
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ReadUint
  2. ReadLength
  3. ReadFixedBytes
  4. ReadVariableBytes
  5. ReadList
  6. ConvertHashAlgorithm
  7. ConvertSignatureAlgorithm
  8. WriteUint
  9. WriteEncodedBytes
  10. WriteVariableBytes
  11. EncodeAsn1CertLogEntry
  12. EncodePrecertLogEntry
  13. EncodeDigitallySigned
  14. DecodeDigitallySigned
  15. EncodeLogEntry
  16. EncodeV1SCTSignedData
  17. DecodeSCTList
  18. DecodeSignedCertificateTimestamp
  19. EncodeSCTListForTesting

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/cert/ct_serialization.h"

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"

namespace net {

namespace ct {

namespace {

// Note: length is always specified in bytes.
// Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT) Version length
const size_t kVersionLength = 1;

// Members of a V1 SCT
const size_t kLogIdLength = 32;
const size_t kTimestampLength = 8;
const size_t kExtensionsLengthBytes = 2;
const size_t kHashAlgorithmLength = 1;
const size_t kSigAlgorithmLength = 1;
const size_t kSignatureLengthBytes = 2;

// Members of the digitally-signed struct of a V1 SCT
const size_t kSignatureTypeLength = 1;
const size_t kLogEntryTypeLength = 2;
const size_t kAsn1CertificateLengthBytes = 3;
const size_t kTbsCertificateLengthBytes = 3;

const size_t kSCTListLengthBytes = 2;
const size_t kSerializedSCTLengthBytes = 2;

enum SignatureType {
  TREE_HASH = 1,

// Reads a TLS-encoded variable length unsigned integer from |in|.
// The integer is expected to be in big-endian order, which is used by TLS.
// The bytes read from |in| are discarded (i.e. |in|'s prefix removed)
// |length| indicates the size (in bytes) of the integer. On success, returns
// true and stores the result in |*out|.
template <typename T>
bool ReadUint(size_t length, base::StringPiece* in, T* out) {
  if (in->size() < length)
    return false;
  DCHECK_LE(length, sizeof(T));

  T result = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    result = (result << 8) | static_cast<unsigned char>((*in)[i]);
  *out = result;
  return true;

// Reads a TLS-encoded field length from |in|.
// The bytes read from |in| are discarded (i.e. |in|'s prefix removed)
// |prefix_length| indicates the bytes needed to represent the length (e.g. 3)
// success, returns true and stores the result in |*out|.
bool ReadLength(size_t prefix_length, base::StringPiece* in, size_t* out) {
  size_t length;
  if (!ReadUint(prefix_length, in, &length))
    return false;
  *out = length;
  return true;

// Reads |length| bytes from |*in|. If |*in| is too small, returns false.
// The bytes read from |in| are discarded (i.e. |in|'s prefix removed)
bool ReadFixedBytes(size_t length,
                    base::StringPiece* in,
                    base::StringPiece* out) {
  if (in->length() < length)
    return false;
  out->set(in->data(), length);
  return true;

// Reads a length-prefixed variable amount of bytes from |in|, updating |out|
// on success. |prefix_length| indicates the number of bytes needed to represent
// the length.
// The bytes read from |in| are discarded (i.e. |in|'s prefix removed)
bool ReadVariableBytes(size_t prefix_length,
                       base::StringPiece* in,
                       base::StringPiece* out) {
  size_t length;
  if (!ReadLength(prefix_length, in, &length))
    return false;
  return ReadFixedBytes(length, in, out);

// Reads a variable-length list that has been TLS encoded.
// The bytes read from |in| are discarded (i.e. |in|'s prefix removed)
// |max_list_length| contains the overall length of the encoded list.
// |max_item_length| contains the maximum length of a single item.
// On success, returns true and updates |*out| with the encoded list.
bool ReadList(size_t max_list_length,
              size_t max_item_length,
              base::StringPiece* in,
              std::vector<base::StringPiece>* out) {
  std::vector<base::StringPiece> result;

  base::StringPiece list_data;
  if (!ReadVariableBytes(max_list_length, in, &list_data))
    return false;

  while (!list_data.empty()) {
    base::StringPiece list_item;
    if (!ReadVariableBytes(max_item_length, &list_data, &list_item)) {
      DVLOG(1) << "Failed to read item in list.";
      return false;
    if (list_item.empty()) {
      DVLOG(1) << "Empty item in list";
      return false;

  return true;

// Checks and converts a hash algorithm.
// |in| is the numeric representation of the algorithm.
// If the hash algorithm value is in a set of known values, fills in |out| and
// returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
bool ConvertHashAlgorithm(unsigned in, DigitallySigned::HashAlgorithm* out) {
  switch (in) {
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_NONE:
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_MD5:
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_SHA1:
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_SHA224:
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_SHA256:
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_SHA384:
    case DigitallySigned::HASH_ALGO_SHA512:
      return false;
  *out = static_cast<DigitallySigned::HashAlgorithm>(in);
  return true;

// Checks and converts a signing algorithm.
// |in| is the numeric representation of the algorithm.
// If the signing algorithm value is in a set of known values, fills in |out|
// and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
bool ConvertSignatureAlgorithm(
    unsigned in,
    DigitallySigned::SignatureAlgorithm* out) {
  switch (in) {
    case DigitallySigned::SIG_ALGO_ANONYMOUS:
    case DigitallySigned::SIG_ALGO_RSA:
    case DigitallySigned::SIG_ALGO_DSA:
    case DigitallySigned::SIG_ALGO_ECDSA:
      return false;
  *out = static_cast<DigitallySigned::SignatureAlgorithm>(in);
  return true;

// Writes a TLS-encoded variable length unsigned integer to |output|.
// |length| indicates the size (in bytes) of the integer.
// |value| the value itself to be written.
template <typename T>
void WriteUint(size_t length, T value, std::string* output) {
  DCHECK_LE(length, sizeof(T));
  DCHECK(length == sizeof(T) || value >> (length * 8) == 0);

  for (; length > 0; --length) {
    output->push_back((value >> ((length - 1)* 8)) & 0xFF);

// Writes an array to |output| from |input|.
// Should be used in one of two cases:
// * The length of |input| has already been encoded into the |output| stream.
// * The length of |input| is fixed and the reader is expected to specify that
// length when reading.
// If the length of |input| is dynamic and data is expected to follow it,
// WriteVariableBytes must be used.
void WriteEncodedBytes(const base::StringPiece& input, std::string* output) {

// Writes a variable-length array to |output|.
// |prefix_length| indicates the number of bytes needed to represnt the length.
// |input| is the array itself.
// If the size of |input| is less than 2^|prefix_length| - 1, encode the
// length and data and return true. Otherwise, return false.
bool WriteVariableBytes(size_t prefix_length,
                        const base::StringPiece& input,
                        std::string* output) {
  size_t input_size = input.size();
  size_t max_allowed_input_size =
      static_cast<size_t>(((1 << (prefix_length * 8)) - 1));
  if (input_size > max_allowed_input_size)
    return false;

  WriteUint(prefix_length, input.size(), output);
  WriteEncodedBytes(input, output);

  return true;

// Writes a LogEntry of type X.509 cert to |output|.
// |input| is the LogEntry containing the certificate.
// Returns true if the leaf_certificate in the LogEntry does not exceed
// kMaxAsn1CertificateLength and so can be written to |output|.
bool EncodeAsn1CertLogEntry(const LogEntry& input, std::string* output) {
  return WriteVariableBytes(kAsn1CertificateLengthBytes,
                            input.leaf_certificate, output);

// Writes a LogEntry of type PreCertificate to |output|.
// |input| is the LogEntry containing the TBSCertificate and issuer key hash.
// Returns true if the TBSCertificate component in the LogEntry does not
// exceed kMaxTbsCertificateLength and so can be written to |output|.
bool EncodePrecertLogEntry(const LogEntry& input, std::string* output) {
          reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
  return WriteVariableBytes(kTbsCertificateLengthBytes,
                            input.tbs_certificate, output);

}  // namespace

bool EncodeDigitallySigned(const DigitallySigned& input,
                           std::string* output) {
  WriteUint(kHashAlgorithmLength, input.hash_algorithm, output);
  WriteUint(kSigAlgorithmLength, input.signature_algorithm,
  return WriteVariableBytes(kSignatureLengthBytes, input.signature_data,

bool DecodeDigitallySigned(base::StringPiece* input,
                           DigitallySigned* output) {
  unsigned hash_algo;
  unsigned sig_algo;
  base::StringPiece sig_data;

  if (!ReadUint(kHashAlgorithmLength, input, &hash_algo) ||
      !ReadUint(kSigAlgorithmLength, input, &sig_algo) ||
      !ReadVariableBytes(kSignatureLengthBytes, input, &sig_data)) {
    return false;

  DigitallySigned result;
  if (!ConvertHashAlgorithm(hash_algo, &result.hash_algorithm)) {
    DVLOG(1) << "Invalid hash algorithm " << hash_algo;
    return false;
  if (!ConvertSignatureAlgorithm(sig_algo, &result.signature_algorithm)) {
    DVLOG(1) << "Invalid signature algorithm " << sig_algo;
    return false;

  *output = result;
  return true;

bool EncodeLogEntry(const LogEntry& input, std::string* output) {
  WriteUint(kLogEntryTypeLength, input.type, output);
  switch (input.type) {
    case LogEntry::LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_X509:
      return EncodeAsn1CertLogEntry(input, output);
    case LogEntry::LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_PRECERT:
      return EncodePrecertLogEntry(input, output);
  return false;

bool EncodeV1SCTSignedData(const base::Time& timestamp,
                           const std::string& serialized_log_entry,
                           const std::string& extensions,
                           std::string* output) {
  WriteUint(kVersionLength, SignedCertificateTimestamp::SCT_VERSION_1,
  base::TimeDelta time_since_epoch = timestamp - base::Time::UnixEpoch();
  WriteUint(kTimestampLength, time_since_epoch.InMilliseconds(),
  // NOTE: serialized_log_entry must already be serialized and contain the
  // length as the prefix.
  WriteEncodedBytes(serialized_log_entry, output);
  return WriteVariableBytes(kExtensionsLengthBytes, extensions, output);

bool DecodeSCTList(base::StringPiece* input,
                   std::vector<base::StringPiece>* output) {
  std::vector<base::StringPiece> result;
  if (!ReadList(kSCTListLengthBytes, kSerializedSCTLengthBytes,
                input, &result)) {
    return false;

  if (!input->empty() || result.empty())
    return false;
  return true;

bool DecodeSignedCertificateTimestamp(
    base::StringPiece* input,
    scoped_refptr<SignedCertificateTimestamp>* output) {
  scoped_refptr<SignedCertificateTimestamp> result(
      new SignedCertificateTimestamp());
  unsigned version;
  if (!ReadUint(kVersionLength, input, &version))
    return false;
  if (version != SignedCertificateTimestamp::SCT_VERSION_1) {
    DVLOG(1) << "Unsupported/invalid version " << version;
    return false;

  result->version = SignedCertificateTimestamp::SCT_VERSION_1;
  uint64 timestamp;
  base::StringPiece log_id;
  base::StringPiece extensions;
  if (!ReadFixedBytes(kLogIdLength, input, &log_id) ||
      !ReadUint(kTimestampLength, input, &timestamp) ||
      !ReadVariableBytes(kExtensionsLengthBytes, input,
                         &extensions) ||
      !DecodeDigitallySigned(input, &result->signature)) {
    return false;

  if (timestamp > static_cast<uint64>(kint64max)) {
    DVLOG(1) << "Timestamp value too big to cast to int64: " << timestamp;
    return false;

  result->timestamp =
      base::Time::UnixEpoch() +

  return true;

bool EncodeSCTListForTesting(const base::StringPiece& sct,
                             std::string* output) {
  std::string encoded_sct;
  return WriteVariableBytes(kSerializedSCTLengthBytes, sct, &encoded_sct) &&
      WriteVariableBytes(kSCTListLengthBytes, encoded_sct, output);

}  // namespace ct

}  // namespace net

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