
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. _exsltDateParseGYear
  2. _exsltDateParseGMonth
  3. _exsltDateParseGDay
  4. _exsltDateParseTime
  5. _exsltDateParseTimeZone
  6. exsltDateCreateDate
  7. exsltDateFreeDate
  8. exsltDateCurrent
  9. exsltDateParse
  10. exsltDateParseDuration
  11. exsltDateFormatDuration
  12. exsltDateFormatDateTime
  13. exsltDateFormatDate
  14. exsltDateFormatTime
  15. exsltDateFormat
  16. _exsltDateCastYMToDays
  17. exsltDateCastDateToNumber
  18. _exsltDateTruncateDate
  19. _exsltDateDayInWeek
  20. _exsltDateAdd
  21. exsltDateNormalize
  22. _exsltDateDifference
  23. _exsltDateAddDurCalc
  24. _exsltDateAddDuration
  25. exsltDateDateTime
  26. exsltDateDate
  27. exsltDateTime
  28. exsltDateYear
  29. exsltDateLeapYear
  30. exsltDateMonthInYear
  31. exsltDateMonthName
  32. exsltDateMonthAbbreviation
  33. exsltDateWeekInYear
  34. exsltDateWeekInMonth
  35. exsltDateDayInYear
  36. exsltDateDayInMonth
  37. exsltDateDayOfWeekInMonth
  38. exsltDateDayInWeek
  39. exsltDateDayName
  40. exsltDateDayAbbreviation
  41. exsltDateHourInDay
  42. exsltDateMinuteInHour
  43. exsltDateSecondInMinute
  44. exsltDateAdd
  45. exsltDateAddDuration
  46. exsltDateSumFunction
  47. exsltDateSeconds
  48. exsltDateDifference
  49. exsltDateDuration
  50. exsltDateDateTimeFunction
  51. exsltDateDateFunction
  52. exsltDateTimeFunction
  53. exsltDateYearFunction
  54. exsltDateLeapYearFunction
  55. X_IN_Y
  56. exsltDateMonthAbbreviationFunction
  57. X_IN_Y
  58. exsltDateDayAbbreviationFunction
  59. X_IN_Y
  60. exsltDateAddFunction
  61. exsltDateAddDurationFunction
  62. exsltDateDifferenceFunction
  63. exsltDateDurationFunction
  64. exsltDateRegister
  65. exsltDateXpathCtxtRegister

 * date.c: Implementation of the EXSLT -- Dates and Times module
 * References:
 * See Copyright for the status of this software.
 * Authors:
 *   Charlie Bozeman <>
 *   Thomas Broyer <>
 * TODO:
 * elements:
 *   date-format
 * functions:
 *   format-date
 *   parse-date
 *   sum

#include "libexslt/libexslt.h"

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) && (!__MINGW32__)
#include <win32config.h>
#include "config.h"

#if HAVE_LOCALTIME_R    /* _POSIX_SOURCE required by gnu libc */
#ifndef _AIX51          /* but on AIX we're not using gnu libc */

#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>

#include <libxslt/xsltconfig.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h>
#include <libxslt/extensions.h>

#include "exslt.h"

#include <string.h>

#ifdef HAVE_MATH_H
#include <math.h>

/* needed to get localtime_r on Solaris */
#ifdef __sun
#ifndef __EXTENSIONS__
#define __EXTENSIONS__

#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
#include <time.h>

 * types of date and/or time (from schema datatypes)
 *   somewhat ordered from least specific to most specific (i.e.
 *   most truncated to least truncated).
typedef enum {
    EXSLT_UNKNOWN  =    0,
    XS_TIME        =    1,       /* time is left-truncated */
    XS_GDAY        = (XS_TIME   << 1),
    XS_GMONTH      = (XS_GDAY   << 1),
    XS_GYEAR       = (XS_GMONTH << 1),
    XS_DATE        = (XS_GYEAR  | XS_GMONTH | XS_GDAY),
    XS_DURATION    = (XS_GYEAR  << 1)
} exsltDateType;

/* Date value */
typedef struct _exsltDateValDate exsltDateValDate;
typedef exsltDateValDate *exsltDateValDatePtr;
struct _exsltDateValDate {
    long                year;
    unsigned int        mon     :4;     /* 1 <=  mon    <= 12   */
    unsigned int        day     :5;     /* 1 <=  day    <= 31   */
    unsigned int        hour    :5;     /* 0 <=  hour   <= 23   */
    unsigned int        min     :6;     /* 0 <=  min    <= 59   */
    double              sec;
    unsigned int        tz_flag :1;     /* is tzo explicitely set? */
    signed int          tzo     :12;    /* -1440 <= tzo <= 1440 currently only -840 to +840 are needed */

/* Duration value */
typedef struct _exsltDateValDuration exsltDateValDuration;
typedef exsltDateValDuration *exsltDateValDurationPtr;
struct _exsltDateValDuration {
    long                mon;            /* mon stores years also */
    long                day;
    double              sec;            /* sec stores min and hour also */

typedef struct _exsltDateVal exsltDateVal;
typedef exsltDateVal *exsltDateValPtr;
struct _exsltDateVal {
    exsltDateType       type;
    union {
        exsltDateValDate        date;
        exsltDateValDuration    dur;
    } value;

 *                                                              *
 *                      Compat./Port. macros                    *
 *                                                              *

#if defined(HAVE_TIME_H)                                        \
    && (defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME) || defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R))   \
    && (defined(HAVE_GMTIME) || defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R))         \
    && defined(HAVE_TIME)
#define WITH_TIME

 *                                                              *
 *              Convenience macros and functions                *
 *                                                              *

#define IS_TZO_CHAR(c)                                          \
        ((c == 0) || (c == 'Z') || (c == '+') || (c == '-'))

#define VALID_ALWAYS(num)       (num >= 0)
#define VALID_YEAR(yr)          (yr != 0)
#define VALID_MONTH(mon)        ((mon >= 1) && (mon <= 12))
/* VALID_DAY should only be used when month is unknown */
#define VALID_DAY(day)          ((day >= 1) && (day <= 31))
#define VALID_HOUR(hr)          ((hr >= 0) && (hr <= 23))
#define VALID_MIN(min)          ((min >= 0) && (min <= 59))
#define VALID_SEC(sec)          ((sec >= 0) && (sec < 60))
#define VALID_TZO(tzo)          ((tzo > -1440) && (tzo < 1440))
#define IS_LEAP(y)                                              \
        (((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0)) || (y % 400 == 0))

static const unsigned long daysInMonth[12] =
        { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
static const unsigned long daysInMonthLeap[12] =
        { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

#define MAX_DAYINMONTH(yr,mon)                                  \
        (IS_LEAP(yr) ? daysInMonthLeap[mon - 1] : daysInMonth[mon - 1])

#define VALID_MDAY(dt)                                          \
        (IS_LEAP(dt->year) ?                                    \
            (dt->day <= daysInMonthLeap[dt->mon - 1]) :         \
            (dt->day <= daysInMonth[dt->mon - 1]))

#define VALID_DATE(dt)                                          \
        (VALID_YEAR(dt->year) && VALID_MONTH(dt->mon) && VALID_MDAY(dt))

    hour and min structure vals are unsigned, so normal macros give
    warnings on some compilers.
#define VALID_TIME(dt)                                          \
        ((dt->hour <=23 ) && (dt->min <= 59) &&                 \
         VALID_SEC(dt->sec) && VALID_TZO(dt->tzo))

#define VALID_DATETIME(dt)                                      \
        (VALID_DATE(dt) && VALID_TIME(dt))

#define SECS_PER_MIN            (60)
#define SECS_PER_HOUR           (60 * SECS_PER_MIN)
#define SECS_PER_DAY            (24 * SECS_PER_HOUR)

static const unsigned long dayInYearByMonth[12] =
        { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
static const unsigned long dayInLeapYearByMonth[12] =
        { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 };

#define DAY_IN_YEAR(day, month, year)                           \
        ((IS_LEAP(year) ?                                       \
                dayInLeapYearByMonth[month - 1] :               \
                dayInYearByMonth[month - 1]) + day)

 * _exsltDateParseGYear:
 * @dt:  pointer to a date structure
 * @str: pointer to the string to analyze
 * Parses a xs:gYear without time zone and fills in the appropriate
 * field of the @dt structure. @str is updated to point just after the
 * xs:gYear. It is supposed that @dt->year is big enough to contain
 * the year.
 * Returns 0 or the error code
static int
_exsltDateParseGYear (exsltDateValDatePtr dt, const xmlChar **str)
    const xmlChar *cur = *str, *firstChar;
    int isneg = 0, digcnt = 0;

    if (((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9')) &&
        (*cur != '-') && (*cur != '+'))
        return -1;

    if (*cur == '-') {
        isneg = 1;

    firstChar = cur;

    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
        dt->year = dt->year * 10 + (*cur - '0');

    /* year must be at least 4 digits (CCYY); over 4
     * digits cannot have a leading zero. */
    if ((digcnt < 4) || ((digcnt > 4) && (*firstChar == '0')))
        return 1;

    if (isneg)
        dt->year = - dt->year;

    if (!VALID_YEAR(dt->year))
        return 2;

    *str = cur;

                     "Parsed year %04i\n", dt->year);

    return 0;

 * @yr:  the year to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats @yr in xsl:gYear format. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the xsl:gYear.
#define FORMAT_GYEAR(yr, cur)                                   \
        if (yr < 0) {                                           \
            *cur = '-';                                         \
            cur++;                                              \
        }                                                       \
        {                                                       \
            long year = (yr < 0) ? - yr : yr;                   \
            xmlChar tmp_buf[100], *tmp = tmp_buf;               \
            /* result is in reverse-order */                    \
            while (year > 0) {                                  \
                *tmp = '0' + (xmlChar)(year % 10);              \
                year /= 10;                                     \
                tmp++;                                          \
            }                                                   \
            /* virtually adds leading zeros */                  \
            while ((tmp - tmp_buf) < 4)                         \
                *tmp++ = '0';                                   \
            /* restore the correct order */                     \
            while (tmp > tmp_buf) {                             \
                tmp--;                                          \
                *cur = *tmp;                                    \
                cur++;                                          \
            }                                                   \

 * @num:  the integer to fill in
 * @cur:  an #xmlChar *
 * @func: validation function for the number
 * @invalid: an integer
 * Parses a 2-digits integer and updates @num with the value. @cur is
 * updated to point just after the integer.
 * In case of error, @invalid is set to %TRUE, values of @num and
 * @cur are undefined.
#define PARSE_2_DIGITS(num, cur, func, invalid)                 \
        if ((cur[0] < '0') || (cur[0] > '9') ||                 \
            (cur[1] < '0') || (cur[1] > '9'))                   \
            invalid = 1;                                        \
        else {                                                  \
            int val;                                            \
            val = (cur[0] - '0') * 10 + (cur[1] - '0');         \
            if (!func(val))                                     \
                invalid = 2;                                    \
            else                                                \
                num = val;                                      \
        }                                                       \
        cur += 2;

 * @num:  the integer to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats a 2-digits integer. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the integer.
#define FORMAT_2_DIGITS(num, cur)                               \
        *cur = '0' + ((num / 10) % 10);                         \
        cur++;                                                  \
        *cur = '0' + (num % 10);                                \

 * @num:  the double to fill in
 * @cur:  an #xmlChar *
 * @invalid: an integer
 * Parses a float and updates @num with the value. @cur is
 * updated to point just after the float. The float must have a
 * 2-digits integer part and may or may not have a decimal part.
 * In case of error, @invalid is set to %TRUE, values of @num and
 * @cur are undefined.
#define PARSE_FLOAT(num, cur, invalid)                          \
        PARSE_2_DIGITS(num, cur, VALID_ALWAYS, invalid);        \
        if (!invalid && (*cur == '.')) {                        \
            double mult = 1;                                    \
            cur++;                                              \
            if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))                   \
                invalid = 1;                                    \
            while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {            \
                mult /= 10;                                     \
                num += (*cur - '0') * mult;                     \
                cur++;                                          \
            }                                                   \

 * @num:  the double to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * @pad: a flag for padding to 2 integer digits
 * Formats a float. Result is appended to @cur and @cur is updated to
 * point after the integer. If the @pad flag is non-zero, then the
 * float representation has a minimum 2-digits integer part. The
 * fractional part is formatted if @num has a fractional value.
#define FORMAT_FLOAT(num, cur, pad)                             \
        {                                                       \
            xmlChar *sav, *str;                                 \
            if ((pad) && (num < 10.0))                          \
                *cur++ = '0';                                   \
            str = xmlXPathCastNumberToString(num);              \
            sav = str;                                          \
            while (*str != 0)                                   \
                *cur++ = *str++;                                \
            xmlFree(sav);                                       \

 * _exsltDateParseGMonth:
 * @dt:  pointer to a date structure
 * @str: pointer to the string to analyze
 * Parses a xs:gMonth without time zone and fills in the appropriate
 * field of the @dt structure. @str is updated to point just after the
 * xs:gMonth.
 * Returns 0 or the error code
static int
_exsltDateParseGMonth (exsltDateValDatePtr dt, const xmlChar **str)
    const xmlChar *cur = *str;
    int ret = 0;

    PARSE_2_DIGITS(dt->mon, cur, VALID_MONTH, ret);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

    *str = cur;

                     "Parsed month %02i\n", dt->mon);

    return 0;

 * @mon:  the month to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats @mon in xsl:gMonth format. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the xsl:gMonth.
#define FORMAT_GMONTH(mon, cur)                                 \
        FORMAT_2_DIGITS(mon, cur)

 * _exsltDateParseGDay:
 * @dt:  pointer to a date structure
 * @str: pointer to the string to analyze
 * Parses a xs:gDay without time zone and fills in the appropriate
 * field of the @dt structure. @str is updated to point just after the
 * xs:gDay.
 * Returns 0 or the error code
static int
_exsltDateParseGDay (exsltDateValDatePtr dt, const xmlChar **str)
    const xmlChar *cur = *str;
    int ret = 0;

    PARSE_2_DIGITS(dt->day, cur, VALID_DAY, ret);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

    *str = cur;

                     "Parsed day %02i\n", dt->day);

    return 0;

 * @dt:  the #exsltDateValDate to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats @dt in xsl:gDay format. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the xsl:gDay.
#define FORMAT_GDAY(dt, cur)                                    \
        FORMAT_2_DIGITS(dt->day, cur)

 * @dt:  the #exsltDateValDate to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats @dt in xsl:date format. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the xsl:date.
#define FORMAT_DATE(dt, cur)                                    \
        FORMAT_GYEAR(dt->year, cur);                            \
        *cur = '-';                                             \
        cur++;                                                  \
        FORMAT_GMONTH(dt->mon, cur);                            \
        *cur = '-';                                             \
        cur++;                                                  \
        FORMAT_GDAY(dt, cur);

 * _exsltDateParseTime:
 * @dt:  pointer to a date structure
 * @str: pointer to the string to analyze
 * Parses a xs:time without time zone and fills in the appropriate
 * fields of the @dt structure. @str is updated to point just after the
 * xs:time.
 * In case of error, values of @dt fields are undefined.
 * Returns 0 or the error code
static int
_exsltDateParseTime (exsltDateValDatePtr dt, const xmlChar **str)
    const xmlChar *cur = *str;
    unsigned int hour = 0; /* use temp var in case str is not xs:time */
    int ret = 0;

    PARSE_2_DIGITS(hour, cur, VALID_HOUR, ret);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

    if (*cur != ':')
        return 1;

    /* the ':' insures this string is xs:time */
    dt->hour = hour;

    PARSE_2_DIGITS(dt->min, cur, VALID_MIN, ret);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

    if (*cur != ':')
        return 1;

    PARSE_FLOAT(dt->sec, cur, ret);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

    if (!VALID_TIME(dt))
        return 2;

    *str = cur;

                     "Parsed time %02i:%02i:%02.f\n",
                     dt->hour, dt->min, dt->sec);

    return 0;

 * @dt:  the #exsltDateValDate to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats @dt in xsl:time format. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the xsl:time.
#define FORMAT_TIME(dt, cur)                                    \
        FORMAT_2_DIGITS(dt->hour, cur);                         \
        *cur = ':';                                             \
        cur++;                                                  \
        FORMAT_2_DIGITS(dt->min, cur);                          \
        *cur = ':';                                             \
        cur++;                                                  \
        FORMAT_FLOAT(dt->sec, cur, 1);

 * _exsltDateParseTimeZone:
 * @dt:  pointer to a date structure
 * @str: pointer to the string to analyze
 * Parses a time zone without time zone and fills in the appropriate
 * field of the @dt structure. @str is updated to point just after the
 * time zone.
 * Returns 0 or the error code
static int
_exsltDateParseTimeZone (exsltDateValDatePtr dt, const xmlChar **str)
    const xmlChar *cur;
    int ret = 0;

    if (str == NULL)
        return -1;
    cur = *str;
    switch (*cur) {
    case 0:
        dt->tz_flag = 0;
        dt->tzo = 0;

    case 'Z':
        dt->tz_flag = 1;
        dt->tzo = 0;

    case '+':
    case '-': {
        int isneg = 0, tmp = 0;
        isneg = (*cur == '-');


        PARSE_2_DIGITS(tmp, cur, VALID_HOUR, ret);
        if (ret != 0)
            return ret;

        if (*cur != ':')
            return 1;

        dt->tzo = tmp * 60;

        PARSE_2_DIGITS(tmp, cur, VALID_MIN, ret);
        if (ret != 0)
            return ret;

        dt->tzo += tmp;
        if (isneg)
            dt->tzo = - dt->tzo;

        if (!VALID_TZO(dt->tzo))
            return 2;

        return 1;

    *str = cur;

                     "Parsed time zone offset (%s) %i\n",
                     dt->tz_flag ? "explicit" : "implicit", dt->tzo);

    return 0;

 * @tzo:  the timezone offset to format
 * @cur: a pointer to an allocated buffer
 * Formats @tzo timezone. Result is appended to @cur and
 * @cur is updated to point after the timezone.
#define FORMAT_TZ(tzo, cur)                                     \
        if (tzo == 0) {                                         \
            *cur = 'Z';                                         \
            cur++;                                              \
        } else {                                                \
            int aTzo = (tzo < 0) ? - tzo : tzo;                 \
            int tzHh = aTzo / 60, tzMm = aTzo % 60;             \
            *cur = (tzo < 0) ? '-' : '+' ;                      \
            cur++;                                              \
            FORMAT_2_DIGITS(tzHh, cur);                         \
            *cur = ':';                                         \
            cur++;                                              \
            FORMAT_2_DIGITS(tzMm, cur);                         \

 *                                                              *
 *      XML Schema Dates/Times Datatypes Handling               *
 *                                                              *

 * exsltDateCreateDate:
 * @type:       type to create
 * Creates a new #exsltDateVal, uninitialized.
 * Returns the #exsltDateValPtr
static exsltDateValPtr
exsltDateCreateDate (exsltDateType type)
    exsltDateValPtr ret;

    ret = (exsltDateValPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(exsltDateVal));
    if (ret == NULL) {
                         "exsltDateCreateDate: out of memory\n");
        return (NULL);
    memset (ret, 0, sizeof(exsltDateVal));

    if (type != EXSLT_UNKNOWN)
        ret->type = type;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateFreeDate:
 * @date: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * Frees up the @date
static void
exsltDateFreeDate (exsltDateValPtr date) {
    if (date == NULL)


 * @num:  the integer to fill in
 * @cur:  an #xmlChar *
 * @num_type: an integer flag
 * Parses a digits integer and updates @num with the value. @cur is
 * updated to point just after the integer.
 * In case of error, @num_type is set to -1, values of @num and
 * @cur are undefined.
#define PARSE_DIGITS(num, cur, num_type)                        \
        if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))                       \
            num_type = -1;                                      \
        else                                                    \
            while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {            \
                num = num * 10 + (*cur - '0');                  \
                cur++;                                          \

 * @num:  the double to fill in
 * @cur:  an #xmlChar *
 * @num_type: an integer flag
 * Parses a float or integer and updates @num with the value. @cur is
 * updated to point just after the number. If the number is a float,
 * then it must have an integer part and a decimal part; @num_type will
 * be set to 1. If there is no decimal part, @num_type is set to zero.
 * In case of error, @num_type is set to -1, values of @num and
 * @cur are undefined.
#define PARSE_NUM(num, cur, num_type)                           \
        num = 0;                                                \
        PARSE_DIGITS(num, cur, num_type);                       \
        if (!num_type && (*cur == '.')) {                       \
            double mult = 1;                                    \
            cur++;                                              \
            if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))                   \
                num_type = -1;                                  \
            else                                                \
                num_type = 1;                                   \
            while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {            \
                mult /= 10;                                     \
                num += (*cur - '0') * mult;                     \
                cur++;                                          \
            }                                                   \

#ifdef WITH_TIME
 * exsltDateCurrent:
 * Returns the current date and time.
static exsltDateValPtr
exsltDateCurrent (void)
    struct tm localTm, gmTm;
    time_t secs;
    int local_s, gm_s;
    exsltDateValPtr ret;

    ret = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DATETIME);
    if (ret == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* get current time */
    secs    = time(NULL);
    localtime_r(&secs, &localTm);
    localTm = *localtime(&secs);

    /* get real year, not years since 1900 */
    ret-> = localTm.tm_year + 1900;

    ret->  = localTm.tm_mon + 1;
    ret->  = localTm.tm_mday;
    ret-> = localTm.tm_hour;
    ret->  = localTm.tm_min;

    /* floating point seconds */
    ret->  = (double) localTm.tm_sec;

    /* determine the time zone offset from local to gm time */
    gmtime_r(&secs, &gmTm);
    gmTm = *gmtime(&secs);
    ret-> = 0;
#if 0
    ret-> = (((ret-> * 1440) +
                            (ret-> * 60) +
                             ret-> -
                           ((gmTm.tm_mday * 1440) + (gmTm.tm_hour * 60) +
    local_s = localTm.tm_hour * SECS_PER_HOUR +
        localTm.tm_min * SECS_PER_MIN +
    gm_s = gmTm.tm_hour * SECS_PER_HOUR +
        gmTm.tm_min * SECS_PER_MIN +
    if (localTm.tm_year < gmTm.tm_year) {
        ret-> = -((SECS_PER_DAY - local_s) + gm_s)/60;
    } else if (localTm.tm_year > gmTm.tm_year) {
        ret-> = ((SECS_PER_DAY - gm_s) + local_s)/60;
    } else if (localTm.tm_mon < gmTm.tm_mon) {
        ret-> = -((SECS_PER_DAY - local_s) + gm_s)/60;
    } else if (localTm.tm_mon > gmTm.tm_mon) {
        ret-> = ((SECS_PER_DAY - gm_s) + local_s)/60;
    } else if (localTm.tm_mday < gmTm.tm_mday) {
        ret-> = -((SECS_PER_DAY - local_s) + gm_s)/60;
    } else if (localTm.tm_mday > gmTm.tm_mday) {
        ret-> = ((SECS_PER_DAY - gm_s) + local_s)/60;
    } else  {
        ret-> = (local_s - gm_s)/60;
    return ret;

 * exsltDateParse:
 * @dateTime:  string to analyze
 * Parses a date/time string
 * Returns a newly built #exsltDateValPtr of NULL in case of error
static exsltDateValPtr
exsltDateParse (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    int ret;
    const xmlChar *cur = dateTime;

#define RETURN_TYPE_IF_VALID(t)                                 \
    if (IS_TZO_CHAR(*cur)) {                                    \
        ret = _exsltDateParseTimeZone(&(dt->, &cur); \
        if (ret == 0) {                                         \
            if (*cur != 0)                                      \
                goto error;                                     \
            dt->type = t;                                       \
            return dt;                                          \
        }                                                       \

    if (dateTime == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if ((*cur != '-') && (*cur < '0') && (*cur > '9'))
        return NULL;

    dt = exsltDateCreateDate(EXSLT_UNKNOWN);
    if (dt == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if ((cur[0] == '-') && (cur[1] == '-')) {
         * It's an incomplete date (xs:gMonthDay, xs:gMonth or
         * xs:gDay)
        cur += 2;

        /* is it an xs:gDay? */
        if (*cur == '-') {
            ret = _exsltDateParseGDay(&(dt->, &cur);
            if (ret != 0)
                goto error;


            goto error;

         * it should be an xs:gMonthDay or xs:gMonth
        ret = _exsltDateParseGMonth(&(dt->, &cur);
        if (ret != 0)
            goto error;

        if (*cur != '-')
            goto error;

        /* is it an xs:gMonth? */
        if (*cur == '-') {
            goto error;

        /* it should be an xs:gMonthDay */
        ret = _exsltDateParseGDay(&(dt->, &cur);
        if (ret != 0)
            goto error;


        goto error;

     * It's a right-truncated date or an xs:time.
     * Try to parse an xs:time then fallback on right-truncated dates.
    if ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
        ret = _exsltDateParseTime(&(dt->, &cur);
        if (ret == 0) {
            /* it's an xs:time */

    /* fallback on date parsing */
    cur = dateTime;

    ret = _exsltDateParseGYear(&(dt->, &cur);
    if (ret != 0)
        goto error;

    /* is it an xs:gYear? */

    if (*cur != '-')
        goto error;

    ret = _exsltDateParseGMonth(&(dt->, &cur);
    if (ret != 0)
        goto error;

    /* is it an xs:gYearMonth? */

    if (*cur != '-')
        goto error;

    ret = _exsltDateParseGDay(&(dt->, &cur);
    if ((ret != 0) || !VALID_DATE((&(dt->
        goto error;

    /* is it an xs:date? */

    if (*cur != 'T')
        goto error;

    /* it should be an xs:dateTime */
    ret = _exsltDateParseTime(&(dt->, &cur);
    if (ret != 0)
        goto error;

    ret = _exsltDateParseTimeZone(&(dt->, &cur);
    if ((ret != 0) || (*cur != 0) || !VALID_DATETIME((&(dt->
        goto error;

    dt->type = XS_DATETIME;

    return dt;

    if (dt != NULL)
    return NULL;

 * exsltDateParseDuration:
 * @duration:  string to analyze
 * Parses a duration string
 * Returns a newly built #exsltDateValPtr of NULL in case of error
static exsltDateValPtr
exsltDateParseDuration (const xmlChar *duration)
    const xmlChar  *cur = duration;
    exsltDateValPtr dur;
    int isneg = 0;
    unsigned int seq = 0;

    if (duration == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (*cur == '-') {
        isneg = 1;

    /* duration must start with 'P' (after sign) */
    if (*cur++ != 'P')
        return NULL;

    dur = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DURATION);
    if (dur == NULL)
        return NULL;

    while (*cur != 0) {
        double         num;
        int            num_type = 0;  /* -1 = invalid, 0 = int, 1 = floating */
        const xmlChar  desig[] = {'Y', 'M', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S'};
        const double   multi[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 86400.0, 3600.0, 60.0, 1.0, 0.0};

        /* input string should be empty or invalid date/time item */
        if (seq >= sizeof(desig))
            goto error;

        /* T designator must be present for time items */
        if (*cur == 'T') {
            if (seq <= 3) {
                seq = 3;
            } else
                return NULL;
        } else if (seq == 3)
            goto error;

        /* parse the number portion of the item */
        PARSE_NUM(num, cur, num_type);

        if ((num_type == -1) || (*cur == 0))
            goto error;

        /* update duration based on item type */
        while (seq < sizeof(desig)) {
            if (*cur == desig[seq]) {

                /* verify numeric type; only seconds can be float */
                if ((num_type != 0) && (seq < (sizeof(desig)-1)))
                    goto error;

                switch (seq) {
                    case 0:
                        dur->value.dur.mon = (long)num * 12;
                    case 1:
                        dur->value.dur.mon += (long)num;
                        /* convert to seconds using multiplier */
                        dur->value.dur.sec += num * multi[seq];

                break;          /* exit loop */
            /* no date designators found? */
            if (++seq == 3)
                goto error;

    if (isneg) {
        dur->value.dur.mon = -dur->value.dur.mon;
        dur-> = -dur->;
        dur->value.dur.sec = -dur->value.dur.sec;

                     "Parsed duration %f\n", dur->value.dur.sec);

    return dur;

    if (dur != NULL)
    return NULL;

 * @num:        number to format
 * @cur:        current location to convert number
 * @limit:      max value
 * @item:       char designator
#define FORMAT_ITEM(num, cur, limit, item)                      \
        if (num != 0) {                                         \
            long comp = (long)num / limit;                      \
            if (comp != 0) {                                    \
                FORMAT_FLOAT((double)comp, cur, 0);             \
                *cur++ = item;                                  \
                num -= (double)(comp * limit);                  \
            }                                                   \

 * exsltDateFormatDuration:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValDurationPtr
 * Formats @dt in xs:duration format.
 * Returns a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error
static xmlChar *
exsltDateFormatDuration (const exsltDateValDurationPtr dt)
    xmlChar buf[100], *cur = buf;
    double secs, days;
    double years, months;

    if (dt == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* quick and dirty check */
    if ((dt->sec == 0.0) && (dt->day == 0) && (dt->mon == 0)) 
        return xmlStrdup((xmlChar*)"P0D");
    secs   = dt->sec;
    days   = (double)dt->day;
    years  = (double)(dt->mon / 12);
    months = (double)(dt->mon % 12);

    *cur = '\0';
    if (secs < 0.0) {
        secs = -secs;
        *cur = '-';
    if (days < 0) {
        days = -days;
        *cur = '-';
    if (years < 0) {
        years = -years;
        *cur = '-';
    if (months < 0) {
        months = -months;
        *cur = '-';
    if (*cur == '-')

    *cur++ = 'P';

    if (years != 0.0) {
        FORMAT_ITEM(years, cur, 1, 'Y');

    if (months != 0.0) {
        FORMAT_ITEM(months, cur, 1, 'M');

    if (secs >= SECS_PER_DAY) {
        double tmp = floor(secs / SECS_PER_DAY);
        days += tmp;
        secs -= (tmp * SECS_PER_DAY);

    FORMAT_ITEM(days, cur, 1, 'D');
    if (secs > 0.0) {
        *cur++ = 'T';
    FORMAT_ITEM(secs, cur, SECS_PER_HOUR, 'H');
    FORMAT_ITEM(secs, cur, SECS_PER_MIN, 'M');
    if (secs > 0.0) {
        FORMAT_FLOAT(secs, cur, 0);
        *cur++ = 'S';

    *cur = 0;

    return xmlStrdup(buf);

 * exsltDateFormatDateTime:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValDatePtr
 * Formats @dt in xs:dateTime format.
 * Returns a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error
static xmlChar *
exsltDateFormatDateTime (const exsltDateValDatePtr dt)
    xmlChar buf[100], *cur = buf;

    if ((dt == NULL) || !VALID_DATETIME(dt))
        return NULL;

    FORMAT_DATE(dt, cur);
    *cur = 'T';
    FORMAT_TIME(dt, cur);
    FORMAT_TZ(dt->tzo, cur);
    *cur = 0;

    return xmlStrdup(buf);

 * exsltDateFormatDate:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValDatePtr
 * Formats @dt in xs:date format.
 * Returns a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error
static xmlChar *
exsltDateFormatDate (const exsltDateValDatePtr dt)
    xmlChar buf[100], *cur = buf;

    if ((dt == NULL) || !VALID_DATETIME(dt))
        return NULL;

    FORMAT_DATE(dt, cur);
    if (dt->tz_flag || (dt->tzo != 0)) {
        FORMAT_TZ(dt->tzo, cur);
    *cur = 0;

    return xmlStrdup(buf);

 * exsltDateFormatTime:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValDatePtr
 * Formats @dt in xs:time format.
 * Returns a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error
static xmlChar *
exsltDateFormatTime (const exsltDateValDatePtr dt)
    xmlChar buf[100], *cur = buf;

    if ((dt == NULL) || !VALID_TIME(dt))
        return NULL;

    FORMAT_TIME(dt, cur);
    if (dt->tz_flag || (dt->tzo != 0)) {
        FORMAT_TZ(dt->tzo, cur);
    *cur = 0;

    return xmlStrdup(buf);

 * exsltDateFormat:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * Formats @dt in the proper format.
 * Note: xs:gmonth and xs:gday are not formatted as there are no
 * routines that output them.
 * Returns a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error
static xmlChar *
exsltDateFormat (const exsltDateValPtr dt)

    if (dt == NULL)
        return NULL;

    switch (dt->type) {
    case XS_DURATION:
        return exsltDateFormatDuration(&(dt->value.dur));
    case XS_DATETIME:
        return exsltDateFormatDateTime(&(dt->;
    case XS_DATE:
        return exsltDateFormatDate(&(dt->;
    case XS_TIME:
        return exsltDateFormatTime(&(dt->;

    if (dt->type & XS_GYEAR) {
        xmlChar buf[20], *cur = buf;

        FORMAT_GYEAR(dt->, cur);
        if (dt->type == XS_GYEARMONTH) {
            *cur = '-';
            FORMAT_GMONTH(dt->, cur);

        if (dt-> || (dt-> != 0)) {
            FORMAT_TZ(dt->, cur);
        *cur = 0;
        return xmlStrdup(buf);

    return NULL;

 * _exsltDateCastYMToDays:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * Convert mon and year of @dt to total number of days. Take the 
 * number of years since (or before) 1 AD and add the number of leap
 * years. This is a function  because negative
 * years must be handled a little differently and there is no zero year.
 * Returns number of days.
static long
_exsltDateCastYMToDays (const exsltDateValPtr dt)
    long ret;

    if (dt-> < 0)
        ret = (dt-> * 365) +
               ((dt-> +
              DAY_IN_YEAR(0, dt->, dt->;
        ret = ((dt-> * 365) +
               ((dt-> +
              DAY_IN_YEAR(0, dt->, dt->;

    return ret;

 * @dt:  an #exsltDateValPtr
 * Calculates the number of seconds in the time portion of @dt.
 * Returns seconds.
#define TIME_TO_NUMBER(dt)                              \
    ((double)((dt-> * SECS_PER_HOUR) +   \
              (dt-> * SECS_PER_MIN)) + dt->

 * exsltDateCastDateToNumber:
 * @dt:  an #exsltDateValPtr
 * Calculates the number of seconds from year zero.
 * Returns seconds from zero year.
static double
exsltDateCastDateToNumber (const exsltDateValPtr dt)
    double ret = 0.0;

    if (dt == NULL)
        return 0.0;

    if ((dt->type & XS_GYEAR) == XS_GYEAR) {
        ret = (double)_exsltDateCastYMToDays(dt) * SECS_PER_DAY;

    /* add in days */
    if (dt->type == XS_DURATION) {
        ret += (double)dt-> * SECS_PER_DAY;
        ret += dt->value.dur.sec;
    } else {
        ret += (double)dt-> * SECS_PER_DAY;
        /* add in time */
        ret += TIME_TO_NUMBER(dt);

    return ret;

 * _exsltDateTruncateDate:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * @type: dateTime type to set to
 * Set @dt to truncated @type.
 * Returns 0 success, non-zero otherwise.
static int
_exsltDateTruncateDate (exsltDateValPtr dt, exsltDateType type)
    if (dt == NULL)
        return 1;

    if ((type & XS_TIME) != XS_TIME) {
        dt-> = 0;
        dt->  = 0;
        dt->  = 0.0;

    if ((type & XS_GDAY) != XS_GDAY)
        dt-> = 0;

    if ((type & XS_GMONTH) != XS_GMONTH)
        dt-> = 0;

    if ((type & XS_GYEAR) != XS_GYEAR)
        dt-> = 0;

    dt->type = type;

    return 0;

 * _exsltDayInWeek:
 * @yday: year day (1-366)
 * @yr: year
 * Determine the day-in-week from @yday and @yr. 0001-01-01 was
 * a Monday so all other days are calculated from there. Take the 
 * number of years since (or before) add the number of leap years and
 * the day-in-year and mod by 7. This is a function  because negative
 * years must be handled a little differently and there is no zero year.
 * Returns day in week (Sunday = 0).
static long
_exsltDateDayInWeek(long yday, long yr)
    long ret;

    if (yr < 0) {
        ret = ((yr + (((yr+1)/4)-((yr+1)/100)+((yr+1)/400)) + yday) % 7);
        if (ret < 0) 
            ret += 7;
    } else
        ret = (((yr-1) + (((yr-1)/4)-((yr-1)/100)+((yr-1)/400)) + yday) % 7);

    return ret;

 * macros for adding date/times and durations
#define FQUOTIENT(a,b)                  ((floor(((double)a/(double)b))))
#define MODULO(a,b)                     ((a - FQUOTIENT(a,b) * b))
#define FQUOTIENT_RANGE(a,low,high)     (FQUOTIENT((a-low),(high-low)))
#define MODULO_RANGE(a,low,high)        ((MODULO((a-low),(high-low)))+low)

 * _exsltDateAdd:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * @dur: an #exsltDateValPtr of type #XS_DURATION
 * Compute a new date/time from @dt and @dur. This function assumes @dt
 * Returns date/time pointer or NULL.
static exsltDateValPtr
_exsltDateAdd (exsltDateValPtr dt, exsltDateValPtr dur)
    exsltDateValPtr ret;
    long carry, tempdays, temp;
    exsltDateValDatePtr r, d;
    exsltDateValDurationPtr u;

    if ((dt == NULL) || (dur == NULL))
        return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateCreateDate(dt->type);
    if (ret == NULL)
        return NULL;

    r = &(ret->;
    d = &(dt->;
    u = &(dur->value.dur);

    /* normalization */
    if (d->mon == 0)
        d->mon = 1;

    /* normalize for time zone offset */
    u->sec -= (d->tzo * 60);    /* changed from + to - (bug 153000) */
    d->tzo = 0;

    /* normalization */
    if (d->day == 0)
        d->day = 1;

    /* month */
    carry  = d->mon + u->mon;
    r->mon = (unsigned int)MODULO_RANGE(carry, 1, 13);
    carry  = (long)FQUOTIENT_RANGE(carry, 1, 13);

    /* year (may be modified later) */
    r->year = d->year + carry;
    if (r->year == 0) {
        if (d->year > 0)

    /* time zone */
    r->tzo     = d->tzo;
    r->tz_flag = d->tz_flag;

    /* seconds */
    r->sec = d->sec + u->sec;
    carry  = (long)FQUOTIENT((long)r->sec, 60);
    if (r->sec != 0.0) {
        r->sec = MODULO(r->sec, 60.0);

    /* minute */
    carry += d->min;
    r->min = (unsigned int)MODULO(carry, 60);
    carry  = (long)FQUOTIENT(carry, 60);

    /* hours */
    carry  += d->hour;
    r->hour = (unsigned int)MODULO(carry, 24);
    carry   = (long)FQUOTIENT(carry, 24);

     * days
     * Note we use tempdays because the temporary values may need more
     * than 5 bits
    if ((VALID_YEAR(r->year)) && (VALID_MONTH(r->mon)) &&
                  (d->day > MAX_DAYINMONTH(r->year, r->mon)))
        tempdays = MAX_DAYINMONTH(r->year, r->mon);
    else if (d->day < 1)
        tempdays = 1;
        tempdays = d->day;

    tempdays += u->day + carry;

    while (1) {
        if (tempdays < 1) {
            long tmon = (long)MODULO_RANGE((int)r->mon-1, 1, 13);
            long tyr  = r->year + (long)FQUOTIENT_RANGE((int)r->mon-1, 1, 13);
            if (tyr == 0)
             * Coverity detected an overrun in daysInMonth 
             * of size 12 at position 12 with index variable "((r)->mon - 1)"
            if (tmon < 0)
                tmon = 0;
            if (tmon > 12)
                tmon = 12;
            tempdays += MAX_DAYINMONTH(tyr, tmon);
            carry = -1;
        } else if (tempdays > (long)MAX_DAYINMONTH(r->year, r->mon)) {
            tempdays = tempdays - MAX_DAYINMONTH(r->year, r->mon);
            carry = 1;
        } else

        temp = r->mon + carry;
        r->mon = (unsigned int)MODULO_RANGE(temp, 1, 13);
        r->year = r->year + (long)FQUOTIENT_RANGE(temp, 1, 13);
        if (r->year == 0) {
            if (temp < 1)
    r->day = tempdays;

     * adjust the date/time type to the date values
    if (ret->type != XS_DATETIME) {
        if ((r->hour) || (r->min) || (r->sec))
            ret->type = XS_DATETIME;
        else if (ret->type != XS_DATE) {
            if ((r->mon != 1) && (r->day != 1))
                ret->type = XS_DATE;
            else if ((ret->type != XS_GYEARMONTH) && (r->mon != 1))
                ret->type = XS_GYEARMONTH;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateNormalize:
 * @dt: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * Normalize @dt to GMT time.
static void
exsltDateNormalize (exsltDateValPtr dt)
    exsltDateValPtr dur, tmp;

    if (dt == NULL)

    if (((dt->type & XS_TIME) != XS_TIME) || (dt-> == 0))

    dur = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DURATION);
    if (dur == NULL)

    tmp = _exsltDateAdd(dt, dur);
    if (tmp == NULL)

    memcpy(dt, tmp, sizeof(exsltDateVal));


    dt-> = 0;

 * _exsltDateDifference:
 * @x: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * @y: an #exsltDateValPtr
 * @flag: force difference in days
 * Calculate the difference between @x and @y as a duration
 * (i.e. y - x). If the @flag is set then even if the least specific
 * format of @x or @y is xs:gYear or xs:gYearMonth.
 * Returns date/time pointer or NULL.
static exsltDateValPtr
_exsltDateDifference (exsltDateValPtr x, exsltDateValPtr y, int flag)
    exsltDateValPtr ret;

    if ((x == NULL) || (y == NULL))
        return NULL;

    if (((x->type < XS_GYEAR) || (x->type > XS_DATETIME)) ||
        ((y->type < XS_GYEAR) || (y->type > XS_DATETIME))) 
        return NULL;


     * the operand with the most specific format must be converted to
     * the same type as the operand with the least specific format.
    if (x->type != y->type) {
        if (x->type < y->type) {
            _exsltDateTruncateDate(y, x->type);
        } else {
            _exsltDateTruncateDate(x, y->type);

    ret = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DURATION);
    if (ret == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (((x->type == XS_GYEAR) || (x->type == XS_GYEARMONTH)) && (!flag)) {
        /* compute the difference in months */
        ret->value.dur.mon = ((y-> * 12) + y-> -
                             ((x-> * 12) + x->;
        /* The above will give a wrong result if x and y are on different sides
         of the September 1752. Resolution is welcome :-) */
    } else {
        ret->  = _exsltDateCastYMToDays(y) -
        ret-> += y-> - x->;
        ret->value.dur.sec  = TIME_TO_NUMBER(y) - TIME_TO_NUMBER(x);
        if (ret-> > 0.0 && ret->value.dur.sec < 0.0) {
            ret-> -= 1;
            ret->value.dur.sec = ret->value.dur.sec + SECS_PER_DAY;
        } else if (ret-> < 0.0 && ret->value.dur.sec > 0.0) {
            ret-> += 1;
            ret->value.dur.sec = ret->value.dur.sec - SECS_PER_DAY;

    return ret;

 * _exsltDateAddDurCalc
 * @ret: an exsltDateValPtr for the return value:
 * @x: an exsltDateValPtr for the first operand
 * @y: an exsltDateValPtr for the second operand
 * Add two durations, catering for possible negative values.
 * The sum is placed in @ret.
 * Returns 1 for success, 0 if error detected.
static int
_exsltDateAddDurCalc (exsltDateValPtr ret, exsltDateValPtr x,
                      exsltDateValPtr y)
    long carry;

    /* months */
    ret->value.dur.mon = x->value.dur.mon + y->value.dur.mon;

    /* seconds */
    ret->value.dur.sec = x->value.dur.sec + y->value.dur.sec;
    carry = (long)FQUOTIENT(ret->value.dur.sec, SECS_PER_DAY);
    if (ret->value.dur.sec != 0.0) {
        ret->value.dur.sec = MODULO(ret->value.dur.sec, SECS_PER_DAY);
         * Our function MODULO always gives us a positive value, so
         * if we end up with a "-ve" carry we need to adjust it
         * appropriately (bug 154021)
        if ((carry < 0) && (ret->value.dur.sec != 0)) {
            /* change seconds to equiv negative modulus */
            ret->value.dur.sec = ret->value.dur.sec - SECS_PER_DAY;

    /* days */
    ret-> = x-> + y-> + carry;

     * are the results indeterminate? i.e. how do you subtract days from
     * months or years?
    if ((((ret-> > 0) || (ret->value.dur.sec > 0)) &&
         (ret->value.dur.mon < 0)) ||
        (((ret-> < 0) || (ret->value.dur.sec < 0)) &&
         (ret->value.dur.mon > 0))) {
        return 0;
    return 1;

 * _exsltDateAddDuration:
 * @x: an #exsltDateValPtr of type #XS_DURATION
 * @y: an #exsltDateValPtr of type #XS_DURATION
 * Compute a new duration from @x and @y.
 * Returns date/time pointer or NULL.
static exsltDateValPtr
_exsltDateAddDuration (exsltDateValPtr x, exsltDateValPtr y)
    exsltDateValPtr ret;

    if ((x == NULL) || (y == NULL))
        return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DURATION);
    if (ret == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (_exsltDateAddDurCalc(ret, x, y))
        return ret;

    return NULL;

 *                                                              *
 *              EXSLT - Dates and Times functions               *
 *                                                              *

 * exsltDateDateTime:
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times date-time() function:
 *     string date:date-time()
 * Returns the current date and time as a date/time string.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateDateTime (void)
    xmlChar *ret = NULL;
#ifdef WITH_TIME
    exsltDateValPtr cur;

    cur = exsltDateCurrent();
    if (cur != NULL) {
        ret = exsltDateFormatDateTime(&(cur->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateDate:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times date() function:
 *     string date:date (string?)
 * Returns the date specified in the date/time string given as the
 * argument.  If no argument is given, then the current local
 * date/time, as returned by date:date-time is used as a default
 * argument.
 * The date/time string specified as an argument must be a string in
 * the format defined as the lexical representation of either
 * xs:dateTime or xs:date.  If the argument is not in either of these
 * formats, returns NULL.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateDate (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt = NULL;
    xmlChar *ret = NULL;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return NULL;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return NULL;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE)) {
            return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateFormatDate(&(dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateTime:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times time() function:
 *     string date:time (string?)
 * Returns the time specified in the date/time string given as the
 * argument.  If no argument is given, then the current local
 * date/time, as returned by date:date-time is used as a default
 * argument.
 * The date/time string specified as an argument must be a string in
 * the format defined as the lexical representation of either
 * xs:dateTime or xs:time.  If the argument is not in either of these
 * formats, returns NULL.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateTime (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt = NULL;
    xmlChar *ret = NULL;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return NULL;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return NULL;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_TIME)) {
            return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateFormatTime(&(dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateYear:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times year() function
 *    number date:year (string?)
 * Returns the year of a date as a number.  If no argument is given,
 * then the current local date/time, as returned by date:date-time is
 * used as a default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the first argument must be a
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM)
 *  - xs:gYear (CCYY)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateYear (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE) &&
            (dt->type != XS_GYEARMONTH) && (dt->type != XS_GYEAR)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = (double) dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateLeapYear:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times leap-year() function:
 *    boolean date:leap-yea (string?)
 * Returns true if the year given in a date is a leap year.  If no
 * argument is given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used as a default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the first argument must be a
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM)
 *  - xs:gYear (CCYY)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static xmlXPathObjectPtr
exsltDateLeapYear (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    double year;

    year = exsltDateYear(dateTime);
    if (xmlXPathIsNaN(year))
        return xmlXPathNewFloat(xmlXPathNAN);

    if (IS_LEAP((long)year))
        return xmlXPathNewBoolean(1);

    return xmlXPathNewBoolean(0);

 * exsltDateMonthInYear:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times month-in-year() function:
 *    number date:month-in-year (string?)
 * Returns the month of a date as a number.  If no argument is given,
 * then the current local date/time, as returned by date:date-time is
 * used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM)
 *  - xs:gMonth (--MM--)
 *  - xs:gMonthDay (--MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateMonthInYear (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE) &&
            (dt->type != XS_GYEARMONTH) && (dt->type != XS_GMONTH) &&
            (dt->type != XS_GMONTHDAY)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = (double) dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateMonthName:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Time month-name() function
 *    string date:month-name (string?)
 * Returns the full name of the month of a date.  If no argument is
 * given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM)
 *  - xs:gMonth (--MM--)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then an
 * empty string ('') is returned.
 * The result is an English month name: one of 'January', 'February',
 * 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
 * 'October', 'November' or 'December'.
static const xmlChar *
exsltDateMonthName (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    static const xmlChar monthNames[13][10] = {
        { 0 },
        { 'J', 'a', 'n', 'u', 'a', 'r', 'y', 0 },
        { 'F', 'e', 'b', 'r', 'u', 'a', 'r', 'y', 0 },
        { 'M', 'a', 'r', 'c', 'h', 0 },
        { 'A', 'p', 'r', 'i', 'l', 0 },
        { 'M', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'J', 'u', 'n', 'e', 0 },
        { 'J', 'u', 'l', 'y', 0 },
        { 'A', 'u', 'g', 'u', 's', 't', 0 },
        { 'S', 'e', 'p', 't', 'e', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r', 0 },
        { 'O', 'c', 't', 'o', 'b', 'e', 'r', 0 },
        { 'N', 'o', 'v', 'e', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r', 0 },
        { 'D', 'e', 'c', 'e', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r', 0 }
    int month;
    month = (int) exsltDateMonthInYear(dateTime);
    if (!VALID_MONTH(month))
      month = 0;
    return monthNames[month];

 * exsltDateMonthAbbreviation:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Time month-abbreviation() function
 *    string date:month-abbreviation (string?)
 * Returns the abbreviation of the month of a date.  If no argument is
 * given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM)
 *  - xs:gMonth (--MM--)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then an
 * empty string ('') is returned.
 * The result is an English month abbreviation: one of 'Jan', 'Feb',
 * 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov' or
 * 'Dec'.
static const xmlChar *
exsltDateMonthAbbreviation (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    static const xmlChar monthAbbreviations[13][4] = {
        { 0 },
        { 'J', 'a', 'n', 0 },
        { 'F', 'e', 'b', 0 },
        { 'M', 'a', 'r', 0 },
        { 'A', 'p', 'r', 0 },
        { 'M', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'J', 'u', 'n', 0 },
        { 'J', 'u', 'l', 0 },
        { 'A', 'u', 'g', 0 },
        { 'S', 'e', 'p', 0 },
        { 'O', 'c', 't', 0 },
        { 'N', 'o', 'v', 0 },
        { 'D', 'e', 'c', 0 }
    int month;
    month = (int) exsltDateMonthInYear(dateTime);
      month = 0;
    return monthAbbreviations[month];

 * exsltDateWeekInYear:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times week-in-year() function
 *    number date:week-in-year (string?)
 * Returns the week of the year as a number.  If no argument is given,
 * then the current local date/time, as returned by date:date-time is
 * used as the default argument.  For the purposes of numbering,
 * counting follows ISO 8601: week 1 in a year is the week containing
 * the first Thursday of the year, with new weeks beginning on a
 * Monday.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a right-truncated
 * string in the format defined as the lexical representation of
 * xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2:
 * Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateWeekInYear (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    long diy, diw, year, ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    diy = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->, dt->,

     * Determine day-in-week (0=Sun, 1=Mon, etc.) then adjust so Monday
     * is the first day-in-week
    diw = (_exsltDateDayInWeek(diy, dt-> + 6) % 7;

    /* ISO 8601 adjustment, 3 is Thu */
    diy += (3 - diw);
    if(diy < 1) {
        year = dt-> - 1;
        if(year == 0) year--;
        diy = DAY_IN_YEAR(31, 12, year) + diy;
    } else if (diy > (long)DAY_IN_YEAR(31, 12, dt-> {
        diy -= DAY_IN_YEAR(31, 12, dt->;

    ret = ((diy - 1) / 7) + 1;


    return (double) ret;

 * exsltDateWeekInMonth:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times week-in-month() function
 *    number date:week-in-month (string?)
 * The date:week-in-month function returns the week in a month of a
 * date as a number. If no argument is given, then the current local
 * date/time, as returned by date:date-time is used the default
 * argument. For the purposes of numbering, the first day of the month
 * is in week 1 and new weeks begin on a Monday (so the first and last
 * weeks in a month will often have less than 7 days in them).
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a right-truncated
 * string in the format defined as the lexical representation of
 * xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2:
 * Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateWeekInMonth (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    long fdiy, fdiw, ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    fdiy = DAY_IN_YEAR(1, dt->, dt->;
     * Determine day-in-week (0=Sun, 1=Mon, etc.) then adjust so Monday
     * is the first day-in-week
    fdiw = (_exsltDateDayInWeek(fdiy, dt-> + 6) % 7;

    ret = ((dt-> + fdiw - 1) / 7) + 1;


    return (double) ret;

 * exsltDateDayInYear:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times day-in-year() function
 *    number date:day-in-year (string?)
 * Returns the day of a date in a year as a number.  If no argument is
 * given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a right-truncated
 * string in the format defined as the lexical representation of
 * xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2:
 * Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateDayInYear (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    long ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->, dt->,


    return (double) ret;

 * exsltDateDayInMonth:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times day-in-month() function:
 *    number date:day-in-month (string?)
 * Returns the day of a date as a number.  If no argument is given,
 * then the current local date/time, as returned by date:date-time is
 * used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gMonthDay (--MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gDay (---DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateDayInMonth (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE) &&
            (dt->type != XS_GMONTHDAY) && (dt->type != XS_GDAY)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = (double) dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateDayOfWeekInMonth:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times day-of-week-in-month() function:
 *    number date:day-of-week-in-month (string?)
 * Returns the day-of-the-week in a month of a date as a number
 * (e.g. 3 for the 3rd Tuesday in May).  If no argument is
 * given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a right-truncated
 * string in the format defined as the lexical representation of
 * xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2:
 * Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateDayOfWeekInMonth (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    long ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = ((dt-> -1) / 7) + 1;


    return (double) ret;

 * exsltDateDayInWeek:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times day-in-week() function:
 *    number date:day-in-week (string?)
 * Returns the day of the week given in a date as a number.  If no
 * argument is given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
 * The numbering of days of the week starts at 1 for Sunday, 2 for
 * Monday and so on up to 7 for Saturday.
static double
exsltDateDayInWeek (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    long diy, ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_DATE)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    diy = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->, dt->,

    ret = _exsltDateDayInWeek(diy, dt-> + 1;


    return (double) ret;

 * exsltDateDayName:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Time day-name() function
 *    string date:day-name (string?)
 * Returns the full name of the day of the week of a date.  If no
 * argument is given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then an
 * empty string ('') is returned.
 * The result is an English day name: one of 'Sunday', 'Monday',
 * 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' or 'Friday'.
static const xmlChar *
exsltDateDayName (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    static const xmlChar dayNames[8][10] = {
        { 0 },
        { 'S', 'u', 'n', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'M', 'o', 'n', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'T', 'u', 'e', 's', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'W', 'e', 'd', 'n', 'e', 's', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'T', 'h', 'u', 'r', 's', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'F', 'r', 'i', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 },
        { 'S', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'd', 'a', 'y', 0 }
    int day;
    day = (int) exsltDateDayInWeek(dateTime);
    if((day < 1) || (day > 7))
      day = 0;
    return dayNames[day];

 * exsltDateDayAbbreviation:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Time day-abbreviation() function
 *    string date:day-abbreviation (string?)
 * Returns the abbreviation of the day of the week of a date.  If no
 * argument is given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then an
 * empty string ('') is returned.
 * The result is a three-letter English day abbreviation: one of
 * 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu' or 'Fri'.
static const xmlChar *
exsltDateDayAbbreviation (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    static const xmlChar dayAbbreviations[8][4] = {
        { 0 },
        { 'S', 'u', 'n', 0 },
        { 'M', 'o', 'n', 0 },
        { 'T', 'u', 'e', 0 },
        { 'W', 'e', 'd', 0 },
        { 'T', 'h', 'u', 0 },
        { 'F', 'r', 'i', 0 },
        { 'S', 'a', 't', 0 }
    int day;
    day = (int) exsltDateDayInWeek(dateTime);
    if((day < 1) || (day > 7))
      day = 0;
    return dayAbbreviations[day];

 * exsltDateHourInDay:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times day-in-month() function:
 *    number date:day-in-month (string?)
 * Returns the hour of the day as a number.  If no argument is given,
 * then the current local date/time, as returned by date:date-time is
 * used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:time (hh:mm:ss)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateHourInDay (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_TIME)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = (double) dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateMinuteInHour:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times day-in-month() function:
 *    number date:day-in-month (string?)
 * Returns the minute of the hour as a number.  If no argument is
 * given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:time (hh:mm:ss)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
static double
exsltDateMinuteInHour (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_TIME)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = (double) dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateSecondInMinute:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times second-in-minute() function:
 *    number date:day-in-month (string?)
 * Returns the second of the minute as a number.  If no argument is
 * given, then the current local date/time, as returned by
 * date:date-time is used the default argument.
 * The date/time string specified as the argument is a left or
 * right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical
 * representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML
 * Schema Part 2: Datatypes].  The permitted formats are as follows:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:time (hh:mm:ss)
 * If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is
 * returned.
 * Returns the second or NaN.
static double
exsltDateSecondInMinute (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
        if ((dt->type != XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type != XS_TIME)) {
            return xmlXPathNAN;

    ret = dt->;

    return ret;

 * exsltDateAdd:
 * @xstr: date/time string
 * @ystr: date/time string
 * Implements the date:add (string,string) function which returns the
 * date/time * resulting from adding a duration to a date/time. 
 * The first argument (@xstr) must be right-truncated date/time
 * strings in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2:
 * Datatypes]. The permitted formats are as follows: 
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) 
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD) 
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM) 
 *  - xs:gYear (CCYY) 
 * The second argument (@ystr) is a string in the format defined for
 * xs:duration in [3.2.6 duration] of [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. 
 * The return value is a right-truncated date/time strings in one of
 * the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes] and listed
 * above. This value is calculated using the algorithm described in
 * [Appendix E Adding durations to dateTimes] of [XML Schema Part 2:
 * Datatypes]. 

 * Returns date/time string or NULL.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateAdd (const xmlChar *xstr, const xmlChar *ystr)
    exsltDateValPtr dt, dur, res;
    xmlChar     *ret;   

    if ((xstr == NULL) || (ystr == NULL))
        return NULL;

    dt = exsltDateParse(xstr);
    if (dt == NULL)
        return NULL;
    else if ((dt->type < XS_GYEAR) || (dt->type > XS_DATETIME)) {
        return NULL;

    dur = exsltDateParseDuration(ystr);
    if (dur == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    res = _exsltDateAdd(dt, dur);


    if (res == NULL)
        return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateFormat(res);

    return ret;

 * exsltDateAddDuration:
 * @xstr:      first duration string
 * @ystr:      second duration string
 * Implements the date:add-duration (string,string) function which returns
 * the duration resulting from adding two durations together. 
 * Both arguments are strings in the format defined for xs:duration
 * in [3.2.6 duration] of [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. If either
 * argument is not in this format, the function returns an empty string
 * (''). 
 * The return value is a string in the format defined for xs:duration
 * in [3.2.6 duration] of [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. 
 * The durations can usually be added by summing the numbers given for
 * each of the components in the durations. However, if the durations
 * are differently signed, then this sometimes results in durations
 * that are impossible to express in this syntax (e.g. 'P1M' + '-P1D').
 * In these cases, the function returns an empty string (''). 
 * Returns duration string or NULL.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateAddDuration (const xmlChar *xstr, const xmlChar *ystr)
    exsltDateValPtr x, y, res;
    xmlChar     *ret;   

    if ((xstr == NULL) || (ystr == NULL))
        return NULL;

    x = exsltDateParseDuration(xstr);
    if (x == NULL)
        return NULL;

    y = exsltDateParseDuration(ystr);
    if (y == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    res = _exsltDateAddDuration(x, y);


    if (res == NULL)
        return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateFormatDuration(&(res->value.dur));

    return ret;

 * exsltDateSumFunction:
 * @ns:      a node set of duration strings
 * The date:sum function adds a set of durations together. 
 * The string values of the nodes in the node set passed as an argument 
 * are interpreted as durations and added together as if using the 
 * date:add-duration function. (from
 * The return value is a string in the format defined for xs:duration
 * in [3.2.6 duration] of [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. 
 * The durations can usually be added by summing the numbers given for
 * each of the components in the durations. However, if the durations
 * are differently signed, then this sometimes results in durations
 * that are impossible to express in this syntax (e.g. 'P1M' + '-P1D').
 * In these cases, the function returns an empty string (''). 
 * Returns duration string or NULL.
static void
exsltDateSumFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlNodeSetPtr ns;
    void *user = NULL;
    xmlChar *tmp;
    exsltDateValPtr x, total;
    xmlChar *ret;
    int i;

    if (nargs != 1) {
        xmlXPathSetArityError (ctxt);

    /* We need to delay the freeing of value->user */
    if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && ctxt->value->boolval != 0) {
        user = ctxt->value->user;
        ctxt->value->boolval = 0;
        ctxt->value->user = NULL;

    ns = xmlXPathPopNodeSet (ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError (ctxt))

    if ((ns == NULL) || (ns->nodeNr == 0)) {
        xmlXPathReturnEmptyString (ctxt);
        if (ns != NULL)
            xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (ns);

    total = exsltDateCreateDate (XS_DURATION);
    if (total == NULL) {
        xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (ns);

    for (i = 0; i < ns->nodeNr; i++) {
        int result;
        tmp = xmlXPathCastNodeToString (ns->nodeTab[i]);
        if (tmp == NULL) {
            xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (ns);
            exsltDateFreeDate (total);

        x = exsltDateParseDuration (tmp);
        if (x == NULL) {
            xmlFree (tmp);
            exsltDateFreeDate (total);
            xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (ns);
            xmlXPathReturnEmptyString (ctxt);

        result = _exsltDateAddDurCalc(total, total, x);

        exsltDateFreeDate (x);
        xmlFree (tmp);
        if (!result) {
            exsltDateFreeDate (total);
            xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (ns);
            xmlXPathReturnEmptyString (ctxt);

    ret = exsltDateFormatDuration (&(total->value.dur));
    exsltDateFreeDate (total);

    xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (ns);
    if (user != NULL)
        xmlFreeNodeList ((xmlNodePtr) user);

    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnEmptyString (ctxt);
        xmlXPathReturnString (ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateSeconds:
 * @dateTime: a date/time string
 * Implements the EXSLT - Dates and Times seconds() function:
 *    number date:seconds(string?)
 * The date:seconds function returns the number of seconds specified
 * by the argument string. If no argument is given, then the current
 * local date/time, as returned by exsltDateCurrent() is used as the
 * default argument. If the date/time string is a xs:duration, then the
 * years and months must be zero (or not present). Parsing a duration
 * converts the fields to seconds. If the date/time string is not a 
 * duration (and not null), then the legal formats are:
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
 *  - xs:date     (CCYY-MM-DD)
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM)
 *  - xs:gYear      (CCYY)
 * In these cases the difference between the @dateTime and 
 * 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z is calculated and converted to seconds.
 * Note that there was some confusion over whether "difference" meant
 * that a dateTime of 1970-01-01T00:00:01Z should be a positive one or
 * a negative one.  After correspondence with, it was determined
 * that the intent of the specification was to have it positive.  The
 * coding was modified in July 2003 to reflect this.
 * Returns seconds or Nan.
static double
exsltDateSeconds (const xmlChar *dateTime)
    exsltDateValPtr dt;
    double ret = xmlXPathNAN;

    if (dateTime == NULL) {
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        dt = exsltDateCurrent();
        if (dt == NULL)
            return xmlXPathNAN;
    } else {
        dt = exsltDateParseDuration(dateTime);
        if (dt == NULL)
            dt = exsltDateParse(dateTime);

    if (dt == NULL)
        return xmlXPathNAN;

    if ((dt->type <= XS_DATETIME) && (dt->type >= XS_GYEAR)) {
        exsltDateValPtr y, dur;

         * compute the difference between the given (or current) date
         * and epoch date
        y = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DATETIME);
        if (y != NULL) {
            y-> = 1970;
            y->  = 1;
            y->  = 1;
            y-> = 1;

            dur = _exsltDateDifference(y, dt, 1);
            if (dur != NULL) {
                ret = exsltDateCastDateToNumber(dur); 

    } else if ((dt->type == XS_DURATION) && (dt->value.dur.mon == 0))
        ret = exsltDateCastDateToNumber(dt);


    return ret;

 * exsltDateDifference:
 * @xstr: date/time string
 * @ystr: date/time string
 * Implements the date:difference (string,string) function which returns
 * the duration between the first date and the second date. If the first
 * date occurs before the second date, then the result is a positive
 * duration; if it occurs after the second date, the result is a
 * negative duration.  The two dates must both be right-truncated
 * date/time strings in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part
 * 2: Datatypes]. The date/time with the most specific format (i.e. the
 * least truncation) is converted into the same format as the date with
 * the least specific format (i.e. the most truncation). The permitted
 * formats are as follows, from most specific to least specific: 
 *  - xs:dateTime (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) 
 *  - xs:date (CCYY-MM-DD) 
 *  - xs:gYearMonth (CCYY-MM) 
 *  - xs:gYear (CCYY) 
 * If either of the arguments is not in one of these formats,
 * date:difference returns the empty string (''). 
 * The difference between the date/times is returned as a string in the
 * format defined for xs:duration in [3.2.6 duration] of [XML Schema
 * Part 2: Datatypes]. 
 * If the date/time string with the least specific format is in either
 * xs:gYearMonth or xs:gYear format, then the number of days, hours,
 * minutes and seconds in the duration string must be equal to zero.
 * (The format of the string will be PnYnM.) The number of months
 * specified in the duration must be less than 12. 
 * Otherwise, the number of years and months in the duration string
 * must be equal to zero. (The format of the string will be
 * PnDTnHnMnS.) The number of seconds specified in the duration string
 * must be less than 60; the number of minutes must be less than 60;
 * the number of hours must be less than 24. 
 * Returns duration string or NULL.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateDifference (const xmlChar *xstr, const xmlChar *ystr)
    exsltDateValPtr x, y, dur;
    xmlChar        *ret = NULL;   

    if ((xstr == NULL) || (ystr == NULL))
        return NULL;

    x = exsltDateParse(xstr);
    if (x == NULL)
        return NULL;

    y = exsltDateParse(ystr);
    if (y == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    if (((x->type < XS_GYEAR) || (x->type > XS_DATETIME)) ||
        ((y->type < XS_GYEAR) || (y->type > XS_DATETIME)))  {
        return NULL;

    dur = _exsltDateDifference(x, y, 0);


    if (dur == NULL)
        return NULL;

    ret = exsltDateFormatDuration(&(dur->value.dur));

    return ret;

 * exsltDateDuration:
 * @number: a xmlChar string
 * Implements the The date:duration function returns a duration string
 * representing the number of seconds specified by the argument string.
 * If no argument is given, then the result of calling date:seconds
 * without any arguments is used as a default argument. 
 * The duration is returned as a string in the format defined for
 * xs:duration in [3.2.6 duration] of [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. 
 * The number of years and months in the duration string must be equal
 * to zero. (The format of the string will be PnDTnHnMnS.) The number
 * of seconds specified in the duration string must be less than 60;
 * the number of minutes must be less than 60; the number of hours must
 * be less than 24. 
 * If the argument is Infinity, -Infinity or NaN, then date:duration
 * returns an empty string (''). 
 * Returns duration string or NULL.
static xmlChar *
exsltDateDuration (const xmlChar *number)
    exsltDateValPtr dur;
    double       secs;
    xmlChar     *ret;

    if (number == NULL)
        secs = exsltDateSeconds(number);
        secs = xmlXPathCastStringToNumber(number);

    if ((xmlXPathIsNaN(secs)) || (xmlXPathIsInf(secs)))
        return NULL;

    dur = exsltDateCreateDate(XS_DURATION);
    if (dur == NULL)
        return NULL;

    dur->value.dur.sec = secs;

    ret = exsltDateFormatDuration(&(dur->value.dur));

    return ret;

 *                                                              *
 *              Wrappers for use by the XPath engine            *
 *                                                              *

#ifdef WITH_TIME
 * exsltDateDateTimeFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDateTime() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateDateTimeFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret;

    if (nargs != 0) {

    ret = exsltDateDateTime();
    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateDateFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDate() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateDateFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret, *dt = NULL;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {
    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateDate(dt);

    if (ret == NULL) {
                         "{}date: "
                         "invalid date or format %s\n", dt);
    } else {
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

    if (dt != NULL)

 * exsltDateTimeFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateTime() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateTimeFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret, *dt = NULL;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {
    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateTime(dt);

    if (ret == NULL) {
                         "{}time: "
                         "invalid date or format %s\n", dt);
    } else {
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

    if (dt != NULL)

 * exsltDateYearFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateYear() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateYearFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;
    double ret;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateYear(dt);

    if (dt != NULL)

    xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateLeapYearFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateLeapYear() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateLeapYearFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;
    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateLeapYear(dt);

    if (dt != NULL)

    valuePush(ctxt, ret);

#define X_IN_Y(x, y)                                            \
static void                                                     \
exsltDate##x##In##y##Function (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt,   \
                              int nargs) {                      \
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;                                         \
    double ret;                                                 \
    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {                           \
        xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt);                            \
        return;                                                 \
    }                                                           \
    if (nargs == 1) {                                           \
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);                           \
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {                         \
            xmlXPathSetTypeError(ctxt);                         \
            return;                                             \
        }                                                       \
    }                                                           \
    ret = exsltDate##x##In##y(dt);                              \
    if (dt != NULL)                                             \
        xmlFree(dt);                                            \
    xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret);                            \

 * exsltDateMonthInYearFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateMonthInYear() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateMonthNameFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateMonthName() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateMonthNameFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;
    const xmlChar *ret;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateMonthName(dt);

    if (dt != NULL)

    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, xmlStrdup(ret));

 * exsltDateMonthAbbreviationFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateMonthAbbreviation() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateMonthAbbreviationFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;
    const xmlChar *ret;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateMonthAbbreviation(dt);

    if (dt != NULL)

    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, xmlStrdup(ret));

 * exsltDateWeekInYearFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateWeekInYear() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateWeekInMonthFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateWeekInMonthYear() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateDayInYearFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDayInYear() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateDayInMonthFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDayInMonth() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateDayOfWeekInMonthFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDayOfWeekInMonth() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateDayInWeekFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDayInWeek() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateDayNameFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDayName() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateDayNameFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;
    const xmlChar *ret;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateDayName(dt);

    if (dt != NULL)

    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, xmlStrdup(ret));

 * exsltDateMonthDayFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDayAbbreviation() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateDayAbbreviationFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *dt = NULL;
    const xmlChar *ret;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        dt = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateDayAbbreviation(dt);

    if (dt != NULL)

    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, xmlStrdup(ret));

 * exsltDateHourInDayFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateHourInDay() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateMinuteInHourFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateMinuteInHour() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateSecondInMinuteFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateSecondInMinute() for use by the XPath engine.

 * exsltDateSecondsFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateSeconds() for use by the XPath engine.
static void
exsltDateSecondsFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *str = NULL;
    double   ret;

    if (nargs > 1) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        str = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateSeconds(str);
    if (str != NULL)

    xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateAddFunction:
 * @ctxt:  an XPath parser context
 * @nargs:  the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateAdd() for use by the XPath processor.
static void
exsltDateAddFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret, *xstr, *ystr;

    if (nargs != 2) {
    ystr = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt))

    xstr = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateAdd(xstr, ystr);


    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateAddDurationFunction:
 * @ctxt:  an XPath parser context
 * @nargs:  the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateAddDuration() for use by the XPath processor.
static void
exsltDateAddDurationFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret, *xstr, *ystr;

    if (nargs != 2) {
    ystr = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt))

    xstr = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateAddDuration(xstr, ystr);


    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateDifferenceFunction:
 * @ctxt:  an XPath parser context
 * @nargs:  the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDifference() for use by the XPath processor.
static void
exsltDateDifferenceFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret, *xstr, *ystr;

    if (nargs != 2) {
    ystr = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt))

    xstr = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
    if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateDifference(xstr, ystr);


    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateDurationFunction:
 * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
 * @nargs : the number of arguments
 * Wraps exsltDateDuration() for use by the XPath engine
static void
exsltDateDurationFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
    xmlChar *ret;
    xmlChar *number = NULL;

    if ((nargs < 0) || (nargs > 1)) {

    if (nargs == 1) {
        number = xmlXPathPopString(ctxt);
        if (xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt)) {

    ret = exsltDateDuration(number);

    if (number != NULL)

    if (ret == NULL)
        xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, ret);

 * exsltDateRegister:
 * Registers the EXSLT - Dates and Times module
exsltDateRegister (void)
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "add",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "add-duration",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "date",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
#ifdef WITH_TIME
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "date-time",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "day-abbreviation",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "day-in-month",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "day-in-week",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "day-in-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "day-name",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "day-of-week-in-month",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "difference",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "duration",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "hour-in-day",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "leap-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "minute-in-hour",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "month-abbreviation",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "month-in-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "month-name",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "second-in-minute",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "seconds",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "sum",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "time",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "week-in-month",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "week-in-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
    xsltRegisterExtModuleFunction ((const xmlChar *) "year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,

 * exsltDateXpathCtxtRegister:
 * Registers the EXSLT - Dates and Times module for use outside XSLT
exsltDateXpathCtxtRegister (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *prefix)
    if (ctxt
        && prefix
        && !xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctxt,
                               (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE)
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "add",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "add-duration",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "date",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
#ifdef WITH_TIME
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "date-time",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "day-abbreviation",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "day-in-month",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "day-in-week",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "day-in-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "day-name",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "day-of-week-in-month",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "difference",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "duration",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "hour-in-day",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "leap-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "minute-in-hour",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "month-abbreviation",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "month-in-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "month-name",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "second-in-minute",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "seconds",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "sum",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "time",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "week-in-month",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "week-in-year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
        && !xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt,
                                   (const xmlChar *) "year",
                                   (const xmlChar *) EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE,
                                   exsltDateYearFunction)) {
        return 0;
    return -1;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */