
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. isIncognito
  2. onSaveToClipboard
  3. onSaveImageToClipboard
  4. onLoadProgressChanged
  5. onLoadStarted
  6. onLoadStopped
  7. onUpdateUrl
  8. showRepostFormWarningDialog
  9. toggleFullscreenModeForTab
  10. navigationStateChanged
  11. buildContextMenu
  12. navigationEntryCommitted
  13. didFailLoad
  14. didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
  15. addObserver
  16. removeObserver
  17. canGoBack
  18. canGoForward
  19. goBack
  20. goForward
  21. getDirectedNavigationHistory
  22. goToNavigationIndex
  23. loadIfNecessary
  24. requestRestoreLoad
  25. loadUrl
  26. isShowingInterstitialPage
  27. isReady
  28. getView
  29. getWidth
  30. getHeight
  31. getApplicationContext
  32. getInfoBarContainer
  33. createAutoLoginProcessor
  34. print
  35. reload
  36. reloadIgnoringCache
  37. stopLoading
  38. getBackgroundColor
  39. getWebContents
  40. getProfile
  41. getId
  42. isIncognito
  43. getContentView
  44. getContentViewCore
  45. getPageInfo
  46. getNativePage
  47. isNativePage
  48. setUseDesktopUserAgent
  49. getUseDesktopUserAgent
  50. getSecurityLevel
  51. getSyncId
  52. setSyncId
  53. getTabObservers
  54. getContentViewClient
  55. setContentViewClient
  56. show
  57. hide
  58. showNativePage
  59. showRenderedPage
  60. initialize
  61. initializeNative
  62. initContentView
  63. initContentView
  64. setContentView
  65. destroy
  66. isInitialized
  67. getUrl
  68. getTitle
  69. getFavicon
  70. loadIfNeeded
  71. getParentId
  72. isGroupedWithParent
  73. setGroupedWithParent
  74. destroyNativePageInternal
  75. destroyContentView
  76. destroyContentViewInternal
  77. createWebContentsDelegate
  78. createContextMenuPopulator
  79. getWindowAndroid
  80. getChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid
  81. onFaviconUpdated
  82. onNavEntryChanged
  83. getNativePtr
  84. swapWebContents
  85. swapContentView
  86. clearNativePtr
  87. setNativePtr
  88. getNativeInfoBarContainer
  89. generateValidId
  90. generateNextId
  91. pushNativePageStateToNavigationEntry
  92. incrementIdCounterTo
  93. nativeInit
  94. nativeDestroy
  95. nativeInitWebContents
  96. nativeDestroyWebContents
  97. nativeGetWebContents
  98. nativeGetProfileAndroid
  99. nativeLoadUrl
  100. nativeGetSecurityLevel
  101. nativeSetActiveNavigationEntryTitleForUrl
  102. nativePrint

// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.content.Context;
import android.view.ContextMenu;
import android.view.View;

import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentView;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewClient;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewCore;
import org.chromium.content.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content.browser.NavigationClient;
import org.chromium.content.browser.NavigationHistory;
import org.chromium.content.browser.PageInfo;
import org.chromium.content.browser.WebContentsObserverAndroid;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.Clipboard;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * The basic Java representation of a tab.  Contains and manages a {@link ContentView}.
 * Tab provides common functionality for ChromeShell Tab as well as Chrome on Android's
 * tab. It is intended to be extended either on Java or both Java and C++, with ownership managed
 * by this base class.
 * Extending just Java:
 *  - Just extend the class normally.  Do not override initializeNative().
 * Extending Java and C++:
 *  - Because of the inner-workings of JNI, the subclass is responsible for constructing the native
 *    subclass, which in turn constructs TabAndroid (the native counterpart to Tab), which in
 *    turn sets the native pointer for Tab.  For destruction, subclasses in Java must clear
 *    their own native pointer reference, but Tab#destroy() will handle deleting the native
 *    object.
 * Notes on {@link Tab#getId()}:
 *    Tabs are all generated using a static {@link AtomicInteger} which means they are unique across
 *  all {@link Activity}s running in the same {@link} process.  Calling
 *  {@link Tab#incrementIdCounterTo(int)} will ensure new {@link Tab}s get ids greater than or equal
 *  to the parameter passed to that method.  This should be used when doing things like loading
 *  persisted {@link Tab}s from disk on process start to ensure all new {@link Tab}s don't have id
 *  collision.
 *    Some {@link Activity}s will not call this because they do not persist state, which means those
 *  ids can potentially conflict with the ones restored from persisted state depending on which
 *  {@link Activity} runs first on process start.  If {@link Tab}s are ever shared across
 *  {@link Activity}s or mixed with {@link Tab}s from other {@link Activity}s conflicts can occur
 *  unless special care is taken to make sure {@link Tab#incrementIdCounterTo(int)} is called with
 *  the correct value across all affected {@link Activity}s.
public class Tab implements NavigationClient {
    public static final int INVALID_TAB_ID = -1;

    /** Used for automatically generating tab ids. */
    private static final AtomicInteger sIdCounter = new AtomicInteger();

    private long mNativeTabAndroid;

    /** Unique id of this tab (within its container). */
    private final int mId;

    /** Whether or not this tab is an incognito tab. */
    private final boolean mIncognito;

    /** An Application {@link Context}.  Unlike {@link #mContext}, this is the only one that is
     * publicly exposed to help prevent leaking the {@link Activity}. */
    private final Context mApplicationContext;

    /** The {@link Context} used to create {@link View}s and other Android components.  Unlike
     * {@link #mApplicationContext}, this is not publicly exposed to help prevent leaking the
     * {@link Activity}. */
    private final Context mContext;

    /** Gives {@link Tab} a way to interact with the Android window. */
    private final WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;

    /** The current native page (e.g. chrome-native://newtab), or {@code null} if there is none. */
    private NativePage mNativePage;

    /** The {@link ContentView} showing the current page or {@code null} if the tab is frozen. */
    private ContentView mContentView;

    /** InfoBar container to show InfoBars for this tab. */
    private InfoBarContainer mInfoBarContainer;

    /** Manages app banners shown for this tab. */
    private AppBannerManager mAppBannerManager;

    /** The sync id of the Tab if session sync is enabled. */
    private int mSyncId;

     * The {@link ContentViewCore} for the current page, provided for convenience. This always
     * equals {@link ContentView#getContentViewCore()}, or {@code null} if mContentView is
     * {@code null}.
    private ContentViewCore mContentViewCore;

     * A list of Tab observers.  These are used to broadcast Tab events to listeners.
    private final ObserverList<TabObserver> mObservers = new ObserverList<TabObserver>();

    // Content layer Observers and Delegates
    private ContentViewClient mContentViewClient;
    private WebContentsObserverAndroid mWebContentsObserver;
    private VoiceSearchTabHelper mVoiceSearchTabHelper;
    private TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid mWebContentsDelegate;
    private DomDistillerFeedbackReporter mDomDistillerFeedbackReporter;

     * If this tab was opened from another tab, store the id of the tab that
     * caused it to be opened so that we can activate it when this tab gets
     * closed.
    private int mParentId = INVALID_TAB_ID;

     * Whether the tab should be grouped with its parent tab.
    private boolean mGroupedWithParent = true;

     * A default {@link ChromeContextMenuItemDelegate} that supports some of the context menu
     * functionality.
    protected class TabChromeContextMenuItemDelegate
            extends EmptyChromeContextMenuItemDelegate {
        private final Clipboard mClipboard;

         * Builds a {@link TabChromeContextMenuItemDelegate} instance.
        public TabChromeContextMenuItemDelegate() {
            mClipboard = new Clipboard(getApplicationContext());

        public boolean isIncognito() {
            return mIncognito;

        public void onSaveToClipboard(String text, boolean isUrl) {
            mClipboard.setText(text, text);

        public void onSaveImageToClipboard(String url) {
            mClipboard.setHTMLText("<img src=\"" + url + "\">", url, url);

     * A basic {@link ChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid} that forwards some calls to the registered
     * {@link TabObserver}s.  Meant to be overridden by subclasses.
    public class TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid
            extends ChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid {
        public void onLoadProgressChanged(int progress) {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) {
                observer.onLoadProgressChanged(Tab.this, progress);

        public void onLoadStarted() {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onLoadStarted(Tab.this);

        public void onLoadStopped() {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onLoadStopped(Tab.this);

        public void onUpdateUrl(String url) {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onUpdateUrl(Tab.this, url);

        public void showRepostFormWarningDialog(final ContentViewCore contentViewCore) {
            RepostFormWarningDialog warningDialog = new RepostFormWarningDialog(
                    new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                    }, new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
            Activity activity = (Activity) mContext;
  , null);

        public void toggleFullscreenModeForTab(boolean enableFullscreen) {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) {
                observer.onToggleFullscreenMode(Tab.this, enableFullscreen);

        public void navigationStateChanged(int flags) {
            if ((flags & INVALIDATE_TYPE_TITLE) != 0) {
                for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onTitleUpdated(Tab.this);
            if ((flags & INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL) != 0) {
                for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onUrlUpdated(Tab.this);

    private class TabContextMenuPopulator extends ContextMenuPopulatorWrapper {
        public TabContextMenuPopulator(ContextMenuPopulator populator) {

        public void buildContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, Context context, ContextMenuParams params) {
            super.buildContextMenu(menu, context, params);
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onContextMenuShown(Tab.this, menu);

    private class TabWebContentsObserverAndroid extends WebContentsObserverAndroid {
        public TabWebContentsObserverAndroid(ContentViewCore contentViewCore) {

        public void navigationEntryCommitted() {
            if (getNativePage() != null) {

        public void didFailLoad(boolean isProvisionalLoad, boolean isMainFrame, int errorCode,
                String description, String failingUrl) {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) {
                observer.onDidFailLoad(Tab.this, isProvisionalLoad, isMainFrame, errorCode,
                        description, failingUrl);

        public void didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(long frameId, long parentFrameId,
                boolean isMainFrame, String validatedUrl, boolean isErrorPage,
                boolean isIframeSrcdoc) {
            for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) {
                observer.onDidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(Tab.this, frameId, parentFrameId,
                        isMainFrame, validatedUrl, isErrorPage, isIframeSrcdoc);

     * Creates an instance of a {@link Tab} with no id.
     * @param incognito Whether or not this tab is incognito.
     * @param context   An instance of a {@link Context}.
     * @param window    An instance of a {@link WindowAndroid}.
    public Tab(boolean incognito, Context context, WindowAndroid window) {
        this(INVALID_TAB_ID, incognito, context, window);

     * Creates an instance of a {@link Tab}.
     * @param id        The id this tab should be identified with.
     * @param incognito Whether or not this tab is incognito.
     * @param context   An instance of a {@link Context}.
     * @param window    An instance of a {@link WindowAndroid}.
    public Tab(int id, boolean incognito, Context context, WindowAndroid window) {
        this(INVALID_TAB_ID, id, incognito, context, window);

     * Creates an instance of a {@link Tab}.
     * @param id        The id this tab should be identified with.
     * @param parentId  The id id of the tab that caused this tab to be opened.
     * @param incognito Whether or not this tab is incognito.
     * @param context   An instance of a {@link Context}.
     * @param window    An instance of a {@link WindowAndroid}.
    public Tab(int id, int parentId, boolean incognito, Context context, WindowAndroid window) {
        // We need a valid Activity Context to build the ContentView with.
        assert context == null || context instanceof Activity;

        mId = generateValidId(id);
        mParentId = parentId;
        mIncognito = incognito;
        // TODO(dtrainor): Only store application context here.
        mContext = context;
        mApplicationContext = context != null ? context.getApplicationContext() : null;
        mWindowAndroid = window;

     * Adds a {@link TabObserver} to be notified on {@link Tab} changes.
     * @param observer The {@link TabObserver} to add.
    public final void addObserver(TabObserver observer) {

     * Removes a {@link TabObserver}.
     * @param observer The {@link TabObserver} to remove.
    public final void removeObserver(TabObserver observer) {

     * @return Whether or not this tab has a previous navigation entry.
    public boolean canGoBack() {
        return mContentViewCore != null && mContentViewCore.canGoBack();

     * @return Whether or not this tab has a navigation entry after the current one.
    public boolean canGoForward() {
        return mContentViewCore != null && mContentViewCore.canGoForward();

     * Goes to the navigation entry before the current one.
    public void goBack() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.goBack();

     * Goes to the navigation entry after the current one.
    public void goForward() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.goForward();

    public NavigationHistory getDirectedNavigationHistory(boolean isForward, int itemLimit) {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) {
            return mContentViewCore.getDirectedNavigationHistory(isForward, itemLimit);
        } else {
            return new NavigationHistory();

    public void goToNavigationIndex(int index) {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.goToNavigationIndex(index);

     * Loads the current navigation if there is a pending lazy load (after tab restore).
    public void loadIfNecessary() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.loadIfNecessary();

     * Requests the current navigation to be loaded upon the next call to loadIfNecessary().
    protected void requestRestoreLoad() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.requestRestoreLoad();

     * Causes this tab to navigate to the specified URL.
     * @param params parameters describing the url load. Note that it is important to set correct
     *               page transition as it is used for ranking URLs in the history so the omnibox
     *               can report suggestions correctly.
     *         prerendered. DEFAULT_PAGE_LOAD if it had not.
    public int loadUrl(LoadUrlParams params) {

        // We load the URL from the tab rather than directly from the ContentView so the tab has a
        // chance of using a prerenderer page is any.
        int loadType = nativeLoadUrl(
                params.getReferrer() != null ? params.getReferrer().getUrl() : null,
                // Policy will be ignored for null referrer url, 0 is just a placeholder.
                // TODO(ppi): Should we pass Referrer jobject and add JNI methods to read it from
                //            the native?
                params.getReferrer() != null ? params.getReferrer().getPolicy() : 0);


        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) {
            observer.onLoadUrl(this, params.getUrl(), loadType);
        return loadType;

     * @return Whether or not the {@link Tab} is currently showing an interstitial page, such as
     *         a bad HTTPS page.
    public boolean isShowingInterstitialPage() {
        ContentViewCore contentViewCore = getContentViewCore();
        return contentViewCore != null && contentViewCore.isShowingInterstitialPage();

     * @return Whether or not the tab has something valid to render.
    public boolean isReady() {
        return mNativePage != null || (mContentViewCore != null && mContentViewCore.isReady());

     * @return The {@link View} displaying the current page in the tab. This might be a
     *         {@link ContentView} but could potentially be any instance of {@link View}. This can
     *         be {@code null}, if the tab is frozen or being initialized or destroyed.
    public View getView() {
        PageInfo pageInfo = getPageInfo();
        return pageInfo != null ? pageInfo.getView() : null;

     * @return The width of the content of this tab.  Can be 0 if there is no content.
    public int getWidth() {
        View view = getView();
        return view != null ? view.getWidth() : 0;

     * @return The height of the content of this tab.  Can be 0 if there is no content.
    public int getHeight() {
        View view = getView();
        return view != null ? view.getHeight() : 0;

     * @return The application {@link Context} associated with this tab.
    protected Context getApplicationContext() {
        return mApplicationContext;

     * @return The infobar container.
    public final InfoBarContainer getInfoBarContainer() {
        return mInfoBarContainer;

     * Create an {@code AutoLoginProcessor} to decide how to handle login
     * requests.
    protected AutoLoginProcessor createAutoLoginProcessor() {
        return new AutoLoginProcessor() {
            public void processAutoLoginResult(String accountName, String authToken,
                    boolean success, String result) {

     * Prints the current page.
     * @return Whether the printing process is started successfully.
    public boolean print() {
        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0;
        return nativePrint(mNativeTabAndroid);

     * Reloads the current page content if it is a {@link ContentView}.
    public void reload() {
        // TODO(dtrainor): Should we try to rebuild the ContentView if it's frozen?
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.reload(true);

     * Reloads the current page content if it is a {@link ContentView}.
     * This version ignores the cache and reloads from the network.
    public void reloadIgnoringCache() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.reloadIgnoringCache(true);

    /** Stop the current navigation. */
    public void stopLoading() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.stopLoading();

     * @return The background color of the tab.
    public int getBackgroundColor() {
        return getPageInfo() != null ? getPageInfo().getBackgroundColor() : Color.WHITE;

     * @return The web contents associated with this tab.
    public WebContents getWebContents() {
        if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) return null;
        return nativeGetWebContents(mNativeTabAndroid);

     * @return The profile associated with this tab.
    public Profile getProfile() {
        if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) return null;
        return nativeGetProfileAndroid(mNativeTabAndroid);

     * For more information about the uniqueness of {@link #getId()} see comments on {@link Tab}.
     * @see Tab
     * @return The id representing this tab.
    public int getId() {
        return mId;

     * @return Whether or not this tab is incognito.
    public boolean isIncognito() {
        return mIncognito;

     * @return The {@link ContentView} associated with the current page, or {@code null} if
     *         there is no current page or the current page is displayed using something besides a
     *         {@link ContentView}.
    public ContentView getContentView() {
        return mNativePage == null ? mContentView : null;

     * @return The {@link ContentViewCore} associated with the current page, or {@code null} if
     *         there is no current page or the current page is displayed using something besides a
     *         {@link ContentView}.
    public ContentViewCore getContentViewCore() {
        return mNativePage == null ? mContentViewCore : null;

     * @return A {@link PageInfo} describing the current page.  This is always not {@code null}
     *         except during initialization, destruction, and when the tab is frozen.
    public PageInfo getPageInfo() {
        return mNativePage != null ? mNativePage : mContentView;

     * @return The {@link NativePage} associated with the current page, or {@code null} if there is
     *         no current page or the current page is displayed using something besides
     *         {@link NativePage}.
    public NativePage getNativePage() {
        return mNativePage;

     * @return Whether or not the {@link Tab} represents a {@link NativePage}.
    public boolean isNativePage() {
        return mNativePage != null;

     * Set whether or not the {@link ContentViewCore} should be using a desktop user agent for the
     * currently loaded page.
     * @param useDesktop     If {@code true}, use a desktop user agent.  Otherwise use a mobile one.
     * @param reloadOnChange Reload the page if the user agent has changed.
    public void setUseDesktopUserAgent(boolean useDesktop, boolean reloadOnChange) {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) {
            mContentViewCore.setUseDesktopUserAgent(useDesktop, reloadOnChange);

     * @return Whether or not the {@link ContentViewCore} is using a desktop user agent.
    public boolean getUseDesktopUserAgent() {
        return mContentViewCore != null && mContentViewCore.getUseDesktopUserAgent();

     * @return The current {ToolbarModelSecurityLevel} for the tab.
    public int getSecurityLevel() {
        if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) return ToolbarModelSecurityLevel.NONE;
        return nativeGetSecurityLevel(mNativeTabAndroid);

     * @return The sync id of the tab if session sync is enabled, {@code 0} otherwise.
    protected int getSyncId() {
        return mSyncId;

     * @param syncId The sync id of the tab if session sync is enabled.
    protected void setSyncId(int syncId) {
        mSyncId = syncId;

     * @return An {@link ObserverList.RewindableIterator} instance that points to all of
     *         the current {@link TabObserver}s on this class.  Note that calling
     *         {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()} will throw an
     *         {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
    protected ObserverList.RewindableIterator<TabObserver> getTabObservers() {
        return mObservers.rewindableIterator();

     * @return The {@link ContentViewClient} currently bound to any {@link ContentViewCore}
     *         associated with the current page.  There can still be a {@link ContentViewClient}
     *         even when there is no {@link ContentViewCore}.
    protected ContentViewClient getContentViewClient() {
        return mContentViewClient;

     * @param client The {@link ContentViewClient} to be bound to any current or new
     *               {@link ContentViewCore}s associated with this {@link Tab}.
    protected void setContentViewClient(ContentViewClient client) {
        if (mContentViewClient == client) return;

        ContentViewClient oldClient = mContentViewClient;
        mContentViewClient = client;

        if (mContentViewCore == null) return;

        if (mContentViewClient != null) {
        } else if (oldClient != null) {
            // We can't set a null client, but we should clear references to the last one.
            mContentViewCore.setContentViewClient(new ContentViewClient());

     * Triggers the showing logic for the view backing this tab.
    protected void show() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.onShow();

     * Triggers the hiding logic for the view backing the tab.
    protected void hide() {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.onHide();

     * Shows the given {@code nativePage} if it's not already showing.
     * @param nativePage The {@link NativePage} to show.
    protected void showNativePage(NativePage nativePage) {
        if (mNativePage == nativePage) return;
        NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage;
        mNativePage = nativePage;
        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onContentChanged(this);

     * Hides the current {@link NativePage}, if any, and shows the {@link ContentView}.
    protected void showRenderedPage() {
        if (mNativePage == null) return;
        NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage;
        mNativePage = null;
        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onContentChanged(this);

     * Initializes this {@link Tab}.
    public void initialize() {

     * Builds the native counterpart to this class.  Meant to be overridden by subclasses to build
     * subclass native counterparts instead.  Subclasses should not call this via super and instead
     * rely on the native class to create the JNI association.
    protected void initializeNative() {
        if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) nativeInit();
        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0;

     * A helper method to initialize a {@link ContentView} without any native WebContents pointer.
    protected final void initContentView() {

     * Creates and initializes the {@link ContentView}.
     * @param nativeWebContents The native web contents pointer.
    protected void initContentView(long nativeWebContents) {
        setContentView(ContentView.newInstance(mContext, nativeWebContents, getWindowAndroid()));

     * Completes the {@link ContentView} specific initialization around a native WebContents
     * pointer.  {@link #getPageInfo()} will still return the {@link NativePage} if there is one.
     * All initialization that needs to reoccur after a web contents swap should be added here.
     * <p />
     * NOTE: If you attempt to pass a native WebContents that does not have the same incognito
     * state as this tab this call will fail.
     * @param view The content view that needs to be set as active view for the tab.
    protected void setContentView(ContentView view) {
        NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage;
        mNativePage = null;

        mContentView = view;

        mContentViewCore = mContentView.getContentViewCore();
        mWebContentsDelegate = createWebContentsDelegate();
        mWebContentsObserver = new TabWebContentsObserverAndroid(mContentViewCore);
        mVoiceSearchTabHelper = new VoiceSearchTabHelper(mContentViewCore);

        if (mContentViewClient != null) mContentViewCore.setContentViewClient(mContentViewClient);

        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0;
                mNativeTabAndroid, mIncognito, mContentViewCore, mWebContentsDelegate,
                new TabContextMenuPopulator(createContextMenuPopulator()));

        // In the case where restoring a Tab or showing a prerendered one we already have a
        // valid infobar container, no need to recreate one.
        if (mInfoBarContainer == null) {
            // The InfoBarContainer needs to be created after the ContentView has been natively
            // initialized.
            WebContents webContents = view.getContentViewCore().getWebContents();
            mInfoBarContainer = new InfoBarContainer(
                    (Activity) mContext, createAutoLoginProcessor(), getId(), getContentView(),
        } else {
            mInfoBarContainer.onParentViewChanged(getId(), getContentView());

        if (AppBannerManager.isEnabled() && mAppBannerManager == null) {
            mAppBannerManager = new AppBannerManager(this);

        if (DomDistillerFeedbackReporter.isEnabled() && mDomDistillerFeedbackReporter == null) {
            mDomDistillerFeedbackReporter = new DomDistillerFeedbackReporter(this);

        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onContentChanged(this);

     * Cleans up all internal state, destroying any {@link NativePage} or {@link ContentView}
     * currently associated with this {@link Tab}.  This also destroys the native counterpart
     * to this class, which means that all subclasses should erase their native pointers after
     * this method is called.  Once this call is made this {@link Tab} should no longer be used.
    public void destroy() {
        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onDestroyed(this);

        NativePage currentNativePage = mNativePage;
        mNativePage = null;

        // Destroys the native tab after destroying the ContentView but before destroying the
        // InfoBarContainer. The native tab should be destroyed before the infobar container as
        // destroying the native tab cleanups up any remaining infobars. The infobar container
        // expects all infobars to be cleaned up before its own destruction.
        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0;
        assert mNativeTabAndroid == 0;

        if (mInfoBarContainer != null) {
            mInfoBarContainer = null;

     * @return Whether or not this Tab has a live native component.
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return mNativeTabAndroid != 0;

     * @return The url associated with the tab.
    public String getUrl() {
        return mContentView != null ? mContentView.getUrl() : "";

     * @return The tab title.
    public String getTitle() {
        return getPageInfo() != null ? getPageInfo().getTitle() : "";

     * @return The bitmap of the favicon scaled to 16x16dp. null if no favicon
     *         is specified or it requires the default favicon.
     *         TODO(bauerb): Upstream implementation.
    public Bitmap getFavicon() {
        return null;

     * Loads the tab if it's not loaded (e.g. because it was killed in background).
     * @return true iff tab load was triggered
    public boolean loadIfNeeded() {
        return false;

     * @return The id of the tab that caused this tab to be opened.
    public int getParentId() {
        return mParentId;

     * @return Whether the tab should be grouped with its parent tab (true by default).
    public boolean isGroupedWithParent() {
        return mGroupedWithParent;

     * Sets whether the tab should be grouped with its parent tab.
     * @param groupedWithParent The new value.
     * @see #isGroupedWithParent
    public void setGroupedWithParent(boolean groupedWithParent) {
        mGroupedWithParent = groupedWithParent;

    private void destroyNativePageInternal(NativePage nativePage) {
        if (nativePage == null) return;
        assert getPageInfo() != nativePage : "Attempting to destroy active page.";


     * Destroys the current {@link ContentView}.
     * @param deleteNativeWebContents Whether or not to delete the native WebContents pointer.
    protected final void destroyContentView(boolean deleteNativeWebContents) {
        if (mContentView == null) return;


        if (mInfoBarContainer != null && mInfoBarContainer.getParent() != null) {
        if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.destroy();

        mContentView = null;
        mContentViewCore = null;
        mWebContentsDelegate = null;
        mWebContentsObserver = null;
        mVoiceSearchTabHelper = null;

        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0;
        nativeDestroyWebContents(mNativeTabAndroid, deleteNativeWebContents);

     * Gives subclasses the chance to clean up some state associated with this {@link ContentView}.
     * This is because {@link #getContentView()} can return {@code null} if a {@link NativePage}
     * is showing.
     * @param contentView The {@link ContentView} that should have associated state cleaned up.
    protected void destroyContentViewInternal(ContentView contentView) {

     * A helper method to allow subclasses to build their own delegate.
     * @return An instance of a {@link TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid}.
    protected TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid createWebContentsDelegate() {
        return new TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid();

     * A helper method to allow subclasses to build their own menu populator.
     * @return An instance of a {@link ContextMenuPopulator}.
    protected ContextMenuPopulator createContextMenuPopulator() {
        return new ChromeContextMenuPopulator(new TabChromeContextMenuItemDelegate());

     * @return The {@link WindowAndroid} associated with this {@link Tab}.
    public WindowAndroid getWindowAndroid() {
        return mWindowAndroid;

     * @return The current {@link TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid} instance.
    protected TabChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid getChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid() {
        return mWebContentsDelegate;

     * Called when the favicon of the content this tab represents changes.
    protected void onFaviconUpdated() {
        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onFaviconUpdated(this);

     * Called when the navigation entry containing the historyitem changed,
     * for example because of a scroll offset or form field change.
    protected void onNavEntryChanged() {

     * @return The native pointer representing the native side of this {@link Tab} object.
    protected long getNativePtr() {
        return mNativeTabAndroid;

    /** This is currently called when committing a pre-rendered page. */
    private void swapWebContents(
            final long newWebContents, boolean didStartLoad, boolean didFinishLoad) {
        swapContentView(ContentView.newInstance(mContext, newWebContents, getWindowAndroid()),
        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) {
            observer.onWebContentsSwapped(this, didStartLoad, didFinishLoad);

     * Called to swap out the current view with the one passed in.
     * @param view The content view that should be swapped into the tab.
     * @param deleteOldNativeWebContents Whether to delete the native web contents of old view.
    protected void swapContentView(ContentView view, boolean deleteOldNativeWebContents) {
        int originalWidth = 0;
        int originalHeight = 0;
        if (mContentViewCore != null) {
            originalWidth = mContentViewCore.getViewportWidthPix();
            originalHeight = mContentViewCore.getViewportHeightPix();
        NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage;
        mNativePage = null;
        // Size of the new ContentViewCore is zero at this point. If we don't call onSizeChanged(),
        // next onShow() call would send a resize message with the current ContentViewCore size
        // (zero) to the renderer process, although the new size will be set soon.
        // However, this size fluttering may confuse Blink and rendered result can be broken
        // (see
        mContentViewCore.onSizeChanged(originalWidth, originalHeight, 0, 0);
        for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onContentChanged(this);

    private void clearNativePtr() {
        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0;
        mNativeTabAndroid = 0;

    private void setNativePtr(long nativePtr) {
        assert mNativeTabAndroid == 0;
        mNativeTabAndroid = nativePtr;

    private long getNativeInfoBarContainer() {
        return getInfoBarContainer().getNative();

     * Validates {@code id} and increments the internal counter to make sure future ids don't
     * collide.
     * @param id The current id.  Maybe {@link #INVALID_TAB_ID}.
     * @return   A new id if {@code id} was {@link #INVALID_TAB_ID}, or {@code id}.
    private static int generateValidId(int id) {
        if (id == INVALID_TAB_ID) id = generateNextId();
        incrementIdCounterTo(id + 1);

        return id;

     * @return An unused id.
    private static int generateNextId() {
        return sIdCounter.getAndIncrement();

    private void pushNativePageStateToNavigationEntry() {
        assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0 && getNativePage() != null;
        nativeSetActiveNavigationEntryTitleForUrl(mNativeTabAndroid, getNativePage().getUrl(),

     * Ensures the counter is at least as high as the specified value.  The counter should always
     * point to an unused ID (which will be handed out next time a request comes in).  Exposed so
     * that anything externally loading tabs and ids can set enforce new tabs start at the correct
     * id.
     * TODO(aurimas): Investigate reducing the visiblity of this method.
     * @param id The minimum id we should hand out to the next new tab.
    public static void incrementIdCounterTo(int id) {
        int diff = id - sIdCounter.get();
        if (diff <= 0) return;
        // It's possible idCounter has been incremented between the get above and the add below
        // but that's OK, because in the worst case we'll overly increment idCounter.

    private native void nativeInit();
    private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeTabAndroid);
    private native void nativeInitWebContents(long nativeTabAndroid, boolean incognito,
            ContentViewCore contentViewCore, ChromeWebContentsDelegateAndroid delegate,
            ContextMenuPopulator contextMenuPopulator);
    private native void nativeDestroyWebContents(long nativeTabAndroid, boolean deleteNative);
    private native WebContents nativeGetWebContents(long nativeTabAndroid);
    private native Profile nativeGetProfileAndroid(long nativeTabAndroid);
    private native int nativeLoadUrl(long nativeTabAndroid, String url, String extraHeaders,
            byte[] postData, int transition, String referrerUrl, int referrerPolicy);
    private native int nativeGetSecurityLevel(long nativeTabAndroid);
    private native void nativeSetActiveNavigationEntryTitleForUrl(long nativeTabAndroid, String url,
            String title);
    private native boolean nativePrint(long nativeTabAndroid);

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