
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ParseWebMElementHeaderField
  2. WebMParseElementHeader
  3. FindIdType
  4. FindListInfo
  5. FindListLevel
  6. ParseUInt
  7. ParseFloat
  8. ParseBinary
  9. ParseString
  10. ParseNonListElement
  11. OnListStart
  12. OnListEnd
  13. OnUInt
  14. OnFloat
  15. OnBinary
  16. OnString
  17. root_client_
  18. Reset
  19. IsParsingComplete
  20. ChangeState
  21. ParseListElement
  22. OnListStart
  23. OnListEnd
  24. IsSiblingOrAncestor

// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/formats/webm/webm_parser.h"

// This file contains code to parse WebM file elements. It was created
// from information in the Matroska spec.
// This file contains code for encrypted WebM. Current WebM
// encrypted request for comments specification is here

#include <iomanip>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/formats/webm/webm_constants.h"

namespace media {

enum ElementType {
  LIST,  // Referred to as Master Element in the Matroska spec.

struct ElementIdInfo {
  ElementType type_;
  int id_;

struct ListElementInfo {
  int id_;
  int level_;
  const ElementIdInfo* id_info_;
  int id_info_count_;

// The following are tables indicating what IDs are valid sub-elements
// of particular elements. If an element is encountered that doesn't
// appear in the list, a parsing error is signalled. Some elements are
// marked as SKIP because they are valid, but we don't care about them
// right now.
static const ElementIdInfo kEBMLHeaderIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdEBMLVersion},
  {UINT, kWebMIdEBMLReadVersion},
  {UINT, kWebMIdEBMLMaxIDLength},
  {UINT, kWebMIdEBMLMaxSizeLength},
  {STRING, kWebMIdDocType},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDocTypeVersion},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDocTypeReadVersion},

static const ElementIdInfo kSegmentIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdSeekHead},
  {LIST, kWebMIdInfo},
  {LIST, kWebMIdCluster},
  {LIST, kWebMIdTracks},
  {LIST, kWebMIdCues},
  {LIST, kWebMIdAttachments},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapters},
  {LIST, kWebMIdTags},

static const ElementIdInfo kSeekHeadIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdSeek},

static const ElementIdInfo kSeekIds[] = {
  {BINARY, kWebMIdSeekID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdSeekPosition},

static const ElementIdInfo kInfoIds[] = {
  {BINARY, kWebMIdSegmentUID},
  {STRING, kWebMIdSegmentFilename},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdPrevUID},
  {STRING, kWebMIdPrevFilename},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdNextUID},
  {STRING, kWebMIdNextFilename},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdSegmentFamily},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapterTranslate},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTimecodeScale},
  {FLOAT, kWebMIdDuration},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdDateUTC},
  {STRING, kWebMIdTitle},
  {STRING, kWebMIdMuxingApp},
  {STRING, kWebMIdWritingApp},

static const ElementIdInfo kChapterTranslateIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterTranslateEditionUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterTranslateCodec},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdChapterTranslateID},

static const ElementIdInfo kClusterIds[] = {
  {BINARY, kWebMIdSimpleBlock},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTimecode},
  {LIST, kWebMIdSilentTracks},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPosition},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPrevSize},
  {LIST, kWebMIdBlockGroup},

static const ElementIdInfo kSilentTracksIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdSilentTrackNumber},

static const ElementIdInfo kBlockGroupIds[] = {
  {BINARY, kWebMIdBlock},
  {LIST, kWebMIdBlockAdditions},
  {UINT, kWebMIdBlockDuration},
  {UINT, kWebMIdReferencePriority},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdReferenceBlock},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdCodecState},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDiscardPadding},
  {LIST, kWebMIdSlices},

static const ElementIdInfo kBlockAdditionsIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdBlockMore},

static const ElementIdInfo kBlockMoreIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdBlockAddID},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdBlockAdditional},

static const ElementIdInfo kSlicesIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdTimeSlice},

static const ElementIdInfo kTimeSliceIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdLaceNumber},

static const ElementIdInfo kTracksIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdTrackEntry},

static const ElementIdInfo kTrackEntryIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackNumber},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackType},
  {UINT, kWebMIdFlagEnabled},
  {UINT, kWebMIdFlagDefault},
  {UINT, kWebMIdFlagForced},
  {UINT, kWebMIdFlagLacing},
  {UINT, kWebMIdMinCache},
  {UINT, kWebMIdMaxCache},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDefaultDuration},
  {FLOAT, kWebMIdTrackTimecodeScale},
  {UINT, kWebMIdMaxBlockAdditionId},
  {STRING, kWebMIdName},
  {STRING, kWebMIdLanguage},
  {STRING, kWebMIdCodecID},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdCodecPrivate},
  {STRING, kWebMIdCodecName},
  {UINT, kWebMIdAttachmentLink},
  {UINT, kWebMIdCodecDecodeAll},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackOverlay},
  {UINT, kWebMIdCodecDelay},
  {UINT, kWebMIdSeekPreRoll},
  {LIST, kWebMIdTrackTranslate},
  {LIST, kWebMIdVideo},
  {LIST, kWebMIdAudio},
  {LIST, kWebMIdTrackOperation},
  {LIST, kWebMIdContentEncodings},

static const ElementIdInfo kTrackTranslateIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackTranslateEditionUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackTranslateCodec},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdTrackTranslateTrackID},

static const ElementIdInfo kVideoIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdFlagInterlaced},
  {UINT, kWebMIdStereoMode},
  {UINT, kWebMIdAlphaMode},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPixelWidth},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPixelHeight},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPixelCropBottom},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPixelCropTop},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPixelCropLeft},
  {UINT, kWebMIdPixelCropRight},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDisplayWidth},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDisplayHeight},
  {UINT, kWebMIdDisplayUnit},
  {UINT, kWebMIdAspectRatioType},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdColorSpace},
  {FLOAT, kWebMIdFrameRate},

static const ElementIdInfo kAudioIds[] = {
  {FLOAT, kWebMIdSamplingFrequency},
  {FLOAT, kWebMIdOutputSamplingFrequency},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChannels},
  {UINT, kWebMIdBitDepth},

static const ElementIdInfo kTrackOperationIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdTrackCombinePlanes},
  {LIST, kWebMIdJoinBlocks},

static const ElementIdInfo kTrackCombinePlanesIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdTrackPlane},

static const ElementIdInfo kTrackPlaneIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackPlaneUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackPlaneType},

static const ElementIdInfo kJoinBlocksIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdTrackJoinUID},

static const ElementIdInfo kContentEncodingsIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdContentEncoding},

static const ElementIdInfo kContentEncodingIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentEncodingOrder},
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentEncodingScope},
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentEncodingType},
  {LIST, kWebMIdContentCompression},
  {LIST, kWebMIdContentEncryption},

static const ElementIdInfo kContentCompressionIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentCompAlgo},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdContentCompSettings},

static const ElementIdInfo kContentEncryptionIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdContentEncAESSettings},
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentEncAlgo},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdContentEncKeyID},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdContentSignature},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdContentSigKeyID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentSigAlgo},
  {UINT, kWebMIdContentSigHashAlgo},

static const ElementIdInfo kContentEncAESSettingsIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdAESSettingsCipherMode},

static const ElementIdInfo kCuesIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdCuePoint},

static const ElementIdInfo kCuePointIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdCueTime},
  {LIST, kWebMIdCueTrackPositions},

static const ElementIdInfo kCueTrackPositionsIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdCueTrack},
  {UINT, kWebMIdCueClusterPosition},
  {UINT, kWebMIdCueBlockNumber},
  {UINT, kWebMIdCueCodecState},
  {LIST, kWebMIdCueReference},

static const ElementIdInfo kCueReferenceIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdCueRefTime},

static const ElementIdInfo kAttachmentsIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdAttachedFile},

static const ElementIdInfo kAttachedFileIds[] = {
  {STRING, kWebMIdFileDescription},
  {STRING, kWebMIdFileName},
  {STRING, kWebMIdFileMimeType},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdFileData},
  {UINT, kWebMIdFileUID},

static const ElementIdInfo kChaptersIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdEditionEntry},

static const ElementIdInfo kEditionEntryIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdEditionUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdEditionFlagHidden},
  {UINT, kWebMIdEditionFlagDefault},
  {UINT, kWebMIdEditionFlagOrdered},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapterAtom},

static const ElementIdInfo kChapterAtomIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterTimeStart},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterTimeEnd},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterFlagHidden},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterFlagEnabled},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdChapterSegmentUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterSegmentEditionUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterPhysicalEquiv},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapterTrack},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapterDisplay},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapProcess},

static const ElementIdInfo kChapterTrackIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapterTrackNumber},

static const ElementIdInfo kChapterDisplayIds[] = {
  {STRING, kWebMIdChapString},
  {STRING, kWebMIdChapLanguage},
  {STRING, kWebMIdChapCountry},

static const ElementIdInfo kChapProcessIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapProcessCodecID},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdChapProcessPrivate},
  {LIST, kWebMIdChapProcessCommand},

static const ElementIdInfo kChapProcessCommandIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdChapProcessTime},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdChapProcessData},

static const ElementIdInfo kTagsIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdTag},

static const ElementIdInfo kTagIds[] = {
  {LIST, kWebMIdTargets},
  {LIST, kWebMIdSimpleTag},

static const ElementIdInfo kTargetsIds[] = {
  {UINT, kWebMIdTargetTypeValue},
  {STRING, kWebMIdTargetType},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTagTrackUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTagEditionUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTagChapterUID},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTagAttachmentUID},

static const ElementIdInfo kSimpleTagIds[] = {
  {STRING, kWebMIdTagName},
  {STRING, kWebMIdTagLanguage},
  {UINT, kWebMIdTagDefault},
  {STRING, kWebMIdTagString},
  {BINARY, kWebMIdTagBinary},

#define LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(id, level, id_info) \
    { (id), (level), (id_info), arraysize(id_info) }

static const ListElementInfo kListElementInfo[] = {
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdCluster, 1, kClusterIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdEBMLHeader, 0, kEBMLHeaderIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdSegment, 0, kSegmentIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdSeekHead, 1, kSeekHeadIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdSeek, 2, kSeekIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdInfo, 1, kInfoIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapterTranslate, 2, kChapterTranslateIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdSilentTracks, 2, kSilentTracksIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdBlockGroup, 2, kBlockGroupIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdBlockAdditions, 3, kBlockAdditionsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdBlockMore, 4, kBlockMoreIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdSlices, 3, kSlicesIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTimeSlice, 4, kTimeSliceIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTracks, 1, kTracksIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTrackEntry, 2, kTrackEntryIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTrackTranslate, 3, kTrackTranslateIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdVideo, 3, kVideoIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdAudio, 3, kAudioIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTrackOperation, 3, kTrackOperationIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTrackCombinePlanes, 4, kTrackCombinePlanesIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTrackPlane, 5, kTrackPlaneIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdJoinBlocks, 4, kJoinBlocksIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdContentEncodings, 3, kContentEncodingsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdContentEncoding, 4, kContentEncodingIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdContentCompression, 5, kContentCompressionIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdContentEncryption, 5, kContentEncryptionIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdContentEncAESSettings, 6, kContentEncAESSettingsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdCues, 1, kCuesIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdCuePoint, 2, kCuePointIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdCueTrackPositions, 3, kCueTrackPositionsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdCueReference, 4, kCueReferenceIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdAttachments, 1, kAttachmentsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdAttachedFile, 2, kAttachedFileIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapters, 1, kChaptersIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdEditionEntry, 2, kEditionEntryIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapterAtom, 3, kChapterAtomIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapterTrack, 4, kChapterTrackIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapterDisplay, 4, kChapterDisplayIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapProcess, 4, kChapProcessIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdChapProcessCommand, 5, kChapProcessCommandIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTags, 1, kTagsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTag, 2, kTagIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdTargets, 3, kTargetsIds),
  LIST_ELEMENT_INFO(kWebMIdSimpleTag, 3, kSimpleTagIds),

// Parses an element header id or size field. These fields are variable length
// encoded. The first byte indicates how many bytes the field occupies.
// |buf|  - The buffer to parse.
// |size| - The number of bytes in |buf|
// |max_bytes| - The maximum number of bytes the field can be. ID fields
//               set this to 4 & element size fields set this to 8. If the
//               first byte indicates a larger field size than this it is a
//               parser error.
// |mask_first_byte| - For element size fields the field length encoding bits
//                     need to be masked off. This parameter is true for
//                     element size fields and is false for ID field values.
// Returns: The number of bytes parsed on success. -1 on error.
static int ParseWebMElementHeaderField(const uint8* buf, int size,
                                       int max_bytes, bool mask_first_byte,
                                       int64* num) {

  if (size < 0)
    return -1;

  if (size == 0)
    return 0;

  int mask = 0x80;
  uint8 ch = buf[0];
  int extra_bytes = -1;
  bool all_ones = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < max_bytes; ++i) {
    if ((ch & mask) != 0) {
      mask = ~mask & 0xff;
      *num = mask_first_byte ? ch & mask : ch;
      all_ones = (ch & mask) == mask;
      extra_bytes = i;
    mask = 0x80 | mask >> 1;

  if (extra_bytes == -1)
    return -1;

  // Return 0 if we need more data.
  if ((1 + extra_bytes) > size)
    return 0;

  int bytes_used = 1;

  for (int i = 0; i < extra_bytes; ++i) {
    ch = buf[bytes_used++];
    all_ones &= (ch == 0xff);
    *num = (*num << 8) | ch;

  if (all_ones)
    *num = kint64max;

  return bytes_used;

int WebMParseElementHeader(const uint8* buf, int size,
                           int* id, int64* element_size) {
  DCHECK_GE(size, 0);

  if (size == 0)
    return 0;

  int64 tmp = 0;
  int num_id_bytes = ParseWebMElementHeaderField(buf, size, 4, false, &tmp);

  if (num_id_bytes <= 0)
    return num_id_bytes;

  if (tmp == kint64max)
    tmp = kWebMReservedId;

  *id = static_cast<int>(tmp);

  int num_size_bytes = ParseWebMElementHeaderField(buf + num_id_bytes,
                                                   size - num_id_bytes,
                                                   8, true, &tmp);

  if (num_size_bytes <= 0)
    return num_size_bytes;

  if (tmp == kint64max)
    tmp = kWebMUnknownSize;

  *element_size = tmp;
  DVLOG(3) << "WebMParseElementHeader() : id " << std::hex << *id << std::dec
           << " size " << *element_size;
  return num_id_bytes + num_size_bytes;

// Finds ElementType for a specific ID.
static ElementType FindIdType(int id,
                              const ElementIdInfo* id_info,
                              int id_info_count) {

  // Check for global element IDs that can be anywhere.
  if (id == kWebMIdVoid || id == kWebMIdCRC32)
    return SKIP;

  for (int i = 0; i < id_info_count; ++i) {
    if (id == id_info[i].id_)
      return id_info[i].type_;

  return UNKNOWN;

// Finds ListElementInfo for a specific ID.
static const ListElementInfo* FindListInfo(int id) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kListElementInfo); ++i) {
    if (id == kListElementInfo[i].id_)
      return &kListElementInfo[i];

  return NULL;

static int FindListLevel(int id) {
  const ListElementInfo* list_info = FindListInfo(id);
  if (list_info)
    return list_info->level_;

  return -1;

static int ParseUInt(const uint8* buf, int size, int id,
                     WebMParserClient* client) {
  if ((size <= 0) || (size > 8))
    return -1;

  // Read in the big-endian integer.
  int64 value = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    value = (value << 8) | buf[i];

  if (!client->OnUInt(id, value))
    return -1;

  return size;

static int ParseFloat(const uint8* buf, int size, int id,
                      WebMParserClient* client) {

  if ((size != 4) && (size != 8))
    return -1;

  double value = -1;

  // Read the bytes from big-endian form into a native endian integer.
  int64 tmp = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    tmp = (tmp << 8) | buf[i];

  // Use a union to convert the integer bit pattern into a floating point
  // number.
  if (size == 4) {
    union {
      int32 src;
      float dst;
    } tmp2;
    tmp2.src = static_cast<int32>(tmp);
    value = tmp2.dst;
  } else if (size == 8) {
    union {
      int64 src;
      double dst;
    } tmp2;
    tmp2.src = tmp;
    value = tmp2.dst;
  } else {
    return -1;

  if (!client->OnFloat(id, value))
    return -1;

  return size;

static int ParseBinary(const uint8* buf, int size, int id,
                       WebMParserClient* client) {
  return client->OnBinary(id, buf, size) ? size : -1;

static int ParseString(const uint8* buf, int size, int id,
                       WebMParserClient* client) {
  const uint8* end = static_cast<const uint8*>(memchr(buf, '\0', size));
  int length = (end != NULL) ? static_cast<int>(end - buf) : size;
  std::string str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), length);
  return client->OnString(id, str) ? size : -1;

static int ParseNonListElement(ElementType type, int id, int64 element_size,
                               const uint8* buf, int size,
                               WebMParserClient* client) {
  DCHECK_GE(size, element_size);

  int result = -1;
  switch(type) {
    case LIST:
      result = -1;
    case UINT:
      result = ParseUInt(buf, element_size, id, client);
    case FLOAT:
      result = ParseFloat(buf, element_size, id, client);
    case BINARY:
      result = ParseBinary(buf, element_size, id, client);
    case STRING:
      result = ParseString(buf, element_size, id, client);
    case SKIP:
      result = element_size;
      DVLOG(1) << "Unhandled ID type " << type;
      return -1;

  DCHECK_LE(result, size);
  return result;

WebMParserClient::WebMParserClient() {}
WebMParserClient::~WebMParserClient() {}

WebMParserClient* WebMParserClient::OnListStart(int id) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected list element start with ID " << std::hex << id;
  return NULL;

bool WebMParserClient::OnListEnd(int id) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected list element end with ID " << std::hex << id;
  return false;

bool WebMParserClient::OnUInt(int id, int64 val) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected unsigned integer element with ID " << std::hex << id;
  return false;

bool WebMParserClient::OnFloat(int id, double val) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected float element with ID " << std::hex << id;
  return false;

bool WebMParserClient::OnBinary(int id, const uint8* data, int size) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected binary element with ID " << std::hex << id;
  return false;

bool WebMParserClient::OnString(int id, const std::string& str) {
  DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected string element with ID " << std::hex << id;
  return false;

WebMListParser::WebMListParser(int id, WebMParserClient* client)
    : state_(NEED_LIST_HEADER),
      root_client_(client) {
  DCHECK_GE(root_level_, 0);

WebMListParser::~WebMListParser() {}

void WebMListParser::Reset() {

int WebMListParser::Parse(const uint8* buf, int size) {

  if (size < 0 || state_ == PARSE_ERROR || state_ == DONE_PARSING_LIST)
    return -1;

  if (size == 0)
    return 0;

  const uint8* cur = buf;
  int cur_size = size;
  int bytes_parsed = 0;

  while (cur_size > 0 && state_ != PARSE_ERROR && state_ != DONE_PARSING_LIST) {
    int element_id = 0;
    int64 element_size = 0;
    int result = WebMParseElementHeader(cur, cur_size, &element_id,

    if (result < 0)
      return result;

    if (result == 0)
      return bytes_parsed;

    switch(state_) {
      case NEED_LIST_HEADER: {
        if (element_id != root_id_) {
          return -1;

        // Only allow Segment & Cluster to have an unknown size.
        if (element_size == kWebMUnknownSize &&
            (element_id != kWebMIdSegment) &&
            (element_id != kWebMIdCluster)) {
          return -1;

        if (!OnListStart(root_id_, element_size))
          return -1;


      case INSIDE_LIST: {
        int header_size = result;
        const uint8* element_data = cur + header_size;
        int element_data_size = cur_size - header_size;

        if (element_size < element_data_size)
          element_data_size = element_size;

        result = ParseListElement(header_size, element_id, element_size,
                                  element_data, element_data_size);

        DCHECK_LE(result, header_size + element_data_size);
        if (result < 0) {
          return -1;

        if (result == 0)
          return bytes_parsed;

      case PARSE_ERROR:
        // Shouldn't be able to get here.

    cur += result;
    cur_size -= result;
    bytes_parsed += result;

  return (state_ == PARSE_ERROR) ? -1 : bytes_parsed;

bool WebMListParser::IsParsingComplete() const {
  return state_ == DONE_PARSING_LIST;

void WebMListParser::ChangeState(State new_state) {
  state_ = new_state;

int WebMListParser::ParseListElement(int header_size,
                                     int id, int64 element_size,
                                     const uint8* data, int size) {
  DCHECK_GT(list_state_stack_.size(), 0u);

  ListState& list_state = list_state_stack_.back();

  const ListElementInfo* element_info = list_state.element_info_;
  ElementType id_type =
      FindIdType(id, element_info->id_info_, element_info->id_info_count_);

  // Unexpected ID.
  if (id_type == UNKNOWN) {
    if (list_state.size_ != kWebMUnknownSize ||
        !IsSiblingOrAncestor(list_state.id_, id)) {
      DVLOG(1) << "No ElementType info for ID 0x" << std::hex << id;
      return -1;

    // We've reached the end of a list of unknown size. Update the size now that
    // we know it and dispatch the end of list calls.
    list_state.size_ = list_state.bytes_parsed_;

    if (!OnListEnd())
      return -1;

    // Check to see if all open lists have ended.
    if (list_state_stack_.size() == 0)
      return 0;

    list_state = list_state_stack_.back();

  // Make sure the whole element can fit inside the current list.
  int64 total_element_size = header_size + element_size;
  if (list_state.size_ != kWebMUnknownSize &&
      list_state.size_ < list_state.bytes_parsed_ + total_element_size) {
    return -1;

  if (id_type == LIST) {
    list_state.bytes_parsed_ += header_size;

    if (!OnListStart(id, element_size))
      return -1;
    return header_size;

  // Make sure we have the entire element before trying to parse a non-list
  // element.
  if (size < element_size)
    return 0;

  int bytes_parsed = ParseNonListElement(id_type, id, element_size,
                                         data, size, list_state.client_);
  DCHECK_LE(bytes_parsed, size);

  // Return if an error occurred or we need more data.
  // Note: bytes_parsed is 0 for a successful parse of a size 0 element. We
  // need to check the element_size to disambiguate the "need more data" case
  // from a successful parse.
  if (bytes_parsed < 0 || (bytes_parsed == 0 && element_size != 0))
    return bytes_parsed;

  int result = header_size + bytes_parsed;
  list_state.bytes_parsed_ += result;

  // See if we have reached the end of the current list.
  if (list_state.bytes_parsed_ == list_state.size_) {
    if (!OnListEnd())
      return -1;

  return result;

bool WebMListParser::OnListStart(int id, int64 size) {
  const ListElementInfo* element_info = FindListInfo(id);
  if (!element_info)
    return false;

  int current_level = root_level_ + list_state_stack_.size() - 1;
  if (current_level + 1 != element_info->level_)
    return false;

  WebMParserClient* current_list_client = NULL;
  if (!list_state_stack_.empty()) {
    // Make sure the new list doesn't go past the end of the current list.
    ListState current_list_state = list_state_stack_.back();
    if (current_list_state.size_ != kWebMUnknownSize &&
        current_list_state.size_ < current_list_state.bytes_parsed_ + size)
      return false;
    current_list_client = current_list_state.client_;
  } else {
    current_list_client = root_client_;

  WebMParserClient* new_list_client = current_list_client->OnListStart(id);
  if (!new_list_client)
    return false;

  ListState new_list_state = { id, size, 0, element_info, new_list_client };

  if (size == 0)
    return OnListEnd();

  return true;

bool WebMListParser::OnListEnd() {
  int lists_ended = 0;
  for (; !list_state_stack_.empty(); ++lists_ended) {
    const ListState& list_state = list_state_stack_.back();

    if (list_state.bytes_parsed_ != list_state.size_)


    int64 bytes_parsed = list_state.bytes_parsed_;
    WebMParserClient* client = NULL;
    if (!list_state_stack_.empty()) {
      // Update the bytes_parsed_ for the parent element.
      list_state_stack_.back().bytes_parsed_ += bytes_parsed;
      client = list_state_stack_.back().client_;
    } else {
      client = root_client_;

    if (!client->OnListEnd(list_state.id_))
      return false;

  DCHECK_GE(lists_ended, 1);

  if (list_state_stack_.empty())

  return true;

bool WebMListParser::IsSiblingOrAncestor(int id_a, int id_b) const {
  DCHECK((id_a == kWebMIdSegment) || (id_a == kWebMIdCluster));

  if (id_a == kWebMIdCluster) {
    // kWebMIdCluster siblings.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSegmentIds); i++) {
      if (kSegmentIds[i].id_ == id_b)
        return true;

  // kWebMIdSegment siblings.
  return ((id_b == kWebMIdSegment) || (id_b == kWebMIdEBMLHeader));

}  // namespace media

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