(a[3], 4);
  CHECK_EQ(a[4], 5);
  CHECK_EQ(a[5], 6);
  CHECK_EQ(a[6], 7);

  memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
                      &a[0],  &a[1],  &a[2],  &a[3],
                      &a[4],  &a[5],  &a[6],  &a[7],
                      &a[8],  &a[9],  &a[10], &a[11],
                      &a[12], &a[13], &a[14], &a[15]));
  CHECK_EQ(a[0], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[1], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[2], 3);
  CHECK_EQ(a[3], 4);
  CHECK_EQ(a[4], 5);
  CHECK_EQ(a[5], 6);
  CHECK_EQ(a[6], 7);
  CHECK_EQ(a[7], 8);
  CHECK_EQ(a[8], 9);
  CHECK_EQ(a[9], 0);
  CHECK_EQ(a[10], 1);
  CHECK_EQ(a[11], 2);
  CHECK_EQ(a[12], 3);
  CHECK_EQ(a[13], 4);
  CHECK_EQ(a[14], 5);
  CHECK_EQ(a[15], 6);

TEST(RE2, Accessors) {
  // Check the pattern() accessor
    const string kPattern = "http://([^/]+)/.*";
    const RE2 re(kPattern);
    CHECK_EQ(kPattern, re.pattern());

  // Check RE2 error field.
    RE2 re("foo");
    CHECK(re.error().empty());  // Must have no error
    CHECK(re.error_code() == RE2::NoError);

  // Check UTF-8 handling
  // Three Japanese characters (nihongo)
  const char utf8_string[] = {
       0xe6, 0x97, 0xa5, // 65e5
       0xe6, 0x9c, 0xac, // 627c
       0xe8, 0xaa, 0x9e, // 8a9e
  const char utf8_pattern[] = {
       0xe6, 0x9c, 0xac, // 627c

  // Both should match in either mode, bytes or UTF-8
  RE2 re_test1(".........", RE2::Latin1);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test1));
  RE2 re_test2("...");
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test2));

  // Check that '.' matches one byte or UTF-8 character
  // according to the mode.
  string s;
  RE2 re_test3("(.)", RE2::Latin1);
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch(utf8_string, re_test3, &s));
  CHECK_EQ(s, string("\xe6"));
  RE2 re_test4("(.)");
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch(utf8_string, re_test4, &s));
  CHECK_EQ(s, string("\xe6\x97\xa5"));

  // Check that string matches itself in either mode
  RE2 re_test5(utf8_string, RE2::Latin1);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test5));
  RE2 re_test6(utf8_string);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test6));

  // Check that pattern matches string only in UTF8 mode
  RE2 re_test7(utf8_pattern, RE2::Latin1);
  CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test7));
  RE2 re_test8(utf8_pattern);
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test8));

TEST(RE2, UngreedyUTF8) {
  // Check that ungreedy, UTF8 regular expressions don't match when they
  // oughtn't -- see bug 82246.
    // This code always worked.
    const char* pattern = "\\w+X";
    const string target = "a aX";
    RE2 match_sentence(pattern, RE2::Latin1);
    RE2 match_sentence_re(pattern);

    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence));
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence_re));
    const char* pattern = "(?U)\\w+X";
    const string target = "a aX";
    RE2 match_sentence(pattern, RE2::Latin1);
    CHECK_EQ(match_sentence.error(), "");
    RE2 match_sentence_re(pattern);

    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence));
    CHECK(!RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence_re));

TEST(RE2, Rejects) {
  { RE2 re("a\\1", RE2::Quiet); CHECK(!re.ok()); }
    RE2 re("a[x", RE2::Quiet);
    RE2 re("a[z-a]", RE2::Quiet);
    RE2 re("a[[:foobar:]]", RE2::Quiet);
    RE2 re("a(b", RE2::Quiet);
    RE2 re("a\\", RE2::Quiet);

TEST(RE2, NoCrash) {
  // Test that using a bad regexp doesn't crash.
    RE2 re("a\\", RE2::Quiet);
    CHECK(!RE2::PartialMatch("a\\b", re));

  // Test that using an enormous regexp doesn't crash
    RE2 re("(((.{100}){100}){100}){100}", RE2::Quiet);
    CHECK(!RE2::PartialMatch("aaa", re));

  // Test that a crazy regexp still compiles and runs.
    RE2 re(".{512}x", RE2::Quiet);
    string s;
    s.append(515, 'c');
    CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch(s, re));

TEST(RE2, Recursion) {
  // Test that recursion is stopped.
  // This test is PCRE-legacy -- there's no recursion in RE2.
  int bytes = 15 * 1024;  // enough to crash PCRE
  TestRecursion(bytes, ".");
  TestRecursion(bytes, "a");
  TestRecursion(bytes, "a.");
  TestRecursion(bytes, "ab.");
  TestRecursion(bytes, "abc.");

TEST(RE2, BigCountedRepetition) {
  // Test that counted repetition works, given tons of memory.
  RE2::Options opt;

  RE2 re(".{512}x", opt);
  string s;
  s.append(515, 'c');
  CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch(s, re));

TEST(RE2, DeepRecursion) {
  // Test for deep stack recursion.  This would fail with a
  // segmentation violation due to stack overflow before pcre was
  // patched.
  // Again, a PCRE legacy test.  RE2 doesn't recurse.
  string comment("x*");
  string a(131072, 'a');
  comment += a;
  comment += "*x";
  RE2 re("((?:\\s|xx.*\n|x[*](?:\n|.)*?[*]x)*)");
  CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(comment, re));

// Suggested by Josh Hyman.  Failed when SearchOnePass was
// not implementing case-folding.
TEST(CaseInsensitive, MatchAndConsume) {
  string result;
  string text = "A fish named *Wanda*";
  StringPiece sp(text);

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(sp, "(?i)([wand]{5})", &result));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&sp, "(?i)([wand]{5})", &result));

// RE2 should permit implicit conversions from string, StringPiece, const char*,
// and C string literals.
TEST(RE2, ImplicitConversions) {
  string re_string(".");
  StringPiece re_stringpiece(".");
  const char* re_cstring = ".";
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_string));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_stringpiece));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_cstring));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", "."));

// Bugs introduced by 8622304
TEST(RE2, CL8622304) {
  // reported by ingow
  string dir;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("D", "([^\\\\])"));  // ok
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("D", "([^\\\\])", &dir));  // fails

  // reported by jacobsa
  string key, val;
  EXPECT_EQ(key, "bar");
  EXPECT_EQ(val, "1,0x2F,030,4,5");

// Check that RE2 returns correct regexp pieces on error.
// In particular, make sure it returns whole runes
// and that it always reports invalid UTF-8.
// Also check that Perl error flag piece is big enough.
static struct ErrorTest {
  const char *regexp;
  const char *error;
} error_tests[] = {
  { "ab\\αcd", "\\α" },
  { "ef\\x☺01", "\\x☺0" },
  { "gh\\x1☺01", "\\x1☺" },
  { "ij\\x1", "\\x1" },
  { "kl\\x", "\\x" },
  { "uv\\x{0000☺}", "\\x{0000☺" },
  { "wx\\p{ABC", "\\p{ABC" },
  { "yz(?smiUX:abc)", "(?smiUX" },   // used to return (?s but the error is X
  { "aa(?sm☺i", "(?sm☺" },
  { "bb[abc", "[abc" },

  { "mn\\x1\377", "" },  // no argument string returned for invalid UTF-8
  { "op\377qr", "" },
  { "st\\x{00000\377", "" },
  { "zz\\p{\377}", "" },
  { "zz\\x{00\377}", "" },
  { "zz(?P<name\377>abc)", "" },
TEST(RE2, ErrorArgs) {
  for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(error_tests); i++) {
    RE2 re(error_tests[i].regexp, RE2::Quiet);
    EXPECT_EQ(re.error_arg(), error_tests[i].error) << re.error();

// Check that "never match \n" mode never matches \n.
static struct NeverTest {
  const char* regexp;
  const char* text;
  const char* match;
} never_tests[] = {
  { "(.*)", "abc\ndef\nghi\n", "abc" },
  { "(?s)(abc.*def)", "abc\ndef\n", NULL },
  { "(abc(.|\n)*def)", "abc\ndef\n", NULL },
  { "(abc[^x]*def)", "abc\ndef\n", NULL },
  { "(abc[^x]*def)", "abczzzdef\ndef\n", "abczzzdef" },
TEST(RE2, NeverNewline) {
  RE2::Options opt;
  for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(never_tests); i++) {
    const NeverTest& t = never_tests[i];
    RE2 re(t.regexp, opt);
    if (t.match == NULL) {
      EXPECT_FALSE(re.PartialMatch(t.text, re));
    } else {
      StringPiece m;
      EXPECT_TRUE(re.PartialMatch(t.text, re, &m));
      EXPECT_EQ(m, t.match);

// Check that there are no capturing groups in "never capture" mode.
TEST(RE2, NeverCapture) {
  RE2::Options opt;
  RE2 re("(r)(e)", opt);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, re.NumberOfCapturingGroups());

// Bitstate bug was looking at submatch[0] even if nsubmatch == 0.
// Triggered by a failed DFA search falling back to Bitstate when
// using Match with a NULL submatch set.  Bitstate tried to read
// the submatch[0] entry even if nsubmatch was 0.
TEST(RE2, BitstateCaptureBug) {
  RE2::Options opt;
  RE2 re("(_________$)", opt);
  StringPiece s = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_________x";
  EXPECT_FALSE(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, NULL, 0));

// C++ version of bug 609710.
TEST(RE2, UnicodeClasses) {
  const string str = "ABCDEFGHI譚永鋒";
  string a, b, c;

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\p{L}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\p{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\p{Ll}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\P{L}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\P{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\P{Ll}"));

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\p{L}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\p{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\p{Ll}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\P{L}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\P{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\P{Ll}"));

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\p{L}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\p{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\p{Ll}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\P{L}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\P{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\P{Ll}"));

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\p{L}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\p{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\p{Ll}"));
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\P{L}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\P{Lu}"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\P{Ll}"));

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "(.).*?(.).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
  EXPECT_EQ("A", a);
  EXPECT_EQ("B", b);
  EXPECT_EQ("C", c);

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "(.).*?([\\p{L}]).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
  EXPECT_EQ("A", a);
  EXPECT_EQ("B", b);
  EXPECT_EQ("C", c);

  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "\\P{L}"));

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "(.).*?([\\p{Lu}]).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
  EXPECT_EQ("A", a);
  EXPECT_EQ("B", b);
  EXPECT_EQ("C", c);

  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "[^\\p{Lu}\\p{Lo}]"));

  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, ".*(.).*?([\\p{Lu}\\p{Lo}]).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
  EXPECT_EQ("譚", a);
  EXPECT_EQ("永", b);
  EXPECT_EQ("鋒", c);

// Bug reported by saito. 2009/02/17
TEST(RE2, NullVsEmptyString) {
  RE2 re2(".*");
  StringPiece v1("");
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(v1, re2));

  StringPiece v2;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(v2, re2));

// Issue 1816809
TEST(RE2, Bug1816809) {
  RE2 re("(((((llx((-3)|(4)))(;(llx((-3)|(4))))*))))");
  StringPiece piece("llx-3;llx4");
  string x;
  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::Consume(&piece, re, &x));

// Issue 3061120
TEST(RE2, Bug3061120) {
  RE2 re("(?i)\\W");
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("x", re));  // always worked
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("k", re));  // broke because of kelvin
  EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("s", re));  // broke because of latin long s

TEST(RE2, CapturingGroupNames) {
  // Opening parentheses annotated with group IDs:
  //      12    3        45   6         7
  RE2 re("((abc)(?P<G2>)|((e+)(?P<G2>.*)(?P<G1>u+)))");
  const map<int, string>& have = re.CapturingGroupNames();
  map<int, string> want;
  want[3] = "G2";
  want[6] = "G2";
  want[7] = "G1";
  EXPECT_EQ(want, have);

TEST(RE2, RegexpToStringLossOfAnchor) {
  EXPECT_EQ(RE2("^[a-c]at", RE2::POSIX).Regexp()->ToString(), "^[a-c]at");
  EXPECT_EQ(RE2("^[a-c]at").Regexp()->ToString(), "(?-m:^)[a-c]at");
  EXPECT_EQ(RE2("ca[t-z]$", RE2::POSIX).Regexp()->ToString(), "ca[t-z]$");
  EXPECT_EQ(RE2("ca[t-z]$").Regexp()->ToString(), "ca[t-z](?-m:$)");

}  // namespace re2

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