
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. AllowSameTimestamp
  2. GetConfigId
  3. size_in_bytes
  4. IsRangeListSorted
  5. CompareTimeDeltaToStreamParserBuffer
  6. CompareStreamParserBufferToTimeDelta
  7. ComputeFudgeRoom
  8. kSeekToStartFudgeRoom
  9. splice_frames_enabled_
  10. splice_frames_enabled_
  11. splice_frames_enabled_
  12. OnNewMediaSegment
  13. Append
  14. Remove
  15. RemoveInternal
  16. ResetSeekState
  17. ShouldSeekToStartOfBuffered
  18. IsMonotonicallyIncreasing
  19. IsNextTimestampValid
  20. OnlySelectedRangeIsSeeked
  21. UpdateMaxInterbufferDistance
  22. SetConfigIds
  23. GarbageCollectIfNeeded
  24. FreeBuffersAfterLastAppended
  25. GetRemovalRange
  26. FreeBuffers
  27. PrepareRangesForNextAppend
  28. AreAdjacentInSequence
  29. PruneTrackBuffer
  30. MergeWithAdjacentRangeIfNecessary
  31. Seek
  32. IsSeekPending
  33. OnSetDuration
  34. GetNextBuffer
  35. GetNextBufferInternal
  36. GetNextBufferTimestamp
  37. GetEndBufferTimestamp
  38. FindExistingRangeFor
  39. AddToRanges
  40. GetSelectedRangeItr
  41. SeekAndSetSelectedRange
  42. SetSelectedRange
  43. GetBufferedTime
  44. GetBufferedDuration
  45. MarkEndOfStream
  46. UnmarkEndOfStream
  47. IsEndSelected
  48. GetCurrentAudioDecoderConfig
  49. GetCurrentVideoDecoderConfig
  50. GetCurrentTextTrackConfig
  51. GetMaxInterbufferDistance
  52. UpdateAudioConfig
  53. UpdateVideoConfig
  54. CompleteConfigChange
  55. SetSelectedRangeIfNeeded
  56. FindNewSelectedRangeSeekTimestamp
  57. FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp
  58. GetStreamTypeName
  59. GetType
  60. DeleteAndRemoveRange
  61. GenerateSpliceFrame
  62. size_in_bytes_
  63. AppendBuffersToEnd
  64. Seek
  65. SeekAheadTo
  66. SeekAheadPast
  67. SeekAhead
  68. SeekToStart
  69. SplitRange
  70. GetBufferItrAt
  71. GetFirstKeyframeAt
  72. GetFirstKeyframeBefore
  73. DeleteAll
  74. TruncateAt
  75. DeleteGOPFromFront
  76. DeleteGOPFromBack
  77. GetRemovalGOP
  78. FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition
  79. LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition
  80. FreeBufferRange
  81. TruncateAt
  82. GetNextBuffer
  83. HasNextBuffer
  84. GetNextConfigId
  85. GetNextTimestamp
  86. HasNextBufferPosition
  87. ResetNextBufferPosition
  88. AppendRangeToEnd
  89. CanAppendRangeToEnd
  90. CanAppendBuffersToEnd
  91. BelongsToRange
  92. CanSeekTo
  93. CompletelyOverlaps
  94. EndOverlaps
  95. GetStartTimestamp
  96. GetEndTimestamp
  97. GetBufferedEndTimestamp
  98. NextKeyframeTimestamp
  99. KeyframeBeforeTimestamp
  100. IsNextInSequence
  101. GetFudgeRoom
  102. GetApproximateDuration
  103. GetBuffersInRange

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/filters/source_buffer_stream.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <map>

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/base/audio_splicer.h"

namespace media {

typedef StreamParser::BufferQueue BufferQueue;

// Buffers with the same timestamp are only allowed under certain conditions.
// More precisely, it is allowed in all situations except when the previous
// frame is not a key frame and the current is a key frame.
// Examples of situations where DTS of two consecutive frames can be equal:
// - Video: VP8 Alt-Ref frames.
// - Video: IPBPBP...: DTS for I frame and for P frame can be equal.
// - Text track cues that start at same time.
// Returns true if |prev_is_keyframe| and |current_is_keyframe| indicate a
// same timestamp situation that is allowed. False is returned otherwise.
static bool AllowSameTimestamp(
    bool prev_is_keyframe, bool current_is_keyframe,
    SourceBufferStream::Type type) {
  return prev_is_keyframe || !current_is_keyframe;

// Returns the config ID of |buffer| if |buffer| has no splice buffers or
// |index| is out of range.  Otherwise returns the config ID for the fade out
// preroll buffer at position |index|.
static int GetConfigId(StreamParserBuffer* buffer, size_t index) {
  return index < buffer->get_splice_buffers().size()
             ? buffer->get_splice_buffers()[index]->GetConfigId()
             : buffer->GetConfigId();

// Helper class representing a range of buffered data. All buffers in a
// SourceBufferRange are ordered sequentially in presentation order with no
// gaps.
class SourceBufferRange {
  // Returns the maximum distance in time between any buffer seen in this
  // stream. Used to estimate the duration of a buffer if its duration is not
  // known.
  typedef base::Callback<base::TimeDelta()> InterbufferDistanceCB;

  // Creates a source buffer range with |new_buffers|. |new_buffers| cannot be
  // empty and the front of |new_buffers| must be a keyframe.
  // |media_segment_start_time| refers to the starting timestamp for the media
  // segment to which these buffers belong.
  SourceBufferRange(SourceBufferStream::Type type,
                    const BufferQueue& new_buffers,
                    base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time,
                    const InterbufferDistanceCB& interbuffer_distance_cb);

  // Appends |buffers| to the end of the range and updates |keyframe_map_| as
  // it encounters new keyframes. Assumes |buffers| belongs at the end of the
  // range.
  void AppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers);
  bool CanAppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers) const;

  // Appends the buffers from |range| into this range.
  // The first buffer in |range| must come directly after the last buffer
  // in this range.
  // If |transfer_current_position| is true, |range|'s |next_buffer_index_|
  // is transfered to this SourceBufferRange.
  void AppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range,
                        bool transfer_current_position);
  bool CanAppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;

  // Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to the Buffer containing |timestamp|.
  // Assumes |timestamp| is valid and in this range.
  void Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp);

  // Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe after or equal to
  // |timestamp|.
  void SeekAheadTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp);

  // Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe strictly after
  // |timestamp|.
  void SeekAheadPast(base::TimeDelta timestamp);

  // Seeks to the beginning of the range.
  void SeekToStart();

  // Finds the next keyframe from |buffers_| after |timestamp| (or at
  // |timestamp| if |is_exclusive| is false) and creates and returns a new
  // SourceBufferRange with the buffers from that keyframe onward.
  // The buffers in the new SourceBufferRange are moved out of this range. If
  // there is no keyframe after |timestamp|, SplitRange() returns null and this
  // range is unmodified.
  SourceBufferRange* SplitRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_exclusive);

  // Deletes the buffers from this range starting at |timestamp|, exclusive if
  // |is_exclusive| is true, inclusive otherwise.
  // Resets |next_buffer_index_| if the buffer at |next_buffer_index_| was
  // deleted, and deletes the |keyframe_map_| entries for the buffers that
  // were removed.
  // |deleted_buffers| contains the buffers that were deleted from this range,
  // starting at the buffer that had been at |next_buffer_index_|.
  // Returns true if everything in the range was deleted. Otherwise
  // returns false.
  bool TruncateAt(base::TimeDelta timestamp,
                  BufferQueue* deleted_buffers, bool is_exclusive);
  // Deletes all buffers in range.
  void DeleteAll(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);

  // Deletes a GOP from the front or back of the range and moves these
  // buffers into |deleted_buffers|. Returns the number of bytes deleted from
  // the range (i.e. the size in bytes of |deleted_buffers|).
  int DeleteGOPFromFront(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);
  int DeleteGOPFromBack(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);

  // Gets the range of GOP to secure at least |bytes_to_free| from
  // [|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|).
  // Returns the size of the buffers to secure if the buffers of
  // [|start_timestamp|, |end_removal_timestamp|) is removed.
  // Will not update |end_removal_timestamp| if the returned size is 0.
  int GetRemovalGOP(
      base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, base::TimeDelta end_timestamp,
      int bytes_to_free, base::TimeDelta* end_removal_timestamp);

  // Indicates whether the GOP at the beginning or end of the range contains the
  // next buffer position.
  bool FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const;
  bool LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const;

  // Updates |out_buffer| with the next buffer in presentation order. Seek()
  // must be called before calls to GetNextBuffer(), and buffers are returned
  // in order from the last call to Seek(). Returns true if |out_buffer| is
  // filled with a valid buffer, false if there is not enough data to fulfill
  // the request.
  bool GetNextBuffer(scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer);
  bool HasNextBuffer() const;

  // Returns the config ID for the buffer that will be returned by
  // GetNextBuffer().
  int GetNextConfigId() const;

  // Returns true if the range knows the position of the next buffer it should
  // return, i.e. it has been Seek()ed. This does not necessarily mean that it
  // has the next buffer yet.
  bool HasNextBufferPosition() const;

  // Resets this range to an "unseeked" state.
  void ResetNextBufferPosition();

  // Returns the timestamp of the next buffer that will be returned from
  // GetNextBuffer(), or kNoTimestamp() if the timestamp is unknown.
  base::TimeDelta GetNextTimestamp() const;

  // Returns the start timestamp of the range.
  base::TimeDelta GetStartTimestamp() const;

  // Returns the timestamp of the last buffer in the range.
  base::TimeDelta GetEndTimestamp() const;

  // Returns the timestamp for the end of the buffered region in this range.
  // This is an approximation if the duration for the last buffer in the range
  // is unset.
  base::TimeDelta GetBufferedEndTimestamp() const;

  // Gets the timestamp for the keyframe that is after |timestamp|. If
  // there isn't a keyframe in the range after |timestamp| then kNoTimestamp()
  // is returned.
  base::TimeDelta NextKeyframeTimestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp);

  // Gets the timestamp for the closest keyframe that is <= |timestamp|. If
  // there isn't a keyframe before |timestamp| or |timestamp| is outside
  // this range, then kNoTimestamp() is returned.
  base::TimeDelta KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp);

  // Returns whether a buffer with a starting timestamp of |timestamp| would
  // belong in this range. This includes a buffer that would be appended to
  // the end of the range.
  bool BelongsToRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const;

  // Returns true if the range has enough data to seek to the specified
  // |timestamp|, false otherwise.
  bool CanSeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const;

  // Returns true if this range's buffered timespan completely overlaps the
  // buffered timespan of |range|.
  bool CompletelyOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;

  // Returns true if the end of this range contains buffers that overlaps with
  // the beginning of |range|.
  bool EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;

  // Returns true if |timestamp| is the timestamp of the next buffer in
  // sequence after |buffers_.back()|, false otherwise.
  bool IsNextInSequence(base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_keyframe) const;

  // Adds all buffers which overlap [start, end) to the end of |buffers|.  If
  // no buffers exist in the range returns false, true otherwise.
  bool GetBuffersInRange(base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end,
                         BufferQueue* buffers);

  int size_in_bytes() const { return size_in_bytes_; }

  typedef std::map<base::TimeDelta, int> KeyframeMap;

  // Seeks the range to the next keyframe after |timestamp|. If
  // |skip_given_timestamp| is true, the seek will go to a keyframe with a
  // timestamp strictly greater than |timestamp|.
  void SeekAhead(base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp);

  // Returns an iterator in |buffers_| pointing to the buffer at |timestamp|.
  // If |skip_given_timestamp| is true, this returns the first buffer with
  // timestamp greater than |timestamp|.
  BufferQueue::iterator GetBufferItrAt(
      base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp);

  // Returns an iterator in |keyframe_map_| pointing to the next keyframe after
  // |timestamp|. If |skip_given_timestamp| is true, this returns the first
  // keyframe with a timestamp strictly greater than |timestamp|.
  KeyframeMap::iterator GetFirstKeyframeAt(
      base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp);

  // Returns an iterator in |keyframe_map_| pointing to the first keyframe
  // before or at |timestamp|.
  KeyframeMap::iterator GetFirstKeyframeBefore(base::TimeDelta timestamp);

  // Helper method to delete buffers in |buffers_| starting at
  // |starting_point|, an iterator in |buffers_|.
  // Returns true if everything in the range was removed. Returns
  // false if the range still contains buffers.
  bool TruncateAt(const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point,
                  BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);

  // Frees the buffers in |buffers_| from [|start_point|,|ending_point|) and
  // updates the |size_in_bytes_| accordingly. Does not update |keyframe_map_|.
  void FreeBufferRange(const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point,
                       const BufferQueue::iterator& ending_point);

  // Returns the distance in time estimating how far from the beginning or end
  // of this range a buffer can be to considered in the range.
  base::TimeDelta GetFudgeRoom() const;

  // Returns the approximate duration of a buffer in this range.
  base::TimeDelta GetApproximateDuration() const;

  // Type of this stream.
  const SourceBufferStream::Type type_;

  // An ordered list of buffers in this range.
  BufferQueue buffers_;

  // Maps keyframe timestamps to its index position in |buffers_|.
  KeyframeMap keyframe_map_;

  // Index base of all positions in |keyframe_map_|. In other words, the
  // real position of entry |k| of |keyframe_map_| in the range is:
  //   keyframe_map_[k] - keyframe_map_index_base_
  int keyframe_map_index_base_;

  // Index into |buffers_| for the next buffer to be returned by
  // GetNextBuffer(), set to -1 before Seek().
  int next_buffer_index_;

  // If the first buffer in this range is the beginning of a media segment,
  // |media_segment_start_time_| is the time when the media segment begins.
  // |media_segment_start_time_| may be <= the timestamp of the first buffer in
  // |buffers_|. |media_segment_start_time_| is kNoTimestamp() if this range
  // does not start at the beginning of a media segment, which can only happen
  // garbage collection or after an end overlap that results in a split range
  // (we don't have a way of knowing the media segment timestamp for the new
  // range).
  base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time_;

  // Called to get the largest interbuffer distance seen so far in the stream.
  InterbufferDistanceCB interbuffer_distance_cb_;

  // Stores the amount of memory taken up by the data in |buffers_|.
  int size_in_bytes_;


}  // namespace media

// Helper method that returns true if |ranges| is sorted in increasing order,
// false otherwise.
static bool IsRangeListSorted(
    const std::list<media::SourceBufferRange*>& ranges) {
  base::TimeDelta prev = media::kNoTimestamp();
  for (std::list<media::SourceBufferRange*>::const_iterator itr =
       ranges.begin(); itr != ranges.end(); ++itr) {
    if (prev != media::kNoTimestamp() && prev >= (*itr)->GetStartTimestamp())
      return false;
    prev = (*itr)->GetEndTimestamp();
  return true;

// Comparison operators for std::upper_bound() and std::lower_bound().
static bool CompareTimeDeltaToStreamParserBuffer(
    const base::TimeDelta& decode_timestamp,
    const scoped_refptr<media::StreamParserBuffer>& buffer) {
  return decode_timestamp < buffer->GetDecodeTimestamp();
static bool CompareStreamParserBufferToTimeDelta(
    const scoped_refptr<media::StreamParserBuffer>& buffer,
    const base::TimeDelta& decode_timestamp) {
  return buffer->GetDecodeTimestamp() < decode_timestamp;

// Returns an estimate of how far from the beginning or end of a range a buffer
// can be to still be considered in the range, given the |approximate_duration|
// of a buffer in the stream.
static base::TimeDelta ComputeFudgeRoom(base::TimeDelta approximate_duration) {
  // Because we do not know exactly when is the next timestamp, any buffer
  // that starts within 2x the approximate duration of a buffer is considered
  // within this range.
  return 2 * approximate_duration;

// An arbitrarily-chosen number to estimate the duration of a buffer if none
// is set and there's not enough information to get a better estimate.
static int kDefaultBufferDurationInMs = 125;

// The amount of time the beginning of the buffered data can differ from the
// start time in order to still be considered the start of stream.
static base::TimeDelta kSeekToStartFudgeRoom() {
  return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000);
// The maximum amount of data in bytes the stream will keep in memory.
// 12MB: approximately 5 minutes of 320Kbps content.
// 150MB: approximately 5 minutes of 4Mbps content.
static int kDefaultAudioMemoryLimit = 12 * 1024 * 1024;
static int kDefaultVideoMemoryLimit = 150 * 1024 * 1024;

namespace media {

SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_config,
                                       const LogCB& log_cb,
                                       bool splice_frames_enabled)
    : log_cb_(log_cb),
      splice_frames_enabled_(splice_frames_enabled) {

SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const VideoDecoderConfig& video_config,
                                       const LogCB& log_cb,
                                       bool splice_frames_enabled)
    : log_cb_(log_cb),
      splice_frames_enabled_(splice_frames_enabled) {

SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const TextTrackConfig& text_config,
                                       const LogCB& log_cb,
                                       bool splice_frames_enabled)
    : log_cb_(log_cb),
      splice_frames_enabled_(splice_frames_enabled) {}

SourceBufferStream::~SourceBufferStream() {
  while (!ranges_.empty()) {
    delete ranges_.front();

void SourceBufferStream::OnNewMediaSegment(
    base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time) {
  media_segment_start_time_ = media_segment_start_time;
  new_media_segment_ = true;

  RangeList::iterator last_range = range_for_next_append_;
  range_for_next_append_ = FindExistingRangeFor(media_segment_start_time);

  // Only reset |last_appended_buffer_timestamp_| if this new media segment is
  // not adjacent to the previous media segment appended to the stream.
  if (range_for_next_append_ == ranges_.end() ||
                             media_segment_start_time)) {
    last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp();
    last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ = false;
  } else if (last_range != ranges_.end()) {
    DCHECK(last_range == range_for_next_append_);

bool SourceBufferStream::Append(const BufferQueue& buffers) {
  TRACE_EVENT2("media", "SourceBufferStream::Append",
               "stream type", GetStreamTypeName(),
               "buffers to append", buffers.size());

  DCHECK(media_segment_start_time_ != kNoTimestamp());

  // New media segments must begin with a keyframe.
  if (new_media_segment_ && !buffers.front()->IsKeyframe()) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Media segment did not begin with keyframe.";
    return false;

  // Buffers within a media segment should be monotonically increasing.
  if (!IsMonotonicallyIncreasing(buffers))
    return false;

  if (media_segment_start_time_ < base::TimeDelta() ||
      buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp() < base::TimeDelta()) {
        << "Cannot append a media segment with negative timestamps.";
    return false;

  if (!IsNextTimestampValid(buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp(),
                            buffers.front()->IsKeyframe())) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Invalid same timestamp construct detected at time "
                       << buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp().InSecondsF();

    return false;


  // Save a snapshot of stream state before range modifications are made.
  base::TimeDelta next_buffer_timestamp = GetNextBufferTimestamp();
  BufferQueue deleted_buffers;

  PrepareRangesForNextAppend(buffers, &deleted_buffers);

  // If there's a range for |buffers|, insert |buffers| accordingly. Otherwise,
  // create a new range with |buffers|.
  if (range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end()) {
    last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ = buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
    last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ = buffers.back()->IsKeyframe();
  } else {
    base::TimeDelta new_range_start_time = media_segment_start_time_;
    const BufferQueue* buffers_for_new_range = &buffers;
    BufferQueue trimmed_buffers;

    // If the new range is not being created because of a new media
    // segment, then we must make sure that we start with a keyframe.
    // This can happen if the GOP in the previous append gets destroyed
    // by a Remove() call.
    if (!new_media_segment_ && !buffers.front()->IsKeyframe()) {
      BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();

      // Scan past all the non-keyframes.
      while (itr != buffers.end() && !(*itr)->IsKeyframe()) {

      // If we didn't find a keyframe, then update the last appended
      // buffer state and return.
      if (itr == buffers.end()) {
        last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ = buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
        last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ = buffers.back()->IsKeyframe();
        return true;

      // Copy the first keyframe and everything after it into |trimmed_buffers|.
      trimmed_buffers.assign(itr, buffers.end());

      new_range_start_time = trimmed_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
      buffers_for_new_range = &trimmed_buffers;

    range_for_next_append_ =
        AddToRanges(new SourceBufferRange(
            GetType(), *buffers_for_new_range, new_range_start_time,
    last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ =
    last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ =

  new_media_segment_ = false;


  // Seek to try to fulfill a previous call to Seek().
  if (seek_pending_) {

  if (!deleted_buffers.empty()) {
    base::TimeDelta start_of_deleted =

    DCHECK(track_buffer_.empty() ||
           track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp() < start_of_deleted)
        << "decode timestamp "
        << track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp().InSecondsF() << " sec"
        << ", start_of_deleted " << start_of_deleted.InSecondsF()<< " sec";

    track_buffer_.insert(track_buffer_.end(), deleted_buffers.begin(),

  // Prune any extra buffers in |track_buffer_| if new keyframes
  // are appended to the range covered by |track_buffer_|.
  if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
    base::TimeDelta keyframe_timestamp =
    if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp())



  return true;

void SourceBufferStream::Remove(base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end,
                                base::TimeDelta duration) {
  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << start.InSecondsF()
           << ", " << end.InSecondsF()
           << ", " << duration.InSecondsF() << ")";
  DCHECK(start >= base::TimeDelta()) << start.InSecondsF();
  DCHECK(start < end) << "start " << start.InSecondsF()
                      << " end " << end.InSecondsF();
  DCHECK(duration != kNoTimestamp());

  base::TimeDelta remove_end_timestamp = duration;
  base::TimeDelta keyframe_timestamp = FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(end);
  if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp()) {
    remove_end_timestamp = keyframe_timestamp;
  } else if (end < remove_end_timestamp) {
    remove_end_timestamp = end;

  BufferQueue deleted_buffers;
  RemoveInternal(start, remove_end_timestamp, false, &deleted_buffers);

  if (!deleted_buffers.empty())

void SourceBufferStream::RemoveInternal(
    base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end, bool is_exclusive,
    BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {
  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << start.InSecondsF()
           << ", " << end.InSecondsF()
           << ", " << is_exclusive << ")";

  DCHECK(start >= base::TimeDelta());
  DCHECK(start < end) << "start " << start.InSecondsF()
                      << " end " << end.InSecondsF();

  RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin();

  while (itr != ranges_.end()) {
    SourceBufferRange* range = *itr;
    if (range->GetStartTimestamp() >= end)

    // Split off any remaining end piece and add it to |ranges_|.
    SourceBufferRange* new_range = range->SplitRange(end, is_exclusive);
    if (new_range) {
      itr = ranges_.insert(++itr, new_range);

      // Update the selected range if the next buffer position was transferred
      // to |new_range|.
      if (new_range->HasNextBufferPosition())

    // Truncate the current range so that it only contains data before
    // the removal range.
    BufferQueue saved_buffers;
    bool delete_range = range->TruncateAt(start, &saved_buffers, is_exclusive);

    // Check to see if the current playback position was removed and
    // update the selected range appropriately.
    if (!saved_buffers.empty()) {

      *deleted_buffers = saved_buffers;

    if (range == selected_range_ && !range->HasNextBufferPosition())

    // If the current range now is completely covered by the removal
    // range then delete it and move on.
    if (delete_range) {

    // Clear |range_for_next_append_| if we determine that the removal
    // operation makes it impossible for the next append to be added
    // to the current range.
    if (range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end() &&
        *range_for_next_append_ == range &&
        last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ != kNoTimestamp()) {
      base::TimeDelta potential_next_append_timestamp =
          last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ +

      if (!range->BelongsToRange(potential_next_append_timestamp)) {
        DVLOG(1) << "Resetting range_for_next_append_ since the next append"
                 <<  " can't add to the current range.";
        range_for_next_append_ =

    // Move on to the next range.

  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " : done";

void SourceBufferStream::ResetSeekState() {
  config_change_pending_ = false;
  last_output_buffer_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp();
  splice_buffers_index_ = 0;
  splice_buffer_ = NULL;

bool SourceBufferStream::ShouldSeekToStartOfBuffered(
    base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp) const {
  if (ranges_.empty())
    return false;
  base::TimeDelta beginning_of_buffered =
  return (seek_timestamp <= beginning_of_buffered &&
          beginning_of_buffered < kSeekToStartFudgeRoom());

bool SourceBufferStream::IsMonotonicallyIncreasing(
    const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
  base::TimeDelta prev_timestamp = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
  bool prev_is_keyframe = last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_;
  for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
       itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
    base::TimeDelta current_timestamp = (*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
    bool current_is_keyframe = (*itr)->IsKeyframe();
    DCHECK(current_timestamp != kNoTimestamp());

    if (prev_timestamp != kNoTimestamp()) {
      if (current_timestamp < prev_timestamp) {
        MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Buffers were not monotonically increasing.";
        return false;

      if (current_timestamp == prev_timestamp &&
          !AllowSameTimestamp(prev_is_keyframe, current_is_keyframe,
                              GetType())) {
        MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Unexpected combination of buffers with the"
                           << " same timestamp detected at "
                           << current_timestamp.InSecondsF();
        return false;

    prev_timestamp = current_timestamp;
    prev_is_keyframe = current_is_keyframe;
  return true;

bool SourceBufferStream::IsNextTimestampValid(
    base::TimeDelta next_timestamp, bool next_is_keyframe) const {
  return (last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ != next_timestamp) ||
      new_media_segment_ ||
      AllowSameTimestamp(last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_, next_is_keyframe,

bool SourceBufferStream::OnlySelectedRangeIsSeeked() const {
  for (RangeList::const_iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
       itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->HasNextBufferPosition() && (*itr) != selected_range_)
      return false;
  return !selected_range_ || selected_range_->HasNextBufferPosition();

void SourceBufferStream::UpdateMaxInterbufferDistance(
    const BufferQueue& buffers) {
  base::TimeDelta prev_timestamp = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
  for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
       itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
    base::TimeDelta current_timestamp = (*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
    DCHECK(current_timestamp != kNoTimestamp());

    if (prev_timestamp != kNoTimestamp()) {
      base::TimeDelta interbuffer_distance = current_timestamp - prev_timestamp;
      if (max_interbuffer_distance_ == kNoTimestamp()) {
        max_interbuffer_distance_ = interbuffer_distance;
      } else {
        max_interbuffer_distance_ =
            std::max(max_interbuffer_distance_, interbuffer_distance);
    prev_timestamp = current_timestamp;

void SourceBufferStream::SetConfigIds(const BufferQueue& buffers) {
  for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
       itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {

void SourceBufferStream::GarbageCollectIfNeeded() {
  // Compute size of |ranges_|.
  int ranges_size = 0;
  for (RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr)
    ranges_size += (*itr)->size_in_bytes();

  // Return if we're under or at the memory limit.
  if (ranges_size <= memory_limit_)

  int bytes_to_free = ranges_size - memory_limit_;

  // Begin deleting after the last appended buffer.
  int bytes_freed = FreeBuffersAfterLastAppended(bytes_to_free);

  // Begin deleting from the front.
  if (bytes_to_free - bytes_freed > 0)
    bytes_freed += FreeBuffers(bytes_to_free - bytes_freed, false);

  // Begin deleting from the back.
  if (bytes_to_free - bytes_freed > 0)
    FreeBuffers(bytes_to_free - bytes_freed, true);

int SourceBufferStream::FreeBuffersAfterLastAppended(int total_bytes_to_free) {
  base::TimeDelta next_buffer_timestamp = GetNextBufferTimestamp();
  if (last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ == kNoTimestamp() ||
      next_buffer_timestamp == kNoTimestamp() ||
      last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ >= next_buffer_timestamp) {
    return 0;

  base::TimeDelta remove_range_start = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
  if (last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_)
    remove_range_start += GetMaxInterbufferDistance();

  base::TimeDelta remove_range_start_keyframe = FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(
  if (remove_range_start_keyframe != kNoTimestamp())
    remove_range_start = remove_range_start_keyframe;
  if (remove_range_start >= next_buffer_timestamp)
    return 0;

  base::TimeDelta remove_range_end;
  int bytes_freed = GetRemovalRange(
      remove_range_start, next_buffer_timestamp, total_bytes_to_free,
  if (bytes_freed > 0)
    Remove(remove_range_start, remove_range_end, next_buffer_timestamp);
  return bytes_freed;

int SourceBufferStream::GetRemovalRange(
    base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, base::TimeDelta end_timestamp,
    int total_bytes_to_free, base::TimeDelta* removal_end_timestamp) {
  DCHECK(start_timestamp >= base::TimeDelta()) << start_timestamp.InSecondsF();
  DCHECK(start_timestamp < end_timestamp)
      << "start " << start_timestamp.InSecondsF()
      << ", end " << end_timestamp.InSecondsF();

  int bytes_to_free = total_bytes_to_free;
  int bytes_freed = 0;

  for (RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
       itr != ranges_.end() && bytes_to_free > 0; ++itr) {
    SourceBufferRange* range = *itr;
    if (range->GetStartTimestamp() >= end_timestamp)
    if (range->GetEndTimestamp() < start_timestamp)

    int bytes_removed = range->GetRemovalGOP(
        start_timestamp, end_timestamp, bytes_to_free, removal_end_timestamp);
    bytes_to_free -= bytes_removed;
    bytes_freed += bytes_removed;
  return bytes_freed;

int SourceBufferStream::FreeBuffers(int total_bytes_to_free,
                                    bool reverse_direction) {
  TRACE_EVENT2("media", "SourceBufferStream::FreeBuffers",
               "total bytes to free", total_bytes_to_free,
               "reverse direction", reverse_direction);

  DCHECK_GT(total_bytes_to_free, 0);
  int bytes_to_free = total_bytes_to_free;
  int bytes_freed = 0;

  // This range will save the last GOP appended to |range_for_next_append_|
  // if the buffers surrounding it get deleted during garbage collection.
  SourceBufferRange* new_range_for_append = NULL;

  while (!ranges_.empty() && bytes_to_free > 0) {
    SourceBufferRange* current_range = NULL;
    BufferQueue buffers;
    int bytes_deleted = 0;

    if (reverse_direction) {
      current_range = ranges_.back();
      if (current_range->LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition()) {
        DCHECK_EQ(current_range, selected_range_);
      bytes_deleted = current_range->DeleteGOPFromBack(&buffers);
    } else {
      current_range = ranges_.front();
      if (current_range->FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition()) {
        DCHECK_EQ(current_range, selected_range_);
      bytes_deleted = current_range->DeleteGOPFromFront(&buffers);

    // Check to see if we've just deleted the GOP that was last appended.
    base::TimeDelta end_timestamp = buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
    if (end_timestamp == last_appended_buffer_timestamp_) {
      DCHECK(last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ != kNoTimestamp());
      // Create a new range containing these buffers.
      new_range_for_append = new SourceBufferRange(
          GetType(), buffers, kNoTimestamp(),
      range_for_next_append_ = ranges_.end();
    } else {
      bytes_to_free -= bytes_deleted;
      bytes_freed += bytes_deleted;

    if (current_range->size_in_bytes() == 0) {
      DCHECK_NE(current_range, selected_range_);
      DCHECK(range_for_next_append_ == ranges_.end() ||
             *range_for_next_append_ != current_range);
      delete current_range;
      reverse_direction ? ranges_.pop_back() : ranges_.pop_front();

  // Insert |new_range_for_append| into |ranges_|, if applicable.
  if (new_range_for_append) {
    range_for_next_append_ = AddToRanges(new_range_for_append);
    DCHECK(range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end());

    // Check to see if we need to merge |new_range_for_append| with the range
    // before or after it. |new_range_for_append| is created whenever the last
    // GOP appended is encountered, regardless of whether any buffers after it
    // are ultimately deleted. Merging is necessary if there were no buffers
    // (or very few buffers) deleted after creating |new_range_for_append|.
    if (range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.begin()) {
      RangeList::iterator range_before_next = range_for_next_append_;
  return bytes_freed;

void SourceBufferStream::PrepareRangesForNextAppend(
    const BufferQueue& new_buffers, BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {

  bool temporarily_select_range = false;
  if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
    base::TimeDelta tb_timestamp = track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
    base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp = FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(tb_timestamp);
    if (seek_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() &&
        seek_timestamp < new_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp() &&
        range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end() &&
        (*range_for_next_append_)->BelongsToRange(seek_timestamp)) {
      DCHECK(tb_timestamp < seek_timestamp);

      // If there are GOPs between the end of the track buffer and the
      // beginning of the new buffers, then temporarily seek the range
      // so that the buffers between these two times will be deposited in
      // |deleted_buffers| as if they were part of the current playback
      // position.
      // TODO(acolwell): Figure out a more elegant way to do this.
      SeekAndSetSelectedRange(*range_for_next_append_, seek_timestamp);
      temporarily_select_range = true;

  // Handle splices between the existing buffers and the new buffers.  If a
  // splice is generated the timestamp and duration of the first buffer in
  // |new_buffers| will be modified.
  if (splice_frames_enabled_)

  base::TimeDelta prev_timestamp = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
  bool prev_is_keyframe = last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_;
  base::TimeDelta next_timestamp = new_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
  bool next_is_keyframe = new_buffers.front()->IsKeyframe();

  if (prev_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() && prev_timestamp != next_timestamp) {
    // Clean up the old buffers between the last appended buffer and the
    // beginning of |new_buffers|.
    RemoveInternal(prev_timestamp, next_timestamp, true, deleted_buffers);

  // Make the delete range exclusive if we are dealing with an allowed same
  // timestamp situation. This prevents the first buffer in the current append
  // from deleting the last buffer in the previous append if both buffers
  // have the same timestamp.
  bool is_exclusive = (prev_timestamp == next_timestamp) &&
      AllowSameTimestamp(prev_is_keyframe, next_is_keyframe, GetType());

  // Delete the buffers that |new_buffers| overlaps.
  base::TimeDelta start = new_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
  base::TimeDelta end = new_buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
  base::TimeDelta duration = new_buffers.back()->duration();

  if (duration != kNoTimestamp() && duration > base::TimeDelta()) {
    end += duration;
  } else {
    // TODO(acolwell): Ensure all buffers actually have proper
    // duration info so that this hack isn't needed.
    end += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(1);

  RemoveInternal(start, end, is_exclusive, deleted_buffers);

  // Restore the range seek state if necessary.
  if (temporarily_select_range)

bool SourceBufferStream::AreAdjacentInSequence(
    base::TimeDelta first_timestamp, base::TimeDelta second_timestamp) const {
  return first_timestamp < second_timestamp &&
      second_timestamp <=
      first_timestamp + ComputeFudgeRoom(GetMaxInterbufferDistance());

void SourceBufferStream::PruneTrackBuffer(const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  // If we don't have the next timestamp, we don't have anything to delete.
  if (timestamp == kNoTimestamp())

  while (!track_buffer_.empty() &&
         track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp() >= timestamp) {

void SourceBufferStream::MergeWithAdjacentRangeIfNecessary(
    const RangeList::iterator& range_with_new_buffers_itr) {
  DCHECK(range_with_new_buffers_itr != ranges_.end());

  SourceBufferRange* range_with_new_buffers = *range_with_new_buffers_itr;
  RangeList::iterator next_range_itr = range_with_new_buffers_itr;

  if (next_range_itr == ranges_.end() ||
      !range_with_new_buffers->CanAppendRangeToEnd(**next_range_itr)) {

  bool transfer_current_position = selected_range_ == *next_range_itr;
  // Update |selected_range_| pointer if |range| has become selected after
  // merges.
  if (transfer_current_position)

  if (next_range_itr == range_for_next_append_)
    range_for_next_append_ = range_with_new_buffers_itr;


void SourceBufferStream::Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  DCHECK(timestamp >= base::TimeDelta());

  if (ShouldSeekToStartOfBuffered(timestamp)) {
    seek_pending_ = false;

  seek_buffer_timestamp_ = timestamp;
  seek_pending_ = true;

  RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
  for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->CanSeekTo(timestamp))

  if (itr == ranges_.end())

  SeekAndSetSelectedRange(*itr, timestamp);
  seek_pending_ = false;

bool SourceBufferStream::IsSeekPending() const {
  return !(end_of_stream_ && IsEndSelected()) && seek_pending_;

void SourceBufferStream::OnSetDuration(base::TimeDelta duration) {
  RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
  for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->GetEndTimestamp() > duration)
  if (itr == ranges_.end())

  // Need to partially truncate this range.
  if ((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() < duration) {
    bool delete_range = (*itr)->TruncateAt(duration, NULL, false);
    if ((*itr == selected_range_) && !selected_range_->HasNextBufferPosition())

    if (delete_range) {
    } else {

  // Delete all ranges that begin after |duration|.
  while (itr != ranges_.end()) {
    // If we're about to delete the selected range, also reset the seek state.
    DCHECK((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() >= duration);
    if (*itr == selected_range_)

SourceBufferStream::Status SourceBufferStream::GetNextBuffer(
    scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
  if (!splice_buffer_) {
    const SourceBufferStream::Status status = GetNextBufferInternal(out_buffer);

    // Just return if GetNextBufferInternal() failed or there's no fade out
    // preroll, there's nothing else to do.
    if (status != SourceBufferStream::kSuccess ||
        (*out_buffer)->get_splice_buffers().empty()) {
      return status;

    // Fall through into splice buffer processing.
    splice_buffers_index_ = 0;

  const BufferQueue& splice_buffers = splice_buffer_->get_splice_buffers();
  const size_t last_splice_buffer_index = splice_buffers.size() - 1;

  // Are there any splice buffers left to hand out?  The last buffer should be
  // handed out separately since it represents the first post-splice buffer.
  if (splice_buffers_index_ < last_splice_buffer_index) {
    // Account for config changes which occur between fade out buffers.
    if (current_config_index_ !=
        splice_buffers[splice_buffers_index_]->GetConfigId()) {
      config_change_pending_ = true;
      DVLOG(1) << "Config change (splice buffer config ID does not match).";
      return SourceBufferStream::kConfigChange;

    *out_buffer = splice_buffers[splice_buffers_index_++];
    return SourceBufferStream::kSuccess;

  // Did we hand out the last pre-splice buffer on the previous call?
  if (splice_buffers_index_ == last_splice_buffer_index) {
    config_change_pending_ = true;
    DVLOG(1) << "Config change (forced for fade in of splice frame).";
    return SourceBufferStream::kConfigChange;

  // All pre-splice buffers have been handed out and a config change completed,
  // so hand out the final buffer for fade in.  Because a config change is
  // always issued prior to handing out this buffer, any changes in config id
  // have been inherently handled.
  DCHECK_GE(splice_buffers_index_, splice_buffers.size());
  *out_buffer = splice_buffers.back();
  splice_buffer_ = NULL;
  splice_buffers_index_ = 0;
  return SourceBufferStream::kSuccess;

SourceBufferStream::Status SourceBufferStream::GetNextBufferInternal(
    scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {

  if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
    scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& next_buffer = track_buffer_.front();

    // If the next buffer is an audio splice frame, the next effective config id
    // comes from the first splice buffer.
    if (GetConfigId(next_buffer, 0) != current_config_index_) {
      config_change_pending_ = true;
      DVLOG(1) << "Config change (track buffer config ID does not match).";
      return kConfigChange;

    *out_buffer = next_buffer;
    last_output_buffer_timestamp_ = (*out_buffer)->GetDecodeTimestamp();

    // If the track buffer becomes empty, then try to set the selected range
    // based on the timestamp of this buffer being returned.
    if (track_buffer_.empty())

    return kSuccess;

  if (!selected_range_ || !selected_range_->HasNextBuffer()) {
    if (end_of_stream_ && IsEndSelected())
      return kEndOfStream;
    return kNeedBuffer;

  if (selected_range_->GetNextConfigId() != current_config_index_) {
    config_change_pending_ = true;
    DVLOG(1) << "Config change (selected range config ID does not match).";
    return kConfigChange;

  last_output_buffer_timestamp_ = (*out_buffer)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
  return kSuccess;

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetNextBufferTimestamp() {
  if (!track_buffer_.empty())
    return track_buffer_.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();

  if (!selected_range_)
    return kNoTimestamp();

  return selected_range_->GetNextTimestamp();

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetEndBufferTimestamp() {
  if (!selected_range_)
    return kNoTimestamp();
  return selected_range_->GetEndTimestamp();

SourceBufferStream::FindExistingRangeFor(base::TimeDelta start_timestamp) {
  for (RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->BelongsToRange(start_timestamp))
      return itr;
  return ranges_.end();

SourceBufferStream::AddToRanges(SourceBufferRange* new_range) {
  base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = new_range->GetStartTimestamp();
  RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
  for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() > start_timestamp)
  return ranges_.insert(itr, new_range);

SourceBufferStream::GetSelectedRangeItr() {
  RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
  for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if (*itr == selected_range_)
  DCHECK(itr != ranges_.end());
  return itr;

void SourceBufferStream::SeekAndSetSelectedRange(
    SourceBufferRange* range, base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp) {
  if (range)

void SourceBufferStream::SetSelectedRange(SourceBufferRange* range) {
  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " : " << selected_range_ << " -> " << range;
  if (selected_range_)
  DCHECK(!range || range->HasNextBufferPosition());
  selected_range_ = range;

Ranges<base::TimeDelta> SourceBufferStream::GetBufferedTime() const {
  Ranges<base::TimeDelta> ranges;
  for (RangeList::const_iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
       itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    ranges.Add((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp(), (*itr)->GetBufferedEndTimestamp());
  return ranges;

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetBufferedDuration() const {
  if (ranges_.empty())
    return base::TimeDelta();

  return ranges_.back()->GetBufferedEndTimestamp();

void SourceBufferStream::MarkEndOfStream() {
  end_of_stream_ = true;

void SourceBufferStream::UnmarkEndOfStream() {
  end_of_stream_ = false;

bool SourceBufferStream::IsEndSelected() const {
  if (ranges_.empty())
    return true;

  if (seek_pending_)
    return seek_buffer_timestamp_ >= ranges_.back()->GetBufferedEndTimestamp();

  return selected_range_ == ranges_.back();

const AudioDecoderConfig& SourceBufferStream::GetCurrentAudioDecoderConfig() {
  if (config_change_pending_)
  return audio_configs_[current_config_index_];

const VideoDecoderConfig& SourceBufferStream::GetCurrentVideoDecoderConfig() {
  if (config_change_pending_)
  return video_configs_[current_config_index_];

const TextTrackConfig& SourceBufferStream::GetCurrentTextTrackConfig() {
  return text_track_config_;

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetMaxInterbufferDistance() const {
  if (max_interbuffer_distance_ == kNoTimestamp())
    return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultBufferDurationInMs);
  return max_interbuffer_distance_;

bool SourceBufferStream::UpdateAudioConfig(const AudioDecoderConfig& config) {
  DVLOG(3) << "UpdateAudioConfig.";

  if (audio_configs_[0].codec() != config.codec()) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Audio codec changes not allowed.";
    return false;

  if (audio_configs_[0].is_encrypted() != config.is_encrypted()) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Audio encryption changes not allowed.";
    return false;

  // Check to see if the new config matches an existing one.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < audio_configs_.size(); ++i) {
    if (config.Matches(audio_configs_[i])) {
      append_config_index_ = i;
      return true;

  // No matches found so let's add this one to the list.
  append_config_index_ = audio_configs_.size();
  DVLOG(2) << "New audio config - index: " << append_config_index_;
  audio_configs_.resize(audio_configs_.size() + 1);
  audio_configs_[append_config_index_] = config;
  return true;

bool SourceBufferStream::UpdateVideoConfig(const VideoDecoderConfig& config) {
  DVLOG(3) << "UpdateVideoConfig.";

  if (video_configs_[0].is_encrypted() != config.is_encrypted()) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Video Encryption changes not allowed.";
    return false;

  if (video_configs_[0].codec() != config.codec()) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Video codec changes not allowed.";
    return false;

  if (video_configs_[0].is_encrypted() != config.is_encrypted()) {
    MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Video encryption changes not allowed.";
    return false;

  // Check to see if the new config matches an existing one.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < video_configs_.size(); ++i) {
    if (config.Matches(video_configs_[i])) {
      append_config_index_ = i;
      return true;

  // No matches found so let's add this one to the list.
  append_config_index_ = video_configs_.size();
  DVLOG(2) << "New video config - index: " << append_config_index_;
  video_configs_.resize(video_configs_.size() + 1);
  video_configs_[append_config_index_] = config;
  return true;

void SourceBufferStream::CompleteConfigChange() {
  config_change_pending_ = false;

  if (splice_buffer_) {
    current_config_index_ =
        GetConfigId(splice_buffer_, splice_buffers_index_);

  if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
    current_config_index_ = GetConfigId(track_buffer_.front(), 0);

  if (selected_range_ && selected_range_->HasNextBuffer())
    current_config_index_ = selected_range_->GetNextConfigId();

void SourceBufferStream::SetSelectedRangeIfNeeded(
    const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << timestamp.InSecondsF() << ")";

  if (selected_range_) {

  if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {

  base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = timestamp;

  // If the next buffer timestamp is not known then use a timestamp just after
  // the timestamp on the last buffer returned by GetNextBuffer().
  if (start_timestamp == kNoTimestamp()) {
    if (last_output_buffer_timestamp_ == kNoTimestamp())

    start_timestamp = last_output_buffer_timestamp_ +

  base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp =

  // If we don't have buffered data to seek to, then return.
  if (seek_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())


base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::FindNewSelectedRangeSeekTimestamp(
    const base::TimeDelta start_timestamp) {
  DCHECK(start_timestamp != kNoTimestamp());
  DCHECK(start_timestamp >= base::TimeDelta());

  RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin();

  for (; itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->GetEndTimestamp() >= start_timestamp) {

  if (itr == ranges_.end())
    return kNoTimestamp();

  // First check for a keyframe timestamp >= |start_timestamp|
  // in the current range.
  base::TimeDelta keyframe_timestamp =

  if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp())
    return keyframe_timestamp;

  // If a keyframe was not found then look for a keyframe that is
  // "close enough" in the current or next range.
  base::TimeDelta end_timestamp =
      start_timestamp + ComputeFudgeRoom(GetMaxInterbufferDistance());
  DCHECK(start_timestamp < end_timestamp);

  // Make sure the current range doesn't start beyond |end_timestamp|.
  if ((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() >= end_timestamp)
    return kNoTimestamp();

  keyframe_timestamp = (*itr)->KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(end_timestamp);

  // Check to see if the keyframe is within the acceptable range
  // (|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|].
  if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() &&
      start_timestamp < keyframe_timestamp  &&
      keyframe_timestamp <= end_timestamp) {
    return keyframe_timestamp;

  // If |end_timestamp| is within this range, then no other checks are
  // necessary.
  if (end_timestamp <= (*itr)->GetEndTimestamp())
    return kNoTimestamp();

  // Move on to the next range.

  // Return early if the next range does not contain |end_timestamp|.
  if (itr == ranges_.end() || (*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() >= end_timestamp)
    return kNoTimestamp();

  keyframe_timestamp = (*itr)->KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(end_timestamp);

  // Check to see if the keyframe is within the acceptable range
  // (|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|].
  if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() &&
      start_timestamp < keyframe_timestamp  &&
      keyframe_timestamp <= end_timestamp) {
    return keyframe_timestamp;

  return kNoTimestamp();

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(
    const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  DCHECK(timestamp != kNoTimestamp());

  RangeList::iterator itr = FindExistingRangeFor(timestamp);

  if (itr == ranges_.end())
    return kNoTimestamp();

  // First check for a keyframe timestamp >= |timestamp|
  // in the current range.
  return (*itr)->NextKeyframeTimestamp(timestamp);

std::string SourceBufferStream::GetStreamTypeName() const {
  switch (GetType()) {
    case kAudio:
      return "AUDIO";
    case kVideo:
      return "VIDEO";
    case kText:
      return "TEXT";
  return "";

SourceBufferStream::Type SourceBufferStream::GetType() const {
  if (!audio_configs_.empty())
    return kAudio;
  if (!video_configs_.empty())
    return kVideo;
  DCHECK_NE(text_track_config_.kind(), kTextNone);
  return kText;

void SourceBufferStream::DeleteAndRemoveRange(RangeList::iterator* itr) {
  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;

  DCHECK(*itr != ranges_.end());
  if (**itr == selected_range_) {
    DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " deleting selected range.";

  if (*itr == range_for_next_append_) {
    DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " deleting range_for_next_append_.";
    range_for_next_append_ = ranges_.end();

  delete **itr;
  *itr = ranges_.erase(*itr);

void SourceBufferStream::GenerateSpliceFrame(const BufferQueue& new_buffers) {

  // Splice frames are only supported for audio.
  if (GetType() != kAudio)

  // Find the overlapped range (if any).
  const base::TimeDelta splice_timestamp = new_buffers.front()->timestamp();
  RangeList::iterator range_itr = FindExistingRangeFor(splice_timestamp);
  if (range_itr == ranges_.end())

  const base::TimeDelta max_splice_end_timestamp =
      splice_timestamp + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(

  // Find all buffers involved before the splice point.
  BufferQueue pre_splice_buffers;
  if (!(*range_itr)->GetBuffersInRange(
          splice_timestamp, max_splice_end_timestamp, &pre_splice_buffers)) {

  // If there are gaps in the timeline, it's possible that we only find buffers
  // after the splice point but within the splice range.  For simplicity, we do
  // not generate splice frames in this case.
  // We also do not want to generate splices if the first new buffer replaces an
  // existing buffer exactly.
  if (pre_splice_buffers.front()->timestamp() >= splice_timestamp)

  // Sanitize |pre_splice_buffers| so that there are no recursive splices.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pre_splice_buffers.size(); ++i) {
    const BufferQueue& original_splice_buffers =
    if (original_splice_buffers.empty())

    // Remove the original splice and move our index back to compensate.  NOTE:
    // |i| will underflow if the splice is the first buffer, this is okay.  It
    // will be corrected below or on the next loop iteration.
    pre_splice_buffers.erase(pre_splice_buffers.begin() + i--);

    // Cull all buffers which start after the end of the new splice point or
    // after original overlapping buffer; this may introduce gaps, but no more
    // than Remove() does currently.
    const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& overlapping_buffer =
    for (BufferQueue::const_iterator it = original_splice_buffers.begin();
         it != original_splice_buffers.end();
         ++it) {
      const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& buffer = *it;
      if (buffer->timestamp() <= max_splice_end_timestamp &&
          (buffer->timestamp() < overlapping_buffer->timestamp() ||
           buffer == overlapping_buffer)) {
        // Add the buffer and adjust the index forward to compensate.
        pre_splice_buffers.insert(pre_splice_buffers.begin() + ++i, buffer);


    SourceBufferStream::Type type, const BufferQueue& new_buffers,
    base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time,
    const InterbufferDistanceCB& interbuffer_distance_cb)
    : type_(type),
      size_in_bytes_(0) {

void SourceBufferRange::AppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& new_buffers) {
  DCHECK(buffers_.empty() || CanAppendBuffersToEnd(new_buffers));
  for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = new_buffers.begin();
       itr != new_buffers.end(); ++itr) {
    DCHECK((*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp() != kNoTimestamp());
    size_in_bytes_ += (*itr)->data_size();

    if ((*itr)->IsKeyframe()) {
                         buffers_.size() - 1 + keyframe_map_index_base_));

void SourceBufferRange::Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {

  KeyframeMap::iterator result = GetFirstKeyframeBefore(timestamp);
  next_buffer_index_ = result->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
  DCHECK_LT(next_buffer_index_, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));

void SourceBufferRange::SeekAheadTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  SeekAhead(timestamp, false);

void SourceBufferRange::SeekAheadPast(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  SeekAhead(timestamp, true);

void SourceBufferRange::SeekAhead(base::TimeDelta timestamp,
                                  bool skip_given_timestamp) {

  KeyframeMap::iterator result =
      GetFirstKeyframeAt(timestamp, skip_given_timestamp);

  // If there isn't a keyframe after |timestamp|, then seek to end and return
  // kNoTimestamp to signal such.
  if (result == keyframe_map_.end()) {
    next_buffer_index_ = -1;
  next_buffer_index_ = result->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
  DCHECK_LT(next_buffer_index_, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));

void SourceBufferRange::SeekToStart() {
  next_buffer_index_ = 0;

SourceBufferRange* SourceBufferRange::SplitRange(
    base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_exclusive) {
  // Find the first keyframe after |timestamp|. If |is_exclusive|, do not
  // include keyframes at |timestamp|.
  KeyframeMap::iterator new_beginning_keyframe =
      GetFirstKeyframeAt(timestamp, is_exclusive);

  // If there is no keyframe after |timestamp|, we can't split the range.
  if (new_beginning_keyframe == keyframe_map_.end())
    return NULL;

  // Remove the data beginning at |keyframe_index| from |buffers_| and save it
  // into |removed_buffers|.
  int keyframe_index =
      new_beginning_keyframe->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
  DCHECK_LT(keyframe_index, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));
  BufferQueue::iterator starting_point = buffers_.begin() + keyframe_index;
  BufferQueue removed_buffers(starting_point, buffers_.end());
  keyframe_map_.erase(new_beginning_keyframe, keyframe_map_.end());
  FreeBufferRange(starting_point, buffers_.end());

  // Create a new range with |removed_buffers|.
  SourceBufferRange* split_range =
      new SourceBufferRange(
          type_, removed_buffers, kNoTimestamp(), interbuffer_distance_cb_);

  // If the next buffer position is now in |split_range|, update the state of
  // this range and |split_range| accordingly.
  if (next_buffer_index_ >= static_cast<int>(buffers_.size())) {
    split_range->next_buffer_index_ = next_buffer_index_ - keyframe_index;

  return split_range;

BufferQueue::iterator SourceBufferRange::GetBufferItrAt(
    base::TimeDelta timestamp,
    bool skip_given_timestamp) {
  return skip_given_timestamp
             ? std::upper_bound(buffers_.begin(),
             : std::lower_bound(buffers_.begin(),

SourceBufferRange::GetFirstKeyframeAt(base::TimeDelta timestamp,
                                      bool skip_given_timestamp) {
  return skip_given_timestamp ?
      keyframe_map_.upper_bound(timestamp) :

SourceBufferRange::GetFirstKeyframeBefore(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
  KeyframeMap::iterator result = keyframe_map_.lower_bound(timestamp);
  // lower_bound() returns the first element >= |timestamp|, so we want the
  // previous element if it did not return the element exactly equal to
  // |timestamp|.
  if (result != keyframe_map_.begin() &&
      (result == keyframe_map_.end() || result->first != timestamp)) {
  return result;

void SourceBufferRange::DeleteAll(BufferQueue* removed_buffers) {
  TruncateAt(buffers_.begin(), removed_buffers);

bool SourceBufferRange::TruncateAt(
    base::TimeDelta timestamp, BufferQueue* removed_buffers,
    bool is_exclusive) {
  // Find the place in |buffers_| where we will begin deleting data.
  BufferQueue::iterator starting_point =
      GetBufferItrAt(timestamp, is_exclusive);
  return TruncateAt(starting_point, removed_buffers);

int SourceBufferRange::DeleteGOPFromFront(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {

  int buffers_deleted = 0;
  int total_bytes_deleted = 0;

  KeyframeMap::iterator front = keyframe_map_.begin();
  DCHECK(front != keyframe_map_.end());

  // Delete the keyframe at the start of |keyframe_map_|.

  // Now we need to delete all the buffers that depend on the keyframe we've
  // just deleted.
  int end_index = keyframe_map_.size() > 0 ?
      keyframe_map_.begin()->second - keyframe_map_index_base_ :

  // Delete buffers from the beginning of the buffered range up until (but not
  // including) the next keyframe.
  for (int i = 0; i < end_index; i++) {
    int bytes_deleted = buffers_.front()->data_size();
    size_in_bytes_ -= bytes_deleted;
    total_bytes_deleted += bytes_deleted;

  // Update |keyframe_map_index_base_| to account for the deleted buffers.
  keyframe_map_index_base_ += buffers_deleted;

  if (next_buffer_index_ > -1) {
    next_buffer_index_ -= buffers_deleted;
    DCHECK_GE(next_buffer_index_, 0);

  // Invalidate media segment start time if we've deleted the first buffer of
  // the range.
  if (buffers_deleted > 0)
    media_segment_start_time_ = kNoTimestamp();

  return total_bytes_deleted;

int SourceBufferRange::DeleteGOPFromBack(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {

  // Remove the last GOP's keyframe from the |keyframe_map_|.
  KeyframeMap::iterator back = keyframe_map_.end();
  DCHECK_GT(keyframe_map_.size(), 0u);

  // The index of the first buffer in the last GOP is equal to the new size of
  // |buffers_| after that GOP is deleted.
  size_t goal_size = back->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;

  int total_bytes_deleted = 0;
  while (buffers_.size() != goal_size) {
    int bytes_deleted = buffers_.back()->data_size();
    size_in_bytes_ -= bytes_deleted;
    total_bytes_deleted += bytes_deleted;
    // We're removing buffers from the back, so push each removed buffer to the
    // front of |deleted_buffers| so that |deleted_buffers| are in nondecreasing
    // order.

  return total_bytes_deleted;

int SourceBufferRange::GetRemovalGOP(
    base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, base::TimeDelta end_timestamp,
    int total_bytes_to_free, base::TimeDelta* removal_end_timestamp) {
  int bytes_to_free = total_bytes_to_free;
  int bytes_removed = 0;

  KeyframeMap::iterator gop_itr = GetFirstKeyframeAt(start_timestamp, false);
  if (gop_itr == keyframe_map_.end())
    return 0;
  int keyframe_index = gop_itr->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
  BufferQueue::iterator buffer_itr = buffers_.begin() + keyframe_index;
  KeyframeMap::iterator gop_end = keyframe_map_.end();
  if (end_timestamp < GetBufferedEndTimestamp())
    gop_end = GetFirstKeyframeBefore(end_timestamp);

  // Check if the removal range is within a GOP and skip the loop if so.
  // [keyframe]...[start_timestamp]...[end_timestamp]...[keyframe]
  KeyframeMap::iterator gop_itr_prev = gop_itr;
  if (gop_itr_prev != keyframe_map_.begin() && --gop_itr_prev == gop_end)
    gop_end = gop_itr;

  while (gop_itr != gop_end && bytes_to_free > 0) {

    int gop_size = 0;
    int next_gop_index = gop_itr == keyframe_map_.end() ?
        buffers_.size() : gop_itr->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
    BufferQueue::iterator next_gop_start = buffers_.begin() + next_gop_index;
    for (; buffer_itr != next_gop_start; ++buffer_itr)
      gop_size += (*buffer_itr)->data_size();

    bytes_removed += gop_size;
    bytes_to_free -= gop_size;
  if (bytes_removed > 0) {
    *removal_end_timestamp = gop_itr == keyframe_map_.end() ?
        GetBufferedEndTimestamp() : gop_itr->first;
  return bytes_removed;

bool SourceBufferRange::FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const {
  if (!HasNextBufferPosition())
    return false;

  // If there is only one GOP, it must contain the next buffer position.
  if (keyframe_map_.size() == 1u)
    return true;

  KeyframeMap::const_iterator second_gop = keyframe_map_.begin();
  return next_buffer_index_ < second_gop->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;

bool SourceBufferRange::LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const {
  if (!HasNextBufferPosition())
    return false;

  // If there is only one GOP, it must contain the next buffer position.
  if (keyframe_map_.size() == 1u)
    return true;

  KeyframeMap::const_iterator last_gop = keyframe_map_.end();
  return last_gop->second - keyframe_map_index_base_ <= next_buffer_index_;

void SourceBufferRange::FreeBufferRange(
    const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point,
    const BufferQueue::iterator& ending_point) {
  for (BufferQueue::iterator itr = starting_point;
       itr != ending_point; ++itr) {
    size_in_bytes_ -= (*itr)->data_size();
    DCHECK_GE(size_in_bytes_, 0);
  buffers_.erase(starting_point, ending_point);

bool SourceBufferRange::TruncateAt(
    const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point, BufferQueue* removed_buffers) {
  DCHECK(!removed_buffers || removed_buffers->empty());

  // Return if we're not deleting anything.
  if (starting_point == buffers_.end())
    return false;

  // Reset the next buffer index if we will be deleting the buffer that's next
  // in sequence.
  if (HasNextBufferPosition()) {
    base::TimeDelta next_buffer_timestamp = GetNextTimestamp();
    if (next_buffer_timestamp == kNoTimestamp() ||
        next_buffer_timestamp >= (*starting_point)->GetDecodeTimestamp()) {
      if (HasNextBuffer() && removed_buffers) {
        int starting_offset = starting_point - buffers_.begin();
        int next_buffer_offset = next_buffer_index_ - starting_offset;
        DCHECK_GE(next_buffer_offset, 0);
        BufferQueue saved(starting_point + next_buffer_offset, buffers_.end());

  // Remove keyframes from |starting_point| onward.
  KeyframeMap::iterator starting_point_keyframe =
  keyframe_map_.erase(starting_point_keyframe, keyframe_map_.end());

  // Remove everything from |starting_point| onward.
  FreeBufferRange(starting_point, buffers_.end());
  return buffers_.empty();

bool SourceBufferRange::GetNextBuffer(
    scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
  if (!HasNextBuffer())
    return false;

  *out_buffer = buffers_[next_buffer_index_];
  return true;

bool SourceBufferRange::HasNextBuffer() const {
  return next_buffer_index_ >= 0 &&
      next_buffer_index_ < static_cast<int>(buffers_.size());

int SourceBufferRange::GetNextConfigId() const {
  // If the next buffer is an audio splice frame, the next effective config id
  // comes from the first fade out preroll buffer.
  return GetConfigId(buffers_[next_buffer_index_], 0);

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetNextTimestamp() const {

  if (next_buffer_index_ >= static_cast<int>(buffers_.size())) {
    return kNoTimestamp();

  return buffers_[next_buffer_index_]->GetDecodeTimestamp();

bool SourceBufferRange::HasNextBufferPosition() const {
  return next_buffer_index_ >= 0;

void SourceBufferRange::ResetNextBufferPosition() {
  next_buffer_index_ = -1;

void SourceBufferRange::AppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range,
                                         bool transfer_current_position) {

  if (transfer_current_position && range.next_buffer_index_ >= 0)
    next_buffer_index_ = range.next_buffer_index_ + buffers_.size();


bool SourceBufferRange::CanAppendRangeToEnd(
    const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
  return CanAppendBuffersToEnd(range.buffers_);

bool SourceBufferRange::CanAppendBuffersToEnd(
    const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
  return IsNextInSequence(buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp(),

bool SourceBufferRange::BelongsToRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const {

  return (IsNextInSequence(timestamp, false) ||
          (GetStartTimestamp() <= timestamp && timestamp <= GetEndTimestamp()));

bool SourceBufferRange::CanSeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const {
  base::TimeDelta start_timestamp =
      std::max(base::TimeDelta(), GetStartTimestamp() - GetFudgeRoom());
  return !keyframe_map_.empty() && start_timestamp <= timestamp &&
      timestamp < GetBufferedEndTimestamp();

bool SourceBufferRange::CompletelyOverlaps(
    const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
  return GetStartTimestamp() <= range.GetStartTimestamp() &&
      GetEndTimestamp() >= range.GetEndTimestamp();

bool SourceBufferRange::EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
  return range.GetStartTimestamp() <= GetEndTimestamp() &&
      GetEndTimestamp() < range.GetEndTimestamp();

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetStartTimestamp() const {
  base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = media_segment_start_time_;
  if (start_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
    start_timestamp = buffers_.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
  return start_timestamp;

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetEndTimestamp() const {
  return buffers_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetBufferedEndTimestamp() const {
  base::TimeDelta duration = buffers_.back()->duration();
  if (duration == kNoTimestamp() || duration == base::TimeDelta())
    duration = GetApproximateDuration();
  return GetEndTimestamp() + duration;

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::NextKeyframeTimestamp(
    base::TimeDelta timestamp) {

  if (timestamp < GetStartTimestamp() || timestamp >= GetBufferedEndTimestamp())
    return kNoTimestamp();

  KeyframeMap::iterator itr = GetFirstKeyframeAt(timestamp, false);
  if (itr == keyframe_map_.end())
    return kNoTimestamp();
  return itr->first;

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(
    base::TimeDelta timestamp) {

  if (timestamp < GetStartTimestamp() || timestamp >= GetBufferedEndTimestamp())
    return kNoTimestamp();

  return GetFirstKeyframeBefore(timestamp)->first;

bool SourceBufferRange::IsNextInSequence(
    base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_keyframe) const {
  base::TimeDelta end = buffers_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
  if (end < timestamp &&
      (type_ == SourceBufferStream::kText ||
          timestamp <= end + GetFudgeRoom())) {
    return true;

  return timestamp == end && AllowSameTimestamp(
      buffers_.back()->IsKeyframe(), is_keyframe, type_);

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetFudgeRoom() const {
  return ComputeFudgeRoom(GetApproximateDuration());

base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetApproximateDuration() const {
  base::TimeDelta max_interbuffer_distance = interbuffer_distance_cb_.Run();
  DCHECK(max_interbuffer_distance != kNoTimestamp());
  return max_interbuffer_distance;

bool SourceBufferRange::GetBuffersInRange(base::TimeDelta start,
                                          base::TimeDelta end,
                                          BufferQueue* buffers) {
  // Find the nearest buffer with a decode timestamp <= start.
  const base::TimeDelta first_timestamp = KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(start);
  if (first_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
    return false;

  // Find all buffers involved in the range.
  const size_t previous_size = buffers->size();
  for (BufferQueue::iterator it = GetBufferItrAt(first_timestamp, false);
       it != buffers_.end();
       ++it) {
    const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& buffer = *it;
    // Buffers without duration are not supported, so bail if we encounter any.
    if (buffer->duration() == kNoTimestamp() ||
        buffer->duration() <= base::TimeDelta()) {
      return false;
    if (buffer->end_of_stream() || buffer->timestamp() >= end)
    if (buffer->timestamp() + buffer->duration() <= start)
  return previous_size < buffers->size();

}  // namespace media

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